Task Performance Finals
Task Performance Finals
Task Performance Finals
To be Submitted to
Javier, Jasmin
Submitted by
Art appreciation is a fundamental education to visual art, media, methods and history. It
gives us a greater understanding of visual arts in creative processes. It covers art forms,
techniques, and media in two and three dimensions. It analyzes the visual components and
elements of design and briefly examines art styles. It gives a broad and deep
explanation towards us students who were not formally studied in these fields. It's a lesson
for students for a knowledgeable concept of different kinds of art and also teaches us students
on how to properly speak or write about art.
Art Appreciation brought us students into the visual arts and the diverse materials and
methods used to generate multiple artworks and concepts. We students studied art history
from the Stone Age to present. In order to make arts meaningful for the everyday of our
lives, this subject provided us a framework to understand the arts, structurally, socially,
culturally and historically. We studied and evaluated important works of art as a means of
becoming aware on the arts as a manner of communication and expression. Through task
performances, art projects, online class discussions, reporting, video
presentations/documentaries, and writing assignments, we are able to expressed, reflect,
showcase ourselves in art, and make a personal aesthetics and evaluated them and
its qualities.
Some of the topics discussed in this subject are, art and mathematics, formalism,
representationism, expressionism, and modern art. These topics and concepts will be my
basis and guide for the best art I will present. Painting is what I chose to showcase art as my
best practice because I want to express myself and the lessons I’ve learned in this subject
without the use of words but through the use of different colors, shapes, and brush works.
II. Body
The artwork that I chose that will showcase the art I practice best is what I called,
“Absolem’s Fantasy Artwork”. This will be a painting that will show art and mathematics by
it is characterized as beauty-motivated art. In this art work you will recognize geometry
including patterns, shapes, symmetry, proportion, and measurement. Formalism and
expressionism will also be shown in this artwork for it favors harmonious color and
composition over what the eye sees analysing and comparing form and style, as long as it
shows the artist’s inner feelings and ideas and expresses emotional experience rather than
impressions of the external world. The artwork will represent one of my favorite characters
in the movie, “Alice and the Wonderland” which is “Absolem”, a caterpillar that became a
butterfly. I chose to represent this character for he shows that life has a process and no matter
how hard the process is, we shall continue to live and face the challenges that we will
encounter in our lives. Absolem is also a character that is full of words of wisdom that will
make you think twice about how you see and what you know about life. He uses words that
are difficult to understand but definitely has a deep meaning that you will certainly realize
and learn as time goes by. And lastly, you will notice modern art in this painting for you will
recognize the creative expression in the methods and views of new lifestyles and ideas
offered by modern techniques with innovation and experimentation on form of shapes,
colors, and lines.
III. Conclusion
What I have learned in Art Appreciation class is first, I had come to an understanding of what
defines art, and I realized that the definition of art is not simple. Art can be an artist's creative
performance or imagination. But when it comes to art appreciation, it is the way of observing,
understanding, and analyzing the kinds of art we are exposed to depending on our own
personal likes and interests. Art appreciation also involves a deeper insight of an event, its
historical meaning and context. The art is changing, with rapidly developing new trends and
styles. For several reasons, appreciation of art is highly important. It's a good way of
understanding the history of the art and its origins. Many people believed that art is a way to
show emotions that we are incapable of expressing and way to communicate words we
cannot say. It conveys the feeling of joy, sorrow, anger, and pain through its different form.
A lot of us have things to say but we can’t because of different reasons and one of the most
reason is that we don’t have a voice and/or opportunity. That is why art appreciation is so
important in resolving this matter. A lot of artworks helped other people understand
themselves more and some uses artwork to help themselves mentally and emotionally. Our
viewpoint gives life to the artwork as it changes for everybody around it.
Art appreciation allows me to appreciate art more for myself and for everyone. It explores the
history and the stories of art as well as the artists' lives. It allows me to examine an artwork
critically and not just its lines of design and physical beauty but also the artist’s expertise,
techniques, feelings and message. Most significantly though, art appreciation encourages my
thoughts and observation in art, causing me to have an open mind to other people's ideas and
feelings. Artist communicate to viewers in different ways. Now, I will reflect my works often
to the challenges I encounter, my concerns facing society, and inner feelings and ideas to
convey other people and make them understand the things I want to say without using words
but by the use of art. I will use the things that I’ve learned in this subject to appreciate more
the things around me and to understand other people’s feelings and situations.