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Tendernotice 1

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Government of Jammu & Kashmir UT


Engineering Complex Budgam PIN No.191111
E-mail:- xenrnbdivbud@gmail.com, Phone-FAX:- 01951-255208

E-tendering NIT No:-17-MDB of 2024-25/2488-2502
DATED:- 08/07/2024.
For and on behalf of the Lieutenant Governor of Union Territory of J&K the Executive
Engineer R&B Division Budgam invites e -tenders from Registered Architects / Firms for
Architectural and allied Engineering Consultancy Services for one year for the works falling under
the jurisdiction of this Division.
S No. Name of work Cost of Tender/ Earnest
document (in Money
Providing Architectural , Structural, Interior and
1 alliedservices Design and drawings for Various Rs.500/- Rs.30,000/
Road and Building Projects of R and B Division
1. The bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications,
bill of quantities, set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be
seen/downloaded from the Department websitewww.jktenders.gov.in.
2. The Technical bids uploaded on the website shall be opened on the due date. In case of
holiday or office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids, the bids will be
opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
3. Critical dates:
Bids must be accompanied with cost of Tender document in shape of Treasury
Challan/CDR in favour of Executive Engineer R&B Division Budgam (tender inviting
1. Date of Issue of Tender Notice 08/07/2024
3. Bid submission Start Date 08/ 07/2024
4. Bid Submission End Date 19/07/2024 upto 4.00 P.M
20/07/2024 at 11:00 AM in the Office of the
5. Date & time of opening of Bids (Online) Executive Engineer, R&B Division
Note: The Cost of tender document shall have to be deposited
4. Instructions to bidders regarding e-tendering process:
a) Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the download option as well
as from bidders manual kit on website www.jktenders.gov.in to acquaint bid submission
b) To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
as per Information Technology Act 2000. Bidders can get DSC from anyapproved vendors.
c) The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with Digital Signature.
d) No financial bid will be accepted in physical form.
e) Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned as above.
f) Bidders must ensure to upload scanned copy of all necessary documents like
CDR/PAN/Treasury challan /Bank receipt and Performance Security (if any).
g) The Department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reasons.
h) Bidders are advised to use “My Documents” area in their user on e-tendering portal to store
such documents as are required.
Scanned copy of cost of tender document in favour of Executive Engineer R&B Division
i) No duplicity shall be entertained on account of above documents and such bidders found
guilty shall be black listed without making any correspondence.
j) Bidders are advised not to make any change in BOQ (Bill of Quantities) contents. In no
case, they should attempt to create similar BOQ manually. The BOQ downloaded should
be used for filling the item, rate inclusive of all taxes and it should be saved in the same
name as it contains.
k) Price escalation and taxes: The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely
in Indian rupees and the rates quoted shall be deemed to include price escalation and all
taxes upto completion of the work unless otherwise specified. Deduction on account of
taxes shall be made from the bills of the agency on gross amount of the bill as per the rates
prevailing at the time of recovery.
5. Instruction to Bidder (ITB)
The Bidder must have to upload (soft copies) of the following documents (Photostat/Original should be
clearly seen in all respect):-
 Valid original Treasury Challan/Receipt (MH.0059).
 Earnest Money in the shape of CDR/FDR/BG in favour of Executive Engineer R&B Division Budgam
 The bidder who is registered as Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE’s) can avail the option of
uploading bid security deceleration as per (annexure A) instead of Earnest Money Deposit. Further
the cost of tender document is also exempted for MSE’s. However, the participated should have to
upload the proof of MSE registration to avail the above mentioned benefits.
 Valid GSTIN/ PAN Card No,
 Bidder must ensure to upload scanned copies of all necessary documents including Earnest Money and
tender documents fee in terms of soft copies with technical bid. No document (s) which has /have not
been uploaded shall not be entertained in the form of hard copy. However, in case of any clarification
the bidders shall have to produce original documents in support of soft copies if need arises
 Bidder shall furnish proof of latest returns in GST-3/GSTR-3B. i.e. latest clearance certificate FORM
GST - 3B of the preceding Month/Quarter to the issue of NIT. Illustration: - For the NIT issued in
June-2024, the bidder has to upload the latest clearance certificate FORM GST-3/GSTR-3B of the
preceding month i.e. of May -2024/Preceding Quarter (Jan-March-2024)
 The lowest Tender will have to submit hard copies of all documents uploaded on e-tending portal
before issuance of LOI or Allotment.
6. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reasons.
7. Scope of work
The scope of work includes
i) Soil / Geotechnical Investigation
ii) Preparation of Architectural, Structural drawings, interior, Plumbing, Electrical and
HVAC drawingsnecessary for successful execution of the work.
iii) Preparation of DPR/BOQs for all components like Civil, Electrical, Mechanical,
Plumbing HVAC etc.
iv) Taking client’s instructions and preparation of design brief.
v) Inspection periodically as and when required and evaluation of work.
vi) Vetting of structural drawing by any NIT/IIT Design Directorate of J&K.
vii) Any other service not specifically mentioned here but required for the proper and
successful completion of the project shall be proposed and designed by the consultant
at no extra cost. Structure should be designed on latest version of STAAD-PRO taking
into account of attest Earth quake IS code available.
The consultant shall have to submit 7 (Seven) sets of DPR/drawings and I (One) soft
copy of each to the Department 04 (four) sets of drawings shall submit in AO size and
remaining 03 (three) set in A3 size drawings shall be prepared on CAD.
8. Production of original documents on demand:
All bidders inducing the successful bidder will have to provide original documents before
thedepartment at any stage of the bid process and even during execution of the work contract
on demand.
Fees payable for the assigned works shall be inclusive of all services like sanitary,
plumbing, electrification, sewerage line, landscaping and development of site etc.
Complete job to the satisfaction of the Engineer -in-charge.Mere preparation of
conceptual drawing & its approval from project authority shall not confer any right on the
Architect for claiming the allotment for entire work.
Schedule of Payments under Contract Admissible upon Allotment
Stage 1 On sub mitting co ncept d rawing & rough 10% of total fees payable
esti mate c o st( o nly if accepted by
inte nding party)
Stage 2 On submit ting required preliminary 20% of total fees payable less already
scheme for cl ient 's approval along- with paid vide stage 1.
the pre li mi nary estimate of cost.
Stage 3 a) On i nco rpor ati ng client 's sugge stio ns 30 % of total fees pa yable less
and sub mit tin g dra win gs for approval already paid at stage 1 &2.
from client / sta tuto ry a uthor ities, if
Stage 4 Upon sub missio n of workin g dra wi ngs, 45% of total fees payable less already
sp ecificat io ns and sc hed ule of qua ntities ( BOQ). paid in stage 1 to 3.
Stage 5 i) On sub mitti ng o f ve tted 60% of total fees payable less already
drawings forco mmen cement paid in stage 1 to 4 .
of work.
ii) On s ub mit ti ng detailed estimate of
wo rk.
Stage 6 i) On co mpletio n of 20% of a) 70% less already paid. b) 75%
allotted cost less a lread y paid. c) 80% less
ii) On co mpletio n of 40% of already paid. d) 85% less already
allotted cost paid. e) 90% less already paid.
iii) On co mpletio n of 60% of
allotted cost
iv) On co mpletio n of 80% of
allotted cost
v) On Virtual complet ion of work.

