DENTIST 3all Aprill 2021 by DR - Afnan
DENTIST 3all Aprill 2021 by DR - Afnan
DENTIST 3all Aprill 2021 by DR - Afnan
A- Tongue thrust ✅
B- Thumb sucking
C- Previous trauma
D- Relapsed orthodontic treatment
B. Pulp exposure ✅
C. Irreversible pulpits
D. Short distal axial wall
Mucsle attatchment ✅
Tooth position
12- 12year- old boy presented to the dental clinic with high grade fever
generalized malaise. Oral examina.on showed diffuse erythematous
involvement of the gingiva and spherical gray vesicle in the lip and
tongue, which appeared 2 days ago
?Which of the following will be the most appropriate management
A -systemic
B .periodontal therapy
A-Something sulfide
B- Putty pvs
C-Regular pvs
D-Green wax ✅
دعواتكم لي
مناقشة ٥أبريل
تقريبا نفس هاي بس أوضح يعني نازل تحت قريب ع االوكلوزن كان
palatalواتوقع الجواب
الن هاي أقرب صوره حصلتها
Palatal ✅🏾👇🏾👇
✅✅ ️⬅
**اكثر شئ ممكن يوضح الجهة الروت ريزوربشن لالترال..
✅✅ ️⬅
palatal يعني اذا صار له امتصاص بيكون
buccal االمتصاص اقل بيكون
Upper 5
🛑Which tootn cause the infection?
✳️✳️A 17 - year - old patient, with a prognathic mandible, reports to the Dental
Clinic. The dental surgeon wants to ascertain whether skeletal growth has
subsided to adult levels. Which of the following would be the most accurate
method to determine whether the growth has stopped or is still continuing?
A. Facial photographs
B. Hand wrist radiographs
C. Dental maturation status
D. Serial cephalometric radiographs
**The purpose of hand and wrist radiograph analysis is to determine parameters
such as patient's skeletal age, the amount of growth left and to determine
whether to use functional appliance or to wait until growth ceased and performed
extraction or surgery.
If they ask about development growth
It will be cephalo
🛑In lower incisors there's a chance to found another canal, what's the canal?
File with positive rake?
K file
More cutting efficiency
k flex= rhomboid
• K =squre • H= tear drop • Remear=triangular
K file.... pushing + reaming
H file .... only push & pull
K file = negative rake angle
H file = positive rake angle + K-3 file
Panorama+ 2pa
🛑X-ray for vertical bone loss:
Vertical bitewing✅✅
🛑PT come to clinic to extract and he want to replace immediately, which pontic
will use?
Ridge lap
🛑Pt come to clinic to extract #25 he want 3 unit fixed, what is the best option?
Modified ridge lap✅✅
Ridge lap
🛑HbsAgاقراؤا كل شي عنه
** acute infection ➡️HbsAg +ve
(Igm antihbc +ve &hbsAg +ve )
chronic infection =
(hbsAg +ve & -ve igm antihbc)
جاب حاله وشرح طويل وجاب نوع منه وسال شو المريض ماتذكر؟ 🛑
Quid halix اجابه السوال
🛑In overdenture which of these hold the denture?
Locator abutment✅✅
Implant analogue
**Locator abutments are designed for use with overdentures or partial dentures
retained in whole or in part by dental implants in the mandible or maxilla. They
offer multiple levels of retention and low vertical profile. The self-aligning design
enables patients to easily seat their dentures
Brush = tooth width
**مريض عنده مسافات بين األسنان ايش نوع الفرشاه اللي يستخدمها
الفرشاه اكبر من المسافه بين األسنان
الفرشاه اصغر من المسافه
الفرشاه مساويه للمسافه
الفرشاه مساويه لحجم السن
🛑X-ray for incline root, what's the complication may occur during RCT ?
2 wall
3 wall
👇🏾👇🏾**نفس السؤال
🛑CBCT image of tooth no 37 (superior view) showing bone loss 3mm diameter
from distal margin extending medially, lingually and distally. Numbers of walls
involved in this bone wall defect are:
A. 1 wall
B. 4 walls
C. 2 walls
D. 3 walls✅✅
🛑 تحضير لخط االنتهاء عند الmarginal gingiva for subgingival crown
The least distance between marginal and Cristal bone :
Crestal bone
نعطيه نتروز لتخفيف الضغط النفسي
ومايدخل بدورة نقص اكسجة
و االنهيليشن هو نفسه النيتروز
شو التدبير ؟؟
1. Microabrasion
2. Walking blech
3.chirsid blech
مريض اجا العيادة وعندهRpd والclap اللي ع السنcircumferential انكسر من ناحية الbuccal فقط
شو الخيار الsamplist لنكمل الclasp نفسه ؟؟
1. Wrought wire.
مريض خلع سنته وح ناخد سنته علشان نتعلم عليها بالعيادة ح تحطيها في اي محلول
If with amalgame in formiln
If without autoclave
pantient you did for him scaling and after 2 days he came with fever and swelling in lower.17
?five what is your mangment
A. Topical antibiotic
Scaling and root planting .2
scaling and root planting with systemic antibotic 3
Rubber dam
Inhalation O2
.مريض جاء للعياده عشان الخلع ولما بدانا نشتغل صار له فقدان وعي مفاجئ وهو مابيعني من اي امراض ايش المعالجه المناسبه
Patient have diabetics. And hypertension. Which type of cord use?
Pt have antibodies in his muscles:
Systemic lupus Erythematous
Sojern syndrome
AH plus working time:
4 hr
6 hr
8 hr
مريض سل جاء ولسه نتجيه الفحص ماطلعت وجاء يشتكي منperiodental diseas الدكتور ايش يعمل مع المريض
_يشتغل له فورا١.
يأجل لما تطلع نتيجه الفحص-٢.
