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Chapter 2

2003 Geologic Assessment of

Undiscovered Conventional Oil
and Gas Resources in the Upper
Cretaceous Navarro and Taylor
Groups, Western Gulf Province, Texas Volume Title Page

By S.M. Condon and T.S. Dyman

Chapter 2 of
Petroleum Systems and Geologic Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Navarro and
Taylor Groups, Western Gulf Province, Texas
By U.S. Geological Survey Western Gulf Province Assessment Team

U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS–69–H

U.S. Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Department of the Interior
P. Lynn Scarlett, Acting Secretary

U.S. Geological Survey

P. Patrick Leahy, Acting Director

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2006

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Suggested citation:
Condon, S.M., and Dyman, T.S., 2006, 2003 geologic assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources in the Upper
Cretaceous Navarro and Taylor Groups, Western Gulf Province, Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS–69–H, Chap
ter 2, 42 p.


Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Acknowledgments …………………………………………………………………………… 1
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Differences in Approach Between the 1995 and 2003 Assessments.......................................... 2
Geographic Setting of the Study Area ............................................................................................. 2
Overview of the Petroleum Resources in the Study Area ............................................................ 4
Data Sources ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Structural Setting …………………………………………………………………………… 7
Structural Features............................................................................................................................ 10
General Stratigraphy ………………………………………………………………………… 11
Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum System ………………………… 11
Determination of Boundary.............................................................................................................. 12
Hydrocarbon Source Rocks............................................................................................................. 12
Smackover Formation .............................................................................................................. 12
Eagle Ford Group ...................................................................................................................... 13
Austin Group .............................................................................................................................. 13
Other Potential Source Rocks ................................................................................................ 14
Source Rock Thermal Maturity ....................................................................................................... 14
Hydrocarbon Migration .................................................................................................................... 16
Reservoir Rocks ................................................................................................................................. 19
Austin Chalk ............................................................................................................................... 19
Volcanic Mounds ...................................................................................................................... 19
Anacacho and Dale Limestones ............................................................................................ 21
Anacacho Limestone of the Rio Grande Embayment ................................................ 21
McKown Formation and Dale Limestone..................................................................... 22
Taylor and Navarro Groups ..................................................................................................... 22
San Miguel Formation..................................................................................................... 22
Olmos Formation .............................................................................................................. 24
Escondido Formation....................................................................................................... 25
Undivided Taylor Group................................................................................................... 25
Undivided Navarro Group............................................................................................... 26
Traps and Seals.................................................................................................................................. 26
Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources ……………………………………………………… 27
Travis Volcanic Mounds Oil Assessment Unit (AU 50470201) .................................................... 29
Source ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Maturity ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Migration .................................................................................................................................... 30
Reservoirs .................................................................................................................................. 30

Traps and Seals......................................................................................................................... 30

Estimated Resources ............................................................................................................... 30
Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil Assessment Unit (AU 50470202)................................... 30
Source ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Maturity ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Migration ................................................................................................................................... 31
Reservoirs ................................................................................................................................. 31
Traps and Seals......................................................................................................................... 31
Estimated Resources ............................................................................................................... 31
Navarro-Taylor Updip Oil and Gas Assessment Unit (AU 50470203) ......................................... 32
Source ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Maturity ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Migration ....................................................................................................................................33
Reservoirs .................................................................................................................................. 33
Traps and Seals......................................................................................................................... 33
Estimated Resources ............................................................................................................... 33
Navarro-Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil Assessment Unit (AU 50470204).................................... 34
Source ........................................................................................................................................34
Maturity ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Migration ....................................................................................................................................35
Reservoirs .................................................................................................................................. 35
Traps and Seals......................................................................................................................... 35
Estimated Resources ............................................................................................................... 35
Navarro-Taylor Slope-Basin Gas Assessment Unit (AU 50470205) ........................................... 36
Source ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Maturity ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Migration ................................................................................................................................... 36
Reservoirs ................................................................................................................................. 36
Traps and Seals......................................................................................................................... 37
Estimated Resources ............................................................................................................... 37
Comparison of Results of 1995 and 2003 Assessments............................................................... 37
References Cited ……………………………………………………………………………… 37

1. Map of Gulf of Mexico region …………………………………………………………… 3
2. Map of western part of Western Gulf Province, showing total petroleum system
boundary and geologic features ………………………………………………………… 5
3. Columnar sections of Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphic units in southern and
eastern Texas …………………………………………………………………………… 6
4. Map of western part of Western Gulf Province, showing main structural features ……… 9
5. Isopach map of interval from top of Austin Group to base of Eagle Ford Group ………… 15
6. Overburden map of interval from ground surface to top of Austin Group ………………… 17
7. Burial-history chart of Skelly Oil Company Bertha M. Winkler No. 1 well ………………… 18
8. Diagrammatic cross section through Maverick Basin …………………………………… 20
9. Map of western part of Western Gulf Province, showing oil and gas fields mentioned
in text……………………………………………………………………………………… 23
10. Map of western part of Western Gulf Province, showing assessment units and areas of
oil and gas production …………………………………………………………………… 28
11. Events chart, showing timing of key elements of Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford
Composite Total Petroleum System ……………………………………………………… 29

1. Comparison of characteristics of discrete and continuous oil and gas accumulations…… 4
2. Assessment summary, Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum
System …………………………………………………………………………………… 7
3. Total oil and gas production, Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum
System …………………………………………………………………………………… 8
2003 Geologic Assessment of Undiscovered
Conventional Oil and Gas Resources in the Upper
Cretaceous Navarro and Taylor Groups, Western Gulf
Province, Texas
By S.M. Condon and T.S. Dyman

Abstract Types of traps include stratigraphic pinchouts, folds, faulted

folds, and combinations of these. Seals consist of interbedded
The Upper Cretaceous Navarro and Taylor Groups in the shales and mudstones and diagenetic cementation.
western part of the Western Gulf Province were assessed for The area assessed is divided into five assessment units
undiscovered oil and gas resources in 2003. The area is part of (AUs): (1) Travis Volcanic Mounds Oil (AU 50470201),
the Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petro (2) Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil (AU 50470202),
leum System. The rocks consist of, from youngest to oldest, (3) Navarro-Taylor Updip Oil and Gas (AU 50470203), (4)
the Escondido and Olmos Formations of the Navarro Group Navarro-Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil (AU 50470204), and (5)
and the San Miguel Formation and the Anacacho Limestone of Navarro-Taylor Slope-Basin Gas (AU 50470205). Total esti
the Taylor Group (as well as the undivided Navarro Group and mated mean undiscovered conventional resources in the five
Taylor Group). Some units of the underlying Austin Group, assessment units combined are 33.22 million barrels of oil,
including the “Dale Limestone” (a term of local usage that 1,682.80 billion cubic feet of natural gas, and 34.26 million
describes a subsurface unit), were also part of the assessment barrels of natural gas liquids.
in some areas.
Within the total petroleum system, the primary source
rocks comprise laminated carbonate mudstones and marine Acknowledgments
shales of the Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, mixed car
bonate and bioclastic deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Eagle We thank Richard Bain, ChevronTexaco North America
Ford Group, and shelf carbonates of the Upper Cretaceous Upstream, for discussing gas exploration in the Laredo area.
Austin Group. Possible secondary source rocks comprise the Gary Lader of Swift Energy Company provided insights
Upper Jurassic Bossier Shale and overlying shales within the into the AWP oil and gas field. We thank Mike Lewan and
Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Cotton Valley Group, Mark Pawlewicz, USGS, for their work on oil source rocks,
Lower Cretaceous marine rocks, and the Upper Cretaceous for compiling burial-history data in the study area, and for
Taylor Group. meaningful discussions that helped to clarify some of the
Oil and gas were generated in the total petroleum system complex issues regarding hydrocarbon source rocks. Troy
at different times because of variations in depth of burial, Cook, USGS, clarified the nature of several gas accumulations
geothermal gradient, lithology, and organic-matter composi in the Western Gulf Province. We thank the assessment team
tion. A burial-history reconstruction, based on data from one of C.J. Schenk, T.R. Klett, R.R. Charpentier, T. Cook, R.M.
well in the eastern part of the study area (Jasper County, Tex.), Pollastro, and R.A. Crovelli, USGS; they helped guide our
indicated that (1) the Smackover generated oil from about 117 analysis of this area and calculated the final resource assess
to 103 million years ago (Ma) and generated gas from about ment numbers. USGS contractors Chris Anderson did GIS
52 to 41 Ma and (2) the Austin and Eagle Ford Groups gener (geographic information system) processing and prepared
ated oil from about 42 to 28 Ma and generated gas from about working maps, and Heather Mitchell helped prepare contour-
14 Ma to the present. map figures. The manuscript was improved by the reviews of
From the source rocks, oil and gas migrated upsection Laura Roberts, Ronald Johnson, and Douglas Nichols, USGS,
and updip along a pervasive system of faults and fractures and William Keefer, USGS (retired), and by the editing of
as well as along bedding planes and within sandstone units. USGS contractor Mary Eberle.
2 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

Introduction system is a mappable entity that is used when more than one
source rock has charged the accumulations (Klett, 2004).
A further change in the assessment methodology involved
Differences in Approach Between the 1995 and the length of the forecast period. The 1995 assessment of
2003 Assessments undiscovered resources was based on a forecast time period
through the use of an “ultimately recoverable” methodology,
Various regions of the United States are being reevaluated whereas in the 2003 assessment, a forecast span of 30 years
as a follow-up to the 1995 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) was used for the estimate. A 30-year span indicates that the
national assessment of oil and gas resources; the results of current assessment looks forward about one generation. Con
these current studies are available at http://energy.cr.usgs.gov/ sidering the many unforeseen developments in the petroleum
oilgas/noga/nogaindex.htm. Within the Western Gulf Prov industry over the past few decades, 30 years probably repre
ince, the area assessed in 2003 and discussed in this report sents the maximum time period for a reliable forecast. Such a
is slightly larger than the area assessed in 1995 by Schenk forecast span implies that certain resource categories will be
and Viger (1996). As well, an area in the western part of the excluded from the assessment, such as those requiring explora
province was identified but not assessed in 1995 because the tion in very deep water; no such constraints were placed on the
cut-off for field sizes at that time was larger (1 million barrels 1995 assessment.
of oil equivalent [MMBOE]) than that used for this assessment Therefore, although the geographic areas for both the
(0.5 MMBOE) and there were no fields equal to or greater 1995 and 2003 assessments are similar and the same strati
than 1 MMBOE in that play. graphic interval was assessed, caution should be used when
In the 2003 work reported here, assessment units have comparing these assessments. The 2003 assessment followed
replaced plays as the basic level of assessment. A play was the new process involving (1) the consideration of petroleum
identified primarily by using similarities in petroleum res systems instead of plays and (2) the incorporation of a shorter
ervoirs without applying a total petroleum system model. forecast period. The USGS was aware that these changes in
An assessment unit is “a mappable part of a total petroleum the assessment process could affect the results and lead to dif
system in which discovered and undiscovered oil and gas ferences with the previous assessment.
accumulations constitute a single relatively homogeneous
population such that the methodology of resource assessment Geographic Setting of the Study Area
is applicable” (Klett, 2004, p. 599); it is a three-dimensional
entity, consisting of a contiguous geographic area and one or This report presents the results of a USGS assessment
more geologic formations. The use of assessment units versus of the undiscovered oil and gas resources of selected Upper
plays does not necessarily result in differences in assessed Cretaceous rocks in the Western Gulf Province, located in
volumes of undiscovered resources, but applying the concept the northwest part of the Gulf of Mexico Basin (fig. 1). The
of total petroleum systems provides a unifying framework for geographical extent of the province was previously defined in
identifying and analyzing accumulations (Klett, 2004; Klett earlier assessments of the Gulf Coast Region, most recently
and Le, this CD-ROM). by Schenk and Viger (1996). As shown in figure 1, the entire
Another difference between the results presented in province includes southeastern Texas and southern Louisiana
the 1995 National Assessment of United States Oil and Gas as well as extending offshore about 10 mi from Texas and 3
Resources (Schenk and Viger, 1996) and the present assess mi from Louisiana. Although both southeastern Texas and
ment is the implementation in this report of the petroleum southern Louisiana are within the Western Gulf Province, only
system model, as advocated by Magoon and Dow (1994). As that part of the province that lies in Texas was assessed in
currently used by geologists doing oil and gas assessments in 2003. The Navarro and Taylor Group equivalents in southern
the USGS, a total petroleum system includes all genetically Louisiana were excluded because they are deeply buried, and
related petroleum generated by a pod or by closely related data were not available for assessment purposes.
pods of mature source rock. The system includes both shows As defined in this report, the study area extends from
and accumulations (discovered and undiscovered) and exists the Rio Grande River on the southwest, through south-central
within a limited mappable geologic space. This space encom Texas, including the cities of San Antonio and Austin, to the
passes the essential mappable geologic elements (source, eastern border of Texas (fig. 2). The study area encompasses
reservoir, seal, and overburden rocks) that control the funda approximately 45,000 mi2 (29,000,000 acres). The study area
mental processes of generation, expulsion, migration, entrap stretches along the Rio Grande from Kinney County on the
ment, and preservation of petroleum (Klett, 2004; also see north through northern Zapata County on the south and from
Klett and Le, this CD-ROM). Fundamentally, a total petro there to Newton County in the east. The northern boundary
leum system consists of all areas to which hydrocarbons from of the Western Gulf Province in Texas is drawn along county
related source rocks may have migrated after generation and lines and separates this province from the Permian Basin,
expulsion and is commonly defined by the geographic extent the Bend Arch–Fort Worth Basin, and the East Texas Basin
of source and reservoir rocks. A composite total petroleum Provinces.
105° 100° 95° 90° 85° 80° 75°



Ouachita AR



United States

Llano East Texas

R Basin

nd Marathon

Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups
ive uplift
30° r

Mexico FL

Area of Western
Gulf Province assessed


Gulf of Mexico Taylor Group Austin and
Eagle Ford Groups
Western Gulf
Uplift Province
Area of Western
Gulf Province not
Limit of Smackover potential source
rock facies
Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford
Composite TPS boundary

0 50 100 200 300


Figure 1. Map of the Gulf of Mexico region. The Western Gulf Province and the boundary of the Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum System are shown.
The extent of carbonate facies of the Smack
from Salvador (1987).

4 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

Overview of the Petroleum Resources in the undiscovered resources. There are several distinguishing
Study Area features of the end-member accumulation types, although
there is probably a continuum between the types that can make
The Texas Bureau of Economic Geology previously classification difficult in some cases (Klett, 2004). Two lists
defined hydrocarbon plays in the Olmos Formation in the of such distinguishing features, given in table 1, were drawn
Maverick Basin part of our study area (fig. 2) (Tyler and mainly from Spencer (1989), Schmoker (1996), Law (2002),
Ambrose, 1986). Bureau personnel did not calculate volumes and Bartberger and others (2003).
of undiscovered resources, but their analysis was helpful in Oil and gas accumulations throughout the Western Gulf
defining assessment units for our work. In the Maverick Basin, Province were evaluated by us with respect to the charac
Tyler and Ambrose (1986) recognized five oil and gas plays: teristics listed in table 1. Some existing accumulations had
(1) volcanic mounds–related traps, (2) updip structural and characteristics that clearly classified them as discrete, but oth
stratigraphic traps, (3) deltaic and shore-zone sandstones and ers were more ambiguous. However, considering all of the fac
structural traps, (4) downdip deltaic and shelf tight-gas areas, tors, we decided that the discovered accumulations displayed
and (5) shelf-edge traps. For the current study, we divided the characteristics that most closely fit the model for the discrete
province into assessment units, on the basis of additional drill (conventional) category, and the assessment units were all
ing and resource development since the mid-1980s, and we assessed as such.
extended the assessed area farther to the north and east of the The geochemistry of oil samples collected from Creta
Maverick Basin to include all potential reservoir rocks in the ceous units in the Western Gulf Province indicates that part of
Navarro and Taylor Groups. the area has its hydrocarbon source in the Smackover Forma
One aspect of our study was to look at the characteristics tion, but other parts have sources in the Austin and Eagle
of known and potential oil or gas accumulations to determine Ford Groups, or mixed Smackover and Austin–Eagle Ford
whether they are discrete (conventional) or continuous (uncon sources (fig. 3) (Hood and others, 2002; M.D. Lewan, written
ventional) as classified by Schmoker (1996), a distinction that commun., 2003). Because of these complexities, we decided
is based on geologic parameters (rather than on government to define a single composite total petroleum system for the
regulations relating to reservoir classification). It is important province (fig. 1), more details of which are described in the
to distinguish between the two types because different assess section titled Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total
ment methodologies are used for each to estimate Petroleum System.
Table 1. Comparison of characteristics of discrete and continuous oil and gas accumulations.
[Distinguishing features from Spencer (1989), Schmoker (1996), Law (2002), and Bartberger and others (2003). mD, millidarcy]

Discrete (conventional) accumulations Continuous (unconventional) accumulations

• Well-defined stratigraphic and (or) structural traps • Lack traditional seals or traps

• Hydrocarbon migration into traps from potentially • Source rocks near reservoirs; migration distances commonly short
distant source rocks

• Initial high production rates that decline as the wells • Large in-place resources, but low well recoveries and production rates

• Normally pressured reservoirs • Abnormal pressures (either underpressured or overpressured); thick sequences of
reservoirs are gas-saturated

• Distinct hydrocarbon-water contacts • Lack of hydrocarbon-water contacts

• Variable water production; water production can be • Low or absent water production; accumulations occur downdip from water-satu
high and commonly increases as wells mature rated rocks and conventional fields

• Field boundaries delimited by water-saturated rocks • Large geographic extent, commonly in the deeper central parts of basins

• Good reservoir porosity • Low reservoir porosity; commonly less than 13 percent

• Good reservoir permeability • Low reservoir permeabilities (<0.1 mD) reduce the ability of gas to migrate by
buoyancy; natural or induced fractures are important for production

• Accumulations can occur in immature rocks because • Tops of accumulations are commonly within a narrow vitrinite reflectance (Ro)
of migration range of 0.75 to 0.9 percent
100° 98° 96° 94°

Madison Newton
Milam Tyler Jasper
Walker Beauregard Allen
Not in
TPS boundary
Williamson Brazos
Grimes assessed
(part) Burleson San
Jacinto Hardin area
Travis Travis volcanic Mobil well Jefferson Davis
Austin Lee field Montgomery
Washington Liberty Orange
30° Hays Waller
Jefferson Cameron

outcropping volcanic Uvalde volcanic Fayette Harris
mounds Comal
Caldwell Austin Houston Chambers
Medina Fort Bend
Kinney Uvalde

Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups
San Antonio Gonzales Galveston
Bexar Wharton
AM A Wilson
De Witt
Karnes Victoria Jackson Matagorda
Maverick Frio

Zavala Skelly well Goliad

McMullen Calhoun Smackover deep-basin

La Salle Bee
shale facies
MB Dimmit A' Live Oak

Aransas Explanation
28° San Patricio
Updip limit of Smackover
carbonate facies (Salvador, 1987)
Webb Downdip limit of Smackover
Jim Wells Nueces
Duval carbonate facies (Goldhammer
and Johnson, 2001)
Zero-thickness edge of salt
Kleberg (Ewing and Lopez,1991)
Subsurface volcanic mounds
Outcrops of Austin and Eagle
Jim Hogg
Zapata Brooks Kenedy Ford Groups
Early Cretaceous shelf edge
(Ewing and Lopez, 1991)
Albian arm of Early Cretaceous
shelf edge (Ewing and Lopez, 1991)
Starr Willacy
AM Anacacho Mountains
Western Gulf Gra

MB Maverick Basin

Province boundary r
0 25 50 100 150
(part) MILES

Figure 2. Map of the western part of the Western Gulf Province, showing the total petroleum system (TPS) boundary, outcrops of the Austin and Eagle Ford Groups, sub
surface locations of volcanic mounds, zero-thickness edge of Jurassic salt, updip and downdip limits of Smackover carbonates, location of cross section A–A’ (see fig. 8),
location of the Early Cretaceous shelf edge, and location of two wells for which burial history or timing of oil- and gas-generation charts were plotted. Locations of volcanic
mounds are from IHS Energy Group (2003b).

