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15 5 Body Composition Assessment Old Name Body Composition 2 18

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Pranjali Palkar & Lata Rajan 1

Body Composition Assessment

The Scientific Study Of The Measurements And Proportions Of The Human Body

Anthropometric Data
Take body measurements of

Height Weight Circumference

Anthropometric Data

1. Ideal Body Weight (IBW)

2. Body Mass Index (BMI)

3. Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR)

4. Waist Circumference

Ideal Body Weight
IBW or 'Ideal body weight' (Broca’s Index):

Males IBW = Height in cms - 100

Female (IBW) = [Height in cms - 100] - 10%

Target should be IBW Range of +/- 5 Kgs for both male and female .

Example 1 : Male, Height = 6’1”, Find out his Ideal Body Weight Range

Step 1: Converting the height given in feet and inches into cms:
6’1” = (6 * 12 * 2.54) + (1 * 2.54)
= (182.88) + (2.54)
= 185.42 cms (to be rounded off)
Height (cm) = 185 cms

Step 2: Male (IBW) = Height (cms) – 100

= 185 - 100
Male (IBW) = 85 kgs

Step 3: IBW Range = +/- 5 kg

IBW Range = 80 - 90 Kg ( +/- 5 kg)

Example 2 : Female, Height = 5’3”, Find out her Ideal Body Weight Range

Step 1: Converting the height given in feet and inches into cms:
5’3” = (5 * 12 * 2.54) + (3 * 2.54)
= (152.4) + (7.62)
= 160.02 cms (to be rounded off)
Height (cm) = 160 cms

Step 2: Female (IBW) = 10% less of Male IBW

Male IBW = 160 – 100 = 60 Kg

Female IBW = 60 – 6.0

Female (IBW) = 54 Kg

Step 3: IBW Range = +/- 5 kg

IBW Range = 49 - 59 Kg ( +/- 5 kg)

IBW range
Height (feet and IBW Range (kgs) IBW Range (kgs)
inches) Males Females

6’ 78 — 88 70 — 80

5’10” 73 — 83 55 – 65

5’8” 68 —78 61 — 71

5’6” 63 — 73 56 — 66

5’4” 58 — 68 52 — 62

5’2” 52 — 62 47 – 57

5’ 47 – 57 43 — 53

For Practice
Body Mass Index (BMI)
2. Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI = Weight (kg)

Height (m)2

Example — Height: 5’5”; weight: 70 kgs

5’5” = 165 cms = 1.65 m

BMI = 70
( 1.65*1.65)

= 70

= 25.73 kg/ m2

BMI (kg/m22) Interpretation

17.9 and below Underweight

18 - 22.9 Normal Weight

23 - 24.9 Overweight

25 and above Obese 9

3. Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
WHR = Waist (cms or inches )
Hip (cms or inches)

Male = less than 0.95

Female = less than 0.86

4. Waist circumference (cm)

Male = less than 90 cms (35.5 inches)

Female = less than 80 cms (31.5 inches)
Body Fat Percentage (%)
Body Fat % = Percentage of body fat out of total body weight

Male = below or equal to 15 %

Female = below or equal to 20%

Understanding Body Composition
Example: 4 Males with the same height 5'4” (163 cm)
So IBW = 63kg

Parameter Male A Male B Male C Male D

IBW (Kg) 63 63 63 63

Actual Weight (Kg) 60 55 80 80

Interpretation as per IBW Ideal

Underweight Overweight Overweight
range- (58-68 kg) Weight

BMI 22.7 20.8 30.3 30.3

Interpretation as per BMI Normal Normal Obese Obese

Body Fat % 30% 25% 15% 40%

Understanding true body High Body High Body Fat %,

Low Body Fat %, High Body Fat %,
composition Fat %,
Curated by: Meenal Sharma
Body Composition Assessment
Body fat percentage can be measured by :

1. Underwater (Hydrostatic) Weighing/ Densitometry


3.Skinfold Calipers

4.Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

5.DXA (Dual-energy Xray Absorptiometry)

