Programacion de Pantallas Led
Programacion de Pantallas Led
Programacion de Pantallas Led
LCD Library
mikroBasic provides a library for communicating with commonly used LCD (4-bit interface). Figures
showing HW connection of PIC and LCD are given at the end of the chapter.
Library Routines
n Lcd_Config
n Lcd_Init
n Lcd_Out
n Lcd_Out_Cp
n Lcd_Chr
n Lcd_Chr_Cp
n Lcd_Cmd
Prototype sub procedure Lcd_Config(dim byref data_port as byte,dim D7, D6, D5,
D4 as byte,dim byref ctrl_port as byte,dim RS, WR, EN as byte)
Returns Nothing.
Description Initializes LCD data port and control port with pin settings you specify.
Requires Nothing.
Example Lcd_Config(PORTD,3,2,1,0,PORTB,2,3,4)
Returns Nothing.
Description Initializes LCD at port with default pin settings (see the connection scheme at the
end of the chapter):
D7 → port.7
D6 → port.6
D5 → port.5
D4 → port.4
E → port.3
RS → port.2
RW → port.0
Requires Nothing.
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Example Lcd_Init(PORTB)
Prototype sub procedure Lcd_Out(dim row, col as byte, dim byref text as char
Returns Nothing.
Description Prints text on LCD at specified row and column (parameters row and col). Both
string variables and literals can be passed as text.
Lcd_Out(1, 3, "Hello!")
Returns Nothing.
Description Prints text on LCD at current cursor position. Both string variables and literals can
be passed as text.
Returns Nothing.
Description Prints character on LCD at specified row and column (parameters row and col).
Both variables and literals can be passed as character.
Lcd_Chr(2, 3, "i")
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Returns Nothing.
Description Prints character on LCD at current cursor position. Both variables and literals can
be passed as character.
Returns Nothing.
Description Sends command to LCD. You can pass one of the predefined constants to the
function. The complete list of available commands is below.
Lcd_Return_Home Return cursor to home position, returns a shifted display to original position. Display data
RAM is unaffected.
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Library Examples
Default Pin Configuration
Use Lcd_Init for default pin settings (see the first figure below).
program Lcd_default_test
dim text as char[20]
TRISB = 0 ' PORTB is output
Lcd_Init(PORTB) ' Initialize LCD on PORTB
Lcd_Cmd(Lcd_CURSOR_OFF) ' Turn off cursor
text = "mikroElektronika"
Lcd_Out(1, 1, text) ' Print text at LCD
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