6 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas










Cenomanian Turonian















Callovian Oxfordian







EXPLANATION Age abbreviations

Barr. - Barremian
Potential reservoir rocks Unconformity Haut. - Hauterivian
Val. - Valanginian
Berr. - Berriasian
Potential source rocks Disconformity Tith. - Tithonian
Kimm. - Kimmeridgian

Figure 3. Columnar sections of Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphic units in southern and eastern Texas
(modified from Kosters and others, 1989).
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 7

The Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total PI/Dwights PLUS on CD. Well-production data are current as
Petroleum System was divided into five assessment units of February 2003, and well-completion data are current as of
(AUs): (1) Travis Volcanic Mounds Oil (AU 50470201), May 2003. Production data are available for more than 11,000
(2) Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil (AU 50470202), leases for the units assessed in the Western Gulf Province,
(3) Navarro-Taylor Updip Oil and Gas (AU 50470203), (4) and data for nearly 21,000 wells have been reported, such as
Navarro-Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil (AU 50470204), and formation tops, drill-stem tests, and initial production tests.
(5) Navarro-Taylor Slope-Basin Gas (AU 50470205). These Another primary source for gas and oil field data is NRG
assessment units are described in more detail in the section Associates (2001), which provided information on the dates of
titled Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources. Future assess discovery and sizes of gas and oil fields, trends of increasing
ments of older or younger geologic units within this total or decreasing field volumes, gas-oil ratios, and API oil-grav
petroleum system will define additional assessment units. ity values (see chapter by Klett and Le, this CD-ROM). Other
The mean volumes of estimated undiscovered resources important sources of information included published literature
in 2003 are 33.22 million barrels of oil (MMBO), 1,682.80 on the structure, stratigraphy, and oil and gas geology of the
billion cubic feet of natural gas (BCFG), and 34.26 million region as well as discussions with industry and government
barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL) (table 2). Total personnel.
cumulative production to date from the assessed formations
in over 11,000 leases is about 443 MMBO and 2,000 BCFG
(table 3).
Structural Setting
Data Sources
The Gulf of Mexico has had a complex structural history
Primary data sources for our assessment are commer that was comprehensively reviewed in a volume edited by
cial databases from IHS Energy Group (2003a, 2003b), dba Salvador (1991b). A brief summary of the structural history of

Table 2. Assessment Results Summary, Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum System (504702).
[MMBO, million barrels of oil. BCFG, billion cubic feet of gas. MMBNGL, million barrels of natural gas liquids. MAS, minimum accumulation size
assessed (MMBO or BCFG). Prob., probability (including both geologic and accessibility probabilities) of at least one accumulation equal to or greater than
the MAS. Accum., accumulation. Results shown are fully risked estimates. For gas accumulations, all liquids are included as natural gas liquids (NGL). F95
represents a 95 percent chance of at least the amount tabulated. Other fractiles are defined similarly. Fractiles are additive under the assumption of perfect
positive correlation. Shading indicates not applicable]
Code and Total undiscovered resources
Accumulation MAS Prob. Oil (MMBO) Gas (BCFG) NGL (MMBNGL)
Type (0-1) F95 F50 F5 Mean F95 F50 F5 Mean F95 F50 F5 Mean

50470201 Travis Volcanic Mounds Oil Assessment Unit

Oil 0.5 1.25 2.73 4.81 2.85 0.28 0.66 1.30 0.71 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.04
Gas 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 1.00 1.25 2.73 4.81 2.85 0.28 0.66 1.30 0.71 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.04

50470202 Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil Assessment Unit

Oil 0.5 1.27 2.41 3.97 2.48 1.29 2.83 5.20 2.97 0.06 0.14 0.28 0.15
Gas 3.0 14.33 35.40 61.71 36.38 0.20 0.52 1.00 0.55
Total 1.00 1.27 2.41 3.97 2.48 15.62 38.23 66.91 39.35 0.25 0.65 1.28 0.69

50470203 Navarro-Taylor Updip Oil and Gas Assessment Unit

Oil 0.5 6.78 19.41 40.58 21.02 9.43 28.37 64.58 31.58 0.26 0.83 2.02 0.95
Gas 3.0 60.96 167.86 342.17 180.56 1.01 2.93 6.57 3.25
Total 1.00 6.78 19.41 40.58 21.02 70.38 196.23 406.75 212.14 1.27 3.76 8.60 4.20

50470204 Navarro-Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil Assessment Unit

Oil 0.5 1.91 5.95 15.06 6.88 17.44 58.22 156.48 68.72 0.48 1.70 4.90 2.06
Gas 3.0 158.43 425.92 749.36 436.91 2.95 8.26 16.30 8.76
Total 1.00 1.91 5.95 15.06 6.88 175.88 484.14 905.84 505.63 3.44 9.96 21.20 10.82

50470205 Navarro-Taylor Slope-Basin Gas Assessment Unit

Oil 0.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gas 3.0 239.07 868.58 1785.68 924.96 4.48 16.84 38.16 18.52

Total 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 239.07 868.58 1,785.68 924.96 4.48 16.84 38.16 18.52

504702 Total: Conventional undiscovered resources in the Smackover-Austin-Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum System
Oil 0.5 11.21 30.51 64.41 33.22 28.45 90.09 227.55 103.99 0.82 2.69 7.27 3.20
Gas 3.0 472.79 1497.75 2938.92 1578.81 8.64 28.55 62.04 31.07

Total 1.00 11.21 30.51 64.41 33.22 501.24 1,587.84 3,166.47 1,682.80 9.45 31.25 69.31 34.26
8 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

Table 3. Total oil and gas production, Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum System.
[Production data are from the formations that compose the five assessment units (IHS Energy Group, 2003a). Data are current through February 2003]

Approximate no.
Producing unit Produced oil (MMBO)1 Produced gas (BCFG)2
of leases3
Escondido Formation 4 75 450
Olmos Formation 110 1,227 3,700
San Miguel Formation 142 414 1,050
Anacacho and Dale Limestones 11 7 770
Undivided Navarro Group 144 186 4,600
Undivided Taylor Group 29 133 800
Austin Chalk associated with volcanic mounds 2.5 <1 50
Totals 442.5 2,042 11,420
Million barrels of oil.
Billion cubic feet of gas.
Production from a single well may be divided into multiple leases if the well produces from more than one reservoir or has changed operators.

the region is presented here, drawn largely from papers by Sal Rifting divided the area underlain by Middle Jurassic salt into
vador (1987, 1991a), Ewing (1991), and others that are cited. two parts separated by oceanic crust, but Upper Jurassic car
In the Late Proterozoic, between about 800 and 650 Ma, bonate and clastic units were deposited over the entire basin
the supercontinent Rodinia began to break up, in part in the (Buffler and Sawyer, 1985). The Upper Jurassic Smackover
area of the present-day Gulf Coast (Salvador, 1991a; Adams, Formation, consisting of shelf carbonates and deeper marine
1993; Dehler, 1998). Several failed rifts, or aulacogens, shales, was deposited at this time and later became an impor
formed during this 150-m.y. interval. They have been vari tant hydrocarbon source rock.
ously named the Texas lineament or Delaware rift along the The Cretaceous Period was a time of relative tectonic
present Rio Grande River, the Wichita lineament or Southern stability in the northern Gulf of Mexico Basin (Salvador,
Oklahoma aulacogen along the present Red River, and the 1991a). For most of the Early Cretaceous, the Gulf Seaway
Mississippi lineament or Reelfoot rift along the present Mis was separated from the Western Interior Seaway, but in the
sissippi River (fig. 1) (Albritton and Smith, 1957; Beall, 1973; late Early to Late Cretaceous, a connection was established
Wood and Walper, 1974; Thomas, 1991; Salvador, 1991a; through northwestern Texas to link the two bodies of water
Adams, 1993). (Stephenson and Reeside, 1938; Roberts and Kirschbaum,
In the Pennsylvanian and Permian Periods, the super 1995). In the Early Cretaceous, shelf-edge reefs developed
continent Pangea coalesced. An outcome of this event was a along the break between the continental shelf and the Gulf of
collision of the African, South American, and North American Mexico Basin. These reefs remained in a fairly stable geo
plates that resulted in folding, northward and northwestward graphic position through the Early Cretaceous, only diverg
thrust faulting, and uplift of Paleozoic rocks along the sutured ing to any large extent in the western part of the study area
margin. The Ouachita uplift of Oklahoma and Arkansas and (Goldhammer and Johnson, 2001) (figs. 2, 4). It should be
the Marathon uplift of west Texas formed as a result (fig. 1). A noted that the divergent shelf-edge reefs shown in plan view
zone of compressed Paleozoic rocks—the Ouachita orogenic in figures 2 and 4 were not contemporaneous. The southern
belt—connects these uplifts and curves along the Llano uplift branch of the reef is late Aptian in age, and the northern
(fig. 4) in the northwestern part of the study area (Ewing, branch is late Albian in age (Goldhammer and Johnson, 2001).
1991). The late Aptian reef-building event was followed by a marine
In the Late Triassic, South America and Africa separated transgression that deposited lime mudstone and shale. The late
from North America as Pangea began to break up. A series of Albian reef then formed landward and stratigraphically above
rift basins formed along the new North American continental the position of the earlier reef. The shelf edge also influenced
margin (Salvador, 1987; Jacques and Clegg, 2002). The pres the deposition of Upper Cretaceous units, including the Austin
ent Gulf of Mexico occupies an area where the continental and Eagle Ford Groups and younger units, but reefs did not
crust was stretched and thinned; it may have been the site of a form in the Late Cretaceous (Salvador, 1991a; Sohl and others,
continental rift basin. In the Middle Jurassic, seawater periodi 1991). In the Late Cretaceous, the Maverick Basin area (fig. 4)
cally flooded the area that would become the Gulf of Mexico developed as a depocenter having a higher percentage of sandy
Basin and deposited thick sequences of salt (Salvador, 1987). sediment compared to the sedimentary material deposited
The Gulf of Mexico opened in the Late Jurassic, and elsewhere in the Western Gulf Province in the Late Creta
oceanic crust was extruded along a spreading center in the ceous. Deltas formed on the shelf areas (Weise, 1980), and
central gulf (Buffler and Sawyer, 1985; Salvador, 1987, 1991a; shelf-slope and basin turbidites formed along the shelf edge
Pindell and Kennan, 2000, 2001; Jacques and Clegg, 2002). (Dennis, 1987; Salvador, 1991a; Bain, 2003).
100° 98° 96° 94°

Milam Tyler Newton
San Jasper

Llano uplift Jacinto Beauregard
Not in

lt zo
Williamson Brazos

Houston embayment area

Burleson Jefferson Davis

Travis Hardin

Austin e
Lee Montgomery

ult Orange
Hays x fa Liberty
30° Waller W ilco Cameron
Bastrop Fayette
Austin Harris LA
o Comal
Houston Chambers TX LA
Ri Caldwell
rL Guadalupe

Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups
Kinney Medina Fort Bend
Balcones fault zone
Uvalde Bexar San Antonio Lavaca ne Galveston
fault z
o ne
t zo Wharton
Luling lt z ul
Zavala syncline fau De Witt fa Brazoria
Wilson s
Subsurface volcanic mounds r ne ox
Ka ilc
Chittum anticline e W Jackson
Maverick iclin
Zavala an t Karnes Matagorda
Rio Grande syncline rsa Frio Atascosa
Pea Victoria
fault zone
Goliad Calhoun
Maverick Basin
Live Oak Refugio

Dimmit e

La Salle


28° ra

San Patricio

nd Western Gulf Province boundary (part)


e TPS boundary (part)


Webb Jim
em Wells Nueces
San Marcos arch
ba Duval
y m Zero-thickness edge of salt
en Kleberg
(Ewing and Lopez, 1991)
t Early Cretaceous shelf edge
Jim Hogg
(Ewing and Lopez, 1991)
Albian arm of Early Cretaceous
shelf edge (Ewing and Lopez, 1991)
Starr Ouachita orogenic belt
Rio Hidalgo
26° 0 25 50 100 150

Figure 4. Map of the western part of the Western Gulf Province, showing main structural features. Fault trends and fold axes are modified from Fowler
(1956); locations of subsurface volcanic mounds are from IHS Energy Group (2003b).

10 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

In the latest Cretaceous and early Tertiary, the Laramide The Pearsall anticline, located southwest of San Antonio
orogeny affected the western side of the study area. Northeast (fig. 4), is thought to be older than other folds in the Maverick
ward-directed compression resulted in a series of anticlines, Basin. Fowler (1956) noted that this fold, being subparallel
synclines, and basins in northeastern Mexico and in the western to the fault zones in the region, was the only fold having this
Maverick Basin (fig. 4), as described by Ewing (1991). Main orientation in south-central Texas. Faults that formed contempo
sediment sources were from the southwest and northwest at this raneously with the Pearsall anticline affected deposition of rocks
time, as opposed to mainly northwestern sources earlier in the as old as the Austin Group (Fowler, 1956), and the relationships
Cretaceous. Less important source areas probably were in the indicate that the fold could be as old as Jurassic (Ewing, 1987).
southern Appalachian region. Most of the folds in the western part of the Maverick
In the middle to late Tertiary and Quaternary, a thick Basin are of Late Cretaceous to Tertiary age and are the result
sequence of clastic sediments accumulated in the Gulf of of Laramide compression (Ewing, 1991). The main folds in
Mexico Basin (Galloway and others, 2000). Much sediment the western part of the basin are the Rio Grande and Zavala
bypassed shelf areas, where there had previously been Creta synclines, separated by the southeastward-plunging Chittum
ceous deltaic and shallow-marine shelf deposition, and was anticline (fig. 4). Only the western part of the study area was
deposited farther out in the gulf. Rapid accumulation of Tertiary affected to any large degree by Laramide compression, and
sediments created a series of growth-fault belts that parallel the prominent folds are not present on the San Marcos arch or in the
Gulf Coast. According to Grabowski (1984), the main locus of Houston embayment.
sedimentation in the Texas Gulf Coast area shifted southeast A structural feature having a northwest-southeast orienta
ward in the Miocene, resulting in relatively thin Pliocene and tion in the western part of the Western Gulf Province was named
younger units in the study area. Only minor uplift and erosion of the “Frio River Line” (fig. 4) by Ewing (1987) and was thought
the area have occurred since the Pliocene. to be a boundary between two areas having different structural
and stratigraphic histories. Several attributes of the area support
Structural Features such an interpretation of the Frio River Line: (1) the line marks
There are several main structural features within, or the western end of the Balcones, Luling, and Charlotte-Jourdan
adjacent to, the western part of the Western Gulf Province ton fault zones (fig. 4); (2) Laramide folds exist only southwest
(Ewing, 1991). Just northwest of the province boundary is the of the line; (3) igneous intrusions are mainly within or northeast
elevated Llano uplift (fig. 4), an area of outcropping Proterozoic of the line; and (4) there is a divergence of the Early Cretaceous
rocks that apparently acted as a buttress during compressional reef trends at the line. Ewing (1987, 1991) proposed a Paleozoic
tectonics of the Ouachita orogeny in Pennsylvanian and Perm to Mesozoic origin for the Frio River Line, thus implying that
ian time. The Ouachita orogenic belt curves along the south and it was not related to the earlier Proterozoic development of the
east sides of the Llano uplift and consists of faulted and folded Texas lineament in the area, but instead resulted from structural
Paleozoic rocks. The San Marcos arch is a subsurface extension adjustments related to coalescence of the plates to form Pangea
of the Llano uplift that extends southeastward toward the gulf or to its subsequent disruption.
(fig. 4). Several Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphic units thin Faults are common throughout the study area and are
or are absent over the arch, indicating periodic uplift during the grouped in several major zones that parallel the Ouachita oro
Jurassic and Cretaceous. The uplifted area of the arch is broadly genic belt (fig. 4) (Weeks, 1945; Fowler, 1956; Matthews, 1986;
outlined by the zero edge of Middle Jurassic salt, as shown in Ewing, 1987, 1991). The Balcones fault zone is farthest to the
figures 2 and 4. northwest and marks the craton margin of the central United
Southwest of the San Marcos arch is the Rio Grande States. Faults in the Balcones fault zone are normal, have down-
embayment (fig. 4), which extends into northeastern Mexico to-the-southeast displacements that can exceed 1,600 ft, and
(Ewing, 1991) and is generally aligned with the northwest-trend extend at least to and possibly into basement rocks of Paleozoic
ing Precambrian Texas lineament along the Rio Grande River. age. The fault zone is mapped from about Williamson County
The Maverick Basin occupies a part of the Rio Grande embay (north of Austin) southwest to Uvalde County (west of San
ment in the west-central part of the study area (fig. 4). The Antonio).
Maverick Basin began subsiding in the late Early Cretaceous The Luling fault zone is parallel to, and lies southeast of,
and responded as a foreland basin to Laramide tectonism in the the Balcones fault zone. The Luling faults are normal and have
Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary. down-to-the-northwest displacements—opposite to the dis
The Houston embayment is on the northeast side of the placements of the Balcones faults—ranging from about 1,000
San Marcos arch, in a structural setting similar to that of the to 2,000 ft. Thus the combined Balcones-Luling faults bound a
Rio Grande embayment (fig. 4). It is a southern extension of the broad down-dropped graben. The Luling faults are also thought
East Texas Basin (fig. 1) and is a structural low whose origin to extend at least to Paleozoic basement rocks, but the faults’
was probably influenced by the Precambrian Wichita lineament. association with volcanic mounds of the Travis volcanic field
In the Late Cretaceous, the Houston embayment subsided less east of Austin implies much deeper seated faulting (see discus
than the Rio Grande embayment, and Upper Cretaceous rocks sion of the volcanic mounds in the section on reservoir rocks).
there contain more shale and carbonates and less sandstone in The Charlotte-Jourdanton fault zone is of more limited
comparison with time-equivalent rocks in the Maverick Basin. size, extending from southeast Frio County across Atascosa
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 11

