2324 Mil Met15 Atg
2324 Mil Met15 Atg
2324 Mil Met15 Atg
Prerequisite Content-knowledge:
● Media and Information Languages
● Visual Media
● Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and Information
Prerequisite Skill:
● evaluates everyday media and information with regard to codes, conventions, and messages with the audience, producers, and other stakeholders
● comprehends how visual information and media are formally and informally produced, organized, and disseminated
● demonstrates ethical use of information
Prerequisites Assessment:
SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS. For the prerequisites assessment, the teacher-trainees provide with a situational question: This BTS Dynamite Group Retro shirt is being sold at an intimate fan
convention, where only the members of the local BTS Army (the name of the fan group) are invited. The seller is a concessionaire in the convention, which means that its primary intention for
selling the shirt is for profit.
1. Are there any legal and ethical concerns regarding the use of the BTS photo printed on a shirt and being sold for a profit? Defend your answer.
2. How do you find the overall visual quality of this shirt? What textual and/ or visual elements work and do not work for you? Explain your answer.
This assessment can be accomplished using online discussion boards, pen and paper, and other modalities in either text, audio, or video formats where teacher-trainees can provide short
Evidence of Understanding
The issue on data privacy has been identified as a legal and ethical
2. For teacher-trainees with Fairly Sufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):
● reading activities (digital or printed for those with limited access to digital resources)
o http://unesco.mil-for-teachers.unaoc.org/modules/module-4/
● The teacher-trainees are provided with a handout that contains key concepts and terminologies from the identified pre-requisite lessons and supplemental videos.
1. Time frame the teacher-trainer is expected to finish learning the lesson (and where to contact the trainer when concerns arise).
The one (1) hour and forty-five (45) minutes is dedicated to the pre-requisite assessment, pre-lesson remediation, and the delivery of the lesson chunk that needs to be emphasized with
the teacher-trainers. Fifteen (15) minutes is allotted for processing and synthesis.
Online. Teacher-trainees can communicate with their teacher via Google Classroom or Onsite. Teacher-trainees can communicate with the trainer during the sessions and
email. breaks.
2. The knowledge (RUA) the teacher-trainees are expected to gain from learning the topic/lesson
● identify and describe different types of motion media and their use
● identify and describe the organic elements and principles of motion media and analyze how they are utilized to communicate the message
● exhibit adequate ability to produce motion media text in an effective and efficient manner
3. The context where the teacher-trainees are going to apply their learning (In what PAA/EAA and personal use?)
● EAA/PAA: Storyboard
● Reading and critiquing motion media texts in various types that they encounter in their daily lives and using this form of media effectively in communicating their message
Teacher-trainees’ Experiential Learning: (Note: Use the Flexible Learning Activity Identified for the topic/lesson relative to the General Enabling Teaching Strategy)
NOTE: The trainer organizes the answers in a graphic organizer to illustrate the differences and similarities of the different types of motion media.
The learners may provide their responses during synchronous online or face-to-face discussions and through online discussion boards and offline modules, depending on their access to learning
and learning style.
Activity #2: Guided Motion Media Analysis (The activity utilizes a worksheet.)
1. From the same motion media samples, the teacher-trainees answer the following questions:
● What are the things you see and/ or hear from the sample? Try to describe them in terms of their appearance and quality.
● What did you feel upon viewing the sample?
*The trainer provides a discussion on the elements of motion media based on the responses of the teacher-trainees. The discussion can be organized using the table below:
Things they see/hear What they felt Technical Terms and Descriptions
- The scenes are dark. - I felt scared. - Cinematography (heavy use of backlighting and hard light)
The same process can be done in online training through remote shooting principles and concepts that are applicable and feasible to be accomplished in a video-conferencing platform like
In this module, we have learned that Motion Media comes in different forms that serve various purposes. A motion media text is comprised of literary, dramatic, and visual elements that have
inherent meanings when put together to communicate a message. The process of producing motion media can be organized into four different phases: pre-production, principal photography,
post-production, and distribution. Understanding and applying the basic principles of these production phases may ensure quality and effective output.
Synthesis Activity
The teacher-trainees will be asked to:
● Mention a motion media type that you find most effective in conveying message and affecting audience in today’s context. Explain briefly.
● Mention a motion media element you find most powerful in conveying message and affecting audience. Explain briefly.
● Give one word to capture your level of understanding of the content of the module.
Additional Instructions:
● This is to be performed by groups. Each member of the group must be assigned to a role: (1) Producer, (2) Writer, (3) Director, (4) Production Designer, (5) Cinematographer, (6) Sound
mixer (who is also expected to edit the group’s output), (7) Actors.
● The members are expected to perform the tasks specific to their roles. You are highly encouraged to take on the role that matches your skills and interests.
● The Producer and the Director must lead in the preparation of the Pre-production Matrix below before proceeding to the actual shoot as part. However, everyone is expected to
participate in the brainstorming.
Alternative: Teacher-trainerswho may have difficulties in accessing digital tools may choose to submit a pre-production matrix and at least five (5) film stills or two (2) film scene illustrations,
which they will work on individually or with up to 3 members.
Based on the performance of the teacher-learners on the RUA, identify which of the chunks or objectives the learners lack. Provide them with necessary supplementary reading or audio-
visual materials (depending on the modality) to ensure their understanding of the lesson.
Let the teacher-trainees watch the exemplar outputs of their co-trainees from the 1-minute Mobile Filmmaking activity. Make the teacher-trainees discuss what made those exemplary
products engaging and effective.
Guide Question:
What are the aspects of the film that catch your attention? What are the elements that effectively convey the film’s intention?
Film Elements
● Bordwell, & Thompson, K. (2013). Film art : an introduction (Tenth edition, McGraw-Hill International edition, International Student edition.). McGraw Hill.
Camera Movement
● https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-use-dolly-shots-to-transform-your-film#how-to-use-a-dolly-shot
● https://www.wix.com/blog/photography/types-of-shots
● https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/what-is-a-storyboard/
Framing and composition
● https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/rules-of-shot-composition-in-film/#2-rule-of-thirds