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Questions and Answers ATMOSFERICA PDF

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Questions and answers

1) A city is considered to have width W in the direction perpendicular to the

wind, length L in the direction of the wind, and height H. If the
background concentration of a pollutant is b (in gr.m-3), the emissions
within the city per unit area and unit time are q (in gr. m-2 s -1) and the
wind speed is u (in ms- 1), the equilibrium concentration of pollutant ce
obtained by equating the amount of pollutant entering per unit of time
with the amount leaving is:
a) ce = b – qL/uH
b) ce = b + qL/uH
c) ce = bqL/uH
d) ce = b + qL+uH
e) ce = qL/uH

2) In the Gaussian model, the effective height of the chimney depends on

the temperature because
a) The viscosity of the exit gas depends on the temperature
b) The viscosity of the surrounding air that opposes the movement depends
on the temperature
c) The gas rises due to the temperature difference between its outlet value
and the surrounding air
d) The outlet gas pressure depends on the temperature
e) In reality, the effective height does not depend on the temperature but on
the speed with which the gas is expelled into the atmosphere.

3) Of the following statements, one of them is manifestly false

a) A catalyst modifies the mechanism of a reaction
b) A catalyst reduces the activation energy
c) A catalyst speeds up a reaction
d) A catalyst is not spent, ideally, in a reaction
e) A catalyst shifts the equilibrium of the reaction toward the formation of

4) The international convention that limits the emission of ozone-depleting

substances is
a) The Kyoto Protocol
b) The Montreal Protocol
c) The Rio Conference
d) The Porto Alegre Conference
e) The Charter of the United Nations
5) NO2 is formed mainly by oxidation of NO. For its part, NO is regenerated
from NO2 mainly by
a) Reduction by a strongly reducing species, such as a hydrocarbon
b) Reaction with oxygen to form ozone (and lose NO2 an oxygen) c) Reaction
with the OH radical to form hydroperoxide radical (and lose NO2 an oxygen)
d) Reaction with the OH radical to give nitric acid, with subsequent
decomposition of the acid (to give NO)
e) By direct photolysis of NO2

6) What is the most likely reaction that an ethylene molecule (H2C=CH2) will
undergo when emitted into the atmosphere?
a) It decomposes photolytically because it absorbs ultraviolet radiation
b) Reacts with oxygen and is oxidized to acetaldehyde
c) Reacts with the OH radical that adds to the double bond
d) Reacts with the OH radical that subtracts a hydrogen atom
e) Ethylene is soluble in water and returns to the earth as rain

7) The concentration maximums of the following pollutants, CO, NO2 and

ozone occur, throughout the course of the day, in the following order
a) Ozone, NO2 and CO
b) CO, ozone and NOx
c) CO, NO2 and ozone
d) NO2,CO and ozone
e) They do not occur in any particular order

8) Of all the particles present in the troposphere, those with a diameter less
a) 10 microns
b) 100 microns
c) one millimeter
d) 0.01 microns
e) All particles are considered contaminating material

9) The reference method for measuring lead in suspended particles is

a) Gas chromatography
b) X-ray fluorescence filter capture
c) Filter capture and atomic absorption

d) Ultraviolet absorption
e) None of the above
10) The wall collectors are arranged in increasing order of efficiency as
a) Electrostatic, centrifugal and gravity
b) Just the opposite of point a)
c) Centrifugal, electrostatic and gravity
d) Just the opposite of point c)
e) They all have the same efficiency
11)The four major components of the atmosphere (% by volume greater than
0.01) are
a. N2, O2, Ar, CO2
b. N2, O2, Xe, CO2
c. N2, O2, Ar, ozone
d. N2, O2, Ar, CO
e. N2, O2, Ar, CH4

12)The equation that allows calculating the visual range from the
concentration of particles is obtained
a. From an integration at all wavelengths of the product of the quantum yield,
the actinic flux and the absorption coefficient.
b. From a particular case of the Lambert-Beer Law
c. From a fit of experimental data
d. From a particular case of Raileigh's Law of light diffusion e. From a mass
balance in air

13)To estimate the pollutant concentration at a certain distance (less than 20

km) from a factory chimney, (assuming that the total mixing limit has not
been reached) a. The Gaussian model in three dimensions b. The Gaussian
model in two dimensions c. The Gaussian model in one dimension d. The
stationary cell model
e. In situ experimental measurements

14) In the simplest model (Holland's formula) the initial rise of a smoke
column depends on
a. exit speed
b. The exit velocity and the temperature difference between exit gas and

c. Exit velocity, temperature difference and dispersion coefficient

d. Exit velocity, temperature difference and atmospheric turbulence
e. None of the above
15)The main reaction of OH radical formation in the atmosphere is
a. Photolysis of the water molecule to give an OH and a hydrogen radical
b. Reaction of ozone with the water molecule.
c. Reaction of molecular oxygen O2 with the water molecule
d. Photolysis of ozone and subsequent reaction of atomic oxygen with the
water molecule
e. None of the above

16) The reaction “A + B? products” is of first order with respect to reactant A

and second order with respect to If the concentration of A and B are
doubled then
a. Reaction speed doubles
b. The reaction speed is multiplied by three
c. The reaction speed is multiplied by four
d. The reaction speed is multiplied by six
e. None of the above

17) What does the speed of a photochemical reaction not depend on?
a. solar actinic flux
b. The quantum yield
c. absorption coefficient
d. Reagent concentration
e. Depends on all of the above

18)The Antarctic ozone hole appears in the southern spring (October,

November) because
a. The return of sunlight breaks down the storage or reservoir molecules,
releasing substances that catalyze the destruction of ozone, such as Cl.
b. The return of sunlight makes the polar stratospheric clouds that stop the
destruction of ozone disappear
c. The return of sunlight photodissociates ozone, giving O2 + O
d. The return of sunlight raises the temperature, which accelerates the
reactions that decompose ozone compared to those that form it e. The return of
sunlight reactivates the Antarctic polar vortex

19)The existence of NO2 can cause tropospheric ozone because to. Reacts
directly with molecular oxygen O2 to give NO and O3 b. It decomposes thermally
releasing atomic oxygen, which reacts
with O2 c. It photodissociates, releasing atomic oxygen, which reacts with O2 d.
It is activated under the action of light and then reacts with molecular oxygen
O2 to give NO and O3
e. Nitrogen dioxide cannot create ozone in any way.
20)Which of the following substances cannot react with the OH radical?
a. CO
b. SO2
c. Volatile aromatic hydrocarbons
d. Ammonia
e. Chlorofluorocarbons

21)The emission of volatile organic compounds in the urban atmosphere

results in an increase in ozone pollution because
a. These compounds decompose under the action of light, releasing radicals
that react with molecular oxygen. Obviously this only happens with compounds
that contain oxygen.
b. These compounds react with the OH radical giving peroxide radicals that
subsequently oxidize O2 to O3. Obviously this only occurs with compounds
with double bonds.
c. These compounds react with NO and produce NO2, which is susceptible to
oxidizing O2 to O3. Obviously this only occurs with oxygenated compounds.
d. These compounds react with the OH radical giving peroxide radicals that
subsequently oxidize NO to NO2. NO2 is what produces ozone
e. Volatile organic compounds have no influence on the formation of ozone

22)For peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) to be formed, one of the most harmful

secondary pollutants in the urban atmosphere, they must exist as
a. Hydrocarbons and nitric acid
b. Hydrocarbons and NOx
c. Ketones and NOx
d. Peroxide and nitric acid radicals
e. PAN is not a secondary pollutant, but a primary one

23) In a photochemical “smog” episode, the maximum ozone concentration

a. At night
b. At dawn, with the first light of the day and rush hour.
c. At midday, during the period of maximum sunshine
d. At dusk, with the second rush hour
e. Ozone concentration does not have a systematic variation with time of day

24) In a photochemical “smog” episode, the maximum concentration of

nitrogen oxides occurs
a. At night
b. At dawn, with the first light of the day and rush hour.
c. At midday, during the period of maximum sunshine
d. At dusk, with the second rush hour and the decline of sunlight
e. NOx concentration does not have a systematic variation with time of day

25)The main oxidants in the aqueous phase of SO2, responsible for the
formation of acid rain, are
a. Ozone and molecular oxygen
b. Hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen
c. Hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen peroxide
d. Just hydrogen peroxide
e. Hydrogen peroxide and ozone