County to southwestern Wilson County (fig. 4). This fault Paleozoic rocks are presumed to underlie most or all of our
zone is composed of parallel sets of normal faults along which study area, but little is known of them because of a lack of
movements of opposite sense have occurred to form a graben; deep drilling.
displacements are 500–700 ft. The Charlotte-Jourdanton fault Rocks above the Paleozoic basement wrap around the
zone is related in an en echelon fashion to the structurally sim Llano uplift, generally striking parallel to the northwest
ilar Karnes fault zone and graben system that extends north boundary of the Western Gulf Province. The rocks dip variably
eastward from Atascosa County through Gonzales County and southeastward toward the Texas coastline; older rocks crop out
just crosses into Lavaca County. Farther north, beyond the San in the northwest, and younger rocks crop out in the southeast.
Marcos arch, the Mexia-Talco fault zone extends from Bastrop In the western part of the study area, the post-Paleozoic sec
County northward through Milam County and out of the study tion ranges in thickness from about 1,500 ft in updip areas to
area (fig. 4). more than 26,000 ft downdip near the Early Cretaceous shelf
The five fault zones (Balcones, Luling, Charlotte- edge. Basinward from the shelf edge, the stratigraphic section
Jourdanton, Karnes, Mexia-Talco) are thought to have first thickens in a short distance to more than 32,000 ft (Ewing,
developed in the Late Cretaceous on the basis of abnormal 1991). Triassic or Jurassic rocks are not exposed in the study
thicknesses of stratigraphic units on the downthrown sides of area (Schruben and others, 1998), and no Triassic rocks were
fault blocks (Fowler, 1956). Thick Upper Jurassic rocks on the identified from well records in the study area (IHS Energy
downthrown side of the Mexia-Talco fault zone may indicate Group, 2003b). Jurassic rocks are present in the subsurface
even earlier movement (Ewing, 1991). Early Late Creta (IHS Energy Group, 2003b), but pinch out updip and are over
ceous movement on some faults may have also accompanied lapped by the Lower Cretaceous Trinity Group (Travis Peak
emplacement of volcanic mounds in the area east of Austin. [and time-equivalent Hosston] through Glen Rose Formations)
However, major movement on all the faults is thought to have (fig. 3). A thick sequence of Lower Cretaceous rocks—some
occurred in the Miocene during a period of regional uplift and of which produce oil and gas (Schenk and Viger, 1996)—
extension (Weeks, 1945; Ewing, 1987, 1991). underlies the assessed formations, but these older rocks are not
A wide zone of growth faults extends southeast from the discussed here because their evaluation was outside the scope
Early Cretaceous shelf edge to the Texas coast and into the of the present assessment.
Gulf of Mexico. The strike of the faults is subparallel to the The formations included in the assessment units are of
shelf edge, and most of them lie outside the assessed area, Late Cretaceous age and consist mainly of the Taylor and
but the Wilcox fault zone, which is the northwesternmost of Navarro Groups—from oldest to youngest, the Anacacho
these fault zones, lies partially within the study area (fig. 4). Limestone and the San Miguel, Olmos, and Escondido Forma
Growth faults are also present along the northern branch of tions, as well as the undivided Navarro and Taylor Groups
the Cretaceous shelf edge in northern Webb County (Snedden (fig. 3). In limited areas, the undivided Austin Group and the
and Jumper, 1990). The processes by which the growth faults “Dale Limestone” of Thompson (1986), which is an Anacacho
developed is complex, as discussed by Ewing (1991), but all equivalent that is part of the Austin Group, were included in
are related to the wedge of clastic sediments that prograded the assessment units. In these limited areas, the Austin and
southeastward from the shelf edge into the Gulf of Mexico Dale are associated with Cretaceous volcanic mounds, which
Basin between the Late Cretaceous and the present. The are described in the section on reservoir rocks. Regionally,
Wilcox and younger fault zones developed mainly in Paleo the sequence of rocks from the top of the Navarro to the top
cene and younger strata and do not involve rocks updip of the of the Austin is as much as 5,500 ft thick, but typically ranges
Early Cretaceous shelf edge. Wilcox faults are characterized from 300 to 3,600 ft (IHS Energy Group, 2003b). Ranges of
as “deep listric” (Ewing, 1991), are thought to sole out in thicknesses of this sequence in specific areas are less than
lower Tertiary or Upper Cretaceous rocks, and do not extend 500–5,500 ft in the Maverick Basin, 300–1,500 ft over the
to Paleozoic basement rocks as do the previously described San Marcos arch, about 1,000–2,000 ft north of Houston, and
normal faults. 2,500–3,000 ft in a northwest-trending belt between Houston
and Austin. Details of individual units are discussed later in
the context of the total petroleum system.
General Stratigraphy
The oldest rocks in the region of the Western Gulf Prov Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford
ince are of Proterozoic age and crop out in the Llano uplift
(fig. 4) (Schruben and others, 1998). The uplift is composed of Composite Total Petroleum System
a complex assemblage of metasedimentary rocks and granite,
Key elements of the Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford
divided into about equal parts of granite, gneiss, and schist
Composite Total Petroleum System are the following:
(Meuhlberger and others, 1967). Surrounding the uplift are
outcrops of deformed Paleozoic rocks of Cambrian, Ordovi • Source rocks of appropriate lithology and sufficient
cian, and Pennsylvanian age (Schruben and others, 1998). thermal maturity to generate hydrocarbons, primarily
12 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

consisting of the shelf carbonates and deep-marine interpretations (Buffler and Sawyer, 1985, their fig. 8). Note
shales of the Smackover Formation, shelf carbonates that in the onshore parts of the United States and in the Gulf of
of the Austin Group, and shelf carbonates and organic Mexico Basin offshore of western Florida, the younger Austin
shales of the Eagle Ford Group, as well as several and Eagle Ford extend beyond the limit of the Smackover.
other secondary potential sources. A study by Hood and others (2002) distinguished several
hydrocarbon systems in the Gulf Coast Region on the basis of
• Migration pathways, including upward migration geochemical compositions of sampled oil, including systems
through faults and fractures and updip migration along involving important source rock sequences in Upper Juras
disconformities and through sandstone beds. sic, Upper Cretaceous, and lower Tertiary strata. Three of
• Reservoir rocks, consisting primarily of sandstones of these systems are in our study area: (1) the undifferentiated
the Navarro and Taylor Groups and carbonates of the Cretaceous hydrocarbon system, (2) the Turonian (Upper
Anacacho and Dale Limestones and the Austin Group. Cretaceous) hydrocarbon system, and (3) the lower Tertiary
terrestrial hydrocarbon system. In another study by M.D.
• Traps and seals, including stratigraphic pinchouts, Lewan (written commun., 2003), oils with geochemical char
folds, structural drapes over volcanic mounds, and acteristics indicating a Jurassic Smackover (Oxfordian) source
combinations of these features, along with enclosing were identified in Upper Cretaceous reservoirs in the west
shale or mudstone beds and tight sealing of some beds ern part of the Western Gulf Province, and oils with mixed
by diagenetic cement. Jurassic and Cretaceous sources were identified in the central
Maverick Basin. It should be noted that the oil samples studied
by both Hood and others (2002) and M.D. Lewan (written
Determination of Boundary commun., 2003) were obtained mainly from the Austin Group
and Tertiary reservoir rocks, not from reservoirs studied for
The extent of the Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Com this assessment, so conclusions about the source of oil in the
posite Total Petroleum System is shown in figure 1. Several assessed units in this report are indirect.
criteria, mainly the distribution of potential source and reser For our study, it is thought that there are three main
voir rocks, were used to determine the boundary. Onshore, the sources of oil and gas in the assessed formations: Upper Juras
total petroleum system boundary from the Rio Grande River to sic Smackover Formation and Upper Cretaceous Austin and
western Georgia is drawn at the updip pinchout of the Austin Eagle Ford Groups. Oils thought to have a Smackover source
and Eagle Ford Groups, and equivalent units, as identified in are mainly found in the far western part of the study area, and
outcrops (fig. 1; Schruben and others, 1998). The boundary oils thought to have an Eagle Ford or Austin source are located
was projected around the Mississippi embayment on the basis in the north-central part; oils having a mixed Smackover–Aus
of limited outcrops of younger formations. In southeastern tin–Eagle Ford origin are produced in the central part of the
Georgia and Florida, the total petroleum system boundary Maverick Basin (M.D. Lewan, written commun., 2003).
encompasses wells in which tops are reported for the Austin,
Eagle Ford, and equivalent units (IHS Energy Group, 2003b).
In the Gulf of Mexico, most of the southern boundary Smackover Formation
of the total petroleum system is established by Oxfordian
No oil or gas production has been reported from the
paleogeography interpreted by Salvador (1987) (where the
Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) Smackover Formation in the
dashed red line coincides with the green line in fig. 1). The
Texas part of the Western Gulf Province (IHS Energy Group,
short boundary line extending from the southern Florida coast
2003a), and the unit has not been studied or described in that
to the west is speculative, but strata of the Smackover, Austin,
area. However, published reports on the Smackover elsewhere
and Eagle Ford are not thought to extend southeast of this line
in the Gulf Coast Region (for example, Oehler, 1984; Sassen
segment on the basis of scant well and seismic data (Salvador,
and others, 1987; Claypool and Mancini, 1989; Mancini and
1987). Along the Mexican coast, the total petroleum system
others, 1990, 1993; Lewan, 2002) indicate that oil and gas
boundary is approximately drawn to reflect the distribution
were generated from algal-rich calcareous mudstones from the
of potential source rocks equivalent to both the Smackover
lower and middle Smackover. The lower part is composed of
Formation and the Austin and Eagle Ford Groups.
intertidal to subtidal laminated carbonate mudstone and peloi
dal and oncolitic wackestone and packstone deposited under a
Hydrocarbon Source Rocks transgressive regime; the middle part consists of a condensed
section of subtidal laminated carbonaceous mudstone inter-
The interpreted distribution of potential source rocks bedded with peloidal and skeletal wackestone and packstone
in the Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation is shown by the (Mancini and others, 1990). Total organic carbon (TOC) in
green line in figure 1. Although little is known about the these strata has been variously reported as (1) ranging from
Smackover in the deep central part of the Gulf of Mexico 0.1 to 1.0 weight percent and averaging 0.5 weight percent
(Salvador, 1987), the formation is thought to extend across (Oehler, 1984); (2) averaging 0.51 weight percent (Sassen and
the center of the Gulf of Mexico Basin on the basis of seismic others, 1987); and (3) averaging 0.81 weight percent
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 13

(Mancini and others, 1993). In addition, TOC in samples deposited in low-energy, poorly oxygenated environments
analyzed by Claypool and Mancini (1989) was reported to below wave base, and the upper part was deposited in high-
range from 0.04 to 1.74 weight percent and average 0.48 energy, well-oxygenated, nearshore environments (Liro and
weight percent; however, these samples were from the upper, others, 1994; Dawson, 2000).
less organic-rich part of the Smackover as well as from the The organic-rich lower shales and condensed section
lower and middle parts. The API gravity of oil and condensate have the highest hydrocarbon-generating potential of any part
in 38 Smackover samples analyzed by Claypool and Mancini of the Eagle Ford Group (Dawson, 2000 ). Outcrop samples of
(1989) ranged from 17.1° to 56° (average 34.3°); their sulfur this interval near Austin were reported to have average TOC
contents ranged from 0.1 to 5.2 percent (average 0.97 percent). contents of 5.15 weight percent, and those at a locality north
Oils thought to be derived from the Smackover are enriched of Austin (outside the study area) averaged between 2.43 and
in sulfur and display characteristic geochemical properties 4.87 weight percent. Sulfur content at both localities aver
that distinguish them from other oils in the Gulf Coast Region aged about 1.3 percent (Liro and others, 1994). Differences in
(Mancini and others, 1993; Hood and others, 2002). organic-matter type were detected when plotting pristane/nC17
The paleogeographic reconstruction of Salvador (1987) against phytane/nC18 (Liro and others, 1994). Samples from
implied that facies favorable for hydrocarbon generation in north of Austin were interpreted as having well-preserved,
southwestern Alabama extend westward into the Western Gulf oil-prone marine organic matter, whereas those from nearer
Province. Conditions favoring the accumulation and preserva Austin had a mixed marine and terrestrial, gas- and oil-prone
tion of organic matter in the Smackover include deposition of signature; the differences possibly reflect deposition in a
the types of facies indicative of intertidal to subtidal environ subsiding basin versus deposition over an arch, although most
ments characterized by low-energy, hypersaline, and anoxic samples were consistent with Type II kerogen (Liro and oth
conditions (Mancini and others, 1993). Parts of the Smackover ers, 1994).
that were deposited in higher energy environments closer The Eagle Ford crops out irregularly along the northwest
to the paleoshoreline received a greater influx of terrestrial side of the study area, where its basal contact also marks the
sediment and organic matter and have a poor hydrocarbon- northwest boundary of the total petroleum system (figs. 1, 2).
generating potential (Sassen and others, 1987). Figure 1 shows It is present throughout the subsurface of the region, at least as
the extent of potential source rock facies in the Smackover. far downdip as the Early Cretaceous shelf edge. The group is
Figure 2 shows the updip limit of the carbonate facies in the of variable thickness, depending on its position relative to the
Smackover that is thought to comprise the favorable hydro San Marcos arch (fig. 4). North of the study area, the exposed
carbon-generating strata in the lower and middle parts of the thickness of the unit exceeds 200 ft, but it thins to 45 ft in
unit. The downdip extent of Smackover shelf carbonates in the outcrops farther south near Austin on the north flank of the
study area is also shown in figure 2. Basinward (seaward) of San Marcos arch (Dawson, 2000). In the subsurface, the Eagle
this line, the formation consists of deeper water argillaceous Ford is thickest (500–600 ft) in Maverick, Zavala, and Dimmit
limestones and shales, the hydrocarbon-generating potential of Counties in the Maverick Basin and in Brazos County in the
which is not known; however, such strata in the central parts of northeast. Reported thicknesses are commonly less than 10
the Gulf of Mexico Basin cannot be ruled out as a contributing ft over the crest of the San Marcos arch (IHS Energy Group,
source for updip accumulations. 2003b).
In the study area there are only six wells with tops
recorded for the Smackover Formation (IHS Energy Group,
2003b). In those wells, the formation ranges from 460 to 570 Austin Group
ft thick and is currently at depths generally between 12,000 The Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian) Austin
and 16,000 ft. In updip areas, where the carbonate facies of Group disconformably overlies the Eagle Ford Group. The
the Smackover is absent, the noncarbonate facies is truncated Austin has been divided into a number of lithologically
in the subsurface at about the position of the Luling fault zone distinct formations, which consist of a sequence of recrystal
(figs. 2, 4) (Ewing, 1991). lized, fossiliferous, interbedded chalks, marls, and black shales
(Hinds and Berg, 1990; Berg and Gangi, 1999). Updip parts
Eagle Ford Group were deposited in shallow-marine shelf and normal-marine
environments that were well oxygenated and thus are rela
The Eagle Ford Group is of Late Cretaceous (Cenoma tively lean in organic matter. Downdip parts are darker, less
nian-Turonian) age (fig. 3) and consists of (1) organic-rich, fossiliferous, and less bioturbated than updip parts and contain
pyritic, and fossiliferous marine shales and bituminous clay- higher amounts of organic matter (Grabowski, 1984; Dawson
stone in the lower part that were deposited during a transgres and others, 1995); this facies was deposited below wave base
sive episode; (2) a condensed section of pyritic, phosphatic, in outer-shelf and upper-slope environments in nearly anoxic
and bentonitic shale beds in the middle part; and (3) shales, conditions (Grabowski, 1984; Dawson and others, 1995).
limestones, and carbonaceous siltstones in the upper part that The Austin Group is considered an important hydrocar
were laid down during a regressive highstand (Dawson, 2000). bon source rock in the Western Gulf Province (Snyder and
The lower shales and condensed middle section were Craft, 1977; Grabowski, 1981, 1984; Hunt and McNichol,
14 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

1984; Hinds and Berg, 1990; Dawson and others, 1995; Berg The Upper Cretaceous Olmos Formation (fig. 3) includes
and Gangi, 1999). The Austin’s TOC is related to burial depth coal at outcrops in Maverick County that extends south
because of pressure solution and removal of some of the eastward into the subsurface of the Maverick Basin (Barker
limestone as burial depth increases. Those Austin rocks that and others, 2003). The coal pinches out at the outcrop just
were buried the deepest have TOC contents as high as 21.8 northeast of the Chittum anticline (fig. 4) and extends a short
weight percent (Dawson and others, 1995), but TOC contents distance in the subsurface in Zavala and Dimmit Counties,
greater than 1.5 weight percent are present in all parts of the but is absent in other parts of the study area. The maximum
Austin, regardless of lithology or depth (Grabowski, 1984). depth of the coal is about 2,500 ft, and the coal has generated
Kerogen is considered to be Type I, Type II, or intermedi a mixture of biogenic and thermogenic gas (Barker and others,
ate between Types II and III and is thought to originate from 2003). The limited geographic extent of Olmos coal removes
marine plankton and algae (Grabowski, 1981, 1984; Hunt and it from consideration as an important source rock in the study
McNichol, 1984; Dawson and others, 1995). Although Type area, and its potential as a coal-bed methane resource was not
III organic matter generally indicates a continental source, oxi evaluated.
dized marine organic matter can also have a Type III signature
(Dawson and others, 1995). The API gravity of most produced
oil from the Austin ranges between 30° and 39° (Grabowski, Source Rock Thermal Maturity
The Austin crops out along the northwest side of the The Smackover Formation became mature and is inferred
study area (figs. 1, 2) and is present in the subsurface downdip to have generated and expelled hydrocarbons as it reached
at least to the Early Cretaceous shelf edge; equivalent organic burial depths greater than 9,000 ft in southwestern Alabama
shales are in downdip areas beyond the shelf edge. Reported (Claypool and Mancini, 1989). Within the Western Gulf
thicknesses are as much as 1,550 ft; the average thickness is Province study area, the formation is generally between about
333 ft as recorded in nearly 2,500 wells (IHS Energy Group, 12,000 and 16,000 ft deep in the few wells in which a top is
2003b). The unit is thickest in the Maverick Basin, thins over reported. In the Skelly Oil Company Bertha M. Winkler No. 1
the San Marcos arch, is relatively thick just northeast of the well (fig. 2), for example, it is at a depth of greater than 15,000
arch, and again thins in the area north of Houston (IHS Energy ft—more than 8,300 ft below the top of the Austin. Lewan
Group, 2003b). No subsurface thickness data are available for (2002) presented data on the timing of oil and gas generation
the area southeast of the shelf edge. for the Smackover in the central Gulf Coast area of southern
Figure 5 is an isopach map of the combined Austin and Louisiana and adjacent areas; several of his data points lie
Eagle Ford Groups in the study area. Combined thicknesses within or adjacent to the eastern part of our study area, in posi
are as much as 1,750 ft and average 383 ft in the more than tions both updip and downdip of the Cretaceous shelf edge.
2,300 wells listed by IHS Energy Group (2003b). The com He (Lewan, 2002) concluded that (1) oil generation began
bined units are thickest in the Maverick Basin, on the north between 120 and 59 Ma and ended between 104 and 44 Ma,
east flank of the San Marcos arch, and in the central Houston depending on location, and (2) gas generation began between
embayment. They are thinnest over the crest of the San Mar 55 and 31 Ma and ended between 25 Ma and the present.
cos arch and in an arcuate area from eastern Milam to Lavaca Thus, wherever favorable laminated carbonate mudstones are
Counties (fig. 5). present within the Smackover, the formation is thought to be
a potential source rock for both oil and gas, as shown by the
boundaries in figures 1 and 2.
Other Potential Source Rocks The drilling depth to, or thickness of overburden rocks
Other potential hydrocarbon source rocks in the Gulf on, the Austin Group is shown in figure 6. The depth range is
Coast Region include (1) the Jurassic Bossier Shale and shales 0 to about 16,500 ft, and the mean depth is about 5,700 ft over
above the Bossier within the Jurassic and Cretaceous Cotton the entire area (IHS Energy Group, 2003b). The Austin dips
Valley Group (fig. 3) (Hood and others, 2002; Bartberger and southward and southeastward from outcrops in the East Texas
others, 2002, 2003); (2) organic-rich shales within the lower Basin and Llano uplift areas and is overlain by progressively
part of the Cretaceous Taylor Group (fig. 3) (Simmons, 1967; younger Cretaceous and Tertiary units in the downdip direc
Ewing and Caran, 1982); (3) organic-rich shales deposited tion. Well data are not generally available basinward (seaward)
downdip from Lower Cretaceous shelf formations (Moredock of the position of the Early Cretaceous shelf edge. A burial-
and Van Siclen, 1964; Hood and others, 2002); and (4) Eocene history chart for the Skelly Oil Company Bertha M. Winkler
organic-rich shales (Hood and others, 2002). The Eocene No. 1 well, central Atascosa County (figs. 2, 5), is shown in
rocks are gas prone owing to the presence of terrestrial organic figure 7. This reconstruction shows that maximum burial at
matter (Hood and others, 2002); however, the potential for that location occurred in the Eocene, at about 40 Ma, followed
upward migration of gas from this source along listric faults by relatively minor uplift and erosion. The location of the
bordering the Early Cretaceous shelf edge and accumula Mobil Oil Corporation Atlantic Richfield sec. 77 No. 1 well is
tion of the gas in Upper Cretaceous reservoirs has not been also plotted in figures 2 and 5. Lewan (2002) interpreted the
adequately studied. timing of oil and gas generation in both the Smackover and
100° 98° 96° 94°

