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User’s Manual
The reproduction of any part of the present handbook, under any form, without Imet express written
authorisation is forbidden. IMET reserves the right to modify the contents of this manual without no-
tice. Every possible care has been taken in compiling and verifying the documentation contained in
this manual: however, Imet declaims any responsibility deriving from its use or any errors or omissions
in the information. Furthermore, IMET can not be held responsible for damages or problems in general
arising from the use of non-original Imet accessories or spare parts. The same remark applies to
persons or companies involved in the realisation of the present handbook..

M550L.doc 3° Edition – 27th January 2004

IMET S.r.l. via Fornace n.° 8, 33077 Sacile (PN) Italy
Tel +39.0434.7878 Fax +39.0434. 737848
This manual contains detailed instructions for the installation, use and maintenance of the M550 radio
remote control family. In order to obtain the best possible performance during its operation, in com-
plete safety, all operators must read the instructions provided in this manual carefully and follow them
All operations regarding the installation, use and maintenance must be performed by specialised per-
sonnel only.
The enclosed sheets A, B and C have to be considered an integral part of this manual.

1 Identification data

Industrial radio remote control

Date of installation Year of construction Serial no.



Single transmission S
Double transmission D

Receiver combined with pushbutton

(12 buttons + Start and Stop)

Receiver combined with pushbutton

(10 buttons + Start and Stop)
Receiver combined with pushbutton nnnn Project reference number
(8 buttons + Start and Stop)
Receiver combined with pushbutton
(6 buttons + Start and Stop)
Receiver combined with pushbutton
(4 buttons + Start and Stop) WAVE S4

Transmitter with 4 bi-axial joystick s G4

Transmitter with 3 bi-axial joystick s G3

Transmitter with 2 bi-axial joystick s G2

Transmitter with selectors and S2


Transmitter with selectors S1

Transmitter with 6 single-axial joystick s Z6

Transmitter with 2 single-axial joystick s Z2

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S H Cable-clamp output
Single transmission
Double transmission D pre-cabled output with
boxed multipolar plug
Integrated board L L Pre-cabled output with cable
and multipolar plug
Slot board H
M Unwired output
DIN - rail M

AC power supply AC A 24 Vac power supply

DC power supply DC B 48 - 55 Vac power supply

D 110 Vac power supply

Project reference number nnnn E 230 Vac power supply

F Power supply voltage range:

External antenna O 24 / 48 - 55 / 110 / 230 / 230 Vac
G 12 - 28 Vdc power supply
Internal antenna I

1.1 Types of radio remote controls specified in this manual

The M550 family is made up of many different radio control versions. Some are characterised by the
use of digital controls (on/off), whereas others enable two control typologies to be used simultane-
ously, both analogue and digital together. This manual deals with the receiver versions L-AC and L-
DC. The easy identification code, given in the table above, means the configuration of the product and
can be easily recognised.

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Paragraph Page
Introduction….……………………………………………………………………….….……….… 1
1 Identification data…..………………………………………………………………….…………. 1
1.1 Types of radio remote controls specified in this manual.………………………………………. 2
2 Conventions used in this manual………………………………………….…………………… 4
3 Operation description………….…………………………………………………………………. 4
4 Common applications……………………………………………………………………………. 5
4.1 Non-admitted uses……………………………………………………….………..……………….. 5
5 Instructions for use…………………..………………………………………...………….……… 5
5.1 Safety rules to be complied with…….……………………………….……….………….……….. 5
5.2 Start function…….……………………………………………………………….….……….……… 5
5.3 Emergency function…………………………………………………………….….……………….. 5
5.4 Switching off…………………………………………………………………..….………………… 5
5.5 Self switching off…………………………………………………………………………………... 5
5.6 Luminous indicators……………………………………………………….……………………… 6
5.7 Battery state indicator…………..………………………………………….……………………… 7
5.8 Battery replacement and charging……………………………………….……………….……… 7
6 Criteria for a perfect installation……….……………………………………………….……… 7
6.1 Drilling plan for receiver fastening…………………………………………………..…….……… 8
6.2 Connection….…………………………………………………………………………..…………... 8
6.3 AC receiver main board………………………………………………………………..…………... 10
6.4 AC receiver ON/OFF outputs…………… ………………………………………………………... 11
6.5 DC receiver main board………………….…………………………………………..…………….. 12
6.6 DC receiver ON/OFF outputs…………………………….………………………………………... 13
6.7 DC receiver analogue outputs……………….……………………………………...…………….. 14
6.8 Set up of logic functions…………………………………………………………………….……... 15
7 Technical specifications …………………….-…………………………………………………. 16
8 Instructions for frequency change…………………………………………………………… 20
8.1 Available frequencies………………………………………………………………….……...….. 21
9 Instructions for preventive maintenance…...………………………………………………. 22
9.1 Periodical maintenance to be carried out by the operator…………………………….……… 22
9.2 Maintenance and internal controls……………………………………………….……….……… 22
10 Instructions to be complied with in case of inconveniences……………….…….……… 23
10.1 List of transmitter spare parts…………………..………………………………….…….……….. 24
10.2 List of AC receiver spare parts………………………………………….………………………… 24
10.3 List of DC receiver spare parts……………….………………………………………………….. 24
10.4 Technical assistance……………………………………………………………………………….. 25
11 Scrapping…...………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
12 Coupling telegram description…………………..……………………………………………... 25
13 Declaration of conformity………………………………………………………………………... 26
EnclosureA Configuration of electric symbols of transmitter actuators…………………….…….…... A
EnclosureB List of commands… ………………………………………………………...…………….……… B
EnclosureC Wiring diagram of receiver outputs……………………..………………………….…….….… C

