Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Moving loads such as heavy traffic vehicles are transmitted through a road
or airfield pavement
Changes in moisture content, which may arise from natural causes such as
seasonal fluctuation in the water table or the abstraction of water by roots of
large trees. Nearby excavation, pile driving, pumping or drainage may also
have an important effect in Structural Settlement of the foundation
Elastic settlements are a simplest to deal with; they are recoverable, instantaneous,
and may be calculated from linear elastic theory. Also called immediate settlement
Time-dependent settlements occur in both cohesive and granular soils, although the
response time for granular soils is usually short.
Immediate settlement, Si
Takes place immediately after the load is placed
Also known as Distortion or elastic settlement
Immediate settlement on cohesive soils is given by,
where ,
q - Net foundation pressure
μ - Poisson’s ratio
E – Young’s modulus of soil
Iw or If– Influence factor for settlement depending on
rigidity of foundation
Flexible footing, If = 1.52
Rigid footing , If = 1.22
Immediate settlement on cohesionless soils
Schmertmann’s Method
H - depth of clay layer
Cc – compression index
σ 0 – initial overburden pressure
Δ σ – increase in pressure
e0 – initial void ratio
Secondary consolidation, Ss
● The reduction in volume continues at a very slow rate even after the excess pore
water pressure developed by the applied pressure is fully dissipated and the
primary consolidation is complete. This additional reduction in the volume is called
secondary consolidation.
● It is attributed to the plastic readjustment of the solid particles and the adsorbed
water to the new stress system.
Secondary compression settlement ,Ss
Volume change occurring due to rearrangement of soil particles
Cα – slope of secondary recompression curve
ef – final void ratio
Total settlement , S = S i + S c + Ss
Modes of Settlement
1. Uniform settlement
Occurs if a structure settles uniformly
T =δ/L
The foundation was made of limestone and lime mortar. However, it was
dug only 3 meters deep and built on dense clay, which was not a very
stable place to build a 14,500-ton tower.
The weight started to compact the soil until it found the weakest point and
started sinking in on one side.
This is why it is so crucial to have the proper foundation in the first place. If we were
wanting to building something like this today, we would make sure you would have a
deep foundation. A deep foundation anchors a building in utilizing piles that are driven
deep into the ground. These anchors are usually provided via helical piles or driven
piles. While both achieve their goals in separate ways, they get similar results.
Causes of Differential settlement
incompressible soil
Causes of Differential settlement contd…
2. Variations in foundation loading
Causes of Differential settlement contd…
3. Large loaded areas on flexible foundations
Differential settlement can occur for large flexible
raft foundation on compressible soils
rigid footing is assumed to be infinitely rigid which means that whole footing will
settle as a rigid element. There will not be any curvature(no bending) along its length
or width even if it experiences the concentrated loading and the pressure distribution
beneath such footing remains linear.
Causes of Differential settlement contd…
4. Differences in time of construction of adjacent parts of a
Occurs when extension to a structure is built many years after
completion of original structure
Long term settlement will be completed for the older structure but
new structure will be starting to settle
● Underground Erosion
● Structural Collapse of Soil
● Thermal Changes
Other Causes ● Frost Heave
● Vibration and Shocks
● Land Slides
● Mining Subsidence
Methods to reduce differential settlement
Provision of a rigid raft foundation with thick slab
● But differential settlement causes severe damages to the structure due to angular distortion.
● It is possible to predict the maximum settlement, but difficult to predict differential settlement.
● IS : 1904 is restricting the maximum and differential settlement for different types of
structures and different types of foundations which is known as Allowable Settlement
● Many plastic clays swell considerably when water is added to them and
shrink with the loss of water. Foundations constructed on such expansive
clays are subjected to large uplifting forces during swelling.
Shear strength of soil get increased and bearing capacity of soil is improved.
with Vertical
Sand drains
Commonly used to reduce the time of consolidation.
For Installation, wick drains are held in a tube, and the tube is
pushed into soft clay deposit.
Drainage is good.
The Plate Bearing Test (or Plate Loading Test) is an insitu load bearing test of soil used
for determining the ultimate bearing capacity of the ground and the likely settlement
under a given load.
For clay, Sf Bf
Sp Bp
For sand, 2
Sf B f ( B p 0.3)
S p B p ( B f 0.3)
Advantages of Plate load test
Limitations of Plate load test
•Size Effect
•Scale Effect
•Time Effect
•Interpretation of Failure Load
•Reaction load
1. Size Effect of plate load test
The strength and the settlement characteristics of the soil within the
pressure bulbs reflected the results of the plate load test.