Thickness of Austin and Eagle Ford Groups Vernon
0–100 500–700 1,100–1,300 Polk Tyler Jasper
Milam Walker Allen
100–300 700–900 1,300–1,500 Williamson Brazos
San Jacinto Not in
300–500 900–1,100 1,500–>1,700 Burleson assessed
Montgomery Mobil Hardin
well area Acadia
Travis Lee Calcasieu
Austin Washington Liberty Orange
30° Hays County Waller
Austin Jefferson

Caldwell Fayette Harris
Guadalupe Houston Chambers

Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups
Fort Bend
Bexar San Antonio Gonzales Lavaca Galveston
Kinney Uvalde Medina
Atascosa Karnes Matagorda
Zavala Frio
Maverick Skelly well Goliad
Dimmit Bee
La Salle McMullen Live Oak Refugio

28° San Patricio
Jim Wells Nueces Western Gulf Province boundary (part)
TPS boundary (part)
Early Cretaceous shelf edge
(Ewing and Lopez, 1991)
Jim Hogg Brooks
Albian arm of Early Cretaceous
shelf edge (Ewing and Lopez, 1991)

0 25 50 100 150

Figure 5. Isopach map of the interval from the top of the Austin Group to the base of the Eagle Ford Group in the western part of the Western Gulf Province. Data
are from IHS Energy Group (2003b).

16 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

Turonian rocks in this well, and we used his interpretations in Hydrocarbon Migration
our analysis of assessment units in this report.
It has been suggested that hydrocarbon generation in the Virtually all of the oil and gas in the Navarro and Taylor
Austin Group occurred at relatively shallow depths. In south Groups migrated from underlying units, thought to be the
eastern Texas (specifically in Burleson County), Grabowski Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation and the Upper Cre
(1981) inferred that peak oil generation occurred in the depth taceous Austin and Eagle Ford Groups, although the exact
range of 6,000–8,000 ft and peak gas generation was below mechanism of migration is uncertain. Most natural gas is
8,000 ft. Hunt and McNichol (1984) examined Austin core thought to have been generated through the cracking of
from various wells in the region and determined that the already-generated oil, not by primary generation from source
deepest samples (at about 9,000 ft) had passed through the rocks (Lewan and Henry, 2001). Thus, migration distances for
oil window and are in the beginning of the thermogenic gas gas could have been less than for oil. Migration can be broken
window; Hunt and McNichol also considered a depth of 6,000 down into three parts: (1) expulsion from source rocks, (2)
ft as the threshold for main hydrocarbon generation in the migration from source rocks to reservoir rocks, and (3) migra
Austin. Dawson and others (1995) estimated an oil-generation tion within reservoir rocks. All three processes may occur in
depth of 6,700 ft, based on several geochemical indicators, and combination after generation, expulsion, and migration began.
concluded that the base of the oil window could be as deep as In clastic source rocks, such as the organic shales of the
12,500 ft. Eagle Ford Group, mechanical compaction is thought to be the
Lewan’s (2002) data for the Eagle Ford show that the primary mechanism for expulsion of hydrocarbons (Nordgard
Turonian rocks generated both oil and gas in downdip areas, Bolas and others, 2004). In low-permeability carbonate source
but that the rocks are immature for both oil and gas in all but rocks, such as the Smackover and Austin, compaction coupled
one updip well; in that well, the rocks were interpreted to have with fracturing probably created the necessary conditions.
started generating oil, but are not yet at the peak for oil gen Microfracturing in the Austin has been documented by Berg
eration. Lewan (2002) further interpreted that, depending on and Gangi (1999) and was interpreted to have resulted from
location, (1) oil generation in the Eagle Ford started between
the oil-generating process. Tectonic fractures are also perva
42 and 26 Ma and ended between 31 Ma and the present and
sive in the Austin (Stowell, 2001), in sets striking northwest
(2) gas generation began between 28 and 14 Ma and ended
and northeast (Hinds and Berg, 1990). Such fractures, as well
between 22 Ma and the present.
as microfractures, were observed in the Smackover Forma
The overburden-thickness map of the Austin (fig. 6)
tion in other areas (Llinas, 2002), so similar fracturing of the
can be used as a general guide in estimating areas where the
Smackover in the study area can be reasonably assumed.
Austin and underlying Eagle Ford source rocks are buried
Vertical migration of hydrocarbons from the Smack-
deeply enough to have started generating hydrocarbons, on the
over Formation into Navarro and Taylor reservoirs probably
basis of depth estimates of the various investigators already
required other pathways in addition to fractures, as thick
cited herein. Source rocks in the Austin and Eagle Ford are
shales in the Jurassic and Cretaceous Cotton Valley Group,
thought to be mature in areas deeper than the zone between
the 6,000- and 8,000-ft contours. However, depth of burial Lower Cretaceous Travis Peak (Hosston) Formation, and other
is only one of several important factors to be considered in Lower Cretaceous marine formations would have inhibited
estimating maturity, others being (1) varying regional geo propagation of continuous fractures through the entire sedi
thermal gradients across the area, which generally increase to mentary section. Thus, larger features such as faults would
the west within the contoured area (Bodner and others, 1985); seem to be necessary to permit vertical migration. For exam
(2) source rock lithologic variations; (3) variable thickness of ple, the Smackover is truncated updip at about the position
source rock intervals; and (4) differences in organic-matter of the Luling fault zone (fig. 4) (Ewing, 1991), and the faults
composition. Rather than using the overburden map (fig. 6) to in that fault zone may form important migration routes for
predict where hydrocarbon generation may have occurred, the Smackover-generated oil or gas. The same reasoning may also
map may actually be more useful in eliminating areas that are apply to the Charlotte-Jourdanton, Karnes, and Mexia-Talco
too immature. fault zones (fig. 4), but in these cases a component of upward
Thermal maturity of the Austin and Eagle Ford Groups, migration would also be necessary to move the hydrocarbons
as well as the Smackover, may have been enhanced by into shallow Upper Cretaceous reservoirs. Regionally recog
intrusive igneous activity in parts of the Western Gulf Prov nized unconformities, such as those at the base of the Eagle
ince (fig. 2). Minor contact metamorphism of the Austin was Ford and at the base of the Escondido Formation (figs. 3, 8)
noted by Hutchinson (1994b), but what is more important, the could be avenues of upward migration. Sequence-boundary
geothermal gradient in some areas may have been increased by disconformities and transgressive erosion surfaces within
the proximity of magma chambers. Cretaceous rocks could also be potential routes of migration.
100° 98° 96° 94°

Overburden thickness Rapides

FEET Trinity
0–2,000 8,000–10,000
Polk Tyler Newton
2,000–4,000 10,000–12,000 Milam Walker
Williamson Brazos Not
Beauregardin Allen
4,000–6,000 12,000–14,000 Grimes
San Jacinto assessed
Burleson area
6,000–8,000 >14,000 Travis Mobil Hardin
well Acadia
Lee Calcasieu
Austin Washington Montgomery
Liberty Orange
30° Hays
Waller Harris TX LA Cameron
Comal Caldwell Fayette
Austin Houston ChambersJefferson

Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups
Colorado Fort Bend
Bexar San AntonioGonzales Galveston
Kinney Lavaca Wharton
De Witt
Atascosa Karnes Matagorda
Zavala Frio
Maverick Skelly well Goliad
Dimmit Bee
La Salle McMullen Refugio
Live Oak
28° San Patricio Explanation
Western Gulf Province boundary (part)
Jim Wells Nueces
TPS boundary (part)
Early Cretaceous shelf edge
(Ewing and Lopez, 1991)
Jim Hogg Brooks
Albian arm of Early Cretaceous
Kenedy shelf edge (Ewing and Lopez, 1991)

0 25 50 100 150

Figure 6. Overburden map of the interval from the ground surface to the top of the Austin Group in the western part of the Western Gulf Province. Data are from
IHS Energy Group (2003b).

Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas
156 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


5,000 Midway

Austin Eagle Ford

Del Rio
Glen Rose Pearsall
Cow Creek Mbr of
Sligo Pearsall

Skelly Oil Company Hosston

Bertha M. Winkler No.1

Cotton Valley
Atascosa County, Texas Group
15,000 Haynesville

Figure 7. Burial-history chart of the Skelly Oil Company Bertha M. Winkler No. 1 well, Atascosa County, redrawn from a plot provided by M. Pawlewicz (writ-
ten commun., 2004) that was created with Integrated Exploration Systems (IES) software. Color bars indicate temperature profiles that were generated by
assuming a geothermal gradient of 34.2° C/km. Location of the well is shown in figures 2, 5, 6, 9, and 10.
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 19

Migration of oil or gas from Austin and Eagle Ford strata mounds in about 50 leases (out of a total of more than 22,600
into Navarro and Taylor reservoirs poses fewer problems whose wells reach the Austin). In our study, we considered
in interpreting source than migration from the Smackover, the Austin to be more important as a source rock than as a
inasmuch as the Taylor Group lies directly above the Austin reservoir.
and vertical movement through fractures seems a reasonable
mechanism for migration. Fractures in the Austin are in clus
ters spaced between about 3 and 150 ft, are partially open, and Volcanic Mounds
have permeabilities exceeding 7 D (darcy) (Stowell, 2001). In late Austin to early Taylor time (Santonian to Campan
Migration from downdip Austin and Eagle Ford sources to ian), a series of submarine volcanoes erupted along a 250-mi
updip reservoirs was probably necessary, but fractures and long belt in what is now south-central Texas, forming three
disconformities between and within the units are also avail main groups of seamounts and volcanic islands on the shallow
able pathways, as indicated by oil staining along microfrac Cretaceous shelf (fig. 2). Stratigraphic relationships indicate
tures and stylolites (Dawson and others, 1995). Additionally, that some volcanism extended into Navarro time (Maastrich
vertical migration probably occurred in the Balcones, Luling, tian), but most activity was earlier (Spencer, 1969; Ewing and
Charlotte-Jourdanton, and other fault zones. Caran, 1982).
Little has been published on natural fracturing of reser The northeastern group of volcanic mounds, named the
voir rocks in either the Navarro or Taylor Groups, including Travis volcanic field, extends across Caldwell, Bastrop, Travis,
the Anacacho Limestone and the San Miguel, Olmos, and Williamson, Milam, and Guadalupe Counties along a north-
Escondido Formations. A photograph of an Anacacho open-pit northeast–trending zone lying just east of the city of Austin
asphalt mine (Wilson and Wilson, 1984) shows some verti (fig. 2). Of the approximately 70 known individual volcanic
cal fractures in exposed walls of limestone—features that are mounds in this area, a few are exposed, but most have been
not uncommon for this lithology. Diagenesis of sandstone enclosed and buried by the Austin and Taylor Groups (Mat
reservoirs has resulted in precipitation of void-filling cements thews, 1986).
that reduces permeability (see following section on reservoir A central group of volcanic mounds (unnamed) is in Wil
rocks), so induced fracturing is necessary in many areas for son, Bexar, Atascosa, Frio, and Medina Counties in the area
recovery of economic amounts of gas or oil. south of San Antonio (fig. 2); only a few have been discov
ered, all in the subsurface. Stratigraphic relationships indicate
that these mounds are slightly older than those in the Travis
Reservoir Rocks volcanic field, as evidenced by their being buried and overlain
by Austin Group rocks rather than the younger Taylor Group
(Matthews, 1986).
Austin Chalk Farther southwest, the Uvalde volcanic field is centered
in Zavala County but also extends into Uvalde, Medina,
As described previously under the heading Hydrocar Frio, Dimmit, Maverick, and Kinney Counties (fig. 2); most
bon Source Rocks, the Austin Chalk is that part of the Austin exposures of volcanic mounds are in this area (Spencer,
Group consisting of an argillaceous, compacted, foraminiferal 1969). An aeromagnetic survey over the Uvalde volcanic field
biomicrite (Dawson and others, 1995). Overall, its reservoir located more than 200 shallow igneous rock masses, most
properties vary greatly with geographic location and depth of of which are in the subsurface (Miggins and others, 2002).
burial, but the strata are considered tight in most areas. On the These mounds appear to be younger on average than those
San Marcos arch, for example, porosity averages between 15 of the northeastern and central areas because overlying rocks
and 30 percent, and permeabilities are between 0.5 and 5.0 as young as the Escondido Formation contain bentonitic
mD (Scholle and Cloud, 1977); off the structure, however, clay, presumed to be altered pyroclastic material (Welder and
porosity and permeability decrease to 10 percent or less and Reeves, 1964).
0.5 mD or less, respectively (Snyder and Craft, 1977; Hinds The volcanic rocks in all three areas consist of olivine
and Berg, 1990). The causes of the reduction in porosity and nephelinite, basanite, alkali basalt, and phonolite (Spencer,
permeability are carbonate recrystallization, which resulted 1969). They are characterized by high magnesium and nickel
from compaction and pressure solution, and crystallization of contents and have inclusions of mantle xenoliths, attesting
secondary ferroan calcite as cement (Dravis, 1981). The Aus to their deep source (Wittke and Mack, 1993). Although the
tin is extensively fractured, containing both tectonic fractures chemistry of the volcanic centers is similar to that of ocean-
and microfractures, the latter resulting from hydrocarbon gen island basalts (Wittke and Mack, 1993), neither active rifting
eration (Snyder and Craft, 1977; Berg and Gangi, 1999). For nor plume activity has so far been interpreted in the Western
our study, the Austin Chalk was considered as a reservoir only Gulf Province in the Late Cretaceous. Instead, the region
in limited areas where the unit has been further fractured by has been considered as part of a passive continental margin
extrusion of and structural adjustments over volcanic mounds (Ewing and Caran, 1982).
(fig. 8). The databases we used (IHS Energy Group, 2003a, The igneous activity was estimated to have occurred
2003b) showed Austin production in association with volcanic between 86 and 63 Ma (Baldwin and Adams, 1971). More
Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas
NORTH SOUTH Formation or group
A Anacacho Mountains A' Group


Midway Carrizo
Anacacho Escondido

Campanian Maastrichtian Paleocene


Volcanic Navarro

San Miguel
San Miguel

Upson Anacacho Upson

Explanation Sant.
Sandstone Turon.
and shale
Eagle Ford
Sandy Austin Ceno.
Eagle Ford Del Rio
Shale Georgetown

0 20 MILES Stuart
Interbedded City
limestone and shale Age abbreviations Edwards
Sant. - Santonian
Con. - Coniacian
Volcanic rocks Turon. - Turonian
Ceno. - Cenomanian
Glen Rose