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This symbol means: instructions to be complied with for a correct working of the radio remote control.

The paragraph marked with this symbol contains information to be complied with carefully to avoid
dangerous situations.

This arrow means: remarks containing suggestions for a radio remote control use.

The M550 system is the result of IMET long experience in the field of radio remote controls.
The high technology applied has enabled to manufacture a product enhancing the main prop-
erties of a modern radio remote control.
Thanks to its compact anti-collision plastic container, the M550 system can stand the heaviest use
conditions with the highest reliability.
Equipped with a removable and rechargeable battery, available in the version with exclusive water-
proof locking-in system, for the transmitting units type S, G and Z, and in the hermetic version with
gold plated contacts for models type WAVE, IMET radio remote control assures operation for continu-
ous working shifts in the most climatic and environmental conditions.
A practical, clear and ergonomic control panel allows complete control of all the machine’s functions,
letting the operator perform even the most difficult manoeuvres safely and freely.
The M550 system is equipped with a frequency synthesis radio (PLL) allowing to change the
transmission channel frequency directly from the control switchboard.
A double decoding channel allows to obtain very high safety levels thus reducing error probability in
practice to zero.
Thank to the safety STOP function the system is able to operate in compliance to the most strict exist-
ing safety norms. The homonymous relays, opportunely connected, grants, when releasing a com-
mand, the safety function in case of failures (UNI-EN 954-1 norm). The safety category of each com-
mand is stated in the enclosure B and depends also from the safety STOP function, which allows to
decrease of one level the safety category of the command. This system can grant a high safety level
in dangerous situations, where a higher safety category is required.
The wide range of versions available can meet all user’s requirements. Easy to install, the radio re-
mote control IMET M550 can be integral part of each machine, requiring a wireless command system.
It can be supplied with a cable clamp or a multiple connector fixed on the receiver case or with pre-
cabled outputs through a multiple plug. The system can operate using both during current (12÷28
Vdc) or alternate current (24, 48, 55, 110 e 230 Vac).

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The most common applications of the radio remote control generally regard hoisting and hauling ma-
chines as construction cranes, bridge cranes, truck mounted cranes and concrete pumps. Other ap-
plications are not to be excluded, as long as they are in compliance to the conditions mentioned on
the chapter below.

4.1 Non-admitted uses

The radio remote control may not be used if the climatic and electric characteristics men-
tioned in the chapter 7.O are not present. Moreover, the radio remote control application is forbid-
den in places requiring antideflagration characteristics.


For the correct radio remote control use it is necessary to comply with the rules described below,
which are essential for work safety.

5.1 Safety rules to be complied with

The radio remote control use is allowed to competent operators, who should have a perfect knowl-
edge of the radio remote control operation and of the relative machine. IMET strictly recommends
to arrange a proper training for all operators using the radio remote control.
It is forbidden to switch on the transmitter in places where the machine, commanded through the ra-
dio remote control, is not completely visible. By switching on the transmitter in a closed place or, in
any case, far from the receiver, it is evident that it is not possible to be really aware of the opera-
tions to be carried out. This can bring to dangerous situations.
In case of work suspension, even for short periods, the control unit has to be switched off and the key
removed from the transmitter, thus to avoid its use by non allowed personnel.

5.2 Start function

• Make sure that the transmitter is switched off and the key selector is in anticlockwise position (type
S, G and Z), or that the key with reed contact has been removed from its seat (type WAVE).
• Insert a loaded battery in the transmitter.
• Make sure that the mushroom-head button for emergency is not switched on.
• Feed the machine and the receiver (remember that it takes approx. 3 seconds to the receiver to be
ready for the operation, as it carries out some safety check tests before).
• Switch on the transmitter by turning the key in the clockwise direction (type G, S, and Z), or insert-
ing the key with reed contact in the its seat (type WAVE).
Press the START button ; The green light on the transmitter will be continuously lit when operation
is correct. From now on, it is possible to carry out the desired commands. The transmitter may not be
started when the battery is not sufficiently charged, the emergency push button is pressed or any
key is pressed during the start phase.