_نعطيه مضاد حيوي وبعدين نشتغل له٣
لو كانتANBالزاويه كبيره شو يعني
2 يعني كالس
👉 *A-N-B Mean = 2*
ANB ↑ Skeletal Class II
ANB ↓ Skeletal Class III
*S-N-A Mean=82*
SNA ↑ Protrusive Mx
SNA ↓ Retrusive Mx
*S-N-B Mean= 80*
SNB ↑ Prognathic Mn
SNB ↓ Retrognathic Mn
TB bacteria remain in clinic for ?
4-6 hr
عند تعقيم االدوات لماذا الemmersion بمحلول التعقيم افضل من الspray ??
1.الن الemmersion بغطي كل سطح االداة فبكون شامل التعقيم
2. الن الcomponent المحلول تكون فعالة اكتر
مريض عندهtumor ب قبه الحنك ايش نوعmajor connect اللي ممكن نستخدمه
١_ horse
٢_anterior posterior.
مريض عملنا له حشوه كمبوزت ل .upper incisorوكملنا وعملنا polishingورجعنا حطينا bondوطبقه كمبوزت من جديده
عشان integrityايش اسم هذه العمليه
اي المواد المطاطيه التاليه تكون ال tear strengthعاليه جدا عندها ؟؟
Polysulfid .1
Condensation rubber 3
موازي لسطح السن الذي نقوم بتقليحه 1.shrank
موازي للمحور الطولي للسن 2.shrank
سطح السن 3.shrank slightly tilt tward
من الطبيب consentع اسنانه ومن دون bracesاجا مريض العيادة وطلب من الطبيب بدو يركب
اليش؟؟ violationبهالحاله المريض عمل
1. Autonomy
2. Beneficent
منعملو على؟؟ testعند دراسة فعالية محلول او دواء (نسيت بالزبط شو كان كاتب) ال
١. Spores
3. Biofilm
?Pt with amalgam restoration with pin came after long time with pain why
Pulp exposure
frameوال آخر مرحلة عند تسلیم تجربه workالزم نحضر مكانها ع السن قبل مانعمل لل Rpdلل restال
أثناء تحضیر سن ل crownبالغنا بتخفيض السطح ال occlussalفال retentionلل crownرح يكون قليل
النحل المشكله شو االنسب ؟ ؟ ؟ ؟
بشكل متقاربproximal نحضر السطوح ال.1
بالcrown J groove .2
نختار نوع سمنت يحل المشكله.3
. . .نسيتها.4
🛑Imbibition of alginate
In dentistry, syneresis is the expulsion of water or other liquid molecules from dental impression
materials (alginate for example) after an impression has been taken. ... The opposite process
ofsyneresis is imbibition, meaning, a material that absorbs water molecules from the
Hutchinson of syphylis
Hutchinson teeth is a sign of congenitalsyphilis, which occurs when a pregnant mother transmits
syphilis to her child in utero or at birth. The condition is noticeable when a child's permanent
teeth come in. The incisors and molars take on a triangular or peglike appearance
Determine infection transmition
Muscle attachement
TMJ Wilkes
Wilkes Classification
osteoarthrosis. ✅✅
🛑weber syndrome symptoms
Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is a neurological disorder marked by a distinctive port-wine
stain on the forehead, scalp, or around the eye. This stain is a birthmark caused by an
overabundance of capillaries near the surface of the skin. Blood vessels on the same side of the
brain as the stain may also be affected.In some children, abnormal vessels don’t cause any
symptoms. In others, they can cause the following symptoms:
developmental delays
cognitive impairment
weakness on one side of the body
🛑ridge mapping
measure buccolingual bone width
" Gagging
Masticatory function depends on the skeletal muscular force and the facility with which the
patient is able to coordinate oral functional movements during mastication
atrophy of masseter and medial pterygoid muscle is seen 1 The decrease in bite force and
chewing efficiency results in impaired masticatory function.
🛑burkitt’s lymphoma
Burkitt's lymphoma - Main clinical manifestations: o Intraoral findings: ulcerations, pain, swelling,
tooth mobility o Extraoral findings: facial asymmetry, cervical/submandibular/submental
lymphadenopathy - Common Location: tonsils, salivary glands
🛑erythema multiforme
Erythema multiforme is a hypersensitivity reaction usually triggered by infections, most
commonly herpes simplex virus (HSV). I
The oral manifestations of the spectrum of EM range from tender superficial erythematous and
hyperkeratotic plaques to painful deep hemorrhagic bullae and erosions. Other mucosal
surfaces including ocular, nasal, pharyngeal, laryngeal, upper respiratory, and anogenital may
be involved
🛑dentinogensis imperfecta
💡Type 1.. DI..
dentinogenisis imperfecta features?
🔆 results in osteoporotic brittle bones, bowing of the limbs, bitemporal bossing, and blue
💡Type 2..DI..
🔆hereditary opalescent dentin
🔆Not associated with osteogenesis
🔆both primary and permanent dentitions
🔆bulbous crowns, obliteration of pulp chambers and
are equally affected
root fractures.
💡 type 3 is rare
📍bell-shaped crowns, especially in the permanen.
📍teeth with a shell-like appearance
and multiple pulp exposures
🛑epsten pearls
Epstein Pearls
Very common
- One to several
No treatment needed
🛑paget’s disease
يجي السناريو تبعه ان لتزم تغير الطقم له كل فتره
1 - patient needs fixed bridge for lower 6 and the upper 6 is supererupted so what will be the
most harmful movement ?
