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1959, Evans - Basic Design Concepts

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is Associate Professor of Naval Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. A native of Rochester, New Y o r k , he received the BackeEor
of Engineering Degree from the University of Liverpool, England, in 1937.
For ten years he was employed in his profession by the Centml Technical
Department, Shipbuilding Division of the Bethlehem Steel Company, Quin-
cy, Massachusetts. In 1947 he joined the faculty of M . I. T.as an Assisbnt
Professor and became an Associate Professcw in 1952. In 1957 he served as
Advisor in Engineering to Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. He is a
former member of the National Research Council Committee on Ship Struc-
tural Design and past ‘Chairmano f the New England Section, the Society o f
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. He is presently a member of the
Hull Structure Committee and the Papers Committee of that Society.

GRANTED that the ultimate end to the endeavors

of all technology is to improve the lot of mankind,
Should the structural design of a bridge be con-
the only significant difference between “engineers” templated, immediately it becomes apparent that,
and “scientists” is in the immediacy of their concern while the live portion of the total design load may
for the implementation of this ideal. In their highest be known, the dead load, including the structure’s
manifestations the projection of creativity and the own weight, can not be known accurately until the
tool of analysis are essential to both views. In educa- complete design has been effected. Furthermore, the
tion, the birth of wisdom should be sought no less dead laad may be a major part of the whole. Thus
than the development of intellectual brilliance. an iterative procedure must be adopted and early
Especially in design integration and optimization gross estimates must be made, refined subsequently
is the former quality absolutely necessary, and the and re-entered into the solution. In more complex
training of engineers should reflect this emphasis, problems, which nsxessarily involve more compro-
for design is surely one of the prime facets they mises owing to the increased state of incompatibility
must cope with thereafter in their professional lives. resulting from the many more requirements, these
H. L. Cox is quoted as saying that, “Design is, initial estimates and decisions may be critical. They
after all, an art, and the art of design may be de- form the nucleus about which the final design is ul-
fined as the attempt to achieve a precise object only timately crystalized. With a high degree of compm-
vaguely known, by the application of strict rules mise, no unique, optimum solution may be readily
only imperfectly understood”. As an improvement ’ discernible. In such a case, only time and service
on this statement one could only hope for a word experience can demonstrate the part that wisdom
other than “art” to acknowledge more pointedly the may have played in the initial stages.
contribution of the mind as well as of the eye, for Ships and aircraft are examples of such extremely
the process must be reasoned and orderly. Matters complex problems. Not only are they structures, but
( I f taste enter, but also f a r more. vehicles as well. Furthermore, they axe vehicles

A.S.N.E. Journal. Novwnbrr its9 671


whose efficiency or, in fact, whose very ability to ship problem. The purpose is to assist in organiziig
perform at all, is strongly dependent upon weight the thought process, having in n+d particularly the
economy. Quite obviously their structural loadings use for such, so as to enable ship design problems
are of a dynamic nature and highly imponderable. to be solved most efficiently, and by meam of auto-
Ships, because of their size, cost, and length of matic computers, if desired, The radial lines of the
building time are built to any particular design in diagram represent the salient considerations of the
but limited numbers and no mock-up or test model designer arranged, it is believed, in the logical order
can be afforded. Nor can the feedback of measured most conducive of rapid convergence on the ulti-
loading data or other service experience be more mate, refined and balanced solution indicated by the
than a fraction as voluminous as for aircraft. Only inner closed circle.
fragmentary statistical samples are available. If, in Achevement of this end result may conceivably
fact, there is any more conservatism in the struc- be initiated from any of several points, but the pref-
tural design of ships than in aircraft, it is hardly to erence expressed by the diagram is first for a rudi-
be wondered at. But competitive economic pressures mentary concept of the ship's general arrangement
operate to limit any excesses. Despite the rigour of which will come to mind as soon as cargo density
the limitations, the demand for the over-all optimum and the size of unit shipment are specified. A cargo
design solution is equally severe. density in the region of 45 ft!/ton seems to mark
Figure 1 is an attempt, by means of a model, to the boundary between those cargo ships designed as
display a rational over-all design procedure as ap- weight limited as opposed to those which are volume
plied to a hypothetical but typical, surface cargo limited. The double hulled bulk ore carrier type is


Figure 1. G e n e d Design Diagram.