Figure 8. Diagrammatic northwest-southeast cross section through the Maverick Basin (modified from Tyler and Ambrose, 1986). Location of cross section is shown in figure 2.
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 21

recent argon-argon dating of four samples from the Uvalde area from the igneous rocks in the mounds themselves, from Austin
yielded a range of 78–71 Ma (Miggins and others, 2002). Group rocks below the mounds, and from the contact between
Travis volcanic mounds are associated with the Luling the mounds and the Austin (Sellards, 1932; Martinez and oth
fault zone (fig. 4) and are strongly aligned with the fault trends ers, 1991; Hutchinson, 1994a, 1994b). Much of the production
(Simmons, 1967; Matthews, 1986). Some mounds are directly in the Travis volcanic field is from the volcanic mounds (Mat
linked with faults, so an Austin age (at a minimum) is indicated thews, 1986); more limited production is from the overlying
for at least some of the faults (Ewing and Caran, 1982). Barker Taylor Group, although the database we used reported produc
and Young (1979), on the basis of a petrologic study of one tion as being from the Austin, Dale, and Taylor (IHS Energy
mound near Austin, concluded that the source of the magma Group, 2003a).
was at a minimum depth of 35 ± 10 mi (60 ± 15 km), indicat
ing ascent along deep-seated faults.
In contrast, the Uvalde volcanic centers are not clearly Anacacho and Dale Limestones
aligned with faults, although some that outcrop in Uvalde Seamounts and emergent volcanic mounds on the Creta
County are within the Balcones fault zone. Some individual ceous shelf became the sites of fringing-reef carbonates in late
mounds are elongated along Balcones faults, but others are Austin through Taylor time (Santonian to Campanian) (Lut
elongated subparallel to the axis of the northwest-trending Rio trell, 1977; Matthews, 1986). Later, the carbonates coalesced
Grande embayment and to the Frio River Line (fig. 4). Massive and spread across shallow-marine shelf areas away from the
igneous rocks of variable composition, formed by magmatic mounds.
differentiation, are more abundant in this area, indicating a pos
sibly shallower and longer lived magma chamber than the one
Anacacho Limestone of the Rio Grande Embayment
situated in the Travis area (Ewing and Caran, 1982).
Magma is inferred to have moved upward along faults In the Maverick Basin, these fringing-reef carbonates are
and fractures and to have reacted explosively with seawater at named the Anacacho Limestone and are considered to be the
or below the water-sediment interface in the Austin-Taylor sea basal formation of the Taylor Group. The main area of outcrop
(Ewing and Caran, 1982). Rock fragments and glass shards of the Anacacho Limestone is in the Anacacho Mountains of
were ejected into the sea and air, craters were formed on the southeastern Kinney County, in the northwest corner of the
seafloor, surrounding country rock was fractured, and ash and study area (fig. 2). The Anacacho Limestone is also exposed
tuff mounds were built up around the feeder plugs. In some in scattered outcrops eastward from there through Uvalde and
cases, continued eruptions built the mounds above sea level Medina Counties.
and created tuff cones as much as 3.5 mi in diameter and 1,000 The Anacacho consists of biohermal reef rock and
ft high (Simmons, 1967; Martinez and others, 1991; Hutchin reworked skeletal debris, mollusk shells, foraminifera, and
son, 1994b; Cearley, 1999), although most rose only 150–300 other microorganism remains in a chalky or coarsely crystal
ft above the seafloor (Ewing and Caran, 1982). The tuff cones line matrix that indicates deposition in water depths of less
were initially described as “serpentine” by Collingwood and than 150 ft (Hartville, 1959; Wilson, 1986). Some of the debris
Rettger (1926), but Greenwood (1956) used the more accurate was redeposited in beds displaying cross-bedding, indicating
term “palagonite tuff” for the devitrified basaltic glass that high-energy environments. The transport of material was from
constitutes most of the mounds (Hutchinson, 1994b). the northeast to the southwest (Wilson, 1986; Roy and others,
After deposition, the mounds were subjected to reworking 1981). The Anacacho is interbedded with bentonitic clay beds
by wave action and mass wasting and were gradually buried by and grades westward and southward into the Upson Clay, a
fine-grained marine sediments of the upper part of the Austin distal equivalent unit in the Taylor Group (Hartville, 1959) (fig.
Group and the Taylor Group (Roy and others, 1981; Ewing and 8). The Anacacho was deposited over an area approximately
Caran, 1982). Much of the volcanic material has been altered 100 mi east-west by 25 mi north-south and reaches a maximum
to smectite clays and zeolites (Matthews, 1986). Some mounds thickness of about 800 ft (Wilson and Wilson, 1984). The mean
are fringed with reef and shallow-marine shelf bioclastic thickness of the formation in nearly 900 wells is about 275 ft.
deposits of the Anacacho Limestone in the Uvalde area and In the subsurface, it is thickest in north-central Frio County and
similar facies of the McKown Formation and Dale Limestone southern Zavala County and thinnest on the southwest flank of
in the Travis area (fig. 2), indicating that the mounds were the San Marcos arch in northern Karnes County and southwest
emergent or only slightly below sea level. Prevailing winds or ern Gonzales County (fig. 4) (IHS Energy Group, 2003b).
ocean currents from the northeast redistributed the pyroclastic During burial and compaction, primary porosity of the
material, which led to preferential development of shoals and Anacacho Limestone was reduced, and fractures and stylolites
reefs on the southwestern sides of the mounds (Luttrell, 1977; formed (Wilson and Wilson, 1984). Exposure to ground-water
Roy and others, 1981). Where basal San Miguel or Taylor circulation created secondary porosity, which averages about
sandstones overlie the mounds, the sandstones are composed of 15 percent, but can range as high as 43 percent (Wilson and
reworked volcanic material (Cearley, 1999). Wilson, 1984; Hartville, 1959). Asphalt-bearing Anacacho has
Hydrocarbons have been produced from several reservoirs been mined, crushed, and used as road metal in some areas of
associated with the volcanic mounds. Production has been the northern Maverick Basin (Wilson and Wilson, 1984).
22 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

Oil and gas are produced from the Anacacho Limestone Anacacho Limestone or Upson Clay (fig. 3). Exposed mainly
from Zavala County through Wilson County. Main oil pro in Maverick County on the Chittum anticline, the formation
duction is from Fairfield, Somerset, and Taylor-Ina fields in is composed of several progradational sequences that were
Bexar, Atascosa, and Medina Counties (fig. 9). Gas production deposited during a time of relative sea-level rise and trans
is relatively minor from Shaw, Benton City, and Hog & Frog gression in the Late Cretaceous (Weise, 1980). Weise (1980)
fields in Atascosa and Uvalde Counties. identified two depocenters in the Maverick Basin where clastic
rocks of the San Miguel accumulated. The western depocenter
McKown Formation and Dale Limestone is represented by nine couplets related to regressive-transgres
sive cycles, and the eastern depocenter contains several sand
In the area east of Austin, Texas, such volcanic mound– stone bodies grouped into a single unit. The two depocenters
flanking carbonates are known as the McKown Formation in are inferred to have had different source areas—the western
outcrops of the Austin Group (Ewing and Caran, 1982) and one had sediment input from the northwest, and the eastern
as the Dale Limestone in the subsurface (the Dale Limestone area had sediment input from the north.
is an informal term discussed by Thompson, 1986). Both the The San Miguel consists of a series of stacked, mas
McKown and Dale conformably overlie the Austin Chalk and sive to cross-bedded sandstone bodies, sandy to argillaceous
are considered to be part of the Austin Group. The McKown limestones, thin argillaceous and calcareous sandstones, and
crops out in exposures east of Austin in Travis County. mudrocks. Some sandstones are fossiliferous and contain an
The Dale Limestone, which is recognized in the Travis abundant shallow-marine fauna (Stephenson, 1931). In core
volcanic field east of Austin, is associated more closely with samples, Lewis (1977) noted black shale, which could be a
individual volcanic mounds than is the Anacacho and grades minor source rock for hydrocarbons.
laterally into marls or into other Dale carbonate buildups on San Miguel sandstones have been studied and described
adjacent mounds (Thompson, 1986). Dale carbonates are in detail by several investigators, including Layden (1976),
at several stratigraphic horizons on the flanks of mounds, Lewis (1977), Weise (1980), Jacka (1982), and Tyler and
reflecting alternating conditions of volcanism and reef growth. others (1987). The composite sandstone bodies described by
The Dale has reported thicknesses of as much as 423 ft and Weise (1980) are in units that trend north to northeast; their
a mean thickness of about 58 ft (IHS Energy Group, 2003b). lengths range from about 35 to 60 mi, their widths range from
The unit is thickest just east of Austin in eastern Travis County 8 to 40 mi, and net sandstone thicknesses range from 80 to 160
and thins in Williamson, Bastrop, and Caldwell Counties. It ft. Regionally, thicknesses of the San Miguel are as much as
is not recognized on or southwest of the San Marcos arch. At 1,500 ft; mean thickness is 575 ft in 521 wells (IHS Energy
Bateman field (fig. 9), the Dale has an average porosity of 13 Group, 2003b). In the subsurface, the San Miguel is thickest
percent and an average permeability of 0.22 mD (Thompson, in southwestern Zavala County and thins to the southeast, east,
1986). Production from the Dale Limestone is primarily oil, and northeast. Northeastward thinning is probably due, in part,
from Buchanan, Bateman, Luling-Branyon, Lytton Springs, to truncation by an unconformity at the base of the overlying
and other small fields, mostly in Caldwell and Bastrop Coun Escondido Formation (fig. 8).
ties (fig. 9). Sandstones were deposited by prograding deltas and
then were reworked by waves, longshore currents, and marine
transgressions. Upper-prodelta, lower-shoreface, and upper
Taylor and Navarro Groups shoreface deposits are preserved. The tops of progradational
The main reservoir rocks in the study area consist of depositional sequences have been removed by erosion during
Upper Cretaceous (Campanian to Maastrichtian) strata, which subsequent marine transgression (Weise, 1980). Delta-plain
include the San Miguel, Olmos, and Escondido Formations deposits, such as lignites or coals, have not been identified in
and the Anacacho Limestone (figs. 3, 8). Most of the Navarro the San Miguel.
and Taylor strata are composed of alternating sandstones, Grain sizes in individual sandstone beds coarsen upward
mudstones, and shales that were deposited in deltaic or shal from coarse silt to very fine or fine sand at the top (Weise,
low-marine shelf environments. The San Miguel and Olmos 1980). Porosity also increases upward within the sandstone
have the highest percentages of coarse clastic components; the beds and ranges from 10 to 30 percent. Updip sandstones in
Escondido has a higher percentage of mudrocks. The Navarro Zavala County average 27 percent porosity and 100 mD; in
and Taylor Groups are divided into constituent formations southern Zavala County, porosity decreases to an average
mostly in the western part of the study area in the Maverick of 21 percent, and permeability decreases to 30 mD (Lewis,
Basin, but are undivided in areas on and northeast of the San 1977). Farther south, in Big Wells field in northeastern Dim
Marcos arch within the study area. mit County and southeastern Zavala County, porosity aver
ages 19 to 21 percent and permeability averages 6 to 7 mD
(Layden, 1976; Tyler and others, 1987).
San Miguel Formation Much of the original porosity of the sandstone beds was
The San Miguel is the upper formation of the Taylor occluded by kaolinite or calcite cement (Jacka, 1982). Merritt
Group in the Maverick Basin and conformably overlies the (1980) examined San Miguel sandstones in adjacent parts of
100° 98° 96° 94°

Western Gulf Province boundary (part) Trinity
TPS boundary (part) Madison
Milam Polk
Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Navarro-Taylor Updip Tyler Jasper Newton
Gas and Oil AU Oil and Gas AU TH MR Beauregard Allen
Williamson Brazos Not in
Navarro-Taylor IJ assessed
Travis Volcanic Burleson
San Jacinto
Mounds Oil AU Slope-Basin Gas AU area
Travis Austin HC Hardin Jefferson Davis
BAT Mobil well Calcasieu
Navarro-Taylor Downdip TR Washington Montgomery
Liberty Orange
Gas and Oil AU SE
30° Hays LS BA Bastrop Waller Cameron
Caldwell BU Fayette

LB Houston Chambers

Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups
Colorado Fort Bend
San Antonio Galveston
Uvalde Gonzales
FA LV Early Cretaceous
Kinney CL SO Lavaca Wharton
KA shelf edge (Ewing
BC SSV and Lopez, 1991)
LR HF CE LE De Witt Brazoria
SE BFW Jackson
Zavala LE Frio
BF Atascosa Karnes Matagorda
Maverick Skelly well Victoria
SA Goliad
BW Calhoun
PE Dimmit
La Salle Bee
CA Refugio
CSW SCS Field name abbreviations, grouped by assessment unit
Live Oak Aransas
TW TB McMullen
28° San Patricio N–T Downdip AU N–T Updip AU Uvalde VM AU
OW AWP—AWP BAT—Big -A- Taylor HF—Hog & Frog
LT Jim Wells Nueces BR—Booth Ranch BC—Bear Creek LE—Leona
ST Duval BU—Bruni Ranch BN—Benton City LR—Lyles Ranch
Webb CA—Catarina BF—Big Foot SE—Serba
CSW—Catarina Southwest BFW—Big Foot West
LA Kleberg
DY—Dye BW—Big Wells Travis VM AU
BU EN—Encinal CL—Chicon Lake
DY HF—Hugh Fitzsimmons CE—Crown East BA—Bateman
Jim Hogg
Brooks LA—Laredo DR—Doering Ranch BU—Buchanan
Kenedy LT—Las Tiendas FA—Fairfield LB—Luling-Branyon
Zapata OW—Owen HC—Hooker Creek LS—Lytton Springs
ST—Santo Tomas IJ—Inez Jameson SF—Salt Flat
SCS—Stuart City South KA—Kaye TH—Thrall
Starr TW—Tom Walsh LV—La Vernia TR—Trebmal
Willacy TB—Tri Bar LE—Leming
Hidalgo MR—Minerva-Rockdale
26° 0 25 50 100 150 SSV—Somerset, Shaw, Von Ormy
MILES SO—Southton

Figure 9. Map of the western part of the Western Gulf Province showing oil and gas fields mentioned in the text. Fields colored red produce mainly gas; fields colored
green produce mainly oil. Well data are from IHS Energy Group (2003b).

24 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

northeastern Mexico and recognized a seven-step diagenetic waves and longshore currents. Deposition in the eastern area
history. Her study identified calcite cement as the primary started later than in the west, and the three depositional units
cause (along with compaction) for the loss of primary porosity. there are roughly equivalent to the upper three units in the
Two periods of calcite dissolution created secondary porosity, west. The first two units in the east were interpreted as wave-
which was subsequently partly filled by late-stage cements. modified deltas, and the upper unit as a fluvial-dominated, but
Most oil production in the San Miguel Formation is also wave-modified delta (Tyler and Ambrose, 1986).
concentrated in east-central Maverick County and western and Snedden and Kersey (1982), Snedden and Jumper (1990),
eastern Dimmit County in Sacatosa, Hugh Fitzsimmons, and Tyler and Ambrose (1986), and Conrad and others (1990)
Big Wells fields (fig. 9); scattered small fields produce from identified a complex assemblage of lithofacies within the
the formation throughout Zavala County. Gas production is Olmos, representing a range of deltaic environments. Litholo
mainly in northern Webb County in Catarina Southwest field, gies comprise minor coal, shale, siltstone, and locally fos
in Doering Ranch field in western Frio County, and in small siliferous sandstone beds. Environments of deposition include
fields scattered throughout Zavala County. tidal and distributary channels, crevasse splays and levees,
interdistributary freshwater marshes and shallow-marine
Olmos Formation lagoons, storm-caused washover fans, abandoned distributary
Snedden and Kersey (1982) noted that the Olmos Forma channels, interdistributary and prodelta bays, middle- to outer-
tion was originally assigned to the Maastrichtian Navarro shelf sand shoals, and barrier bars and islands deposited under
Group by Stephenson (1931), based on studies of macrofossils a transgressive regime.
at outcrops in Maverick County. Later, Spencer (1965) placed Sandstone bodies lying downdip in northern Webb
the Olmos in the Campanian Taylor Group, on the basis of the County are thinner than the lobate sand bodies farther north
presence of the foraminifer Lituola taylorensis in a marker bed west in Maverick and Dimmit Counties, averaging only about
approximately 200 ft above the Olmos, which Frizzell (1954) 2 ft thick, have a sheet-like geometry, display many charac
found only in the Taylor Group. Later reports (Weise, 1980; teristics of turbidites, and were interpreted as having been
Tyler and Ambrose, 1986) continued to assign the Olmos to deposited by density currents by Snedden and Kersey (1982).
the Taylor, although the top of the Olmos came to be recog The Olmos at the AWP field in McMullen County (fig. 9)
nized as coincident with the Lituola taylorensis horizon (Tyler has some features in common with the lower shelf sandstones
and Ambrose, 1986). Complicating this arrangement, Young and turbidites in northern Webb County (Dennis, 1987), in that
and others (1977) noted Lituola taylorensis in the Corsicana deltaic sands prograded from the north and accumulated along
Formation, which is still considered to be part of the Navarro the shelf edge. Movement on a basinward-sloping syndeposi
Group. Further clouding the issue, Snedden and Jumper (1990) tional fault that paralleled the shelf edge apparently caused the
even considered the underlying San Miguel Formation to be sands to fail and slump down the shelf-edge slope. The sands
Maastrichtian. The USGS currently assigns the Olmos to the were redeposited on the slope and at the base of the slope in
Navarro Group (http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/Geolex/geolex_home. sheets. This process resulted in sand accumulations in three
html), and we include it in the Navarro in this report to con distinct depositional settings within the field: (1) delta-front
form with accepted USGS usage (figs. 3, 8). deposits, on the updip side of the slope; (2) slope or proximal
The Olmos Formation is similar in many respects to the ramp deposits, extending as much as 3 mi beyond the shelf
underlying San Miguel Formation. It crops out mainly in Mav edge; and (3) basin-plain deposits, extending as much as 5
erick County, where it conformably overlies the San Miguel, mi farther to the south (Dennis, 1987). The sandstones in the
and was also deposited in two main depocenters in the Maver updip and slope settings have higher average porosity (20
ick Basin having northwestern and northern sources (Tyler and percent), higher permeability (1 mD), less clay content, and
Ambrose, 1986). The Olmos Formation in the western dep thinner interbedded shales compared to the distal basin-plain
ocenter was divided into five sandstone units, which generally sandstones, which have porosities near 10 percent and perme
coarsen upward and are each less than 150 ft thick, separated abilities near 0.01 mD.
by shale breaks (Tyler and Ambrose, 1986). The formation in Regionally, porosity of Olmos sandstones ranges from 9
the eastern depocenter was divided into three sandstone units, to 28 percent, averaging about 24 percent, and permeabilities
which also coarsen upward and range in thickness from about range from 0.01 to 422 mD, averaging about 83 mD (Tyler and
30 to 200 ft. Ambrose, 1986; Dennis, 1987). The reservoirs are normally
Sandstone bodies of the lower three units in the western pressured to slightly underpressured, having average fluid-
area are elongate southeastward (downdip) and reflect rapid pressure gradients ranging from 0.36 pounds per square inch
progradation of the deltaic system toward the shelf edge. Only per foot (psi/ft) to 0.43 psi/ft. Regionally, net sandstone thick
the distal end of the third unit is modified by wave action or nesses range from about 60 to 150 ft in depositional packages
longshore currents. This phase of deposition was followed by that vary from 15 to 75 mi in length and 20 to 60 mi in width.
marine transgression and onlap of the upper two units, and Subsurface thicknesses of the Olmos are as much as 1,600 ft;
sandstone bodies in these units are more closely aligned with the mean of its thickness as determined from 1,350 wells is
the strike of the shoreline, indicating increased reworking by 695 ft (IHS Energy Group, 2003b). The unit is thickest along
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 25

