Spec Boiler
Spec Boiler
Spec Boiler
Capacity: 16 Ton/h
1. Construction
Combi Steam Boiler System, Water Tube and Fire Tube with Water Cooled Combustion
Chamber Furnace. Manual balance draIt system into the Iurnace, Automatic / manual Iuel
Ieeding system Ior baggage
. 0n0ral boil0r data
Model : CSB 16T-8
Type : Horizontal combi 3 phase Iire tube and water tube steam boiler
Standard design : American Standard (ASME Code)
Steam output : 16000 Kg/h. oI saturated steam
Thermal capacity : 1056x10
Design pressure : 10 Kg/cm
Test pressure : 10 Kg/cm
Max working pressure : 8 Kg/cm
Heating surIace:
- Radiant heating surIace : 98 M
- Convection heating surIace : 550 M
Fuel : Baggage
Materials calculation
& construction : According to ASME sec I, Power Boiler
CertiIication : DPNKK (Depnaker RI)
Material speciIication
- Boiler plate : HII DIN 17155 / SB-42 JIS G-3103
- Boiler tubes : ST.35,8-I / STB 340 S-H
Welding methods : According to ASME sec IX
Examinations methods : According to ASME sec V (X-Ray, P.T. MPT)
Test methods : Water Pressure Test
Electric : AC 50Hz - 380 Volt
- 380V : Ior motors (3
- 220V : Ior controllers & instruments. Controller signal
. Scop0 of Works
Boiler drum
Body shell : Boiler plate DIN 17155 HII / SB-42 JIS G-3103
Tube plate : Boiler plate DIN 17155 HII / SB-42 JIS G-3103
Fire tube : Boiler Tube DIN 17175 Gr I / ST 35.8-I / STB 340 S-H
Nozzle connection : Black seamless pipe Sch40
Flange joint : Din PN16 Std
Boiler support : WI300x150x6.5x9mm, Siku L100x100x10mm
Isolation : Glass wool D32 Zincalume cover
Water tube Iurnace
Furnace chamber Ior boiler complete with Iire grate, rooster and Iire brick
Water tube : Boiler Tube DIN 17175 Gr I / ST 35.8-I / STB 340 S-H
Header : Black seamless pipe Sch40 ASTM A106 Gr-B
Flange joint : Din PN16 Std
Membrane wall : Plate Ms/Ss400
Ash box : Plate Ms/Ss400
ReIractory : Castable reIractory
Grate : Plat grate castable reIractory
Isolation : Glass wool D32 Zincalume cover
Induce draIt Ian
Type : Radial turbo Ian
Capacity : 63000 m
Static pressure : 2240 Pa
ShaIt : ST60
Impeller and casing : Plate Ms/Ss400
Bearing : Plummer block bearing 'SKF
Power : 75Kw/100Hp, 3Phase, 380-660Volt 50Hz
Force draIt Ian
Type : Radial turbo Ian (direct couple)
Capacity : 1800 m
Static pressure : 2000 Pa
Material : Impeller and casing plate Ms/Ss400
Power : 22Kw/30Hp, 3Phase, 380-660Volt 50Hz
Over Iire Ian
Type : Radial high pressure blower
Material : Impeller and casing plate Ms/Ss400
Power : 2.2Kw/3Hp, 3Phase, 220-380Volt 50Hz
Quantity : 2 Unit
Chimney / ducting
Size : 0x24m Height
Body shell : Plate Ms/Ss400
Support : Steel wire rooI
Complete with Chimney ladder, platIorm & Support lightening protection
(excluded lightening protector)
Ash collector
Type : Cyclone ash collector
Cyclone : Size 2240x6990mm Height
Material : Plate Ms/Ss400
Support : WI 150x75x5x7mm, angle bar L80x80x8mm, L60x60x6mm
Quantity : 2 (two) units
Boiler Ieed pump
Type : 'GrundIos Vertical multistage pump
Capacity : 20 m
Head : 100 M
Quantity : 2 (two) units (1 units operation 1 unit stand by)
Water level gauge
Brand : Diesee ex Germany
Size : 300 mm
Quantity : 2 (two) unit
SaIety valve
Brand : Leser ex Germany
Size : Dn65 Pn16
Quantity : 2 (two) units
Boiler control panel
Electric panel control with automatic pressure witch control & water level control Ior
boiler operation
Contactor / overload : ex Japan
Box panel : Plate Ms with powder coating
Cable installation : Type NYY cable
Cable control : Type NYYHY cable
Feed water tank
Type : Horizontal
Capacity : 12 m
Diameter : 1900x4500mm Length
Body shell : Plate Ms/Ss400
Support : WI 200x100x5.5x8mm, Angle bar L70x70x7mm
Condensate tank
Type . Jertical
Capacity . 15 m
Diameter . /- 2500x3000mm
Material . Plate Ms/Ss400
Boiler interconnecting pipe c/w insulation
Only up to main steam, header and Ieed water tank
Valve and Appliance
- Main steam valve Ior boiler 1 Pcs
- Feed stop valve 1 Pcs
- Feed non return valve 1 Pcs
- Drain stop valve 3 Pcs
- Blow down valve (ball valve) 3 Pcs
- Venting valve 1 Pcs
- Condensate pump
- Boiler platIorm
- Feed water control
- Low water shut down switch alarm
- Automatic pressure switch
Main steam header
Diameter : 20x1500mm
Auxiliary nozzle : maximum 5 pcs
Insulation : Glass wool Aluminum cover t0.5mm
Pressure gauge : 6 range 0-10 bar
Complete automatic condensate drain with steam trap
Boiler operation license (Iabrication certiIication) Irom Depnaker RI
Boiler Foundation
Scope oI customer with drawing supply Irom us
O Excluded : Water storage tank, water soItener system, & water treatment
00ding Syst02
O Fabrication and installation Automatic Ieeding system Ior Steam boiler system with Scrapper
conveyor system
a. Feeding system
Type : Scrapper conveyor
Capasitas : 3 Ton/jam
Qty : 2 Unit
Panfang . /- 6000 mm
Lebar . 400 mm
Casing : Plate Ms/Ss400 t4.5mm
Chain : Chain Rs80
Power screw : 2.2Kw/3Hp 220-380Volt. with Electromotor 'Teco
Gear box 'Chenta ex Taiwan
b. Panel control
