Questions and Answers ATMOSFERICA PDF
Questions and Answers ATMOSFERICA PDF
Questions and Answers ATMOSFERICA PDF
6) What is the most likely reaction that an ethylene molecule (H2C=CH2) will
undergo when emitted into the atmosphere?
a) It decomposes photolytically because it absorbs ultraviolet radiation
b) Reacts with oxygen and is oxidized to acetaldehyde
c) Reacts with the OH radical that adds to the double bond
d) Reacts with the OH radical that subtracts a hydrogen atom
e) Ethylene is soluble in water and returns to the earth as rain
8) Of all the particles present in the troposphere, those with a diameter less
a) 10 microns
b) 100 microns
c) one millimeter
d) 0.01 microns
e) All particles are considered contaminating material
d) Ultraviolet absorption
e) None of the above
10) The wall collectors are arranged in increasing order of efficiency as
a) Electrostatic, centrifugal and gravity
b) Just the opposite of point a)
c) Centrifugal, electrostatic and gravity
d) Just the opposite of point c)
e) They all have the same efficiency
11)The four major components of the atmosphere (% by volume greater than
0.01) are
a. N2, O2, Ar, CO2
b. N2, O2, Xe, CO2
c. N2, O2, Ar, ozone
d. N2, O2, Ar, CO
e. N2, O2, Ar, CH4
12)The equation that allows calculating the visual range from the
concentration of particles is obtained
a. From an integration at all wavelengths of the product of the quantum yield,
the actinic flux and the absorption coefficient.
b. From a particular case of the Lambert-Beer Law
c. From a fit of experimental data
d. From a particular case of Raileigh's Law of light diffusion e. From a mass
balance in air
14) In the simplest model (Holland's formula) the initial rise of a smoke
column depends on
a. exit speed
b. The exit velocity and the temperature difference between exit gas and
17) What does the speed of a photochemical reaction not depend on?
a. solar actinic flux
b. The quantum yield
c. absorption coefficient
d. Reagent concentration
e. Depends on all of the above
19)The existence of NO2 can cause tropospheric ozone because to. Reacts
directly with molecular oxygen O2 to give NO and O3 b. It decomposes thermally
releasing atomic oxygen, which reacts
with O2 c. It photodissociates, releasing atomic oxygen, which reacts with O2 d.
It is activated under the action of light and then reacts with molecular oxygen
O2 to give NO and O3
e. Nitrogen dioxide cannot create ozone in any way.
20)Which of the following substances cannot react with the OH radical?
a. CO
b. SO2
c. Volatile aromatic hydrocarbons
d. Ammonia
e. Chlorofluorocarbons
25)The main oxidants in the aqueous phase of SO2, responsible for the
formation of acid rain, are
a. Ozone and molecular oxygen
b. Hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen
c. Hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen peroxide
d. Just hydrogen peroxide
e. Hydrogen peroxide and ozone
27)According to Stokes' law (which determines the viscous force) and the
force of gravity
a. Large particles stay in the air longer than small ones
b. Large particles remain in the air for less time than small ones.
c. Small and large particles remain, on average, the same time in the air
d. The period of permanence in the air does not depend on the size
e. None of the above
29)The reference method for the determination of SO2 in the European Union
a. West-Gaeke method
b. Ultraviolet Fluorescence
c. Non-dispersive infrared
d. Reaction with ethylene plus chemiluminescence
e. None of the above
30)To measure volatile organic compounds, the gas is captured in traps.
Subsequently, the analysis is carried out by
a. Gas chromatography
c. atomic absorption
d. Non-dispersive infrared
e. None of the above
33)To reduce the emission of particles, the simplest (but also the least
efficient) wall collectors are
a. Gravity settlers
b. Centrifugal separators
c. The cyclones
d. Electrostatic precipitators
e. Any of the above}
34)In a wall collector, larger particles are easier to “control” than small ones
to. The sedimentation rate of particles is greater for larger particles b. The
entry velocity into the collector is smaller for larger particles.
c. Larger particles cannot pass through the inlet filter in the collector
d. Larger particles cannot pass through the collector outlet filter
e. None of the above
35) The main artificial source of nitrogen oxides emissions into the atmosphere is
a. Incomplete combustion of fuels
b. The high temperature combustion in the presence of air of any fuel.
c. The combustion of fossil fuels exclusively.
d. The evaporation of solvents.
e. Industrial production of nitrogen fertilizers.
37) An analyzer measures 12 ppm (by volume) of ozone. How many molecules of
ozone are there in a million molecules of air?
a. 12
b. 0.012
c. 36
d. 0.036
e. 36000
39) The Gaussian dispersion model, in its most general version, is deduced from a
material balance in which the inlet and outlet fluxes in the cell are calculated
a. Taking into account the wind speed in the x direction and the turbulence in
the y and z directions.
b. Applying Fick's law of diffusion in the three dimensions of space and not
considering the flow due to the wind, whose effect is included a posteriori
through a change of variable.
c. Applying Fick's diffusion law only in the direction of the wind. For
perpendicular directions a simple change of variable is used .
d. Applying Fick's diffusion law only in the two directions perpendicular to the
e. Applying total mixing in the cell, which moves with the wind.