the United States–Mexico border and thins to the north and McDonald (1986) identified shallow-marine shelf bars in the
east. subsurface of Wilson, Bexar, and Atascosa Counties.
In adjacent areas of northeastern Mexico, the Olmos For In exposures along the Rio Grande River, the Escondido
mation is interpreted to have had the same diagenetic history is approximately 900 ft thick (Cooper, 1971). It can be traced
as the San Miguel Formation (Merritt, 1980), in that primary as a distinct formation eastward to about San Antonio, but
porosity was largely destroyed by compaction and precipita from there northward it is included in the undivided Navarro
tion of calcite and other early cements. Two periods of dissolu Group. In the subsurface of the Maverick Basin, maximum
tion created secondary porosity, which was partially filled by thickness is about 2,550 ft; mean thickness is 923 ft in about
late-stage cements. 2,500 wells (IHS Energy Group, 2003b). The Escondido is
Much of the oil from the Olmos has been produced from thickest in northeastern Webb and southwestern LaSalle Coun
a four-county area just southwest of San Antonio. Fields in ties and thins northward.
Bexar, Medina, Atascosa, and Frio Counties include Taylor- Sidewall-core analyses were reported by McDonald
Ina, Von Ormy, Somerset, Bear Creek, and Big Foot, among (1986) for two Escondido wells in Leming field. In one well,
many others (fig. 9). The AWP field, one of the larger oil pro sandstone porosity ranged from 15.9 to 30.7 percent and aver
ducers, is in eastern McMullen County. Gas from the Olmos aged 22.9 percent; permeability ranged from 0 to 1,295 mD
is produced mainly from Tri Bar, Tom Walsh, Booth Ranch, and averaged 143 mD (19 samples). The other well reported
Owen, Las Tiendas, and Hugh Fitzsimmons fields, in northern porosity from 15.5 to 25.5 percent and averaged 19.2 percent;
Webb, western Dimmit, southern La Salle, and southern Mav permeability ranged from 0 to 54 mD and averaged 9.6 mD
erick Counties, as well as from scattered small fields in Uvalde (15 samples). Net sandstone thickness in Leming field is as
County. Big Foot West field in Frio County, and the AWP field much as 20 ft (McDonald, 1986).
in McMullen County also produce gas from the Olmos. Most oil production from the Escondido Formation has
been in Bexar, Medina, and Atascosa Counties, south and
Escondido Formation southwest of San Antonio (fig. 9). Main fields are Von Ormy,
Southton, Chicon Lake, and Leming. Most gas production has
The Escondido Formation is the uppermost unit of the
been from three areas: (1) northern Zavala County, in small
Navarro Group in the Maverick Basin. It is separated from
fields such as Serba and Lyles Ranch; (2) southern Maverick
the underlying Olmos Formation by a transgression-caused
and western Dimmit Counties, in the Pendencia field; and
erosion surface and is overlain unconformably by the Paleo
(3) northern Webb and southwestern LaSalle Counties, in the
cene Midway and Wilcox Groups (figs. 3, 8). The lower part
Santo Tomas, Tom Walsh, Encinal, Tri Bar, and Stuart City
of the unit consists of fossiliferous mudstone; medium- to
South fields. This latter area corresponds closely with the area
thick-bedded, fine-grained sandstone beds that are generally
of the thickest Escondido in the subsurface.
less than 75 ft thick; and argillaceous, fossiliferous limestone
(Pessagno, 1969; Cooper, 1971). Sandstone beds in the middle
part of the formation are more lenticular, have higher porosity, Undivided Taylor Group
and are coarser grained than the basal sandstones (Pessagno, In general, the Taylor Group is not subdivided outside
1969). There are also shell breccias in the middle part that the Maverick Basin in areas northeast of Atascosa County on
are as thick as 40 ft (Pessagno, 1969). The upper part of the and northeast of the San Marcos arch. However, well operators
Escondido comprises glauconitic, calcareous, sandy mudstone have reported Taylor tops as far west as the Rio Grande River
and siltstone, argillaceous limestone, and fine-grained sand in Maverick and Webb Counties, so the unit can be mapped
stone (Pessagno, 1969; Cooper, 1971). (Note: The upper part regionally in the subsurface. Young (1965) divided the Taylor
of the Escondido and basal limestone and shale beds of the into several formations in central Texas, including the north
Midway Group are pictured on the cover of this report.) eastern part of the study area. However, the databases we used
Mudstones in the Escondido were considered to be are based on operator-reported formation tops, which exclude
deposits of coastal bays and lagoons, whereas the sandstone the formations proposed by Young (1965).
beds were interpreted as shoreface deposits and shallow- In the northeastern part of the study area, the Taylor
marine shelf bars (Cooper, 1971, 1973). Applying the prin disconformably overlies the Austin Chalk, the Dale Limestone
ciples of sequence stratigraphy, Snedden (1991) divided the and McKown Formation, or the Cretaceous volcanic mounds
formation into a series of progradational, shallowing-upward (the outcrop areas of these underlying units are shown in fig.
parasequences deposited in a transgressive systems tract. In 2). The base of the Taylor is marked by a transgression-caused
addition to the basal marine flooding surface that separates erosion surface. It is overlain by a condensed bed (Bottjer and
the Escondido from the underlying Olmos, four other shale- Bryant, 1980), which, in turn, is overlain by an ostracode-bear
sandstone couplets within the Escondido are each overlain by ing calcareous claystone that was in large part derived from
flooding surfaces and thus form parasequences. Interpreted volcanic ash (Young and others, 1977; Ross and Maddocks,
environments of deposition comprise open marine, ebb-tidal 1983). The upper part of the Taylor rests disconformably on
delta, shoreface, and marginal marine (Snedden, 1991). the lower part, contains an abundant marine fauna, and is
26 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

composed of argillaceous marl that grades upward into calcar ft thick, 17–20 mi wide, and 27–30 mi long. These sand ridges
eous claystone (Chimene and Maddocks, 1984). were deposited 21–40 mi out on the shelf, and their sources
The abundance of marine fossils and the lithology of the were updip deltas.
Taylor Group in the northeastern part of the study area implies Data from some 85 wells drilled in a new downdip gas
a marine origin, probably a shallow shelf. A package of four exploration play in southern Webb and northern Zapata Coun
“mini-shelves” at the base of the upper Taylor wedges out ties show the presence of a thin (average thickness, 10 ft),
downdip, and each wedge overlaps the next in the downdip discontinuous, clean, highly permeable sandstone, encased
direction (Tucker and Hencey, 1987). Tucker and Hencey in deep-water pelagic shales, in the uppermost part of the
(1987) interpreted these features as distal deltaic deposits; the Navarro. Bain (2003) interpreted the sandstone lobe as a
downdip pinchout, the lobate shape of the units in plan view, basin-floor turbidite, on the basis of its log character and posi
and their position above a disconformity also suggests that tion within neritic to middle-bathyal shales downdip from the
they may represent lowstand systems tracts. The disconformity Cretaceous shelf edge.
between the lower and upper parts of the Taylor appears to In the subsurface, the Navarro reaches a maximum
represent a marine flooding surface between two reported thickness of 2,150 ft, and the mean of its thickness
parasequences. as determined from 1,880 wells is 630 ft (IHS Energy Group,
Over the entire study area, the thickness of the Taylor 2003b). Thickest sections are in a band from southern Zavala
Group is as much as 3,480 ft; the mean of its thickness as to central Atascosa County, in northwestern Burleson, south
determined from 3,039 wells is 757 ft (IHS Energy Group, eastern Milam, and eastern Lee Counties, and in Brazos and
2003b). The thickest sections are in northern Webb, north Grimes Counties. Thinnest sections are over the San Marcos
eastern Colorado, Austin, and Polk Counties, and the thinnest arch and in a region encompassing San Jacinto, Polk, and
are over the San Marcos arch and generally in the highest Tyler Counties.
updip parts of the region. The lower Taylor thins over volcanic Data on reservoir properties of the Navarro are not gener
mounds in the area east of Austin (Tucker and Hencey, 1987). ally available. Tyler and Ambrose (1986) reported Navarro
Oil production is reported from the Taylor mainly in porosities ranging from 22 to 34 percent and averaging about
Serbin field in Bastrop and Lee Counties in the northeast and 27 percent. Permeabilities range from 2 to 24 mD and average
in Sacatosa field in eastern Maverick County. There is scat about 19 mD. Reservoirs are normally pressured to slightly
tered oil production across Zavala through Caldwell Coun underpressured, averaging 0.41 psi/ft.
ties, mainly concentrated in Caldwell County in the Salt Flat, Oil production has been mainly from Minerva-Rockdale,
Luling-Branyon, and Buchanan fields. Gas production has Inez Jameson, and Hooker Creek fields in Milam, Burleson,
been from northern Webb, Zavala, Burleson, and Washington and Lee Counties, in the area where the Navarro is thick,
Counties. Most gas fields are small, the largest ones being and in a broad area south of San Antonio from Medina and
Catarina Southwest and Big -A- Taylor; some gas also is pro Frio Counties across Atascosa, Bexar, Burleson, and Wilson
duced from Serbin field (fig. 9) in Bastrop and Lee Counties. Counties to Guadalupe County, including Big Foot, Crown
East, Somerset, Von Ormy, Kaye, and La Vernia fields (fig.
Undivided Navarro Group 9). Gas production is scattered across the study area, mostly
in association with oil fields, except for production in Webb
The final reservoir unit to be considered is the undivided
and Zapata Counties. Fields in that area are Laredo, Dye, and
Navarro Group. Like the undivided Taylor Group, the Navarro
Bruni Ranch.
is recognized mainly outside the Maverick Basin, although
The Navarro Group is overlain by Tertiary rocks of
tops are reported for the unit across the entire region. The
Paleocene through Pliocene age as well as by Pleistocene and
Navarro disconformably overlies the Taylor Group; its basal
Holocene unconsolidated units (Schruben and others, 1998).
bed consists of a phosphatic, glauconitic, sandy marl (Dane
Most sediments that were deposited during this time interval
and Stephenson, 1927; Tucker and Hencey, 1987). The rest of
bypassed the shelf and accumulated in slope and basin settings
the unit is composed of interbedded (1) medium to dark gray,
(Galloway and others, 2000). The Tertiary strata thin to a zero-
calcareous, highly fossiliferous shale, (2) local siltstone beds,
thickness edge in updip parts of the study area, but thicken to
and (3) thin, silty sandstones. A disconformity in about the
between 10,000 and 14,000 ft along the downdip side of the
middle of the sequence is overlain by sandy beds that pinch
assessed area (IHS Energy Group, 2003b).
out downdip (Tucker and Hencey, 1987). Tucker and Hencey
(1987) also noted that the upper two thirds of the Navarro are
composed of a series of upward-coarsening shale-sandstone Traps and Seals
couplets, similar to the parasequences described for the Escon
dido Formation by Snedden (1991). Hydrocarbon traps in the study area are stratigraphic,
In the northeastern part of the study area, the Navarro structural, or a combination of the two. Stratigraphic traps are
was interpreted as a shelf deposit (Tucker and Hencey, 1987). formed by pinchouts of reservoir sandstones into
Patterson and Scott (1984) identified shallow-marine shelf finer grained mudrocks or by truncation beneath discon
sandbars in the upper part that form linear sand-rich belts 3–20 formities. Examples of the first type include the potential
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 27

for pinchouts of (1) deltaic fluvial channels into levee and (1) Travis Volcanic Mounds Oil (AU 50470201), (2) Uvalde
swamp-overbank mudstones, (2) crevasse-splay sandstones Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil (AU 50470202), (3) Navarro-
into swamp deposits, (3) shoreface sandstones into marginal- Taylor Updip Oil and Gas (AU 50470203), (4) Navarro-Taylor
marine lagoons and offshore shales, (4) longshore cur Downdip Gas and Oil (AU 50470204), and (5) Navarro-Taylor
rent–modified distributary-mouth bars into prodelta shales, (5) Slope-Basin Gas (AU 50470205) (figs. 9, 10). (Note: Coal-bed
barrier islands or shallow-marine shelf sand bars into marine gas and tar sands were not assessed.) Each assessment unit is
shales, (6) porous reef carbonates into enclosing shales in defined on the basis of geologic characteristics and conditions
places where the Anacacho Limestone and Dale Limestone favorable for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation—such
rim volcanic mounds, and (7) offlapping lowstand-systems as source, reservoir, and seal rocks; burial, thermal, and migra
tract sandstones or turbidites into basin shales. Conditions tion histories; and trapping mechanisms—that combine to
favored the development of stratigraphic traps in the deltaic distinguish it from other assessment units.
deposits of the San Miguel, Olmos, and Escondido Forma Following a numbering system established by the USGS
tions, and undivided Navarro and Taylor Groups at various to facilitate petroleum resource assessment (U.S. Geological
places in the study area. Examples of stratigraphic traps Survey, 2000), the unique number assigned to the Smack-
formed by truncation beneath disconformities are the erosion
over–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum System
of various shoreline sandstones by sequence boundaries, a
is 504702, of which “5” denotes the region (North America),
well-known example of which is the unconformity at the base
“047” denotes the province, and “02” denotes the total petro
of the Escondido Formation, as shown in figure 8.
leum system. The Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite
Structural-trap types in the study area comprise anti
Total Petroleum System is numbered “02” because the West
clines, domes, and faults. Folds are relatively rare in the study
ern Gulf Province contains another total petroleum system,
area, the main ones being the Chittum and Pearsall anticlines
(fig. 4). Faults are prevalent in the Balcones, Luling, Charlotte- the Tuscaloosa-Woodbine, numbered 504701. The assessment
Jourdanton, Karnes, and Mexia-Talco fault zones, as well as units in the Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford, in turn, are num
in the Wilcox fault zone and other isolated locations along the bered AU 50470201 through AU 50470205, respectively (see
downdip side of the Early Cretaceous shelf edge where accu the previous paragraph and Klett and Le, this CD-ROM).
mulating sediments produced growth faults. Fields associated A thorough analysis of all the available geologic data, as
with structural traps include Crown East, Big Foot, Leming, well as petroleum exploration and development information,
and Big Foot West (fig. 9). was presented to a review panel for a final determination of
In a few places, combination stratigraphic-structural traps the criteria and boundaries to be used for each of the assess
formed where sandstones pinch out over structures. This type ment units. In addition, estimates of the sizes and numbers of
of trap developed mainly in areas where volcanic mounds are undiscovered oil and gas accumulations, based on a tabula
present. In those areas, sediments of the Taylor Group were tion of existing field and well records provided by Klett and
compacted during and after deposition, but there was less Le (this CD-ROM), were presented on input-data forms to
compaction over the tops of the underlying volcanic rocks, and the review panel. These input-data forms (see Klett and Le,
a paleo-topographic high was created over the mounds. Sand this CD-ROM) constitute the basis for estimating hydrocar
stones in the Taylor and younger units drape over the mounds bon resources in the assessment unit. The default minimum
and even pinch out toward the top of the mounds. Addition accumulation size that has potential for additions to reserves
ally, faulting adjacent to the mounds can accompany compac is 0.5 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE). Other data
tion, further contributing to trap formation. compiled or calculated for each assessment unit to aid in the
Seals in the study area consist of mudrocks—terres final estimate of undiscovered resources include gas-oil ratios,
trial-levee and swamp-overbank deposits, marginal-marine natural gas liquids to gas ratios, API gravity, sulfur content,
lagoonal mudstones, and marine shales. Fine-grained strata and drilling depth. Additionally, allocations of undiscovered
are interbedded with more porous reservoirs, so that vertical resources were calculated for Federal, State, and private lands
sequences of stacked reservoirs, traps, and seals were formed. and for various ecosystem regions. All such data are available
In some areas, diagenesis of the reservoir rocks produced on the completed input-data forms for the individual assess
tightly cemented zones that may also act as local seals. ment units (see Klett and Le, this CD-ROM). In Texas, spac
ing of wells is governed by the Railroad Commission of Texas
Statewide Rule 37, which prohibits siting wells within 1,200
Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources ft of each other if they are either completed in or projected
to be drilled to the same horizon. This rule effectively estab
Our study within the Western Gulf Province included lishes a minimum spacing of 40 acres, although exceptions
the Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petro are routinely applied for and granted with sufficient geologic
leum System and the five assessment units (AUs) within it: justification.
100° 98° 96° 94°

Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

Milam Polk
Tyler Jasper
Brazos Walker Beauregard Allen
Not in
Grimes San Jacinto assessed
Jefferson Davis
Lee Mobil well Calcasieu
Austin Montgomery
Liberty Orange
30° Hays
Jefferson Cameron
Comal Caldwell Fayette Harris
Houston Chambers TX
Bexar Guadalupe
Colorado Fort Bend
Kinney Uvalde San Antonio
Gonzales Early CretaceousGalveston
shelf edge
Brazoria (Ewing
Wharton and Lopez, 1991)
De Witt
Atascosa Karnes Matagorda
Zavala Frio Victoria Jackson
Maverick Skelly well
Dimmit Bee
La Salle McMullen Live Oak Refugio Explanation
Western Gulf Province boundary (part)
28° Jim Wells San Patricio TPS boundary (part)
Updip limit of Smackover carbonate facies
Duval Uvalde Volcanic Mounds
Gas and Oil AU
Travis Volcanic Gas well
Mounds Oil AU Oil well
Jim Hogg Kenedy Navarro-Taylor Downdip Oil and gas well
Gas and Oil AU
Downdip limit
of Smackover Navarro-Taylor Updip
Oil and Gas AU
facies Hidalgo
Willacy Navarro-Taylor
Slope-Basin Gas AU

26° 0 25 50 100 150


Figure 10. Map of the western part of the Western Gulf Province showing assessment units and areas of oil and gas production. Red symbols represent gas production; green
symbols represent oil production; yellow symbols represent gas and oil production. Well data are from IHS Energy Group (2003b).
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 29

Travis Volcanic Mounds Oil Assessment Unit of the geologic model that describe this assessment unit. Key
features are summarized in the following sections.
(AU 50470201)
The Travis Volcanic Mounds Oil Assessment Unit is a
northeast-southwest–oriented oval area just east of Austin, No oil samples from accumulations in the assessment
Texas, covering approximately 1.5 million acres (fig. 10). It unit have been analyzed, so the source of the oil is unknown.
encompasses the area where there are Cretaceous volcanic Samples from the underlying Austin Chalk on the northeast
mounds, commonly called “serpentine plugs.” Earliest oil ern side of the San Marcos arch have a geochemical signature
production in this area was from a volcanic mound in Thrall characteristic of Eagle Ford oils and unlike that of Smackover
field in Williamson County in 1915 (Matthews, 1986). Most oils (Hood and others, 2002), and the Austin and Eagle Ford
field development in the assessment unit was completed by the Groups are the presumed main source rocks for oil and gas.
mid-1930s, but there has been production to the present time The Smackover could also be a source of gas, but its role
in Trebmal field in Bastrop County. The area is mature with remains uncertain owing to the lack of geochemical data.
respect to drilling for oil and gas resources.
Production has been mainly in the south-central part of Maturity
the assessment unit (fig. 10). Drilling depths are relatively
shallow, increasing from about 300 to 4,400 ft toward the Just basinward of the Early Cretaceous shelf edge in the
southeast, which reflects the southeast dip of the reservoirs. To eastern part of the study area, Turonian source rocks pene
date, more than 1 million barrels of oil (MMBO) and nearly trated in the Mobil well (fig. 10) were interpreted to have gen
220 million cubic feet of gas (MMCFG) have been produced erated oil from 42 to 28 Ma and to have generated gas from 14
from the assessed formations in the assessment unit (IHS Ma to the present (Lewan, 2002). The Austin and Eagle Ford
Energy Group, 2003a). Most wells are classified as oil, but are present at similar depths downdip from the Travis Volcanic
some gas wells are in the southern third of the assessment unit. Mounds Oil Assessment Unit and could have started generat
For our study, we defined dry holes for each assessment unit ing oil and gas at approximately the same time intervals. In the
as wells that reached total depth in the assessed formations and Mobil well, the Smackover generated oil from 117 to 103 Ma
were classified as dry and abandoned (D&A) in the well data and gas from 52 to 41 Ma (Lewan, 2002). Maturity of source
base. Dry holes are distributed relatively evenly throughout rocks within the assessment unit may have been enhanced
the assessment unit, but in some places are clustered around locally by the igneous intrusions, but it is not known whether
volcanic mounds. Minimum well spacing, as in other areas, is the elevated geothermal gradients would have been sufficient
40 acres. Figure 11 is an events chart that shows the elements to generate oil or gas, given their shallow depth of burial.


