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Jb. Geol. B. A. Sonderband 15 S. 5—19 Wien, Februar 1970

Explanatory notes on the Geology of South Eastern Hazara,

to accompany the revised Geological Map

Department of Geology, University of the Panjab, Lahore, West Pakistan

With 1 plate, 1 map and 5 vertical sections

Abstract Contents
l. Location of the area e) Hothla Group
2. Introduction 1. Spiti Shale
3. History of Exploration 2. Giumal Sandstone
4. The basis of classification of rocks 3. Chanali Limestone
5. Limits of accuracy of mapping f) Galis Group
6. The stratigraphic succession 1. Mari Limestone
a) Hazara Group 2. Kuzagali Shale
b) Tanol Formation 3. Margala Hill Limestone
c) Abbottabad Group 4. Lora Formation
1. Kakul Formation 5. Kuldana Formation
2. Sirban Formation g) Rawalpindi Group
3. Galdanian Formation 1. Murree Formation
4. Hazira Formation h) Havelian Group
d) Thandiani Group 7. Comparison of unit names used
1. Maira Formation by different workers
2. Sikhar Limestone Bibliography

This is a brief account of the stratigraphy of over 1000 square miles
of south eastern Hazara, West Pakistan, supported by a geological map on
a scale of one inch to one mile. The mapping is based on the recognition of
lithostratigraphic units, which are briefly described with modernisation
of nomenclature. The rocks are divided into 7 groups and subdivided into
21 formations, some provisional. The strata range from Eo-Cambrian?/
Cambrian to Recent. Diagnostic fossil evidence where ever available is
given. A correlation with the adjoining areas is attempted.
1. Location of the area
The area under study is mainly composed of southeastern parts of
the Hazara district, West Pakistan (see the map). Small portions of north-
west of the Rawalpindi and southwest of the Muzzaffarabad districts,
just fringing the above area have also been included because of the extension
of the same rock types. The area lies between longitude 73.00 and 73.30 east
and latitude 33.43 and 34.20 north, and is covered by the Survey of
Pakistan toposheets 43 F/4, 43 F/8, 43 G / l , 43 G/5, 43 F/7, and 43 G/2.
The main part of the area is bounded on the north west and west by the
Hazara trunk road through Haripur, Havelian, Abbottabad, Mansehra
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and further beyond via Garhi Habibulah Khan to Muzzaffarabad; and on

the southeast and east by the Rawalpindi-Srinagar road, through Islamabad,
Tret, Murree and Kohala to Muzzaffarabad.

2. Introduction
The area under study ranges from just under 2,000 feet O. D. near
Islamabad to 9,780 feet at Miranjani, near Nathiagali. More than half of
the area lies above 4,000 feet O. D. The Galis lying between Murree and
Abbottabad provide the highest regions in the area and serve as a water
divide between the Indus and the Jhelum river systems. The relief is very
high and is seen at it's maximum when the mountains rise abruptly from
1,937 O. D. near Kohala to 9,780 feet O. D. near Miranjani, a horizontal
distance of about five miles.
3. History of Exploration
The first publication of any significance on the geology of Hazara is
ALBERT VERCHERE'S paper read before the Asiatic Society in 1866. This
gives a brief outline of the north eastern end of the Sirban mountain near
Abbottabad. He recognised Carboniferous limestone resting upon volcanic
rocks. The beds above these he referred in a general way to the "Jurassic
Formation" and the highest strata to the Nummulitic Limestone.
WAAGEN and WYNNE in 1872, put an order for the first time to the
structurally complex rocks of monotonous similarity. They also produced
a map of the Sirban Mountain, on a scale of one inch to a mile covering an
area of about 20 square miles. They suggested the presence of rocks from
Triassic to Eocene based on fossil evidence and found similarities of some
with those from the Cambrian of the Salt Range. This information coupled
with a series of papers during the late seventies of the last century, is still
considered the soundest basis of rock classification in the area.
MIDDLEMISS, 1896, pieced together all the available information,
published or unpublished, from all over Hazara, to produce a map of
Hazara on a scale of Vt inch to a mile, together with a detailed account
of the geology.
The present study was initially suggested, in 1956, by N . R. MARTIN,
then a UNESCO advisor and Head of the Geology Department, University
of the Panjab, Lahore. A few road side reconnaissance trips were made by
the author in his company during the summer months of 1956, followed
by a few independent trips in 1957. Following the footsteps of ALBERT
VERCHERE, the Sirban Mountain was selected as a starting point, and a
beginning was made in July, 1959. The main purposes of the study were to
(a) revise the stratigraphy, (b) bring the unit names in line with modern
stratigraphic nomenclature and (c) produce a new geological map, on a
scale of one inch to a mile.
Though some short publications to advance the knowledge of Geology
of Hazara have recently appeared from Lahore, this is the first of its kind
since 1896, in which (a) an attempt has been made to bring the rock units
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in order, to suit the requirements of stratigraphic nomenclature (b) revise