Stage 7 On s ubmit ti ng co mpletio n report and 100 % of total fees paya ble less
sub mission of as b uilt drawings in Triplicate in already made at various stages &
hard and soft copie s. retainer.
The Firm/ Consultant shall be required to visit site as & when required, however nothing
extra shallbe paid for site visits.
10.Qualification of the Bidder / Eligibility Criteria
The bids of Architects/consultants/planner will be securitized as per their past performance. The
firm shall be evaluated on the basis of following: -
 A registered firm with availability of architect, civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer as part of
the team or an individual architect with established linkage, Association/ Partnership with
Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, (to be supported with documentary evidence).
 The applicant must have designed and completed, in the last 5 years ending Dec 2023, at least
one similar nature of Project / Building with Govt./Semi-Govt./PSU’s/Autonomous
Body/within UT of J&K of the magnitude of Rs. 10.00 Crores or 2 similar works of equivalent
of Rs.5.00 Crores each. The details of such completed work must be uploaded by the applicant.
 Experience certificate (to be substantiated with documentary evidence) not less than the rank
of Executive Engineer.
 The Architect should be registered with council of Architect at least for last 06 years.
 The Architects / Structural Engineers etc with relevant qualification and experience working
in-houseon a full time basis either as employees/ retainers / consultants/ associates.
 Even though the bidder meets the above qualifying criteria, they are subject to be disqualified
if theyhave:
 Made statement or false representation or deliberately suppressed the information in the
forms,statements submitted in proof of the qualification requirements and or
 Record of poor performance such as abandoning the works, not properly completing the
contractinordinate delays in completion, or financial failures etc.
11. The contract for consultancy will be terminated at any time by giving 30(thirty)days’ notice in
writing to the consultant, if the work of the consultant is not found satisfactory and / or for
violating terms and conditions laid down in the agreement.
12. The consultant/Architect will have to quote his rates on %age basis. The allotted cost of
project willbe considered as project cost. (excluding cost of land, building fee, consultancy fee,
W.C. & contingencies) EVALUATION CRITERIA
1. A two stage procedure will be adopted in evaluating the Consultant/ Architect. In the first
stage, technical evaluation will be carried out and only those three technical bids which
score maximum marks out of 100 marks in aggregate shall be considered for financial
bids in the second stage.
2. Evaluation of technical proposal: The detailed Criteria for evaluation of tenders invited on
Quality and Cost based system shall be as under:
3. Under this stage the proposal submitted by the bidders shall be evaluated by applying the
evaluation criteria, sun- criteria and point system as stipulated here in below:
Maximum score for Evol utio n 100 Marks
Minimu m score for Quali fic atio n 50 Marks
SNO Descri ption Marks
1.0 Year of Experienc e
1.1 More than 5 years and up to 10 years 10
1.2 More than 10 years and up to 15 years 20
1.3 Above 15 years 30