A-protrusive ✅
C-non working
2- سنة وال يعاني من تسوس ومدكل فت١١ ؟؟ كم نسبة الفلورايد بمعجون االسنان لطفل عمره
٥٠٠ غسول فم0,05 + معجون اسنانmouth wash✅✅✅
٥٠٠ غسول5 + معجون اسنان
١٠٠٠ غسول غم0,05+ معجون
١٠٠٠ غسول فم٥ + معجون
3- في سؤال عن الcrossbite
مريض راح للعيادة معlatral crossbite بعدين. من جه وحدة الدكتور الحض ان المندبل فيه انحراف عن موقعه االصلي
الدكتور اثناء الفحص وجدbilatral crossbite in centric occlusion
الخيارات كانت تتكلم على التوسيع
A- bilateral✅
5-While arranging missing teeth for a prosthesis irt 11 21 , the tip of max. anteriors should be
parallel to
• upper labial arch✅🤝
• Lower labial arch
• Upper gingival margin
• Lower gingival margin
6-What the landmark that help in arrange the teeth in anterior posterior position for CD ?
10-Pt with history of tuberculosis infection ... now under no medical treatment
came for checkup ... which one is a must to wear by the dentist .
A .face mask ✅
(respiratory mask N95)
B. Face shield
C. Gloves
✅✅ 0.50
مريض شرب كمية عالية من الفلور شو الزم نعمل
طفل عمرو شهر كم نعطيه فلورايد ؟
اقل سن انحسار ؟
سؤال أسنان فيها تآكل شو بدنا نرجع ؟
3 layers ✅✅
66. Pic of large cut in the upper lip and asking about layers of suturing?
و سؤال عن ال اترشن
اجا مريض طفل مع أبو و المريض بدو يغير بدو يروح على دكتور تاني شو بدك تعطي من النسخ صور ؟
82) Pt. asked for copy of all his dental records to show them to another dentist ?
defined the master apical file (MAF) size as enlarging the apical portion of the root canal system
three sizes larger than the first file that bound at working length. This was accomplished after
coronal flaring of the root canal system
و مريض راح يشيك على سنانو كان في متهدم كتير و بدو قلع شو بتعمل؟
Chief complain
438-*young healthy pt came to clinic for RCT after placemnt of rubber dam after 30 mintues pt
A)anxietya g
B)allergy reaction
C)undignosed asthmatic pt
1_Increased mobility and/or displacement of the coronal fragment (but this may also resemble
displacement of the entire tooth without a root fracture).
2_Tenderness to percussion may indicate injury to the PDL, such as concussion or subluxation of
the coronal fragment.
4_Bleeding from the gingival sulcus may indicate subluxation of the coronal fragment
مسبر التدرج فيه 123578910ايش اسمه؟
مريض عم تشتغلو اندو حس بطعمة الكلور ايش يلي صار؟
It is an anaerobic
جاني سؤال بيدو بيشنت جا العيادة والدنتست يحكيله قصة وقت االنسثيزيا ايش هذي الخطوة كانت اختيارات جديدة مو من التجميعات
(تشتيت ) اتذكر مر علي من اول? distractبس االجابة
في سؤالين من اختباري السابق بس ما عرفت وش االجوبة جت بيشنت وطلبت ان بسرعة تبغى العالج بدون موعد الن عندها عيال
صغار في البيت وما تبغى تتطول عليهم وش التصرف الصح في هذي الحالة
( الدواء يستعمل لدى األشخاص الذين يعانون من مشاكل في تخثر الدم مثل مرض فون ويليبراندVon Willebrand)
1-Inhalation sedation
4- nitrous oxide
و وقت الخلع مايحس بالم ابدا في السنتسن ولكن مع IANB With lingualبرضو كيس سيناريو يحتاج خلع 46,47واعطيناه
الفورسيبس فقط يحس بالم في 47فايش نعطيه
الخيارات كانت
ومادري ايش االجابة الصح A1-A2 -B1 - B2واالختيارات tiltedتحتاج ريستوريشن والثيرد x-ray #47ذا السؤال جاب
ماكانت الصورة واضحة
بالتوفيق للجمييع
د /نور
أبريل٩ مناقشة
▶️11 years old, has avulsed lower second incisor before 45 minutes, you
decided to replace it after depridement and cleaning, what will you do ?
▶️Primary first lower right molar, after removal of caries >> pinpoint
mechanically exposed pulp, what will you do ?
A- skeletal Class I
B- skeletal Class II div. 1
C- skeletal Class II div. 2
D- skeletal Class III
👉 *A-N-B Mean = 2*
ANB ↑ Skeletal Class II
ANB ↓ Skeletal Class III
*S-N-A Mean=82*
SNA ↑ Protrusive Mx
SNA ↓ Retrusive Mx
*S-N-B Mean= 80*
SNB ↑ Prognathic Mn
SNB ↓ Retrognathic Mn
C- lower first molar
D- lower second molar
▶️ The most important advantage for shoulder finish line in PFM " porcelain
fused to metal " is :
✳️✳️28- Old female after using of many dentures came to your clinic suffering
from pain and ulcer in denture bearing areas and asking for new denture. after
examination, you found anetrior undercuts in incisors area, as well as bilaterally
posteriorly in retromolar bad areas. what will you do ?
▶️ Young male with multiple attritions and pulp obliterations with hereditary
background :
A- dentinogenesis imperfecta ✅✅
B- amelogenesis imperfecta
C- regional odontiplasia
D- syphylis
▶️ Long senario and history about remavable partial denture, and asked about
the component that distributes the occlusal forces on supporting structures and
prevent " tissue ward " movement of denture :
A- rest✅✅
B- retentive arm
C- reciprocal arm
D- indirect retainer
▶️ Patient under orthodontic treatment, his complaint was pink discolorization of
crown, what is the most common cause ?
A- internal resorption ✅✅
B- pulp necrosis
C- decalcification
D- attrition
34- Intraoral image for missed lower first primary molar and asked about the type
of apace maintainer :
اذا خلعناE وكان الD = موجودreverse band and loop( طالع6)هذا في حالة ال
.. ولو خلعناuper ant بنستخدمnance apliance
0.02 x 15 = 0.30
0.25+0.30 = 0.55
_ chemicals
Moist heat
▶️* Patient with edema in legs & shortness of breath which disease ?
