Eura EP66 Manual
Eura EP66 Manual
Eura EP66 Manual
I. Product ……………………………………………………………….. … 1
1.1 Product model naming rule…………………………………… 1
1.2 Optional function naming rule………………………………… 1
1.3 Nameplate……..……………………………………………… 2
1.4 Appearance…………….……………………………………… 2
1.5 Technical Specifications ……………………………………… 3
1.6 Designed Standards for Implementation……………………… 4
1.7 Safe Instructions……………………………………………… 4
1.8 Precautions…………………………………………………… 5
1.9 Examination and Maintenance…………………………..…… 7
II. Keypad panel……………………………………………………….. 8
2.1 Panel Illustrations……………………………………………… 8
2.2 Panel Structure………………………………………………. … 9
2.3 Panel Operating ……………………………………………… 10
2.4 Parameters Setting …………………………………………… 10
2.5 Function Codes Switchover In/Between Code-Groups…..…… 11
2.6 Panel Display ………………………………………………… 12
III. Installation & Connection ………………………………………………14
3.1 Installation……………………………………………………… 14
3.2 Connection …………………………………………………… 14
3.3 Measurement of main circuit…………………………………… 15
3.4 Function of Control Terminals……………………………………17
3.5 Wiring Recommended………………………………………… 20
3.6 Lead Section Area of Protect Conductor(grounding wire) …… 20
3.7 Overall connection………………………………………………21
3.8 Basic methods of suppressing the noise …………………………22
IV. Operation and Simple Running ……………………………………… 27
I. Product
This manual offers a brief introduction of the installation connection for EP66 series
inverters, parameters setting and operations, and should therefore be properly kept. Please
contact manufacturer or dealer in case of any malfunction during application.
EP66 - 0007 T3 I1
I2 Hanging type
Input power type:
S2 means single-phase 230VAC
T2 means three-phase 230VAC
T3 means three-phase 400 VAC
Motor power
Product series
U5 F2 AD01 G1B1 R3
Mark Filter type
None None
R3 C3 level filter
1.3 Nameplate
Taking for instance the EP66
series 0.75kW inverter with EURA DRIVES ELECTRIC CO., LTD
3-phase input, its nameplate is Function
MODEL EP66-0007T3I1 AD01B1R3
illustrated as Fig 1-1. Symbol
1Ph: single-phase input; 230V, INPUT AC 3PH 380~480V+10/-15% 50/60Hz
50/60Hz: input voltage range and 3PH 0.75KW 2.0A 0~INPUT
rated frequency. OUTPUT
3Ph: 3-phase output; 4.5A, 0.50~650.0Hz
1.4 Appearance
The external structure of EP66 series inverter is classified into plastic and metal housings.
Wall hanging type and cabinet type are adopted. Good poly-carbon materials are adopted
through die-stamping for plastic housing with nice form, good strength and toughness.
Taking EP66-0007T3 for instance, the external appearance and structure are shown as in
below Fig.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Keypad Cover Radiator Screw Vent Cable gland Fan
1 2 3 4
Cable Inverter Remote keypad Waterproof connector
Output frequency, rotate-speed (rpm/min), output current, output voltage, DC bus voltage, PID
Display feedback value, PID setting value, linear-velocity, types of faults, and parameters for the
system and operation; LED indicators showing the current working status of inverter.
In harsh conditions, prevent dust of other thing from
Equipment Location entering inverter totally. Completely protected against jets
of water and heavy waves. Meeting EN 60529 standard.
Environment Environment Temperature -10℃~+40℃
Conditions Environment Humidity Below 95% (no water-bead coagulation)
Vibration Strength Below 0.5g (acceleration)
Height above sea level 1000m or below
1.8 Precautions
1.8.1 Instructions for use
Never touch the internal elements within 15 minutes after power off. Wait till it
is completely discharged.
Input terminals L1/R, L2/S and L3/T are connected to power supply of
400V/230V (L1, L2 are connected to 230V) while output terminals U, V and W
are connected to motor.
Proper grounding should be ensured with grounding resistance not exceeding
4Ω; separate grounding is required for motor and inverter. Grounding with
series connection is forbidden.
There should be separate wiring between control loop and power loop to avoid
any possible interference.
Signal line should not be too long to avoid any increase with common mode
If circuit breaker or contactor needs to be connected between the drive and the
motor, be sure to operate these circuit breakers or contactor when the drive has
no output, to avoid damaging of drive.
Before using the drive, the insulation of the motors must be checked, especially, if it
is used for the first time or if it has been stored for a long time. This is to reduce the
risk of the drive from being damaged by the poor insulation of the motor.
Do not connect any varistor or capacitor to the output terminals of the drive, because
the drive‘s output voltage waveform is pulse wave, otherwise tripping or damaging
of components may occur; in addition, do not install circuit breaker or contactor at
the output side of the drive as shown in Fig 1-6.
Inverter M
( m)
1000 2000 3000
Fig 1-7 Derating Drive’s output current with altitude
Fig 1-7 Derating drive‘s output current with altitude
All safety covers should be well fixed before inverter is power connected, to
avoid any electric shock.
Only professional personnel are allowed for any maintenance, checking or
replacement of parts.
No live-line work is allowed.
1.9 Maintenance
1.9.1 Periodic checking
Cooling fan and wind channel should be cleaned regularly to check whether it is
normal; remove the dust accumulated in the inverter on a regular basis.
Check inverter‘s input and output wiring and wiring terminals regularly and
check if wirings are ageing.
Check whether screws on each terminals are fastened.
Check whether inverter is corrosive.
1.9.2 Storage
Please put the inverter in the packing case of manufacture.
If inverter is stored for long time, please charge the inverter within half a year
to prevent the electrolytic capacitors damaged. The charging time should be
longer than 5 hours.
Operation guidance
FWD/REV indicator.
Four-line LCD and segment LCD are only suitable for IP66 series inverters.
Pins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 core Reserved 5V Grounding Grounding Signal 1 Signal 2 Signal 3 Signal 4
FUN Fun To call function code and switch over display mode.
SET Set To call and save data.
Stop or reset To stop inverter; to reset in fault status;
FWD Forward or
Switchover between forward and reverse.
REV reverse
Multi-functional Communication
input/output terminal F300~F330 3 F900~F930 9
Analog signals and
pulse of input/output F400~F480 4 PID parameter setting FA00~FA80 10
As parameters setting costs time due to numerous function codes, such function is specially designed as
―Function Code Switchover in a Code Group or between Two Code-Groups‖ so that parameters setting
become convenient and simple.
The operation of segment LCD:
Press ―Fun‖ key so that the keypad controller will display function code. If press ―▲‖ or ―▼‖ key then,
function code will circularly keep increasing or decreasing by degrees within the group; if press <<
key, function code will change circularly between two code groups when operating the ―▲‖ or ―▼‖ key.
Press ▲or
F1-00~FC-00 can be ▼key 1 in F1-00 is
displayed. flashing.
The operation of four-line LCD:
When function code shows F100 and the last ―0‖ in F100 is flashing, after pressing << key, the middle
―0‖ is flashing, then press << again, ―1‖ in F100 is flashing, the flashing value can be changed by
pressing ―▲‖/―▼‖ key.
Press key Press▲or
The first “1”in F 101 changes into ▼ key 0 in F101 is
F111 is flashing. F111/F121/F131 „ flashing.
Press ▲or
Press SET key
To set the function
F111 changes into
code value, or
F211/F311/F411 „ change it.
Holding time when changing the running direction. When ―Stop‖ or ―Free Stop‖
command is executed, the holding time can be canceled
Output current (100A) and output voltage (100V). Keep one digit of decimal when
current is below 100A.
b*.* PID feedback value is displayed.
3.1 Installation
Inverter should be installed vertically, as shown in Fig 3-1. Sufficient ventilation space should be ensured in
its surrounding. Clearance dimensions (recommended) are available from Table 3-1 for installing the
Table 3-1 Clearance Dimensions A
Model Clearance Dimensions
Hanging A≥150mm B≥50mm B
3.2 Connection
Connect R/L1, S/L2 and T/L3 terminals (L1/R and A
L2/S terminals for single-phase) with power source from Fig 3-1 Installation Sketch
network and to earthing, U, V and W terminals to motor.
Motor shall have to be ground connected. Or else electrified motor causes interference.
For inverter power lower than 15kW, braking cell is also built-in. If the load inertia is moderate,
it is Ok to only connect braking resistance.
PE/ L1 L2 P/+ B U V W
Braking 3-phase output
Power terminals sketch of inverter with 3-phase 230V 0.4-2.2KW.
PE/ L 1 L2 L3 P/+ B U V W
Braking 3-phase output
Input ~400V Braking resistor
Note: power terminals L1, L2 of single-phase 230V 0.4-2.2kW are connected to 230V of power grid;
(The figure is only sketch, terminals order of practical products may be different from the above-mentioned
Introduction of terminals of power loop
Terminals Terminal Function Description
Power Input R/L1, S/L2, Input terminals of three-phase 400V AC voltage (R/L1 and S/L2
Terminal T/L3 terminals for single-phase)
Output Terminal U, V, W Inverter power output terminal, connected to motor.
PE/ Inverter grounding terminal.
External braking resistor (Note: no Terminals P or B for inverter
P, B
without built-in braking unit).
P, - DC bus-line output
Rest Terminal
Externally connected to braking unit
P, - P connected to input terminal ―P‖ or ―DC+‖ of braking unit,
- connected to input terminal of braking unit ―N‖ or ―DC-‖.
Wiring for control loop as follows:
TA TB TC 24V CM DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 DI5 DI6 DO1 10V AI1 AI2 AO1 GND +5V A+ B-
Power supply side Calculate after measuring power supply voltage, power supply side current and
power factor Pf1 P1
Pf 1 100 %
power supply side power.[Three phase power supply] 3V 1 I1
Output side power Calculate in similar manner to power supply side power factor:
factor Pf2 P2
Pf 2 100 %
3V 2 I 2
K2 DI2
K6 DI6 board
DI6 board
If digital input control terminals are connected by drain electrode, please turn the toggle switch to the
end of “PNP”. Wiring for control terminals as follows:
3. Wiring for positive drain electrode (PNP mode)
K1 DI1
DI2 Inverter
K6 DI6
controller CM
Wiring by source electrode is a mode most in use at present. Wiring for control terminal is connected
Lead section area S of U,V,W (mm2) Minimum lead section area S of E (mm2)
S≤16 S
16<S≤35 16
35<S S/2
1. Please only connect power terminals L1/R and L2/S with power grid for single-phase inverters.
2. Remote-control panels are connected with 8 core telephone wire. 485 communication port is on the control terminals.
3. 485 communication port has built-in standard MODBUS communication protocol. The terminal sequence is GND,
+5V, A+, B-.
4. Inverter has 6 multifunctional input terminals DI1~DI6.
5. The contact capacity of inverter is 10A/125VAC, 5A/250VAC and 5A/30VDC.
Generally, the control cables should be shielded cables and the shielding metal net must be connected to the metal
enclosure of the drive by cable clamps.
3.8.3 Earthing
Independent earthing poles (best) Shared earthing pole (good)
F602 t
F604 F605
R A+ B-
Communication Interface
L1 L2
Freuency-conversion switch T
M1 M2
1. In order to reduce the earthing resistance, flat cable should be used because the high frequency impedance
of flat cable is smaller than that of round cable with the same CSA.
2. If the earthing poles of different equipment in one system are connected together, then the leakage current will be a
noise source that may disturb the whole system. Therefore, the drive‘s earthing pole should be separated with the
earthing pole of other equipment such as audio equipment, sensors and PC, etc.
3. Earthing cables should be as far away from the I/O cables of the equipment that is sensitive to noise, and also should
be as short as possible.
3.8.4 Leakage current
Leakage current may flow through the drive‘s input and output capacitors and the motor‘s capacitor. The leakage current
value is dependent on the distributed capacitance and carrier wave frequency. The leakage current includes ground
leakage current and the leakage current between lines.
Ground leakage current
The ground leakage current can not only flow into the drive system, but also other equipment via earthing cables. It may
cause the leakage current circuit breaker and relays falsely activated. The higher the drive‘s carrier wave frequency, the
bigger the leakage current, also, the longer the motor cable, the greater the leakage current,
Suppressing methods:
Reduce the carrier wave frequency, but the motor noise may be louder;
Motor cables should be as short as possible;
The drive and other equipment should use leakage current circuit breaker designed for protecting the product
against high-order harmonics/surge leakage current;
Leakage current between lines
The line leakage current flowing through the distribution capacitors of the drive out side may cause the thermal relay
falsely activated, especially for the drive whose power is lower than 7.5kW. When the cable is longer than 50m, the
ratio of leakage current to motor rated current may be increased that can cause the wrong action of external thermal
relay very easily.
Suppressing methods:
Reduce the carrier wave frequency, but the motor noise may become louder;
Install reactor at the output side of the drive.
In order to protect the motor reliably, it is recommended to use a temperature sensor to detect the motor‘s temperature,
and use the drive‘s over-load protection device (electronic thermal relay) instead of an external thermal relay.
3.8.5 Electrical installation of the drive
S Power switch
R A+ B-
S Communication interface
Frequency-conversion switch
Run automatically MC2
Linefrequency switch CM S3
F AO1 TC Run manually S2
Frequency given KA2
10V HL4
AI2 Run automatically KA2 MC2 MC3
Pressure sensor S5
M1 M2
·Motor cable should be earthed at the drive side, if possible, the motor and drive should be earthed separately;
·Motor cable and control cable should be shielded . The shield must be earthed and avoid entangling at cable end to
improve high frequency noise immunity.