the ages of units based on faunal assemblages, (c) correlate the units with
the adjoining areas and (d) produce a new map of the south eastern Hazara,
on a scale of one inch to one mile. Publication of this map with short
account of the stratigraphy marks the centenary of the first investigations
started in the area by ALBERT VERCHERE, in 1866.

4. The basis of classification of rocks

As most of the stratigraphic units in the area have not been formally
defined by earlier workers, in accordance with the stratigraphic terminology,
it is considered appropriate to do so in this study, wherever applicable. In
recent years the nature and usage of stratigraphic units has been much
discussed. The stratigraphic units newly erected and/or properly defined
in this work follow the basis laid down by the Stratigraphic Committee of
Pakistan in the Stratigraphic Code of Pakistan, 1967, which in turn follows
the lines set by the Interational Subcommission on Stratigraphic Termino-
logy, 1961.
The present study is based on the field mapping by recognition of the
lithostratigraphic units, supported by the faunal and environmental studies
wherever possible. The subdivisions and definitions of such units are based
on the definition as laid down in the Stratigraphic Code of Pakistan, 1967.
The subdivisions applied in this work are the Group, the Formation and
the Member. The formation is considered as the fundamental lithostrati-
graphic unit, the Group and Member are the aggregates and the sub-
divisions respectively and are defined as such. The names of various units
which have been proposed are based on a geographic feature or locality
of it's maximum development in the area. Wherever a convenient geo-
graphical name is not available at the type locality a name has been chosen
from an adjacent locality where the unit may not be so well exposed. An at-
tempt has been made to retain the existing unit names in spite of the fact that
some may not be represented at the localities and/or the locality is situated
outside the area of present investigations. An attempt has been made to
* select the type localities with an easy access, as far as possible. The various
formations and members have been shown on the map by various patterns
as near as possible to their lithologic content. In some cases the groups
which could not be subdivided on the map have been shown in a single
pattern. Every group, with minor adjustments, has been shown by a,
distinct colour suiting its stratigraphic position and follows the colour
scheme as published in 1958 by N . V. De Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappi,
Hague, Holland.
5. Limits of accuracy of mapping
Though most of the area has been mapped thoroughly, it was not
possible to maintain a uniform standard everywhere due to the limited
means of communication, accommodation, dense vegetation, high relief,
and above all the structural and sedimentational problems. The standard
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of mapping in the area, can therefore be divided into the following cate-
gories in the descending order of reliability (see figure 1).
a) Detailed mapping
b) Reconnaissance mapping
c) Photogeology and field checking and
d) Photogeology only.

D e t ai l e d

F I G. |
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The detailed mapping is from the regions of Tarnawai, Thandiani,

Kakul, Abbottabad, Bagnotar, Sirban, Dubran, Nara, Mari, Lora, Islama-
bad, Murree and Muzzaffarabad. The mapping in the regions Miranjani,
Mokshpuri, Kuzagali, Barian, Havelian, Margala and Rupper is partially
detailed and partially of reconnaissance or photogeologic nature. The
mapping from most of the Miranjani and Mokshpuri regions is purely
of photogeologic nature. The Pleistocene and Recent alluvial deposits
have mainly been marked by photogeology with some ground checking.
The eastern and north eastern parts of the Bagnotar region towards the
right bank of the river Jhelum are based purely on photogeology.