2.0 Maximum size of Institutional / building complex project

handled in terms of built up area within last five year
2.1 Above 60,000 sft 10
2.2 60,000 upto 1.00 lacs sft 15
2.3 Above 1.00 alcs sft 20

3.0 Averag e Turn over for the last 5 years

3.1 Up to 30% of 50.00 lacs 4
3.2 More than 30% and Up to 50% of 50.00 lacs 6
3.3 More than 50% and Up to 75% of 50.00 lacs 8
3.4 More than 75% of 50 .00 lacs 10

4.0 Value of single largest Project/ work co mpleted

in the last 5 years
4.1 Up to 50% of 1500. 00 lacs 10
4.2 More than 50% and Up to 75% of 1500 lacs 20
4.3 More than 75% of 100% of 1500 lacs 30
4.4 Above 1500 lacs 40
Only the financial bids of top three scores of technically responsive bidders will be opened online.
A, B, C, D, E, F are six bidders having the following technical marks:
A 90
B 70
C 80
D 65
E 60
F 85
Here bidders A, F and C are top three scores, which shall be considered for financial opening.
Financial Opening of Bids The bids of only the bidders shortlisted as defined above shall be opened
financially and selection shall be made on the basis of Least Cost Method i.e the bidder who has quoted
lowest % age rate shall be considered for assignment of the job. However, the agency securing the highest
score in Technical evaluation shall have the option of matching the price bid of the lowest bidder &
shall be preferred for assignment of the job, in case the agency matches the price bid of the lowest
11 General conditions of contract.
1. The department reserves the right of accept or reject any or all the bids before or after
opening of bidsor at any stage of the bid process without assigning any reason thereof.
2. The department reserves the right of award the contract to any of the bidder in the
interest of thework without assigning any reasons thereof.
3. In case the successful bidder fails to complete the work, department shall put the work to
fresh tenders of remaining/un-executed part of work at the risk and cost of the consultant.
Cost variation incurred by the department for completion of left over work/un executed
work by the successful bidder will be charged upon the successful bidder to whom the
contract has been initially awarded.
4. The department shall not be responsible for any delay in submission of online bids in
account of any reasons.
5. The consultant will abide by al laws/guidelines in respect of Labor deployed for execution of
6. The date and time of opening of financial bids of technically qualified bidders will be
conveyed to only technically qualified bidders(s) through email on the email address given
by the bidders in their bid document.
7. The successful bidder will be required to submit all original documents of the bid in the
office of Executive Engineer R&B
8. Division, Budgam, within 7 days of opening f the price bids.
9. Date of start of work shall be reckoned after 3 days from the date of issuance of
letter of intent/allotment of work as the case may be.
10. The architect/ consultant should have valid registration with council of architects.

No: EE/MDB/NIT/ 2488-2502

DATED:-08-07-2024 Sd/-
Executive Engineer
R&B Division Budgam,
Copy to the: -
1. Chief Engineer PWD (R&B) Central Kashmir for favour of information.
2. Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Circle, Budgam for information.
9. -7 AEE 8 H.D 9. Notice Board. Signature Not Verified
10. I/C Computer Section R&B Divn Budgam for publication in websitewww.jktenders.gov.in..
Digitally signed by JAVEID IQBAL SHAWL
Date: 2024.07.08 11:25:46 IST
Location: Jammu and Kashmir-JK

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