Congestive heart disease✅✅
▶️* What's the first step of respective osseus surgery ?
Vertical grooving✅✅
▶️* The most common surgery for setback of the mandible ?
Dr.Afnan 💕
اذكروني بدعوة🏾🙏
أبريل١٠ مناقشة
Dental unit waterline should be flushed at the beginning and the end for 2 min.
Between patients: 20-30 sec.
11. Implant retained crown with foul odor why ? Loose crown ✅
20. Hypertensive patient with Nifidipine & gingival enlargement ... management (change
drug _ ask physician to change the drug ✅✅ _ scaling OHI )
28. Child extracting all primary teeth except lower 2 molars which type of space
maintainer !?
lingual arch ✅✅
) طالع6(هذا في حالة الreverse band and loop = موجودD وكان الE اذا خلعنا
29. Child extracting lower E with erupting 6 what space maintainer? Reverse band &
30. Upper central with distal caries & mesial glass ionomer best treatment (veneer _ full
coverage ✅✅
_ composite )
Vital bleaching :
Walking bleach :
Na perborate.
36. Patient complaining of pain after 2 days of CD insertion why ? ( Overextended flanges
mucous membrane — the preferred method. Oral. Corticosteroids are taken as a
pill for a limited amount of time
صحcan not be wiped of انهاcandida الفرق بينها و بين
bohn’s nodules-٣
🔷جاب تعريف وقال هذا تعرف ايش- ٤
pulse oximetry
pulse oximeters measure the amount of red and infrared light in an area of
pulsatile blood flow. Because red light is primarily absorbed by deoxygenated
blood and infrared light is primarily absorbed by oxygenated blood, the ratio of
absorption can be measured.
**100. Which of the following devices can be used to measure the oxygen
concentra.on in the pulp?
A.pulse oximetry
B . electric pulp tester
C . electronic apex locator
D . laser Doppler flowmetry
🔷ايش افضل-٥
remove semer layers انا جاوبتMTAD
وكان بين الخياراتEDTA
chlorohexdine MTDA
🔷سؤال عن-٦
crown fractures uncomplet
يكون بدون مايفتح البلب **Uncomplicated
مع البلب اكسبوجر Complicated
-٧جاب صوره وقال ايش دي األداء تستخدم🔷
✅✅✅naber’s probe
-٨سؤال عن🔷
provides vertical supportانه يزود الطقم ايش وبين الخيارات ولي جاوبته انا rest
🔷جاب لي تعريفات ال-٩
support and stability ✅✅✅
🔷اول متى-١٠ intra utrine first step of formation ومتى يوقف الرضاعه🔶🔶🔶🔶بعد+ لطفل
mmانه زايد -١١ free way space 1جاب سؤال الصراحه مافهمته كثير والكن يتكلم عن🔷
من ٢:٣وهوا اكيد هيوضح فالسؤال اكتر normal spaceهوا المفروض ال
والعكس vertical dimention of occlusionلو زاد اكتر من كده هتقل
✅✅✅ سؤال عن مريض القلب قبل ماتبدا تعالجه ايش تعطيه-١٢🔷
In pt➡️ t burnisher✅✅✅
سواء بالمنزل او بالعياده مهم materials.
✅✅✅ جايب عنها مثل الشرح وقايل ايش هذا وين يصيرdentinogenesis -١٨🔷
?dentinogenisis imperfecta features
..Type 1.. DI
,occurs with osteogenesis imperfecta
an inherited defect in collagen formation
اهم حاجه فيه مريض اللي هيدخل major sugery inr 2:3.5 maximumولو اعلى physicioon
-٢٠ايش الدواء الي يعمل
staining toothانا جاوبت trtracycline
-٢١جاني سؤالين حاالت وراه بعض وايش تستخدم وايش نوع ودي االمور وصراحه ماذاكرته بس كان يتكلم
عن semi and fully adjustableاقرو عنهم
-٢٢جاني سؤال عن مريضه راحت العياده وفيها الم ودكتور بيسوي لها الجلسه بس هيا قالت عيالها بالبيت
ماتقدر حاليا ايش تسوي
تتصل على عيالها وتقولهم انه بتتأخر تطمنهم
وال الدكتور يعصب ويبطل يشتغل لها
وال يصرف لها دواء من غير مايشوف الحاله
يحولها لدكتور اخر
what characteristic happen when snap removal of ioreversible hydrocolloid-1
impression from mouth
A-low tear resistane
. angle between blade and lower shank in universal curette-2
. angle between blade and sharp stone during sharping-3
.increase antibiotic resistance
✳️✳️🔴6-First action of dr when see child abuse mark?
Report record treatment✅✅✅✅
🔴8-After crown lenghtening (1ml between marginal restoration and bone ) what
to do next? ✳️✳️✳️
A-close flap and suturing
B-increase more 3 ml
C-excision from gingiva
🔴12-short crown margin during metal try in?
🔴15-definition of critical item. ✅
🔴16-which root for resection in upper first molar?
B-distobuccal ✅✅✅
🔴17-composition of RC-p.. مني فاكرة االسم
كل الخياراتedeta✅✅✅
A-edeta.+sodium hupochlorite+....
resorption obturation tech ?
