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Script Biofuel

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Slide 1: Good morning everyone. Welcome to my presentation today.

First of all, let me introduce

myself, my name is Fadli Rezqi Ramdani, I am a student majoring in mechanical engineering at .
Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. HAMKA
Today I will discuss Biofuel, namely fuel that comes from biomass, namely plant material or algae or
animal waste.
Slide 2: Here I divide it into 4 points, namely: what is biofuel, types of biofuel, the process of making
biofuel, and finally the advantages and conclusions I draw from my presentation.
Slide 3: So what is biofuel?
Slide 4: Biofuel, namely fuel derived from biomass, namely plant material or algae or animal waste.
Because these raw materials can be replenished, biofuels are considered renewable fuels, unlike fossil
fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum. So this is the meaning of Biofuel, then why should we
use biofuel. OK, next.
Slide 5: Why should we use biofuel? Firstly as alternative energy because perhaps the more we use of
our petroleum it will cause bad things in the future, starting from pollution and the exhaustion of
petroleum supplies. Second, it is environmentally friendly, because the things made from biofuel are
natural materials, different from the ones we often use, which come from fossils, so the smoke emitted
and the manufacturing process are very environmentally friendly. And third, it is very easy to refill so
that when we start to run out we can make more and even make as much as possible as a reserve
Slide 6: Next are the types of Biofuel
Slide 7: Here there are 3 types of biofuel, the first is Biodiesel which is usually made from animal oil,
soybean oil, canola oil, palm oil, etc. The second is Bioethanol made from wheat, corn, sugar beets,
sugar cane, etc. And finally, Biogas is made from organic waste such as livestock manure, or kitchen
waste such as vegetables and fruit that have been used.
Slide 8: The process of making biodiesel involves several important steps to convert vegetable oils or
animal fats into biodiesel through a process called transesterification. Following are the main steps in
making biodiesel:
1. Selection and Collection of Raw Materials:
The main raw materials for making biodiesel are vegetable oils (such as palm oil, soybean oil,
sunflower seed oil) or animal fats. Used cooking oil (used oil) can also be used.
2. Filtering and Cleaning:
The oil or fat obtained needs to be filtered and cleaned from dirt and water. This process
Filtering: Removes solid particles.
Water Removal: Oil is heated to remove water content that could interfere with the
transesterification process.
3. Transesterification Process
This is the main stage in making biodiesel. This process involves a chemical reaction between
oil or fat and alcohol (usually methanol) with the help of a catalyst (usually a base such as
sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide). The steps are:
Mixing: Alcohol and catalyst are mixed to form methoxide.
Reaction: Methoxide is mixed with oil or fat and stirred at a temperature of about 60°C for 1-
2 hours.
Separation: The mixture is allowed to stand to separate the biodiesel (upper phase) and
glycerol (lower phase) layers.
4. Purification
The resulting crude biodiesel needs to be purified to remove traces of catalyst, alcohol, and
other contaminants. The purification process includes:
Washing: Biodiesel is washed with water to remove catalyst and glycerol.
Drying: Biodiesel is dried to remove residual water.
5. Quality Testing
The quality of the biodiesel produced is tested according to standards such as ASTM D6751
or EN 14214 to ensure that the biodiesel meets the specified specifications.
6. Storage
Biodiesel that meets quality standards is stored in appropriate storage tanks before being used
as fuel.
Slide 10: Ok next, we will discuss the advantages of biofuel
Slide 11: Using biofuels has various benefits, both from an environmental, economic and social
perspective. Here are some of the main advantages of using biofuels:
1. Environmentally Friendly
Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Biofuels produce less CO2 emissions compared to fossil
fuels. Its use can help reduce the greenhouse effect and combat climate change.
Biodegradable and Non-Toxic: Biofuels such as biodiesel are more easily decomposed
naturally and do not contain dangerous chemicals like fossil fuels.
2. Economic Benefits
Job Creation: The biofuel industry creates jobs in the agriculture, processing, and distribution
sectors. Supporting Local Agriculture: Biofuels can be produced from crops cultivated by
local farmers, increasing their income and welfare.
3. Waste Reduction
Biofuel can be produced from organic waste such as used cooking oil and agricultural
residues, helping to reduce waste disposal problems.
4. Good Engine Performance
Natural Lubricant Content: Biodiesel has better lubricating properties than fossil fuels, which
can help extend engine life. Reduction of Particulate Emissions: The use of biodiesel can
reduce emissions of fine particles that are harmful to human health.
5. Technology Development and Innovation
Stimulation of Research and Innovation: The demand for biofuels stimulates research and
development of new technologies in the field of renewable energy and alternative fuels.
In conclusion Biofuels are an important component in the global strategy to achieve a cleaner, safer
and more sustainable energy future. Support for the development and adoption of biofuels can have a
significant positive impact on the environment, economy and society.
Slide 12: That's all my presentation, hopefully we can all increase our knowledge and we can develop
this biofuel, more or less, I apologize and thank you all. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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