Purlins Design
Purlins Design
Purlins Design
Design Paramters
Fbx = Fby 148.80 Mpa Wind Load: P = qh[GCp - GCpi] Exposure
# of sagrod = 1 w/ sagrod at midspan Exposure: B a
# of purlin = 12 Roof Mean Height: 6.00 m zg (m)
Live Load = 0.600 kPa Basic Wind Speed: 250 km/hr
Spacing, S = 0.800 m, tributary width Windward, Pres Coef, GCp: 0.49 OLD
Span, L = 1.500 m Leeward, Pres Coef, GCp: -0.90 Exposure
Roof Angle, q = 17.0000 degrees Positive Int. Pressure Coef., GCpi: 0.18 a
Ceiling = 0.200 kPa Negative Int. Pressure Coef., GCpi: -0.18 zg (m)
Roof = 0.100 kPa Topographic Factor, Kzt: 1.00
Utilities = 0.100 kPa Kz = 0.621
Total Dead Load = 0.40000 kPa
T = # of purlin x tangential reaction
= 2.703 kN
Diameter = 4.8 say 10 mm sagrods
x y Area 1
Area Gcp
0.9 -0.9
9.3 -0.8
x y Area 2
Area Gcp
0.9 -1.7
9.3 -1.2
x y Area 3
Area Gcp
0.9 -2.6
9.3 -2