Beckhoff Cu1128
Beckhoff Cu1128
Beckhoff Cu1128
Table of contents
1 Foreword .................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Product overview EtherCAT-junctions ............................................................................................... 5
1.2 Notes on the documentation.............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Safety instructions ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Documentation issue status .............................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Version identification of EtherCAT devices ....................................................................................... 9
1.5.1 General notes on marking ................................................................................................. 9
1.5.2 Version identification of CU Switches .............................................................................. 10
1.5.3 Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC)................................................................................... 10
1.5.4 Electronic access to the BIC (eBIC) ................................................................................ 12
5 Mounting................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 CU1123-00x0, CU1124 - Mounting and removal ............................................................................ 31
5.1.1 Recommended mounting rails ......................................................................................... 32
5.2 CU1128 - Mounting and removal..................................................................................................... 33
5.3 Cabling of power supply .................................................................................................................. 34
5.4 Dimensions ...................................................................................................................................... 34
5.5 LED Displays ................................................................................................................................... 36
5.6 UL notice ......................................................................................................................................... 37
5.7 Disposal ........................................................................................................................................... 38
6 Commissioning........................................................................................................................................ 39
6.1 Quick start........................................................................................................................................ 39
6.2 TwinCAT Development Environment .............................................................................................. 39
6.2.1 Installation of the TwinCAT real-time driver..................................................................... 40
6.2.2 Notes regarding ESI device description........................................................................... 45
6.2.3 OFFLINE configuration creation ...................................................................................... 49
6.2.4 ONLINE configuration creation ........................................................................................ 54
6.2.5 EtherCAT subscriber configuration.................................................................................. 62
6.3 General Notes - EtherCAT Slave Application .................................................................................. 71
6.4 Distributed clocks reference clock ................................................................................................... 79
6.5 Configuration of the CU1128 in the TwinCAT System Manager ..................................................... 81
7 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................. 87
7.1 EEPROM Update ............................................................................................................................ 87
7.2 Support and Service ........................................................................................................................ 88
1 Foreword
This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who
are familiar with the applicable national standards.
It is essential that the documentation and the following notes and explanations are followed when installing
and commissioning these components.
It is the duty of the technical personnel to use the documentation published at the respective time of each
installation and commissioning.
The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the
requirements for safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.
The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under
We reserve the right to revise and change the documentation at any time and without prior announcement.
No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the
data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.
Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, TwinCAT/BSD®, TC/BSD®, EtherCAT®, EtherCAT G®, EtherCAT G10®, EtherCAT P®,
Safety over EtherCAT®, TwinSAFE®, XFC®, XTS® and XPlanar® are registered trademarks of and licensed by
Beckhoff Automation GmbH. Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by
third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
Patent Pending
The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and
patents: EP1590927, EP1789857, EP1456722, EP2137893, DE102015105702 with corresponding
applications or registrations in various other countries.
EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,
Exclusion of liability
All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the
application. Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the
documentation are not permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.
Personnel qualification
This description is only intended for trained specialists in control, automation and drive engineering who are
familiar with the applicable national standards.
Description of instructions
Serious risk of injury!
Failure to follow this safety instruction directly endangers the life and health of persons.
Risk of injury!
Failure to follow this safety instruction endangers the life and health of persons.
Personal injuries!
Failure to follow this safety instruction can lead to injuries to persons.
Damage to environment/equipment or data loss
Failure to follow this instruction can lead to environmental damage, equipment damage or data loss.
Tip or pointer
This symbol indicates information that contributes to better understanding.
• The elements mentioned above result in the technical designation. EL3314-0000-0016 is used in the
example below.
• EL3314-0000 is the order identifier, in the case of “-0000” usually abbreviated to EL3314. “-0016” is the
EtherCAT revision.
• The order identifier is made up of
- family key (EL, EP, CU, ES, KL, CX, etc.)
- type (3314)
- version (-0000)
• The revision -0016 shows the technical progress, such as the extension of features with regard to the
EtherCAT communication, and is managed by Beckhoff.
In principle, a device with a higher revision can replace a device with a lower revision, unless specified
otherwise, e.g. in the documentation.
Associated and synonymous with each revision there is usually a description (ESI, EtherCAT Slave
Information) in the form of an XML file, which is available for download from the Beckhoff web site.
From 2014/01 the revision is shown on the outside of the IP20 terminals, see Fig. “EL5021 EL terminal,
standard IP20 IO device with batch number and revision ID (since 2014/01)”.
• The type, version and revision are read as decimal numbers, even if they are technically saved in
Fig. 1: CU1521 switch with serial number 4820/ and the unique Beckhoff Traceability Number (BTN)
The BIC will be introduced step by step across all product groups.
The BIC is machine-readable and contains information that can also be used by the customer for handling
and product management.
Each piece of information can be uniquely identified using the so-called data identifier
(ANSI MH10.8.2-2016). The data identifier is followed by a character string. Both together have a maximum
length according to the table below. If the information is shorter, spaces are added to it. The data under
positions 1 to 4 are always available.
Following information is possible, positions 1 to 4 are always present, the other according to need of
Posi- Type of Explanation Data Number of digits Example
tion information identifier incl. data identifier
1 Beckhoff order Beckhoff order number 1P 8 1P072222
2 Beckhoff Traceability Unique serial number, SBTN 12 SBTNk4p562d7
Number (BTN) see note below
3 Article description Beckhoff article 1K 32 1KEL1809
description, e.g.
4 Quantity Quantity in packaging Q 6 Q1
unit, e.g. 1, 10, etc.
5 Batch number Optional: Year and week 2P 14 2P401503180016
of production
6 ID/serial number Optional: Present-day 51S 12 51S678294
serial number system,
e.g. with safety products
7 Variant number Optional: Product variant 30P 32 30PF971, 2*K183
number on the basis of
standard products
Further types of information and data identifiers are used by Beckhoff and serve internal processes.
Example of composite information from positions 1 to 4 and with the above given example value on position
6. The data identifiers are highlighted in bold font:
1P072222SBTNk4p562d71KEL1809 Q1 51S678294
Accordingly as DMC:
An important component of the BIC is the Beckhoff Traceability Number (BTN, position 2). The BTN is a
unique serial number consisting of eight characters that will replace all other serial number systems at
Beckhoff in the long term (e.g. batch designations on IO components, previous serial number range for
safety products, etc.). The BTN will also be introduced step by step, so it may happen that the BTN is not yet
coded in the BIC.
This information has been carefully prepared. However, the procedure described is constantly being further
developed. We reserve the right to revise and change procedures and documentation at any time and with-
out prior notice. No claims for changes can be made from the information, illustrations and descriptions in
this information.
The Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC) is applied to the outside of Beckhoff products in a visible place. If
possible, it should also be electronically readable.
Decisive for the electronic readout is the interface via which the product can be electronically addressed.
All Beckhoff EtherCAT devices have a so-called ESI-EEPROM, which contains the EtherCAT identity with
the revision number. Stored in it is the EtherCAT slave information, also colloquially known as ESI/XML
configuration file for the EtherCAT master. See the corresponding chapter in the EtherCAT system manual
(Link) for the relationships.
The eBIC is also stored in the ESI‑EEPROM. The eBIC was introduced into the Beckhoff I/O production
(terminals, boxes) from 2020; widespread implementation is expected in 2021.
