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8 <,1, 1111 1.11<1 1? r ll'•YPaper Solution s • Ch .

1 -- Y(f1r
CHl MI S I HY (052) (E)
1I 11
Sot -~~
~ I) i
111 nr, 3 ll ou111 \ \ MARCH 20 20 (rully
Solv<'d ) ] [ Tot. al Ma rh ~
• 1' .1tl \ llli l(' I 110111 / \\b rl,, I 1r
t; (l • l' :111 B · lin u· 2 1111111 / 'vla,I(, .

1um . t 11 0111 I
\\'lard, 1020 IMa xi11111111 ni ,,rk i
ln, t 1 11d wn : \ \ 1 ·1hi.: rl.'. ;in.: \\)I HI 50 nhj cl' li vc lyp
(' (M! '()) quc ... 111111 \
all 4ucstio11s ttl\.: co111p ul sn1 y.
1,;111 ,\

\2) The qucsli{1ns arc seriall y

11ur11bcrcd from I lCJ 50 r1nd 1.:;.ic iJ
I mark. 1 ••

(3) Rea d each que sti on carcl'u
ll y, select proper alternative and ,irr
in the OM
R Sheet.
(4) The OMR Sheet is given for
answering the questions. ·1 ht: an
of eac h questions is represented
Darken the circle • of the correc
by (J\) 0 , (f3) 0, (CJ () _
t answer with ball-pen ·. '
(5) Rough work is to be don
e in the space provided for this purp
in the Test booklet only. c.
(6) Set No . of question paper printed
on the upper right side of the ques1 ,,-
paper is to be written in the column 1
provided in the OMR Sheet.
(7) Use of simple calculator and
log tabl e is allowed if required
I. Molecular fonnu la of Tetraamine
aquachlorido cobalt (III) chlo ride
is _ _
<A) lCo(NH3MH20)C lhCl2
(B) [Co(NH 3MH 20)Cl)Cl2

2. Which of the fo llowing com pound

has high est reac tivity toward s SN
1 reaction
Cr,lljC l!(Cl-1 3)Br
(B) C6HsCH2Br
t(J (1,l l~CI HC1,11 5)Br
\.. fDJ C6H3C(CH3)(C 6f-I )Br
1. Nh1ch ,,f th<.: follow ing has th r.; hi ghest dip
ole moment?

~ -11 <,J <B) Cl ICl 1

(C') C'C' l.1 (D) CH 2Cl 2
4. 'lh1; pv,nir,n <, I !Ir in th e: com
pound in
fJI, < II <,II ( Wr )(C l l •d.1 c:i 11 hi.: classilii.;d ;1 -.;
})'<i /. llyl {I:/ Ary! (C) Vi11 yl (D) be11 1yl
5. ·11 1c Jt , l'/1.( 11:unt; 1Jf 111a jor
oq•,wii t: p1 odu cl lll tl1c rrnc lion
pl:1lixid ~ .
> 1•: 1 11 .' './
( J\) ?.-Brornohutan e
(I\ J 7., :-Dib, nmnbutan ~
.,(P f J . J3 ro mohulnm:
( I)) l, 2- Dib ro mohut ani.;
/ 6. Possib le isomers of moriohyul'it:
plH; 11ol ltav in ~ molec ular form
ula C1l [~0 art '

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 1 (D) 3

s~~ca·~-1 2 : Easy Paper Solutions• Chf•m.,;try (NCERT) 9

f' ·r r ,1ph'-111 111 1 h1: , d1t 1\t' 1,'.tL l1<111 1i:,1gt·11I 'X.' 1~

- .'
B· ' I H) lh I di,
rlJJ Hr , t 11 ( < H 1(J

-\ ?re ;,an.·- ! -oi ( B, Butanc-1-ol I,('} Pcnt;m-1 -nl I I) ) Butan-2-ol

9. ( nr.Jue:z•f b~ ot ,,hich of the lt 1lP\\10p m. 1<l ,.., ,.,~ak','