5.3 Emergency function

Press the red mushroom-head button; this action will stop immediately the machine and all com-
mands. To restart operation, restore the emergency stop button operation.

5.4 Switching off

Press thoroughly the emergency stop button. The transmitter is switched off and the receiver stops.

5.5 Self switching off

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• The transmitter is switched off after approx. 3 seconds of no operation.
• The transmitter is switched off when the battery is down.

5.6 Luminous indicators








Receiving unit
Led Indication
Data error ch. B Normally switched on when operating.
(Yellow Led) It is off in case of data errors on channel B.
The system errors are showed by some decoded blinks..
Passive emergency ch. B Normally off when operating.
(Red Led) It is on when the channel B of the system is in stop condition.
Data error ch. A Normally on when operating.
(Yellow Led) It is off in case of errors on channel A.
The system errors are showed by some decoded blinks..
Passive emergency ch. A (Red Normally off when operating.
Led) It is on when the channel A is in stop condition.
RF busy (Green Led) When on it shows the presence of a signal on the radio channel.
Power Supply (Green Led) When on it means that the system is under supply.
Working When on it means that the 2 safety relays are closed. Now it
(Green Led) possible to operate.

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Transmitting Unit
Led Indication
Green Led When on it shows that the system is working.
When blinking at regular intervals means that the battery is down.
During the set up procedure of the analogue scales it gives some
decoded blinks.
In case of an anomaly in the emergency stop circuit it starts blinking in
according to a specific modality (see chapter 10)
In case of a system error it gives some decoded blinks

5.7 Battery state indicator

The battery state indicator is showed by a luminous indicator placed on the transmitter, normally lit
during operation. When the battery enters the reserve phase, it starts blinking. When the battery is
completely down, the transmitter is switched off according to the procedure described by chapter 5.4.
The reserve phase lasts approx. 15 minutes.
During the reserve phase, place immediately the machine in safety position before replacing the bat-

5.8 Battery replacement and charging

Switch off the transmitter and remove the battery, introduce it into the battery charger and wait for
the charging completion ( 2 - 3 hours).
The battery charger blinks 4 times (pre-charging) when introducing the battery, then the charging
phase starts. To confirm this, the LED is continuously lit. When recharging a battery which is com-
pletely down, it is possible that the blinking phase (pre-charging) lasts much longer. Anyway, it is fol-
lowed by the real charging phase.
To assure a better efficiency and a longer life of a battery, we suggest to make use completely of
a charge, which is signalled on the transmitter by the blinking led.
Caution: do not break off the charging by removing the battery from its housing or switching off the
battery charger when the signalling LED is still on.
Abstain, as far as possible, from recharging a battery completely or partially charged.
The battery charger has been conceived for use in buildings, therefore it should be protected
against atmospheric agents. The battery recharging should be carried out in rooms without hu-
midity and at a temperature ranging from 0 to +35° C.


The radio remote control installation does not imply any particular difficulty. Anyway, for a good sys-
tem operation, it is important to comply carefully with the rules described below.
• The installation should be carried out exclusively by qualified personnel.
• Do not elude the existing machine safety systems and comply with any manufacturer’s instruction.
• Install the receiver in vertical position, in an accessible place without metal obstacles which might
attenuate the radio waves reception. Moreover, abstain from installing the receiver too far from the
floor (1O-2O metres). At this height, it is possible to receive radio signals which might jam the re-
ception of the radio signals coming from the transmitter.
• In presence of strong mechanical vibrations, put some rubber shock-absorbers between
the machine and the receiver.

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6.1 Drilling plan for receiver fastening
162 mm