672 A.S.N.E. Journd. Novernbw I959


characteristic of one extreme and the deep shelter analysis of the owner’s experience and future plans.
decker of the other. Fixing additional characteristics, such as maximum
Also an arbitrary but tentative choice of the type draft, type of machinery, evaporator capacity, etc.,
of main propulsion machinery is a practical neces- although reducing the number of decisions to be
sity. made by the naval architect, may make the ulti-
Whether the vessel be a bulk or volumetric car- mate, absolute optimum design more difficult to
rier, the deadweight ratio provides the f i s t means of achieve. In somewhat more specific naval architec-
translating the cargo deadweight into a ship dis- tural terms as applied to the general cargo carrier
placement and thus a first impression of ship’s size tyve, this optimum design will require that the ves-
is gained. This third consideration of the fist design sel, when laden with the specified cargo plus fuel,
cycle may be conveniently designated 111-1. fresh water and stores sufficient for the specified
Gross estimates of the principal dimensions of the voyage at the specified speed, shall have all holds
underwater form, viz. length, breadth and draft, fol- completely full and be down to her maximum limit-
low naturally with some guidance from accumulated ing draft based on considerations of her freeboard,
data on the geometric proportions of earlier, good internal subdivision and strength of hull. In this
designs. “full and down” condition the cost of the voyage
The underbody form coefficients require attention shall he a minimum, also the cost of construction,
at about this point and they are chosen most logi- insofar as these are compatible. This renresents
cally with resistance and propulsion in mind. idealized overation of the ship but it serves to
From such elementary beginnings some estimate clarify the issues involved. For design purposes, the
of power requirements may also be made by in- naval architect &odd also assume the cargo to be
corporating the additional factor of speed required, homogeneous, i.e. having the same density in all
as prescribed by the owner. holds unless the owner’s requirements specifically
“he depth of ship and topside characteristics then dictate otherwise. This is the one inflexible condi-
follow, to suit volume requirements, most of which tion of loading and thus it becomes the worst rea-
will be devoted to cargo or payload of whatever sonable one. With a shipment of varying density, the
type. Over-all hull form coefficients extrapolated manner of stowage can be made to improve trans-
from the underwater counterparts will be found verse stability, trim and ship bending moment situa-
useful for this purpose. The vessel’s range of opera- tions over the homogeneous cargo case. True, stow-
tion, plus the shaft horsepower previously estimated, age of nonhomogeneous cargo can also make these
permit evaluation of that portion of the volume to situations worse but it need not do so.
be occupied by fuel. Whenever the ship’s desired performance charac-
The foregoing procedures are not dealt with here teristics fall within usual limits,the procedure out-
in detail since they are well known and may be ac- lined so f a r is more a matter of minutes than of
complished with the aid of such material as is pre- hours, even if manually performed, provided a full
sented in References 1 through 18, which list is by range of background data is available and in readily
no means all inclusive. The rough outline is included usable form. Despite considerable reference to pa-
simply to illustrate the manner in which, with pers of value for this first phase of development,
proper sequencing, one item builds on others previ- there is actually no substitute for such material hav-
ously established and how it in turn will contribute ing been analyzed and compiled by the user him-
to the solution of succeeding ship characteristics. self or with his full knowledge. This is because cer-
To complete the fist rough hewn cycle, a pre- tain unifying steps will have been taken to reduce
liminary light ship weight estimate must be made, the information from each ship to some common ba-
probably in terms of the several major weight sis for plotting and the user should be aware of their
groupings such as hull steel, machinery and outfit nature. In addition, ship data points of such a gross,
which latter may be subgrouped depending upon over-all sort cannot be expected to plot as a well
whether it is variable with cargo, numbers of pas- defined fair curve regardless of which simple co-
sengers and crew, or with size of ship. As refer- ordinate system is chosen. The inference here is that
ences, the sort of data and the methods of items 3, any of several bases may be equally suitable for
4, 9, 10 and 19 through 23 of the Bibliography will some of the data since any one by itself neglects
be of use and thus a new, somewhat more refined, parameters which may be important. The coordinate
estimate of total displacement will be possible which system to be preferred is the one which shows the
can also incorporate a more exact fuel oil weight greatest consistency among the points by minimiz-
now that a fist estimate of power has been made. ing their spread and most nearly aligns them along
In the foregoing remarks, it has been assumed a f a i r curve. In the ultimate, however, it will still
that the owner’s ship performance requirements remain that a detailed knowledge of the unique
have been set forth by his specifying, as a minimum, idiosyncracies of individual ship spots is necessary
merely (1) total weight and density of cargo or pay- in order that their compliance or nmcoxnpliance
load to be carried, (2) vessel’s speed and (3) length with the norm may be explained and the proper em-
of voyage, these having resulted from an economic phasis placed on the norm as representative of the