·Assure good conductivity among plates, screw and metal case of the drive; use tooth-shape washer and conductive
installation plate;
3.8.6 Application of Power Line Filter
Power source filter should be used in the equipment that may generate strong EMI or the equipment that is sensitive to
the external EMI. The power source filter should be a two-way low pass filter through which only 50Hz current can
flow and high frequency current should be rejected.
Function of power line filter
The power line filter ensures the equipment can satisfy the conducting emission and conducting sensitivity in EMC
standard. It can also suppress the radiation of the equipment.
Common mistakes in using power cable filter
1. Too long power cable
The filter inside the cabinet should be located near to the input power source. The length of the power cables should be as
short as possible.
2. The input and output cables of the AC supply filter are too close
The distance between input and output cables of the filter should be as far apart as possible, otherwise the high frequency
noise may be coupled between the cables and bypass the filter. Thus, the filter will become ineffective.
3. Bad earthing of filter
The filter‘s enclosure must be earthed properly to the metal case of the drive. In order to be earthed well, make use of a
special earthing terminal on the filter‘s enclosure. If you use one cable to connect the filter to the case, the earthing is
useless for high frequency interference. When the frequency is high, so is the impedance of cable, hence there is little
bypass effect. The filter should be mounted on the enclosure of equipment. Ensure to clear away the insulation paint
between the filter case and the enclosure for good earthing contact.
match standard motor stator resistance parameters according to these parameters indicated on the nameplate.
To achieve better control performance, the user may start the inverter to measure the motor stator resistance
parameters, so as to obtain accurate parameters of the motor controlled.
The motor parameters can be tuned through function code F800.
For example: If the parameters indicated on the nameplate of the motor controlled are as follows: numbers of
motor poles are 4; rated power is 7.5kW; rated voltage is 400V; rated current is 15.4A; rated frequency is
50.00HZ; and rated rotary speed is 1440rpm, operation process of measuring the parameters shall be done as
described in the following:
In accordance with the above motor parameters, set the values of F801 to F805 correctly: set the value of
F801 = 7.5, F802 = 400, F803 = 15.4, F804 = 4 and F805 = 1440 respectively.
2. In order to ensure dynamic control performance of the inverter, set F800=1, i.e. select rotating tuning.
Make sure that the motor is disconnected from the load. Press the ―Run‖ key on the keypad, and the
inverter will display ―TEST‖, and it will tune the motor‘s parameters of two stages. After that, the motor
will accelerate according to the acceleration time set at F114 and maintain for a certain period. The speed
of motor will then decelerate to 0 according to the time set at F115. After auto-checking is completed,
relevant parameters of the motor will be stored in function codes F806~F809, and F800 will turn to 0
3. If it is impossible to disconnect the motor from the load, select F800=2, i.e. stationary tuning. Press the
―Run‖ key, the inverter will display ―TEST‖, and it will tune the motor‘s parameters of two stages. The
motor‘s stator resistance, rotor resistance and leakage inductance will be stored in F806-F808
automatically, and F800 will turn to 0 automatically. The user may also calculate and input the motor‘s
mutual inductance value manually according to actual conditions of the motor.
Make sure to input the parameters indicated on the motor See description of
nameplate correctly, and study the parameters of the motor. The parameter group
Inputting the parameters users shall check carefully, otherwise, serious problems may F800~F830
arise during running. Before initial running with vector control
indicated on the motor‘s
mode, carry out tuning of motor parameters, to obtain accurate
nameplate correctly, and electric parameters of the motor controlled. Before carrying out
measuring the motor‘s tuning of the parameters, make sure to disconnect the motor
parameters. from mechanical load, to make the motor under entirely no load
status. It is prohibited to measure the parameters when the
motor is at a running status.
Set the parameters of the inverter and the motor correctly, which See description of
mainly include target frequency, upper and lower frequency limits, parameter group.
Setting running control
acceleration/deceleration time, and direction control command, etc.
parameters The user can select corresponding running control mode according
to actual applications.
With the motor under no load, start the inverter with the keypad or See Chapter Ⅳ.
control terminal. Check and confirm running status of the drive system.
Motor‘s status: stable running, normal running, correct rotary direction,
normal acceleration/deceleration process, free from abnormal vibration,
Checking under
abnormal noise and foreign flavor.
no load Inverter‘ status: normal display of the data on keypad panel, normal
running of the fan, normal acting sequence of the relay, free from the
abnormalities like vibration or noise.
In case of any abnormality, stop and check the inverter immediately.
After successful test run under no load, connect the load of
drive system properly. Start the inverter with the keypad or
control terminal, and increase the load gradually. When the load
Checking under with is increased to 50% and 100%, keep the inverter run for a
load period respectively, to check if the system is running normally.
Carry out overall inspection over the inverter during running, to
check if there is any abnormality. In case of any abnormality,
stop and check the inverter immediately.
Check if the motor is running stably, if the rotary direction of
the motor is correct, if there is any abnormal vibration or noise
when the motor is running, if the acceleration/deceleration
Checking during process of the motor is stable, if the output status of the inverter
running and the display of keypad panel is correct, if the blower fan is
run normally, and if there is any abnormal vibration or noise. In
case of any abnormality, stop the inverter immediately, and
check it after switching off the power supply.
4.3 Illustration of basic operation
Illustration of inverter basic operation: we hereafter show various basic control operation processes by taking
a 7.5kW inverter that drives a 7.5kW three-phase asynchronous AC motor as an example.
The parameters indicated on the nameplate of the motor are as follows: 4 poles; rated power, 7.5kW; rated
voltage, 400V; rated current, 15.4A; rated frequency 50.00HZ; and rated rotary speed, 1440rpm.
4.3.1 Operation process of frequency setting, start, forward running and stop with keypad
(1) Connect the wires in accordance with Figure 4-1. After having checked the wiring successfully, switch on
the air switch, and power on the inverter.
(2) Press the ―Fun‖ key, to enter the programming menu.
(3) Measure the parameters of the motor
Function Values
code F800 1(2)
F801 7.5
F802 400
F803 15.4
F805 1440
Press the ―Run‖ key, to measure the parameters of the motor. After completion of the tuning, the motor will
stop running, and relevant parameters will be stored in F806~F809. For the details of tuning of motor
parameters, please refer to ―Operation process of measuring the motor parameters‖ in this manual and
Chapter XII of this manual. (Note: F800=1 is rotating tuning, F800=2 is stationary tuning. In the mode of
rotating tuning, make sure to disconnect the motor from the load).
(4) Set functional parameters of the inverter:
Function code Values
F111 50.00
F200 0
F201 0
F202 0
F203 0
4.3.2 Operation process of setting the frequency with keypad panel, and starting,
forward and reverse running, and stopping inverter through control terminals
(1) Connect the wires in accordance with Figure 4-2. After having checked the wiring successfully,
switch on the air switch, and power on the inverter;
4.3.4 Operation process of setting the frequency with analog terminal and controlling
the operation with control terminals
(1) Connect the wires in accordance with Figure 4-3. After having checked the wiring successfully,
switch on the air switch, and power on the inverter. Note: 2K~5K potentiometer may be adopted for
setting external analog signals. For the cases with higher requirements for precision, please adopt precise
multiturn potentiometer, and adopt shielded wire for the wire connection, with near end of the shielding
layer grounded reliably.
+ - V J
1 2 S1 J5
Fig 4-6 Fig 4-7
Fig 4-4
Table 4-2
The Setting of Coding Switch and Parameters in the Mode of Analog Speed Control
F203=2, channel AI2 is selected F203=1, channel AI1 is selected
SW1 coding switch S1 toggle switch
Coding Switch 1 Coding Switch 2 Mode of Speed Control + -
OFF OFF 0~5V voltage 0~10V voltage -10~10V voltage
OFF ON 0~10V voltage
ON ON 0~20mA current
Setting of F423
AO1 output
0 1 2
V 0~5V 0~10V Reserved
I Reserved 0~20mA 4~20mA
V. Function Parameters
5.1 Basic parameters
F100 User‘s Password Setting range: 0~9999 Mfr‘s value: 8
·When F107=1 with valid password, the user must enter correct user‘s password after power on or fault reset
if you intend to change parameters. Otherwise, parameter setting will not be possible, and a prompt ―Err1‖
will be displayed.
Relating function code: F107 Password valid or not F108 Setting user‘s password
F102 Inverter‘s Rated Current (A) Mfr‘s value: Subject to inverter model
F103 Inverter Power (kW) Mfr‘s value: Subject to inverter model
·Rated current and rated power can only be checked but cannot be modified.
F105 Software Edition No. Setting range: 1.00~10.00 Mfr‘s value: Subject to inverter model
F107 Password Valid or Not Setting range: 0: invalid; 1: valid Mfr‘s value: 0
F108 Setting User‘s Password Setting range: 0~9999 Mfr‘s value: 8
·When F107 is set to 0, the function codes can be changed without inputting the password. When F107 is set
to 1, the function codes can be changed only after inputting the user‘s password by F100.
·The user can change ―User‘s Password‖. The operation process is the same as those of changing other
·Input the value of F108 into F100, and the user‘s password can be unlocked.
Note: When password protection is valid, and if the user‘s password is not entered, F108 will display 0.
F109 Starting Frequency (Hz) Setting range: 0.00~10.00 Mfr‘s value: 0.00
F110 Holding Time of Starting Frequency (S) Setting range: 0.0~999.9 Mfr‘s value: 0.0
·The inverter begins to run from the starting frequency. If the target frequency is lower than starting
frequency, F109 is invalid.
·The inverter begins to run from the starting frequency. After it keeps running at the starting frequency for the
time as set in F110, it will accelerate to target frequency. The holding time is not included in
acceleration/deceleration time.
·Starting frequency is not limited by the Min frequency set by F112. If the starting frequency set by F109 is
lower than Min frequency set by F112, inverter will start according to the setting parameters set by F109 and
F110. After inverter starts and runs normally, the frequency will be limited by frequency set by F111 and F112.
·Starting frequency should be lower than Max frequency set by F111.
Note: when speed track is adopted, F109 and F110 are invalid.
F111 Max Frequency (Hz) Setting range: F113~650.0 Mfr‘s value: 50.00
F112 Min Frequency (Hz) Setting range: 0.00~F113 Mfr‘s value: 0.50
·Max frequency is set by F111. Note: in SVC mode (F106=0), the max frequency should be lower than
·Min frequency is set by F112.
·The setting value of min frequency should be lower than target frequency set by F113.
·The inverter begins to run from the starting frequency. During inverter running, if the given frequency is
lower than min frequency, then inverter will run at min frequency until inverter stops or given frequency is
higher than min frequency.
Max/Min frequency should be set according to the nameplate parameters and running situations of motor. The
motor is forbidden running at low frequency for a long time, or else motor will be damaged because of overheat.
F113 Target Frequency (Hz) Setting range: F112~F111 Mfr‘s value: 50.00
·It shows the preset frequency. Under keypad speed control or terminal speed control mode, the inverter will
run to this frequency automatically after startup.
connecting DI terminal with CM terminal. Please refer to the instructions of multi-functional input terminals.
Note: when speed track is working, acceleration/deceleration time, min frequency and target frequency are invalid.
After speed track is finished, inverter will run to target frequency according to acceleration/deceleration time.
F118 Turnover Frequency (Hz) Setting range: 15.00~650.0 Mfr‘s value: 50.00Hz
·Turnover frequency is the final frequency of V/F curve, and also is the least frequency according to the
highest output voltage.
·When running frequency is lower than this value, inverter has constant-torque output. When running
frequency exceeds this value, inverter has constant-power output.
Note: during the process of speed track, turnover frequency is invalid. After speed track is finished, this
function code is valid.
Setting range: 0: 0~50.00Hz
F119 The reference of setting accel/decel time Mfr‘s value: 0
1: 0~max frequency
When F119=0, acceleration/ deceleration time means the time for inverter to accelerate/ decelerate from 0Hz
(50Hz) to 50Hz (0Hz).
When F119=1, acceleration/ deceleration time means the time for inverter to accelerate/ decelerate from 0Hz
(max frequency) to max frequency (0Hz).
F120 Forward / Reverse Switchover dead-Time (S) Setting range: 0.0~3000 Mfr‘s value: 0.00S
· Within ―forward/ reverse switchover dead-time‖, this latency time will be cancelled and the inverter will
switch to run in the other direction immediately upon receiving ―stop‖ signal. This function is suitable for all
the speed control modes except automatic cycle operation.
·This function can ease the current impact in the process of direction switchover.
Note: during the process of speed track, F120 is invalid. After speed track is finished, this function code is valid.
F122 Reverse Running Forbidden Setting range: 0: invalid; 1: valid Mfr‘s value: 0
When F122=1, inverter will only run forward no matter the state of terminals and the parameters set by F202.
Inverter will not run reverse and forward / reverse switchover is forbidden. If reverse signal is given, inverter will stop.
If reverse running locking is valid (F202=1), whatever speed track is valid or not, inverter has no output.
When F122=1,F613=1,F614≥2 and inverter gets forward running command and motor is sliding reverse, if inverter
can detect the sliding direction and track to motor speed, then inverter will run to 0.0Hz reverse, then run forward
according to the setting value of parameters.
F123 Minus frequency is valid in the mode of combined speed control. 0:Invalid;1:valid 0
·In the mode of combined speed control, if running frequency is minus and F123=0, inverter will run at 0Hz;
if F123=1, inverter will run reverse at this frequency. (This function is controlled by F122.)