6. The stratigraphic succession

Group Formation Member Age

M. Pleistocene to
Rawalpindi Murree Lower Miocene

Kuldana L. & M. Eocene

Lora L. Eeocene
Galis Margala Hill Limestone L. Eocene
Kuzagali Shale U. Paleocene
Mari Limestone L.?/M. to U. Paleocene
Chanali Limestone U. Cretaceous
„. , „ , f L. Cretaceous
Hothla Giumal Sandstone j v J u r a s s i c (Q

Spiti Shale U. Jurassic

Sikhar Limestone Middle Jurassic to
Thandiani U. Jurassic
Maira Lower Jurassic

f Hazira Permian and/or Triassic?
[ Galdanian Carb. and/or Trias. (?)

Abbottabad Upper Devon, to Lower

Sirban Carboniferous (?)
Kakul Mahmdagali Silurian to Devonian (?)
Tanakki )

Cambrian and/or
Tanol Ordovician to Silurian (?)
Langrial Limestone Eo-Cambrian to
Hazara Middle Cambrian (?)
Miranjani Limestone
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a) H a z a r a Group
Formerly known as the "Slate series", MIDDLEMISS, 1896, and recently
identified as the "Hazara Slate formation", MOHAMMAD ALI, 1962, the
rocks have provisionally been recognised as a group. The following
provisional subdivisions are suggested.
5. Upper Formation
4. Langrial Limestone
3. Middle Formation
2. Miranjani Limestone
1. Lower Formation.
The above subdivisions are based on the occurrence of two limestone
units of different geological horizons.
a) The Miranjani Limestone is a light grey algal limestone, on the
weathered surfaces of which the stromatolites conspicuously stand up to
form wavering uneven ridges.
b) The Langrial Limestone is a grey nodular limestone with dominant
argillaceous matrix and weathering in grey to pale brown colours.
The Lower, Middle and Upper Formations all taken together are
composed of low grade slates, argillites, silty shales, subgreywacke sand-
stones and siltstones, interbedded with gypsum and calcareous slaty shales.
The subdivision is provisional subject to the detailed definitions of its
constituent formations. Though a definite fossil evidence is lacking, the
presence of some doubtfull inarticulate brachiopod fossils similar to
Protobolella CHAPMAN and Acrotretid, go to prove that the group may
not be pre-Cambrian and could be Lower Palaeozoic. The rocks extend
in the south west and north east to join the Attock and Slates respectively.
In Kashmir, the Dogra Slates underlie a definite Cambrian sequence and as
such a Cambrian age for the group, at least in part, may be possible.
The lithology, sedimentary structures and distribution of identical
rocks suggest a shallow to deeper water facies approximately extending
from south east to north west respectively. The presence of gypsum,
further suggests a possible partial extension of the Cambrian "Saline
Series" facies of Salt Range to Hazara.

b) T a n o l Formation
The Formation was first named as Tanol series by WYNNE in 1879
after its occurrence in the vicinity of Tanol. MOHAMMAD ALI, 1962, identi-
fied the unit as Tanol Formation.
The Formation is composed of well bedded to flaggy, light grey to
yellowish and sometimes faintly reddish quartzites which are cross bedded
and contain ripple marks. Siltstones and pebbly layers are common. The
top of the Formation is marked by the presence of a badly sorted conglo-
merate containing pebbles derived from the quartzites as described above,
embedded in a fine grained matrix. The conglomerate is followed by a
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sequence of rocks similar to the Abbottabad Group and the conglomerate

is probably homotaxial to the Tanakki Member of the Abbottabad Group.
The Formation may be Cambrian and/or Ordovician to Silurian (?)
in age.
The Lower Tanawal in Kashmir lying below the Muth Quartzites
and Jaunsars and Nagthat of Himalayas are considered as homotaxial.

c) A b b o t t a b a d Group
MIDDLEMISS, 1896, introduced the term "Infra-Trias" to include rocks
like conglomerate, shales, sandstones and limestones of a total thickness of
up to 2,250 feet. MARKS and MOHAMMAD ALI, 1962, named the rocks as
Abbottabad Formation. GARDEZI and GHAZANFAR, 1965, elevated the unit
as Abbottabad Group with the addition of a new Hazira Formation
overlying the rocks given above.
The group is named after Abbottabad, where it shows a maximum
development. It overlies the Hazara group with a break in deposition
represented by a basal conglomerate derived from the underlying rocks of
Hazara Group. This is followed by a thick sequence of interbedded shales,
sandstones, orthoquartzites, arenaceous dolomites, dolomites, volcanic
materials, haematitic mudstones, quartz breccias, siltstones and silty shales.
The group constitutes of four formations as given below:

Formation Member
4. Hazira
3. Galdanian
2. Sirban
1. Kakul
d) Mirpur
c) Mahmdagali
b) Sangargali
a) Tanakki

1. Kakul Formation
The formation is named after its occurrence near Kakul and is
composed of angular to subangular conglomerate identified as Tanakki
Member at the base derived from the underlying HazaraGroup of rocks.
The conglomerate is embedded in a silty and shaley matrix. The size of
pebbles decreases higher up in the succession merging gradually into the
overlying Sangargali Member, consisting of shales, sandstones and ortho-
quartzites of red and purplish colours. The overlying beds are composed
of purple and red sandy dolomitic limestones and dolomites, named as
Mahmdagali Member, followed by variegated shales and calcareous sand-
stones of Mirpur Member. The Formation is considered homotaxial to the
Muth Quartzites and overlying shales of Kashmir; Pebbly shales, quartzites
and Crinoidal limestone of the Swabi Chamla Group and the Siluro-
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Devonian sequence in Nowshehra consisting of conglomerates, calcareous

sandstone, purple quartzites and sandy dolomites.

2. Sirban Formation
Formerly known as limestones belonging to "Infra-Trias series",
MIDDLEMISS, 1896, and Upper Cherty Limestones of Upper Formation,
belonging to "Infra-Trias" Group, MARKS and MOHAMMAD ALI, 1961, the
unit is named after its occurrence in the Sirban hill near Abbottabad. The
lower part of the formation is slightly sandy, followed by a thick sequence
of dolomites of buff, light greenish grey, greyish white and rarely of red
and pink colours. The upper parts of the formation occasionally contain
cherty patches and bands. The rocks show a striking similarity to the bluish
white crystalline limestone of Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous (?) of
Nowshehra; brecciated white dolomite of Swabi Chamla Group, Devonian-
Lower Carboniferous (?) of Swabi. The Muth Quartzites of Devonian age
in Kashmir are followed by fossilliferous Syringothyris Limestone of Lower
Carboniferous age and are considered homotaxial.

3. Galdanian Formation
Formerly known as the "Volcanic material" at the base of the
Triassic series, MIDDLEMISS, 1896, the "Lower Formation" of Triassic
System, MARKS and MOHAMMAD ALI, 1961, and Haematite Formation
belonging to the Abbottabad Group, GARDEZI and GHAZANFAR, 1965, it is
named after its occurrence near Galdanian. It is a distinct unit con-
sisting of volcanic rocks, haematitic mudstones and sandstones, quartz
breccias etc.; of red, purple and dark grey colours. The adjoining region
of Kashmir, received the volcanic activity from Upper Carboniferous to
Triassic. A correlation with the Panjal Volcanic Series of Kashmir sounds
quite reasonable, and it is considered that the formation may be of Upper
Carboniferous (?) and/or Permian (?) to Triassic (?).

