G8, 1.3 Energy Resources
G8, 1.3 Energy Resources
G8, 1.3 Energy Resources
Renewable Energy Resource: A source of energy that is continually being replaced. Renewable
energy resources are replaced in a relatively short period of time.
Non- Renewable Energy Resource: A resource of energy that takes millions of years to form
and therefore cannot be replaced when it runs out.
1. Renewable 2. Non-renewable
wave coal
solar gas
tidal oil
wind nuclear
Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the
sun’s heat. This process makes much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere.
Explain how each of the following energy resources is dependent on the Sun.
Coal: The energy stored in coal and oil started from the Sun, because coal and oil started as
plants and animals. These plants and animals would not have existed without energy from the
Wind Energy: When the Earth's surface absorbs the sun's energy, it turns the light into heat.
This heat on the Earth's surface warms the air creating the convection currents that cause wind.
Wave Energy: Wave energy is actually a concentrated form of solar power generated by the
action of the wind blowing across the surface of the oceans water which can then be used as
a renewable source of energy. As the sun rays strike the Earth's atmosphere, they warm it up.
The advantages and disadvantages of (1) renewable energy resource and (2) non-renewable
energy resource.
Solar 1. No fuel costs 2. does not produce 1.only available in the daytime in good
carbon dioxide. 3. can be used for weather.2. solar cells are expansive. 3.
heating or for generating electricity 4. need thousands of square meters 4.
renewable energy resource Sun does not shine always
Wind 1. No fuel costs. 2. does not produce 1. Wind is not always available. 2. Wind
carbon dioxide. 3. no waste product. turbines spoil the view and kill the
birds.3. have noise pollution
Waves 1. no fuel costs. 2. does not produce 1. Only available when there are large
carbon dioxide. waves. 2. needs large areas of sea to be
covered with generators.
Tidal 1. No fuel costs. 2. does not produce 1. Expensive barrage or turbines need
carbon dioxide. 3. available at to be built. 2. barrages may affect
predictable times. wildlife.
Hydroelectric 1.No fuel cost. 2. does not produce 1. can only be used where there is a
greenhouse gases. 3. continuously good rain. 2.large area of water
available trapped behind the dam causes
flooding and changes the habitat of
wildlife.3. houses may be flooded and
the people will have to move.
Geothermal 1. No fuel cost. 2. does not produce 1. can use in some countries, for
pollution. 3. clean and no waste example Iceland, America, Indonesia,
product. 4. available continuously New Zealand, Japan 2. high cost for
electricity3. Greenhouse gas below
earth’s surface can rise to the surface.
Fossil Fuels
(Coal, Oil,
Natural gas)
Reading Assignment