Thermoplastic technique obtura 2
C) Cleft palate
D) Flat palate
🌙Modulus of elasticity
Low modulous more elastic ليونه عاليه High modulous
more stiff زي الزجاج
✳️✳️🌙Patient under stress presented to the clinic complaining of pain clinical
examination revealed tender masseter muscle and occlusion interference. Whats
the FIRST STEP in your managment:
a-prescribe analgesics
b-night guard
c-reassure the patient the pain will subside
d-occlusal adjusment to fix the interference
🌙Functional technique :
b-selective pressure✅✅
a plaster stent
C- window technique
d-pressure free mucostatic
🌙Orange peel apearance:
a-fibrous displasia✅✅
b-florid cemento osseous dysplasia
c-focal COD
🌙Tooth with post and vertical distobuccal root fracture what’s your managment?
A-perodontal surgery
c-surgical root canal treatment
2. Patient with class 3 maxilla is hypoplastic and mandible is normal what’s your
a-head gear✅✅✅
b-protaction face mask
***3. 11 years old patient came to the clinic complaining of unilateral posterior crossbite on
examination there’s midline shift and bilateral crossbite what’s your management:
a-cross elastics
b-slow maxillary expansion✅✅✅
4. Patient presented to the clinic complaining of difficulty in swallowing and bald area
posteriorly in the tongue what’s the diagnosis:
There was lab tests results
a-pernicious anemia
b-foliate deficiency
c-plummer vinson syndrome✅✅✅
5. Regarding Polyether impression material:
a-less dimensionally stable than polysulphide
b-absorbs water✅✅✅
6. At the try in stage of metal crown there was 0.3 deficiency in the margin, occlusion and
other things were perfect what’s your managment:
a-take new impression and remake
b- reline the inner surface
c-close it with thick lutting cement
7. SNA- normal
Incisor to SN-increased
What’s the classification class 3✅✅✅✅
8. Calculate amoxicillin dose (100mg/5ml) for 30 kg kid
a-6-15ml✅✅✅30×1/2= 15 و30×1\4= 7
when they ask you about STAGE: you should know 2 things : - cal”attachment loss”
- RBL”radiographic bone loss”
• stage 1 : mild cal 1-2 , RBL <15%
Dose calculation
Q he will mention age of pt , if the result : • Grade A : result <0.5 slow bone loss
• Grade B : result 0.5-1 moderate
• Grade C : result >1 rapid
14. What do we use in locating and refining c shaped canals? ultrasonics tip✅✅✅
15. Patient came to the clinic for a restoration of an endodontic treated molar with
minimal tooth loss structure and mesial and distal incipent caries whats the most
appropriate restoration:
a-MOD cast inlay
b-MOD cast onlay
c-full crowm
d-3/4 crown
ابريل15 مناقشة
1. How to measure metal thickness? Iwanson metal caliper✅✅✅
2. how to transfer the impression to the lab? disinfect the impression with
gluteraldehyde ? = to prevent cross infection✅✅✅✅
2.- Parkinson’s Pt he has tremors what oral hygiene aid can help him ?electric tooth
27.- HBV many Q about it antigen and antibody infectivity HBV infectious = HBsAg
Acute HBV = HBsAg + IgM
Chronic HBV = HBsAg + IgG Vaccinated = Anti-HBs
Recovery from HBV = Anti-HBs + IgG✅✅✅
28.- Most common disease transmission between health care ?
Central lateral
Central canine
Central canine
Pt with RCT poor in frist molar teeth befor 4 year with preapical radiolucency around all .2 ◻️
?What the management
Surgical retretment
Non surgical
Surgical resection for root
) تقول الدكتورهLesion large(
Pt with furcation grade 2 in second molar and furcation class 1 in frist molar .. in the .3🟨
?Waht we will see
Root trunk of 6 long and root trunk of 7 short
up righting and 7 mesially telted 6
الباقي مامتذكره
bone loss in 7 الخيار الثاني اقرب شي لكميه ال
Pt with ozzing after extraction .4
What the test
مش متذكره الباقي
Hairy tongue
Bleeding without local factor
Movement pt
Problem in powder liquid ratio
Proplem in the temperature
اخترت االندركت عشان هوا عاده كذا مره والديستورشن في نفس البوينت
Erythema multiform
Lups systemic
the best during for impression material .10
High mixing time low setting time
Increase working time increase sitting time
Decrease working time increase setting time
a الجينات
b سيليكون
✅✅ 8
? Lingual bar minimums distance from MG -
boolys gauge
iwanson caliber
14. - Rebase and remake , reline
Relining movement of denture + dislodgement of denture Anterior or posterior
أتأكد منها
points made them easy to handle and place
bleaching ?
in office
23.🟨first thing to check is ?
proximal contact ✅✅
24. 🟨balanced occ and mutually protected and canine guidance read about it✅✅
25. metal try In was good marginal fit in cementation visit was open margin porcelain what
the cause ?
Distortion during porcelain firing
fail impression …
26. PFM crown witch bur ?
Ceramic =Dimond .
carbed = metal
27.🟨minutes in etching tooth with phosphoric acid for tooth receiving veneer?
28. 🟨hydrophilic acid for etching veneer
لوcomposite veneer ➡️phosphoric acid
If feldspathic porcelain veneer ➡️9% hydrofluric acid
Gi➡️10% polyacylic acid
29.🟨microabrasion 12 flutes carbide ✅✅
31. Dxx and apexfication
Apexification is the induction of a calcific barrier (or the creation of an artificial barrier)
across an open apex in a case involving pulp necrosis with or without a periapical lesion.
📍Apexification involves removal of the necrotic pulp, followed by debridement of the canal
🔹W/L slightly short of the radiographic apex.
and irrigation with 1.25% NaOCl and dry with paper point.
Hyrax = tooth support
Hyrax fixed appliance , rapid expansion , tooth supported
Hass tissue supported, rigid appliance , slow max expansion by opening midpalatal
suture in 10:14 days
2. Clipper for thickness of metal
Iwanson caliper
3.nasoplatine block pic with ulcers appier for days 🟣
disappear with topical steroid, came to you asking why
this time not disappeared with topical steroid, what is your management ?