The user can electronically access the eBIC (if existent) as follows:
• With all EtherCAT devices, the EtherCAT master (TwinCAT) can read the eBIC from the ESI‑EEPROM
◦ From TwinCAT 4024.11, the eBIC can be displayed in the online view.
◦ To do this,
check the checkbox "Show Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC)" under
EtherCAT → Advanced Settings → Diagnostics:
◦ Note: as can be seen in the illustration, the production data HW version, FW version and
production date, which have been programmed since 2012, can also be displayed with "Show
Production Info".
• In the case of EtherCAT devices with CoE directory, the object 0x10E2:01 can additionally by used to
display the device's own eBIC; the PLC can also simply access the information here:
◦ The device must be in SAFEOP/OP for access:
◦ the object 0x10E2 will be introduced into stock products in the course of a necessary firmware
• Note: in the case of electronic further processing, the BTN is to be handled as a string(8); the identifier
"SBTN" is not part of the BTN.
• Technical background
The new BIC information is additionally written as a category in the ESI‑EEPROM during the device
production. The structure of the ESI content is largely dictated by the ETG specifications, therefore the
additional vendor-specific content is stored with the help of a category according to ETG.2010. ID 03
indicates to all EtherCAT masters that they must not overwrite these data in case of an update or
restore the data after an ESI update.
The structure follows the content of the BIC, see there. This results in a memory requirement of
approx. 50..200 bytes in the EEPROM.
• Special cases
◦ If multiple, hierarchically arranged ESCs are installed in a device, only the top-level ESC carries
the eBIC Information.
◦ If multiple, non-hierarchically arranged ESCs are installed in a device, all ESCs carry the eBIC
◦ If the device consists of several sub-devices with their own identity, but only the top-level device is
accessible via EtherCAT, the eBIC of the top-level device is located in the CoE object directory
0x10E2:01 and the eBICs of the sub-devices follow in 0x10E2:nn.
Profibus/Profinet/DeviceNet… Devices
2.1 Introduction
Line, tree or star – EtherCAT supports almost any topology. The 3-port CU1123 and CU1123-0010 and the
4-port CU1124 EtherCAT junction provide compact solutions to cascade an EtherCAT network. Where
junctions with several ports need to be implemented outside of the EtherCAT Terminal system, the DIN rail-
mountable EtherCAT junctions can be used instead of the EK1122 EtherCAT Coupler and the 8-port
CU1128 EtherCAT junction.
Additional EK1100 Couplers or EtherCAT Box modules can be connected via the ports
• 2 and 3 of the EtherCAT junctions CU1123 and CU1123-0010,
• 2, 3 and 4 of the EtherCAT junction CU1124
The EtherCAT junctions are connected via RJ45 ports with direct display of link and activity status.
Using the extended distance connection [} 16], distances of up to 300 m can be bridged between two
Extended Distance stations. If only one connection of the two stations is configured for Extended Distance
(e.g. connecting EtherCAT Box modules), the maximum distance between the stations is 100 m. The
EtherCAT branches are connected via RJ45 ports featuring link and activity status indicators.
Distances of up to 300 m can be bridged between two Extended Distance components. Possible topologies
are shown in the following figure.
The EK1121-0010 EtherCAT junction cannot be used as a 2nd component because the EtherCAT port is not
an output port. The following figure shows not permitted topologies with Extended Distance components.
If only one connection of the two Components is configured for Extended Distance, e.g. a connection
between a standard EtherCAT Coupler (EK1100) and an EtherCAT Coupler with Extended Distance
connection (EK1101-0010), the maximum distance between the stations is 100 m. In the following figure the
standard components are marked with a “*”. Standard components are detected automatically. The
parameterization of the EtherCAT ports is not necessary. Examples of possible topologies are shown in the
following figure.
Fig. 7: Topologies with Extended Distance- and Standard components, distances up to 100 m
3.1 Introduction
Fig. 8: CU1128
EtherCAT hub
Line, tree or star: EtherCAT supports almost any topology. If a star topology requires several junctions at a
particular point, the 8-way CU1128 EtherCAT hub can be used instead of several EK1122 devices.
At ports 2 to 8 further EK1100 or EtherCAT Box modules can be connected. The EtherCAT junctions are
connected via RJ-45 sockets with direct display of link and activity status.
In conjunction with TwinCAT or other suitable EtherCAT masters the CU1128 also supports coupling and
uncoupling of EtherCAT segments during operation (hot-connect). The device cannot be used as a standard
Ethernet switch.
4 Basic principles
They have no I/O and no CoE directory and are not parameterizable. The core functions of the link control
and distributed clocks synchronization are mapped by the ESCs.
The CU1123-00x0 supports three RJ45-Ports and the CU1124 supports four RJ45-Ports. For this purpose
an internal communication-IC (ESC) is used. The following figure shows the structure of the internal ESC-
Ports (A, B, C, D) and the designation of the connection sockets (CU1123-00x0: X1 … X3, CU1124: X1 …
Please note:
• port X1 is always the input for the EtherCAT traffic in the CU1123-00x0 and CU1124.
• the other ports X2..X3 (CU1123-00x0), X2…4 (CU1124) should be used as outputs.
CU1128 - Structure
In order to provide eight EtherCAT connections, the CU1128 has three internal communication ICs (ESCs),
which are connected in series internally. For this reason the CU1128 appears as three individual slaves in
the EtherCAT configurator, although they are located in one housing. The interrelationship between the
internal ESC ports (A, B, C, D) and the descriptions of the connection sockets (1..8) is as follows:
Please note:
• port 1 is always the input for the EtherCAT traffic in the CU1128.
• the other ports 2..7 should be used as outputs.
• it is not permitted to delete subdevices once the CU1128 has been configured.
With the CU1128, special attention should be paid to the sequence of the EtherCAT slaves. Since the
CU1128 has seven junction ports, drop lines connected to ports must and can be clearly identified in
practice. If incorrect information is provided in the configuration (TwinCAT System Manager file *.tsm), the
system cannot start.
For each EtherCAT device the System Manager indicates at which Previous Port it is connected, i.e. the
name of the connected port (B to D) of the previous slave. This also applies for the internal connections
between the ESCs in the CU1128:
In fig. Previous port of the second ESC in the CU1128, for example, it is stated that the second ESC in the
CU1128 “Box 1”, called “Term 2”, is connected to ESC 1 Port C; cf. Fig. CU1128 - diagram. This setting
cannot be changed, since it is defined by the CU1128 device.
In general, however, it is changeable if a pluggable coupler, EtherCAT Box or similar is present in the
configuration; see Fig. Set the Previous Port for an EK1100. Then,
• drag & drop with the mouse can then be used in the System Manager to set up the general position in
the I/O system.
• the previous port in the “fine adjustment” can be selected, if several options are available.
In fig. Set the Previous Port for an EK1100, the coupler “Term 4” is set up as successor to the ESC2 “Term
2”. Both free ports of the ESC2 (B and D, see Fig. CU1128 - diagram) are thus available in the previous port
selection of the EK1100; B is selected here.