F124 Jogging Frequency (Hz) Setting range: F112~F111 Mfr‘s value: 5.00Hz
F125 Jogging Acceleration Time (S) Setting range:
Mfr‘s value: subject to inverter model
F126 Jogging Deceleration Time (S) 0.1~3000
·There are two types of jogging: keypad
jogging and terminal jogging. Keypad Receiving jogging
jogging is valid only under stopped status f operation
operation instruction
Removing jogging
· Figure 5-1 Jogging Operation
·Jogging Deceleration Time: the time for inverter to decelerate from 50Hz to 0Hz.
·In case of terminal jogging, make ―jogging‖ terminal (such as DI1) connected to CM, and inverter will
run to jogging frequency. The rated function codes are from F316 to F321.
Note: when jogging function is valid, speed track function is invalid.
F127/F129 Skip Frequency A,B (Hz) Setting range: 0.00~650.0 Mfr‘s value:0.00Hz
Time (t)
·Selection of one value from 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 shows that only one specific display item is
selected. Should multiple display items be intended, add the values of the corresponding display items and
take the total values as the set value of F131, e.g., just set F131 to be 19 (1+2+16) if you want to call ―current
output rotary speed‖, ―output current‖ and ―PID feedback value‖. The other display items will be covered.
·As F131=8191, all display items are visible, of which, ―frequency/function-code‖ will be visible whether or
not it is selected.
·Should you intend to check any display item for segment LCD, just press the ―Fun‖ key for switchover.
·Should you intend to check any display item for four-line LCD, press ―Fun‖ key and press << key to
check them.
·Refer to the following table for each specific value unit and its indication:
·Whatever the value of F131 is set to, corresponding target frequency will flash under stopped status.
Target rotary speed is an integral number. If it exceeds 9999, add a decimal point to it.
Current display A *.* Voltage display U*** Count value **** Temperature H***
Linear speed L***. If it exceeds 999, add a decimal point to it. If it exceeds 9999, add two decimal
points to it, and the like.
PID given value o*.* PID feedback value b*.* Yarn length * center frequency *.**
output power *.* output torque *.*
Note: when count value is displayed and it exceeds 99999, only 5 digits are displayed and add a
decimal point to it, i.e. 123456 is displayed in the form of 12345. .
Setting range: 0: Frequency/function-code
2: Target rotary speed
4: PN voltage
Mfr‘s value:
F132 Display items of stop 8: PID feedback value
16: Temperature 32: Count values 0+2+4=6
64: PID given value 128: Yarn length
256: Center frequency 512: Setting torque
F133 Drive ratio of driven system Setting range: 0.10~200.0 Mfr‘s value: 1.00
Calculation of rotary speed and linear speed:
For example, If inverter‘s max frequency F111=50.00Hz, numbers of motor poles F804=4, drive ratio
F133=1.00, transmission-shaft radius R=0.05m, then
Transmission shaft perimeter: 2πr =2×3.14×0.05=0.314 (meter)
Transmission shaft rotary speed: 60× operation frequency/ (numbers of poles pairs × drive ratio)
=60×50/ (2×1.00) =1500rpm
Endmost linear speed: rotary speed × perimeter=1500×0.314=471(meters/second)
F136 Slip compensation Setting range: 0~10% Mfr‘s value: 0
·Under V/F controlling, rotary speed of motor rotor will decrease as load increases. Be assured that rotor
rotate speed is near to synchronization rotary speed while motor with rated load, slip compensation should be
adopted according to the setting value of frequency compensation.
Note: during the process of speed track, slip compensation function is invalid. After speed track is finished,
this function is valid.
Setting range:
0: Linear compensation;
F137 Modes of torque compensation 1: Square compensation; Mfr‘s value: 3
2: User-defined multipoint compensation
3: Auto torque compensation
Mfr‘s value:
subject to inverter
F138 Linear compensation Setting range: 1~20
F14042· Turnover
Fig 5-4 Torque Promotion
In the VVVF control mode, when F141=0, low-frequency torque is compensated according to the setting of
Please refer to the red line in above figure:
When F141≠0 and running frequency is lower than F140, output voltage will increase linearly.
When frequency is higher than F140, output voltage will increase according to the setting value of F141.
If the output voltage compensated by F137 is higher than the voltage compensated by F141, please
compensate the torque by setting F137.
Note: please do not set F141 too high, otherwise, inverter will trip into OL or OC.
F142 User-defined frequency point F2 Setting range: F140~F144 Mfr‘s value: 5.00
F143 User-defined voltage point V2 Setting range: 0~100% Mfr‘s value: 13
F144 User-defined frequency point F3 Setting range: F142~F146 Mfr‘s value: 10.00
F145 User-defined voltage point V3 Setting range: 0~100% Mfr‘s value: 24
F146 User-defined frequency point F4 Setting range: F144~F148 Mfr‘s value: 20.00
F147 User-defined voltage point V4 Setting range: 0~100% Mfr‘s value: 45
F148 User-defined frequency point F5 Setting range: F146~F150 Mfr‘s value: 30.00
F149 User-defined voltage point V5 Setting range: 0~100% Mfr‘s value: 63
F150 User-defined frequency point F6 Setting range: F148~F118 Mfr‘s value: 40.00
F151 User-defined voltage point V6 Setting range: 0~100% Mfr‘s value: 81
Voltage (%)
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 Fre(Hz)
Note: during the process of speed track, polygonal-line V/F curve function is invalid. After speed track is
finished, this function is valid.
F152 Output voltage corresponding to turnover frequency Setting range: 10~100 Mfr‘s value: 100
This function can meet the needs of some special loads, for example, when the frequency outputs 300Hz and
corresponding voltage outputs 200V (supposed voltage of inverter power supply is 400V), turnover
frequency F118 should be set to 300Hz and F152 is set to(200÷400)×100=50. And F152 should be equal to
Please pay attention to nameplate parameters of motor. If the working voltage is higher than rated voltage or
the frequency is higher than rated frequency, motor would be damaged.
Note: during the process of speed track, slip compensation function is invalid. After speed track is finished,
this function is valid.
0.2~7.5kW:800-10000 4000
This function is enable to keep output voltage constant automatically in the case of fluctuation of input
voltage, but the deceleration time will be affected by internal PI adjustor. If deceleration time is forbidden
being changed, please select F154=2.
F155 Digital accessorial frequency setting Setting range: 0~F111 Mfr‘s value: 0
F156 Digital accessorial frequency polarity setting Setting range: 0 or 1 Mfr‘s value: 0
F157 Reading accessorial frequency
F158 Reading accessorial frequency polarity
Under combined speed control mode, when accessorial frequency source is digital setting memory (F204=0), F155 and
F156 are considered as initial set values of accessorial frequency and polarity (direction).
In the mode of combined speed control, F157 and F158 are used for reading the value and direction of accessorial
For example, when F203=1, F204=0. F207=1, the given analog frequency is 15Hz, inverter is required to run to 20Hz. In
case of this requirement, user can push ―UP‖ button to raise the frequency from 15Hz to 20Hz. User can also set
F155=5Hz and F160=0 (0 means forward, 1 means reverse). In this way, inverter can be run to 20Hz directly.
F159 Random carrier-wave selection Setting range: 0: Invalid 1: Valid Mfr‘s value: 1
When F159=0, inverter will modulate as per the carrier-wave set by F153. When F159=1, inverter will operate in
mode of random carrier-wave modulating.
Note: when random carrier-wave is selected, output torque will increase but noise will be loud. When the
carrier-wave set by F153 is selected, noise will be reduced, but output torque will decrease. Please set the value
according to the situation.
F160 Reverting to manufacturer values Setting range: 0: Invalid 1: Valid Mfr‘s value: 0
·When there is disorder with inverter‘s parameters and manufacturer values need to be restored, set F160=1.
After ―Reverting to manufacturer values‖ is done, F160 values will be automatically changed to 0.
· ―Reverting to manufacturer values‖ will not work for the function-codes marked ―○‖in the ―change‖
column of the parameters table. These function codes have been adjusted properly before delivery. And it is
recommended not to change them.
OK! set 1 ▲
Figure 5-3 Reverting to manufacturer values
When F202=3, during running process, the direction of inverter can only be changed by pressing FWD/REV
in keypad.
Setting range:
0: Memory of digital given;
1: External analog AI1;
2: External analog AI2;
3: Pulse input given; Mfr‘s value: 0
Main frequency source X
4: Stage speed control;
5: No memory of digital given;
7: Reserved;
8:Reserved; 9: PID adjusting; 10: MODBUS
·When accessorial frequency Y is given to channel as independent frequency, it has the same function with main
frequency source X.
·When F204=0, the initial value of accessorial frequency is set by F155. When accessorial frequency controls speed
independently, polarity setting F156 is not valid.
·When F207=1 or 3, and F204=0, the initial value of accessorial frequency is set by F155, the polarity of accessorial
frequency is set by F156, the initial value of accessorial frequency and the polarity of accessorial frequency can be
checked by F157 and F158.
·When the accessorial frequency is given by analog input (AI1, AI2), the setting range for the accessorial frequency is
set by F205 and F206.
When the accessorial frequency is given by keypad potentiometer, the main frequency can only select stage speed
control and modbus control (F203=4, 10)
·Note: accessorial frequency source Y and main frequency source X can not use the same frequency given channel.
Setting range:
F205 reference for selecting accessorial
0: Relative to max frequency; Mfr‘s value: 0
frequency source Y range
1: Relative to main frequency X
F206 Accessorial frequency Y range (%) Setting range: 0~100 Mfr‘s value: 100
·When combined speed control is adopted for frequency source, F206 is used to confirm the relative object
of the setting range for the accessorial frequency.
F205 is to confirm the reference of the accessorial frequency range. If it is relative to main frequency, the
range will change according to the change of main frequency X.
Setting range:
0: X; 1: X+Y;
2: X or Y (terminal switchover);
F207 Frequency source selecting Mfr‘s value: 0
3: X or X+Y (terminal switchover);
4: Combination of stage speed and analog
5: X-Y 6: X+Y-YMAX*50%
·Select the channel of setting the frequency. The frequency is given by combination of main frequency X
and accessorial frequency Y.
When F207=0, the frequency is set by main frequency source.
When F207=1, X+Y, the frequency is set by adding main frequency source to accessorial frequency source.
X or Y can not be given by PID.
·When F207=2, main frequency source and accessorial frequency source can be switched over by frequency
source switching terminal.
·When F207=3, main frequency given and adding frequency given(X+Y) can be switched over by frequency
source switching terminal. X or Y can not be given by PID.
·When F207=4, stage speed setting of main frequency source has priority over analog setting of accessorial
frequency source (only suitable for F203=4 F204=1).
·When F207=5, X-Y, the frequency is set by subtracting accessorial frequency source from main frequency
source. If the frequency is set by main frequency or accessorial frequency, PID speed control can not be
·When F207=6, X+Y-YMAX*50%, the frequency is given by both main frequency source and accessorial
frequency source. X or Y can not be given by PID. When F205=0, YMAX=F111*F206. When F205=1,
1. When F203=4 and F204=1, the difference between F207=1 and F207=4 is that when F207=1,
frequency source selecting is the addition of stage speed and analog, when F207=4, frequency source
selecting is stage speed with stage speed and analog given at the same time. If stage speed given is
canceled and analog given still exists, inverter will run by analog given.
2. Frequency given mode can be switched over by selecting F207. For example: switching PID adjusting
and normal speed control, switching stage speed and analog given, switching PID adjusting and analog
·When selecting two-line type or three-line type), F200, F201 and F202 are invalid.
·Five modes are available for terminal operation control.
In case of stage speed control, set F208 to 0. If F208 ≠0 (when selecting two-line type or three-line type),
F200, F201 and F202 are invalid.
―FWD‖, ―REV‖ and ―X‖ are three terminals designated in programming DI1~DI6.
1: Two-line operation mode 1: this mode is the most popularly used two-line mode. The running direction of
mode is controlled by FWD, REV terminals.
For example: “FWD” terminal-----“open”: stop, “closed”: forward running;
“REV” terminal-----“open”: stop, “closed”: reverse running;
“CM” terminal-----common port
K1 K2 Running command
0 0 Stop K1
1 0 Forward running K2
0 1 Reverse running
1 1 Stop
2. Two-line operation mode 2: when this mode is used, FWD is enable terminal, the direction is controlled
by REV terminal.
For example: “FWD” terminal-----“open”: stop, “closed”: running;
“REV” terminal-----“open”: forward running, “closed”: reverse running;
“CM” terminal-----common port
K1 K2 Running command
0 0 Stop K1
0 1 Stop K2
1 0 Forward running
1 1 Reverse running
When pulse of SB2 triggers, inverter will run reverse. When the pulse D
triggers again, inverter will stop running.
F216 sets the most times of auto-starting in case of repeated faults. If starting times are more than the setting
value of this function code, inverter will not reset or start automatically after fault. Inverter will run after
running command is given to inverter manually.
F217 sets delay time for fault reset. The range is from 0.0 to 10.0S which is time interval from fault to
When F219=1 (address 2001H is not operated by PC/PLC), the function code is modified by communication,
and it is not saved in the EEPROM. It means there is no memory when power down. When F219=0
((address 2001H is not operated by PC/PLC), the function code is modified by communication, and it is
saved in the EEPORM. It means there is memory when power down.