153 mm

6.2 Connection
No operation has to be carried out with the appliances under tension
The radio remote control power supply must be connected down from the machine main switch. A di-
rect connection is strictly forbidden. The switch of the distribution net must be equipped with a system
against a non-authorised closure ( padlock).
There are several possibilities of connection for the radio remote control:
9 pre-cabled, with multiple connector fixed on the receiver box.
9 With cable output, pre-cabled on the internal connectors and with mobile multiple plug.
9 To be cabled on the internal connector and equipped with a cable clamp.
The wiring between the receiving unit and the machine must never be of a “fixed” nature. At least a
part must be connected to a multiple connector which enables the control to be reset, at any time, via
The configuration of the radio control can be identified by referring to chapter 1 of this manual.
The wiring of the receiving unit to the machine must be carried out in accordance with the Regulation
EN60204. The connecting wires must have a minimum cross-section of 0.75 mm2 and be of a self-
extinguishing type.
Refer to the transmitting unit controls diagram (see enclosure A) and the receiving unit wiring diagram
(see par. 6.4 and 6.6 and enclosure C) in order to determine the equivalence between the actuators of
the two units.
The wiring diagrams of paragraph 6.4 and 6.6 represent all available commands, which can be re-
duced in accordance to the radio remote control configuration.
The receiver can be supplied at 24, 48, 55 110 and 230V. If requested, it can be supplied for use with
continuous current at 12 ÷ 28V. Therefore particular attention must be paid to the connection of the
line voltage to the receiving unit terminal block. As far as the version of receiver in alternate current is
concerned, in order to grant effective protection, it is also essential to adjust the current value of the
fuse F13 according to the line voltage(see paragraph 6.3):
• Fuse of 0.63A delayed for tensions from 110 Vac to 230 Vac
• Fuse of 1.25A delayed for tensions from 24Vac to 48÷ 55 Vac
If at all possible, use the tips provided for terminating the conductors in such a way that the work is
carried out as expertly as possible, taking care to check the terminal screws are tightened.

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Each command is provided with an additional safety function ( safety STOP), activating the corre-
spondent relays in the receiver, thus granting the safety function when releasing a command. In case
of operating failures. The safety STOP function increase on a value the safety category of the related
command (see enclosure B). For its activation, connect the relays of this command directly to the ma-
chine (if available), or in series. The risk evaluation has been based on the UNI EN 954-1 norm.

Example of a safety STOP relays wiring

Connect the emergency circuit so to command the coil of the main remote control switch of the ma-
chine, considering that the most available current tension is 5A. The safety category of the emer-
gency circuit is 4 (UNI EN 954-1 norm).
Once the installation is complete, carry out an inspection and check that all the functions, both of the
radio control and the machine, are working properly. It is also compulsory to control the correct inter-
vention of the stop circuit. Press the stop button during operation: the main relay switch should deacti-
vate and disable all the controls.
Finally, fill out the card with the wiring diagram of the connection of the receiving unit to the machine
and write the date of installation in the box provided on the first page of this manual.

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6.3 AC receiver main board

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6.4 AC receiver ON/OFF outputs

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6.5 DC receiver main board

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6.6 DC receiver ON/OFF outputs

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6.7 DC receiver analogue outputs

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6.8 Set up of logic functions
The receiver can be set up by selecting the position of the Dip-Switches placed inside the receiver
(see par. 6.3 and 6.5)
Table 0: The commands coming from the transmitter are executed without being subjected to
any conditioning by the receiver.
Table 1: Three speeds associated with three different keys with command maintenance. Once
the basic speed key is pressed down(A1 and/or A2), the second speed (A3), or the
third speed key (A4), needs only to be pressed briefly and said functions will be main-
tained till the basic speed is released.
Table 2: Three speeds associated with three different keys with command maintenance. The
description given for table 1 applies, with the only difference being, in this case, that the
basic speed keys are A5 and A6, whilst the second and the third speed keys are A7
and A8.
Table 3: Is the combination of the two previous tables.
Table 4: Three speeds associated with just 2 keys with memory. In this case, the dual function of
the key is exploited allowing the basic speed to be obtained when pressed once and
the second speed when pressed for the second time. The third speed is, instead, acti-
vated by another key, specifically: A3 for the A1/B5 or A2/B5 key, and A4 for A5/B7 or
Table 5: In case the radio remote control is to applied to a bridge crane, since this function re-
quires distinct second speed controls, even the second function of each key (which
normally belongs to two adjacent keys ant is the same for both) is used as a distinct im-

Table 0 No automatic maintenance
1 2 3 4

Table 1 OFF
A3 or (A3 and A4) , maintained by A1or A2.
1 2 3 4

Table 2 A7 or ( A7 and A8 ) maintained by A5 or A6.
1 2 3 4

Table 3 Table 1 + Table 2
1 2 3 4

ON A3 maintained by (A1+B5) or (A2+B5)

Table 4 OFF A4 maintained by (A5+B7) or (A6+B7)
1 2 3 4

Table 5 Second speed – Distinct
1 2 3 4

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• Manufacturer IMET S.r.l.
• Working frequency I.S.M. Band 433.075 ÷ 434.775 Mhz
• Standard ETSI EN 300 220-3
• Channel spacing 25 Khz Simplex, ( 25 KHz Half Duplex)*
• Number of P.L.L. programmable radio channels 30
• Outreach ≅ 100 m
• Modulation GMSK Dev. 3 KHz
• Receiver sensibility 0.22 uV 12 dB Sinad
• Hamming distance ≥9
• Error non-detection probability < 7.34x10-12
• Available pairing addresses 65536
• Delay time on receiver start < 3 sec
• Delay time on the start command < 750 ms
• Response time of commands < 110 ms, (< 120 ms)*
• Response time of active emergency < 150 ms, (< 220 ms)*
• Response time of passive emergency < 800 ms
• Safety category of STOP command (UNI EN 954-1) 4(UNI EN 954-1)
• Safety category of movement commands (UNI EN 954-1) 3 (UNI EN 954-1) (with safety STOP)
• Operation and storage temperature -20°C ÷ +70°C(-4°F ÷ +158 °F)
• Housing protection degree IP 65
• Housing material Charged Nylon
• Quantity of safety commands 2 Safety Stop, Emergency stop