The System Manager detects whether ports can technically and actually be connected by means of the port
property, i.e. Ethernet or E-bus in the ESI/XML device descriptions. The internal connections in the CU1128
are E-bus connections, the eight ports on the other hand are Ethernet, see fig. CU1128 - diagram.
With EtherCAT as fieldbus protocol a wide range of bus topologies can be used: line, star and tree topology,
with redundancy support even ring topology. The simplest topology is the line topology, in which each
EtherCAT slave passes the data on to the only next slave; see following Fig. EtherCAT line topology.
When using, for example, EK1100 EtherCAT Couplers, a junction and thus a type of tree topology is
possible; see following Fig. Line topology with extensions.
The basic principle is that internally the Ethernet frame(s) with the EtherCAT protocol data continue to be
transported in a logical ring:
• the EtherCAT master sends the frame on the two outgoing lines of the Ethernet cable
• this frame passes each slave once,
• is reversed by the last slave in the logical sequence
• and is returned to the master through each EtherCAT slave via two return lines of the Ethernet cable
without further processing.
At short cycle times in the order of 50 µs at 20,000 Ethernet frames are in transit in the EtherCAT system
every second, plus acyclic organizational frames. The master awaits the return of the sent frames, which
return the device input data to the master, for example. Telegram transfer between slaves is link-based: An
EtherCAT slave will only forward a frame if a 'link' signal to the next device is present. Normally it can be
assumed that the downstream device correctly processes each EtherCAT telegram and returns or process it
at the end.
The crucial factor for forwarding EtherCAT telegrams is that a link signal is reported only from one slave to
the next if both slaves are actually ready for real-time participation in data processing. Specifically, this
means that an EtherCAT slave should not open the respective Ethernet port until it is ready to receive and
forward an Ethernet frame immediately.
A switch or router is usually used for standard Ethernet traffic forwarding. Any collisions or frame losses are
compensated through frame repetition in the higher level protocol layers (e.g. TCP). This mode is generally
not used for EtherCAT due to the short cycle times and the real-time requirement. Some Ethernet devices
such as special switches, for example, report a link to the remote terminal even if they will only be ready for
data processing in a few milliseconds. This behavior is particularly noticeable in media converters from
100Base-TX (copper) to 100Base-Fx (optical fiber), which may report a link to the preceding EtherCAT slave
even if the optical fiber connection is interrupted, depending on the setting on the copper side.
Fast link detection is therefore a central component of each ESC (EtherCAT slave controller, hardware
processing unit for the EtherCAT protocol). According to the EtherCAT specification an ESC can have and
control one to four ports. Via an open port it can handle outgoing and incoming Ethernet traffic. The direction
of data flow in a fully configured ESC is shown in Fig. Direction of data flow in the ESC – the data in the
EtherCAT datagrams are thereby processed only between Ports 0 (A) and 3 (D) in the EtherCAT processing
Ideally link detection and therefore port handling in the ESC should be fast enough that lost frame events are
avoided even at 100 µs cycle time. Nevertheless, at least one lost frame can never be ruled out if a
connection is disconnected while an Ethernet frame is in transit on this line and in the bus segment
downstream of the separation point.
Implementation: EL terminal
The other two ports are internally closed in the ESC. An EtherCAT telegram enters the processing unit via
port 0 (A)/top and is forwarded to the next slave via port 3 (D)/left, if a link to this port exists - see green
arrows. This is the case if a further EL terminal is connected to the right.
If no link exists, the frame is forwarded to port 1(B) via the purple route. This and port 2 (C) have no link and
therefore return the frame to port 0 (A), where the frame leaves via the same Ethernet port through which it
arrived at the slave. This is the case if the terminal acts as end terminal.
An EtherCAT device with a single port is therefore only of limited use, since it can only be used as end
Three of the four available ports in the EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler are used, thus enabling a connection to
the right to terminals and via an RJ45 socket to further couplers; cf. Fig. “Line topology with extensions
[} 23]”. In the EK1100 the processing unit is not used for process data exchange.
As in the EK1100, three ESC ports can be connected in these junctions: Two via E-bus within the terminal
and one via the RJ45 sockets with Ethernet configuration.
In the EK1122 all four ESC ports can be connected - two via the internal E-bus and two via the RJ45 sockets
with Ethernet configuration. In the TwinCAT System Manager the link statuses of ports 0, 1, 2 and 3 are
shown by the online display – they are designated there as ports A, B, C and D; see Fig. “Topology display
for interrupted line [} 28]”.
As in the EK1100, three ESC ports can be connected in these junctions: Two via E-bus within the terminal
and one via the SC socket/versatile link and optical fiber cable/POF line.
In the CU1123-00x0 EtherCAT junction three of the four available ports can be connected via the RJ45
In the CU1124 EtherCAT junction all four available ports can be connected via the RJ45 sockets.
The CU1128 integrates three ESCs, which means eight ports in total are available to users. The three ESCs
are interconnected via E-bus.
The following section describes the link characteristics under TwinCAT and its representation in the System
The TwinCAT online topology shows the wiring scheme, see Fig. Online Topology. The EK1122 is selected,
so that further information is shown. The green bars above the slaves indicate the correct RUN state in all
An error is now generated by disconnecting the connection between the upper RJ45 socket (X1) and the
EL3102 device. Within a few µs the ESC in the EK1122 detects the lost link and automatically closes the
affected port. This has the effect that the next incoming EtherCAT telegram is immediately forwarded to port
D (port 3) and the EL4732. The link is thus missing here and the System Manager marks this in the online
display; see following Fig. Example configuration with interrupted cable.
Logger output
The logger output can be displayed in the lower part of the System Manager (Display → Show Log-
ger Output). This may be helpful for diagnostic purposes (for link interruptions and other situations).
In the topology display any slaves affected by interruption are shown with a red border, see the following Fig.
Topology display for interrupted line.
In Fig. “Example configuration [} 26]” and Fig. “Example configuration with interrupted cable” [} 28] note the
display of acyclic frames, see the following Fig. Comparison of the frame displays in the System Manager.
The image on the left shows a small number (2) of acyclic frames sent by the master during the respective
second - all slaves are operating properly. The image on the right shows a significant increase (currently 77
acyclic frames/sec): The EtherCAT master has quickly detected that not all slaves are properly taking part in
the data exchange. Once the master has located the fault, it continuously tries to restore the connection.
Once the connection has been restored, the EK1122 reports to the master that a link is present again at port
D (3). The EtherCAT master will then make its process data available again for this section. One the
preparations are complete, it will instruct the EK1122 to re-open port D (3) for regular data exchange. Cyclic
and acyclic data traffic with the other EtherCAT slaves continues normally.
5 Mounting
• Fit the mounting rail to the planned assembly location.
• Position the device in the mounting rail with the spring at the top of its latching flange (1)
• Push the lower side of the device (2) against the mounting surface until it latches on the mounting rail.
• Attach the cable.
• Remove all the cables.
• Pull the strap on the underside of the device (1) downwards with a screwdriver
• Pull the device upwards away from the mounting surface (2)
• Fit the mounting rail to the planned assembly location.
• Suspend the device on the mounting rail with the spring on the lower side of its latching flange.
• Press the device upwards (1).
• Press the upper side of the device (2) against the assembly surface until it latches in the mounting rail.
• Attach the cable.
• Remove all the cables.