F220 Frequency memory after power-down Setting range: 0: invalid; 1: valid Mfr‘s value: 0
F220 sets whether or not frequency memory after power-down is valid.
This function is valid for F213 and F214. Whether or not to memory running state after power-down or
malfunction is set by this function.
·The function of frequency memory after power-down is valid for main frequency and accessorial frequency
that is given by digital. Because the digital given accessorial frequency has positive polarity and negative
polarity, it is saved in the function codes F155 and F156.
F222 count memory selection Setting range: 0: Invalid 1: Valid Mfr‘s value:0
·F220 sets whether or not count memory is valid. Whether or not to memory counting values after
power-down or malfunction is set by this function.
Table 5-1 Combination of Speed Control
0. Memory 1 External 2 External 3Pulse 4 Terminal 5 PID
F204 of digital analog analog AI2 input stage speed adjusting
F203 setting AI1 given control
0 Memory of
〇 ● ● ● ● ●
Digital setting
analog AI1 ● 〇 ● ● ● ●
● ● 〇 ● ● ●
analog AI2
3 Pulse input
● ● ● 〇 ● ●
4Terminal Stage
● ● ● ● 〇 ●
speed control
5 Digital setting 〇 ● ● ● ● ●
9 PID adjusting ● ● ● ● ● 〇
10 MODBUS ● ● ● ● ● ●
●: Inter-combination is allowable.
〇: Combination is not allowable.
The mode of automatic cycle speed control is unable to combine with other modes. If the combination
includes the mode of automatic cycle speed control, only main speed control mode will be valid.
F224=0, when target frequency is lower than than MIN(F112, 0.1), inverter will stop.
F224=1, when target frequency is lower than Min frequency, inverter will run at Min frequency.
Setting range:
0: Invalid
1: Basic speed control
F228 Application selection 2: Auto/manual speed control Mfr‘s value: 0
3: Preset speed control
4: Terminal speed control
5: PID control
Traverse Operating function
Traverse operation is widely used in textile and chemical fiber industry.
1:Traverse operating mode 1
F235 Traverse operating mode Mfr's value: 0
2:Traverse operating mode 2
3:Traverse operating mode 3
·F235=0,this function is invalid.
·F235=1,traverse operating mode 1, the central frequency is set by F242, and the working process is shown
in Fig 5-6.
·F235=2,traverse operating mode 2, the central frequency is on the decrease, the working process is shown
in Fig 5-7.
·F235=3,traverse operating mode 3, the central frequency is set by F203. Under this mode, if the central
frequency set by F203 is lower than the lower limit of central frequency, inverter will not stop running. In
the other traverse operating mode, the value of central frequency is controlled by F243.
Central Freq.
Lower limit of Freq.
Rising time
Jitter Freq.
according to Decelerate
Acc. time according to
Run Dec. time
Fig 5-6
Fig 5-7
of yarn, fixed length control, inverter will run to the frequency of crawl-positioning (F252). After the
waiting time of crawl-positioning (F253), if inverter gets a positioning stop signal, inverter will stop (the
positioning stop signal is invalid within crawl-positioning waiting time). If there is no positioning stop
signal, inverter will stop automatically after max time of crawl-positioning time (F524). Note: if F524=0,
inverter will not stop automatically.
Running frequency
of crawl-positioning
Waiting time of
Stop signal of
full of yarn or
broken of yarn Fig 5-8
F237 Traverse signal source 0:Auto start 1:X terminal start Mfr's value: 0
·When F237=0 and F235≠0, inverter will run by traverse mode.
·When F237=1 and F235≠0, user should set DIX terminal as traverse start terminal, when this terminal is
valid, traverse function is valid.
0:Stop the motor at fixed length Mfr's value: 0
Stop mode of 1:Stop the motor at fixed spindle radius
length arrival 2:Non-stop at fixed length, it indicates full of yarn.
3:Fixed radius arrival, it indicates full of yarn.
0:Memory at the status of stop and power off Mfr's value: 0
Traverse memory 1:Only memory at the status of stop.
mode 2:Only memory at the status of power off.
3:No memory.
F238=0 or 1, when fixed length or fixed radius is arrival, inverter will stop.
F238=2 or 3, when fixed length or fixed radius is arrival, multifunction terminals (DO1, DO2 and relay
output terminal) will output signal. Inverter will not stop, and ―OVER‖ will be displayed in the panel.
F240 Preset frequency (Hz) F112~F111 Mfr's value: 5.00
F241 Running time of preset frequency (S) 0~3000.0 Mfr's value: 0
F240 is used to define the inverter‘s operating frequency before entering traverse mode.
F241 is used to define the time when the inverter operates at pre-traverse frequency.
F242 Central frequency (Hz) F243~F111 Mfr's value: 25.00
Lower limit of central frequency F112~F242 Mfr's value: 0.50
when broken of yarn, BRK1 is displayed. When full of yarn, BRK2 is displayed.
F275 Detect frequency value (Hz) F112~F111 25.00
F276 Detect frequency width (Hz) 0~20.00 0.50
F277 Third Acceleration Time (S)
Third Subject to
F278 Third Deceleration Time (S)
0.1-3000 inverter
F279 Fourth Acceleration Time (S) model
Fourth Fourth Deceleration Time (S)
· Time
When (S) runs to diction frequency set by F275,the multifunction terminal will output a signal.
Time (S)
Time (S)
18 Analog line Indicating inverter detects analog input lines disconnection, and
disconnection protection ON signal is output. Please refer to F741.
19 Under-load 1 pre-alarm Please refer to FA26 and FA27.
20 Zero current detecting When inverter output current has fallen to zero current detecting
output value, and after the setting time of F755, ON signal is output.
Please refer to F754 and F755.
21 Output controlled by
communication address
22 Output controlled by
1 means output is valid.
communication address 0 means output is invalid.
23 Output controlled by
communication address
24 Watchdog output token The token output is valid when inverter trips into Err6.
25-29 Reserved
30 General pump is running Indicating some general pumps are running.
31 Converter pump is Indicating some converter pumps are running.
32 Over-limit pressure token Indicating the max limit value when PID adjusting is valid and
negative feedback is selected, and feedback pressure is higher
than max pressure set by F503
35 Stop signal of yarn full, Indicating stop signal of yarn full, yarn broken, yarn intertwining
yarn broken, yarn and stop inverter by manual
intertwining and stop
inverter by manual
36 Full yarn signal Indicating yarn is full.
39 Yarn frequency detected This function is valid when it is higher than yarn frequency, or
else it is invalid.
40 High-frequency When this function is valid, inverter will switch into
performance switchover high-frequency optimizing mode.
41 Reserved
F303 DO1 output types selection Setting range: 0: level output 1 : pulse output Mfr‘s value: 0
·When level output is selected, all terminal functions in table 5-2 can be defined by F301.
·When pulse output is selected, DO1 can be defined as high-speed pulse output terminal. The max pulse
frequency is 50KHz. The related function codes are F449、F450、F451、F452、F453.
F304 S curve beginning stage proportion (%) Setting range: 2.0~50.0 30.0
F305 S curve ending stage proportion (%) Setting range: 2.0~50.0 30.0
F306 Accel/decel mode Setting range: 0:Straight-line 0
1: S curve
Target Fre
③ ③
② ②
① ① Time
T1 T2
·Count frequency divisions refer to the ratio of actual pulse input and inverter‘s count times, i.e.,
e.g. when F313=3, inverter will count once for every 3 inputs of external pulse.
·Set count values refer to a count width pulse output by the output terminal (DO1 terminal or relay)
programmed with ―reaching the set count values‖ function when a certain number of pulses are input
from DI1. Count will restart after the count value reaches ―set times‖.
As shown in Fig 5-6: if F313=1, F314=8, F301=8, DO1 will output an instruction signal when DI1
inputs the 8th pulse.
·Designated count values refer to an pulse output by the output terminal (DO1 or RELAY terminal)
programmed with ―reaching the set count values‖ function when a certain number of pulses are input
from DI1, until count value reaches the ―set times‖.
As shown in Fig 5-10: if F313=1、F314=8,F315=5,F300=9, relay will output an instruction signal
when DI1 inputs the 5th pulse, relay will output an instruction signal until reaching ―set count times 8‖.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
DI1 Input:
Fig 5-10 Set Count times & Designated Count Times
5.3.2 Digital multifunctional input terminals
Setting range:
0: no function;
F316 DI1 terminal function setting 1: running terminal; Mfr‘s value: 11
2: stop terminal;
3: multi-stage speed terminal 1;
4: multi-stage speed terminal 2;
5: multi-stage speed terminal 3; Mfr‘s value: 9
F317 DI2 terminal function setting
6: multi-stage speed terminal 4;
7: reset terminal;
8: free stop terminal;
F318 DI3 terminal function setting 9: external emergency stop terminal; Mfr‘s value: 15
10: acceleration/deceleration forbidden terminal;
11: forward run jogging;
12: reverse run jogging;
13: UP frequency increasing terminal;
14: DOWN frequency decreasing terminal;
15: ―FWD‖ terminal;
16: ―REV‖ terminal;
F319 DI4 terminal function setting 17: three-line type input ―X‖ terminal; Mfr‘s value: 16
18: acceleration/deceleration time switchover 1;
19: Reserved;
20: switchover between speed and torque
21: frequency source switchover terminal;
22: Count input terminal:
When the coding switch is in the end of ―NPN‖, PTC resistor should be connected between CM and DIx
terminal. When the coding switch is in the end of ―PNP‖, PTC resistor should be connected between DIx
and 24V. The recommended resistor value is 16.5K.
Because the precision of external PTC has some differences with optocoupler consistency, protection value
precision will be bad, heat protection relay is suggested to be used.
Table 5-4 Accel/decel selection
Accel/decel switchover Accel/decel switchover Present accel/decel time Related parameters
2 (34) 1 (18)
0 0 The first accel/decel time F114, F115
0 1 The second accel/decel time F116, F117
1 0 The third accel/decel time F277, F278
1 1 The fourth accel/decel time F279, F280
Table 5-5 Macro switchover selection
Macro switchover 1 (35) Macro switchover 2 (36) Application Macro
0 0 Manufacture macro
0 1 User macro 1
1 0 User macro 2
1 1 Reserved
0: OFF 1: ON
Manufacture macro, user macro 1 and user macro 2 include all parameters of inverter.
The parameters in the present macro can be reverted to Mfr‘s value by F160.
The setting of switchover terminals can only be changed in the manufacture macro.
Table 5-6 Instructions for multistage speed
1 3 5
2 4 6
Setting range:
F403 Corresponding setting for upper limit of AI1 input Mfr‘s value: 2.00
Max (1.00,F401) ~2.00
F404 AI1 channel proportional gain K1 Setting range: 0.0~10.0 Mfr‘s value: 1.0
F405 AI1 filtering time constant (S) Setting range: 0.1~10.0 Mfr‘s value: 0.10
·In the mode of analog speed control, sometimes it requires adjusting coincidence relation among upper limit
and lower limit of input analog, analog changes and output frequency, to achieve a satisfactory speed control
·Upper and lower limit of analog input are set by F400 and F402.
For example: when F400=1, F402=8, if analog input voltage is lower than 1V, system judges it as 0. If input
voltage is higher than 8V, system judges it as 10V (Suppose analog channel selects 0-10V). If Max
frequency F111 is set to 50Hz, the output frequency corresponding to 1-8V is 0-50Hz.
·The filtering time constant is set by F405.
The greater the filtering time constant is, the more stable for the analog testing. However, the precision may
decrease to a certain extent. It may require appropriate adjustment according to actual application.
·Channel proportional gain is set by F404.
If 1V corresponds to 10Hz and F404=2, then 1V will correspond to 20Hz.
·Corresponding setting for upper / lower limit of analog input are set by F401 and F403.
If Max frequency F111 is 50Hz, analog input voltage 0-10V can correspond to output frequency from -50Hz
to 50Hz by setting this group function codes. Please set F401=0 and F403=2, then 0V corresponds to -50Hz,
5V corresponds to 0Hz and 10V corresponds to 50Hz. The unit of corresponding setting for upper / lower
limit of input is in percentage (%). If the value is greater than 1.00, it is positive; if the value is less than 1.00,
it is negative. (e.g. F401=0.5 represents –50%).
If the running direction is set to forward running by F202, then 0-5V corresponding to the minus frequency
will cause reverse running, or vice versa.
Corresponding setting Corresponding setting
(Frequency) (Frequency)
.0% 100.0%
0V 10V AI
(0mA) (20mA)
0V 10V -100.0%
(0mA) (20 mA)
frequency is ―main frequency X‖; corresponding setting benchmark for other cases is the ―max frequency‖,
as illustrated in the right figure:
C= F400 D= F402
F406 Lower limit of AI2 channel input (V) Setting range: 0.00~F408 Mfr‘s value: 0.01
F407 Corresponding setting for lower limit of AI2 input Setting range: 0~F409 Mfr‘s value: 1.00
F408 Upper limit of AI2 channel input (V) Setting range: F406~10.00V Mfr‘s value: 10.00
Setting range:
F409 Corresponding setting for upper limit of AI2 input Mfr‘s value: 2.00
Max (1.00,F407) ~2.00
F410 AI2 channel proportional gain K2 Setting range: 0.0~10.0 Mfr‘s value: 1.0
F411 AI2 filtering time constant (S) Setting range: 0.10~10.00 Mfr‘s value: 0.10
The function of AI2 is the same with AI1.