A.S.N.E. J o u ~ M ~Novmbrr
. 1959 673

new design. Despite the practical problems indi- In vessels carrying more than twelve passengers
cated, reliance on unified data from many ships is an analysis of floodable length is mandatary, of
preferable to dependance on one close prototype, course, but in other cases also it may be felt de-
even when the details of such a ship are available. sirable. Webster’s approximate method (Reference
The “weight equation” is a valuable means of em- 27) has the advantages of being quick and simple.
phasizing the interrelationship of different weight Wherever the margin line follows other than a
groups and the ballooning effect on displacement of standard parabolic sheer, however, its results are
adding to one. However its precision suffers mark- questionable, especially toward the ends of the ship.
edly if the extrapolation from prototype to new de- A shorthand approach to the legal freeboard de-
sign is anything but very small. Worse still is the termination (Reference 28) is hardly worthwhile as
danger of unwittingly perpetuating redundancies the full calculation is not lengthy. If, thereafter, sig-
and other faults of the parent design along with its nificant changes are made to the vessel’s charac-
virtues. teristics, they may be reinserted into the original
In the figure, the intersections designated by cir- computation quite readily.
cumscribed dots denote first considerations or esti- At X-3 it may be advantageous to select the basic
mates of these items. A simple, solid dot indicates characteristics of the propeller and, as a result, an
that the previous estimate of that item is verified or improved extrapolation from effective horsepower
modified to suit changes at other points made earlier to shaft horsepower should be possible. The uncer-
during that cycle and using more complete informa- tainties remaining in this procedure presently are
tion and more precise methods of calrulstion wher- the prediction of thrust deduction and wake.
ever available and warranted. Relocation of a point Consideration of the ship’s tonnage (Reference
on a radial line (or the error of closure) is evidence 29) is anticipated at XII-3.
that a change in the previous estimate of that item By XIII-3 the basic structural elements sunh a?
has been made or that some new information has midship section and t p i c a l bulkheads should be
been added. Thus, each succeeding spiral represents available for whatever aid they may afford in mak-
a more and more r e h e d and firmly crystallized con- ing possible weight estimates from a more detailed
ception of the ultimate design. breakdown as desired for XIV-3.
On the assumption that, in this hypothetical ex- The “light and air” space anomoly in present ton-
ample, there is no call for changes in displacement nage regulations may make minor arrangement al-
and principal dimensions great enough to radically terations in the region of the machinery space bene-
disturb the other first cycle estimates, the under- ficial. Also, at about 1-4, detailed deck and cargo
water sectional area curve and the waterline shaw handling layouts are necessary. Cargo handling is of
should be developed as indicated at VI-2. (Refer- such importance to the operation economics that its
ences 1. 24 and 35) first consideration should have been included in the
The most elemental measure of a vessel’s stabilitv early arrangement studies.
is given by its transverse metacentric radius and At least in steam power plants, optimization of
this may be obtained by locating the instantaneouq over-all thermal a c i e n c y through the selection of
metacenter from the geometry of the underbody and the component parts is a matter worthy of investiga-
estimating vertical centers of gravity for component tion at 11-4.
weight items of the deep displacement and amal- For the purposes of this illustrative outline it will
gamating them to give the over-all center in the probably be sufficient to mention only a few addi-
usual way. tional points. A floodable length calculation by one
In reconsidering power requirements under X-2, of the “exact” methods is intended at VI-4 and at
it is probably not too early to make use of residuary VII-4 curves of statical and dynamical stability are
resistance data such as found in Taylor’s work (Ref- presumed. For passenger vessels the necessary
erence 25) or in the Series 60 hull family (Refer- analysis of stability in damaged condition falls most
ence 26). naturally in this cycle.
Appropriate to XI-2 is the delineation of a small As a h a 1 refinement to the power estimate,
scale ship’s body plan including only a few stations. propeller performance, underwater form or seaway
The sectional area and waterline curves of VI-2 pro- performance, towing tank model tests are uniquely
vide the basis. These “lines” should extend to the valuable.
upper deck so that an underdeck area curve show- The figure attempts to show that after a sufficient
ing the fore and aft volume distribution within the number of design cycles has been negotiated the dif-
hull may be obtained. From this will come the first ferences involved become so small as to be insignifi-
reliable estimates of cargo cubic. cant. Ultimately all the mutually dependent varia-
Any preconceived notion that the mhchinery bles are in accord and the final refined and balanced
space will be located amidships may well be exam- design is achieved. The closure is shown here to oc-
ined with reconsideration of the internal arrange- cur with the structural design but this is of no sig-
ment under 1-3 and a decision may be forthcoming nificance and might just as well have been at any
from the study of machinery layouts at 11-3 and the other point.
deep displacement trim calculated at 111-3. The last cycle could appropriately be designated
674 A 5 N E Journal. Novambar IS9