• Press the device upwards (3).
• Pull the other side of the device (4) away from the assembly surface.
5.4 Dimensions
Space requirement in the control cabinet
• The RJ45 connector increase the depth depending on their design and the Ethernet cable used.
• Above the mounting rail an additional height of approx. 10 mm is required to enable latching
[} 33] of the switch onto the rail.
CU1123-00x0, CU1124
• The green RUN-LED indicates the state of the EtherCAT State Machine. It is located at the top of the
first RJ45-port (X1).
• The green LNK/ACT-LEDs indicate the current state of each channel. They are located at the bottom of
each RJ45-port.
LED Color Display Description
RUN green off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 68]: INIT = initialization of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox communication and differ-
ent default settings set
single flash State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync Manager [} 70] chan-
nels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and process data
communication is possible
flickering State of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = a firmware is loaded
LNK/ACT green off No connection
on Connection available (link)
flashing Data transfer (act)
CU1128 - LEDs
• The green Power LED indicates the presence of the supply voltage (24 VDC).
• The green LNK/ACT-LEDs indicate the current state of each channel. They are located at the bottom of
the RJ45-ports X1…X4 and on the top of the RJ45-ports X5…X8.
LED Color Display Description
LNK/ACT green off No connection
on Connection available (link)
flashing Data transfer (act)
5.6 UL notice
Beckhoff EtherCAT modules are intended for use with Beckhoff’s UL Listed EtherCAT Sys-
tem only.
For cULus examination, the Beckhoff I/O System has only been investigated for risk of fire
and electrical shock (in accordance with UL508 and CSA C22.2 No. 142).
Basic principles
UL certification according to UL508. Devices with this kind of certification are marked by this sign:
5.7 Disposal
Products marked with a crossed-out wheeled bin shall not be discarded
with the normal waste stream. The device is considered as waste
electrical and electronic equipment. The national regulations for the
disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment must be observed.
6 Commissioning
Install the CU112x components as described in chapter Mounting and wiring [} 31].
Notes on the configuration setting can be found in chapter Configuration in the TwinCAT System Manager
[} 81]
• TwinCAT 2:
◦ Connects I/O devices to tasks in a variable-oriented manner
◦ Connects tasks to tasks in a variable-oriented manner
◦ Supports units at the bit level
◦ Supports synchronous or asynchronous relationships
◦ Exchange of consistent data areas and process images
◦ Datalink on NT - Programs by open Microsoft Standards (OLE, OCX, ActiveX, DCOM+, etc.)
◦ Integration of IEC 61131-3-Software-SPS, Software- NC and Software-CNC within Windows
NT/2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7, NT/XP Embedded, CE
◦ Interconnection to all common fieldbusses
◦ More…
Additional features:
• TwinCAT 3 (eXtended Automation):
◦ Visual-Studio®-Integration
◦ Choice of the programming language
◦ Supports object orientated extension of IEC 61131-3
◦ Usage of C/C++ as programming language for real time applications
◦ Connection to MATLAB®/Simulink®
◦ Open interface for expandability
◦ Flexible run-time environment
◦ Active support of Multi-Core- und 64-Bit-Operatingsystem
◦ Automatic code generation and project creation with the TwinCAT Automation Interface
◦ More…
Within the following sections commissioning of the TwinCAT Development Environment on a PC System for
the control and also the basically functions of unique control elements will be explained.
In the System Manager call up the TwinCAT overview of the local network interfaces via Options → Show
Real Time Ethernet Compatible Devices.
This have to be called up by the Menü “TwinCAT” within the TwinCAT 3 environment:
Interfaces listed under “Compatible devices” can be assigned a driver via the “Install” button. A driver should
only be installed on compatible devices.
Alternatively an EtherCAT-device can be inserted first of all as described in chapter Offline configuration
creation, section “Creating the EtherCAT device” [} 49] in order to view the compatible ethernet ports via its
EtherCAT properties (tab “Adapter”, button “Compatible Devices…”):
Fig. 34: EtherCAT device properties(TwinCAT 2): click on “Compatible Devices…” of tab “Adapte””
TwinCAT 3: the properties of the EtherCAT device can be opened by double click on “Device .. (EtherCAT)”
within the Solution Explorer under “I/O”:
After the installation the driver appears activated in the Windows overview for the network interface
(Windows Start → System Properties → Network)
Fig. 36: Exemplary correct driver setting for the Ethernet port
IP address/DHCP
In most cases an Ethernet port that is configured as an EtherCAT device will not transport general
IP packets. For this reason and in cases where an EL6601 or similar devices are used it is useful to
specify a fixed IP address for this port via the “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” driver setting and to disable
DHCP. In this way the delay associated with the DHCP client for the Ethernet port assigning itself a
default IP address in the absence of a DHCP server is avoided. A suitable address space is
192.168.x.x, for example.
The TwinCAT EtherCAT master/System Manager needs the device description files for the devices to be
used in order to generate the configuration in online or offline mode. The device descriptions are contained
in the so-called ESI files (EtherCAT Slave Information) in XML format. These files can be requested from the
respective manufacturer and are made available for download. An *.xml file may contain several device
The ESI files for Beckhoff EtherCAT devices are available on the Beckhoff website.
Default settings:
• TwinCAT 2: C:\TwinCAT\IO\EtherCAT
• TwinCAT 3: C:\TwinCAT\3.1\Config\Io\EtherCAT
The files are read (once) when a new System Manager window is opened, if they have changed since the
last time the System Manager window was opened.
A TwinCAT installation includes the set of Beckhoff ESI files that was current at the time when the TwinCAT
build was created.
For TwinCAT 2.11/TwinCAT 3 and higher, the ESI directory can be updated from the System Manager, if the
programming PC is connected to the Internet; by
• TwinCAT 2: Option → “Update EtherCAT Device Descriptions”
• TwinCAT 3: TwinCAT → EtherCAT Devices → “Update Device Descriptions (via ETG Website)…”
The *.xml files are associated with *.xsd files, which describe the structure of the ESI XML files. To
update the ESI device descriptions, both file types should therefore be updated.
Device differentiation
EtherCAT devices/slaves are distinguished by four properties, which determine the full device identifier. For
example, the device identifier EL2521-0025-1018 consists of:
• family key “EL”
• name “2521”
• type “0025”
• and revision “1018”
The order identifier consisting of name + type (here: EL2521-0010) describes the device function. The
revision indicates the technical progress and is managed by Beckhoff. In principle, a device with a higher
revision can replace a device with a lower revision, unless specified otherwise, e.g. in the documentation.
Each revision has its own ESI description. See further notes.
Online description
If the EtherCAT configuration is created online through scanning of real devices (see section Online setup)
and no ESI descriptions are available for a slave (specified by name and revision) that was found, the
System Manager asks whether the description stored in the device should be used. In any case, the System
Manager needs this information for setting up the cyclic and acyclic communication with the slave correctly.
In TwinCAT 3 a similar window appears, which also offers the Web update:
If possible, the Yes is to be rejected and the required ESI is to be requested from the device manufacturer.
After installation of the XML/XSD file the configuration process should be repeated.