4. Hazira Formation
During the course of current mapping of the area the rocks were
noticed in the Hazira region. They were studied in detail and named by
The formation is composed of dirty grey and yellowish brown cal-
careous shaly siltstones containing earthy concretions. It is considered as
of Permian?/Triassic? age.
Three distinct environmental subdivisions of the Abbottabad Group
can be noticed, a) a basal conglomerate, siltstone sandstone; b) an ortho-
quartzite, dolomite and c) a volcanic, oolitic haematite, siltstone. Though
the name Abottabad is retained for the time being, a fresh regrouping
seems necessary. The upper two formations namely the Galdanian and
Hazira Formations, it is suggested, may be grouped to be known as
Tarnawai Group, in any later regrouping.
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d) T h a n d i a n i Group
Formerly known as the Triassic series', MIDDLEMISS, 1896, is recogni-
zed as a group and is named after its occurrence in the vicinity of Than-
diani, where it sows a maximum development. It follows the Abbottabad
Group with a break in deposition and is found in contact with its various
formations and sometimes even the Hazara Group. A microconglomerate
at the base has been noticed and is composed of fragments of the rocks
belonging to the Abbottabad Group. The group constitutes of the following
2. Sikhar Limestone
1. Maria Formation
1. Maira Formation
MIDDLEMISS, 1896, pointed to the occurrence of grey shales at the base
of his 'Triassic series' in the Bagnotar region. He also recorded some fossils,
though found them imperfect for identification. DAVIES and GARDEZI, 1965,
identified the rocks as Maira Formation after their occurrence near Maira.
The formation is composed of quartzite, orthoquartzite bands intercalated
with shales marls and thin limestone bands. The quartzites are generally
greyish white whereas shales, marls and thin limestone bands show a variety
of colours apart from grey. The limestones show the occurrence of dolomitic
patches of various shades. The patches are of irregular shape and size and
in upper parts fuse together to form thin parallel bands of pale yellow
colours. Fossils like Bouleiceras cf. niticens recorded from the marls show
a Toarcian, Liassic age for the formation.
The formation may be compared with the Datta Formation of Kala-
chitta and northern Potwar, variegated shales of Salt Range and southern
Potwar and upperparts of the Shinawari Formation of Kohat.
2. Sikhar Limestone
Formerly known as "Upper limestones" of the "Triassic series", MIDDLE-
MISS, 1896, it is recognised as a formation and is named after its occurrence
in the Sikhar mountain near Thandiani, where it shows a maximum devel-
opment. The formation is composed mainly of limestones though some
marley intercalations are also present, in the lower part. The limestones
are grey in colour and are quite massive. They are oolitic, arenaceous and
occasionally shelly and are shallow water deposits.
The highest beds show the presence of fossils like Nerinea Sp. of
Oxfordian-Upper Cretaceous affinities. Since the basal part of the over-
lying formation also shows an Upper Oxfordian assemblage, it is considered
that the top beds of this formation are pre Upper Oxfordian.
The formation can lithostratigraphically be correlated with Samana
Suk Limestone of Kalachitta, northern Potwar and Kohat and Baroch
Limestone of Salt Range and southern Potwar.
The overall range of the Thandiani Group is from Lower Toarcian
to Middle Oxfordian.
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e) H o t h l a Group
The last detailed account of the area, MIDDLEMISS, 1896, shows the
rocks like "Jurassic series", "Cretaceous" and "Grey limestones" as the
basal part of the "Nummulitic series". All these rocks together have been
identified as a group and named after Hothla, where they show a maximum
development. The group overlies the Thandiani Group with a marked
break in deposition. It is composed of the following formations.
3. Chanali Limestone
2. Giumal Sandstone
1. Spiti Shale

1. Spiti Shale
STOLICZKA, 1866, named the rocks as spiti shale after Spiti area in
Himalayas. The name was applied for similar rocks in Hazara, by
MIDDLEMISS 1896. The base of the formation shows a break in deposition
and is marked by the presence of laterite. This is followed by dark drey
arenaceous shales containing limonitic concretions and pyrite nodules. The
shales are gradually replaced by sandstone bands higher up in the sequence
and with a dradual change of material merge finally into the succeeding
The basal beds contain fossils like Perisphinctes frequens of Upper
Oxfordian and the later ones show the presence of Hibolites subfusiformis
of Neocomiam.
The formation may be compared with the Spiti Shale of Himalayas.
Somewhat similar rocks occur in Kalachitta, Potwar, Salt Range and Kohat
and are known as Chichali Formation.

2. Giumal Sandstone
Name given by STOLICZKA, 1866, after Giumal in Spiti Himalayas,
was applied to rocks of identical nature in Hazara by MIDDLEMISS, 1896.
The formation consists of glauconitic and calcareous sandstones respec-
tively in the ascending order of sequence. They are grey in colour, but
generally weather in the shades of brown and yellow. The lower part is
more argillaceous and the upper more calcareous. The rocks are generally
massive and hard. A rich assemblage of fossils is present, among them are
Virgatosphinctes Sp., Aulacosphinctoides Sp. of Tithonian and Oxytropi-
doceras Sp. and Douvilleiceras Sp. of Albian.
The formation seems identical to the Giumal Sandstone of Spiti Hima-
layas. It may be compared with the Lumshiwal Sandstone of Kalachitta,
Potwar, Salt Range and Kohat.