the "analysis" cycle as the processes taking place h a 1 stages of "design." Thus the several man hours
within it are in the form of analyses of characteris- of the first cycle advance to hundreds of thousands
tics previously established and the design is re- in the last. (Now the model has a third dimension-
shaped from the findings. The first cycles are syn- an altitude in terms of man hours-and has become
thesizing stages and from this interplay it is clear a truncated conical spiral, but the scale had better
that both thought processes are essential to the final be logarithmic!)
objective. Some of the contributory studies appropriate for
Considerable confidence is felt with the order of the late design stages may themselves be conceived
operations presented here f o r application over a as operations research problems and treated so with
wide range of merchant ship types. However, unique advantage. In fact, the ones in mind are already
conditions for some types may make it desirable to well advanced toward the possibility of program-
perform certain of the detailed estimates during ming. The steam cycle, heat balance analysis of 11-4
earlier cycles than in the illustration. For example, is one of these and a suitable analytical optimization
with a dense cargo carrier it may be advisable to method for it was presented before the New Eng-
determine the freeboard limit sooner whereas, with land Section of the Society of Naval Architects and
an extremely light cargo, stability considerations Marine Engineers in May 1959 by E. C. House and
may be uncommonly critical. Furthermore, a few B. J. Wooden.*
matters of not such general concern and not includ-
ed in the figure may dictate some design aspects in STRUCTURAL MIDSHIP SECTION-U)NCITUDINALLY
other special cases. In passenger ships, h e protec- FRAMED
tion requirements must be complied with. With The structural design of longitudinally continu-
high powers, vibration becomes of more importance ous material amidships, appropriate to XIII-3, is
and it is possible that some preventive steps may be another. Where the fore and aft stiffening members
taken in these design phases. Of somewhat more are more closely spaced than the transverse, as in a
universal interest are the light draft ship charac- typical longitudinally framed ship, St. Denis in
teristics in which connection Comstock's data of Reference 33 has presented an orderly approach
Reference 30 should be noted. applicable to naval practice. For longitudinally
As an incidental comment, it might be added that framed merchant types a similar procedure should
a filing system for design data based on the dual be found usable but criteria insuring the satisfac-
numbering system adapted herein has been found tion of classification societies have yet to be com-
very convenient, and it appears to &er m e prom- pletely worked out.
ise for use with library coding and retrieval or Figure 2 is a representation of the general method
similar techniques of electronic data processing. expressed in the flow diagram form of Figure 1.
For the design now in hand, the type of power First, tentative and arbitrary spacings of transverse
plant was held constant. For any others which are web frames and longitudinals must be selected
pertinent, a similar design iteration is required to WEB maw
account for the differing fuel rates and specific den- SF MIN O

sities, machinery weights and the like. From among

them the final solution may be made or at least the
direction for further studies is clarified. As another
independent variable, if the machinery space loca-
tion has been a subtle matter, it will be advisable to
work out the over-all ship design in some detail
with the various locations fixed for each.
Returning once more to the model . . . . The
peripheral cycle is clearly indicative of the infinite
wideness of choice available to the initiating pre-
liminary designer but with each round the maneu-
vering room diminishes and the latitude for change
becomes smaller as, in fact, do the alterations
deemed necessary. The smaller amplitudes and the .".YE

increasing amount of labor involved in each succes-

sive spiral make it both possible and necessary to
increase progressively the concentration of man
power until numerous subgroups may be proceed-
ing simultaneously and independently to analme
the aspects in which they specialize. In the sense Figure 2. Midship Section Structural Design Diagmm
--Longitudinal Framing.
that a modification may be wrought in some area
of the total project as a result of his development,
*This paper elm contained an interrsllng example Ot an 0pU-
fven the detail draftsman may contribute to the mized general design study.