26)The global warming potential of a gas is calculated

a. Taking into account its infrared spectrum
b. Taking into account its radiative forcing relative to CO2
c. Taking into account its radiative forcing and its permanence period in the
d. Taking into account its period of permanence in the atmosphere relative to
e. None of the above

27)According to Stokes' law (which determines the viscous force) and the
force of gravity
a. Large particles stay in the air longer than small ones
b. Large particles remain in the air for less time than small ones.
c. Small and large particles remain, on average, the same time in the air

d. The period of permanence in the air does not depend on the size
e. None of the above

28) For continuous sampling of particles of different sizes to be significant,

we must try to ensure that the sampling is
a. Isochoric
b. Isokinetic
c. Isothermal
d. Homogeneous
e. Isostatic

29)The reference method for the determination of SO2 in the European Union
a. West-Gaeke method
b. Ultraviolet Fluorescence
c. Non-dispersive infrared
d. Reaction with ethylene plus chemiluminescence
e. None of the above
30)To measure volatile organic compounds, the gas is captured in traps.
Subsequently, the analysis is carried out by
a. Gas chromatography
c. atomic absorption
d. Non-dispersive infrared
e. None of the above

31)The formation of thermal NOx is regulated a. Equilibrium constants of the

NO and NO2 formation reaction
from N2 and O2
b. Rate constants of intermediate reactions
c. The two previous factors
d. The existence of free radicals
e. None of the above

32) According to the Clausius-Clapeyron law, to minimize the emission of

volatile hydrocarbons in a fuel transfer, this must be done
a. At high temperature
b. At low temperature
c. At high pressure
d. At low pressure
e. Neither temperature nor pressure influence

33)To reduce the emission of particles, the simplest (but also the least
efficient) wall collectors are
a. Gravity settlers
b. Centrifugal separators
c. The cyclones
d. Electrostatic precipitators
e. Any of the above}

34)In a wall collector, larger particles are easier to “control” than small ones
to. The sedimentation rate of particles is greater for larger particles b. The
entry velocity into the collector is smaller for larger particles.
c. Larger particles cannot pass through the inlet filter in the collector
d. Larger particles cannot pass through the collector outlet filter
e. None of the above

35) The main artificial source of nitrogen oxides emissions into the atmosphere is
a. Incomplete combustion of fuels
b. The high temperature combustion in the presence of air of any fuel.
c. The combustion of fossil fuels exclusively.
d. The evaporation of solvents.
e. Industrial production of nitrogen fertilizers.

36) The PM2.5 symbol represents

a. Particles in suspension with an average diameter equal to 2.5 nm.
b. Particles in suspension with an average diameter equal to 2.5 micrometers.
c. Particles in suspension with a diameter equal to or less than 2.5
d. Particles in suspension with a diameter equal to or less than 2.5 nm.
e. Particles of matter with between 2 and 5 carbon atoms.

37) An analyzer measures 12 ppm (by volume) of ozone. How many molecules of
ozone are there in a million molecules of air?
a. 12
b. 0.012
c. 36
d. 0.036

e. 36000

38) In the case of a homogeneous discharge in which the concentration of

contaminant varies with time, it would be necessary to use
a. A stationary fixed cell model
b. A non-stationary fixed cell model
c. A Gaussian model in two dimensions
d. A Gaussian model in three dimensions
e. Holland's equation with time average

39) The Gaussian dispersion model, in its most general version, is deduced from a
material balance in which the inlet and outlet fluxes in the cell are calculated
a. Taking into account the wind speed in the x direction and the turbulence in
the y and z directions.
b. Applying Fick's law of diffusion in the three dimensions of space and not
considering the flow due to the wind, whose effect is included a posteriori
through a change of variable.
c. Applying Fick's diffusion law only in the direction of the wind. For
perpendicular directions a simple change of variable is used .
d. Applying Fick's diffusion law only in the two directions perpendicular to the
e. Applying total mixing in the cell, which moves with the wind.

40) According to the stationary fixed cell model, a city accumulates the more
pollution the more
a. Wider in the direction perpendicular to the wind
b. More elongated in the direction of the wind
c. The greater the degree of atmospheric stability
d. The lower the degree of atmospheric stability
e. Neither the size of the city nor the atmospheric stability influence this model

41) The reason that substances such as halogenated compounds are capable of
destroying large amounts of ozone, even if they are emitted in small quantities,
is that a. These substances react very quickly with ozone, creating, for
example, ClO
b. Polar stratospheric clouds enhance their destructive effect on the O3
c. They produce constantly regenerating catalysts for ozone destruction
d. They destroy reservoir molecules, releasing ozone-destroying substances.

e. In reality, its effect on the ozone layer is very little important, except at the

42) The photochemical decomposition rate constant of NO2 is 0.533 min-1. This
implies that the half-life of this molecule is (assuming that there is no other
decomposition mechanism) a. 1,876 minutes
b. 1,300 minutes
c. 0.533 minutes
d. You can't know
e. None of the above

43) Of all the byproducts of hydrocarbon oxidation in the troposphere, those

directly responsible for ozone production are
a. alkyl radicals
b. Alkoxide radicals c. Peroxide radicals d. The aldehydes
e. None of the above, hydrocarbons do not produce ozone.

44) The Henry constant of dissolving N2O5 to give nitric acid in rainwater is 1 M
atm-1. If 100 ppb (by volume) of N2O5 is measured in air, what is the
concentration of nitric acid in the raindrops?
a. 1M
b. 0.01M
c. 10-4M
d. 10-7M
e. none of the previous answers

45) CFCs have global warming potentials on the order of 5000 times greater than
CO2. This is fundamentally because
a. They intensely absorb infrared radiation
b. They are found in very high concentrations in the stratosphere
c. They indirectly create huge amounts of greenhouse gases.
d. They have a very long residence time in the atmosphere
e. none of the previous answers

46) The equation that allows estimating the visual range from the concentration of
particles in air is
a. Holland's equation
b. The Arrhenius equation
c. Fick's law

d. Stokes' law
e. none of the previous answers

47) Isokinetic sampling is used to

a. capture a gaseous contaminant at high speed and thus obtain
instantaneous measurements.
b. sampling particles from a gaseous effluent so that the concentration of
particles of a certain size in the captured sample is correct.
c. sampling a gaseous effluent so that the particle concentration and size
distribution in the captured sample are correct.
d. select a range of sizes in a sample of particles in air. and. None of the

48) The main advantage of emission spectroscopy in inductively coupled plasma

(ICP) over atomic absorption in a graphite chamber is
a. that ICP is a much more sensitive technique than atomic absorption, so
much more diluted samples can be analyzed.
b. The ICP allows the sample to be completely atomized, thereby eliminating
possible interferences.
c. that atomic absorption allows the analysis of only metals while ICP allows
the analysis of metals as well as semivolatile compounds adsorbed on the
d. that the ICP is a non-dispersive method and therefore the instrumentation is
simple and robust.
e. ICP and atomic absorption are not comparable techniques.

49) The detector used for the analysis of SO2 in air by means of the
chemiluminescence + gas chromatography method consists of
a. an electronic capture detector, since sulfur is very electronegative.
b. a mass meter based on the piezoelectric effect.
c. a fluorimeter, which measures the fluorescence of the S2 molecule.
d. a photomultiplier tube that measures the emission of excited S2.
e. A non-dispersive infrared instrument

50) Indicate which of the following methods is not used to measure ozone in air
a. reaction with iodide+spectrophotometry, which measures ozone along with
other oxidants such as peroxides
b. ultraviolet fluorescence

c. ultraviolet absorption
d. reaction with ethylene + chemiluminescence e. They are all used

51)An environmental graduate is hired in a laboratory to implement a system for

measuring benzene in air. Which of the following basic equipment should he
preferably choose?
a. A non-dispersive infrared spectrometer
b. A particle collector, a soxhlet and an HPLC
c. An adsorbent trap, a pump to draw air with controlled flow and a gas
chromatograph coupled with a mass spectrometer and a thermal desorption
d. An adsorbent trap, a pump to suck air with controlled flow and a
chemiluminescence meter by reaction with H2.
e. An adsorbent trap, a controlled flow pump and a chemiluminescence meter
by reaction with ozone.

