Rancangan Pengajaran Harian: Content Standard
Rancangan Pengajaran Harian: Content Standard
Rancangan Pengajaran Harian: Content Standard
1. Membaca sebarang nombor yang diberi dalam perkataan. 1. Menyebut sekurang-kurangnya tiga nombor dengan betul.
2. Menyebut sebarang nombor yang diberi dalam bentuk 2. Menulis sekurang-kurangnya tiga nombor dengan betul.
3. Cerakinkan sekurang-kurangnya tiga nombor dengan
3. Menulis nombor dalam angka dan perkataan. betul.
7. Murid membuat pembetulan jawapan dan rumusan pelajaran hari ini. Memuaskan
Tidak memuaskan
Think– Pair– Share (Fikir-
KBAT Menganalis PAK-21
Pasang– Kongsi)
Murid menjalankan aktiviti dengan Murid diberikan lembaran kerja untuk Murid diberikan lembaran kerja untuk
bimbingan guru. pengukuhan. pengayaan.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Reflection :
6 Pupils are able to achieve the learning objective.
20 Pupils are not able to achieve the learning objective.
Complementary: 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower Post-lesson: Colour vocabulary is written on the board. Pupils write
the words in a three-lined book.
case letters of regular size and shape ii) write
letters and words in straight line from left to
right with regular spaces between words and
spaces iii) Copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases correctly
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen flashcards textbook video
and pick at least 4 correct puzzle pieces.
game cards
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to form at least 10 upper- and lower-case letters of Remembering Puzzle matching
regular shapes and sizes correctly. b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD:
ASSESSMENT: Task Learning skills/process
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Reflection :
18 Pupils are able to achieve the learning objective.
4 Pupils are not able to achieve the learning objective.
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils review vocab using flashcards from the previous
Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Lesson delivery:
Complementary: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of
familiar contexts 1. Pupils use flashcards of characters from the textbook to introduce
the language pattern.
Learning Standard:
2. Pupils look at the picture in the textbook.
Main: 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable
words and phrases 3. CD is played while pupils chorally repeat the exchange.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to flashcards textbook songs/audio clips
describe at least 5 people correctly using suitable words. boardgame
Reflection :
20 Pupils are able to achieve the learning objective.
6 Pupils are not able to achieve the learning objective.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Reflection :
18 Pupils are able to achieve the learning objective.
4 Pupils are not able to achieve the learning objective.
DAY Thursday (Lesson 3) YEAR 3
Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 2. Pupils are given a text in their groups. Pupils are explained about
non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate the Fan and Pick game.
reading strategies
3. Pupils divide themselves for the game.
Learning Standard:
4. Pupils play the game. If they manage to complete the first text,
Main: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details they will swap with another group that has another text.
of short simple texts
5. Pupils complete page 1 Year 3 Supplementary Worksheets
Complementary: 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar Post-lesson: Pupils play the Stand Up if it’s true-sit down based on
words from clues provided by visuals and the topic the texts that they have read during the game.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to Fan and Pick Mat Fan and Pick texts Fan and Pick Mat
answer at least 4 questions correctly. Year 3 Supplementary Worksheets Module
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Reflection :
20 Pupils are able to achieve the learning objective.
6 Pupils are not able to achieve the learning objective.
Murid berjaya:-
Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid dapat:
1. Menyebut sekurang-kurangnya tiga nombor dengan
1. Membaca sebarang nombor yang diberi dalam perkataan.
2. Menyebut sebarang nombor yang diberi dalam bentuk
2. Menulis sekurang-kurangnya tiga nombor dengan betul.
3. Cerakinkan sekurang-kurangnya tiga nombor dengan
3. Menulis nombor dalam angka dan perkataan.
Murid menjalankan aktiviti dengan Murid diberikan lembaran kerja untuk Murid diberikan lembaran kerja untuk
bimbingan guru. pengukuhan. pengayaan.
PdPc akan datang:
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are introduced to a model sentence. Pupils are
also called to the front to try out.
Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a
range of purposes in print and digital media
Lesson delivery:
Complementary: 4.1 Form letters and words in neat 1. Pupils are introduced to sample write ups by the teacher.
legible print using cursive writing
2. Pupils conduct think-pair-share about their family with their
Learning Standard: group members.
Main: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details 3. Using the model sentence pattern introduced earlier, pupils write
of short simple texts a sample paragraph in their groups.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write Year 3 Supplementary Worksheets Module Choose
a short paragraph with at least 5 sentences correctly.
an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Reflection :
20 Pupils are able to achieve the learning objective.
6 Pupils are not able to achieve the learning objective.