A.S.N.E. Journal. Nowmbor I959 675


which thereafter are held constant and provide the tudinal strength. The figure is therefore slightly
basis of that particular solutim. Thus the corre- simpler. Furthemore, several of the detailed meth-
sponding radial lines I and I1 are shown dotted to ods of calculation are different as well as the load-
indicate that, once established, they are not recon- ings and criteria which, in their present form, have
sidered with each cycle. In an operations research been developed to satisfy the requirements of a
analysis, these are the restraints. classification society. namely the American Bureau
In brief, limiting values for three types of stress of Shipping. Values for any other standard or in
are established (111-1). With the first assumption comr>liance with new knowledge can be found
that the longitudinals and web frames form panel easily.
boundaries of the plating which remain plane, these Having made a tentative selection of the spacing
strength limits together with instability cmsidera- of transverse frames, in broad philosophical terms,
tions result in two estimates of required plating the method developed in the paper proceeds as be-
thickness (IV-1). The more severe requirement fore with each cycle building on information gen-
ruIes, of course. Both strength and instability cri- erated in the ones preceding. The stress schedule as
teria are also used to determine scantlings of the such is not employed in the paper, but its effect is
longitudinal stiffening members which are subjected included in the formulations given.
to tensile and compressive loads as the ship hogs As regards the merchant ship bending moment, a
and sags (V-1) . When all longitudinally continuous somewhat frustrating situation exists in that, even
plating panels and longitudinals have thus been ten- should the bending moment be unusually small in a
tatively sized to meet their local conditions, the ship particular ship, there is a lower limit on shiD sec-
section modulus may be found (VI-1). A first esti- tion modulus which will applv and is imposed by
mate of ship girder bending moment (IX-1) may be law or classification society edict. In such a situa-
sufficient to indicate whether or not the section tion, the calculation of bending moment serves only
modulus is adequate or must be increased to keep to enable the naval architect to decide if, in his
the ship bending stress within its limit. Locating the judgment, a greater section modulus than the man-
true position of the neutral axis may, by itself, bring datory one is desirable.
about minor scantling changes from those based Many transversely framed vessels of current de-
upon the originally assumed position of the axis. sign employ a closer spacing of intercostal side gir-
As modifications and balancing proceed toward re- ders than formerly was usual. This is entirely fitting
finement, the transversely oriented stiffening mem- and is no doubt a trend which will be perpetuated.
bers are sized (VII-2) and a good estimate of hull However, with this development, many primary-
structural weight can follow (VIII-2). This enables structure plate panels will have aspect ratios less
calculation of a more exact bending moment (IX-2 than three to one, in which case the critical strength
or IX-3) and another cycle begins. of the panels becomes a much stronger function of
Here again, of necessity, the early design steps the spacing of these longitudinally continuous mem-
depend on simplifying assumptions and elementary bers forming the fore and aft panel boundaries and
relationships to yield a result on which the analyses the exact spacing must be reckoned with. In time it
of the last cycles may operate. As in the gaining of is reasonable to expect that the contribution of the
all significant new knowledge, this is the universal longitudinals to ship girder strength will also be
twa-step process of proposal and criticism which acknowledged although this may take international
ideally must contain precisely correct degrees of action.
imagination and practicality. Provision for these modifications is indicated in
For optimizing, several independent solutions Figure 3 and it then becomes similar to Figure 2 in
with varying combinations of web frame and longi- its superficial aspects.
tudinal spacing are necessary. Structural weight is The model similarity as between Figures 2 and 3
the most valid, first basis of comparison as well as makes it possible to adopt the solution outline for a
the most straightforward for quantitative purposes. wide combination of the two basic systems and from
one or the other (Reference 33 or 34) detailed pro-
STRUCTURAL MIDSHIP SECTION-TRANSVERSELY FRAMED cedures which are suitable can be taken. For a com-
Although it is hardly likely, if the framing system plete optimization, therefore, the parameters can
is also an open question, the optimum solution for be: type of framing system, spacing of longitudinals
the transverse framing system must also be found. and web frames, or floors, side frames and side gir-
The author’s paper (Reference 34) presenting a de- ders. Basically, when found, the net scantlings
sign integration for the midship section of trans- should be increased in the amount of a corrosion
versely framed ships is suitable, and Figure 3 is a
model of the method. The typical transversely allowance as desired. Actually, the expressions of
framed ship afloat at present has only very few, Reference 34 have already included it.
widely spaced longitudinally continuous stiffening The general impression intended by this discus-
members and of these, by law and by classification sion is that a framework exists which should permit
society practice, rightly or wrongly, only the ver- solution of the over-all ship design problem and
tical keel is given credit for contributing to longi- several of its most important subsidiary design