52) Wall collectors are used to

a. remove water-soluble gaseous contaminants from a gaseous effluent by
circulating the effluent through a wet wall
b. collect samples of particles from the air for further analysis of metals and
semivolatile organic compounds
c. determine the size distribution of particles in air
d. control the emission of particles in a gaseous effluent
e. None of the above

53)The analysis of particulate organic matter is carried out to

a. Detect and quantify metals in trace amounts
b. Detect and quantify volatile organic compounds precursors of
photochemical smog
c. Detect and quantify polynuclear or semivolatile aromatic hydrocarbons in
general d. Quantify the amount of fuel that has not been burned in a
combustion process
and. Organic matter is not usually analyzed in atmospheric particles, only

54)The use of a piezoelectric mass sensor is the reference method to

a. SO2 in air as well as other substances that are strongly adsorbed on a
quartz crystal
b. Amines, which when hydrated form salts that give rise to an appreciable
variation in mass.

c. Volatile organic compounds that are retained in a specific trap

d. The mass sensor is not a reference method for any of the common air
e. The mass sensor is a universal detector in gas chromatography

55)The use of various adsorbents in traps for volatile organic compounds is

intended to
a. Allow the capture of volatile compounds with different degrees of volatility
through the use of adsorbent media with different characteristics
b. Just to check that the exhaust volume has not been exceeded
c. Allow the capture of both volatile and non-volatile compounds
d. Provide a larger exhaust volume to sample larger amounts of air e. Allow
greater sample preconcentration
56)Can volatile organic compounds be sampled without adsorbent traps?
a. Yes, using a bubbler with a suitable solvent for your sampling.
b. No
c. Yes, using steel bottles coated inside with a specific adsorbent medium for
the compound to be measured.
d. Yes, using a thermal desorption system as a sampler
e. Yes, using steel bottles or Teflon bags specially designed for this purpose

57)In a gaseous effluent the concentration of CO is determined

a. by the amount of carbon contained in the fuel
b. by the chemical equilibrium conditions for the reaction CO2 → CO + ½ O2
in the gas phase c. by the chemical equilibrium conditions for the reaction CO2
→ CO + ½ O2 on a solid catalyst
d. By the kinetics of the reaction CO2 → CO + ½ O2 in the gas phase
e. Due to the sulfur content in the fuel

58) Intrinsic NOx are those…

a. whose concentration depends on the kinetics of N2 oxidation reactions in
the gas phase
b. whose concentration depends on the kinetics of N2 oxidation reactions in
the gas phase
c. they do not decompose in time in the catalyst through which the exhaust
gases pass
d. They are formed from nitrogenous compounds in the fuel

e. They are formed from the excess of N2 in the mixture 59) Exhaust gas
recirculation in a combustion engine
a. allows to reduce the temperature of the exhaust gases
b. reduce the emission of residual organic compounds and NO2
c. reduce the emission of residual organic compounds and SO2 d. reduce the
emission of particulate matter in diesel engines
and. not suitable for emissions control

60) Car catalytic converters allow

a. control the emission of particles
b. control the emission of sulfur and semivolatile compounds
c. accelerate combustion processes
d. reduce combustion temperature
e. reduce NOx emission

61)To calculate the terminal velocity Vt of particles in a centrifugal collector

a. The centrifugal force is equal to the viscous force given by Stokes' law.
b. The centrifugal force of gravity is equal to the electrostatic force
c. The electrostatic force is equal to the viscous force given by Stokes' law.
d. The electrostatic force is equal to the viscous force given by Newton's law
e. Obtained directly from tables

62)In the non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) method the detector measures a

signal of
a. Infrared light radiation intensity
b. Pressure
c. Pressure difference
d. Infrared light radiation intensity difference
e. None of the above
63) Wall collectors are arranged in increasing order of efficiency as follows
(for a given particle size)
a. Electrostatic, centrifugal and gravity
b. Just the opposite of point a)
c. Centrifugal, electrostatic and gravity
d. Just the opposite of point c)
e. They all have the same efficiency
64) Commonly, it is not included in the group of secondary pollutants
a. sulfur dioxide
b. Peroxyacetyl nitrate
c. The ozone. d. Sulfuric and nitric acids
e. All of the above are considered secondary pollutants

65)The symbol PM10 represents

a. Particles in suspension with an average diameter equal to 10 nm.
b. Particles in suspension with an average diameter equal to 10 micrometers.
c. Particles in suspension with a diameter equal to or less than 10
d. Particles in suspension with a diameter equal to or less than 10 nm.
e. Particles of matter with 10 carbon atoms.

66)By unstable atmosphere we understand

a. A situation in which the adiabatic temperature gradient coincides with the
actual gradient
b. A situation in which the adiabatic gradient is more negative than the real
gradient .
c. A situation in which the adiabatic gradient is less negative than the true
gradient. d. A situation in which the real gradient is positive.
and. Nothing of the above.

67) The concentration of NOx in the surroundings of a city is 10 ppb and

inside it is 36. According to the stationary cell model, if the wind speed
doubles, the new NOx concentration inside would be
a. 72 ppb
b. 18 ppb
c. 23 ppb
d. 26 ppb
e. It cannot be known without knowing the dimensions of the city, although we
can always assure that it would be smaller.
68)According to what has been learned in relation to Gaussian models, an
industry would pollute less if
a. The chimney is high and so is the gas emission temperature.
b. The chimney is high but the temperature is low.
c. The chimney is low, the emission temperature being indifferent.
d. The height of the chimney does not have a significant influence but the
emission temperature must be as high as possible.
e. Neither the height of the chimney nor the temperature of the gases has a
significant influence.
69)The half-life of NO2 in air with respect to its photochemical
decomposition (first-order reaction) is 1.3 minutes. That means the rate
constant of the reaction is a. 0.750 min-1
b. 0.750 liter mol-1 min-1
c. 0.533 min-1
d. 0.533 liter mol-1 min-1
e. None of the above.

70) . The quantum yield of a photochemical reaction represents

a. The probability that this reaction will occur
b. The number of molecules that react with respect to the total molecules.
c. The number of reacting molecules with respect to the number of photons
absorbed. d. They are only true by c.
e. They are only true a. and c.

71)The actinic flow measured at a certain height

a. Decreases with height.
b. It increases with height.
c. It is independent of height.
d. It is independent of height unless it is measured at a wavelength at which it
absorbs some molecule present in the atmosphere.
e. It is independent of altitude only below the ozone layer.

72)It is not a destroyer of ozone molecules a. CFC's b. NOx c. SO2 d. OH e.

Cl2 Of all the reactions that a peroxide radical can undergo, the one that
leads in the presence of sunlight to the formation of tropospheric ozone
a. The oxidation of OH to HO2
b. The oxidation of NO to NO2
c. The addition to NO2 to give peroxyalkylnitrates.
d. Reduction to alkoxides. and. Peroxides are not responsible for the formation
of tropospheric ozone.
73) Aldehydes and ketones begin their atmospheric decomposition
a. By addition reactions of the OH radical to the CO double bond
b. By hydrogen subtraction reactions from the OH radical.
c. By photochemical decomposition.
d. By reaction with NOx to give PAN
e. These compounds are inert in the troposphere.

74)SO2 can give rise to acid rain by the following mechanism:

a. Oxidation to SO3 in the gas phase and subsequent addition of water to
give sulfuric acid.
b. The above but also oxidation by ozone and hydrogen peroxide in aqueous
c. SO2 dissolves in water to give sulfurous acid.
d. SO2 is only oxidized to sulfuric acid in the aqueous phase.
e. SO2 does not cause acid rain, only NO2


75)The most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere (with a percentage close
to 1%) is
a. The xenon
b. Argon
c. The nitrogen.
d. The neon
e. The concentration of noble gases is much less than 1%.

76)It is not an artificial source of SO2 emission

a. The combustion of oil.
b. Emissions from refineries and smelters.
c. The combustion of coal.
d. Evaporation of solvents and fuel tanks.
e. All of the above are artificial sources of sulfur oxide emissions.

77) By stable atmosphere we mean

a. A situation where the adiabatic gradient is more negative than the true
b. A situation in which the adiabatic gradient is less negative than the true
c. A situation in which the real gradient is positive.
d. to. and b. Are true.
e. to. and c. Are true.
78)The concentration of ozone in a certain place is 38 ppb (or ppbv). That
a. There are 38 molecules of ozone per 109 molecules of air.
b. There are 38 molecules of ozone per 1012 molecules of air.
c. There are 38 micrograms per cubic meter.
d. There are 0.038 micrograms per cubic meter.
e. None of the above.