Transmitters type WAVE:

• Max. quantity of ON/OFF commands 16 (WAVE S), 20 (WAVE L)
• Service commands 1 Klaxon
• Max. quantity of analogue commands 1
• Max quantity of selector commands (optional ) 4

Transmitters type S, G and Z:

• Max quantity of ON/OFF commands 20
• Service commands 1, ( 3 ) Start (Klaxon and Timed Stop,
• Max. quantity on analogue commands 8

* Data Feedback version

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Transmitting unit WAVE type:
• Emission power of the R.F. system 10 mW ERP (Internal Antenna)
• Emission class 25K0F1D
• Oscillator type Synthesizer
• Supply tension 2.4 Vdc
• Power demand 100 mA, 120mA*
• Supply power 0,3 W*
• Battery Ni-MH 2,4V 1.5 A/h
• Autonomy at 20 °C with charged battery –
continuos operation ≅ 15 hours , 12 hours*
• Advice time “battery down” ≅15 min
• LCD* Display 2 lines of 8 characters each
• Visualisation speed of the characters on the display 100 char/sec

Transmitting units type S, G and Z:

• Emission power of the R.F. system 10 mW ERP (Internal antenna)
• Emission class 25K0F1D
• Type of oscillator Synthesizer
• Supply tension 6 Vdc
• Current demand 90 mA, 110mA*
• Power demand 0,54 W, 0,66 W*
• Battery Ni-MH 6V 1 A/h
• Autonomy at 20 °C with charged battery –
continuous operation ≅ 11 hours , 9 hours*
• Advise time “battery low” ≅15 min
• LCD* Display 2 lines of 16 characters each
(55x15 mm)
• Visualisation speed for the characters on the display* 100 char/sec

• Dimensions:
type WAVE S 75x43x180 mm (L.P.H.)
type WAVE L 75x43x245 mm (L.P.H.)
type S1, S2 175x115x135 mm (L.P.H.)
type G2, G3 235x177x175 mm (L.P.H.)
type Z2 205x115x170 mm (L.P.H.)
type Z6 196x137x170 mm (L.P.H.)
• Weight :
type WAVE S ≅0,375 Kg
type WAVE L ≅0,465 kg
type S1 ≅1,050 Kg
type S2 ≅1,200 Kg
type G2 ≅1,650 Kg
type G3 ≅1,800 Kg
type Z2 ≅ 1,200 Kg
type Z6 ≅ 1,350 Kg

* Data Feedback version

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Receiving unit:
• RF receiver type Superetherodine IF 83.16 MHz -
• Emission power of the R.F. system 10 mW ERP (Internal antenna)
• Emission class * 25K0F1D
• Oscillator type * Synthesizer
• Supply tension 24 Vac, 48 ÷ 55 Vac, 110 Vac, 230 Vac,
12 ÷ 28 Vdc
• Power demand 15 W Max
• Max. quantity of command relays (NO) 16
• Max quantity of command relays (NC/NO) 4
• Max. quantity of DC command drivers 20
• Max. quantity of service relays (NO) 3

• Max. carrying capacity of AC receiver command relays: 10A 130V - AC1

• Max. carrying capacity of DC receiver command relays 6A 28V (resistive load pure L=0)
2A 28V (inductive load L =10 mH)

• Max. carrying capacity of AC receiver start relays 12A 130V - AC1

• Max. carrying capacity of DC receiver start relays 12A 28V - DC1

• Max. carrying capacity of AC klaxon relays (relays C3) 12A 130V - AC1
• Max. carrying capacity of DC klaxon relays 12A 28V - DC1

• Max. carrying capacity of AC timed stop (C4 relays) 12A 130V - AC1
• Max. carrying capacity of DC timed stop 12A 28V - DC1

• Max carrying capacity of AC safety STOP relays 6A 130V - AC1

• Max carrying capacity of DC safety STOP relays 6A 28V - DC1

• Max. carrying capacity of AC receiver stop relays 6A 130V - AC1

• Max. carrying capacity of DC receiver stop relays 6A 28V - DC1

• PWM analogue output 0 ÷ 1.4 A MAX

• Analogue output with loop of current 0 ÷ 20 mA o 4 ÷ 20 mA
• Analogue output in tension 25% Vcc, 50% Vcc, 75% Vcc
0 ÷ ( Vcc-3) adjustable, MAX 28V