676 A.S.N.E. Journdl, November 1959

- __

1. Comstock, J. P., “Introduction to Naval Architecture”,
(Part II).
2. Ridgely-Nevitt, C., ‘The Development of Graphic Aids
to Prelimimry Design”, A.S.N.E., May 1950, p. 3N.
3. Bustard, E. E., “Preliminary Calculations in Ship De-
sign”, N.E.C.I.E.S., 1940-41,p. 179.
4. Schokker, P. C. A., Nuverburg, E. M. and Vossnack,
E. J., “The Design of Merchant Ships”.
5. Munro-Smith, R., “Ship Design-heliminary Deter-
mination of the Dimensions and other Technical Char-
acteristics”, The Shipbuilder and Marine Engine-Builder,
October 1956, p. 585.
6. Calder, J. D., “The Length/Beam Ratio”, Shipbuilding
and Shipping Record, September 16, 1954, p. 369.
7. Witte, N., “Die Entwurfrechnung fur Frachkhiffe”, SchifT
und Hafen, March 1955,p. 123.
8. Diede, G., “Entwurf von Linienrissen fur moderne Han-
delschiffe”, Schiff und Hafen, February 1956, p. 85.
9. Benford, H., “Engineering Economy in Tanker Design”,
5 - n STCllON 8L.M B FlllYL
S.NA.M.E., 1957, p. 775.
YO.)YL“S SLL*TI l WtS 10. Benford, H., “Ocean Ore-Carrier Economics and Pre-
liminary Design”, S.NA.M.E., 1958.
Figure 3. Midship Section Structural Design Diagram 11. Munro-Smith, R., “The Design of Coasters”, Shipbuild-
-Transverse Framing. ing and Shipping Record, July 24,1941, p. 79.
12. Todd, F. H.,“The Fundamentals of Ship Form”, I. Mar.
E., l944-45,p. 1.
13. Ayre, W., “The Propulsive Etficiency of Cargo Ships”,
I.E.S.S., 1931-32,p. 179.
problems by operations research methods if desired. 14. Troost, L., “A Simplified Method for Preliminary Pow-
No oversimplification of the development still neces- ering of -1e Screw Merchant Ships”, S.N.A.M.E.,
1957, p. 737.
sary is intended, although the impression may have 15. Minorsky, V., “A Nomograph for the Preliminary Pow-
been given that the end result is more immediately ering of Merchant Ships”, International Shipbuilding
possible than is actually the case. It is clearly un- Progress, Vol. 2, No. 9, 1955,p. 226.
derstood that one or two minor dislocations still 16. Bocler, H., “The Position of Longitudinal Centre of
exist and that much design information now in Buoyancy for Minimum Resistance,” I.E.S.S.,1953-54,
p. 11.
graphical form must be expressed in different terms 17. Allan, J. F.,“Improvements in Ship Performance”, 1.
and perhaps even be reanalyzed. Some operations Mar.E., 1953, p. 117.
within the primary model necessitate a small 18. Munro-Smith, R.,‘The Determination of Cargo Capacity
amount of drafting so the process is intermittent. and its Centroid”, The Shipbuilder and Marine Engine-
Furthermore, the exact use of the Figure 1 model Builder, April 1958,p. 205.
19. Amott, D., “Design and Construction of Steel Merchant
will not be ideal in all its aspects for design of ex- Ships”, Chapter II(A).
treme or unduly restricted character. A sequence of 20. Powell, S. C., “Ektimation of Machinery Weights”,
complex analyses will be required before this bare S.NA.M.E, 1958.
outline is filled out and readied for completely a u t e 21. Telfer, E. V., “The Structural Weight Similarity of
matic solution. But even as things now stand, it is Ships”, N.E.CIES., 1955-56, p. 123.
22. Robinson, H.F., Roeske, J. F. and Thaeler, A. S., “Mod-
hoped that some clarification of design processes and e m Tankers”, S.N.A.ME., 1948, p. 422.
problems has been achieved. 23. Henry, J. J., “Modem Ore Carriers”, S.N.A.M.E., 1955,
On the other hand, the structural models already p. 57.
are so far advanced as to be almost immediately 24. van Lanunere- W. P. A. and Troost, L., “Resistance,
usable in automatic computation. With modern com- Propulsion and Steering of Ships”.
25. Taylor, D. W.,“Speed and Power of Ships”.
puters, structural optimization is now possible (and 26. Todd, F. H., Stunk, G. R. and Pien, P. C., “Series 60-
on a much broader base) despite the pressure of The Wect u p n Ftesistance and Power of Variation in
production schedules. Ship Proportions”, S.N.A.M.E., 1957, p. 445.
The ordering of thoughts attempted here implies 27. Webster, G., “Subdivision of Passenger Vessels”, I.N.A.,
agreement with a statement of Herbert Spencer that 1920, p. 234.
28. U. S. Coast Guard “Load Line €&gulations”.
“If a man’s knowledge is not in order, the more of 29. U. S. Treasury Dept., Bureau of Customs, ‘‘Measure-
it he has the greater will be his confusion.” Few, if ment of Vessels”.
any, of man’s creations offer as many opportunities 30. Comstock, J. P., “Charts for Light-Draft Form Charac-
for the embodiment of such a wide range of man’s teristics’’, Marine Engineering and Shipping Age, No-
knowledge as does a ship. vember, 1926,p. 639.
Yet the philosophy expressed visually by the 31. Baker, L., “Some Factors in the Selection of Machinery
for &go Liners”, I. Mech. E., 1955, p. 17.
models is not confined to ship design. It has much 32. Stewart, W. A., discussion of symposium “Advanced
broader implications and is bounded only by the Machinery Installations Designed for the Maximum Sev-
word “design” itself and it alone. ing in Weight and Space”, I. Mar. E.,1955, p. 335.