Electric panel control with Automatic / manual Ior automatic Ieeding system operation
Contactor / overload : ex Japan
Box panel : Plate Ms with powder coating
Cable installation : Type Nyyhy cable
September 10, 2008
oleh malikhizbullah
Pada sistem pembangkit tenaga uap (steam power plant), salah satu cara untuk
meningkatkan eIisiensi tersebut adalah dengan melengkapi unit heat exchanger. Salah
satunya yaitu menggunakan peralatan pesawat pemanas air pengisi ketel yang biasa
disebut ekonomizer. Ekonomi:er merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk memanaskan air
pengisi ketel (feed water) sebelum masuk drum ketel dengan memanIaatkan panas yang
terkandung dalam gas buang. Karena prosentase terbesar kehilangan energi pada ketel
secara umum ada pada gas buang cerobong. Diharapkan air masuk ketel yang menerima
transIer panas dari gas buang menjadi lebih panas sehingga pembentukan uap lebih cepat.
Pemasangan heat exchanger ini akan membantu meningkatkan eIisiensi ketel. Akibatnya
pemanIaatan ampas akan berlangsung lebih eIisien dan pemakaian bahan bakar suplesi
dapat dihindari sehingga biaya produksi dapat ditekan.
2.3.1 Combustion Theory1
The complete combustion of bagasse can be thought of as occurring
in two stages: primary and secondary combustion. Primary combustion refers to the
physical and chemical changes occurring on the fuel bed. t consists of drying,
devolatilization, ignition, and burning of the bagasse. Secondary combustion refers
to the oxidation of the gases and particulate matter released by primary combustion.
Secondary combustion is aided by high temperature, sufficient air and turbulence in
the gas stream. The turbulence must be intense and last long enough to ensure
adequate mixing at elevated temperatures.
Time, temperature, turbulence, and air require a delicate balance for
complete combustion. A disturbance in one or more of these variables can reduce
combustion efficiency and result in measurable increases in emissions of carbon
monoxide (CO) and other organic compounds (i.e., the products of incomplete
combustion). As a class, these organic compound emissions are generally
measured either as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or total organic compounds
2.3.2 Boiler Operating Procedures2
x2i -xi
Boiler operating procedures can influence uncontrolled emissions from
bagasse-fired boilers. First, like other waste-fired boilers, bagasse boilers may use
auxiliary fuels for start-up. Because fuel oil is usually the start-up fuel, the initial
sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions are higher than when
bagasse alone is fired. The duration of startup is typically up to 8 hours. During this
period, particulate matter (PM) emissions may increase due to poor combustion
conditions in the boiler while it is cold. n most areas, bagasse boilers are started up
once at the start of the harvest season and are not shut down until the end of the
season, unless it is absolutely necessary.
n Hawaii, the boilers are operated differently in that they are shut down on
weekends unless they are cogenerating electricity. For economic reasons,
cogeneration boilers typically operate continuously nearly year round. Also,
bagasse-fired boilers in Hawaii are generally more efficient than in other areas due
to lower fuel moisture contents, larger boiler sizes, and the placement of the stoker
feed system higher above the grate to increase suspension burning.
Second, most bagasse boilers may cofire an auxiliary fuel (normally fuel oil or
natural gas) at times to produce the total energy needed for the facility to sustain
good combustion with wet bagasse. As is the case during startup, combined oil and
bagasse firing will increase SO2 and NOx emissions. Auxiliary fuel is used whenever
additional heat input is required. f the supply of bagasse to the boiler is interrupted,
auxiliary fuel will be used to provide up to 100 percent of the heat input of the boiler.
During these periods, SO2 and NOx emissions will increase. Facilities burning
bagasse normally attempt to keep auxiliary fuel use to a minimum for economic
reasons. Typically, less than 15 percent of the total annual fuel heat input into the
boiler comes from fossil fuels. Bagasse-fired boilers in Hawaii which cogenerate
electricity generally fire the largest amounts of fossil fuels because they are
operated outside of the harvest season.
f boilers are undersized, soil brought in with the cane can become physically
entrained by the high velocity of the combustion gases.1 Soil characteristics such as
particle size can affect the magnitude of PM emissions from the boiler. Mill
operation can also influence the bagasse ash content by not properly washing and
preparing the cane.
Conveyor Baggase Drier cap 8 ton/hr and can reduce Moisture Content Irom: 50 to 30
Please send to us oIIering - incl: speciIication, material, design, etc and... THE PRICE (Iob or ciI
surabaya east java) exactly soonly
Your FaithIully