A. Interlesional steriod
B. Antifungal
C. Systemic steroid
D. Topical analgesic
B. Contnioue AMOXICLINE and ad metranidazole
C. Stop AMOXICLINE and replace with metronidazole
D. Contnioue AMOXICLINE and add fluncozole
نهاية السؤال، بس صيغة مختلفة،وجاء سؤال اللي تكرر حق الحرمة اللي عندها ألم وعيالها ف البيت
: what is the patient's responsibility ?
A. Tell information only about pain
B. Cut the treatment and call her child every 5 minutes
C. Tell the doctor everything about her medical condition ✅✅✅
Pt has cancer and his son told you to treat his father as infection,
Tell him the truth
اسمها في سؤال اول مرة اشوفه عن حاجه
wets classification
والخيارات كانت حاجات م عرفتها
اذا أثناء الشغل يبقى الجوابB
13.🟣- pt with good health, missing #11 what is the best replacement :
D. implant support fixed partial denture
C... 👍
Implant نقول صح
لو الخيار من دونsupport fixed partial denture
14.- 🟣gold inlay for 3 years pt came with pain what is the cause
15.- 🟣gold inlay for 3 years pt came with pain what is the cause
ممكنMicroleakage in cement / اوcaries ✅✅
السؤال اللي يقول سوينا كل خطواتimplant موجود ف ملف الذهبي،وناقص خطوة اش هي،
year, medically fit, came for replacement of missing upper right central incisor with-43 :]
an implant supported crown. Clinical evaluation was done for the implant site followed by
radiographic evaluation including cone beam computerized tomography, also upper and
lower primary impressions were taken for fabrication of diagnostic casts mounted on a semi
?adjustable articulator. Which of the following is essential missing investigation
A.complete blood count
B.magnetic resonance imaging
C.use of a fully adjustable articulator
D diagnostic waxing and surgical template
- pt angry and dentist refuse ttt
- pt came late for his appointment
- pt is different sex
- pt is different relegion
21. Best of crown position?
A. Above gingival crest
B. below gingival crest
C. On gingiva
D. Supra or sub ماني متذكر الخيارات بالحرف بس هي كذا،
🧐 ✅✅
اذا كانposterior يبقىA
لو مازكر شي عن الethatic نختارC
🟣1 question about periodntal stage✅✅✅
23.-🟣 what is the 3D vitra colours..?
- chroma hue value
- chroma value hue
- value hue chroma
- value chroma hue
كل الخيارات م بدأhue
3d vhc
Classic hcv
24.Pt get CD for 5 years with bad oral 🟣 hygiene and after remov the denture what is firs
A. Alvouplasty
B. Tissue recovery program
C. gingivoplasty
A & c خطأ النplasty تعني تصحيح بدون سبب مرضي يعني تصحيح للesthetic اكتر
B. Reccurnt hsv
C. Labial herbs
Amoxicillin 2g before 1 hr
Child 50mg befor 1 hr
- 🟣Pt extraction 2nd mand molar before 2 days, there is sever pain what best treatment
- 🟣Hbv when it's chronic and when it's active and recovery time يمكن سؤالين عنهم،
j shape radiolucency+ long deep pocket in specific area +multiple rct failure =vrf
- 🟣pt has punch in his left side what the fracture will happen?
A. Left angle and right condyl ✅✅✅
B. Right angle and left condyle
C. Left body and right condyl
D. وحاجه زيهم
What will happen with relineng and rebasing :
- increase VD✅✅
- increase thickness
وخيارات ثانية نسيتها -
🟣Pic. Modified pen grasp ✅✅
Vomiting in chair =follow instruction
Split in chair = intermediate
Vomiting = contaminated
Vomiting + bleeding = infectious
*Over contour*
D16 of file 10
File 10 ÷100= 0.10
وd16 = 16 × 0.02 = 0.32
= 0.42
when they ask you about stage you should know 2 things ( cal”attachment loss” |
RBL”radiographic bone loss)
when ask you about grade , they mean percentage % of bone loss /pt age , in the Q he will
mention age of pt , if the result :
(3) Which of the following represents the early sign of gingival inflammation?
A. Gingival swelling
B. Gingival bleeding upon probing
C. Color changes of gingival tissues
D. Decreased crevicular fluid production rate
*🟣 Patient missing 4 ,6 how to replace with fixed prosthesis & tooth 5 is called
Pier abutment
🟣white line
pic of a red lesion surrounded by under the tounge a symptomatic
Lichen p
Lichen erythematos
Erythema multifor
و تاني
_ Pic of white lesion under the toung also asymptomatic مش فاكره االجابه بس هو كان
كان فيها طالب انك حتبدا المانجمنت ب ايش
intrligonal steroids .حقن ضمن اآلفه
تحقني ستيرويد جوا الليجون
exisional biopsy
؟🟣white lesion at the porder of the tounge type of biopsy
**على اي اساس بختار incisional or excisional؟؟
حجم و موقع الليجون
و معاها سيمبتومز تانيه و سأل اي فحص نعمله عشان نتأكد الدياجنوز _ clapping finger
كان في خيار واحد ليه عالقه بالكارديو اخترتو..
الخيارات كانت
Chest X-ray
Blood pressure
فاكراهم و تاني خيارين مش
سؤالين و اكس راي ايوا واحد من االسئله انها ممكن تعمل ايه enamel pearl
و التاني كان انو اكتر حاجه في سنه بتظهر و الخيارات كانت موالرز كلها
وصوره اكس راي و ايش الليجون
Pic of pericronitise Lady came with🟣 recurrent episodes of pain what's the
الخيارات كانت
surgical excesion اخترت سيرجيكل عشان ريكرنت
Irrigations و تمشي
Antibiotics and analgesics
_🟣What's metamerism✅✅✅
🟣What's Staphen curve✅✅✅✅
🟣4 questions in stage and grade of periodontites
اتنين ما فيهم نسبةbone
بس واحده فيهاsmoker ND diabtic
الخيارات فيه كانتgrade a or b
و التانيهdiabatic
Grad b or c
زاكروها من الملف حقNPD واضحة
** New PDL Classification
✅✅✅ 😭😭😭
- which tooth we use rotation movement to extract
Max central اخير سؤال عرفناه
max lateral
mand central
mandibular lateral
🟣diabtic pt with ulcer pentrat the palate what's the main cause?