F418 AI1 channel 0Hz voltage dead zone Setting range: 0~1.00 Mfr‘s value: 0.00
F419 AI2 channel 0Hz voltage dead zone Setting range: 0~1.00 Mfr‘s value: 0.00
Analog input voltage 0-5V can correspond to output frequency -50Hz-50Hz (2.5V corresponds to 0Hz) by
setting the function of corresponding setting for upper / lower limit of analog input. The group function codes of
F418 and F419 set the voltage range corresponding to 0Hz. For example, when F418=0.5 and F419=0.5, the
voltage range from (2.5-0.5=2) to (2.5+0.5=3) corresponds to 0Hz. So if F418=N, F419=N, then 2.5±N should
correspond to 0Hz. If the voltage is in this range, inverter will output 0Hz.
0HZ voltage dead zone will be valid when corresponding setting for lower limit of input is less than 1.00.
F437 Analog filter width Setting range: 1~100 Mfr‘s value:10
The greater the setting value of F437 is, the steadier the detecting analog is, but the response speed will
decrease. Please set it according to the actual situations.
Setting range:
F423 AO1 output range 0: 0~5V; 1: 0~10V or 0~20mA Mfr‘s value: 1
2: 4~20mA
F424 AO1 lowest corresponding frequency (Hz) Setting range: 0.0~F425 Mfr‘s value: 0.05
F425 AO1 highest corresponding frequency (Hz) Setting range: F424~F111 Mfr‘s value: 50.00
F426 AO1 output compensation (%) Setting range: 0~120 Mfr‘s value: 100
·AO1 output range is selected by F423. When F423=0, AO1 output range selects 0-5V, and when F423=1,
AO1 output range selects 0-10V or 0-20mA. When F423=2, AO1 output range selects 4-20mA (When AO1
output range selects current signal, please turn the switch J5 to ―I‖ position)
·Correspondence of output voltage range (0-5V or 0-10V) to output frequency is set by F424 and F425. For
example, when F423=0, F424=10 and F425=120, analog channel AO1 outputs 0-5V and the output
frequency is 10-120Hz.
·AO1 output compensation is set by F426. Analog excursion can be compensated by setting F426.
Setting range:
F427 AO2 output range Mfr‘s value: 0
0: 0~20mA; 1: 4~20 mA
F428 AO2 lowest corresponding frequency (Hz) Setting range: 0.0~F429 Mfr‘s value: 0.05
F429 AO2 highest corresponding frequency (Hz) Setting range: F428~F111 Mfr‘s value: 50.00
F430 AO2 output compensation (%) Setting range: 0~120 Mfr‘s value: 100
The function of AO2 is the same as AO1, but AO2 will output current signal, current signal of 0-20mA and
The greater the filtering time constant is, the more steady pulse measurement, but precision will be lower, so
please adjust it according to the application situation.
·Corresponding setting of min frequency is set by F441 and corresponding setting of max frequency is set by F443.
When the max frequency is set to 50Hz, pulse input 0-10K can corresponds to output frequency -50Hz-50Hz
by setting this group function codes. Please set F441 to 0 and F443 to 2, then 0K corresponds to -50Hz, 5K
corresponds to 0Hz, and 10K corresponds to 50Hz. The unit of corresponding setting for max/min pulse
frequency is in percentage (%). If the value is greater than 1.00, it is positive; if the value is less than 1.00, it
is negative.
If the running direction is set to forward running by F202, 0-5K corresponding to the minus frequency will
cause reverse running, or vice versa.
·0 Hz frequency dead zone is set by F446.
Input pulse 0-10K can correspond to output frequency -50Hz~50Hz (5K corresponds to 0Hz) by setting the
function of corresponding setting for max/min input pulse frequency. The function code F446 sets the input pulse
range corresponding to 0Hz. For example, when F446=0.5, the pulse range from (5K-0.5K=4.5K) to
(5K+0.5K=5.5K) corresponds to 0Hz. So if F446=N, then 5±N should correspond to 0Hz. If the pulse is in this
range, inverter will output 0Hz.
0HZ voltage dead zone will be valid when corresponding setting for min pulse frequency is less than 1.00.
Corresponding setting
Corresponding setting
100.0% 100.0%
0K 10K FI
0.0% FI -100.0%
0K 10K
Fig 5-14 correspondence of pulse input and setting
The unit of corresponding setting for max/min input pulse frequency is in percentage (%). If the value is
greater than 1.00, it is positive; if the value is less than 1.00,
it is negative. (e.g. F441=0.5 represents –50%).The
corresponding setting benchmark: in the mode of combined B
speed control, pulse input is the accessorial frequency and
the setting benchmark for range of accessorial frequency
which relatives to main frequency (F205=1) is ―main FI
frequency X‖; corresponding setting benchmark for other
cases is the ―max frequency‖, as illustrated in the right
figure: A
A= (F441-1)*setting benchmark
B= (F443-1)*setting benchmark
C= F440 F= F442 (E-D)/2=F446 Fig 5-15 relationship between pulse input and setting value
F449 Max frequency of output pulse FO (KHz) Setting range: 0.00~50.00 Mfr‘s value: 10.00
F450 Zero bias coefficient of output pulse
Setting range: 0.0~100.0 Mfr‘s value: 0.0
frequency (%)
F451 Frequency gain of output pulse Setting range: 0.00~10.00 Mfr‘s value: 1.00
Setting range:
0: Running frequency
1: Output current
2: Output voltage
F453 Output pulse signal 3: AI1 4: AI2 Mfr‘s value: 0
5: Input pulse
6: Output torque
7: Given by PC/PLC
8: Target frequency
·When DO1 is defined as high-speed pulse output terminal, the max frequency of output pulse is set
If ―b‖ stands for zero bias coefficient, ―k‖ stands for gain, ―Y‖ stands for actual output of pulse frequency
and ―X‖ stands for standard output, then Y=Kx+b.
·Standard output X is the token value corresponding to output pulse min/max frequency, which range is from
zero to max value.
·100 percent of zero bias coefficient of output pulse frequency corresponds to the max output pulse
frequency (the set value of F449.)
·Frequency gain of output pulse is set by F451. User can set it to compensate the deviation of output pulse.
·Output pulse token object is set by F453. For example: running frequency, output current and output voltage, etc.
·When output current is displayed, the range of token output is 0-2 times of rated current.
·When output voltage is displayed, the range of token output is from 0-1.2 times of rated output voltage.
F460 AI1channel input mode Setting range: 0: straight line mode Mfr‘s value: 0
1: folding line mode
F461 AI2 channel input mode Setting range: 0: straight line mode Mfr‘s value: 0
1: folding line mode
F462 AI1 insertion point A1 voltage value (V) Setting range: F400~F464 Mfr‘s value: 2.00
F463 AI1 insertion point A1 setting value Setting range: F401~F465 Mfr‘s value: 1.20
F464 AI1 insertion point A2 voltage value (V) Setting range: F462~F466 Mfr‘s value: 5.00
F465 AI1 insertion point A2 setting value Setting range: F463~F467 Mfr‘s value: 1.50
F466 AI1 insertion point A3 voltage value (V) Setting range: F464~F402 Mfr‘s value: 8.00
F467 AI1 insertion point A3 setting value Setting range: F465~F403 Mfr‘s value: 1.80
F468 AI2 insertion point B1 voltage value (V) Setting range: F406~F470 Mfr‘s value: 2.00
F469 AI2 insertion point B1 setting value Setting range: F407~F471 Mfr‘s value: 1.20
F470 AI2 insertion point B2 voltage value (V) Setting range: F468~F472 Mfr‘s value: 5.00
F471 AI2 insertion point B2 setting value Setting range: F469~F473 Mfr‘s value: 1.50
F472 AI2 insertion point B3 voltage value (V) Setting range: F470~F412 Mfr‘s value: 8.00
F473 AI2 insertion point B3 setting value Setting range: F471~F413 Mfr‘s value: 1.80
When analog channel input mode selects straight-line, please set it according to the parameters from F400 to
F429. When folding line mode is selected, three points A1(B1), A2(B2), A3(B3) are inserted into the straight
line, each of which can set the according frequency to input voltage. Please refer to the following figure:
According setting (frequency)
F400 A1 A2 A3 F402
Fig 5-16 Folding analog with setting value
F400 and F402 are lower/upper limit of analog AI1 input. When F460=1,F462=2.00V, F463=1.4, F111=50,
F203=1, F207=0, then A1 point corresponding frequency is (F463-1)*F111=20Hz, which means 2.00V
corresponding to 20Hz. The other points can be set by the same way.
AI2 channel has the same setting way as AI1.
5.6 Multi-stage Speed Control
The function of multi-stage speed control is equivalent to a built-in PLC in the inverter. This function can set
running time, running direction and running frequency.
EP66 series inverter can realize 15-stage speed control and 8-stage speed auto circulating.
During the process of speed track, multi-stage speed control is invalid. After speed track is finished, inverter
will run to target frequency according to the setting value of parameters.
Setting range: 0: 3-stage speed;
F500 Stage speed type 1: 15-stage speed; Mfr‘s value: 1
2: Max 8-stage speed auto circulating
In case of multi-stage speed control (F203=4), the user must select a mode by F500. When F500=0, 3-stage
speed is selected. When F500=1, 15-stage speed is selected. When F500=2, max 8-stage speed auto
circulating is selected. When F500=2, ―auto circulating‖ is classified into ―2-stage speed auto circulating‖,
―3-stage speed auto circulating‖, … ―8-stage speed auto circulating‖, which is to be set by F501.
F501 Selection of Stage Speed Under Setting range: 2~8 Mfr‘s value: 7
Auto-circulation Speed Control
After circulating
Start auto Stage-1 Stage-2 Stage-3 100 times Keep running at
circulating running speed speed speed Stage-3 speed
Then the inverter can be stopped by pressing ―stop‖ or sending ―stop‖ signal through terminal during
auto-circulation running.
F504 Frequency setting for stage 1 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 5.00
F505 Frequency setting for stage 2 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 10.00
F506 Frequency setting for stage 3 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 15.00
F507 Frequency setting for stage 4 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 20.00
F508 Frequency setting for stage 5 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 25.00
F509 Frequency setting for stage 6 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 30.00
Setting range:
F510 Frequency setting for stage 7 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 35.00
F511 Frequency setting for stage 8 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 40.00
F512 Frequency setting for stage 9 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 5.00
F513 Frequency setting for stage 10 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 10.00
F514 Frequency setting for stage 11 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 15.00
F515 Frequency setting for stage 12 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 20.00
F516 Frequency setting for stage 13 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 25.00
F517 Frequency setting for stage 14 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 30.00
F518 Frequency setting for stage 15 speed (Hz) Mfr‘s value: 35.00
F519 ~ F533 Acceleration time setting for the Setting range:
speeds from Stage 1 to Stage 15 (S) 0.1~3000
Subject to inverter model
F534 ~ F548 Deceleration time setting for the Setting range:
speeds from Stage 1 to Stage 15 (S) 0.1~3000
F549~F556 Setting range:
Running directions of stage speeds from Stage 1 to 0: forward running; Mfr‘s value: 0
Stage 8 (S) 1: reverse running
F573~F579 Setting range:
Running directions of stage speeds from stage 9 to 0: forward running; Mfr‘s value: 0
stage 15 (S) 1: reverse running
F557~564 Running time of stage speeds from Setting range:
Mfr‘s value: 1.0
Stage 1 to Stage 8 (S) 0.1~3000
F565~F572 Stop time after finishing stages from Setting range:
Mfr‘s value: 0.0
Stage 1 to Stage 8 (S) 0.0~3000
· Figure 5-18 DC braking
During braking before starting, if ―stop‖ signal is given, inverter will stop by deceleration time.
When F600=2, DC braking during stopping is selected. After output frequency is lower than the initial
frequency for DC braking (F601), DC braking will stop the motor immediately
During the process of braking during stopping, if ―start‖ signal is given, DC braking will be finished and
inverter will start.
If ―stop‖ signal is given during the process of braking during stopping, inverter will have no response and
DC braking during stopping still goes on.
·When jogging function is valid, the function of braking before starting set by F600 is valid, and the
function of speed track is invalid.
·When jogging function is invalid and F613-1, the function of braking before starting is invalid.
· Parameters related to ―DC Braking‖: F601, F602, F603, F604, F605, interpreted as follows:
a. F601: Initial frequency of DC-braking. DC braking will start to work as inverter‘s output
frequency is lower than this value.
b. F602/F603: DC braking efficiency. The bigger value will result in a quick braking. However,
motor will overheat with too big value.
c. F604: Braking duration before starting. The time lasted for DC braking before inverter starts.
d. F605: Braking duration when stopping. The time lasted for DC braking while inverter stops.
F612 Dynamic braking duty ratio (%) Setting range: 0~100% Mfr‘s value: 80
Initial voltage of dynamic braking threshold is set by F611, which of unit is V. When DC bus voltage is
higher than the setting value of this function, dynamic braking starts, braking unit starts working. After DC
bus voltage is lower than the setting value, braking unit stops working.
The value of F611 should be set according to input voltage. When the input voltage is 400V, F611 should be
set to 700V, when input voltage is 460V, F611 should be set to 770V. The lower the dynamic braking
threshold is, the better dynamic braking effect is. But the heat of braking resistor is more serious. The higher
the dynamic braking threshold is, the worse dynamic braking effect is. And at the process of braking,
inverter will easily trip to OE.
Dynamic braking duty ratio is set by F612, the range is 0~100%. The value is higher, the braking effect is
better, but the braking resistor will get hot.