A.S.N.E. Journal. November IWT 677


33. St. Denis, M., “On the Structural Design of the Midship ABBREVIATIONS
Section”, David Taylor Model Basin Report C-555. A.S.N.E. JOURNAL of the American Society of Naval
34. E v a , J. H., “A StmctUd Analysis and &s@ Integra- Engineers
tion-With Application to the Midship Sedion Char=- I.E.S.S. Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in
teristics of Transversely Framed Ships”, S.NA.ME., Scotland
1958. I. Mar.E. Lnstitute of Marine Engineers
35. Todd, F. H., “Some Further Experiments on Single 1. Mech. E. Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Screw Merchant Ship FormsSerie W’, S.N.A.M.E., I.N.A. Institution of Naval Architects
1953, p. 516. N.EC.1.E.S. North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and
S.NA.M.E. Society of Naval Architects and Marine En-

In a survey of the science of Undersea Warfare (USW), some of the

possible salient features of the future are as follows:
-Underwater weapons with speeds up t o 250-300 knots.
-Submarine carried anti-missile missiles t o combat high speed torpe-
does and missiles.
4 5 knot hydrofoil craft for coastline ASW work.
-Underwater-to-surface missiles which will permit the submarine to at-
tack a surface pursuer.
-Drone helicopters for search and attack operations against subma-
-Submarine launched anti-aircraft missiles.
-Anti-POLARIS missiles designed to attack submarine launched mis-
-Long range ASW weapons which could be fired from hundreds or
thousands of miles.
-Fixed submerged missile bases, anchored to the ocean floor, which
could be launched by remote control.
-Submarines and weapons capable of operating at great depths-up
to 10,OOO t o 20,000 feet.
--Decoy missiles designed t o divert an attacking missile from i t s tar-
-High speed underwater drones for training.
August, 1959

678 A.S.N.E. Journal. November I959

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