6.Judgment of Body Fat Percentage through Visual Assessment & Body


1. Underwater Weighing

Water Displacement Method

Principle of Underwater Weighing
Based on Archimedes principle

1. Volume of body = Volume of water displaced

2. Body weighs lesser in water because of buoyancy (lightness) of body fat

So, Person with More Body fat% will

1. Displace more water - Because of more volume (space) occupied by body fat
2. Weigh much lesser in water (than the weight in air) - Because of more body fat,
which is buoyant than a person with More LBM & Less Body fat%

Advantages Disadvantages
Accurate and precise Disadvantage for a person who feels uncomfortable under

1. Underwater Weighing
Archimedes Principle

1. Volume of body = Volume of water 2. Body weighs lesser in water because of

displaced buoyancy (lightness) of body fat

Curated by: Meenal Sharma
1. Underwater Weighing

Curated by: Meenal Sharma
1. Underwater Weighing

• The dry weight of the subject is first determined

• The subject, in minimal clothing, then sits on a specialized seat, expels all
the air from their lungs, and is lowered into the tank until all body parts are

• The person must remain motionless underwater while the

underwater weight is recorded

• This procedure is repeated several times to get a dependable

underwater weight measure


Air Displacement Method


• The BOD POD is an Air Displacement

Plethysmograph (ADP) that uses whole
body densitometry to determine body
composition (fat vs. LBM)

• It works by measuring the volume of air you

displace inside the pod, and then runs it
through a complicated mathematical
equation to measure your fat, lean muscle
mass, and resting metabolic rate

Steps To Follow

• No food, drink (limited water is ok) or exercise at least 2 hours prior to testing
• Use the restroom before testing
• Don’t apply any lotions or skin creams prior to your test
• Remove glasses and jewelry
• Wear minimal, form-fitting clothing
• Men: Lycra/spandex-type swimsuit or single-layer compression bike-style
shorts (no padding)
• Women: Lycra/spandex-type swimsuit or bike-style shorts and sports bra (no
wire or padding)
• A nylon swim cap will be provided to compress any air pockets within the hair

After weighing yourself, you sit inside the machine (and breath) for several
minutes. Takes about a minute, and then is repeated 2-3 times.

Advantages / Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
• Accurate and precise • Errors in Bod Pod can be due
• It is as accurate as hydrostatic to many factors - For example,
(underwater) weighing, but quicker facial hair, body temperature,
and easier to perform. The range moisture, and the tightness of
of error for this test is + 1 to 2.7% the spandex can all alter the
• Practical Gold Standard results
• For children, elderly, special • Expensive
population • Normally not accessible

3. Skin Fold Parameters
Caliper measures subcutaneous fat, more the subcutaneous fat,
greater the fat percentage

Harpenden Caliper

Lange Caliper

Based on assumptions
1. 50% of the full body fat is subcutaneous (under skin)
2. 7 anatomic sites represent full body fat

Skinfold Sites Description

1. Chest Diagonal fold. Male- / way between sternum & areola;
Female - between areola and the armpit (axilla) but
closer to the armpit, approx 1/3’d the distance
2. Mid Axillary A vertical fold taken on the mid -axillary line (a vertical line
descending directly from the center of the armpit) at the level of the

3. Triceps Diagonal fold (at a 45-degree angle); 1 to 2 cm below the inferior

angle of the scapula
4. Sub — Scapular Diagonal fold (at a 45-degree angle); 1 to 2 cm below the inferior
angle of the scapula
5. Abdomen Vertical fold. 2cm to right side of navel
6. Supra-iliac 2 cm above hipbone. 45° diagonal fold
7. Thigh Vertical fold. Front of right thigh. Mid -point between buttocks and
Skinfold Measurements
1. Pinch Skinfold with thumb & forefinger of left hand, 1 cm below anatomic site
2. Ask person to move (contract & relax) muscle so that it will slip out (if taken in
the pinch by mistake)
3. Apply caliper at exact site with right hand without releasing left hand Skinfold
4. Release jaws of caliper. They will apply an even pressure of 10g/mm* on the
5. Wait 1-2 seconds (not longer) before reading the caliper. Record reading in mm
6. Repeat 3 times (rotate through sites to allow time for skin to regain normal
texture & thickness). Retest if readings have difference > 1-2mm
7. Take average of 3 readings at each site
8. Add the average reading at all sites
9. Use the 'Total’ in formulas/standard tables given to calculate the total body