Changing the “usual” configuration through a scan
ü If a scan discovers a device that is not yet known to TwinCAT, distinction has to be made between two
cases. Taking the example here of the EL2521-0000 in the revision 1019
a) no ESI is present for the EL2521-0000 device at all, either for the revision 1019 or for an older revision.
The ESI must then be requested from the manufacturer (in this case Beckhoff).
b) an ESI is present for the EL2521-0000 device, but only in an older revision, e.g. 1018 or 1017.
In this case an in-house check should first be performed to determine whether the spare parts stock al-
lows the integration of the increased revision into the configuration at all. A new/higher revision usually
also brings along new features. If these are not to be used, work can continue without reservations with
the previous revision 1018 in the configuration. This is also stated by the Beckhoff compatibility rule.
Refer in particular to the chapter “General notes on the use of Beckhoff EtherCAT IO components” and for
manual configuration to the chapter “Offline configuration creation [} 49]”.
If the OnlineDescription is used regardless, the System Manager reads a copy of the device description from
the EEPROM in the EtherCAT slave. In complex slaves the size of the EEPROM may not be sufficient for the
complete ESI, in which case the ESI would be incomplete in the configurator. Therefore it’s recommended
using an offline ESI file with priority in such a case.
The System Manager creates for online recorded device descriptions a new file
“OnlineDescription0000...xml” in its ESI directory, which contains all ESI descriptions that were read online.
Is a slave desired to be added manually to the configuration at a later stage, online created slaves are
indicated by a prepended symbol “>” in the selection list (see Figure Indication of an online recorded ESI of
EL2521 as an example).
If such ESI files are used and the manufacturer's files become available later, the file OnlineDescription.xml
should be deleted as follows:
• close all System Manager windows
• restart TwinCAT in Config mode
• delete “OnlineDescription0000...xml”
• restart TwinCAT System Manager
This file should not be visible after this procedure, if necessary press <F5> to update
If an ESI file is faulty and the System Manager is unable to read it, the System Manager brings up an
information window.
Fig. 44: Information window for faulty ESI file (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)
Select type “EtherCAT” for an EtherCAT I/O application with EtherCAT slaves. For the present publisher/
subscriber service in combination with an EL6601/EL6614 terminal select “EtherCAT Automation Protocol
via EL6601”.
Then assign a real Ethernet port to this virtual device in the runtime system.
This query may appear automatically when the EtherCAT device is created, or the assignment can be set/
modified later in the properties dialog; see Fig. “EtherCAT device properties (TwinCAT 2)”.
TwinCAT 3: the properties of the EtherCAT device can be opened by double click on “Device .. (EtherCAT)”
within the Solution Explorer under “I/O”:
The dialog for selecting a new device opens. Only devices for which ESI files are available are displayed.
Only devices are offered for selection that can be appended to the previously selected device. Therefore the
physical layer available for this port is also displayed (Fig. “Selection dialog for new EtherCAT device”, A). In
the case of cable-based Fast-Ethernet physical layer with PHY transfer, then also only cable-based devices
are available, as shown in Fig. “Selection dialog for new EtherCAT device”. If the preceding device has
several free ports (e.g. EK1122 or EK1100), the required port can be selected on the right-hand side (A).
The search field facilitates finding specific devices (since TwinCAT 2.11 or TwinCAT 3).
By default only the name/device type is used as selection criterion. For selecting a specific revision of the
device the revision can be displayed as “Extended Information”.
In many cases several device revisions were created for historic or functional reasons, e.g. through
technological advancement. For simplification purposes (see Fig. “Selection dialog for new EtherCAT
device”) only the last (i.e. highest) revision and therefore the latest state of production is displayed in the
selection dialog for Beckhoff devices. To show all device revisions available in the system as ESI
descriptions tick the “Show Hidden Devices” check box, see Fig. “Display of previous revisions”.
If current ESI descriptions are available in the TwinCAT system, the last revision offered in the selection
dialog matches the Beckhoff state of production. It is recommended to use the last device revision when
creating a new configuration, if current Beckhoff devices are used in the real application. Older revisions
should only be used if older devices from stock are to be used in the application.
In this case the process image of the device is shown in the configuration tree and can be parameterized as
follows: linking with the task, CoE/DC settings, plug-in definition, startup settings, ...
Fig. 54: EtherCAT terminal in the TwinCAT tree (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)
The online device search can be used if the TwinCAT system is in CONFIG mode. This can be indicated by
a symbol right below in the information bar:
• on TwinCAT 2 by a blue display “Config Mode” within the System Manager window: .
The TwinCAT 2 icon ( ) or TwinCAT 3 icon ( ) within the Windows-Taskbar always shows the
TwinCAT mode of the local IPC. Compared to that, the System Manager window of TwinCAT 2 or the user
interface of TwinCAT 3 indicates the state of the target system.
Right-clicking on “I/O Devices” in the configuration tree opens the search dialog.
This scan mode attempts to find not only EtherCAT devices (or Ethernet ports that are usable as such), but
also NOVRAM, fieldbus cards, SMB etc. However, not all devices can be found automatically.
Fig. 57: Note for automatic device scan (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)
Ethernet ports with installed TwinCAT real-time driver are shown as “RT Ethernet” devices. An EtherCAT
frame is sent to these ports for testing purposes. If the scan agent detects from the response that an
EtherCAT slave is connected, the port is immediately shown as an “EtherCAT Device” .
Via respective checkboxes devices can be selected (as illustrated in Fig. “Detected Ethernet devices” e.g.
Device 3 and Device 4 were chosen). After confirmation with “OK” a device scan is suggested for all selected
devices, see Fig.: “Scan query after automatic creation of an EtherCAT device”.
Slave scanning in practice in series machine production
The scanning function should be used with care. It is a practical and fast tool for creating an initial configu-
ration as a basis for commissioning. In series machine production or reproduction of the plant, however, the
function should no longer be used for the creation of the configuration, but if necessary for comparison
[} 59] with the defined initial configuration.Background: since Beckhoff occasionally increases the revision
version of the delivered products for product maintenance reasons, a configuration can be created by such
a scan which (with an identical machine construction) is identical according to the device list; however, the
respective device revision may differ from the initial configuration.
Company A builds the prototype of a machine B, which is to be produced in series later on. To do this the
prototype is built, a scan of the IO devices is performed in TwinCAT and the initial configuration “B.tsm” is
created. The EL2521-0025 EtherCAT terminal with the revision 1018 is located somewhere. It is thus built
into the TwinCAT configuration in this way:
Likewise, during the prototype test phase, the functions and properties of this terminal are tested by the
programmers/commissioning engineers and used if necessary, i.e. addressed from the PLC “” or the
NC. (the same applies correspondingly to the TwinCAT 3 solution files).
The prototype development is now completed and series production of machine B starts, for which Beckhoff
continues to supply the EL2521-0025-0018. If the commissioning engineers of the series machine production
department always carry out a scan, a B configuration with the identical contents results again for each
machine. Likewise, A might create spare parts stores worldwide for the coming series-produced machines
with EL2521-0025-1018 terminals.
After some time Beckhoff extends the EL2521-0025 by a new feature C. Therefore the FW is changed,
outwardly recognizable by a higher FW version and a new revision -1019. Nevertheless the new device
naturally supports functions and interfaces of the predecessor version(s); an adaptation of “B.tsm” or even
“” is therefore unnecessary. The series-produced machines can continue to be built with “B.tsm” and
“”; it makes sense to perform a comparative scan [} 59] against the initial configuration “B.tsm” in order
to check the built machine.