Setting range: 0: invalid 1: valid
F613 Speed track Mfr‘s value: 0
2: valid at the first time
When F613=0, the function of speed track is invalid.
When F613=1, the function of speed track is valid.
After inverter tracks motor speed and rotating direction, inverter will begin running according to the tracked
frequency, to start the rotating motor smoothly. This function is suitable for the situation of auto-starting
after repowered on, auto-starting after reset, auto-starting when running command valid but direction signal
lost and auto-starting when running command invalid.
When F613=2, the function is valid at the first time after inverter is repower on.
Note: When F106=0, speed track function is invalid.
Setting range:
0: Speed track from frequency memory
F614 Speed track mode 1: Speed track from max frequency Mfr‘s value: 0
2: Speed track from frequency memory and direction memory
3: Speed track from max frequency and direction memory
When F614 is set to 0 or 1, if memory frequency or max frequency is lower than 10.00Hz, inverter will track
speed from 10.00Hz.
If inverter is powered down, inverter will remember valid target frequency. For the other situations (inverter
has no output before stop), inverter will remember instant frequency before it stops.
This parameter is used for starting and stopping a motor with high inertia. A motor with high inertia will
take a long time to stop completely. By setting this parameter, the user does not need to wait for the motor to
come to a complete stop before restarting the AC motor drive.
F615 Speed track rate Setting range: 1~100 Mfr‘s value: 20
It is used to select the rotation velocity speed track when the rotation tracking restart mode is adopted. The
larger the parameter is, the faster the speed track is. But if this parameter is too large, it likely results in
unreliable tracking.
F619 Speed track fault timeout period Setting range: 0.0~3000.0S Mfr‘s value: 60.0s
When F619=0,the function is not valid. When F619≠0,the function is valid.When speed track time is longer
than the setting value of F619, it will trip into FL.
This function code is used to limit the searching current and output current when speed track.
Setting range: 0: Fixed duty ratio
F622 Dynamic braking mode Mfr‘s value: 1
1: Auto duty ratio
When F622=0, fixed duty ratio is valid. When bus-line voltage reaches energy consumption brake point set
by F611, braking module will start dynamic braking according to F612.
When F622=1, auto duty ratio is valid. When bul-line voltage reaches dynamic braking threshold set by
F611, braking module will start dynamic braking according to duty ratio which is adjusted by the bus-line
voltage. The higher bus-line voltage is, the greater duty ratio is, and the better braking effect is. But
braking resistor will get hotter.
F630 Min value of over-current stalling Setting range: 30-200 Mfr‘s value: 50
Setting range: Mfr‘s value: 0
F631 VDC adjustment selection
0: invalid 1: valid 2: reserved
F632 Target voltage of VDC adjustor (V) Setting range: 200~800 Mfr‘s value: 700
F633 Adjustment amplitude (Hz) Setting range: 0.01-10.00 Mfr‘s value: 5.00
When F631=1, VDC adjustment function is valid. During motor running process, the PN bus voltage will
rise suddenly because of load mutation, over-voltage protection will occur. VDC adjustment is used to
control voltage steady by adjusting output frequency or reducing braking torque.
If the DC bus voltage is higher than the setting value of F632, VDC adjustor will automatically adjust the
bus voltage same as the value of F632.
F641 Inhibition of current oscillation at low frequency 0: Invalid 1: Valid Mfr‘s value: 0
When F641=0, inhibition function is invalid.
In the V/F control mode, if inhibition of current oscillation is valid, the following parameters are needed to
be set.
(1) F106=2(V/F control mode)and F137≤2;
(2) F613=0, the speed track function is invalid.
(3) F641=1
(4) Setting of carrier-frequency
A. F159=1(Random carrier-frequency)
B. F159=0(Fixed carrier-frequency)and F153>1500Hz
Note 1. When F641=1, one inverter can only drive one motor one time.
2. When F641=1, please set motor parameters (F801~F805, F844) correctly.
3. When inhibition oscillation function is invalid, and inverter runs without motor, output voltage
may be unbalanced. This is normal situation. After inverter runs with motor, output voltage will be
0 Running frequency
1 Rotation speed
2 Target speed
3 Output current
4 Output voltage
5 DC bus voltage
6 PID setting value
7 PID feedback value
8 Radiator temperature
9 Count value
10 Linear speed
F646 Backlight time of LCD (S) Setting range: 0-100 Mfr‘s value: 5
F647 Chinese & English switch Setting range: 0: Chinese 1: English Mfr‘s value: 0
Please set F707 according to actual situation. The lower the setting value of F707 is, the faster the overload
Time (minutes) 70% 100%
When the output frequency is lower than 10Hz, the heat dissipation effect of common motor will be worse.
So when running frequency is lower than 10Hz, the threshold of motor overload value will be reduced.
Please refer to Fig 5-20 (F707=100%):
Time (minutes)
<5Hz 5~10Hz >10Hz
F738 Over-current 1 protection coefficient Setting range: 0.50~3.00 Mfr‘s value: 2.50
F739 Over-current 1 protection record
·F738= OC 1 value/inverter rated current
·In running status, F738 is not allowed to modify. When over-current occurs, OC1 is displayed
Setting range:
0: Invalid
1: Stop and AErr displays.
F741 Analog disconnected protection Mfr‘s value: 0
2: Stop and AErr is not displayed.
3: Inverter runs at the min frequency.
4: Reserved.
F742 Threshold of analog disconnected
Setting range: 1~100 Mfr‘s value: 50
protection (%)
When the values of F400 and F406 are lower than 0.01V, analog disconnected protection is invalid.
When F741 is set to 1, 2 or 3, the values of F400 and F406 should be set to 1V-2V, to avoid the error
protection by interference.
Analog disconnected protection voltage=analog channel input lower limit * F742. Take the AI1 channel for
the example, if F400=1.00, F742=50, then disconnection protection will occur when the AI1 channel
voltage is lower than 0.5V.
F745 Threshold of pre-alarm overheat (%) Setting range: 0~100 Mfr‘s value: 80
F747 Carrier frequency auto-adjusting Setting range: 0: Invalid 1: Valid Mfr‘s value: 1
When the temperature of radiator reaches the value of 95℃ X F745 and multi-function output terminal is set to
16 (Please refer to F300~F302), it indicates inverter is in the status of overheat.
When F747=1, the temperature of radiator reaches 86℃, inverter carrier frequency will adjust automatically,
to decrease the temperature of inverter. This function can avoid overheat malfunction.
When F159=1, random carrier frequency is selected, F747 is invalid.
F754 Zero-current threshold (%) Setting range: 0~200 Mfr‘s value: 5
F755 Duration time of zero-current (S) Setting range: 0~60 Mfr‘s value: 0.5
When the output current is fallen to zero-current threshold, and after the duration time of zero-current, ON signal is
5.9. Parameters of the Motor
Setting range:
0: Invalid;
F800 Motor‘s parameters tuning Mfr‘s value: 0
1: Rotating tuning;
2: stationary tuning
F801 Rated power (kW) Setting range: 0.2~1000
F802 Rated voltage (V) Setting range: 1~1300
F803 Rated current (A) Setting range: 0.1~6500
F804 Number of motor poles Setting range: 2~100 4
F805 Rated rotary speed (rmp/min) Setting range: 1~30000
F810 Motor rated frequency (Hz) Setting range: 1.0~650.0 50.00
Please set the parameters in accordance with those indicated on the nameplate of the motor.
Excellent control performance of vector control requires accurate parameters of the motor. Accurate
of the motor.
·The inverter will restore the parameter values of F806~F809 automatically to default standard parameters
of the motor each time after changing F801 rated power of the motor;
·If it is impossible to measure the motor at the site, input the parameters manually by referring to the known
parameters of a similar motor.
Take a 3.7kW inverter for the example: all data are 3.7kW, 400V, 8.8A, 1440rmp/min, 50Hz, and the load is
disconnected. When F800=1, the operation steps are as following:
Pp p
F815 F814
F813 F816
Dynamic response of vector control speed can be adjusted through adjusting proportional and storage gains
of speed loop. Increasing KP and KI can speed up dynamic response of speed loop. However, if proportional
gain or storage gain is too large, it may give rise to oscillation.
F870 PMSM back electromotive force (mV/rpm) 0.1~999.9 (valid value between lines)
● Please set F801-F805, and F810 in accordance with those indicated on the nameplate of the motor.
● F800=0, no parameter tuning.
Please input electrical parameters of PMSM to F870-F873 by manual.
● F800=1/2, rotating tuning/stationary tuning.
○ Press the ―Run‖ key on the keypad to display ―TEST, until tuning is completed, PMSM electrical
parameters will be stored in function codes F870~F873.
○ F800=1, rotating tuning
In order to ensure dynamic control performance of the inverter, select ―rotating tuning‖ after ensuring
that the motor is disconnected from the load. In the final stage of tuning, motor will run according to the
first/second accel/decl time.
○ F800=2, stationary tuning.
It is suitable for the cases where it is impossible to disconnect the motor from the load. F870 is theory
value, please ask accurate value of back electromotive force from manufacture.
● F804 The number of motor poles is automatically generated according to the motor rated speed and
rated frequency, it can not be set. (Note: after setting the motor parameters, please check the motor
number of poles carefully. )
● The function codes of F813, F814, F815, F816, F817, F818, F819, F820 and F821 are used by
synchronous motor and asynchronous motor.
F876 PMSM injection current without load 0.0~100.0 % 20.0
F877 PMSM injection current compensation without load 0.0~50.0 % 0.0
F878 PMSM cut-off point of injection current compensation without load 0.0~50.0 % 10.0
For example:
When F876=20, if F877=10 and F878=0, the injection current without load is 20% of rated current.
When F876=20, if F877=10 and F878=10, and rated frequency is 50Hz, injection current without load will
decrease by a linear trend from 30 (F876+F877). When inverter runs to 5Hz (5Hz=rated frequency X
F878%), injection current will decrease to 20, and 5Hz is cut-off point of injection current compensation
without load.
F880 PMSM PCE detection time 0.0~10.0 S 0.2
When FA00=2, two pumps are interchanging to connect with inverter for a fixed period of time, this
function should be selected. The duration time is set by FA25.
FA01 PID adjusting target given source Setting range: Mfr‘s value: 0
0: FA04 1: AI1 2: AI2
4: FI (pulse frequency input)
When FA01=0, PID adjusting target is given by FA04 or MODBUS.
When FA01=1, PID adjusting target is given by external analog AI1.
When FA01=2, PID adjusting target is given by external analog AI2.
When FA01=4, PID adjusting target is given by FI pulse frequency (DI1 terminal).
FA02 PID adjusting feedback given source Setting range: Mfr‘s value: 1
1: AI1 2: AI2
3: FI (pulse frequency input)
When FA02=1, PID adjusting feedback signal is given by external analog AI1.
When FA02=2, PID adjusting feedback signal is given by external analog AI2.
When FA03=3, PID adjusting feedback signal is given by FI pulse frequency input.
FA03 Max limit of PID adjusting (%) FA04~100.0 Mfr‘s value:100.0
FA04 Digital setting value of PID adjusting (%) FA05~FA03 Mfr‘s value:50.0
FA05 Min limit of PID adjusting (%) 0.1~FA04 Mfr‘s value:0.0
When negative feedback adjusting is valid, if pressure is higher than max limit of PID adjusting, pressure
protection will occur. If inverter is running, it will free stop, and ―nP‖ is displayed. When positive feedback
adjusting is valid, if pressure is higher than Max limit, it indicates that feedback pressure is too low, inverter
should accelerate or a linefrequency should be added to increase the displacement.
When FA01=0, the value set by FA04 is digital setting reference value of PID adjusting.
When positive feedback adjusting is valid, if pressure is higher than min limit of PID adjusting, pressure
protection will occur. If inverter is running, it will free stop, and ―nP‖ is displayed. When negative feedback
adjusting, if pressure is higher than min limit, it indicates that feedback pressure is too low, inverter should
accelerate or a linefrequency should be added to increase the displacement.
For example: if the range of pressure meter is 0-1.6MPa, then setting pressure is 1.6*70%=1.12MPa, and the
max limit pressure is 1.6*90%=1.44MPa, and the min limit pressure is 1.6*5%=0.08MPa.
0: Positive feedback
FA06 PID polarity Mfr‘s value:1
1: Negative feedback
When FA06=0, the higher feedback value is, the higher the motor speed is. This is positive feedback.
When FA06=1, the lower the feedback value is, the higher the motor speed is. This is negative feedback.
FA07 Dormancy function selection Setting range: 0: Valid 1: Invalid Mfr‘s value: 1
When FA07=0, if inverter runs at the min frequency FA09 for a period time set by FA10, inverter will stop.
When FA07=1, the dormancy function is invalid.
FA09 Min frequency of PID adjusting (Hz) Setting range: Mfr‘s value: 5.00
MAX (F112, 0.1)~F111
The min frequency is set by FA09 when PID adjusting is valid.
FA10 Dormancy delay time (S) Setting range: 0~500.0 Mfr‘s value: 15.0
When FA07=0, inverter runs at min frequency FA09 for a period time set by FA10, inverter will free stop
and enter into the dormancy status, ―np‖ is displayed.
FA11 Wake delay time (S) Setting range: 0.0~3000 Mfr‘s value: 3.0
After the wake delay time, if the pressure is lower than min limit pressure (Negative feedback), inverter
will begin running immediately, or else, inverter will be in the dormancy status.
FA18 Whether PID adjusting target is changed 0: Invalid 1: Valid Mfr‘s value: 1
When FA18=0, PID adjusting target can not be changed.