AAC و كمان حاجتين ا
🟣pt 4 months after surgical extraction came with pain and fluctioant swelling in
buccal vistbul
cortical bone f
_🟣2 cases aboute pt with material valve replacement with allargy to penicillin
واحده خياراتها انتي بيوتك مختلفه
➡️➡️➡️ ✅✅✅
وواحدهclindamycine with deferente doses(200_300_600_2000mg
Clindamycine 600
_ submandibular space infection
جا سؤالين في البيزtooth و الstructure و الmuscle boundary
ال lower 7and
8 The submandibular space is bounded anteriorly and laterally by the
mandible, medially by the anterior belly of the digastric muscles, superiorly by the
mylohyoid muscle and s 1 glaa r inferiorly by the hyoid bone
🟣side effect of using mouth wash contain alcohol?
Desquamative ulcerative✅✅✅
🟣probe appears under gingiva what type of gingiva?
➡️➡️Thin biotype✅✅
دياجنوز سؤالين مره مانجمنت و مره
كان في ده وtruma from occlusionمش فاكره الباقيSRP
🟣Contraindication of anterior biteplane?
Open bite✅✅✅
pt with a very small open bite the orthodontist ttt plane was 18 months the pt
refuse and wanted to do another faster treatment..
Crown lengthening
Adjust occlusal plane
ف الصوره كانت حاجه بسيطه
he destance between center of 🟣🟣 implant to natural tooth
✅✅✅ ➡️
3.5 المسافه الكافيه لالمبلنت7 سنتر اوف امبالنت ايوا اللي هي نفسها نص
Custom abutment
Healing abutment
🟣white line
pic of a red lesion surrounded by under the tounge a symptomatic
Lichen p
Lichen erythematos
Erythema multifor
و تانيReassurance
And pain killer
اذكروني بدعوة
مناقشة 22أبريل
.3يقولك تشتكي المريضه انه االسنان طويله ،،ف وش اسم نوع الفالب✅✅✅ ،،
🟣.4جاني سؤال كم ✅✅✅ minimum between implant = 3mm
✳️.5جاتني اسئله كثير عن البيريو اذا صار عنده bleedingبعضهم فيه ريسينش وبعضهم ال ويقولك البوكت عنده كذا ف وش
االجابات تجيك
Scaling and polishing give instructions-
scaling and polishing -
scaling and polishing and anti betic description -
وحده تشخيص مختلف مثل هالسؤال تكرر كثير بس كل
ناسي وش االجابتين الباقيه
Infra orbital
يقولك وش لون
D0 for yellow = 0.20
, blue ,
, white
Yellow file 20(
10. كان فالخيارات 🤷🏻♂️
وهذي الصوره يقول جت وناسي السؤال بالضبط غالبا الدايقنوسز
- gingival recession -
Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis
drifting teeth
11.Which of the following is the function of the instrument -bands for space
maintainers ?
A. Initially to push the band by the dentist the end for nal positioning of th nd by
B. Initially to push the band by asking the pa.ent to bite it
C .At the end for nal positioning of the band by asking the patient to bite on it
12.Which of the following is the function of the instrument -bands for space
maintainers ?
A. Initially to push the band by the dentist the end for Final positioning of the end by
B. Initially to push the band by asking the pa.ent to bite it
C .At the end for nal positioning of the band by asking the patient to bite on it
13.جاني سؤال افضل طريقه تقفل فيها النيدل
اجابتين تو هاند
واجابتين ون هاند
االجابه الي جاوبته واعتقد انها
صحيحه ون هاند و بتب حق السيرنج
Scoop techniques
Method for capping needles that involves placing the needle cover on a flat surface, then
inserting the needle into it without touching needle or cover; intended to prevent accidental
class iوجاه سؤال تعريف14.
Molar relation
جاني سؤال عن كالس ون مال اكلوجن بيتميز ب ايه و من ضمن الخيارات انو تيث مال االيمنت وال بيرفكت االيمنت15.
وشو الكالسفيكشن missing 13 ,14 , 24وجاه سؤال يقولك16.
Class 3 modifica1
جاني سؤال17.
يقول شلت كثير من الكيريز قريب من البلب وش تحط لينر النه بتحط املقم جاوبتها كالسيوم هايدوكسايد
ثالثه اجابات مواد مع مويه
واالجابه الرابعه ( فيسفوريك اسيد +بيكاربونيت ابتايت ) ** هذي الي جاوبتها
واحد عنده ازمه وزادت بعد ماحطيتله الربر دام وش تسوي له19.
تعطيه اكسجين -
تحطه سوباين بوسشن -
اجابتين بعيده
Rubber dam contraindicated for asthma pt
وجاني سؤال امبلنت تكرر من اخر اختبار 2امبالنت يسالك يقولك االمبلنت الي بالصوره العريضه وش فيها مشكله وفيه بون20.
طبعا الصوره مب مره واضحه مدري اذا جاك او ال
تاكد منها implantilitisتقريبا االجابه كانت odorسؤال واحد مركب امبلنت قبل 3شهور وصارت تتحرك وفيها21. ✅✅
امبلنت جاني عليه اسئله كثير
✅✅✅ 🙏🥺🥲😅
يعتذر منو ويروحو يفحصو حالهم
من االمراض المعدية والسارية
صح جاني سؤالين تكرر يقولك وش االشعه الي تطلع بروكزيمال كاريز25.