.\· Oi:lli:C'Hl< JJCOOH -"8fCJf 1( lli'lf(l·)COOII

(DJ CH,< 'f 1/ H<B1 )( ()( JI I
IO. Sodium salt of \'>hi~h acid use<l as foo<l preservative?
Y,&nzo1c acid (BJ Adipic acid (C) f-onnic acid (DJ Phthc:llic.: acid
p. IJ. n:c~ \;:' the folio\\ ing compound does not give reaction with fl insbc:rg's rcagc.:n l'!
.-\ 1 : -metnyl cyclohexylamine (B) Tertiary butyl amine
C ' -:nethyi mniline (D) Triethyl amine
r2. ____ compound gi\'es Hoffmann bromamide reaction.
(B) Et.beno_ic acid -(er Ethenamide (D) Ethyl cyanide
·A Ethenamine
,.,- -
Cu HC I ArCl + N + CuCI is named as
JJ. The reactio:: Ar~ ~ A.rCI- _ _• •_~I__, 2 ----

A (a."1;ylamine reaction ., CT3YGatterman reaction

C C1ciser. reaction (D) Sandmeyer reaction
·.-.. ;:~cc of the following is structural formula of orange dye?
.:::.: -

., 1t.;,min can not ~x: <torcd m the body.

!. ~ ,!}J'f ( (C) A (D) D
r, ',l.,h ,_~1 r,f th-; foll<,·.-, :ng b~.: h rti/ t pr<.: ('Ill i11 DNJ\'!
IAJ ·111ymme ll.3) Adenine (() <,uanin1: (PJ llrnt.:il
J- . ',Vu.d. ,,, 'h- fol!o•1,i11g p;.iir of prtJlt:111 J'i ~•loh1 tlar protein

r;-h,.,a,,, <1-Jnsulin P-mj<; 111, c.;.;1lhwn111

,K, <J ~ <B) <). I' t( 1 I{ :, (IJ) Jl. I{

1~. , Tr,:,.-ro,<.ulc <t 10din..ttcd dt!rivatl '>'t: tJ/ wli1'-h <11111110 itcid''
fB) (ytcin· t( J <;lt1la1ninL (f1) Tyrosine
10 Stantlard-12 : Easy Paper Solutions • Chern·
- --- -- - -----·-- ~ (~c~I
19. Whirh ol tlw hillrnvinl~ st;1tc111c11t i:-.
com et'/ ~~)
(,\ ) N11011 (1 i~ polycsh:1 typc ol pnlymcr
tH~ J\t111:1-N i~ a 1.:01m ly111cJ
(C) Nylo11 2-Ny lun (i is 110 11 hiodcgradahk polymer
(l >) 'krykm: 1:-. an addili\ln pol y11l\.: r
20. Which arc mo110111crs or polymcr having structure

(A) Urea. Ammonia (13) J\ectami<le, Meth enamine

~(U rea, formaldehyde (D) Aeetamide, Formaldehyde
2 l. Which is the repeating unit i1{ Neo~
Cl , ?9 Cl
(A) (CH 2 - C = CH - CH2) (B) (CH - CH = CH - CH )
Cl Cl CH3
(C) (CH2 - C = C - CH )
2 (D) (CH2 - C = CH - CH )
22. Equanil is _ __
(A) Antifertility drug JB {Tranquilizer
(C) Antihistamine (D) Artificial sweetener
23. Which of the following solid is very hard electrical
insulator in solid as well as
in molten state?
(A) Sodium chloride \,(D (Quartz
(C) Copper
(D) Ice
24. Atoms of element B form hep lattice and
those of the element A occupy 113rd
of tetrahedral voids. What is the formula of the comp
ound formed by the elements
A and B?
(A) AB
2} Which of the fo llow ing is an example of ortho
rhombic crystal ?
r /\J CaS0 (13) Na 2S0 4 (C) BaS04
4 (D) CuS04
2(,. ;.. h:rromagnetic substance beco mes a perm
anent magnet when it is placed in a
m"n ,~ clit. fit:ld because -
(A) all the dorrw in<; get oricntctl in
the direc tion of magnetic field.
(BJ domai n" urc not affectc; d by magnetic fi cltl.
(C) all th<.: domains gd oriented in the direction
opposite lo the direction of
magnetic fidd .
(D) durmJins get oiicn tcd rnndo mly.

