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EEZYbotARM Mk2 3D Printed Robot

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EEZYbotARM Mk2 - 3D Printed Robot

by theGHIZmo

This is a four axis 3D printed robotic Arm. Following the requests of many users I made
It follows the success of my previous smaller one: the available the whole project on my Onshape account.
EEZYbotARM so I simply called it MK2 (make 2). It is You can find the source CADfiles at this link
a little bigger and stronger, just to obtain more EEZYbotARM mk2. You can copy and modify the
payload and increase reach. files, designing your own version. Please follow the
original licence and provide attributions.
I implemented also some little features like: a
replaceable gripper with quick coupler, internal cable EEZYbotARM Mk2 has been initially released on my
routing in main big arms and the vertical axis Thingiverse account here: thing 1454048
supported by spheres.
You can find a dedicated instructable of the smaller
It has been designed without a definite purpose, the mk1 at this link :EEZYbotARM instructable
aim is educational, providing a suitable hardware that
allow to concentrate on exploring all its potential You can find more DIY projects at my personal web
applications. page www.eezyrobots.it

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Step 1: NOTES

3D PRINTING : On screws are to be used selflocking nuts. They are

to be tightened till the locking of the joint, then
It is a little more challenging to print than the mk1 due consequently you have to loose them until you obtain
to it's dimensions and also some parts geometry. a smooth movement with a low clearance between
components. On the two axis of the main vertical.arm
Some few components (like main horizontal arm 006) I used M4 threaded rods
requires supports enabled and a printing area of
200x200 millimeters. I supply all stl models already SOFTWARE / FIRMWARE :
correctly oriented to avoid supports when possible.
The purpose of the robot is to provide an educational
I printed all the parts using a Prusai3 with ABS tool wich allow making experiment with different
filament, but also PLA works great. control methods. I found very easy to use a Mini
Maestro 12 Controller from Pololu, it is not very cheap
I made available a short video of some of the parts but solve a lot of problems. You have to install
printing on YouTube drivers, a software and when connected to usb you're
are immediately able to drive the servos choosing
It has been replicated may times and you can view at their speed and acceleration also. You can store the
Thingiverse users make servo position to a sequence and when ready it can
be played once or in a loop. Can also be stored in the
internal script memory and it can be automatically
HARDWARE : played without computer connected. (I'm NOT
I used metric hardware and all joints rotate on M4 sponsored by Pololu !)
screws. (in alternative of M4 an #8-32 can be used)
Holes of the joints are designed quite tight. This to Anyway I also developed an instructable to be used
allow a fine adjust of their diameter using an exact on four axis servo driven robots with Arduino and an
drill bit. Android APP via Bluetooth. And here's the link

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Step 2: Parts and Materials

Here following the list of parts necessary to built the mk2 robotic arm.

You need some 3D prinded parts and some commercial items. If you do not have a 3D printer there are several 3D
printing services like 3D Hubs that can do the work for you.

Commercial items can be easy found on the web. You mainly need 3 big servos MG995 or MG946 (they are
dimensionally the same, but 946 are a little more powerful). Then a small sg90servo, a 606 bearing and some steel
spheres with a diameter of 6 mm. The remaining are components that can be found ol local hardware stores
(remenber only that I use metric hardware)


EBAmk2_013_lower base.STL

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EBAmk2_014_claw base.STL
EBAmk2_015_claw finger dx.STL
EBAmk2_016_claw gear drive.STL
EBAmk2_017_claw finger sx.STL
EBAmk2_018_claw gear driven.STL
EBAmk2_019_drive cover.STL


3 - 955 or 946 servo

1 - SG90 SERVO
1 - M6 selflocking nut
1 - M6x25 screw
2 - M3 selflocking nuts
2 - M3 x 20 screws
1 - M3 x 10 hex recessed head screw
9 - M4 selflocking nuts
1 - M4 x 40 screw
1 - M4 x 30 screw
5 - M4 x 20 screw
1 - M4 x 60mm threaded rod
1 - M4 x 32mm threaded rod
25 - dia 6 mm ball spheres
1 - 606zz bearing
some M4 washers

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Download (https://www.instructables.com/files/orig/FX3/ZRMV/J1GOY8MN/FX3ZRMVJ1GOY8MN.zip)



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Step 3: Assembling the Main Base

Let's start assembling the main basefollowing the There are two driving gears available one has 22
steps : teeth and the other 25. I
made two because during printing of the base I've got
some deformation and the two axis distance became
A - Put in position an MG946 servo with the driving smaller )
shaft aligned forward. Fix the servo to the main base
using the selftapping screws supplied with it. E - Fill the path using about 25 spheres with a
diameter of 6mm.
B - Insert 3 M3 nuts in the receptacles of the main
base as swown. F - Insert an M6 self locking nut in the receptacle of
the swivel base then place in position le geared base
C - Insert the 606 bearings in its housing and attach and fix it using a couple of M3 screws and nuts as
the plate to the main base using 3 M3 screws. Verify shown.
the freedom of movement of the bearing.
G - Keeping the main base flat and the swivel
D - Position the drive plate on the splined shaft and element in contact with it, connect the two elements
upper the driving printed gear. Add one or two small using an M6 screw.
selftapping screw to connect plate and the gear. (