However, if the series machine production department now doesn’t use “B.tsm”, but instead carries out a
scan to create the productive configuration, the revision -1019 is automatically detected and built into the
This is usually not noticed by the commissioning engineers. TwinCAT cannot signal anything either, since
virtually a new configuration is created. According to the compatibility rule, however, this means that no
EL2521-0025-1018 should be built into this machine as a spare part (even if this nevertheless works in the
vast majority of cases).
In addition, it could be the case that, due to the development accompanying production in company A, the
new feature C of the EL2521-0025-1019 (for example, an improved analog filter or an additional process
data for the diagnosis) is discovered and used without in-house consultation. The previous stock of spare
part devices are then no longer to be used for the new configuration “B2.tsm” created in this way. Þ if series
machine production is established, the scan should only be performed for informative purposes for
comparison with a defined initial configuration. Changes are to be made with care!
If an EtherCAT device was created in the configuration (manually or through a scan), the I/O field can be
scanned for devices/slaves.
Fig. 62: Scan query after automatic creation of an EtherCAT device (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)
Fig. 63: Manual triggering of a device scan on a specified EtherCAT device (left: TwinCAT 2; right:
TwinCAT 3)
In the System Manager (TwinCAT 2) or the User Interface (TwinCAT 3) the scan process can be monitored
via the progress bar at the bottom in the status bar.
The configuration is established and can then be switched to online state (OPERATIONAL).
In Config/FreeRun mode the System Manager display alternates between blue and red, and the EtherCAT
device continues to operate with the idling cycle time of 4 ms (default setting), even without active task (NC,
Fig. 66: Displaying of “Free Run” and “Config Mode” toggling right below in the status bar
Fig. 67: TwinCAT can also be switched to this state by using a button (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)
The EtherCAT system should then be in a functional cyclic state, as shown in Fig. Online display example.
Please note:
• all slaves should be in OP state
• the EtherCAT master should be in “Actual State” OP
• “frames/sec” should match the cycle time taking into account the sent number of frames
• no excessive “LostFrames” or CRC errors should occur
The configuration is now complete. It can be modified as described under manual procedure [} 49].
In the System Manager such devices may be set up as EK0000 or unknown devices. Operation is not
possible or meaningful.
Change of the configuration after comparison
With this scan (TwinCAT 2.11 or 3.1) only the device properties vendor (manufacturer), device name and
revision are compared at present! A “ChangeTo” or “Copy” should only be carried out with care, taking into
consideration the Beckhoff IO compatibility rule (see above). The device configuration is then replaced by
the revision found; this can affect the supported process data and functions.
If a scan is initiated for an existing configuration, the actual I/O environment may match the configuration
exactly or it may differ. This enables the configuration to be compared.
If differences are detected, they are shown in the correction dialog, so that the user can modify the
configuration as required.
It is advisable to tick the “Extended Information” check box to reveal differences in the revision.
Color Explanation
green This EtherCAT slave matches the entry on the other side. Both type and revision match.
blue This EtherCAT slave is present on the other side, but in a different revision. This other revision can
have other default values for the process data as well as other/additional functions.
If the found revision is higher than the configured revision, the slave may be used provided
compatibility issues are taken into account.
If the found revision is lower than the configured revision, it is likely that the slave cannot be used.
The found device may not support all functions that the master expects based on the higher
revision number.
light This EtherCAT slave is ignored (“Ignore” button)
red • This EtherCAT slave is not present on the other side.
• It is present, but in a different revision, which also differs in its properties from the one specified.
The compatibility principle then also applies here: if the found revision is higher than the
configured revision, use is possible provided compatibility issues are taken into account, since
the successor devices should support the functions of the predecessor devices.
If the found revision is lower than the configured revision, it is likely that the slave cannot be
used. The found device may not support all functions that the master expects based on the
higher revision number.
If current ESI descriptions are available in the TwinCAT system, the last revision offered in the selection
dialog matches the Beckhoff state of production. It is recommended to use the last device revision when
creating a new configuration, if current Beckhoff devices are used in the real application. Older revisions
should only be used if older devices from stock are to be used in the application.
In this case the process image of the device is shown in the configuration tree and can be parameterized as
follows: linking with the task, CoE/DC settings, plug-in definition, startup settings, ...
Once all modifications have been saved or accepted, click “OK” to transfer them to the real *.tsm
TwinCAT offers a function Change to Compatible Type… for the exchange of a device whilst retaining the
links in the task.
Fig. 74: Dialog “Change to Compatible Type…” (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)
The following elements in the ESI of an EtherCAT device are compared by TwinCAT and assumed to be the
same in order to decide whether a device is indicated as "compatible":
- FoE
- PDO (process data: Sequence, SyncUnit SU, SyncManager SM, EntryCount, Ent-ry.Datatype)
The TwinCAT System Manager offers a function for the exchange of a device: Change to Alternative Type
If called, the System Manager searches in the procured device ESI (in this example: EL1202-0000) for
details of compatible devices contained there. The configuration is changed and the ESI-EEPROM is
overwritten at the same time – therefore this process is possible only in the online state (ConfigMode).
In the right-hand window of the TwinCAT System Manager (TwinCAT 2) or the Development Environment
(TwinCAT 3), various tabs are now available for configuring the terminal. And yet the dimension of
complexity of a subscriber determines which tabs are provided. Thus as illustrated in the example above the
terminal EL3751 provides many setup options and also a respective number of tabs are available. On the
contrary by the terminal EL1004 for example the tabs “General”, “EtherCAT”, “Process Data” and “Online“
are available only. Several terminals, as for instance the EL6695 provide special functions by a tab with its
own terminal name, so “EL6695” in this case. A specific tab “Settings” by terminals with a wide range of
setup options will be provided also (e.g. EL3751).
“General” tab
“EtherCAT” tab
The link at the bottom of the tab points to the product page for this EtherCAT device on the web.
Indicates the configuration of the process data. The input and output data of the EtherCAT slave are
represented as CANopen process data objects (Process Data Objects, PDOs). The user can select a PDO
via PDO assignment and modify the content of the individual PDO via this dialog, if the EtherCAT slave
supports this function.
The process data (PDOs) transferred by an EtherCAT slave during each cycle are user data which the
application expects to be updated cyclically or which are sent to the slave. To this end the EtherCAT master
(Beckhoff TwinCAT) parameterizes each EtherCAT slave during the start-up phase to define which process
data (size in bits/bytes, source location, transmission type) it wants to transfer to or from this slave. Incorrect
configuration can prevent successful start-up of the slave.
For Beckhoff EtherCAT EL, ES, EM, EJ and EP slaves the following applies in general:
• The input/output process data supported by the device are defined by the manufacturer in the ESI/XML
description. The TwinCAT EtherCAT Master uses the ESI description to configure the slave correctly.
• The process data can be modified in the System Manager. See the device documentation.
Examples of modifications include: mask out a channel, displaying additional cyclic information, 16-bit
display instead of 8-bit data size, etc.
