17 Ee 321
17 Ee 321
17 Ee 321
Module – 1
1 a. Perform source transformation and find a single voltage source in series with a 6 marks
resistance for the circuit shown in fig 1(a).
Fig 1(a)
b. For the circuit shown in fig 1(b), solve for loop currents 6 marks
Fig 1(b)
c. Find the equivalent delta connection for the circuit shown in fig 1(c). 8 marks
2 a. Find the current in the 10 Ohm resistor for the circuit shown in fig 2(a). Use star 6 marks
delta transformation.
Fig 2(a)
b. For the circuit shown in fig 2(b) determine all node voltages. 8 marks
Fig 2(b)
c. The node voltages equations for an electrical circuit are as follows: 6 marks
Draw the circuit.
Module – 2
3 a State and explain superposition theorem. 6marks
b For the circuit shown in fig 3(b), find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit across X- 8 marks
Y terminals.
Fig 3(b)
c For the circuit shown in fig 3(c), find the Norton’s equivalent across X-Y 4 marks
Fig 3 (c)
4 a State and explain Norton’s theorem 6 marks
b In the network shown in fig. 4(b) determine the current I using superposition 8 marks
Fig 4 (b)
c Find Vx and verify reciprocity theorem for the circuit shown In fig 4 (c) 6 marks
Fig 4 (c)
Module – 3
5 a A series R-L-C circuit is energized by a variable frequency AC supply. Derive the 8 marks
expressions for half power frequencies and bandwidth.
b For the circuit shown in fig 5(b) find the frequency at which the circuit will be at 6 marks
resonance. If the capacitor and inductors are interchanged, what will be the
value of the resonance frequency?
Fig 5(b)
c Explain the behavior of circuit elements under switching action(t = 0 and t= 6 marks
6 a Determine i, di/dt and d2i/dt2 at t = 0+ when the switch is moved from 8 marks
position 1 to position 2 in the circuit shown in fig.6(a)
Fig 6 (a)
b In a series RLC circuit, the resistance, inductance and capacitance are 10 ohms, 7 marks
100 mH and 10 microfarad. Calculate ω0, ω1 and ω2. Also find bandwidth and
c Show that the circuit shown in fig 6 (c) resonant at supply frequency. 5 marks
Fig 6(c)
Module – 4
7 a State and prove initial value and final value theorems 8 marks
b Show that the Laplace transform of a periodic function is 1/(1 - e –Ts) times the 6 marks
Laplace transform of the first pulse. Where T is the period of the function.
c Obtain the Laplace transform of the pulse shown in fig. 7(c) 6 marks
Fig 7(c)
8 a Determine the Laplace transform of half rectified sine wave of maximum value 6 marks
b Evaluate the Laplace transform of the periodic signal shown in fig. 8(b) 6 marks
Fig 8(b)
c Find the initial value and final value of the following functions: 8 marks
.ሺௌାଶହሻ ௌ య ାௌమ ାହ
(i) ܫሺݏሻ = ௌሺௌାଵ.ሻ
(ii) ܫሺݏሻ = ௌሺௌ య ାଷௌ మ ାସௌାଶሻ
Module – 5
9 a The delta connected load impedance shown in the fig.9(a) is supplied by a 8marks
balanced 400 V three phase 50Hz supply. Phase sequence is RYB. Determine
the phase and line currents.
Fig 9 (a)
b Find the z - parameters for the network shown in fig. 9 (b) 6 marks
Fig.9 (b)
c Find Y11, Z21,h21 and D from 6 marks
2V1 + 4 I2 = I1
8 I2 = V2 + 6V1
10 a For the network shown in fig. 10 (a), determine Y and Z parameters 8 marks
Fig.10 (a)
b GivenI1= 0.25V1 – 0.2 V2 4 marks
I2 = - 0.2V1 + 0.1 V2 Find T - parameters
c The unbalanced three phase 4 wire star connected load impedance shown in 8 marks
the fig.10(c) is supplied by a balanced 400 V three phase 50Hz supply.Phase
sequence is RYB. Determine the voltage at the star point of the load with
respect to supply neutral. Also determine the line currents.
Fig 10(c)