Problems Possible Solution
1. Error in measurement technique 1. The person should be well trained

2. Individual error 2. Take reading in triplicates.

Readings should be taken by the
same person especially if measured
for large
number of individuals

3. Based on assumptions & standard 3. None

formula (with Age & Gender bias)

4. Cannot be used in case of loss in skin 4. Do not use for extremely obese /
tone very lean & elderly persons

4. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Principle
'Bio' (body) 'Electrical' 'Impedance' (resistance)
Means resistance to passage of electric current in body
LBM Adipose Tissue
• Has higher water & salts, lesser fat content • Low water content & higher fat content
(conducts) (insulates)
• Allows current to pass faster • Resists electrical current.
Current passes slowly

Weight 60 kg 60 kg
Body Fat More body fat Less LBM Less body fat More LBM
Electric Current Passes slower Passes faster

Problems Possible Solution

1. Hydration status affects reading. If one 1. Take reading empty stomach in morning.
drinks more water (hydrated) = Shows Tell person to be always well hydrated.
lesser body fat reading. If one drinks Also minimizes errors due to impact of
less water (dehydrated) = Shows higher exercise or digestion
body fat reading 2. Use electrodes at both limbs (hand &
2. Only Upper / Lower body reading feet)
obtained as the current takes shortest 3. Entering a different age/ gender should
possible route. not change the reading
3. Bias of Gender & Age Empirical formula 4. Reading should be same if repeated
uses age & gender in calculating body after few minutes
fat Assumes females and older persons
to have more fat

5. Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry

• DXA does not need any assumptions concerning the biologic consistency of the fat and
fat – free components with hydrostatic weighing
• With DXA, two distinct low–energy-x-ray beams with short exposure with low
radiation dosage penetrate bone and soft tissue areas to a depth of approximately
• The subject lies supine on a table so the source and detector probes slowly pass across
the body over a 12-min period
• Computer software reconstructs the attenuated x-ray beams to produce an image of the
underlying tissues and quantify bone mineral content, total fat mass and FFM (fat free mass)

5. Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
Advantage Drawback
Highly precise, accurate & Expensive so ideal to use it at
reliable the
starting and ending of a program
It can distinguish regional as well Requires trained radiology
as whole body parameters of personnel
Convenient Technique

Same Body Mass Index for 4 Cases = 35.6 Kg/m2
Body 1 Body 2 Body 3 Body 4
Body Fat % 14.9% 29.1% 41.7% 37.6%

Fat Lean Bone

Body 1 Body 2 Body 3 Body 4

Curated by: Meenal
6. Judgment of Body Fat % Through Visual
Assessment And Body Measurements
1. Visual assessment
A. Lean, toned body = less fat more muscle
B. Loose, flabby, more circumference = more fat, less muscle

2. Body measurements
to locate visible fat accumulation on various sites
A. Chest Circumference – below the armpit
B. Mid Arm Circumference – center point of elbow and shoulder
C. Waist Circumference – one inch below the navel
D. Hip Circumference – widest part of the hip
E. Thigh Circumference – below the buttocks
F. Height
G. Weight

5. Estimation of Lean Body Mass and Body Fat % - (Macro - Calculations)

Whatever be the goal, two types of diet plans will suffice: FAT LOSS and MUSCLE
GAIN, Performance Nutrition is applicable to ALL

School or
college going
student to
Home maker to
be independent
at home to be People seeking
able to lift things health
around the
house without
eating habits

Senior citizens Athlete wanting

wanting to to improve
improve quality performance
of life

employee for

• Body Composition is the most important factor as compared to total body
• Weight targets given to clients should be in terms of IBW Range / Ideal Body
fat % and not as fixed IBW figure
• Best technique to check body fat % is DXA, which is easily available and is
most accurate
• Economical way to keep a track on progression is by taking girth
measurements of common fat depositing areas


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