As the pressure bulb depends upon the size of the loaded area, it is
much deeper for the actual foundation.
When the soil is not homogeneous and isotropic to a large depth,
the pate load test does not truly represent the actual conditions.
2. Scale effect
For saturated clays, the ultimate bearing capacity is independent
of the size of the plate but for the cohesionless soils, the ultimate
bearing capacity increases with the size of the plate.
To decrease the scale effect, it is desirable to repeat the plate
load test with plates of two or three different sizes and extrapolate
the bearing capacity for the actual foundation and take the
average of the values produced.
5. Time Effect
Essentially a plate load test is a test of short duration. It does not give the ultimate
settlement for clayed soils. The load settlement curve is not purely representative.
6. Reaction Load
To provide a reaction of more than 250 kN is not practicable. Hence, it is difficult to test on
a large size plate of more than 0.6 m widths.
Design of shallow foundations
• Provided to support an
individual column-
• Circular, square or
rectangular slab of
uniform thickness
• Provided for a no. of closely spaced columns
[row of columns]
• Their spread footings overlap or nearly touch
each other
• more economical
• Also provided below walls
When two columns are so close to each other that their individual footing will overlap,
then we will go for combined footing or
when property line is so close to one column that a spread footing would be eccentrically
loaded or
no space for equal projections by combining it with that of an interial column, the load is
evenly distributed.
• Two individual or isolated
footings connected with a
structural strap behave as
one unit
In first step of every design, we analyze the state of stress and see the
strain due to these stresses. In analysis we see the type of loading,
type of strain and the modes of failure. In foundation design these
stresses are called as bearing capacity and strains as settlements.
Now using the data from analysis and the material selected
the dimension are chosen (i.e. thickness, width, depth of pad)
and the design is completed.
Step # 03 (Documentation)
determination of;
Df =?
d =?
B =?
L =? B
As =? L
Principles of Design of Combined Footings
Rectangular CG
The design consists in selecting length and width of the footing such that
the centroid of the footing and the resultant of the column loads coincide.
1. Determine the total column loads; Q=Q1+Q2
Q1 is the exterior column and Q2 is the interior column
8. Draw the SFD and BMD along the length of the footing considering
pressure q0 acts as udl upwards
Column loads are taken as point loads acting at the centres.
1. Q=600+900=1500kN
2. A=(Q/qna = (Q)/100=15 m2
3. x¯ =Q2 x X2/Q=900x5/1500=3m Please read
x¯ = x bar
4. Length of ftg, L=2(x¯+(b1/2))=2x(3+(0.3/2))=6.3m ( b1 = 0.3, size of
exterior column)
5. Width of ftg, B=A/L=15/6.3=2.38 m 2.4 m
6. More phone numbers:
7. Actual Soil pressure =q0=Q/A0=1500/(6.3x2.4)=99.20kN/m2
< 100kN/m2(safe)
7. Actual pressure per metre run = 99.2 x 2. 4
= 238.1kN/m
Q1 = Q2 = Distance b/w loads = 5m
600kN 900kN
Remaining =1.3m
Left side projection = 0.15m
Right side projection = 1.15m
Figure shows SFD and BMD
SF@A= 0
SF@B= 238.1x.15=36kN
Then 600kN downwards…
So 36-600 = -564kN
-564+ 238.1 x 5 = 626.2kN
636.2-900 = 273.8 kN
-273.8 + 238.1 x 1.15 = 0
BM @ A =0
BM @ B =238.1 x 0.15 2/2 =2.67kNm
C D E BM @ E=0
A B BM @ D = 238.1 x 1.15 2/2 =157.5kNm
Point of contraflexure
For Max BM, SF =0, ie, at C
238.1 x x -600 =0; X = 2.519m from left
So, BM @ C = -600 x (2.519-0.15) +
238.1 x 2.5192 /2
= 666kNm
Repeat the qn with Q1 = 800kN, Q2 = 1200kN.
Columns 0.4mx 0.4m, 0.5m x 0.5m, Dist bet columns 6m
Trapezoidal footings are provided to avoid eccentricity of
loading with respect to base.
Trap. Footings are reqd when the space outside the
exterior column is limited
And the exterior column carries a heavier load.
The design procedure consists of the foll. steps.
1. Determine the total column loads; Q=Q1+Q2
Q1 is the exterior column and Q2 is the interior column
5. A trapezoidal footing is required if L/3<x’<L/2 where L is the length of the trapezoidal footing
If x’ = L/2, a rectangular footing is provided. However, if x’ = L/3, a combined footing cannot be provided.