Negative feedback +
+ Drive Control
P + limit Object
Target -
Value D +
Feedback Feedback
Gain Filter Sensor
FA24 Switching Timing unit setting Setting range: 0: hour 1: minute Mfr‘s value: 0
FA25 Switching Timing Setting 1~9999 Mfr‘s value: 100
Switching time is set by F525. The unit is set by F524.
Setting Range
0: No protection
FA26 Under-load protection mode 1: Protection by contactor Mfr‘s value: 0
2: Protection by PID
3: Protection by current
FA27 Current threshold of under-load protection (%) Setting range: 10~150 Mfr‘s value: 80
FA66 Duration time of under-load protection (S) Setting range: 0~60 Mfr‘s value: 20.0
Under-load protection is used to save energy. For some pumps device, when the output power is too low, the
efficiency will get worse, so we suggest that the pumps should be closed.
During the running process, if the load decreases to zero suddenly, it means the mechanical part is broken.
For example, belt is broken or water pump is dried up. Under-load protection must occur.
When FA26=1, water signal and lack water signal is controlled by two input terminals. When the lack water
terminal is valid, inverter will enter into the protection status, and EP1 is displayed. When the water terminal
is valid, inverter will deactivate EP1 fault automatically.
When FA26=2, PID adjusting frequency runs to max frequency, if inverter current is lower than the product
FA27 and rated current, inverter will enter PID under-load protection status immediately, and EP2 is
When FA26=3, if inverter current is lower than the product of FA27 and rated current, after duration time of
FA66, inverter will enter under-load protection, and EP3 is displayed.
FA28 Waking time after protection (min) 0.0~3000 Mfr‘s value: 60
After the duration time of FA28, inverter will judge that whether the under-load protection signal disappears.
If malfunction is resetted, inverter will run again. Or else inverter will wait until malfunction is resetted.
User can reset the inverter by pressing ―stop/reset‖, inverter will stop.
FA29 PID dead time (%) 0.0~10.0 Mfr‘s value: 2.0
FA30 Running Interval of restarting converter pump (S) 2.0~999.9 Mfr‘s value: 20.0
FA31 Delay time of starting general pumps (S) 0.1~999.9 Mfr‘s value: 30.0
FA32 Delay time of stopping general pumps (S) 0.1~999.9 Mfr‘s value: 30.0
FA29, PID dead time has two functions. First, setting dead time can restrain PID adjustor oscillation. The
greater this value is, the lighter PID adjustor oscillation is. But if the value of FA29 is too high, PID
adjusting precision will decrease. For example: when FA29=2.0% and FA04=70, PID adjusting will not
invalid during the feedback value from 68 to 72.
Second, FA29 is set to PID dead time when starting and stopping general pumps by PID adjusting. When
negative feedback adjusting is valid, if feedback value is lower than value FA04-FA29 (which equal to set
value MINUS dead-time value), inverter will delay the set time of FA31, and then start the general pump. If
feedback value is higher than value FA04+FA29 (which equal to set value PLUS dead-time value), inverter
will delay the set time of FA32, then stop the general pump.
·When starting general pump or interchange time is over, inverter will free stop. After starting general pump,
inverter will delay the set time of FA30, and restart converter pump.
·When inverter drives two pumps and negative feedback adjusting, if the frequency already reach the max value
and after the delay time (FA31), the pressure value is still lower than the value, then the inverter will stop output
immediately and motor will freely stop. At the same time, the general pump will be started. After the general
pump is fully run, if the present pressure is higher than the set value, inverter will low down the output to the
min frequency. After delaying the set time (FA32), inverter will stop the general pump and start converter pump.
·When inverter drives two pumps and positive feedback adjusting, if the frequency already reach the max value
and after the delay time (FA31), the pressure value still higher than the value, then the inverter will stop output
immediately and motor will freely stop. At the same time the general pump will be started. After the general
pump runs, if the present pressure is lower than the set value, inverter will low down the output to the min
frequency. After delaying the set time (FA32), inverter will stop the general pump and start converter pump.
FA36 Whether No.1 relay is started 0: Stopped 1: Started Mfr‘s value: 0
FA37 Whether No.2 relay is started 0: Stopped 1: Started Mfr‘s value: 0
No 1 relay corresponds to the terminal DO1 in the control PCB, No 2 relay corresponds to the terminal TA/TC
FA47 The sequence of starting No 1 relay 1~20 Mfr‘s value: 20
FA48 The sequence of starting No 2 relay 1~20 Mfr‘s value: 20
The sequence of starting relays is set by FA47~FA48. The setting value of FA47 and FA48 must be different
with each other, or else ―Err5‖ is displayed in the keypad.
FA58 Fire pressure given value (%) Setting range: 0.0~100.0 Mfr‘s value: 80.0
FA58 is also called second pressure, when the fire control terminal is valid, pressure target value will switch into
second pressure value.
Setting range:
FA59 Emergency fire mode 0: Invalid 1: Emergency fire mode 1 Mfr‘s value: 0
2: Emergency fire mode 2
When emergency fire mode is valid and emergency fire terminal is valid, inverter will be forbidden
operating and protecting (When OC and OE protection occur, inverter will reset automatically and start
running). And inverter will run at the frequency of FA60 or target frequency until inverter is broken.
Emergency fire mode 1: when the terminal is valid, inverter will run at target frequency.
Emergency fire mode 2: when the terminal is valid, inverter will run at the frequency of FA60.
FA60 Running frequency of emergency fire(Hz) Setting range: F112~F111 Mfr‘s value: 50.0
When the emergency fire mode 2 is valid and the fire terminal is valid, inverter will run at the frequency set
by FA60.
Setting range:
FA62 when emergency fire
0: inverter can not be stopped by manual Mfr‘s value: 0
control terminal is invalid
1: inverter can be stopped by manual
·FA62=0, when emergency fire control terminal (DIX=33) is invalid, before repower on inverter, or reset
inverter, inverter can not be stopped by manual.
FA62=1, when emergency fire control terminal (DIX=33) is invalid, after quiting from emergency fire
mode, inverter can be stopped by manual
5.13 Torque control parameters
FC00 Speed/torque control
0:Speed control 1:Torque control 2:Terminal switchover 0
0: speed control. Inverter will run by setting frequency, and output torque will automatically match with
the torque of load, and output torque is limited by max torque (set by manufacture.)
1: Torque control. Inverter will run by setting torque, and output speed will automatically match with
the speed of load, and output speed is limited by max speed (set by FC23 and FC25). Please set the proper
torque and speed limited.
2:Terminal switchover. User can set DIX terminal as torque/speed switchover terminal to realize
switchover between torque and speed. When the terminal is valid, torque control is valid. When the terminal
is invalid, speed control is valid.
FC01 Delay time of torque/speed control switchover(S) 0.0~1.0 0.1
This function is valid while terminal switchover.
FC02 Torque accel/decel time (S) 0.1~100.0 1
The time is for inverter to run from 0% to 100% of motor rated torque.
0: Digital given (FC09)
1: Analog input AI1
FC06 Torque given channel 2: Analog input AI2 0
4: Pulse input channel FI
5: Reserved
When FC06=4, only DI1 terminal can be selected because only DI1 terminal has the pulse input function.
FC07 Torque given coefficient 0~3.000 3.000
FC09 Torque given command value (%) 0~300.0 100.0
FC07: when input given torque reaches max value, FC07 is the ratio of inverter output torque and motor
rated torque. For example, if FC06=1, F402=10.00, FC07=3.00, when AI1 channel output 10V, the output
torque of inverter is 3 times of motor rated torque.
0: Digital given (FC17)
1: Analog input AI1
FC14 Offset torque given channel 2: Analog input AI2 0
4: Pulse input channel FI
5: Reserved
FC15 Offset torque coefficient 0~0.500 0.500
FC16 Offset torque cut-off frequency (%) 0~100.0 10.00
FC17 Offset torque command value (%) 0~50.0 10.00
·Offset torque is used to output larger start torque which equals to setting torque and offset torque when
motor drives big inertia load. When actual speed is lower than the setting frequency by FC16, offset torque
is given by FC14. When actual speed is higher than the setting frequency by FC16, offset torque is 0.
·When FC14≠0, and offset torque reaches max value, FC15 is the ratio of offset torque and motor rated
torque. For example: if FC14=1, F402=10.00 and FC15=0.500, when AI1 channel outputs 10V, offset torque
is 50% of motor rated torque.
0: Digital given (FC23)
1: Analog input AI1
FC22 Forward speed limited channel 2: Analog input AI2 0
4: Pulse input channel FI
5: Reserved
FC23 Forward speed limited (%) 0~100.0 10.00
1. Please connect the wiring according to above wiring, after checking the wiring and close MCCB3.
S Power Switch
R A+ B-
Communication Interface
L1 L2
Freuency-conversion switch T
OP6 Running automatically
Linefrequency switch MC2
F AO1 Running manually S1 MC2 FR1-NC
Frequency given TA S2 MC1
AI2 Running automatically KA1
Pressure sensor 24V
Running manually S4 S3 FR2-NC
FR1 L3
M1 M2
2. Please set F208=1, F203=9, FA00=1, FA36=1, FA37=1, FA47=1, FA48=2, FA04=pressure percentage,
FA03=channel limit pressure, and FA05.
3. In manual status, please close power-frequency switch MCCB2. When pressing S1, pump M1 starts working.
When pressing S2, M1 stops working. When pressing S3, M2 starts working. When pressing S4, M2 stops
4. In automatic status, please close converter-frequency switch MCCB1 and power-frequency switch MCCB2.
When inverter is powered on, inverter will run forward by short-connecting DI3 terminal (or run
reverse by short-connecting DI4 terminal), M1 will work at power frequency status.
If the pressure is not high enough, inverter will accelerate to max frequency. If the pressure is still not
high enough after duration time FA31, inverter will free stop and pump M2 will start working at
power frequency status. After the duration time of FA30, inverter will start working and M1 works at
converter frequency status.
When two pumps work at the same time, if pressure is too high, inverter will decelerate to min
frequency. If the pressure is still too high after the duration time FA32, M2 will stop working.
If one pump M1 works at converter frequency status and inverter works at the min frequency, inverter
will free stop after the duration time FA10, inverter will enter into dormancy status and nP is
R A+ B-
S Communication interface
Frequency-conversion switch
Run automatically MC2
Linefrequency switch CM S3
F AO1 TC Run manually S2
Frequency given KA2
10V HL4
AI2 Run automatically KA2 MC2 MC3
Pressure sensor S5
M1 M2
1. Please connect the wiring according to above wiring, after checking the wiring and close MCCB3.
2. Please set F208=1, F203=9, FA00=2, FA36=1, FA37=1, FA47=1, FA48=2, FA04=pressure percentage,
FA03=channel limit pressure, and FA05
3. In manual status, please close power-frequency switch MCCB2. When pressing S1, pump M1 starts
working. When pressing S2, M1 stops working. When pressing S3, M2 starts working. When pressing
S4, M2 stops working.
4. In automatic status, please close converter-frequency switch MCCB1 and power-frequency switch
When inverter is powered on, KA1 is ―action‖, and inverter will run forward by short-connecting DI3
terminal, KA2 makes M1 start working at converter frequency status. If the pressure is not high
enough, inverter will accelerate to max frequency. If the pressure is still not high enough after
duration time FA31, inverter will free stop and pump M2 will start working at power frequency
status. After the duration time of FA30, inverter will start working and M1 works at converter
frequency status.
After the duration time FA25, all pumps will free stop, then KA2 is ―action‖, M2 is converter pump. If
the pressure is not high enough, inverter will accelerate to max frequency. If the pressure is still not
high enough after duration time FA31, inverter will free stop and KA1 makes M1 start working at
power frequency status. After the duration time of FA30, inverter will start working and M2 works at
converter frequency status.
When two pumps work at the same time, if pressure is too high, inverter will decelerate to min
frequency. If the pressure is still too high after the duration time FA32, general pump will stop
If one pump works at converter frequency status and inverter works at the min frequency, inverter will
free stop after the duration time FA10, inverter will enter into dormancy status and nP is displayed.
Appendix 3 Products & Structures
EP66 series inverter has its power range between 0.2~15kW. Refer to Tables 2-1 and 2-2 for main data.
There may be two (or more than two) kinds of structures for certain products. Please make a clear indication
when placing your order.
Inverter should operate under the rated output current, with overload permitted for a short time. However,
it shall not exceed the allowable values at working time.
Plastic Hanging
EP66-0004S2 0.4 2.5 I1 6.2 Self-Cooling
EP66-0007S2 0.75 4.5 I1 6.2 Self-Cooling
EP66-0015S2 1.5 7 I1 6.2 Self-Cooling
EP66-0022S2 2.2 10 I1 6.2 Air- Cooling
EP66-0002T2 0.2 1.5 I1 6.2 Self-Cooling
EP66-0004T2 0.4 2.5 I1 6.2 Self-Cooling
EP66-0007T2 0.75 4.5 I1 6.2 Self-Cooling
EP66-0015T2 1.5 7 I1 6.2 Self-Cooling
Three-Phase Plastic Hanging
Plastic Profile
Applicable Motor
Inverter Models Applicable Braking Resistance
0.75 150W/60Ω
EP66-0022T3 2.2
EP66-0040T3 4.0
EP66-0110T3 11 1kW/90Ω
EP66-0150T3 15 1.5kW/80Ω
Note: in the occasion of large inertia load, if the braking resistor heat is serious, please adopt the
You can read reference books or ask for the details of MODBUS from manufactures.