27 _ Molality of JO% w/w aqut:ous soluti on of NnOl [ is _ __

(A) 9.17 m (fl) 8J2 m (C) 7·-s m (D) 10.71 m
Standard-12 : Easy Paper Solutions• Chorni t. try (NC


,u /1 d ',IJ/ 11 11011 1·11 .."',111·,,1,

Whic h oi' til l' f1illu11 i111• i•; :Ill l'\: 1111pl1· o f .t 1
" '-Olu1e j5 a
(/1/ < ·;11nplior rn 111trc, 1w 11 g,,,,

(( ') St1 lut1n11 pf liyd 1111•rn i11 pa ll nd111111 (I)/ t\ 11inl1w 111 of men. 11 ry wi th ~c,d i,un
ed /\' fl' and ( with
2•J. \\'c 11,1\ l' 11t,cL· ;1q 11cous .'-olu! i11n •, ol N,iC '/ labell
l'() Jl l'l' tllr;111or 1s 0. 1 M, 0.0 1 M a11d O ()()
/ M 1c•,pL<.. l1 vc ly /he v<1luc uf Van·r I/off
tac llll fi1 1 llie~e s<J lutio11 wi ll lie 111 lhc orde1

( ,\) j ll • I\ ' I( · <HJ ir 111 I t,

(C) ii\ I( 111 (I J) 1, ' 11 111

cc /I whcn
JO. An ekctroc licrn ic._d cd l cun hck, vc li ke an ckcrro lytic
(. \ ) Eccl l "'" 0
( C) Errll = E cxi
g metal s on the basis
31. Whic h is increasing order of reducing power of lhc fo llowin
of standard electrode potential ?
Ag+/Ag = 0. 80V Mg 2+/Mg = -2.3 7V
Hg 2+/Hg = 0.79V Cr3+/Cr = -0.74 V
· jK) Ag < Hg < Cr < Mg (B) Cr < Mg < Ag < Hg

(C) Mg < Cr < Hg < Ag (D) Hg < Ag < Mg < Cr

32. A:<HAcJ is equal to _ __

(A) A ~(KCIJ + A~(Na Ac) + A:(Na Cl)

}BfA ~<H_CIJ + J\;n(N ,0c) + J\~1(N~ l)

(C) A:,xo, + A : cKAc) + A~1(HCI)

(D) A :IAcH) + A ~ (KAc) + A ~ (Na/\c)

33. While charging the lead storage battery.

(A) PbSO 4 on anode c~anged to PbO 2
(B) PbS0 4 on anode is changed to Pb

(C) PhSO4 on cathode is changed to PbO

(IJ) PbSO 4 on catho de is changed to Pb

34. The dcc.:umposit ion of Nfl 3 on platinum surface is

zero order reaction. What
1 s-1 ?
is the rate of prodtJ ction of N2 if K :::: 2.5 x I0--4 mol L-
(A) 5 X IQ--4 mol r,- l 1 (B) 8.3 X 10- 5 mo! L- 1 1
s- s-
(C) 7.5 x J 0-4 moJ L- 1 S
1 (D) 2.5 x Io-1 mol L- 1 s-1
n St,111d 11d \? rn sv Paper So lutions, Ch
I • I/ I
' " l\ ll 11.:l I )

' I
111 I
- -




"6. fhe role of catalyst is

to change _ _ _
'A ) Activation energ
y of reaction (B) Enthalpy of reacti on
Equilibrium constant of
reaction (D) Gibbs energy of rea
Extent of adsorption of ction
adsorbate from solution
A1 in uease in temperat
rt3 ) decrease in tem
phase increases with
:c ) dc c.rease in concen
tration of adsorbate
1)) decreac;e in su
rface area of the adsorbe
1Y.. ,r1 ilahc r\ Proce
ss for manufacture of am
monia which metal acts
as a promo·:
(13) Zn
1 (C) Mo (D) Cu
~ J. ',l/hitJ1 1,f the follow ing
electrolytes wi ll have ma
J.~~I t A;, \ c,1 '1 ximum coagulating value i,
'I. J ' ;/ .!
,ti) . 'ii11id1 ,,1 the jql\owing stakm cn (D) Na 3P 04
t j ., co ncct ahout the rol<.:
JI tr, 1;
f r1,1h flc,t;,\1<111 !)r<iccs·,? of substances add,
r/ J J/;,tc, wt.:lk <l tl11.: ore p:i
rtidc •;
{! $
I r1,1 h •.tabili;,cr•,
111L:1L.t' ,C', 110 11 wc
llilhil il\ ol' 1•anl_.!.u1:
r<.J IJl'p, c, ,.,-,111 1 mi xc
•. ddkr~·nt ·.u lpl iid t:i