3. Chanali Limestone
MIDDLEMISS, 1896, identified the rocks as "Grey limestones" and de-
scribed and mapped them as the basal part of this "Nummulitic series", The
author, 1962, identified them as "Upper Cretaceous Limestone" on the
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basis of planktonic microfossils as seen in thin sections. The limestones are

recognised as a distinct formation and are named after Chanali, where
they show a maximum development.
The formation is composed mainly of fine grained light grey lime-
stones which weather in grey to pale cream colours. The limestones are
generally thinly bedded though occasionally they occur as thickly bedded
as well. The lower part of the sequence is marley, the middle thinly to
thickly bedded and upper slightly arenaceous. There is a conspicuous varia-
tion in lithology from one section to the other.
The fauna is composed of microfossils, see the other publication on
Hazara in this issue. The diagnostic fossils include Globotruncana concavata
of Upper Coniacian to Upper Santonian, Globotruncana elevata calcarata,
of Campanian, Heterohelix reussi and Heterohelix globocarinata of Middle
Coniacian to Middle Campanian. On the basis of the occurrence of above
fossils, the formation is considered to be of Upper Coniacian to Upper
Campanian in age.
The formation may be correlated with Kawagarh Formation of Kala-
chitta, Darsmand Limestone of Kohat and Chikkim Series of Himalayas.

f) G a l i s Group
First identified by WYNNE, 1874, as "Nummulitic limestone series"
along with "Kuldanas", were combined by MIDDLEMISS, 1896, as "Nummu-
litic series". They have been recognised here as a group and named after
their frequent occurrence in the Galis region situated between Murree and
Abbottabad. It overlies the Hothla Group with a marked break in depo-
sition which is represented by the absence of the uppermost part of Creta-
ceous at least in the eastern regions and the presence of coal and laterite.
The group is divided into the following formations.
5. Kuldana Formation
4. Lora Formation
3. Margala Hill Limestone
2. Kuzagali Shale
1. Mari Limestone

1. Mari Limestone
MIDDLEMISS, 1896, identified variegated sandstone and coal followed
by well bedded massive limestone, as the 2 nd and 3 r d units of his "Nummu-
litic series". Though it is quite possible to identify and map the two units
separately, they have been taken together for the purposes of present work.
The name of the formation is derived from its occurrence near Mari where
it shows a maximum development.
The base of the formation overlies the Hothla Group with a marked
break in deposition represented by the absence of the youngest Cretaceous
rocks, presence of sandstone, coal, bituminous shales, laterite limonite and
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oolitic haematite. This is followed by a sequence of dark grey bituminous

limestones of nodular appearance.
The fauna is composed of microfossils like Lockbartia conica, Lock-
hartia haimei, Actinosiphon punjabensis and Globigerina triloculinoides,
thereby showing a Lower/Middle to basal Upper Paleocene age for the
The basal part of the formation may be correlated with the Dhak Pass
Beds of Salt Range, Potwar, and Kalachitta and Hangu formation of Kohat.
The main part of the formation is homotaxial to the Khairabad Limestone
of Salt Range and Lockhart Limestone Kalachitta and Kohat.

2. Kuzagali Shale
The formation constitutes of the lower part "shales" of the 4 th unit
of the "Nummulitic series" introduced by MIDDLEMISS, 1896. The unit is
recognised as a formation and is named after its maximum development
near Kuzagali.
The formation is composed mainly of buff and Khaki coloured shales
with insignificant limestone bands.
The fauna is mainly composed of microfossils and show a continu-
ation of the underlying Mari Limestone assemblages. They include Globo-
rotalia elongata, Globigerina saldadoensis, Miscellanea miscella and Oper-
culina salsa showing an upper Paleocene age for the formation.
Similar rocks occur in Salt Range, Kalachitta, Potwar and Kohat
known as Panoba Shale.
3. Margala Hill Limestone
MIDDLEMISS, 1896, mentioned the presence of "concretionary and
nodular limestone" apart from other rocks in the 4 th unit of his "Nummu-
litic series". This has been identified as a formation and named after its
maximum development in the Margala Hills, north of Islamabad.
The formation consists of grey to dark grey, nodular to massive lime-
stones generally forming cliffs. It is differentiated from the Mari Limestone
by the absence of argillaceous materials, a conspicuously large size of the
nodules and large sized Foraminiferida.
The fauna is mainly composed of microfossils and includes Assilina
laminosa, Nummulites atacicus and Fasciolites eliptica showing an early
Lower Eocene age for the formation.
The calcareous beds of "Nammal Limestone and Shales" in the
adjoining areas are considered homotaxial.
4. Lora Formation
MIDDLEMISS, 1896, just gave a passing reference to the presence of
"marls" in the 4 th unit of his "Nummulitic series". It is regarded here as a
formation and is named after its maximum development in the vicinity
of Lora.
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The formation is composed of Limestone & marls of light to pale grey