• Input ports* Serial / Parallel

• Max quantity of digital inputs* 8
• Max. quantity of analogue inputs* 4
• Data exchange speed of the parallel port* 50000 char/sec
• Data exchange speed of the synchronous serial port* 15000 char/sec
• Data exchange speed fo the asynchronous serial port* 4800/9600 bit/sec

• Dimensions 145 X 65 X 225 mm ( L.P.H)

• Max. weight 1,7 Kg

* Data feedback version

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Battery charger CB5000 for WAVE Models:

• Supply tension 11÷32Vdc. Optional 230Vac

• Power demand 4W while charging
• Charging current 550mA
• Max. charging time 3 hours
• Charge type PVD
• Housing protection degree IP30
• Storage temperature with loaded battery 0°C ÷ +35°C ( +32°F ÷ +95 °F)
• Storage temperature off and without battery -20°C ÷ +70°C (-4°F ÷ +158 °F)
• Dimensions 75X49X142 mm (L.P.H.)
• Weight 250g
• Weight with 230Vac transformer (optional) 490g

Battery charger CB6000 for S, G and Z models:

• Supply tension 11÷32Vdc. Optional 230Vac

• Power demand 3W (while charging)
• Charging current 450mA
• Max. charging time 3 ore
• Charge type PVD
• Housing protection degree IP30
• Operation temperature with loaded battery 0°C ÷ +35°C ( +32° F ÷ +95° F)
• Storage temperature off and without battery -20°C ÷ +70°C (-4°F ÷ +158 °F)
• Dimensions 137x94x260 mm (L.P.H.)
• Weight 250g
• Weight with transformer 230Vac (optional) 620g

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The frequency change can be carried out for all models using two commands belonging to group A,
(A1 - A8 for the joystick- for the tens, A2 for the units) and the button START (see enclosures A
and B). There are two different modalities at disposal: through the movement of the frequency channel
in use to the second subsequent one ( modality “two steps”) , or through the selection of a precise
working channel (modality “any step”). If the selected channel should not be available, it is necessary
to repeat the frequency change procedure till to find a channel free from any interference.
Frequency change - Modality “two steps”.
9 Position the transmitting unit as close a possible to the receiver. Power up the receiver and turn
the transmitter’s key clockwise (ON position).
9 Activate the commands A1 and A2 simultaneously (A8 for the joystick) and A2 (see enclosure A
for the identification), press the START . The ignition light placed on the transmitting unit should
blink 4 times consecutively followed by a pause.
9 Release the two commands and the START .
9 Push the START and check if the led placed on the transmitter blinks at regular intervals.
Wait more or less 20 seconds, till the green light stops blinking and goes off. The system can now
operate on the new frequency channel.
9 By pressing again the START it is possible to carry out the commands. If not, this means that
a mistake has been made during the execution of the procedure. Switch off the system and repeat
the operation from the beginning.

Frequency change - modality “any step”.

9 Place the transmitter as close as possible to the receiving unit. Power up the receiver and turn the
transmitter key clockwise (ON position).
9 Actuate the commands A1 (A8 for the joystick) and A2 (see enclosure A for the identification) si-
multaneously, press the START . The ignition light on the transmitting unit should start blinking
4 times consecutively followed by a pause.
9 Release the two commands and the START .
9 Select one of the 69 available channels, by using A1 (A8 for the joystick) for the tens and A2 for
the units. Example: for the push button, the channel 36 is selected by activating 3 times the com-
mand A1 (tens) and 6 times the command A2 (units).
9 Press START to confirm and check whether the green light place on the transmitter is blinking
at regular intervals. Wait more or less 20 seconds, till the led stops blinking and goes off. Now the
system is ready to operate on the new frequency channel.
9 By pressing again the START , it is possible to carry out the commands. If not, this means that
a mistake has been made during the execution of the procedure. Switch off the system and repeat
the operation from the beginning.
The selection of the frequency channel is limited to number 3 for the tens (command A1 (A8 for the
joystick)) and to number 9 for the units (command A2).By activating more than 3 times the tens, or
more than 9 times the units, the counting begins again from 0.
To select “zero”, it is not necessary to activate the command. For ex. For channel 20, select 2 times
the command A1 and press START to confirm the operation.
NOTE: Selecting 3 for the tens, the units, even if of different value, will be always zero. By selecting
channel 00, the frequency will change according to the “two steps” modality.