79)According to what has been learned in relation to Gaussian models, an

industry would pollute less if
a. The chimney is high and so is the gas emission temperature.
b. The chimney is high but the temperature is low.
c. The chimney is low, the emission temperature being indifferent.
d. The height of the chimney does not have a significant influence but the
emission temperature must be as high as possible.
e. Neither the height of the chimney nor the temperature of the gases has a
significant influence.

80)The appropriate dispersion model to calculate the average pollution due

to the emission of a chimney in the presence of a thermal inversion at low
altitude is
a. The Gaussian model in three dimensions
b. The Gaussian model in two dimensions.
c. The Gaussian model in one dimension
d. The Gaussian model in one dimension only if the vertical mixing limit has
already been reached.
e. The stationary cell model in one dimension.

81)The rate constant of the photochemical decomposition of ozone at 35 km

altitude is 0.001 s-1. This means that the half-life of the ozone molecules
at that height is
a. 1000 seconds
b. 857 seconds
c. 693 seconds
d. 0.001 seconds
e. None of the above.

82)The quantum yield of photochemical decomposition of formaldehyde is

0.71. However, this substance can also fluoresce. What would be its
fluorescence quantum yield?
a. Assuming that no other possible process exists, 0.29
b. Assuming that there is no other possible process, the same, 0.71
c. 0.29 in any case.
d. 0.71 in any case.
e. It cannot be known without the fluorescence rate constant data.

83) Reservoir molecules act in the sense of

a. Catalyze ozone destruction reactions.

b. Promote the formation of polar stratospheric clouds, which cause ozone

destruction in the southern winter.
c. Deactivate the action of the catalysts for ozone destruction reactions.
d. Accumulate ozone, which is released with the arrival of sunlight.
e. None of the above

84) According to the photochemical cycle of nitrogen oxides, it can be

inferred that
a. The more nitrogen oxides, the more ozone.
b. The more NO2, the more ozone
c. The more light, the more ozone
d. to. and c. Are true.
e. b. and c. Are true.

85)Atmospheric oxidation of nitrogenous compounds has as its final stage

a. The formation of NO2, with the consequent formation of ozone.
b. The formation of nitric acid, with the consequent formation of acid rain.
c. The creation of atmospheric oxidants, capable of producing CO2
d. The creation of atmospheric oxidants, capable of creating ozone.
e. Nitrogen compounds are oxidants themselves, they do not oxidize in the

86)The basic requirements for the appearance of a photochemical smog

episode are
a. Presence of NOx and sunlight.
b. Presence of NOx and volatile organic compounds
c. Presence of volatile organic compounds and sunlight.
d. Presence of NOx, volatile organic compounds and sunlight.
e. Only volatile organic compounds are responsible.

87)For a certain gas to be a greenhouse gas (high global warming potential)

it must comply.
a. Absorb infrared radiation.
b. Have a long half-life in the atmosphere.
c. Found in great abundance. d. to. and c. They are true.
and. to. b. They are
88)Small particles are more dangerous from the point of view of their
polluting effects for the following reasons.
a. They are more easily inhaled

b. They remain in suspension longer

c. They contain a higher concentration of heavy metals.
d. to. and c. Are true
e. to. and b. Are true.

89) Stokes' law no longer holds for particles that are too small because
a. The flow around the particle becomes turbulent.
b. Air can no longer be considered a continuous medium.
c. I have to include flotation.
d. The friction force stops depending on the viscosity and begins to depend on
the density of the air.
e. Stokes' law also holds for small particles, it only stops holding for those that
are too large.

90)The main advantage of emission spectroscopy in inductively coupled

plasma (ICP) with respect to atomic absorption in a graphite chamber is
a. that ICP is a much more sensitive technique than atomic absorption, so
much more diluted samples can be analyzed.
b. The ICP allows the sample to be completely atomized, thereby eliminating
possible interferences.
c. that atomic absorption allows the analysis of only metals while ICP allows
the analysis of metals as well as semivolatile compounds adsorbed on the
d. that the ICP is a non-dispersive method and therefore the instrumentation is
simple and robust. and. ICP and atomic absorption are not comparable

91)Can volatile organic compounds be sampled without adsorbent traps?

a. Yes, using a bubbler with a suitable solvent for your sampling.
b. No
c. Yes, using steel bottles coated inside with a specific adsorbent medium for
the compound to be measured.
d. Yes, using a thermal desorption system as a sampler
e. Yes, using steel bottles or Teflon bags specially designed for this purpose

92) Car catalytic converters allow

a. control the emission of particles
b. control the emission of sulfur and semivolatile compounds
c. accelerate combustion processes
d. reduce combustion temperature
e. reduce NOx emission

93)The most suitable method to measure polynuclear (or polycyclic)

aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is:
a. Adsorption in activated carbon traps and subsequent analysis by gas
b. particle capture, PAH dilution and HPLC analysis
c. direct determination by spectrophotometry
d. chemiluminescence
e. PAHs are not found in the air, therefore they are not analyzed

94)To calculate the terminal velocity Vt of particles in a wall collector

a. The force of gravity is equal to the viscous force given by Stokes ' law.
b. The force of gravity is equal to the electrostatic force
c. The electrostatic force is equal to the viscous force given by Stokes' law.
d. The electrostatic force is equal to the viscous force given by Newton's law
e. Obtained directly from tables

95)It is not an artificial source of sulfur oxide emissions
a. coal combustion
b. Oil combustion.
c. Gasoline combustion.
d. Metallurgical industry (foundries)
e. All are sources of sulfur oxide emissions.

96)A boiler that operated by burning coal would emit the following pollutants
a. SO2
b. SO2, NOX
c. SO2, NOx and particles
d. SO2, NOx and CO
e. SO2, NOx, CO and particles.

97)An analyzer measures 250 ppb (by volume) of SO2. How many molecules
of SO2 are there in a billion molecules of air?
a. 0.250

b. 250
c. 4
d. 0.004
and. None of the above

98)1 ppm (or ppmv) of CO at ambient temperature and pressure is equivalent

to micrograms per cubic meter
a. approx. 1.5
b. approx. 150
c. approx. 0.15
d. approx. 2.29
e. None of the above.

99)An industry continuously emits polluting gases through a chimney. To

estimate its atmospheric impact, ignoring the effect of the mixing height,
it would be necessary to use
a. The stationary fixed cell model.
b. The non-stationary fixed cell model.
c. The Gaussian model in two dimensions
d. The Gaussian model in three dimensions e. None of the above.

100) A measurement at ground level and at a certain distance from the

A factory produces 40 micrograms per cubic meter of a certain pollutant.
If the wind speed doubles, what would be the new measurement
according to the Gaussian model at the same point?
a. 80
b. 20
c. It doesn't vary.
d. You should know the dispersion coefficients to give the exact data but you
could always say that it would decrease.
e. You should know the dispersion coefficients to give the exact data but you
could always say that it would increase.

101) An industry reduces the exit temperature of the gases in

Fireplace. What would be the effect on ground level pollution levels in the
vicinity of the factory?
a. They would increase.
b. They would decrease.
c. Does not influence.

102) The photochemical decomposition rate constant of

formaldehyde is 2.7 10-5 s-1. This implies that the half-life
of this molecule is (assuming there is no other decomposition
a. Approximately 2 hours
b. Approximately 7 hours.
c. Approximately 10 hours.
d. 2.7 10-5 seconds.
e. None of the above.

103) The formaldehyde molecule photodissociates in two ways

only: (a) H2CO H2 + CO and (b) H2CO H + HCO. If the quantum efficiency
of (a) is 0.28, that of (b) will be
a. Also 0.28
b. 0
c. 0.72
d. 0.56
e. You can't know.