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Step 4: Assembling the Main Arms

H - Now the main base is finished. K - Connect the lower end of straight lever to the
driving arm.
I - Put in position the main arm and the vertical drive
lever, connect them L - Connect the lower end of angled lever to the fixed
with the main base horizontal axis using a 4mm dia end on the base.
rod 33 mm long.
M - Use a threated M4 rod to connect the horizontal
J - Fix in position the two servo and hold in place arm and the triangle to the upper part of the main
using eight selftapping screws. To drive the arms use arm.
the sigle horns supplied with the servos. Make sure
that the mid position of the servos are aligned with N - Connect the straight rod to the main arm and
the housing of the arms angled to the triangle.

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Step 5: Assembling the Gripper

O - Attach the rod and the fast release of the gripper, the arm and make the servo wire pass in the internal
to the front part of the horizontal arm. space of the horizontal arm.

P - The robotic arm is now assembled. Collect all the wires on the rear side of the robot
You can now proceed with the gripper assembly or leaving enough freedom of movements expecially on
you can use your own gripper design the rotation of vertical axis.

Q - Assembly the gripper as shown in the image "Q". The eezybotarm mk2 is now mechanically
assembled, ready to be driven by the electronics.
R - Attach the gripper to the fast release at the end of

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Step 6: Control

The way to drive the servos of the robotic arm, are several.

As told at the beginning, I found very easy using a Pololu USB servo Mini Maestro The controller has four different
sizes (6, 12, 18,24) depending on how many servos you have to manage. I bought the size 12.

To use it you have to install drivers and then a free software (available for win & linux).

When connected to a PC with a USB cable (A to miniB) you're are immediately able to drive the servos choosing
their speed and acceleration also. You can store the servo position to a sequence and when ready it can be played
once or in a loop. Can also be stored in the internal script memory and it automatically played without any
computer connected.


Download the Maestro Servo Controller Windows Drivers and Software from this link (5MB)

Before connecting your Maestro to a computer you should install it's drivers.

Open the ZIP archive and run setup.exe. The installer will guide you through the steps required to install the:

Maestro drivers

Maestro Control Center

command-line utility (UscCmd)

When finished You'll find the shortcut of control software on your desktop

Connect now the device to one of your PC USB port. The computer will detect a new hardware showing the "new
hardware wizard", choose

In the next window choose "Install the software automatically” and click “Next”.

You will have three times the hardware wizard pop up, due to the different control method available. At the end
you'll find in computer’s Device Manager 2 COM ports (Command Port and the TTL Port) and an USB entry.

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Step 7: Software Features


The Maestro Control Center is a graphical tool to use the USB interface for controlling servos and setting up the

It has many tabs to


The channel displyed follow your maestro connected (6, 12, 18, 24) is used for controlling the Maestro’s outputs
and for monitoring its status in real time.

For a channel configured as a servo, the checkbox enables the output, dragging the slider adjusts the target
setting of the channel, and the green ball indicates the channel’s current position.

The “Speed” and “Acceleration” inputs allow the speed and acceleration of individual servo channels to be
in real time. The default values are specified in the Settings tab, but it can be useful to adjust them here for fine-

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The Errors tab indicates problems that the Maestro has detected while running


The Channel Settings tab contains controls for the channel parameters that are stored on the Maestro

Each of the channels:

may be assigned a name

has a servo mode (default) or a Input / output mode
pulse rate
a min max positions
a startup or error behaviour (off, ignore, goto position)
8 bit neutral


This tab is great, allows simple motion sequences to be created and played once or in loops.

A sequence is simply a list of “frames” specifying the positions of each of the servos and a duration (in
milliseconds) for each frame. Sequences are stored in the registry of the computer and can be played or copied to
the script, which is saved on the Maestro.


The Script tab is where you can enter a script to be loaded into the Maestro

This are basic explanations if you need more detailed instructions a great help can be found in Pololu Maestro

It seems a little complicate for a non electronics expert like me, but as told, this is the easiest way I find to obtain a
way to control the bot arm and experiment in real time it's movements.

Also the sequencer tab allows you in a while to obtain loops without knowing how to writes codes. I used this
method to make the demo loop of the mk1 here on YouTube

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Step 8: Conclusions

That's all for now Robot Arms"

If you are looking for others methods for driving the Happy Roboting !
robotic arm with others controllers like Arduino, I
suggest my instructable or, in alternative, a good way www.eezyrobots.it
of starting can be the topic from jonahl on RepRap
forum "Opensource Firmware for ABB IRB460-like

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