250 200 150 100 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 GEOLOGIC

Po Ps

Smackover Austin Group, volcanic mounds, Dale Limestone,

Formation Taylor Group, Navarro Group ROCK UNIT
Austin and Eagle Ford Groups SOURCE ROCK
Taylor and Navarro Groups, some Austin Group, volcanic mounds RESERVOIR ROCK
Taylor and Navarro Groups, Midway Group SEAL ROCK
Stratigraphic traps early Structural and combination traps later TRAP FORMATION
N- - N
Smackover oil: 117–103 Ma Smackover gas: 52–41 Ma R A T IOIG R A T IO N C U M U L A T IO
Austin/Eagle Ford oil: 42–28 Ma Austin/Eagle Ford gas: 14 Ma–present PRESERVA TION

Figure 11. Events chart showing timing of key elements of the Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum System.
The critical moment is defined as the point in time (marked by arrow) that best depicts the generation-migration-accumulation of
most hydrocarbons in the Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum System (Magoon and Dow, 1994).
30 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

Migration discovered accumulation size through time. However, condi

tions are deemed favorable for the assessment unit to contain
The center of the Travis Volcanic Mounds Oil Assess one or more undiscovered hydrocarbon accumulations equal
ment Unit lies about 60 mi northwest of the Early Cretaceous to or greater than the minimum field size of 0.5 MMBOE, as
shelf edge, so this is considered a minimum migration distance explained next.
if the source of the oil was the Austin and Eagle Ford Groups. In this assessment unit, we estimate the number of undis
Updip migration was probably in the northwest-southeast–ori covered oil accumulations to be a minimum of one, a maxi
ented fracture system in the Austin or along disconformities mum of five, and a mode of two. Only two oil fields have been
within and between the Austin and Eagle Ford. The assess discovered since 1950 that have production above the mini
ment unit is closely associated with the Luling fault zone mum of 0.5 MMBOE. All previous discoveries were between
(fig. 4), and these faults could have provided pathways for 1915 and 1933. Although the area is in a mature stage of
the upward migration of Austin hydrocarbons. Gas could also exploration, we think there is a potential for at least one more
have migrated from Smackover source rocks along the Early oil field discovery above the minimum size, given the number
Cretaceous shelf edge. of volcanic mounds and the potentially favorable area between
the mounds. At the maximum, we allowed for the possibility
of five more discoveries, based on finding or drilling volcanic
Reservoirs mounds in areas downdip of present production or between
Most production has been from the Dale Limestone and mounds. We selected a mode of only two undiscovered fields
the undivided Taylor Group, but some minor production has because this is a maturely explored area.
been reported from the undivided Navarro Group and the In terms of the sizes of undiscovered oil accumulations,
Austin Chalk. Although some production from the volcanic we estimate (1) a minimum size of 0.5 MMBO based on the
mounds was reported by Sellards (1932) and Matthews (1986), minimum allowed at the current cutoff; (2) a maximum size
the databases we used indicated that this production was from of 3 MMBO, because the last discovered field was about that
the Taylor. size; and (3) a median size of 1 MMBO, which reflects a
decrease from the 1.9 MMBO reported for the last third of the
discovered accumulations. As indicated by the trend of thirds,
Traps and Seals the size of discovered fields has been decreasing since the
1930s, and we expect that trend to continue.
Production is associated primarily with volcanic mounds.
Mean estimates of undiscovered resources for the Travis
Traps are mainly stratigraphic and form in bioclastic reefs
Volcanic Mounds Oil Assessment Unit are 2.85 MMBO, 0.71
that surround the mounds and in lower Taylor sandstones that
BCFG, and 0.04 MMBNGL (table 2). Table 2 also shows a
overlie the mounds. There is some production from struc
resource breakdown into the F95, F50, and F5 fractiles. The
tural traps where sandstones drape over the mounds or from
potential for future discoveries is considered to be low, on the
combination traps where sandstones pinch out on the flanks of
basis of the maturity of exploration and the lack of discoveries
paleo-topographic highs over the mounds. The Austin Chalk
since 1980. Future resource estimates will likely be a result of
is also productive where fractured during emplacement of the
growth of previously discovered fields. The best areas for new
volcanic mounds. Seals are mainly marls in the lower part of
discoveries will most likely be between volcanic mounds in
the Taylor Group.
sparsely drilled areas.
Known oil fields have characteristics that identify them as
conventional accumulations. They are located in well-defined
areas in discrete stratigraphic, structural, or combination traps. Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil
Coproduced water is present in variable amounts (Matthews,
1986), and fields display distinct oil-water contacts. The shal
Assessment Unit (AU 50470202)
low depth of the accumulations implies that migration from The Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil Assessment
a distant source was important and that there was little or no Unit is a semicircular area southwest of San Antonio, Texas,
generation of oil or gas within the assessment unit. that covers approximately 1.3 million acres (fig. 10). It is
similar to the Travis Volcanic Mounds Oil Assessment Unit in
Estimated Resources that it also encompasses an area where there are Cretaceous
volcanic mounds. Earliest production was from a mound in
The assessment unit is considered as established and has Medina County in 1919 (Matthews, 1986). Production has
14 oil fields that equal or exceed the minimum accumulation continued in small fields throughout the assessment unit, most
size; there are no gas fields (see Klett and Le, this CD-ROM). recently from Leona field in Zavala County. This area is also
The median sizes of previously discovered accumulations, in a mature stage of exploration, but slightly less so than the
when divided into thirds (by early, middle, and late initial Travis area.
dates of production) are 13.5, 6.0, and 1.9 MMBO (Klett and Production has been mainly in the southwestern and
Le, this CD-ROM), indicating a large reduction in central parts of the assessment unit (fig. 10). Drilling depths
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 31

are between 400 and 6,000 ft, becoming deeper toward the Reservoirs
south. Production to date has been about 12.5 MMBO and
180 BCFG (IHS Energy Group, 2003a). Most wells are clas Production has been from all units in the Navarro and
sified as gas producers, and they are clustered in the central Taylor Groups. The San Miguel Formation has the highest
part of the assessment unit. Oil is also produced across the percentage of gas- and oil-producing wells, followed by the
entire assessment unit, but production is concentrated in the Olmos Formation. Only a few wells associated with volcanic
southern half of Zavala County. Dry holes are scattered fairly mounds produce from the Austin Chalk.
evenly across the assessment unit with the exception of a 6- to
10-mi zone along the north edge, where there has been little
drilling. Minimum well spacing, as in other areas, is 40 acres.
Traps and Seals
The events chart (fig. 11) shows the elements of the geologic Production is closely associated with volcanic mounds.
model that describe this assessment unit. Key features are Traps are mainly stratigraphic and form in bioclastic reefs that
summarized in the following sections. surround the mounds and in sandstones of the Navarro and
Taylor Groups that overlie the mounds. Structural traps, where
sandstones drape over the mounds, or combination traps,
Source where sandstones pinch out on the flanks of paleo-topographic
No oil samples have been analyzed, so the source of the highs over the mounds, are also important. Minor production
oil is unknown. Samples from the underlying Austin Chalk is from the Austin Chalk that was fractured during emplace
in nearby areas have a geochemical signature that possibly ment of the volcanic mounds. Seals are mainly mudrocks in
indicates a mixing of high-sulfur Smackover oil and low- to the Navarro Group or Taylor Group.
moderate-sulfur Austin–Eagle Ford oil (M.D. Lewan, written The oil and gas fields in this assessment unit have char
commun., 2003); therefore, a mixed source is thought to be acteristics that identify them as conventional accumulations.
likely. They are located in well-defined areas in discrete stratigraphic,
structural, or combination traps. Drill-stem tests indicate
variable amounts of water production (IHS Energy Group,
Maturity 2003b), and fields display distinct oil-water contacts. The shal
low depth of the accumulations implies that migration from
Just basinward of the Early Cretaceous shelf edge in the a distant source was important and that there was little or no
eastern part of the study area (fig. 10), Turonian source rocks generation of oil or gas within the assessment unit itself.
penetrated in the Mobil well were interpreted to have gener
ated oil from 42 to 28 Ma and gas from 14 Ma to the present
(Lewan, 2002). The Austin and Eagle Ford are present at Estimated Resources
similar depths downdip from the Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Gas
The assessment unit is considered established and has 8
and Oil Assessment Unit and could have started generating oil
oil and 13 gas fields that equal or exceed the minimum accu
and gas at approximately the same times. The Smackover was
mulation size (see Klett and Le, this CD-ROM). The median
calculated to have generated oil from 117 to 103 Ma and gas
size of previously discovered oil accumulations, when divided
from 52 to 41 Ma in the Mobil well (Lewan, 2002) and could
into halves (by early and late initial dates of production), is 1.4
have been a downdip source for oil or gas. Maturity of source
and 0.7 MMBO; gas data for halves is 7.5 and 9.0 BCFG (see
rocks within the assessment unit may have been enhanced
plots in Klett and Le, this CD-ROM). (Note: data are usually
locally by the igneous intrusions, but it is not known whether
divided into thirds, except when there are not enough data
elevated geothermal gradients would have been sufficient to
points to make a meaningful plot. In that case, the data are
generate oil or gas.
divided into halves, plotted by the initial date of production.)
The essential elements for the generation, migration, and
Migration trapping of hydrocarbons appear to favor the assessment unit’s
having a minimum of at least one, a maximum of five, and a
The center of the Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil mode of three undiscovered oil accumulations at the cutoff
Assessment Unit lies about 80–85 mi from the southernmost size of 0.5 MMBOE. Although there was an upward trend in
Early Cretaceous shelf edge, so this is considered a mini the number of oil discoveries from 1953 to 1980, no discovery
mum migration distance if the source of oil is the Austin and since 1980 has produced more than 0.5 MMBOE. The mini
Eagle Ford Groups. Updip migration was probably in the mum of one future discovery was considered a viable number
northwest-southeast–oriented fracture system in the Austin because the area is mature for exploration. We estimated a
or along disconformities within and between the Austin and maximum of five new discoveries on the basis of the poten
Eagle Ford. The assessment unit is at the western ends of the tial for drilling additional volcanic mounds or areas between
Balcones and Luling fault zones (fig. 4), and these faults could mounds. The mode value of three reflects our opinion that the
have facilitated migration from the Austin and Eagle Ford into possibilities are low for future oil field discoveries above the
stratigraphically higher reservoirs. minimum of 0.5 MMBOE.
32 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

In the Uvalde Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil Assess Texas State line. The assessment unit encompasses some 12.3
ment Unit, sizes of estimated undiscovered oil accumulations million acres (fig. 10). On the updip side of the assessment
were a minimum of 0.5 MMBO, a maximum of 3 MMBO, unit, the boundary was drawn along the outcrop of Navarro
and a median of 0.75 MMBO. The default minimum for oil and Taylor rocks, except in places where the Travis Volca
discoveries, 0.5 MMBO, was used because of the past low nic Mounds Oil Assessment Unit and the Uvalde Volcanic
production volumes from individual small fields. Since 1975 Mounds Gas and Oil Assessment Unit occupy that position.
the largest oil field discovery was just over 3 MMBO, and thus The downdip boundary was drawn along the Early Cretaceous
that value was used as the maximum. The decrease from 1.4 shelf edge for most of its extent and along the border with
to 0.7 MMBO in the halves data indicates that future discover the Navarro-Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil Assessment Unit
ies are probably going to be closer to the minimum than the from about Live Oak County to the Rio Grande. The earliest
maximum, so we used 0.75 MMBO as the median size for reported production was in 1920 in Fairfield field in Medina
undiscovered oil fields. County and was from the Escondido and undivided Navarro
We estimate a minimum of 1, a maximum of 10, and a Group (IHS Energy Group, 2003b). Most production since
mode of 5 undiscovered gas accumulations. The fields data about 2003 has been in Sacatosa field in Maverick County, but
base (NRG Associates, 2001) shows a fairly steady increase in there is also scattered current production across the entire area.
gas discoveries through time, punctuated by periods without Updip parts of the assessment unit are considered mature for
discoveries. The last discoveries were in the early 1990s. We exploration, but downdip parts have not been well explored.
concluded that there was a possibility of finding at least one Production is predominantly from three clusters of
more gas field above the minimum of 3 BCFG (0.5 MMBOE). fields: (1) in southern Maverick and northern Dimmit Coun
There have been six gas field discoveries above the minimum ties, (2) over a wide area southwest and southeast of San
field size since 1980, and with the currently renewed interest Antonio, and (3) an area east and northeast of Austin (fig.
in natural gas, we think that there could be as many as 10 new 10). Drilling depths range from less than 1,000 ft in parts of
discoveries using currently available technology. We chose a Maverick County to about 12,000 ft along the shelf edge. An
mode of five undiscovered accumulations, which reflects the exception is in Newton County, where the top of the Taylor
slow, but steady trend of gas discoveries since 1975. is encountered at about 15,000 ft. To date, total production
The sizes of estimated undiscovered gas fields are a mini from the assessed formations is about 220 MMBO and 500
mum of 3 BCFG, a maximum of 30 BCFG, and a median of BCFG (IHS Energy Group, 2003a). In general, the western
6 BCFG. A size of 3 BCFG is the minimum cutoff value for a part of the assessment unit has produced mainly gas, although
gas field, which we also used as the minimum. Except for one mainly oil was produced at Big Wells field in northeastern
field of more than 60 BCFG, all have been less than 30 BCFG, Dimmit County. The central and north-central parts of the
a value that we used for the maximum undiscovered field size. assessment unit have produced mainly oil; exceptions include
The trend of the halves in the period of record has actually Big Foot West field in Frio County, Somerset field in Bexar
increased from 7.5 to 9 BCFG. The last two discoveries were County, and Big -A- Taylor field in Burleson County, which
markedly smaller, however, so we used a value of 6 BCFG as are gas producers. A relatively dense distribution of dry holes
the median size of undiscovered gas fields. exists within and surrounding the three main producing areas;
Mean estimates of undiscovered resources for the Uvalde however, there are few wildcat wells in western Frio County
Volcanic Mounds Gas and Oil Assessment Unit are 2.48 and in a zone 25–50 mi wide that borders the Early Cretaceous
MMBO, 39.35 BCFG, and 0.69 MMBNGL (table 2). Table shelf edge. The minimum well spacing allowed is 40 acres;
2 also shows a breakdown into the F95, F50, and F5 frac Big Wells field was developed on 80-acre spacing. The events
tiles. The potential for future discoveries is considered to be chart (fig. 11) shows the elements of the geologic model that
relatively low on the basis of the maturity of exploration and describe this assessment unit. Key features are summarized in
the lack of discoveries since the early 1990s. Future resource the following sections.
estimates will likely be a result of field growth of previously
discovered accumulations. The best areas for new discoveries
may be between volcanic mounds where there has been less Source
drilling to date.
No oil samples have been analyzed, so the source of the
oil is unknown. Geochemical analyses of oil in the Austin
Navarro-Taylor Updip Oil and Gas Assessment Chalk indicate a probable Smackover source in Maverick
Unit (AU 50470203) County, an Eagle Ford source and possibly an Austin source
northeast of the San Marcos arch, and mixed Smackover,
The Navarro-Taylor Updip Oil and Gas Assessment Eagle Ford, and Austin sources in the central and northern
Unit is an irregular area that extends across the entire width Maverick Basin (Hood and others, 2002; M.D. Lewan, written
of the study area from the Rio Grande River to the eastern commun., 2003).
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 33

Maturity Estimated Resources

Just basinward of the Early Cretaceous shelf edge in the The assessment unit contains 47 oil and 6 gas fields that
eastern part of the study area, Turonian source rocks pen exceed the minimum accumulation size (see Klett and Le,
etrated in the Mobil well (fig. 10) were interpreted to have this CD-ROM). The median size of previously discovered oil
generated oil from 42 to 28 Ma and gas from 14 Ma to the accumulations, when divided into thirds (by early, middle, and
present (Lewan, 2002). The Austin and Eagle Ford are present late initial dates of production) is 3.8, 1.9, and 1.7 MMBO;
at similar depths downdip from the Navarro-Taylor Updip Oil gas data for halves is 22.4 and 6.3 BCFG (see Klett and Le,
and Gas Assessment Unit and could have started generating oil this CD-ROM). The assessment unit was determined to have
and gas at approximately the same times. The Smackover was adequate reservoirs, traps, and seals, as well as a favorable
calculated to have generated oil between 117 and 103 Ma and history of hydrocarbon generation, for there to be one or more
gas between 52 and 41 Ma in the Mobil well (Lewan, 2002). undiscovered accumulations equal to or greater than the mini
mum size of 0.5 MMBOE.
Migration Accordingly, we estimated the numbers of undiscovered
oil accumulations to be a minimum of 2, a maximum of 20,
Updip migration from the Austin and Eagle Ford was and a mode of 7. There have been eight new oil field discov
probably in the northwest-southeast–oriented fracture system eries since 1975, and, although the rate of discoveries has
in the Austin or along disconformities within and between decreased, we think it a likely possibility that at least two new
the Austin and Eagle Ford. The Luling, Charlotte-Jourdan oil fields above the minimum of 0.5 MMBO will be discov
ton, Karnes, and Mexia-Talco fault zones (fig. 4) could also ered. The maximum estimate of 20 undiscovered fields is a
have served as migration pathways for Austin, Eagle Ford, or reflection of the large geographic size of the assessment unit,
Smackover hydrocarbons. the variety of possible traps, and the size of the gaps between
currently producing areas. A lack of good reservoir facies in
Reservoirs the northeast part of the assessment unit may limit the number
of undiscovered fields in that area. The mode of seven undis
All of the assessed formations other than the Austin covered fields is at the low end of the range and reflects the
Chalk and Dale Limestone produce oil and gas. Production facts that already-discovered oil fields are in the updip, more
volume is largest from the undivided Navarro Group, which maturely explored parts of the assessment unit and that there
has produced mainly oil in Milam, Burleson, and Lee Counties is less probability of oil discoveries in the downdip parts of the
in the north-central part of the assessment unit and in a broad assessment unit.
area southwest and southeast of San Antonio (IHS Energy We estimated the sizes of undiscovered oil accumulations
Group, 2003a). The San Miguel Formation has produced to be a minimum of 0.5 MMBO, a maximum of 25 MMBO,
mainly oil in the western part of the assessment unit, and the and a median of 1.5 MMBO. The default minimum size of
Olmos and Escondido Formations have produced oil south 0.5 MMBO was used in anticipation that undiscovered fields
west of San Antonio and gas in the western part of the assess will be small. The size of the largest existing oil field is about
ment unit. The Anacacho Limestone has also produced mainly 85 MMBO, and there have been four additional fields greater
oil southwest of San Antonio. than 35 MMBO, although the historical trend has been toward
smaller field sizes. We used a maximum value of 25 MMBO
to reflect the possibility that one or more relatively large fields
Traps and Seals in the unexplored, updip parts of the assessment unit will be
The large number of reservoirs and the size of the assess discovered. The thirds data show a historical decline in oil
ment unit engender a variety of traps. Pinchouts of sandstones field sizes, and our value of 1.5 at the median is slightly less
into mudrocks are important in the deltaic and shallow-marine than the last third of the period of record.
shelf depositional environments of most of the reservoirs, The numbers of undiscovered gas accumulations were
as is truncation of sandstones by disconformities. Structural estimated to be a minimum of 3, a maximum of 35, and a
traps are present in the Chittum and Pearsall anticlines and in mode of 10. To date, much gas production has been associ
numerous fault zones. Seals are mainly terrestrial, marginal- ated gas in fields designated as oil fields in the updip part
marine, or marine mudrocks. of the assessment unit, so the historical production data are
Oil and gas fields have characteristics that identify them skewed toward oil. We think there is a greater potential for
as conventional accumulations. They are in well-defined areas gas discoveries in the downdip part of the assessment unit and
in discrete stratigraphic, structural, or combination traps. Drill- that the likelihood is great enough to merit a minimum higher
stem tests indicate variable amounts of water production (IHS than just a single undiscovered field; therefore, we chose three
Energy Group, 2003b), and fields display distinct oil-water as the minimum number. As indicated by the distribution of
contacts; water saturations average 39–47 percent (Tyler and dry holes, the assessment unit is underexplored in the down-
Ambrose, 1986). The reservoirs are normally pressured to dip, deeper part of the region. We consider this area to have
slightly underpressured. good potential for future discoveries, so assigned a maximum
34 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

