Friends: Content Standard
Friends: Content Standard
Friends: Content Standard
2.3.1 Introduce self to an audience using fixed phrases
DAY Thursday/Week 5 YEAR 1 Ibnu Batuttah
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Listening
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 18/4/2024
TOPIC Friends Choose an 7.40 am – 9.10 am
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are introduced to colours using flashcards. Pupils
Main: refer to textbook page
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Lesson delivery:
Complementary: 1. Pupils watch the ‘Colour Chant’ video.
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive writing
2. Pupils try to chant and identify the colours.
3. Pupils play the ‘Colour Game’. Every group is given a Colour
Mat. Puzzle pieces of different colours are randomly put outside the
class or by the corridor. Pupils must listen to teacher’s instructions
Learning Standard: on the colour to run out the class and pick up the correct colour piece
Main: for their group.
1.2.4 Understand short basic supported classroom instructions
Post-lesson: Colour vocabulary is written on the board. Pupils write
Complementary: the words in a three-lined book.
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case letters of regular size and shape ii) write letters and words in straight line from left to righ
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to form at least 10 upper- and lower-case letters of Remembering Puzzle matching
regular shapes and sizes correctly.
ASSESSMENT: Task Learning skills/process
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to colour at least 5 monsters correctl Applying Station games
DAY Wednesday / Week 6 (Lesson 4) YEAR 1 Ibnu Batuttah
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Writing
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 24/4/2024
TOPIC Friends Choose an 8.10 am – 9.40 am
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Colours spelling quiz is conducted.
Main: Lesson delivery:
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive writing
1. Pupils sing the alphabet song.
2. Alphabets are written in order on the board with missing
Complementary: alphabets in between. Pupils are called out In random to fill in the
3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
blanks with the correct alphabets.
3. Teacher demonstrates asking names to pupils and pupils answer.
4. Pupils ask their group members using the same question.
5. Pupils are given coloured paper strips each. Pupils spell and write
their name on the paper strip.
6. Teacher collects the paper strips, mix them and pass the paper
Learning Standard: strips to different pupils.
Main: Post-lesson: Pupils go around the class, read the name on the paper
strip to find out their friend.
A: and
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case letters of regular size Alia?
shape ii) write letters and words in straight line from left to right with regu
B: Yes/No
3.1.1 Identify and recognise the shapes of the letters in the alphabet
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to read and identify their friends correctly. Applying
5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts and sing simple songs with intelligible pronunciation, rhythm and intonation i) simple cha
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to say at least 4 colours correctly during the game. Applying Performing