AASHTO & ASTM Standard Sieve Sizes
AASHTO & ASTM Standard Sieve Sizes
AASHTO & ASTM Standard Sieve Sizes
3 50mm (2 in)
4 37.5mm (1½in)
5 25mm (1in)
6 19mm (¾in)
7 12.5 mm (½in)
8 9.5mm (3/8in)
9 4.75mm (No.4)
10 2.36mm (No.8)
11 2.00mm (No.10)
12 1.18mm (No.16)
13 0.6 mm (No.30)
14 0.3 mm (No.50)
15 0.15mm (No.100)
16 0.075mm (No.200)
Fine aggregate/sand
Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, manufactured sand or combination of both.
Table 2 BS Requirement
BS 812
(% pass)
10.00 100
5.00 89 – 100
2.36 60 – 100
1.18 30 – 100
0.60 15 – 100
0.30 5 – 70
0.15 0 – 15
Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete.
ERA Requirement (Standard Technical Specification – 2002, Series 8000: Structures, Division
8400: Concrete For Structures- Table 8402-2 Page 71)
Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a combination of
natural and manufactured sand conforming to AASHTO M 6 class B including the
reactive aggregate supplementary ( Additional) requirement, except as amended or
supplemented by the following:
Material passing standard sieve size 0.075 mm shall not exceed 3.0% when tested in
accordance with AASHTO T 11.
The Sand equivalent value in accordance with AASHTO T 176 shall not be more than 75.
For lightweight fine aggregate, conform to AASHTO M 195.
The maximum soluble sulphate salt content of aggregates, expressed as percentage SO 3
by mass, shall not exceed 0.1 %.
1.2 General Requirement
Fine aggregate shall fulfill the following requirements when tested by the
following methods.
Type of Test Method Allowable Limits
Organic impurity content
1 ASTM C40 Max. plate No. 3
Fineness modulus
a) Fine sand
2.20 – 2.60
5 b) Medium sand
2.60 – 2.90
c) Coarse sand
2.90 – 3.20
6 Chloride content (Max) BS812 600mg/liter
7 Sulfate content (Max) BS812 1000mg/liter
Sand for making Mortar
Sand used for making mortar should be well graded, that the particles should not all be
fine nor all coarse.
Prevent adhesion,
Reduce strength, and
Increase porosity.
2. Coarse aggregate
2.1 Gradation
Coarse aggregate shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel, crushed stone etc. The
grading of coarse aggregate shall conform to the following table (ASTM C33).
Sieve Gradation
Size requirements %
(mm) pass (ASTM C33)
37.5 100
25.00 95 - 100
19.00 40 – 85
12.5 10 – 40
9.50 0 – 15
4.75 0-5
2.2 General
Coarse aggregate shall fulfill the following requirements when tested by the
method adopted
Item No. Type of Test Method ble
Fine Aggregate
Lightweight material 2 2
Organic matter 0 0
3. Reinforcement bars
A deformed bar is defined as a bar that is intended for use as reinforcement in
reinforced concrete construction. The surface of the bar is provided with
protrusions called deformations. Bars are of two minimum yield levels namely: as
Grade 220 and Grade 400 respectively.
Tensile strength, yield stress and elongation of steel bar shall be in accordance
with the following table (ESC.D7 101)
Mechanical Properties
Tensile strength Yield stress Elongation minimum
(Mpa) (Mpa) (%)
Grade 220 400 – 550 220 20
Grade 400 > 600 400 16
(a) Cement
Cement used for structures shall be either ordinary Portland or sulphate resisting cement
complying with the requirements of AASHTO M-85 or blended hydraulic cement complying
with the requirements of AASHTO M-240.
(b) Admixtures
Admixtures shall not be used in concrete without the approval of the Engineer who may
require tests to be made before their use to prove their suitability.
Admixtures, if allowed, shall comply with the following:
(i) Air-Entraining Admixtures
Air-entraining admixtures shall comply with AASHTO M 154.
For structural concrete, air- entraining admixtures shall be admixtures classified as vinsol
resin or neutralized vinsol resin.
Where the contractor wishes to use an alternative air-entraining agent, he shall demonstrate, to
the satisfaction of the Engineer, its compliance with AASHTO M 154 when tested with the
cement, aggregates and other admixtures approved for use in the Works.
(ii) Chemical Admixtures
Chemical admixtures can be accelerating, retarding and /or water reducing, and combinations
thereof , conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 194.
When a retarding admixture is required it shall be Type D, a water - reducing -retarding
admixture as designated in AASHTO M 194.
Type F or G high range admixtures may be used if approved by the Engineer for additional
workability and/or to reduce the water cement ratio.
Chemical admixtures shall be compatible with the other ingredients of the mix as
demonstrated by tests carried out on site by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer at
least 30 days before it is proposed to use the agent.