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8.1 Available frequencies

Table of available frequencies

01 434.050 MHz 16 434.425 MHz
02 434.075 MHz 17 434.450 MHz
03 434.100 MHz 18 434.475 MHz
04 434.125 MHz 19 434.500 MHz
05 434.150 MHz 20 434.525 MHz
06 434.175 MHz 21 434.550 MHz
07 434.200 MHz 22 434.575 MHz
08 434.225 MHz 23 434.600 MHz
09 434.250 MHz 24 434.625 MHz
10 434.275 MHz 25 434.650 MHz
11 434.300 MHz 26 434.675 MHz
12 434.325 MHz 27 434.700 MHz
13 434.350 MHz 28 434.725 MHz
14 434.375 MHz 29 434.750 MHz
15 434.400 MHz 30 434.775 MHz

Please find below all countries where the radio remote controls have been notified to the national
competent authorities on the radio frequencies spectrum , according to the art. 6.4 of the 1999/5/CE
No Country
1 Austria
2 Belgium
3 Denmark
4 Finland
5 France
6 Germany
7 Greece
8 England
9 Ireland
10 Italy
11 Luxembourg
12 Liechtenstein
13 Holland
14 Portugal
15 Spain
16 Sweden
17 Norway
18 Switzerland
19 Hungary

The product can be sold in all countries belonging to the European community, acting in accordance
to the ERC REC 70-03 norms. Each single Country can provide then for special restrictions or
licenses of use, determined by the national competent authorities on the management of the
telecommunications spectrum. For this reason, before using the radio remote control, it is necessary
to get more acquainted with the current laws concerning this matter.

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Some suggestions for a correct maintenance of your radio remote control.
• Do not expose to heat sources.
• Avoid exposure to sun for long periods.
• Do not wash with high pressure jets or immerse appliances into water.
• Avoid contact with oil and solvents.
• If the appliances are open, and make sure that the gaskets are tight.
Submit the radio remote control to regular cleaning and check operations to keep it efficient and safe.
Before starting the maintenance operations, switch off the receiver and the machine and remove
the battery from the transmitter.
Use a brush and a wet cloth to carry out cleaning operations. Do not use alcohol or solvents, as
they might damage components and radio remote control housing.

9.1 Periodical maintenance to be carried out by the operator

Clean periodically all external parts of the receiver and the transmitter. Material settlement may stop
push buttons movement.
Pay particular attention to the emergency button, clean it carefully and check whether it moves without
any difficulty.
Remove any oxidation form the battery contacts.
Check the integrity of the radio remote control housing and components. They may not have any
creeks or even evident breaking.
All rubber parts, keys and gaskets must be free form tearing.
If you find any damaged components, replace them immediately to prevent humidity penetration and
impurities from jeopardising safety and the perfect radio remote control operation.

9.2 Maintenance and internal controls

After one year of operation, carry out a careful internal maintenance of the radio remote control units.
Said checks shall be carried out by specialised personnel.

Before opening the appliances, switch off the receiver and the machine and remove the transmitter
battery. The operations described below should be carried out in a place free from dust and humidity.

Open the transmitter and receiver housing and check:

• The tightness of the gaskets.
• The cable connectors tightening.
• The screws tightening of the connection clamps and the connectors clutch.
• The tightening of the electronic cards.
• The tightening of the screws of the connection clamps and the integrity of the battery contacts.
Although well tight, dust and humidity can enter the radio apparatus . In this regard, we reccomend to
remove carefully any foreign particles.

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Reassemble the transmitter, making sure that it is well closed to avoid humidity infiltration.
When appliances are on, do not touch the parts under voltage of the receiver and carry out the follow-
ing test:
• Check the correct operation of all commands
• Check the correct intervention of the emergency stop circuit. Press the emergency stop button
while working; The machine main contactor circuit will be interrupted stopping all commands.
All faulty parts shall be replaced through original spare parts so that the system properties are not al-
tered. See list of spare parts par. 10.1, 10.2
In the end, close the receiver and make sure that the gasket has perfect tightness.


The present chapter explains some problems which may occur during the radio remote control use
and tries to give, for each problem, a possible solution.
Firstly, make sure if the failure is given by the radio remote control and replace it through a traditional
cable control to check whether the machine operation is correct.
All repairs shall be carried out in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. Any faulty parts
shall be replaced through original spare parts so that the system properties are not altered. (see
the list of the spare parts par. 10.1, 10.2 e 10.3).
Before carrying out any internal intervention, switch off receiver and machine and remove the bat-
tery from the transmitter.
We suggest to carry out a general check according to the following instructions.

The transmitter does not come on

Switch the device on by turning the selector key clockwise and activating the start control START .
The green LED set on the transmitter should light up. If this is not the case, replace the battery in use
with a charged one and check the presence of oxidation on the contacts. No commands (including the
emergency button) have to be activated.
If after pressing the START , the green Led begins blinking very fast, this shows a failure in the
emergency circuit. If after this operation the led begins giving a series of 8 short blinks (zero code),
the circuit is working correctly, while on the contrary, the led will produce a failure code. In this case
we suggest, for safety reasons, to avoid to start again the system, and to apply to a authorised assis-
tance centre to solve the problem.