• In so-called “intelligent” EtherCAT devices the process data information is also stored in the CoE
directory. Any changes in the CoE directory that lead to different PDO settings prevent successful
startup of the slave. It is not advisable to deviate from the designated process data, because the
device firmware (if available) is adapted to these PDO combinations.
If the device documentation allows modification of process data, proceed as follows (see Figure Configuring
the process data).
• A: select the device to configure
• B: in the “Process Data” tab select Input or Output under SyncManager (C)
• D: the PDOs can be selected or deselected
• H: the new process data are visible as linkable variables in the System Manager
The new process data are active once the configuration has been activated and TwinCAT has been
restarted (or the EtherCAT master has been restarted)
• E: if a slave supports this, Input and Output PDO can be modified simultaneously by selecting a so-
called PDO record (“predefined PDO settings”).
“Startup” tab
The Startup tab is displayed if the EtherCAT slave has a mailbox and supports the CANopen over EtherCAT
(CoE) or Servo drive over EtherCAT protocol. This tab indicates which download requests are sent to the
mailbox during startup. It is also possible to add new mailbox requests to the list display. The download
requests are sent to the slave in the same order as they are shown in the list.
Column Description
Transition Transition to which the request is sent. This can either be
• the transition from pre-operational to safe-operational (PS), or
• the transition from safe-operational to operational (SO).
If the transition is enclosed in “<>” (e.g. <PS>), the mailbox request is fixed and cannot be
modified or deleted by the user.
Protocol Type of mailbox protocol
Index Index of the object
Data Date on which this object is to be downloaded.
Comment Description of the request to be sent to the mailbox
Move Up This button moves the selected request up by one position in the list.
Move Down This button moves the selected request down by one position in the list.
New This button adds a new mailbox download request to be sent during startup.
Delete This button deletes the selected entry.
Edit This button edits an existing request.
The additional CoE - Online tab is displayed if the EtherCAT slave supports the CANopen over EtherCAT
(CoE) protocol. This dialog lists the content of the object list of the slave (SDO upload) and enables the user
to modify the content of an object from this list. Details for the objects of the individual EtherCAT devices can
be found in the device-specific object descriptions.
Update List The Update list button updates all objects in the displayed list
Auto Update If this check box is selected, the content of the objects is updated automatically.
Advanced The Advanced button opens the Advanced Settings dialog. Here you can specify which
objects are displayed in the list.
Online - via SDO Information If this option button is selected, the list of the objects included in the object
list of the slave is uploaded from the slave via SDO information. The list
below can be used to specify which object types are to be uploaded.
Offline - via EDS File If this option button is selected, the list of the objects included in the object
list is read from an EDS file provided by the user.
“Online” tab
State Machine
Init This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the Init state.
Pre-Op This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the pre-operational state.
Op This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the operational state.
Bootstrap This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the Bootstrap state.
Safe-Op This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the safe-operational state.
Clear Error This button attempts to delete the fault display. If an EtherCAT slave fails during
change of state it sets an error flag.
Example: An EtherCAT slave is in PREOP state (pre-operational). The master now
requests the SAFEOP state (safe-operational). If the slave fails during change of
state it sets the error flag. The current state is now displayed as ERR PREOP.
When the Clear Error button is pressed the error flag is cleared, and the current
state is displayed as PREOP again.
Current State Indicates the current state of the EtherCAT device.
Requested State Indicates the state requested for the EtherCAT device.
DLL Status
Indicates the DLL status (data link layer status) of the individual ports of the EtherCAT slave. The DLL status
can have four different states:
Status Description
No Carrier / Open No carrier signal is available at the port, but the port is open.
No Carrier / Closed No carrier signal is available at the port, and the port is closed.
Carrier / Open A carrier signal is available at the port, and the port is open.
Carrier / Closed A carrier signal is available at the port, but the port is closed.
Sync Manager
If an input is selected, the corresponding PDO assignment is displayed in the PDO Assignment list below.
PDO Assignment
PDO assignment of the selected Sync Manager. All PDOs defined for this Sync Manager type are listed
• If the output Sync Manager (outputs) is selected in the Sync Manager list, all RxPDOs are displayed.
• If the input Sync Manager (inputs) is selected in the Sync Manager list, all TxPDOs are displayed.
The selected entries are the PDOs involved in the process data transfer. In the tree diagram of the System
Manager these PDOs are displayed as variables of the EtherCAT device. The name of the variable is
identical to the Name parameter of the PDO, as displayed in the PDO list. If an entry in the PDO assignment
list is deactivated (not selected and greyed out), this indicates that the input is excluded from the PDO
assignment. In order to be able to select a greyed out PDO, the currently selected PDO has to be deselected
PDO list
List of all PDOs supported by this EtherCAT device. The content of the selected PDOs is displayed in the
PDO Content list. The PDO configuration can be modified by double-clicking on an entry.
Column Description
Index PDO index.
Size Size of the PDO in bytes.
Name Name of the PDO.
If this PDO is assigned to a Sync Manager, it appears as a variable of the slave with this
parameter as the name.
Flags F Fixed content: The content of this PDO is fixed and cannot be changed by the
System Manager.
M Mandatory PDO. This PDO is mandatory and must therefore be assigned to a
Sync Manager! Consequently, this PDO cannot be deleted from the PDO
Assignment list
SM Sync Manager to which this PDO is assigned. If this entry is empty, this PDO does not take
part in the process data traffic.
SU Sync unit to which this PDO is assigned.
PDO Content
Indicates the content of the PDO. If flag F (fixed content) of the PDO is not set the content can be modified.
If the device is intelligent and has a mailbox, the configuration of the PDO and the PDO assignments can be
downloaded to the device. This is an optional feature that is not supported by all EtherCAT slaves.
PDO Assignment
If this check box is selected, the PDO assignment that is configured in the PDO Assignment list is
downloaded to the device on startup. The required commands to be sent to the device can be viewed in the
Startup [} 65] tab.
PDO Configuration
If this check box is selected, the configuration of the respective PDOs (as shown in the PDO list and the
PDO Content display) is downloaded to the EtherCAT slave.
Generally speaking an EtherCAT Slave provides a variety of diagnostic information that can be used by the
controlling task.
This diagnostic information relates to differing levels of communication. It therefore has a variety of sources,
and is also updated at various times.
Any application that relies on I/O data from a fieldbus being correct and up to date must make diagnostic
access to the corresponding underlying layers. EtherCAT and the TwinCAT System Manager offer
comprehensive diagnostic elements of this kind. Those diagnostic elements that are helpful to the controlling
task for diagnosis that is accurate for the current cycle when in operation (not during commissioning) are
discussed below.
• communication diagnosis typical for a slave (diagnosis of successful participation in the exchange of
process data, and correct operating mode)
This diagnosis is the same for all slaves.
as well as
• function diagnosis typical for a channel (device-dependent)
See the corresponding device documentation
The colors in Fig. Selection of the diagnostic information of an EtherCAT Slave also correspond to the
variable colors in the System Manager, see Fig. Basic EtherCAT Slave Diagnosis in the PLC.
Colour Meaning
yellow Input variables from the Slave to the EtherCAT Master, updated in every cycle
red Output variables from the Slave to the EtherCAT Master, updated in every cycle
green Information variables for the EtherCAT Master that are updated acyclically. This means that
it is possible that in any particular cycle they do not represent the latest possible status. It is
therefore useful to read such variables through ADS.
