Adobe Scan 29 Jun 2024
Adobe Scan 29 Jun 2024
Adobe Scan 29 Jun 2024
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CHl MI S I HY (052) (E)
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111 nr, 3 ll ou111 \ \ MARCH 20 20 (rully
Solv<'d ) ] [ Tot. al Ma rh ~
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all 4ucstio11s ttl\.: co111p ul sn1 y.
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(3) Rea d each que sti on carcl'u
ll y, select proper alternative and ,irr
in the OM
R Sheet.
(4) The OMR Sheet is given for
answering the questions. ·1 ht: an
of eac h questions is represented
Darken the circle • of the correc
by (J\) 0 , (f3) 0, (CJ () _
t answer with ball-pen ·. '
(5) Rough work is to be don
e in the space provided for this purp
in the Test booklet only. c.
(6) Set No . of question paper printed
on the upper right side of the ques1 ,,-
paper is to be written in the column 1
provided in the OMR Sheet.
(7) Use of simple calculator and
log tabl e is allowed if required
I. Molecular fonnu la of Tetraamine
aquachlorido cobalt (III) chlo ride
is _ _
<A) lCo(NH3MH20)C lhCl2
(B) [Co(NH 3MH 20)Cl)Cl2
f' ·r r ,1ph'-111 111 1 h1: , d1t 1\t' 1,'.tL l1<111 1i:,1gt·11I 'X.' 1~
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B· ' I H) lh I di,
rlJJ Hr , t 11 ( < H 1(J
1~. , Tr,:,.-ro,<.ulc <t 10din..ttcd dt!rivatl '>'t: tJ/ wli1'-h <11111110 itcid''
fB) (ytcin· t( J <;lt1la1ninL (f1) Tyrosine
10 Stantlard-12 : Easy Paper Solutions • Chern·
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19. Whirh ol tlw hillrnvinl~ st;1tc111c11t i:-.
com et'/ ~~)
(,\ ) N11011 (1 i~ polycsh:1 typc ol pnlymcr
tH~ J\t111:1-N i~ a 1.:01m ly111cJ
(C) Nylo11 2-Ny lun (i is 110 11 hiodcgradahk polymer
(l >) 'krykm: 1:-. an addili\ln pol y11l\.: r
20. Which arc mo110111crs or polymcr having structure
(( ') St1 lut1n11 pf liyd 1111•rn i11 pa ll nd111111 (I)/ t\ 11inl1w 111 of men. 11 ry wi th ~c,d i,un
ed /\' fl' and ( with
2•J. \\'c 11,1\ l' 11t,cL· ;1q 11cous .'-olu! i11n •, ol N,iC '/ labell
l'() Jl l'l' tllr;111or 1s 0. 1 M, 0.0 1 M a11d O ()()
/ M 1c•,pL<.. l1 vc ly /he v<1luc uf Van·r I/off
tac llll fi1 1 llie~e s<J lutio11 wi ll lie 111 lhc orde1
cc /I whcn
JO. An ekctroc licrn ic._d cd l cun hck, vc li ke an ckcrro lytic
(. \ ) Eccl l "'" 0
( C) Errll = E cxi
g metal s on the basis
31. Whic h is increasing order of reducing power of lhc fo llowin
of standard electrode potential ?
Ag+/Ag = 0. 80V Mg 2+/Mg = -2.3 7V
Hg 2+/Hg = 0.79V Cr3+/Cr = -0.74 V
· jK) Ag < Hg < Cr < Mg (B) Cr < Mg < Ag < Hg
' I
111 I
- -
March 2020 : 052 (E) [Maximum marks : 50
Time : 2 Hours)
Write 1/1<; ,eac lion·> oJ Wil liamson syn
thes is of 2-et hox y-3 -mcthy l pentane start
fm11, 1;t/wno/ :rnd 1 rnd/iyJ pentan-2-o in.
standard..12 : Easy Paper Solutions • Chemistry (NCERT)
❖ Answer the following Q.No. 15- 18 essay type q uestions in detail. 4 marks
for each question. 16}
15. Two elements A and B fonn compounds having formula AB 2 and AB 4 . When
dissolved in 20g of benzene (C6H6), 1g of AB 2 lowers the freezing point by 2.3 K
whereas I g of AB 4 lowers it by 1.3K. The molar depression constant for benzene
is 5.1 K kg.mo1- 1• Calculate atomic 1nasses of A and B.
16. Resistance of conductivity cell filled with 0.1 mol L- 1 KCl solution is I 00Q. If
the resistance of the same cell when filled with 0.03 mol L- 1 KCl solution is
520Q , calculate the conductivity and molar conductivity of 0.03 mol L- 1 KCl
solution. The conductivity of 0.1 mol L- 1 KCI solution is 1.29 Sim.
Three electrolytic cells A, B, C containing solution NiSO 4, AgNO 3 and CuSO 4,
:espectively are connected in series. A steady current of 1.5 amperes was passed
through them until 1.45 g of silver deposited at the cathode of cell B. How long
did the current flow? What mass of copper and Nickel were deposited? Ato1nic
ma~s of Ag = 108u, Ni = 58.7u, Cu = 63.Su
17. fi) Explai n that complex [Ti(H 2O) 6]3+ is voilet in colour, on the basis of crystal
fidd theory.
( ii J J)j,)cu<,'3 the nature of bonding in metal carbonyls.
18. (j) !:.xpJ<ijn 'I ollcn 's test for idcnli fi cnti on of aldehyde with chen1ical equation.
(ji) Write only cquution of propanone or the fo llowing reactions.
Ca) WoJff.. kishncr n.:d11c;tion
(b J AJdoJ cond(:Jlsi1lion
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