104) The pattern of variation of oxygen species with height is

a. Atomic oxygen decreases, molecular oxygen increases, and ozone first
increases and then decreases.
b. Atomic oxygen increases, molecular oxygen decreases, and ozone first
increases and then decreases.
c. Atomic oxygen decreases, and both molecular oxygen and ozone first
increase and then decrease.
d. They all decrease with height because the density of air decreases.
e. Only ozone has a defined pattern and depends on the actinic flow at each

105) The most likely reaction that an isobutane molecule undergoes

(CH3-CH(CH3)-CH3) once emitted to the atmosphere is
a. The OH radical abstracts hydrogen
b. The OH radical adds to the double bonds
c. Decomposes photolytically
d. It returns to the earth because it is soluble in water.
e. It is an inert molecule, it does not react, and therefore rises to the

106) An industry emits large amounts of NO. This will produce

predictably in the surrounding area
a. That ozone concentrations increase because nitrogen oxides are
precursors to the formation of this pollutant.
b. That ozone concentrations increase because NO photodissociates, giving
atomic oxygen and this ozone.

c. That ozone concentrations decrease because NO reacts with ozone.

d. That ozone concentrations decrease because NO reacts with volatile
organic compounds and these produce ozone.
e. The emission of NO in the ozone would have no influence at all.

107) The origin of the formation of Peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) in

urban environment is
a. Combination of peroxides with nitric acid.
b. Combination of peroxides with NO2
c. Combination of acetone with NO2
d. Combination of peroxides with NO e. None of the above.

108) The environmental danger of CFCs lies in

a. They are highly toxic.
b. They photodissociate in the stratosphere and release chlorine, which
destroys ozone.
c. They have a high global warming potential and therefore contribute to the
greenhouse effect.
d. Both b and c are true.
e. Both a and b are true.

109) Knowing that friction is proportional to diameter, it follows

that the sedimentation rate is proportional to
a. The diameter of the particle as well.
b. The square of the diameter of the particle
c. The cube of the particle diameter
d. It is independent of the diameter
e. none of the previous answers

110) The most used method for the determination of particles

totals in air is:
a. Capture on a filter and subsequent analysis by X-ray fluorescence, which
does not require sample preparation
b. Non-dispersive infrared, since the measuring instrument is very robust c.
Capture in a filter and gravimetry under controlled humidity conditions.
d. Bubbling in a suitable solvent and with controlled flow.
e. Gas chromatography

111) Isokinetic sampling is used to

a. capture a gaseous contaminant at high speed and thus obtain
instantaneous measurements.

b. sampling particles from a gaseous effluent so that the concentration of

particles of a certain size in the captured sample is correct.
c. sampling a gaseous effluent so that the particle concentration and size
distribution in the captured sample are correct.
d. select a range of sizes in a sample of particles in air. and. None of the

112) The main advantage of plasma emission spectroscopy

inductively coupled (ICP) with respect to atomic absorption in graphite
chamber is
a. that ICP is a much more sensitive technique than atomic absorption, so
much more diluted samples can be analyzed.
b. The ICP allows the sample to be completely atomized, thereby eliminating
possible interferences.
c. that atomic absorption allows the analysis of only metals while ICP allows
the analysis of metals as well as semivolatile compounds adsorbed on the
d. that the ICP is a non-dispersive method and therefore the instrumentation is
simple and robust. and. ICP and atomic absorption are not comparable

113) An environmental graduate is hired in a laboratory

To start up a system for measuring benzene in air, which of the following
basic equipment should you preferably choose?
a. A non-dispersive infrared spectrometer
b. A particle collector, a soxhlet and an HPLC
c. An adsorbent trap, a pump to draw air with controlled flow and a gas
chromatograph coupled with a mass spectrometer and a thermal desorption
d. An adsorbent trap, a pump to suck air with controlled flow and a
chemiluminescence meter by reaction with H2. and. An adsorbent trap, a
controlled flow pump and a chemiluminescence meter by reaction with ozone.

114) Intrinsic NOx

to. They are emitted by the metallurgical industry as a result of oxidation

c. They are formed by the combination of N2 and O2 from the air at very high
temperatures. d. They are formed by the action of radicals that come from the
partial combustion of hydrocarbons.
and. Its concentration is determined by the kinetics of the oxidation reactions

115) Air has approximately 0.03% by volume of CO2.

That means that the number of moles of CO2 in one mole of air is a. 3
b. 0.03
c. 0.0003
d. None of the above
e. You can't know

116) An analyzer in the center of Seville gives 26 ppm (or ppmv) of CO.
That is equivalent in µg/m3 to
a. Approx. 26
b. Approx. 30
c. Approx. 30000
d. Approx. 60
e. None of the above

117) The ozone alert threshold is 240 µg/m3 in one hour. That
is equivalent in p pb (or ppbv) to
a. Approx. 120
b. Approx. 240
c. Approx. 60
d. Approx. 80
e. None of the above

118) A technician decides to use a 2D Gaussian model to

estimate the concentration of a pollutant in the vicinity of an industry that
continuously emits a certain flow of gases. The two dispersion directions
that the technician has to consider are:
a. Wind direction and height
b. The direction perpendicular to the wind and the height
c. The direction of the wind and its perpendicular direction, but not the height
d. The 2D model is not suitable in this case and the three directions of space
must be considered.
e. Just consider the direction of the wind, the correct model is in one

119) According to the stationary cell model, an elongated city

in the direction perpendicular to the wind
a. It accumulates more pollution than a city that does not have an elongated
b. Just the opposite, it accumulates less pollution
c. In reality, the length of the city in the direction perpendicular to the wind has
no influence
d. The stationary cell model is not appropriate in this case

120) The scattering coefficient σz at a fixed distance from the source

a. It is larger if the atmosphere is more unstable
b. It is smaller if the atmosphere is more unstable
c. Dispersion coefficients do not depend on atmospheric stability.

121) The photochemical decomposition half-life of

acetaldehyde is 28 minutes. The rate constant k of the corresponding
photochemical reaction will be
a. 28 min-1
b. 0.0357 min-1
c. 3.57 min-1
d. 0.0247 min-1
e. None of the above

122) The OH radical is added to NO2 to give HNO3 in a single step.

The corresponding speed law is
a. v = k[NO2]
b. v = k[NO2][OH]
c. v = k[NO2][OH]2
d. v = k[NO2] 2 [OH]
e. It cannot be known since the reaction is not elementary

123) One of the main reactions of the Chapman cycle is

photochemical decomposition of ozone. The rate constant of this
a. Increases with height
b. Decreases with height
c. Does not depend on height

124) In the absence of volatile organic compounds, an emission of

Pure NO has the following effect on tropospheric ozone pollution
a. It decreases, since ozone oxidizes NO to NO2
b. It increases, because NO is oxidized to NO2 and this produces ozone
c. Does not affect

125) An emission of hydrogen chloride (HCl) into the atmosphere has

the following consequences
a. It is a molecule that photodissociates, releasing chlorine with effects on the
ozone layer.
b. It is a molecule that does not react and ends up in the stratosphere
c. It is a molecule that reacts with the OH radical releasing chlorine.
d. It is a molecule that is very soluble in water and therefore returns to the
ground in the form of acid rain.
e. None of the above

126) The most likely reaction that a propene molecule undergoes

(CH2=CH-CH3) once emitted to the atmosphere is
a. Addition of the OH radical
b. Hydrogen abstraction by the OH radical
c. Photodissociation
d. It is an inert molecule and does not react
e. It is soluble in water and returns to the soil dissolved in raindrops.

127) They are secondary pollutants formed in an episode of

photochemical smog ozone, HNO3, organic compounds such as PAN and
a. Nitrogen dioxide
b. Hydrocarbons
c. Polynuclear aromatic compounds
d. Secondary particles in suspension
e. None of the above

128) The Henry dissolution constant of SO2 in water is 1M

atm-1. This means that if the concentration of SO2 in air is 1 ppm (or
ppmv) the total concentration of SO2 expected in the raindrops will be
a. 1M
b. 10-6M
c. 10-9M
d. cannot be calculated
e. None of the above

129) The reference method for the determination of oxides of

nitrogen is
a. ultraviolet fluorescence
b. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry
c. The chemiluminescence method
d. Capture with hydrogen peroxide and subsequent spectrophotometric
e. The flame ionization method
130) It is not a method to determine SO2
a. The pararosaniline method
b. The West-Gaeke method
c. The non-dispersive infrared method
d. Reaction with ozone and luminescence
e. Reaction with hydrogen and luminescence

131) The main advantage of plasma emission spectroscopy

inductively coupled (ICP) with respect to atomic absorption in graphite
chamber is

a. that ICP is a much more sensitive technique than atomic absorption, so

much more diluted samples can be analyzed.

b. The ICP allows the sample to be completely atomized, thereby eliminating

possible interferences.
c. that atomic absorption allows the analysis of only metals while ICP allows
the analysis of metals as well as semivolatile compounds adsorbed on the
d. that the ICP is a non-dispersive method and therefore the instrumentation
is simple and robust.
e. ICP and atomic absorption are not comparable techniques.