estimate of 35 undiscovered fields. We chose a mode of 10 continued to the present, mainly in LaSalle and Webb Coun
undiscovered fields to indicate our opinion that the area has ties. Drilling depths range from about 1,600 to 13,000 ft,
potential, but the fact that good reservoir rocks are less abun increasing to the southeast. To date, cumulative production
dant in the downdip facies of the Navarro and Taylor Groups has reached about 48 MMBO and 1,100 BCFG (IHS Energy
potentially limits the possibilities for new gas discoveries. Group, 2003a). Production has primarily been in (1) the
The sizes of undiscovered gas fields are a minimum of 3 northern half of the assessment unit from the Hugh Fitzsim
BCFG, a maximum of 120 BCFG, and a median of 8 BCFG. mons, Catarina, and Catarina Southwest fields (fig. 9) that
The minimum-size undiscovered field was set at the minimum have produced both oil and gas and (2) a complex of fields in
(3 BCFG), allowing for the possibility of small fields. Histori northern Webb County that have produced mainly gas. The
cally, resources in one-third of the discovered fields have been AWP field, at the edge of the Early Cretaceous shelf, produced
slightly more than the 3 BCFG cutoff. Much of the downdip oil early in its history and later produced gas in a step-out to
part of the assessment unit is untested for gas, but the pres the south. The most recent drilling has been in southern Webb
ence of gas in the deep Austin Chalk indicates a potential for and northern Zapata Counties where small, relatively deep (to
important gas resources in those strata. We estimated a maxi about 10,500 ft) gas fields have been discovered. Notable gaps
mum of 120 BCFG for a field in this underexplored area. Data in production have been in northeastern Webb County, south
indicate that the median size of discovered gas accumulations eastern LaSalle County, southwestern McMullen County, and
decreased from 22.4 BCFG in the first half of the development northwestern Duval County. Dry holes are mainly clustered
period to 6.3 BCFG in the second half. We conservatively around areas of past and current production, not in the less-
assigned a median size of undiscovered fields at 8 BCFG, explored parts of the assessment unit. Well spacing is limited
which is slightly larger than the median for the second half of to 40 acres. The events chart (fig. 11) shows the elements of
historic production. the geologic model that describe this assessment unit. Key
Mean estimates of undiscovered resources for the features are summarized in the following sections.
Navarro-Taylor Updip Oil and Gas Assessment Unit are 21.02
MMBO, 212.14 BCFG, and 4.20 MMBNGL (table 2). Table
2 also shows a resource breakdown into the F95, F50, and F5 Source
fractiles. The potential for future oil discoveries is considered No oil samples have been analyzed, but geochemi
to be moderate on the basis of the maturity of exploration cal analyses of oil in the Austin Chalk indicate a probable
within the assessment unit and the decrease in discoveries Smackover source in Maverick County and mixed Smackover,
since the mid-1980s. Our study indicated a good potential Eagle Ford, and Austin sources in the central part of the Mav
for future gas discoveries, especially in downdip parts of the erick Basin, including the areas of scattered oil production in
assessment unit where reservoir quality decreases and condi Dimmit, LaSalle, and McMullen Counties (Hood and others,
tions become less favorable for oil accumulations. 2002; M.D. Lewan, written commun., 2003). The source of
the gas is uncertain, because little gas has been produced from
Navarro-Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil the Austin Chalk in this area (IHS Energy Group, 2003a). As
noted previously in the section titled Other Potential Source
Assessment Unit (AU 50470204) Rocks, coal in the Olmos Formation pinches out in southwest
The Navarro-Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil Assessment ern Dimmit County; therefore we do not consider coal to be
Unit is a triangular area of approximately 4.6 million acres. an important source of gas. The Smackover remains a pos
It borders the Rio Grande River with one vertex in southern sible gas source, but there is no reported production from the
Maverick County, one in west-central Zapata County, and the Smackover. Among other possible sources are pelagic shales
third in northwestern Bee County (fig. 10). In southern Mav encasing reservoirs in part of the assessment unit and deeply
erick and central Dimmit Counties, the boundary was drawn buried Eocene rocks (Hood and others, 2002), but neither has
to include the “downdip deltaic and shelf tight gas area” of been confirmed.
Tyler and Ambrose (1986). The small “bump” in the boundary
at the Maverick-Dimmit County line was drawn to take in the Maturity
entire Hugh Fitzsimmons field (HF in fig. 9). The southeast
ern boundary was drawn to encompass the known downdip Definitive data regarding the maturation history of poten
gas accumulations in the Laredo area (fig. 10) and also wells tial source rocks are lacking, but by analogy, the Smackover,
having known potential reservoir rocks. The assessment unit Austin, and Eagle Ford source rocks possibly generated gas
was extended northeastward to include the AWP field (fig. at about the same time period as discussed previously in this
9) because of similarities of that field with other fields to the report for the Mobil well in Jasper County (fig. 10), that is, (1)
west. the Smackover generated oil from 117 to 103 Ma and gas from
The earliest reported production was in Catarina field 52 to 41 Ma and (2) Turonian rocks generated oil from 42 to
(fig. 9), southern Dimmit County, in 1948, from Navarro 28 Ma and gas from 14 Ma to the present (Lewan, 2002). The
Group strata (IHS Energy Group, 2003b). Production has thermal gradient increases slightly from east to west across
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 35

the study area (Bodner and others, 1985), so this western area The oil and gas fields have characteristics that identify
may have started generating hydrocarbons somewhat earlier them as conventional accumulations; they are mainly discrete
than areas to the east. The question remains as to why little gas stratigraphic traps. Porosity and permeability are variable,
has been produced from the Austin in this area, because the depending on diagenesis of the reservoir rocks. Water satura
Austin does produce abundant gas in a comparable geologic tion is high, averaging 62 percent (Tyler and Ambrose, 1986).
setting in fields to the northeast and should be mature enough
to have produced gas in this assessment unit. Either the Austin
and Eagle Ford have not generated gas in this assessment unit,
Estimated Resources
which is unlikely, or their potential has not been adequately The assessment unit is considered established, and has 3
explored. The Smackover, being more deeply buried than the oil and 26 gas fields that exceed the minimum accumulation
Austin, should also have produced gas in this area. size (see Klett and Le, this CD-ROM). The median size of
previously discovered gas accumulations, when divided into
thirds (by early, middle, and late initial dates of production) is
Migration 63.2, 21.4, and 10.3 BCFG (see Klett and Le, this CD-ROM).
If hydrocarbons were generated by Austin and Eagle Ford There were not enough control points to plot oil-accumulation
strata, updip migration was probably in the northwest-south thirds or halves. The assessment unit was determined to have a
east–oriented fracture system in the Austin or along disconfor potential for hosting one or more undiscovered accumulations
equal to or greater than the minimum size on the basis of the
mities within and between the Austin and Eagle Ford. Snedden
presence of adequate reservoirs, traps, and seals and having
and Jumper (1990) noted the presence of normal faults along
favorable conditions for hydrocarbon generation.
the northern branch of the Early Cretaceous shelf edge, which
We estimated the numbers of undiscovered oil accu
could have been conduits for hydrocarbons from the Austin,
mulations to be (1) a minimum of one on the basis that the
Eagle Ford, or Smackover. Faults in the Wilcox fault zone
assessment unit is not particularly oil prone; (2) a maximum
southeast of the shelf edge in southeastern Webb County (fig.
of seven, because the northern part of the assessment unit is
4) could also be migration pathways. on the thermally less-mature shelf, which we considered to
present the possibility for as many as seven undiscovered oil
Reservoirs fields in that area; and (3) a mode of two, which reflects our
overall determination that there is a low probability of new oil
All the assessed formations other than the Anacacho discoveries.
and Dale Limestones and Austin Chalk produce oil and (or) The sizes of estimated undiscovered oil accumulations
gas. Production is most abundant from the Olmos Forma were a minimum of 0.5 MMBO, a maximum of 20 MMBO,
tion, which has produced mainly gas except at the AWP field and a median of 1.5 MMBO. The AWP field has produced
where it has also produced oil. The Escondido Formation has about 40 MMBO (IHS Energy Group, 2003a), but this amount
produced mainly gas in northern Webb County. The Navarro is considered anomalous. Therefore, we chose a value of 20
Group has produced some gas in northern Webb County, but MMBO as a maximum undiscovered field size and a value of
the developing turbidite exploration play in southern Webb 1.5 MMBO for the median size. We do not anticipate impor
and northern Zapata Counties has been drilled most recently. tant oil discoveries in this assessment unit.
The San Miguel and undivided Taylor Group have produced The numbers of undiscovered gas accumulations are a
the least amount of oil or gas. minimum of 3, a maximum of 40, and a mode of 20. There
have been two periods of rapid gas development in the
assessment unit, probably relating to changing completion
Traps and Seals and recovery technologies. We think that the assessment unit
has good potential for future gas discoveries and assigned a
Traps in the northwestern part of the assessment unit are minimum of three undiscovered fields to this assessment unit.
mainly stratigraphic, formed by sandstone pinchouts in deltaic However, the latest model (Bain, 2003) for gas exploration
and shallow-marine shelf environments. Some traps southeast predicts small, isolated sandstone bodies deposited in turbi
of the shelf edge have been interpreted as turbidites, and these dites and encased in deep-basin shales, and the potential exists
also pinch out into mudrocks. In general, sandstone reservoirs for a large number of these small sand bodies situated along
have been subjected to severe diagenesis, resulting in gener the shelf edges in the assessment unit. For this reason, we
ally low permeabilities. The AWP field is a complex trap, assigned to the assessment unit a maximum of 40 undiscov
consisting of updip deltaic sandstones and downdip turbidites ered gas fields, primarily in this environment, and a mode of
that pinch out into pelagic shales. The small fields in southern 20 undiscovered fields.
Webb and northern Zapata Counties also are considered turbi The sizes of undiscovered gas fields are a minimum of 3
dites and likewise pinch out into marine shales. Seals are thus BCFG, a maximum of 200 BCFG, and a median of 15 BCFG.
mainly mudrocks in the Navarro and Taylor Groups deposited The cutoff value of 3 BCFG was used for the minimum, allow
in deltaic, slope, and basin environments. ing for the possibility of some small undiscovered fields. Las
36 Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Western Gulf Province, Texas

Tiendas field has produced in excess of 260 BCFG, but the Source
next largest field has produced less than 182 BCFG, and most
other discovered fields have produced less than 100 BCFG. There are more potential sources for hydrocarbons in this
Our estimate of a maximum of 200 BCFG reflects the histori assessment unit than in any of the other four. Although most
cal data. The thirds data indicate a decrease to a median size Austin production has been updip from the Early Cretaceous
of about 10 BCFG for discovered fields; however, the turbidite shelf edge, in the past some production, mainly gas, existed on
plays are a fairly recent exploration model for this assess the downdip side. In the downdip areas, the Austin would be
expected to grade into organic shales, similar to the underlying
ment unit, and we think that the median size of undiscovered
Eagle Ford Group. North and east of Houston, the Smack-
fields will be higher than the historical decline indicates.
over Formation also consists of deep-water shales, whereas
Nevertheless, we kept the median size at 15 BCFG, because
southwest of Houston, it is made up of laminated carbonate
the geologic model indicates that the undiscovered fields will
mudstones that are known producers in other areas. Lower
probably be isolated and relatively small. Cretaceous rocks—composed of deltaic clastic components
Mean estimates of undiscovered resources for the and shallow-marine shelf carbonates northwest of the shelf
Navarro-Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil Assessment Unit are edge—also grade into organic shales southeast of the shelf
6.88 MMBO, 505.63 BCFG, and 10.82 MMBNGL (table 2). edge, making them possible sources of hydrocarbons. As
Table 2 also shows a resource breakdown into the F95, F50, noted previously in this report, in the Laredo area, pelagic
and F5 fractiles. The potential for future oil discoveries is con shales that encase turbidite reservoirs are also potential source
sidered to be low on the basis of the maturity of exploration rocks, as are deeply buried Eocene strata about which little is
for oil in updip areas and the lack of discoveries since 1981. yet known.
On the other hand, we consider the potential to be favorable
for future gas discoveries in turbidite sandstones, especially in
downdip parts of the assessment unit. Maturity
In the Mobil well in Jasper County, (1) the Austin and
Navarro-Taylor Slope-Basin Gas Assessment Eagle Ford Groups generated oil from 42 to 28 Ma and gas
from 14 Ma to the present, and (2) the Smackover Formation
Unit (AU 50470205) generated oil from 117 to 103 Ma and gas from 52 to 41 Ma
(Lewan, 2002). Similar maturities and times of hydrocarbon
The Navarro-Taylor Slope-Basin Gas Assessment Unit is
generation probably also apply to areas within this assessment
an arcuate area some 400 mi long and 30–40 mi wide, extend unit.
ing from central Zapata County to the eastern Texas State
line (fig. 10) and containing approximately 9 million acres,
which makes it the second largest assessment unit within the Migration
Smackover–Austin–Eagle Ford Composite Total Petroleum
The Wilcox fault zone (fig. 4) consists of individual faults
System. Except for the southwest end of the assessment unit,
that mainly sole out into Tertiary or Upper Cretaceous rocks
the updip boundary is drawn along the Early Cretaceous shelf
(Ewing, 1991). However, some faults may extend deeper, at
edge. Potential reservoir rocks were identified in southern least into Lower Cretaceous rocks (Ewing, 1991), and these
Tyler County about 30 mi southeast of the shelf edge, so the could form migration pathways from Austin and Eagle Ford
downdip boundary of the assessment unit was projected this source rocks into the Upper Cretaceous reservoirs. Fractures
same distance southeastward from the shelf edge. The central within the Austin are probably not as well developed in the
part of the southeast boundary was also drawn to coincide with basin-slope area compared to areas farther updip, in that the
the downdip limit of Smackover carbonate rocks (fig. 10). updip strata are composed of more brittle carbonate facies.
This assessment unit is hypothetical, in that there is no Faults are not known to extend downward far enough to cut
existing production from the Taylor or Navarro Groups. It was the Smackover Formation.
defined because of the likely presence of source rocks and
reservoirs and because certain comparisons can be made with
the Navarro-Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil Assessment Unit. Reservoirs
Projected depths of reservoir rocks range from about 12,000 Wells having recorded formation tops for the undivided
to nearly 23,000 ft; thus we think that mainly gas would be Navarro and Taylor Groups are in the northeast part of the
produced. There have been a few wildcat wells drilled along assessment unit, mainly in San Jacinto, Polk, Jasper, and
the shelf edge, all of them dry holes. The events chart (fig. 11) Newton Counties (IHS Energy Group, 2003b). In the Navarro-
shows the elements of the geologic model that describe this Taylor Downdip Gas and Oil Assessment Unit, the Navarro
assessment unit. Key features are summarized in the following was identified in wells in southern Webb and northern Zapata
sections. Counties, downdip of the Early Cretaceous shelf edge (Bain,
Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources, Navarro and Taylor Groups 37

2003). In the AWP field (fig. 9), the Olmos Formation was especially along the northwestern boundary of the assessment
interpreted as deposited along and downdip of the Early unit.
Cretaceous shelf edge (Dennis, 1987). We anticipate that more
detailed exploration along and downdip from the shelf edge
will lead to recognition of Navarro and Taylor sandstones in Comparison of Results of 1995 and 2003
more basin-slope areas. Assessments
A comparison between the 1995 and 2003 USGS
Traps and Seals resource estimates for the Upper Cretaceous rocks of the
Western Gulf Province shows an appreciable change in the
In the Laredo area (fig. 10), thin, porous Navarro turbidite estimated size of the undiscovered resource. In 1995, Schenk
sandstones pinch out into pelagic shales (Bain, 2003). Reser and Viger (1996) estimated a total mean undiscovered oil and
voir sandstones in the Olmos Formation also pinch out into gas resource of 270.3 MMBO and 826 BCFG for three con
deep-basin shales in the downdip part of the AWP field (Den ventional plays in the Upper Cretaceous Navarro and Taylor
nis, 1987). We think that these types of traps and seals formed Groups in the Western Gulf Province. A fourth play—the
along the shelf edge in many additional locations. Upper Cretaceous Volcanic Mounds Oil and Gas Play—was
This assessment unit was assessed by using the method not assessed because no fields exceeded the minimum size
ology for conventional accumulations because of anticipated
of 1 MMBOE. In 2003, a mean resource of 33.3 MMBO and
similarities to the permeable turbidite reservoirs in the Laredo 1,683 BCFG was estimated for the five assessment units we
area. Additional exploratory data might show that the area has have discussed.
features characteristic of continuous accumulations. Even considering differences in methodology, the 2003
estimates reflect a notable change of thinking in the 10 years
Estimated Resources since the 1995 assessment. During that 10-year period,
cumulative oil and gas production for all of the Upper Creta
Although no fields have been discovered, the assessment ceous reservoirs associated with the plays assessed in 1995
unit was considered to have adequate reservoirs, traps, and amounted to 5 MMBO and 243 BCFG. This 10-year cumu
seals and a capability for generating hydrocarbons that could lative production profile represents only 1.8 percent of the
lead to one or more undiscovered accumulations (see Klett and undiscovered oil but nearly 30 percent of the undiscovered gas
Le, this CD-ROM). estimated in 1995. The production data indicate that addi
On the basis of this perceived potential, we estimate the tions to oil reserves estimates in 1995 were overly optimistic.
numbers for undiscovered gas accumulations to be (1) a mini In 2003, an order-of-magnitude less of undiscovered oil was
mum of 1, in view of the hypothetical nature of the assessment estimated for the equivalent assessment units, whereas gas
unit; (2) a maximum of 100, based on the assessment unit’s estimates were higher by a factor of two. These changes reflect
large areal extent; and (3) a mode of 35, because of a limiting a shift in perception from an abundance of oil to an abundance
factor imposed by the particular kinds of strata involved. The of gas. Much of the difference in the gas estimate (an addi
potential for undiscovered accumulations is not equally dis tional 925 BCFG) reflects the addition of a new assessment
tributed throughout the assessment unit because of preferential unit, the Navarro-Taylor Slope-Basin Gas Assessment Unit, a
sandstone development in the Maverick Basin rather than in hypothetical gas assessment unit not identified in 1995.
areas affected by the San Marcos arch.
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