Modbus protocol does not require a special interface while a typical physical interface is RS485.
ASCII Code 30H 31H 32H 33H 34H 35H 36H 37H
ASCII Code 38H 39H 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 46H
Byte Function
1 Start Bit (Low Level)
7 Data Bit
0/1 Parity Check Bit (None for this bit in case of no checking. Otherwise 1 bit)
1/2 Stop Bit (1 bit in case of checking, otherwise 2 bits)
2) RTU mode
Byte Function
1 Start Bit (Low Level)
8 Data Bit
0/1 Parity Check Bit (None for this bit in case of no checking. Otherwise 1 bit)
1/2 Stop Bit (1 bit in case of checking, otherwise 2 bits)
2.4 Error Check
2.4.1 ASCII mode
Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC): It is performed on the ASCII message field contents excluding
the ‗colon‘ character that begins the message, and excluding the CRLF pair at the end of the message.
The LRC is calculated by adding together successive 8–bit bytes of the message, discarding any carries, and
then two‘s complementing the result.
A procedure for generating an LRC is:
1. Add all bytes in the message, excluding the starting ‗colon‘ and ending CRLF. Add them into an 8–bit
field, so that carries will be discarded.
2. Subtract the final field value from FF hex (all 1‘s), to produce the ones–complement.
3. Add 1 to produce the twos–complement.
2.4.2 RTU Mode
Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC): The CRC field is two bytes, containing a 16–bit binary value.
The CRC is started by first preloading a 16–bit register to all 1‘s. Then a process begins of applying
successive 8–bit bytes of the message to the current contents of the register. Only the eight bits of data in
each character are used for generating the CRC. Start and stop bits, and the parity bit, do not apply to the
A procedure for generating a CRC-16 is:
1. Load a 16–bit register with FFFF hex (all 1‘s). Call this the CRC register.
2. Exclusive OR the first 8–bit byte of the message with the high–order byte of the 16–bit CRC register,
putting the result in the CRC register.
3. Shift the CRC register one bit to the right (toward the LSB), zero–filling the MSB. Extract and examine
the LSB.
4. (If the LSB was 0): Repeat Step 3 (another shift).
(If the LSB was 1): Exclusive OR the CRC register with the polynomial value A001 hex (1010 0000 0000
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until 8 shifts have been performed. When this is done, a complete 8–bit byte will
have been processed.
When the CRC is appended to the message, the low-order byte is appended first, followed by the
high-order byte.
2.4.3 Protocol Converter
It is easy to turn a RTU command into an ASCII command followed by the lists:
0: Keypad command;
1: Terminal command;
F200 Source of start command 2: Keypad+Terminal; 0
4: Keypad+Terminal+MODBUS
0: Keypad command;
1: Terminal command;
F201 Source of stop command 2: Keypad+Terminal; 0
4: Keypad+Terminal+MODBUS
0: Digital setting memory;
1: External analog AI1;
F203 Main frequency source X 2: External analog AI2; 0
3: Pulse input given;
4: Stage speed control;
F900 Inverter Address 1~255: single inverter address 1
0: Broadcast address
F901 Modbus Mode Selection 1: ASCII mode 1
2: RTU mode
F903 Parity Check 0: Invalid 1: Odd 2: Even 0
F904 Baud Rate 0: 1200 1: 2400 2: 4800 3
3: 9600 4: 19200
Please set functions code related to communication consonant with the PLC/PC communication parameters,
when inverter communicates with PLC/PC.
Ⅳ Physical Interface
4.1 Interface instruction
Communication interface of RS485 is located on the most left of control terminals, marked underneath with
A+ and B-
Field Bus
Inverter Inverter
RS485 Half-duplex communication mode is adopted for EP66 series inverter. Daisy chain structure is
adopted by 485 Bus-line. Do not use 'spur' lines or a star configuration. Reflect signals which are produced
by spur lines or star configuration will interfere in 485 communications.
Please note that for the same time in half-duplex connection, only one inverter can have communication
with PC/PLC. Should two or more than two inverters upload data at the same time, then bus competition
will occur, which will not only lead to communication failure, but higher current to certain elements as well.
3. Grounding and Terminal
Terminal resistance of 120 will be adopted for terminal of RS485 network, to diminish the reflection of
signals. Terminal resistance shall not be used for intermediate network.
No direct grounding shall be allowed for any point of RS485 network. All the equipment in the network
shall be well grounded via their own grounding terminal. Please note that grounding wires will not form
closed loop in any case.
All wiring connections for installation shall have to be made when the inverter is
disconnected from power supply.
V. Examples
Eg1: In RTU mode, change acc time (F114) to 10.0s in NO.01 inverter.
Register Register Preset Preset
Address Function CRC Lo CRC Hi
Address Hi Address Lo Data Hi Data Lo
01 06 01 0E 00 64 E8 1E
Function code F114 Value: 10.0S
Normal Response
Register Register Response Response
Address Function CRC Lo CRC Hi
Address Hi Address Lo Data Hi Data Lo
01 06 01 0E 00 64 E8 1E
Function code F114 Normal Response
Abnormal Response
Host Query
First Register First Register Register Register CRC CRC
Address Function
Address Hi Address Lo count Hi count L0 Lo Hi
02 03 10 00 00 04 40 FA
Slave Response:
Data Lo
Data Lo
Data Lo
Data Hi
Data Hi
Data Hi
Data Hi
Crc Lo
02 03 08 13 88 01 90 00 3C 02 00 82 F6
Output Frequency Output Voltage Output Current Numbers of Pole Pairs Control Mode
NO.2 Inverter‟s output frequency is 50.00Hz, output voltage is 400V, output current is 6.0A, numbers of pole pairs
are 2 and control mode keypad control.
Eg 3: NO.1 Inverter runs forwardly.
Host Query:
Register Register Write Write
Address Function CRC Lo CRC Hi
Hi Lo status Hi status Lo
01 06 20 00 00 01 43 CA
Communication parameters address 2000H Forward running
Slave Normal Response:
Register Register Write Write
Address Function CRC Lo CRC Hi
Hi Lo status Hi status Lo
01 06 20 00 00 01 43 CA
Normal Response
Slave Abnormal Response:
Address Function Abnormal Code CRC Lo CRC Hi
01 86 01 83 A0
The max value of function code is 1. Illegal function code (assumption)
Eg4: Read the value of F113, F114 from NO.2 inverter
Host Query:
Register Register Register Register CRC CRC
Address Function
Address Hi Address Lo Count Hi Count L0 Lo Hi
02 03 01 0D 00 02 54 07
Communication Parameter Address F10DH Numbers of Read Registers
Slave Normal Response:
The first The first The second The second
Address Function parameters parameters parameters parameters
count Lo Hi
status Hi status Lo status Hi status Lo
02 03 04 03 E8 00 78 49 61
The actual value is 10.00. The actual value is 12.00.
Voltage compensation
F140 0~F142 1.00 ╳
point frequency (Hz)
Voltage compensation
F141 0~30 4 ╳
point 1 (%)
F142 User-defined frequency point 2 F140~F144 5.00 ╳
F143 User-defined voltage point 2 0~100% 13 ╳
F144 User-defined frequency point 3 F142~F146 10.00 ╳
F145 User-defined voltage point 3 0~100% 24 ╳
F146 User-defined frequency point 4 F144~F148 20.00 ╳
F147 User-defined voltage point 4 0~100% 45 ╳
F148 User-defined frequency point 5 F146~F150 30.00 ╳
F149 User-defined voltage point 5 0~100% 63 ╳
F150 User-defined frequency point 6 F148~F118 40.00 ╳
F151 User-defined voltage point 6 0~100% 81 ╳
Output voltage corresponding
F152 10~100% 100 ╳
to turnover frequency
0.2~7.5kW: 800~10000 4000
11~15kW: 800~10000 3000
F153 Carrier frequency setting ╳
18.5KW~45kW: 4000
Above 55kW: 2000
Automatic voltage 0: Invalid 1: Valid
F154 0 ╳
rectification 2:Invalid during
deceleration process
Digital accessorial frequency
F155 0~F111 0 ╳
Digital accessorial frequency
F156 0~1 0 ╳
polarity setting
F157 Reading accessorial frequency △
Reading accessorial frequency
F158 △
0: Control speed normally;
Random carrier-wave
F159 1: Random carrier-wave 1 ╳
frequency selection
0: Not reverting to
Reverting to manufacturer manufacturer values;
F160 0 ╳
values 1: Reverting to manufacturer
0: Keypad command;
1: Terminal command;
F200 Source of start command 2: Keypad+Terminal; 4 ╳
4: Keypad+Terminal+MODBUS
0: Keypad command;
1: Terminal command;
F201 Source of stop command 2: Keypad+Terminal; 4 ╳
4: Keypad+Terminal+MODBUS
0: Forward running locking;
1: Reverse running locking;
F202 Mode of direction setting 2: Terminal setting 0 ╳
3: Keypad
0: Digital setting memory;
1: External analog AI1;
2: External analog AI2;
3: Pulse input given;
F203 Main frequency source X 4: Stage speed control; 0 ╳
5: No memory by digital setting;
7: Reserved;
8: Reserved;
9: PID adjusting; 10: MODBUS
0: Digital setting memory;
1: External analog AI1;
2: External analog AI2;
F204 Accessorial frequency source Y 3: Pulse input given; 0 ╳
4: Stage speed control;
5: PID adjusting;
Reference for selecting
0: Relative to max frequency;
F205 accessorial frequency source Y 1: Relative to main frequency X 0 ╳
0: X; 1: X+Y;
2: X or Y (terminal switchover);
F207 Frequency source selecting 3: X or X+Y (terminal switchover); 0 ╳
4: Combination of stage speed and
analog 5: X-Y 6: X+Y-YMAX*50%
0: No function;
1: Two-line operation mode 1;
2: Two-line operation mode 2;
Terminal two-line/three-line
F208 3: three-line operation mode 1; 0 ╳
operation control
4: three-line operation mode 2;
5: start/stop controlled by
direction pulse
38: Common-close PTC heat
48: High-frequency switchover
52: Jogging (no direction)
53: Watchdog
F321 DI6 terminal function setting 54: Frequency reset 8 √
55: Switchover between manual
running and auto running
56: Manual running
57: Auto running
58: Direction
59: STO enabled
F324 Free stop terminal logic 0 ╳
0: positive logic (valid for low level);
External emergency stop
F325 1: negative logic (valid for high level) 0 ╳
terminal logic
0.0: Invalid
F326 Watchdog time 10.0 √
0: Free to stop
F327 Stop mode 0 ╳
1: Deceleration to stop
F328 Terminal filter times 1~100 10 √
F329 Reserved
F330 Diagnostics of DIX terminal △
F331 Monitoring AI1 Only read
F332 Monitoring AI2 Only read
F335 Relay output simulation 0:Output inactive. 0 ╳
F336 DO1 output simulation 1:Output active. 0 ╳
F337 DO2 output simulation 0 ╳
F338 AO1 output simulation Setting range: 0~4095 0 ╳
F339 AO2 output simulation Setting range: 0~4095 0 ╳
Setting range:
0: Invalid
1: DI1 negative logic
Selection of terminal negative 2: DI2 negative logic
F340 0 √
logic 4: DI3 negative logic
8: DI4 negative logic
16: DI5 negative logic
32: DI6 negative logic
0: Running frequency
1: Output current
2: Output voltage
3: AI1 4: AI2
F453 Output pulse signal 0 √
5: Input pulse
6: Output torque
7: Given by PC/PLC
8: Target frequency
2: Speed track from frequency
memory and direction memory
3: Speed track from max
frequency and direction memory
F615 Speed track rate 1~100 20 ╳
F619 Speed track fault timeout period 0.0~3000.0S 60.0s √
~ Reserved
0: Fixed duty ratio
F622 Dynamic braking mode 1 √
1: Auto duty ratio
F627 Reserved
F630 Min value of over-current stalling 30-200 50 √
F631 VDC adjustment selection 0: invalid 1: valid √
Subject to inverter
Target voltage of VDC adjustor
F632 200-800 model √
F633 Adjustment amplitude (Hz) 0.01-10.00 5.00 √
Inhibition of current oscillation at
F641 0: invalid 1: valid 0 ╳○
low frequency
0: Invalid
1: FWD jogging
F643 Multi-functional key 0 √
2. REV jogging
3. Switchover between local/remote
0: Running frequency
1: Rotation speed
2: Target speed
3: Output current
4: Output voltage
5: DC bus voltage
6: PID setting value
7: PID feedback value
8: Radiator temperature
9: Count value
F645 Status parameters selection 10: Linear speed 0 √
11: Channel for main frequency
12: Main frequency
13: Channel for accessorial
14: Accessorial frequency
17: Output torque
18: Setting torque
19: Motor power
20: Output power
21: Running status
F902 Reserved
F903 Parity Check 0: Invalid 1: Odd 2: Even 0 √
0: 1200; 1: 2400; 2: 4800;
F904 Baud Rate 3: 9600 ; 4: 19200 5: 38400 3 √
6: 57600
Communication timeout
F905 0.0~3000.0S 0.0 √
FC18- Reserved
0: Digital given (FC23)
5: Reserved
Note: × indicating that function code can only be modified in stop state.
√ indicating that function code can be modified both in stop and run state.
△ indicating that function code can only be checked in stop or run state but
cannot be modified.
○ indicating that function code cannot be initialized as inverter restores
manufacturer‘s value but can only be modified manually.