In such a case, a strap footing is suitable.
I = LB3/12
Mat foundations are an ideal type of foundation in several conditions for instance low
bearing capacity soil, spread footing cover about 70% of the structure, high structure
loads, soft pockets or cavities of in the soil to unknown extent raft, and highly compressible
soil and extents to a great depth.
certain requirements of raft foundation are minimum depth of 50cm, required excavation
depth of approximately 2.5m, and rebar cover of 50mm, etc.
Raft foundation
Provided ,
When allowable soil pressure is low
Provided when column loads
are light and spacing b/w
columns is relatively small
Types of Raft foundations
• Flat plate thickened • Two way Beam & slab type
under columns Beams run in both ways
Columns located at intersection of
Types of Raft foundations
Box structure
(with basements)
Basement walls provide stiffness for
the mat
Types of Raft foundations
• Mat placed on piles
• Used where soil is highly compressible
As width of raft very large, bearing capacity is high. Shear failure does
not occur.
The bearing capacity of raft foundation in sands is governed by settlement except for the
case where the sand deposit is very loose i.e. the corrected SPT value is less than 5.
for the same loading intensity and soil condition, the differential settlement in a mat
foundation is about 1/2 than that of a spread foundation
Rafts on cohesionless soils
As per Teng (1962) the safe bearing capacity can be obtained from the results of SPT
From shear failure criteria, the net safe bearing capacity is given by:
qns = 0.02N2BRW1 + 0.06(100 + B2)DfRW2 ———-(1)
qult c N c q N q 0.5 B N
Rafts on cohesive soils
qnu = c Nc
qns = qnu/F
qna = qns
Floating foundation
a type of foundation constructed by excavating the
soil in such a way that the weight of structure built
on the soil is nearly equal to the total weight of
the soil excavated from the ground including the
weight water in the soil before the construction
of structure.
• The ground is excavated up to certain depth which is below water table. Now in the next
step, a building is constructed which is as same weight as of the removed soil and
water. Even the depth of excavation is below the table the total vertical pressure in the
soil below the foundation is unchanged because of its balancing weight.
Floating foundation
• one point is to be noted that we cannot build a structure immediately after the
• During the time of construction, the effective vertical pressure under the depth of
excavation may slightly increase because of unbalancing weight.
• So, this type of foundations can also be called as partly compensated foundations
instead of fully floating or compensated foundation
Suitability of Floating foundation
Soils which are having good shear strength but having a problem
of large settlements and differential settlements under heavy
loads. In which case, floating foundation can reduce the
settlement values to greater extent.
Soils which are having low shear strength and there is no hard
layer of soil at reasonable depth. Here also, floating foundation
helps to reduce the shear stresses to satisfactory level and
hence settlement is prevented.
Difficulties in Construction of Floating Foundation
During the construction of floating foundation some problems may arise which
can be prevented by taking proper care. The problems will arise during
Critical depth
Bottom heave
Difficulties in Construction of Floating Foundation
Critical depth
If the soil is of low shear strength as specified above, there is a limit to the depth of
excavation which is known as critical depth.
Bottom heave
Q/A = γ Df + q na
ie. Load carrying capacity is increased
by γ Df if foundation is not backfilled
Floating foundation design
If (Q/A)- γ Df = q na or q ns
For fully compensated foundation ,
Q/A = γ Df
Q = 150 MN = 150 x 10 3 kN
A = 30x30 = 900 m2
Df = 150 x 10 3/ ( 19 * 900)
Df = 8.77m
Design methods of Raft foundation
Conventional Rigid beam method
The actual deflection of the raft does not influence the pressure distribution below the raft
Soil pressure is assumed to be planar and coincides with line of action of the resultant load
Method Does not take into account moments and shear caused by differential settlement .So
a) The structure behaves as rigid ( due to the combined action of tbe superstructure and the
foundation ) with a relative stiffness factor K > 0.5 b) The column spacing is less than 1.75/λ
Design Procedure of Raft Foundations
1. Determine the line of action of all the loads acting
on the raft.
2. The self weight of the raft is not considered, as it
is taken directly by the soil.
3. Determine the contact pressure distributions: The
max contact pressure should be less than the
allowable soil pressure.
Design Procedure of Raft Foundations
4. Divide the slab into strips in x and y directions.
6. The strip does not satisfy statics. ie, resultant of column loads and resultant of
contact pressure are not equal and they do not act in the same line.
7. The reason is that the strips do not act independently as assumed and there is
some shear transfer between adjoining strips.
Design Procedure of Raft Foundations