colours weathering in light yellow and cream colours. The rocks are gene-
rally thinly bedded and show a distinct platy appearance.
The fossil assemblage shows the presence of Assilina daviesi, Globi-
gerina prolata and Globogerina yeguaensis, showing a Lower Eocene age
for the formation.
The formation may be correlated with the Sakesar Limestone and
Bhadrar Beds of the Salt Range, Shekhan Limestone of Kohat and Passage
Beds of Kalachitta and Potwar.
5. Kuldana Formation
WYNNE, 1874, identified and named these rocks as Kuldana beds after
their occurrence near Kuldana. MIDDLEMISS, 1896, called them Kuldana
series. The rocks are recognised as a distinct formation.
The formation consists of variegated shales of crimson and purplish
colours apart from Khaki, buff to pale grey shales and marls. The red
shales are generally gypsiferous and/or arenaceous.
The fauna includes Assilina granulosa, Assilina spinosa and Assilina
exponens, showing a range from the top of the Lower Eocene to the base
of Middle Eocene.
Similar rocks are recognised in Kohat as Mamikhel Clay and Purple
and variegated clays in Kalachitta and Potwar.

g) R a w a l p i n d i Group
The group is recognised and named RASHID et al., 1965, after its occur-
rence in the Rawalpindi area and consists of a) Murree Formation and b) the
Kamlial Formation. In the area under study only the Murree Formation
is recognised.
1. Murree Formation
The rocks were first distinguished and mapped in the neighbourhood
of Murree and named as Murree series by WYNNE, 1874. MIDDLESMISS includ-
ed them in his "Murree beds". The formation consists of greyish green
sandstones, weathering purplish, intercalated with purple coloured arena-
ceous shales. The basal beds contain reworked fossils.
The age of the formation as established by earlier workers is Lower
The basal beds with reworked Foraminiferida and the overlying sand-
stones and shales have been recognised in Potwar, Kohat and Poonch in
Kashmir and are known as Fatehjang zone and Murree sandstone & shale

h) H a v e l i a n Group
The river channels in the area are occupied by a variety of materials,
loose or indurated, medium grained silt and clays to large sized boulders
and cobbles. These rocks have together been provisionally identified as a

Jahrb. Geol. B. A., 1970, Sonderband 15 2

©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at


group and named after their maximum development in the region of

Havelian. The group may be subdivided into various formations, provision-
ally, composed of a) Gravels, b) Loess, c) Clays and Silts, d) Older
alluvium and e) the Recent alluvium.
N o fossil evidence is available. It is however suggested that the group
may range from Middle Pleistocene to Recent.
The rocks may partly be correlated with the Lei Conglomerate and
Loesic silt of northern Potwar as described by Gill, 1952.
VERCHERE WAAGEN & WYNNE MiDDLEMISS ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at LATIF
1866—67 1872—79 1896 1961—62 1969
Havelian Group
Rawalpindi Group
Murree series Murree beds Murree Formation
Galis Group
Kuldana beds Kuldana series Kuldana Formation n
Nummulitic Nummulitic Nummulitic

Lora Formation o
Limestone Formation series Margala Hill Lst. 3
Shales, Marls, Kuzagali Shale P
Lst., Coal & Abbreviations; Fmn. = Formation, Mari Limestone ••!_
Variegated Sst. Mbr. = Member, Lst. == Limestone o
and Sst. = Sandstone. Hothla Group B
Thin bedded Grey Limestone Chanali Limestone O
Limestone •-r»
Jurassic Giumal Sst? Giumal Sst. • Giumal Sandstone c
Spiti Shale Spiti Shale Spiti Shale rt-"
Carboniferous Triassic Triassic Triassic Thandiani Group 3
Limestone Series Series System ( Sikhar Limestone 3
Trias Lst. Vi
Upper Fmn. Maira Fmn. | Maira Formation
Below the Abbottabad Abbottabad Group Vi
Trias Group n
Hazira Fmn. Hazira Fmn. 1 Tarnawai cr
Volcanic 3rd division Volcanic etc. Lower Fmn. Haematite Fmn. Galdanian Fmn./ Group?
Infra-Trias Abbottabad A b b o 11 a b a d a.
Series Formation Formation
Upper Div. Upper Lst. Upper Fmn. Sirban Formation ft
Lower Div. Lower Sst. < Kakul Formation S3
& shale. c+
C Mirpur Mbr.
Lower 1 Mahmdagali Mbr. o•1
Formation ] Sangargali Mbr. sc
Tanakki Congl. (. Tanakki Mbr. n
Tanol series Tanol series Tanol Fmn. Tanol Formation
Attock Slates Slate Series Tazara Slate Hazara Group
Formation Upper Formation
Langrial Limestone
Miranjani Limestone
Lower Formation
©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at