(!) J < ,,111.:c;t()r".; cn

hu11<.:\ tile non wc tlnhil
ily ol the ore parllck
41 . ( ,<ippc r ,natlf• i'i the mi xture
(A J (u pp er (I) -,ulrhidc
, Iron (II) sulphide
m) Co pper (lJ sulphide , Iro n (I)
(C) Copper (II ) sulphide
' \ton (I ) sulph idl'
(D ) Co pper (ii ) :,ulph
idc t- Iron {II ) st1lphick
mis try (NCERT)
•12 . Easy Paper Sol utio ns • Che
standard ·
CN The rnctal
irn l)l\"cs kachi1112 the rnct ;ll \\ ith
--- -EX·t fn"Ction of -~old ,md sih ·cr
is IJier re.:o, ercd b.1 _ _ __
(B) C ilcin ation
(...\) niemial Ji:cornpus ition
(D) Displim:mcnr mi:thud
C) Roasting le
in rydotrimet;i phnsp/Joric acid molecu
Ho\ ,· man ) number of a and rr bonds are
rl'~pect i1 ely'~
15 and 3 (C) I ➔ and ➔ (D) 1] and Ci
l 6 and 8 (B)
1 .-\J
l directly·?
,\"h ich of the follow ing elem ent does not react with OX)'l.!Cl
, ,
(C) Pt (D) Zn
(.-\) Fe (B) Ti
"-7, Xe containing produc
t is _ __
45. In equation XeF6 + 3H2O
(C) XeO 2F~ (D) XeOF3
(A) XeO (B) XeO F.i
is _ __
46. :\1olecular formula of Tear gas
(A) CCl(N O2)3
ic number is
Ma gne tic mo ment of a divalen t ion in aqu eous solution if its atom
25 - - -
(C) 4.90 BM (D) 2.84 BM
(A) 3.87 BM (B) 5.92 BM
hoteric oxide ?
48. Which of the following is amp
Mn2O7, CrO3, Cr2O3, CrO , V2O
s, V2O-1
O (C) Mn 2O7, CrO (D) V2Os, Cr2O3
(A) Cr2O3, Mn2O7 (B) CrO 3, V2 4 tronic
of the following elem ent hav ing one electron in 5d orbital in its elec
49. Which
configurati on?
(C) Nd (D) Pm
(A) Gd (B) Tb
most stable complex?
50. \Vhich of the following is the 3
3]3- (D) [Fe(H2O)6] +
(A) [FeC1 6]3- (B) [Fe(NH3)6]3+ (C) [Fe(C2O4)
00 0

March 2020 : 052 (E) [Maximum marks : 50
Time : 2 Hours)

Instru ctio ns : (I) Write in a clear handwTiting.

the questions paper and total
(2) There are three sections in Part-B of
1 to 18 question are there.
rnal options are given.
(3) All the questions are compulsory. Inte
the marks of the question.
(4) The numbers at right side represent
(5) Start new section on new page.
(6) Maintain sequence.
is allowed if req uired.
(7) Use of simple calculator and log tab le
in brief. 2 marks for each que 16
❖ Ans wer the followin g Q.No. 1-8
of reaction and mo lecularity.
J. Write two difference between ord er
Nickel with chemical equation.
2. Explain Mo nd process for refining
. eas y pap er Solution s • Che .
Stc1 nda rd-1 2. ~
14 lit", ,
I 0
r jl·d NJl 1h (C N ),i)
I 1•.:1l lllt' I I JL.t 1, ( ,111 c 1..,
3. I ) I'd\\ <,(rtl l l lll <''- 11 t
( )H
I nd thcUJ Y
pl v·rl cncc 10 or· com plex t:orr,t1
\' r Ii ,11 I\ 11 1111 l111111;iltt1!1 ' l'f".·
/r ,1/nwJ ng con vers ion.
\ \ 11k l \\1 > ·~ 1•~ 1> L' t lll.tlJ< lil ln1 tilt
. Jl l·n1t m· to diplr cll\ 1
· . with ni tro us aci d
. . ·ind c1/Jc namrne
\\ I Ill" Iii• , , ; 1, l illll o l ; 1111 1Jil l ·
show the presence o f - CH O an d '::;,(_rJ
\ \ I ill 11!1 l l ':tt• fjpJ] 1..'<Jlfil (JO/l f() .
tiltIL P<,l'
h . I .
' ,pi.1111 im:1hr1ti u1 p1 cp;1ratio n or Nylon ().6 by c em1ca equ atio n.
. ~ . t'10 of PHBV by chemical equ
Lxplam method of. pn.;p aia 11 ati on.
8. b plain structure of ca tionic detergen ts
with example and wn te any one U~t
.... Ans wer the following questions 9-14
in detail, three ma rks for
9. Hov, does doping increase the con
ductivity of sem icon duc tors ? Explain.
10. Da i Ye the formula of first order reac
tion for -
(lj Rate constant K
Hal f life period t.l. (Graph is not required
1 )
H. "Vhat are emulsio n. Exp
lain different type s of emulsion with
12. -.\·n !e the complete balanced
equ ations of the following :
(1 1 Cu + HNO J(conc.) ➔
Ji) C .... H2S 04(c onc.) ➔