132) Can volatile organic compounds be sampled

dispensing with adsorbent traps?
a. Yes, using a bubbler with a suitable solvent for your sampling.
b. No
c. Yes, using steel bottles coated inside with a specific adsorbent medium for
the compound to be measured.
d. Yes, using a thermal desorption system as a sampler
e. Yes, using steel bottles or Teflon bags specially designed for this purpose
133) The most suitable method to measure aromatic hydrocarbons
polynuclear (or polycyclic) (HAP) is:
a. Adsorption in activated carbon traps and subsequent analysis by gas
b. particle capture, PAH dilution and HPLC analysis
c. direct determination by spectrophotometry
d. chemiluminescence
e. PAHs are not found in the air, therefore they are not analyzed

134) So that a sampling of particles of different sizes in

continuous is significant, we must try to ensure that the sampling is
a. Isochoric
b. Isokinetic
c. Isothermal d. Homogeneous e. Isostatic

135) To calculate the terminal velocity Vt of the particles in a

centrifugal collector
a. The force of gravity is equal to the viscous force given by Stokes' law.
b. The force of gravity is equal to the electrostatic force
c. The electrostatic force is equal to the viscous force given by Stokes' law.
d. The electrostatic force is equal to the viscous force given by Newton's law
e. Obtained directly from tables

136) For a surface filter

a. The pressure drop on both sides of the filter depends on the square of the
effluent flow rate to be treated.
b. The effluent flow rate and pressure drop are proportional. The
proportionality constant depends on the permeability of the cake and the
viscosity of the air.
c. efficiency depends on separation number
d. efficiency is small since they cannot work continuously
e. They allow metals to be captured for subsequent analysis by ICP.

137) The formation of thermal NOx is regulated

a. Equilibrium constants of the reaction of formation of NO and NO2 from N2
and O2
b. Rate constants of intermediate reactions
c. The two previous factors
d. The existence of free radicals
e. None of the above

138) A method to control CO emissions in engines

combustion is
a. Reduce the hydrocarbon content of gasoline
b. Reduce combustion temperature
c. Recirculate the exhaust gases
d. Use unleaded gasoline
e. Absorb the exhaust gases in a suitable solvent (such as carbon

139) According to the Clausius-Clapeyron law, to minimize the

emission of volatile hydrocarbons in a fuel transfer, this must be done
a. At high temperature
b. At low temperature
c. At high pressure
d. At low pressure
e. Neither temperature nor pressure influence


140) No nitrogen oxides are emitted

to. In coal combustion
b. In the combustion of oil.
c. In the combustion of gasoline.
d. In the combustion of natural gas
e. All combustion processes in air emit nitrogen oxides.

141) The main precursors of the formation of acid rain are

nitrogen oxides and
a. carbon monoxide
b. sulfur dioxide
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Nitric acid.
e. Only nitrogen oxides are primarily responsible.

142) An analyzer measures 25 ppm (by volume) of SO2. How many

SO2 molecules are there in a million molecules of air?
a. 0.25
b. 25
c. 25000
d. 50
e. None of the above

143) The ozone information threshold for the public is 180

micrograms per cubic meter. That is equivalent in ppb's to
a. approx. 90
b. approx. 180
c. approx. 240
d. approx. 360
e. None of the above.

144) A technician needs to estimate the concentration of

produced by a chimney that emits gases continuously and in the
presence of a thermal inversion at low altitude. The model I would have
to use would be
a. The Gaussian model in three dimensions
b. The two-dimensional Gaussian model if the vertical mixing limit has not
been reached
c. The Gaussian model in one dimension if the vertical mixing limit has
already been reached.
d. Both b and c are true (in their respective cases)
e. Nothing said is true.

145) A measurement at ground level and at a certain distance from

the chimney
A factory produces 40 micrograms per cubic meter of a certain
pollutant. If the wind speed doubles, what would be the new
measurement according to the Gaussian model at the same point?
a. 80
b. 20
c. It doesn't vary.
d. You should know the dispersion coefficients to give the exact data but
you could always say that it would decrease.
e. You should know the dispersion coefficients to give the exact data but
you could always say that it would increase.

146) If the rate of emission of gases from a

chimney What would be the effect on ground level pollution levels in
the vicinity of the chimney?
a. They would increase.
b. They would decrease.
c. Does not influence.
147) The photochemical decomposition rate constant of
NO2 is 0.533 min-1. This implies that the half-life of this molecule is
(assuming that there is no other decomposition mechanism)
a. Approximately 2.6 minutes
b. Approximately 1.3 minutes
c. Approximately 1.87 minutes
d. 0.533 minutes
e. None of the above.

148) To calculate the rate constant of a reaction

photochemistry is needed
a. The actinic flow
b. The quantum yield
c. absorption coefficient
d. All previous
e. None of the above, it is necessary to measure it directly.

149) The actinic flow, and therefore the speed of the reactions
atmospheric photochemistry
a. Increases with height
b. Decreases with height
c. Does not depend on height
d. It depends on the wavelength, in some intervals it increases with height
and in others it decreases with height.
e. None of the above

150) The most likely reaction that an acetone molecule undergoes

(CH3-CO-CH3) once emitted to the atmosphere is
a. The OH radical abstracts hydrogen
b. The OH radical adds to the double bonds
c. Decomposes photolytically
d. It returns to the earth because it is soluble in water. and. It is an inert
molecule, it does not react, and therefore rises to the stratosphere.

151) Chapman's theory of the ozone layer

a. Predicts actual ozone concentrations in the stratosphere but not the
height of the concentration maximum
b. Just the opposite, it predicts the height of the maximum but the
concentrations are higher than the real ones
c. Predicts the height of the maximum but the concentrations are lower than
the real ones
d. Chapman's theory is very approximate and none of the above is true
152) In a photochemical smog episode the maximum
ozone concentration is produced
a. First thing in the day
b. At peak traffic time
c. At the time of maximum solar radiation
d. It does not appear at a specific time, it depends on the relative values of
the rate constants.

153) In the oxidation of SO2 in the aqueous phase by peroxide

hydrogen H2O2
a. The oxidation rate decreases as the droplet becomes
more acidic because SO2 dissolves worse
b. The oxidation rate increases as the droplet becomes more acidic
because the protons favor the formation of the oxidizing species H3O2 +
c. Speed is independent of acidity because the two previous effects
compensate each other
d. H2O2 does not oxidize SO2, only ozone does.

154) Sedimentable particles are considered those whose diameter

is higher than
a. 0.1 micrometers
b. 1 micrometer
c. 2.5 micrometers
d. 10 micrometers
e. Sedimentation velocity does not depend on diameter

155) The size selector particle collectors are based

a. Collect particles without distinction as long as their size is less than 40
b. Select by diameter using increasingly finer sieves.
c. Select by diameter using electrostatic filters.
d. In reality they are selected by masses; Heavier particles have greater
inertia and travel farther.
e. In reality they are selected by masses, but if the densities of the light
and heavy particles are equal, it can be related to their diameters.

156) Which of the following techniques does not allow analyzing

metals in
particles captured?
a. X-ray fluorescence directly on the captured material.
b. Soxhlet extraction with an organic solution and analysis by ICP.
c. Dissolve in a mixture of HCl and H2O2 and analysis by atomic
absorption in a graphite furnace.
d. Dissolve in an acidic and oxidizing solution and analysis by ICP.
e. Dissolve in a mixture of HNO3 and Mn2O7 2- (permanganate) and analysis by
atomic absorption in a graphite furnace.

157) Which of the following methods for the determination of SO2

Is it especially suitable for carrying out automated measurements
since it can operate without the need for a continuous supply of
chemical reagents?
a. UV fluorescence
b. West-Gaeke method
c. Gas chromatography + chemiluminescence
e. ayd are true.

158) Formaldehyde, H2CO, is a type of pollutant:

a. PAH
c. VOC
d. alcohol
e. a, c and d are true

159) In an automobile catalytic converter (gasoline engine)

a. NO is converted to NO2
b. CO is converted to CO2
c. NOT converted to N2
d. C8H18 is converted to CO2 and H2O
e. b, c and d are true

160) Cadmium released in a garbage incinerator is

a. In gaseous form
b. In the flying ashes
c. in the slags
d. in the plasma
e. Distributed equally between a, b and c.

