Form 1 Biology Fin
Form 1 Biology Fin
Form 1 Biology Fin
Biology : Form 1
Term 1 2024
1. Do not open the paper until the invigilator tells you to do so.
2. Answer all questions in Section A and choose only three (3) questions from Section B.
3. Write your answers neatly in the spaces provided in this question paper.
4. In Section A indicate your chosen answer by placing a tick (✓) in front of the answer.
You are advised to use a pencil incase you need to make corrections
B. You can wear any type of shoe, as long as you are not bare footed.
D. Do not use any chemical until the teacher has explained it's use and necessary precautions.
4. Which structure below is found only in plant cells but not in animal cells?
A. White blood cells B. Hemo cells C. Red blood cells D. Nerve cells
8. When exhaled air is blown into a test tube of lime water, what happens to the lime water
A. The lime water relights a glowing splint
A. Cheese
B. Jam
C. Tomatoes
D. Cake
10. Which list of food is most appropriate for a child showing signs of poor growth
B. Cereals, milk
A. Oxygen and nitrogen B. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen C. Oxygen and carbon Dioxide
D. Nitrogen and water vapour
16. Which property of the trachea allows it to trap bacteria and dust particles?
b ii) State two differences between plant and animal cells [2]
Question 2.
b) Fill in the table below. [4]
Carbon dioxide
Nitrogen 78 78
c) During an experiment for testing a certain gas, a student placed a glowing splint inside a
sealed jar.
2. What would be observed on the glowing splint if the gas is present. (1)
d) During an experiment, a student breathed into a straw placed in a test tube of lime water.
2. What happens to the lime water if the gas being tested for is present ? (1)
e) What is the role of the nasal cavity in the human respiratory system?
Question 3.
b) in the table below, name three important nutrients and state their functions. (8)
Nutrient Function
c) Name a food source that provides the body with mineral salts
Question 4
b) In the table below, write any 4 parts of the alimentary canal and their functions. (8)
Part Function