,Jl <.~ 2 - '~·,aOH(!lot and

cone.) ➔


f1J Hi!l3 h the strongest redu cing age

nt almost all the hydrides ·of group
{.1sm 1:nt·,.

I JI r J ,', :1 lig1,id and If2S is a gas.
,: ,;J ,twr m<: C/.hibit<;
on ly- I oxidati on state whe reas othe r
halo gen s exhibit
• -~. ~ f.lnd
7 oxidation stat c.:s nlso .
!t f )t.: , nbc ·lie p r1. pMatior1 ol pot..t~si um
uicbrom alc fro m iron clu-o mite ore
I I 1,J:;( 1 J/1
14. Writ, 1/,r_ c p1:llicm of tla: H.:acLion of'
hydrogen ioc.Jidc wit h :
(,J / i (l 1JY1 f.jf)f <l('it l)(.,
1 iJ r ·! 11fJXj'fJ<:tJl, t1H;
11 ·, )
t 11 ·1 1yl r·th1 l ell" ,

Write 1/1<; ,eac lion·> oJ Wil liamson syn
thes is of 2-et hox y-3 -mcthy l pentane start
fm11, 1;t/wno/ :rnd 1 rnd/iyJ pentan-2-o in.
standard..12 : Easy Paper Solutions • Chemistry (NCERT)

❖ Answer the following Q.No. 15- 18 essay type q uestions in detail. 4 marks
for each question. 16}
15. Two elements A and B fonn compounds having formula AB 2 and AB 4 . When
dissolved in 20g of benzene (C6H6), 1g of AB 2 lowers the freezing point by 2.3 K
whereas I g of AB 4 lowers it by 1.3K. The molar depression constant for benzene
is 5.1 K kg.mo1- 1• Calculate atomic 1nasses of A and B.
16. Resistance of conductivity cell filled with 0.1 mol L- 1 KCl solution is I 00Q. If
the resistance of the same cell when filled with 0.03 mol L- 1 KCl solution is
520Q , calculate the conductivity and molar conductivity of 0.03 mol L- 1 KCl
solution. The conductivity of 0.1 mol L- 1 KCI solution is 1.29 Sim.
Three electrolytic cells A, B, C containing solution NiSO 4, AgNO 3 and CuSO 4,
:espectively are connected in series. A steady current of 1.5 amperes was passed
through them until 1.45 g of silver deposited at the cathode of cell B. How long
did the current flow? What mass of copper and Nickel were deposited? Ato1nic
ma~s of Ag = 108u, Ni = 58.7u, Cu = 63.Su
17. fi) Explai n that complex [Ti(H 2O) 6]3+ is voilet in colour, on the basis of crystal
fidd theory.
( ii J J)j,)cu<,'3 the nature of bonding in metal carbonyls.
18. (j) !:.xpJ<ijn 'I ollcn 's test for idcnli fi cnti on of aldehyde with chen1ical equation.
(ji) Write only cquution of propanone or the fo llowing reactions.
Ca) WoJff.. kishncr n.:d11c;tion
(b J AJdoJ cond(:Jlsi1lion
U U Ll
A .....

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