161) Compared to a fuel/air ratio of 1, a ratio

greater than 1 has the consequences that:
a. [CO], [hydrocarbons] and [NO] all increase
b. [CO] and [hydrocarbons] increase, [NO] decreases
c. [CO] increases, [hydrocarbons] decreases, [NO] increases d. [CO]
increases, [hydrocarbons] and [NO] decrease
e. [CO] decreases, [hydrocarbons] and [NO] increase

162) Cement is obtained by grinding and heating for

long times at temperatures up to 2000ºC of mineral compounds such
as silicon oxide, calcium carbonate and aluminum oxide. Coal is used
as a source of energy for heating. Prior to the end-of-pipe step
(emission control), what will be the main contaminants of this
manufacturing process?
a. Particles (and CO2)
b. NO and particles (and CO2)
c. NO, SO2 and particles (and CO2)
d. SO2, VOCs and particles (and CO2)
e. NO, SO2, VOC and particles (and CO2)


163) Coal thermal power plants

a. They cause acid rain processes because they emit sulfuric acid
b. They cause acid rain processes because they emit SO2, which is
oxidized in the atmosphere to sulfuric acid.
c. to. It is true but they also emit nitric acid which also contributes to acid
d. b. It is true but they also emit nitrogen oxides that oxidize to nitric acid
and also contribute to acid rain
e. Coal-fired power plants are harmful to air quality but are not related to
acid rain phenomena.

164) If in a sample of air there are 500 ozone molecules in a thousand

millions of air molecules, how many ppbv's of ozone does that sample
a. 0.5
b. 50
c. 500
d. 5000
e. None of the above
165) In the bay of Algeciras around 15,000 are measured
micrograms per cubic meter of carbon monoxide. That is equivalent in
ppmv's to
a. approx. 13000
b. approx. 13
c. approx. 15
d. approx. 15000
e. None of the above.

166) A city has 300 micrograms per cubic meter of NOx in

a region where the background concentration of this pollutant is 50.
How much would emissions have to be reduced so that the
concentration did not exceed 150 micrograms?
a. By 50%
b. By 60%
c. By 80%
d. Can't know without more data

167) A mass of dry air rising adiabatically cools to

reason for
a. One degree for every meter of height
b. One degree for every 10 meters of height
c. One degree per 100 meters of height
d. One hundredth of a degree for every 10 meters
e. It depends on atmospheric stability.

168) The danger of PM2.5 particles compared to PM10 lies

in what
a. They are smaller and therefore remain in suspension for longer.
b. They are smaller and therefore penetrate deeper into the respiratory
c. Both a and b are true
d. Both PM2.5 and PM10 particles are equally harmful to the environment.

169) The Gaussian dispersion model is based on the law of

Fick. This establishes that a. The pollutant flux is proportional to the
concentration gradient
b. The pollutant flow is proportional to the concentration gradient changed
c. The pollutant flux is proportional to the exponential of the square of the
concentration gradient.
d. The pollutant flux is proportional to the exponential of the square of the
concentration gradient changed sign.
e. Fick's law does not allow calculating the pollutant flux.

170) The photochemical decomposition half-life of

NO2 is 1.3 minutes at sea level. At 10,000 m altitude this half-life time
will be
a. Greater, because the actinic flow is more intense at that height
b. Lower, because the actinic flow is more intense at that height
c. Greater, because the actinic flow is less intense at that height
d. Lower, because the actinic flow is less intense at that height.
e. The half-life does not depend on height.

171) The reaction “A + B → products” is first order with

with respect to reactant A and second order with respect to B. If the
concentration of A and B are doubled then
a. Reaction speed doubles
b. The reaction speed is multiplied by three
c. The reaction speed is multiplied by four
d. The reaction speed is multiplied by six
e. None of the above

172) The most likely reaction that a propane molecule undergoes

(CH3-CH2-CH3) once emitted to the atmosphere is
a. The OH radical abstracts hydrogen
b. The OH radical adds to the double bonds
c. Decomposes photolytically
d. It returns to the earth because it is soluble in water.
e. It is an inert molecule, it does not react, and therefore rises to the

173) An industry emits large amounts of NO. This will produce

predictably in the surrounding area
a. That ozone concentrations increase because nitrogen oxides are
precursors to the formation of this pollutant.
b. That ozone concentrations increase because NO photodissociates,
giving atomic oxygen and this ozone.
c. That ozone concentrations decrease because NO reacts with ozone.
d. That ozone concentrations decrease because NO reacts with volatile
organic compounds and these produce ozone.
e. The emission of NO would not influence the ozone at all

174) Ozone holes at the poles appear

a. In Winter b. In Summer c. In autumn
d. In spring
e. A long the whole year.

175) In a given place the concentration of sulfur dioxide

in air it is 10 ppm. If the Henry constant of this substance is 1 M atm-1,
ignoring acid-base reactions, what would be the concentration of
sulfurous acid in the raindrops?
a. 1M
b. 10M
c. 10-5M
d. 10-6M
e. None of the above.

176) An industry emits particles with a normal distribution with

average diameter 10 microns. What percentage of the total distribution
is PM10?
a. 10%
b. 50%
c. 84%
d. The 100%
e. I need the standard deviation data to know precisely.

177) The formation of nitric acid in raindrops is a

consequence of oxidation by
a. Dissolved ozone
b. Dissolved hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide)
c. Molecular oxygen
d. Both a and b are true.
e. Nitric acid is preferably formed in the gas phase, not in raindrops.

178) Sampling has been carried out on a gas stream in a

pipe and a particle distribution has been determined. Later, it was
found that the sampling was not isokinetic, but that the velocity of the
gas in the probe during the analysis was greater than the velocity in
the pipe. What can be stated about the particles in the gas stream?
a. The actual particle concentrations are lower than those determined.

b. The actual concentrations of particles correspond to those that have

been determined.
c. The actual particle concentrations are higher than those determined.
d. The actual concentrations of particles do not correspond to those that
have been determined. The larger the particles, the less their concentration
will be affected by non-isokinetic sampling.
e. The actual concentrations of particles do not correspond to those that
have been determined. The sampler must be calibrated to know in what
sense (greater or lesser) it affects the concentrations.

179) What is the reference method to determine NOx, both in

the European Union as in the United States?
a. Reaction with ozone and chemiluminescence
b. UV fluorescence
d. Flame Ionization (FID)
e. UV spectrophotometry

180) Which of the following statements about the measurement of

SO2 by ultraviolet fluorescence is correct?
a. It is measured by illuminating the sample at 214 nm and detecting at the
same wavelength.
b. It is measured by illuminating the sample at 350 nm and detecting at the
same wavelength.
c. The sample is illuminated at 350 nm and detected at 214 nm.
d. The sample is illuminated at 214 nm and detected at 350 nm.
e. It is not necessary to illuminate the sample to detect the emitted
radiation. Detection is carried out at 350 nm.

181) Which of the following statements about cheating?

VOC is wrong?
a. Desorption must be carried out at a higher temperature than adsorption
b. Desorption must be carried out in the opposite direction to adsorption c.
If the desorption can be carried out at a temperature of 160ºC, it is also
possible at a higher temperature (as long as the volatile organic compounds
do not decompose).
d. When more than one adsorbent material is used in the trap, in the
sampling stage the gas must first pass through the most adsorbent.

e. The exhaust volume depends on the analyte.

182) A typical combustion of hydrocarbons generates oxides of

nitrogen mainly due
a. to. The reactions of N2 with free radicals from hydrocarbons
b. Presence and combustion of nitrogenous compounds present in the fuel
c. Oxidation of N2 in high temperature combustion gases
d. a, b and c are equally important
e. None of the above is the main cause

183) The formation of thermal NOx is greater if:

a. Temperature and time increase
b. Temperature increases and time decreases
c. Temperature decreases and time increases
d. Temperature and time decrease
e. One of the above and if the partial pressure of O2 decreases

184) Elemental sulfur (S) is:

a. An additive in fuels to minimize the emission of polluting gases
b. A respiratory irritant and a precursor to acid rain
c. A product of petroleum desulfurization and a reagent for the production
of sulfuric acid
d. A corrosive reagent for the chemical industry
e. A pollutant generated in thermal power plants

185) The mercury released in a garbage incinerator is

a. In gaseous form
b. In the flying ashes
c. in the slags
d. in the plasma
e. Distributed equally between a, b and c.