40) According to the stationary fixed cell model, a city accumulates the more
pollution the more
a. Wider in the direction perpendicular to the wind
b. More elongated in the direction of the wind
c. The greater the degree of atmospheric stability
d. The lower the degree of atmospheric stability
e. Neither the size of the city nor the atmospheric stability influence this model
41) The reason that substances such as halogenated compounds are capable of
destroying large amounts of ozone, even if they are emitted in small quantities,
is that a. These substances react very quickly with ozone, creating, for
example, ClO
b. Polar stratospheric clouds enhance their destructive effect on the O3
c. They produce constantly regenerating catalysts for ozone destruction
d. They destroy reservoir molecules, releasing ozone-destroying substances.
e. In reality, its effect on the ozone layer is very little important, except at the
42) The photochemical decomposition rate constant of NO2 is 0.533 min-1. This
implies that the half-life of this molecule is (assuming that there is no other
decomposition mechanism) a. 1,876 minutes
b. 1,300 minutes
c. 0.533 minutes
d. You can't know
e. None of the above
44) The Henry constant of dissolving N2O5 to give nitric acid in rainwater is 1 M
atm-1. If 100 ppb (by volume) of N2O5 is measured in air, what is the
concentration of nitric acid in the raindrops?
a. 1M
b. 0.01M
c. 10-4M
d. 10-7M
e. none of the previous answers
45) CFCs have global warming potentials on the order of 5000 times greater than
CO2. This is fundamentally because
a. They intensely absorb infrared radiation
b. They are found in very high concentrations in the stratosphere
c. They indirectly create huge amounts of greenhouse gases.
d. They have a very long residence time in the atmosphere
e. none of the previous answers
46) The equation that allows estimating the visual range from the concentration of
particles in air is
a. Holland's equation
b. The Arrhenius equation
c. Fick's law
d. Stokes' law
e. none of the previous answers
49) The detector used for the analysis of SO2 in air by means of the
chemiluminescence + gas chromatography method consists of
a. an electronic capture detector, since sulfur is very electronegative.
b. a mass meter based on the piezoelectric effect.
c. a fluorimeter, which measures the fluorescence of the S2 molecule.
d. a photomultiplier tube that measures the emission of excited S2.
e. A non-dispersive infrared instrument
50) Indicate which of the following methods is not used to measure ozone in air
a. reaction with iodide+spectrophotometry, which measures ozone along with
other oxidants such as peroxides
b. ultraviolet fluorescence
c. ultraviolet absorption
d. reaction with ethylene + chemiluminescence e. They are all used
e. They are formed from the excess of N2 in the mixture 59) Exhaust gas
recirculation in a combustion engine
a. allows to reduce the temperature of the exhaust gases
b. reduce the emission of residual organic compounds and NO2
c. reduce the emission of residual organic compounds and SO2 d. reduce the
emission of particulate matter in diesel engines
and. not suitable for emissions control
75)The most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere (with a percentage close
to 1%) is
a. The xenon
b. Argon
c. The nitrogen.
d. The neon
e. The concentration of noble gases is much less than 1%.
89) Stokes' law no longer holds for particles that are too small because
a. The flow around the particle becomes turbulent.
b. Air can no longer be considered a continuous medium.
c. I have to include flotation.
d. The friction force stops depending on the viscosity and begins to depend on
the density of the air.
e. Stokes' law also holds for small particles, it only stops holding for those that
are too large.
95)It is not an artificial source of sulfur oxide emissions
a. coal combustion
b. Oil combustion.
c. Gasoline combustion.
d. Metallurgical industry (foundries)
e. All are sources of sulfur oxide emissions.
96)A boiler that operated by burning coal would emit the following pollutants
a. SO2
b. SO2, NOX
c. SO2, NOx and particles
d. SO2, NOx and CO
e. SO2, NOx, CO and particles.
97)An analyzer measures 250 ppb (by volume) of SO2. How many molecules
of SO2 are there in a billion molecules of air?
a. 0.250
b. 250
c. 4
d. 0.004
and. None of the above
c. They are formed by the combination of N2 and O2 from the air at very high
temperatures. d. They are formed by the action of radicals that come from the
partial combustion of hydrocarbons.
and. Its concentration is determined by the kinetics of the oxidation reactions
116) An analyzer in the center of Seville gives 26 ppm (or ppmv) of CO.
That is equivalent in µg/m3 to
a. Approx. 26
b. Approx. 30
c. Approx. 30000
d. Approx. 60
e. None of the above
117) The ozone alert threshold is 240 µg/m3 in one hour. That
is equivalent in p pb (or ppbv) to
a. Approx. 120
b. Approx. 240
c. Approx. 60
d. Approx. 80
e. None of the above
149) The actinic flow, and therefore the speed of the reactions
atmospheric photochemistry
a. Increases with height
b. Decreases with height
c. Does not depend on height
d. It depends on the wavelength, in some intervals it increases with height
and in others it decreases with height.
e. None of the above
187) The main artificial source of sulfur dioxide emissions is
a. Burning fossil fuels
b. Oil refineries and smelters
c. The combustion of gasoline
d. Both a and b are true.
e. Both a, b, and c are true
a. Represent the diameter against the fraction of particles and find the
diameters corresponding to the fractions 16% and 84%
b. Represent the diameter against the fraction of particles and find the
diameters corresponding to the fractions 50% and 84%
c. Represent the logarithm of the diameter against the fraction of particles
and find the diameters corresponding to the fractions 16% and 84% d.
Represent the logarithm of the diameter against the fraction of particles and
find the diameters corresponding to the fractions 50% and 84% e. It is not
possible to determine it from particle fractions.