Fig. Basic EtherCAT Slave Diagnosis in the PLC shows an example of an implementation of basic EtherCAT
Slave Diagnosis. A Beckhoff EL3102 (2-channel analogue input terminal) is used here, as it offers both the
communication diagnosis typical of a slave and the functional diagnosis that is specific to a channel.
Structures are created as input variables in the PLC, each corresponding to the process image.
Diagnostic information
It is strongly recommended that the diagnostic information made available is evaluated so that the applica-
tion can react accordingly.
The CoE parameter directory (CanOpen-over-EtherCAT) is used to manage the set values for the slave
concerned. Changes may, in some circumstances, have to be made here when commissioning a relatively
complex EtherCAT Slave. It can be accessed through the TwinCAT System Manager, see Fig. EL3102, CoE
Commissioning interfaces are being introduced as part of an ongoing process for EL/EP EtherCAT devices.
These are available in TwinCAT System Managers from TwinCAT 2.11R2 and above. They are integrated
into the System Manager through appropriately extended ESI configuration files.
Although the “Process Data”, “DC”, “Startup” and “CoE-Online” that used to be necessary for this are still
displayed, it is recommended that, if the commissioning aid is used, the automatically generated settings are
not changed by it.
The commissioning tool does not cover every possible application of an EL/EP device. If the available setting
options are not adequate, the user can make the DC, PDO and CoE settings manually, as in the past.
EtherCAT State: automatic default behaviour of the TwinCAT System Manager and manual operation
After the operating power is switched on, an EtherCAT Slave must go through the following statuses
• OP
to ensure sound operation. The EtherCAT Master directs these statuses in accordance with the initialization
routines that are defined for commissioning the device by the ES/XML and user settings (Distributed Clocks
(DC), PDO, CoE). See also the section on "Principles of Communication, EtherCAT State Machine" in this
connection. Depending how much configuration has to be done, and on the overall communication, booting
can take up to a few seconds.
The EtherCAT Master itself must go through these routines when starting, until it has reached at least the
OP target state.
The target state wanted by the user, and which is brought about automatically at start-up by TwinCAT, can
be set in the System Manager. As soon as TwinCAT reaches the status RUN, the TwinCAT EtherCAT
Master will approach the target states.
Standard setting
In addition, the target state of any particular Slave can be set in the “Advanced Settings” dialogue; the
standard setting is again OP.
Manual Control
There are particular reasons why it may be appropriate to control the states from the application/task/PLC.
For instance:
In that case it is appropriate in the PLC application to use the PLC function blocks from the TcEtherCAT.lib,
which is available as standard, and to work through the states in a controlled manner using, for instance,
It is then useful to put the settings in the EtherCAT Master to INIT for master and slave.
EL/ES terminals are placed on the DIN rail at a coupler on the terminal strand. A Bus Coupler can supply the
EL terminals added to it with the E-bus system voltage of 5 V; a coupler is thereby loadable up to 2 A as a
rule. Information on how much current each EL terminal requires from the E-bus supply is available online
and in the catalogue. If the added terminals require more current than the coupler can supply, then power
feed terminals (e.g. EL9410) must be inserted at appropriate places in the terminal strand.
The pre-calculated theoretical maximum E-Bus current is displayed in the TwinCAT System Manager as a
column value. A shortfall is marked by a negative total amount and an exclamation mark; a power feed
terminal is to be placed before such a position.
From TwinCAT 2.11 and above, a warning message “E-Bus Power of Terminal...” is output in the logger
window when such a configuration is activated:
Caution! Malfunction possible!
The same ground potential must be used for the E-Bus supply of all EtherCAT terminals in a terminal block!
The EtherCAT reference clock should be located near the start of the system hierarchy, in particular before
flexible components (HotConnect). It is therefore advisable to use couplers or junction components such as
the CU1128 as DC reference clock.
Without further settings, the TwinCAT System Manager uses the first DC-capable terminal/coupler as the
reference clock; see Fig. example topology with EL7201 as reference clock.
If the junction with the EL7201 was uncoupled, e.g. due to topology changes during machine runtime or a
fault, the EtherCAT system would lose its reference clock. Central components should therefore deal with
this function.
Under Advanced settings for first CU1128 (ESC1), tick the Use as potential Reference Clock checkbox.
This function can be activated in components, refer here to the notices in the EK1100 documentation.
Since the CU1128 with its three integrated slaves is a little different from other slaves, some further
information is provided below.
From TwinCAT 2.10 b1340 (and therefore also TwinCAT 2.11 and higher) the CU1128 is detected during the
scan, and the main device plus the two slaves (CU1128-0001 and CU1128-0002) are created.
To check, make sure in the topology view (see Fig. CU1128 topology display in the System Manager) that
the CU1128 is displayed as three junctions in one level.
For comparison, the following figure shows an incorrect display, caused by inadmissible relocation of the
slaves in the configuration, for example.
For manual configuration setup of the CU1128 and attached devices, the correct ESI/XML file must be
present, see here [} 49].
A new device is added in the Ethernet layer. The port specification in the selection dialog plays an important
part in the following; see Fig. Selection of the main device CU1128-000 on the right-hand side: it indicates at
which outgoing port of the selected device the new device is to be connected. The selection options depend
on the hardware (Ethernet or E-bus) available at ports A, B, C, D. In this example only Ethernet, port B is
available at the EtherCAT master.
The revision number can be shown in the selection dialog by ticking Extended Information.
Inserting CU1128
To add a CU1128 to a configuration, always use DeviceEtherCAT -> AppendBox and then move it
to the required position in the configuration via drag and drop.
Fig. 103: Added CU1128 with secondary devices Dev A and Dev B
The PreviousPort field of the secondary devices indicates that they are connected to port C of the previous
It is common for further devices to be connected to the outgoing ports of the CU1128 at this stage. This is
explained below, using a further CU1128 as an example. Make sure that the correct connection point is
Then use drag and drop to move it to the required position. In this example the intention is to connect it to
port 4 of the CU1128, i.e. port D of ESC2 = Term2. This can be specified via PreviousPort.
Other EtherCAT devices with Ethernet hardware can also be connected to any ports via AppendBox.
Only Ethernet devices can be connected to a CU1128. Therefore, please make sure that Ethernet is
selected under Port (see Fig. Adding a device, right).
• A: once the CU1128 has been selected
• B: and one of the Ethernet ports has been selected,
• C: the new device can be selected.
The E-Bus port (see Fig. Port selection for CU1128) cannot be chosen, because the next CU1128 secondary
device is attached to it.
7 Appendix
The main slave is the CU1128-0000, in this case revision -0000. The two following internal slaves are
CU1128-0001 and CU1128-0002.
The EEPROM can be updated via the EEPROM Update dialog in the System Manager. This is only
necessary in special cases and should only be done if instructed by Beckhoff support/service.
All three internal ESCs can be write-accessed sequentially, followed by an off/on restart, in order to load the
EEPROM. For assignment in the TwinCAT selection dialog, see Fig. Currently available EEPROM
descriptions for CU1128 and assignment.
Fig. 116: Currently available EEPROM descriptions for CU1128 and assignment
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