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Denkschrift, 113, Wien, p. 1—211.
GARDEZI, A. H., & M. GHAZANFAR (1965): A change of facies at the base of Jurassic in
district Hazara. — Geol. Bull. Panj. Univ. 5, 53—56, Lahore.
GILL, W. D. (1952): The stratigraphy of Siwalik Series in the northern Potwar, Panjab,
Pakistan. — Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 107, Ser. 4. pp. 375—394. London.
GILL, W. D. (1953): Facies and Fauna of the Bhadrar Beds of the Punjab Salt Range,
Pakistan. — Journ. Pal. 27, 824—844. Tulsa.
LATIF, M. A. (1962): An Upper Cretaceous limestone in the Hazara district. — Geol. Bull.
Panj. Univ. 2, 57, Lahore.
LATIF, M. A. (1964): Criteria used in the identification of various limestones in Hazara. —
Proc. Pak. Sei. Conf., Lahore.
LATIF, M. A. (1968): Contribution to the Geology and micropalaeontology of Hazara,
Pakistan. — Sond. Verh. Geol. B.-A., Heft 3, Wien.
LATIF, M. A. (1969): Micropalaeontology of the Chanali Limestone, Upper Cretaceous, of
Hazara, West Pakistan. — Jb. Geol. B.-A., Sond. 15, Wien.
MARKS, P., & MOHAMMAD ALI (1961): The geology of the Abbottabad area, with special
reference to Infra-Trias. — Geol. Bull. Panj. Univ. 1, 47—55, Lahore.
MARKS, P., & MOHAMMAD ALI (1962): The Abbottabad Formation: a new name for Middle-
miss' Infra-Trias. — Geol. Bull. Panj. Univ. 2, 56, Lahore.
MIDDLEMISS, C. S. (1896): The Geology of Hazara and Black Mountains. — Mem. G. S. I.
26, 1—302, Calcutta.
RASHID, MUZAFFAR, MASTER & MEISSNER (1965): Mineral deposits of the eastern Kohat
region. — Rec. G. S. P. Vol. 13, pt. 2, 1—16, Karachi.
Stratigraphic Nomenclature Committee of Pakistan (1967): Stratigraphic Code of Pakis-
tan. — Mem. G. S. P. 4, pt. 1, Karachi.
VERCHERE, A., & DEVERNEVIL (1866—67): Kashmir, the western Himalayas and Afghan
Mountains. — Journ. A. Beng. 35 and 36, pt. 2.
WAAGEN, W. (1872): Rough section showing the relations of rocks near Murree (Mari),
Panjab. — Rec. G. S. I. 5, Calcutta.
WAAGEN, W., & WYNNE, A. B. (1872): The Geology of Mount Sirban in upper Panjab. —
Mem. G. S. I. 9, 331—350, Calcutta.
WADIA, D . N . (1934): The Cambrian-Trias sequence of north western Kashmir (parts of
Muzzaffarabad and Baramula districts). — Rec. G. S. I. 68, 121—176, Calcutta.
WYNNE, A . B . (1874): Notes on the Geology of the neighbourhood of Mari hills station in
the Panjab. — Rec. G. S. I. 7, 64—74, Calcutta.
Manuscript and map with sections first received and accepted for publication in May,
1968. Revised manuscript received in September, 1968.
©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at
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Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature

Zeitschrift/Journal: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Sonderbände

Jahr/Year: 1970

Band/Volume: 15

Autor(en)/Author(s): Latif Mir Abdul

Artikel/Article: Explanatory notes on the Geology of South Eastern Hazara, to

accompany the revised Geological Map 5-19

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