The receiver does not come on

Power Supply LED is off:
• Check the fuse F10 placed inside the receiver.
• Check the connection between the machine and the radio remote control.
• Check if the machine feeds correctly the receiver;

The receiver comes on but does not activate the machine main
Check the F12 fuse status.

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The system enters often into passive emergency status
Such a condition may be caused by other transmitters positioned nearby, transmitting on the same
frequency. This hypothesis can be verified by simply switching off the transmitter and checking if the
RF-busy LED on the receiver remains lit.
If the device is subject to interference during operation, the Data Error LED may switch off every time
the system finds an error (errors may last more than 0.5 sec., sending the system into the passive
emergency state).
The only way to avoid such problems is to change the frequency of the transmission channel. See
paragraph 8 for instructions.
Other troubles may require the intervention of a technical assistance centre, authorised by the manu-

10.1 List of transmitter spare parts

Description Article
Reed contact key AS038
Key for rotary selector AS015
Shoulder belt AS013
CB5000 230 Vac battery charger with Italian plug CR010
CB5000 230 Vac battery charger with Shuko plug CR012
CB5000 11 ÷ 32 Vdc battery charger CR011
2.4V 1.5 A/h Ni-MH battery AS037
CB6000 230 Vac battery charger with Italian plug CR008
CB6000 230 Vac battery charger with Shuko plug CR009
CB6000 11 ÷ 32 Vdc battery charger CR007
6V 1 A/h Ni-MH battery AS034

10.2 AC receiver spare parts

Description Article
F10 fuse 5x20 T 1,25A delayed FS002
F11 fuse 5x20 T 5A FS005
F12 fuse 5x20 T 5A FS005
F13 24÷55V fuse 5x20 T 1,25A delayed FS002
F13 110÷230V fuse 5x20 T 0,63A FS001

10.3 DC receiver spare parts

Description Article
F10 fuse 5x20 T 1,25A delayed FS002
F11 fuse 5x20 T 5A FS005
F12 fuse 5x20 T 5A FS005

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10.4 Technical assistance
In all cases of a real radio remote control failure, which is not possible to detect on a superficial check,
like the checks suggested in the present handbook conceived for non-specialised personnel, ap-
ply exclusively to the assistance service centre authorised by the manufacturer.
Get in contact with the nearest assistance centre or the reseller where you bought the radio remote
control and tell him the following data:
• Radio remote control model.
• Serial Number.
• Detected problem.
• Purchase date.
Remember that the present handbook and the warranty certificate filled in all parts.

When the radio remote control cannot be used any longer, remove batteries and hand it over to the
area disposal centre.
It is absolutely forbidden to throw batteries into the city wastes containers, as they are strongly
polluting. Therefore, if necessary, throw them into the special containers.


The constant length telegram is composed by 127 bits, 16 of which are assigned to the coupling ad-
dress between transmitter and receiver, 83 of which are used for the command code, while the re-
maining 28bits implement the protection algorithm, assuring a Hamming distance of 9, with a probabil-
ity of non-detection error of 7.34 x 10-12, both for the address and the command code.
The 16 address bits are used to couple the transmitting unit to the receiver through a single code,
which is adjusted in the coupling electronic card and assigned exclusively to each radio remote con-

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Industrial radio remote control IMET model M550

Serial no. Construction year 2004

Is suitable
for installation on machines or other apparatus in conformity with the “Machine Directive 98/37 CE”

Is in conformity with the following standards / or technical


• EN 330 220-3 (2000) (Standard SRD)

• EN 301 489-1 (2001) (Standard EMC)
• EN 301 489-3 (2002) (Standard EMC)
• EN 61000-6-2 (2001) (Standard EMC)
• EN 61000-6-4 (2001) (Standard EMC)
• UNI EN 954-1 (10-1998) (Parts of the command system dealing with safety)
• EN 60204-32, 1998-10 (Machinery safety)
Electric equipment of the machines – Part 32 : Requirements for hosting equipment

• EN 60950 (2000) (Safety in Information technology)

Which assign to the protection requirements stated by the

CEE Directives
• 1999/5/CE acknowledged by the LEGISLATIVE DECREE 9th May 2001, No 269 (Directive

• 89/336/CEE, article 4, 10.1 and 10.2. Enclosures I and III (Directive EMC)

• 73/23/CEE, article 2, Enclosures I, III Part B and IV and following variations(Directive LV)

Sacile, 27th January 2004

IMET S.r.l.
The President Evio Cadorin

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