186) In an automobile catalytic converter (gasoline engine)

a. NO is converted to NO2
b. CO is converted to CO2
c. NOT converted to N2
d. C8H18 is converted to CO2 and H2O
e. b, c and d are true

187) The main artificial source of sulfur dioxide emissions is
a. Burning fossil fuels
b. Oil refineries and smelters
c. The combustion of gasoline
d. Both a and b are true.
e. Both a, b, and c are true

188) The concentration of VOCs in the surroundings of a city is

of 10 µg/m3, and indoors it is 36. Under the stationary fixed cell model,
if the wind speed doubles, the new indoor VOC concentration will be
a. 72 µg/m3
b. 18 µg/m3
c. 23 µg/m3
d. 26 µg/m3 e. None of the above.

189) According to the UN Group of Experts on Climate Change

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the year
2000 was 368 ppmv. That in milligrams per cubic meter is
a. approx. 330000
b. approx. 330
c. approx. 660000
d. approx. 660 e. None of the above

190) 18 micrograms per cubic meter of NO are measured in the center

of a city. That is equivalent in ppb's to
a. approx. 15
b. approx. 30
c. approx. 60
d. approx. 120000
e. None of the above.

191) Some technicians need to estimate how much they have to

reduce the
global homogeneous emissions of nitrogen oxides in a city so that
legal limits are not exceeded. The model they would have to use would
a. The Gaussian model in three dimensions
b. The two-dimensional Gaussian model if the vertical mixing limit has not
been reached
c. The Gaussian model in one dimension if the vertical mixing limit has
already been reached.
d. The stationary fixed cell model.
e. None of the above.

192) A measurement at ground level and at a certain distance from

the chimney
A factory produces 40 micrograms per cubic meter of a certain
pollutant. If, as a consequence of a modification in the gas emission
conditions, the effective emission height were doubled, the new
measured concentration would be
a. 80
b. 20
c. It doesn't vary.
d. You should know the dispersion coefficients to give the exact data but
you could always say that it would decrease.
e. You should know the dispersion coefficients to give the exact data but
you could always say that it would increase.

193) The dispersion coefficients used in the model

a. They increase with distance from the source
b. They decrease as we move away from the source
c. They do not depend on the distance to the source, only on atmospheric

194) The photochemical decomposition rate constant of

ozone at 20,000 meters above sea level is 0.001 s-1. A simple
calculation allows us to know that the half-life of ozone at that altitude
a. 0.001 seconds
b. 1000 seconds
c. 897 seconds
d. 693 seconds
e. None of the above.

195) The photochemical decomposition quantum yield of

NO2 at a certain wavelength is 0.35. That means
a. That 35% of the molecules that absorb photons decompose
b. That the probability that a NO2 molecule that absorbs a photon will
decay is 35%.
c. That 35% of the incident photons produce photodecomposition of the
molecule. d. Both a and b are true.
e. Both a and c are true.

196) The photochemical decomposition rate constant of

ozone to give O2 and O
a. Increases with height
b. Decreases with height

c. Does not depend on height

d. It depends on the wavelength, in some intervals it increases with height
and in others it decreases with height.
e. None of the above
197) The most likely reaction that a molecule of
acetaldehyde (CH3CH=O) once emitted to the atmosphere is
a. The OH radical abstracts hydrogen
b. The OH radical adds to the double bonds
c. Decomposes photolytically
d. It returns to the earth because it is soluble in water.
e. It is an inert molecule, it does not react, and therefore rises to the

198) When summer and winter indices are compared in a

city like Seville is found
a. The peaks of ozone and nitrogen oxides are greater in summer than in
b. Ozone peaks are higher in summer but NOx peaks are not, which can be
higher in winter.
c. Both ozone and nitrogen oxides peaks are higher in winter.
d. No seasonal variations are observed in cities like Seville.

199) The Henry constant of dissolving H2O2 in water is 7

a. 10-4 M atm-1. If the concentration of this pollutant in air is 1 ppb, its
concentration in raindrops will be a. 7 × 10-4
b. 7 × 10-7
c. 7 × 10-10
d. 7 × 10-13
e. I need more data.

200) The most dangerous suspended particles from the point of

view of its effects on the respiratory tract are the
a. PM2.5
b. PM10
c. PM100
d. All inhalable particles are equally dangerous.

201) It is known that a given particle emission follows a

log-normal distribution. To determine the mean and standard
deviation, we must

a. Represent the diameter against the fraction of particles and find the
diameters corresponding to the fractions 16% and 84%
b. Represent the diameter against the fraction of particles and find the
diameters corresponding to the fractions 50% and 84%
c. Represent the logarithm of the diameter against the fraction of particles
and find the diameters corresponding to the fractions 16% and 84% d.
Represent the logarithm of the diameter against the fraction of particles and
find the diameters corresponding to the fractions 50% and 84% e. It is not
possible to determine it from particle fractions.

202) It is not a method used in the determination of metals in

a. Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICP)
b. Non-dispersive infrared
c. Atomic absorption in flame
d. Atomic absorption in graphite chamber
e. They are all used

203) Soxhlet extraction is used to

a. Determination of total particles
b. Determination of heavy metals in particles
c. Determination of volatile organic compounds
d. The determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in particles
e. None of the above.

204) Carbotrap, an adsorbent material widely used for

capture of volatile organic compounds, it has an exhaust volume for
pentane of 13 g/L at 0 oC and 5.89 g/L at 20 oC Which of the following
statements is true?
a. We can use carbotrap to capture pentane at 0 oC. Thermal desorption
must be carried out at 20 oC.
b. The carbotrap is not used to capture pentane.
c. We can use carbotrap to capture pentane at both 0 oC and 20 oC.
d. We can use carbotrap to capture pentane at 0 oC.
e. Carbotrap is a universal adsorbent and is suitable for any compound at
any temperature.

205) Isokinetic sampling is used to

a. capture a gaseous contaminant at high speed and thus obtain
instantaneous measurements.

b. sampling particles from a gaseous effluent so that the concentration of

particles of a certain size in the captured sample is correct.
c. sampling a gaseous effluent so that the particle concentration and size
distribution in the captured sample are correct.
d. select a range of sizes in a sample of particles in air. and. None of the

206) An environmental graduate is hired in a

laboratory to start up a system for measuring benzene in air, which of
the following basic equipment should I preferably choose?
a. a non-dispersive infrared spectrometer
b. a particle collector, a soxhlet and an HPLC
c. an adsorbent trap, a pump to draw air with controlled flow and a gas
chromatograph coupled with a mass spectrometer and a thermal desorption
d. an adsorbent trap, a pump to suck air with controlled flow and a
chemiluminescence meter by reaction with H2.
e. an adsorbent trap, a pump with controlled flow and a chemiluminescence
meter by reaction with ozone.

207) Sulfur dioxide is a type of pollutant:

a. PAH
c. VOC
d. carboxylic acid
e. none of the above

208) In an automobile catalytic converter (gasoline engine)

a. NO is converted to NO2
b. CO is converted to CO2
c. NOT converted to N2
d. C8H18 is converted to CO2 and H2O
e. b, c and d are true

209) Compared to a fuel/air ratio of 1, a ratio

greater than 1 has the consequences that:
a. [CO], [hydrocarbons] and [NO] all increase
b. [CO] and [hydrocarbons] increase, [NO] decreases
c. [CO] increases, [hydrocarbons] decreases, [NO] increases d. [CO]
increases, [hydrocarbons] and [NO] decrease
and. [CO] decreases, [hydrocarbons] and [NO] increase

210) A typical combustion of hydrocarbons generates oxides of

nitrogen mainly due to:
a. The reactions of N2 with free radicals from hydrocarbons
b. Presence and combustion of nitrogenous compounds present in the fuel
c. Oxidation of N2 in high temperature combustion gases
d. a, b and c are equally important
e. None of the above
211) What are the reactions involved in the control of
emissions in the processing of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) ores?
a. H2S +1/2 O2 → S+H2O
b. SO2 +1/2 O2 → SO3 SO3+ H2O → H2SO4
c. SO2 + H2O → H+ +HSO3 - HSO3 - +1/2 O2 → H+ +SO4 2- (4<pH<6)
d. Claus reaction consisting of moderate oxidation
e. 2 NaOH+SO2+1/2 O2→ 2Na+SO4 2- + H2O

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