Brain Drain
Brain Drain
Brain Drain
Brain drain refers to the emigration of highly skilled or educated individuals from one
country to another. Advantages:
- Brain drain can lead to increased economic growth in the receiving country as
highly skilled individuals can contribute to innovation, research and development,
and entrepreneurship.
- Brain drain can also result in remittances, which are funds sent back to the home
country by individuals working abroad. These funds can contribute to the home
country's economy.
- The emigration of highly skilled individuals can create job opportunities for those
left behind, as they may need to be replaced.Disadvantages:
- Brain drain can result in a loss of human capital and talent from the home country,
which can slow down economic development and growth.
- The emigration of highly skilled individuals can also lead to a shortage of skilled
workers in certain sectors, such as healthcare or education, which can negatively
impact the quality of services provided.
- Brain drain can also contribute to social and political instability, as the loss of skilled
individuals can lead to a lack of leadership and expertise in certain areas. It is worth
noting that brain drain is a complex issue and its impact can vary depending on the
specific circumstances of each case.
The advantages of brain drain are usually advantages of an individual. Brain drain helps
the individual more than the society. Here are some advantages of the brain drain :
1. It allows excess number of highly skilled people to find well paying job
opportunities outside their native country. That way other skilled people of the
native country will find opportunities in their own nation. This is particularly true
in India. About a couple of decades before, there were a lot of highly educated
but jobless people. With some of them having gone outside of India for work,
the locals are able to get that work. This way, it helps reduce the percentage of
jobless people in India.
2. The income from the emigrated people comes back to the native country as
overseas remittances. India is recipient of the highest amount of foreign
currency coming in as remittances from NRIs.
3. It helps improve the education and infrastructure in the native country, which in
turn develops country further, because the native country realizes the value of
well educated people. In India, it helped spur the growth of software education.