Embryology Notes-Lecture 1-Intro To Embryo
Embryology Notes-Lecture 1-Intro To Embryo
Embryology Notes-Lecture 1-Intro To Embryo
. early development: fertilization to week 3 2. embryonic period: week 3-8 3. fetal period: week 8 parturition Early development: Fertilization -> implantation -> proliferation of cells -> gastrulation -> formation of the placenta -> body axes Embryonic Period: Organogenesis and body part formation most organs and body parts VERY susceptible during this time. Beginning = flat disc, End = looks like a person Fetal Period: Rapid growth, both in length (uniform growth) and weight (non-uniform). Tissues and organs LESS susceptible to injury from teratogens, chemicals, etc. BEEPT G still very susceptible (brain, eyes, ears, palate, teeth, and ext. genitalia) Congenital Anomalies vs. Anatomical Variation - CA = abnormalities of development that are present at birth, detected inadvertently during life, or not detected until death and autopsy. - AV = fairly common anatomical discrepancies between members of the same species Clinically significant CA: - Malformations = occur during organogenesis in embryonic period; result = abnormal structure - Disruptions = result from ext. influences that cause alteration of already formed structures. - Deformations = abnormal form result from mech. Forces - Dysplasia = abnormal organization of cells into tissue Cell Cycle series of events by which all living things propogate VERY IMPORTANT that things happen when they should, usually happens rapidly. Under TIGHT CONTROL (highly regulated) monitors environment to be sure it is adequate for progeny Parts of cell cycle: G1 = gap phase of the cell cycle, gets bigger, grows up, series of checkpoints S = period of DNA synthesis G2 = b/n DNA synth and mitosis, safety gap to ensure correct replication and cell size. Organelles replicatied. G0 = non-grow, arrested in development muscle cells and neurons are usually stuck in G0. Mitosis. Result = two identical cells, same chromosome and content as parent Each parent has 22 autosomal pairs of chromosomes and one pair sex chromosomes. (XX, XY, 46) normal somatic cell = 2n, germ cell = 1n 4 main phases: - Prophase = chromosomes condense and each has two strands (chromatids), nucleolus disappears, replication of the centrioles and disintegration of nuclear envelope - Metaphase microtubules organize into the mitotic spindle, chromosomes line up. - Anaphase = chromosomes pulled apart - Telophase = nucleus reforms around the chromosomes, chromosomes uncoil, cytoplasm divides forming two cells Meiosis Sequence of two cell divisions that results in the formation of 4 cells that have the DNA of the parent cell and different genetic Limited to gamete forming cells. IMPORTANT PARTS of meiosis - Pachytene crossing over event, exchange of genetic material unique genetic combos. - Metaphase I alignment of maternal and paternal chromosomes RANDOMLY. - Meiosis II similar to mitosis, however end result is cells that are 1n
Meiosis differs in males and females: Males = 4 speratid Female = 1 viable ovum and 3 polar bodies (cell divisions are unequal-all E into one great cell with others being g.scrap) *PROPHASE I of Meiosis results in daughter cells that are genetically different that the parent cell.