Bite wing
صح جاه سؤال يقولك الوركنق لينث 21وبعد االنسترومنتيشن صار 18ملل وش السبب كانت من ضمن االجابات صار ليدج26.
او بيرفوريشن
جاوبتها ليدج **
27.️✳️✳️✳ االجوبه كانت يقولك PSRتوقعت يقصد ال chartningجاني سؤال يقولك كم قسم يتقسم
-2 ، 4 ، 6 ، 8
جاوبتها ** 6
هذي جات يعطيك سيناريو واضح يقولك انها حامل اصال بالسيناريو جاوبتها بالصدفه28.
pyogenic granuloma
complete surgical
Verification jig
اخد الطبعة اي هاد بثبتو الزرعات مع بعض قبل
عشان لما يفكو الطبعة يطلع االمبريشن كوبينغ ثابت بين الزرعات و خصوصا محاورها
بالذات بالجسور فوق الزرعات
جاني سؤال يقولك كم قسم يتقسم chartningتوقعت يقصد ال PSRاالجوبه كانت يقولك .32
8 ، 6 ، 4 ، 2-
** جاوبتها 6
)Periodontal Screening and recording (PSR
الشارتينغ اذا حسب مافهمت السؤال فهو ست مواقع لكل سن
نفس السؤال بس يقولك وش الخطاء الي باالشعه وجايب صوره اشعه ل سن 15جاوبتها missing
.34جاب نفسها بس صوره طفل بشفايفه الي تحت
أبريل24 مناقشة
فناحيةbone loss وحاطط صورتها فاالشعه فيabsess wirh deep pocket 7m صوره لسنه معمولها انبدو وفيها.1
واالندو شكله كويسdeep pocketال
? How to manage
Debroidment by flap
Surgical endo retreatmenr
Non surgical retratment
K file
Gatta percha 25
Paper point 30
: with Edema surrounded by erthematous hollow scattered over th hands and feets
erythema multiform
Bullous pemphegoid
A )periodontal ligament , alveolar bone , cementum , gingiva
B ) periodontal ligament , cementum , alveolar bone
: Serisl extraction sequecse for ortho.6
A)Primary canine , primary first molar only
B) lateral ,primary canine ,primary molar
C) latal c d 4
D) primary canine , primary first molar , primary second molar , permanent first premolar
: Late stage renal disease complai bad breath what is called.7
Ammnia breath
.8ايوه افتكرت مكانش حساب جرعات كان
حساب جرعة المخدر بال mgلطفل وزنه ٢٠ضربت ٨٨= ٤.٤*٢٠
مريض وزنه ٥٧كغ .بدنا نعطيه مخدر ليدوكائين %٢مع ايبنفرين . 1:100000المطلوب:
-١ماهي هي الجرعة القصوى بال مغ
-٢ماهو عدد الكاربوالت
-٣مالحجم الكلي المسموح اعطاؤه بال مل
-٤ماهي هي كمية االيبنفرين الكلية
الحل :
كل ١٠٠مل محلول مخدر تحوي (٢غ = ٢٠٠٠مغ ) ليدوكائين
معناها الكاربولة اللي حجمها ١.٨مل تحوي xمثال
X= 1.8 × 2000 ÷ 100 = 36 mg
٥٤مغ وبالمثل %٣
٧٢مغ %٤
الجرعة القصوى =وزن المريض × ٧
٣٩٩ = ٧ × ٥٧مغ
-٢عدد الكاربوالت نقسم الجرعة القصوى على كمية المخدر بالكاربولة
N = 399 ÷ 36 = 11.08
يعني ١١كاربولة
- ٣الحجم الكلي = عدد الكاربوالت × حجم الكاربولة الواحدة
= ١٩.٩٥ = ١١.٠٨ × ١.٨مل
100000: 1 - ٤تعني
كل ١٠٠٠٠٠مل تحوي (١غ =١٠٠٠مغ ايبنفرين)
ال ١٩.٩٥مل تحوي Yمثال
Y = 19.95 × 1000 ÷ 100000
= mg 0.2 < 0.1995مقبول
طالما اقل من ( mg 0.2الكمية القصوى للشخص السليم)
(وتكون mg 0.04عند مرضى القلب)
🌸️❤💝💐 🌸💐💝️❤
للجميع مع اخوكم الدكتور ويسعد اوقاتكم بالماث
شادي الحول
: Etching for felspathic porcelain veneer.9
hydrofluric acid 9%
: Etching for felspathic porcelain veneer.10
hydrofluric acid 9%
: Lithium dicelicate cement.11
بس صيغه مختلفهsigren جالي سؤال افتكرته بمناسبه.12
: عندهsjogrenعيان ال
High caies index
Low percentage of gigival disease
High incidence of gingival inflammation and caries
13.large red lesion on tongue in histo dentritic melanotic cells كانت الخياراتmelanoma,
melanoacanthosis اخترتmelnoma عدلت السوال العفو
14. كان في سؤال امتى نقول ان فيgeneralized periodontitis : attachment loss 30% ➖➖➖
50 %
70% مش فاكره اوي كانbone loss والattachment loss والamount of affected tooth معلش مش فاكره
اوي بس دورو فيها برده
_انسيشن .بايوبسي
_اطمئنة واجيبه مقابلة بعد شهر
_ديرماتايتس او تقريبا تحسس ف الجلد
وخيارين حاحاول اتذكرهم كان مره قرأت انه تطلعاهم او mucositise؟
Pt with history of trauma, now he has difficulty in moving tmj w facial deformity *5 .5
ankylosis ,
?? or osterarcoma
وكدا الخيارت
If there is lingual incline , will affect the contact
.7وتاني سؤال ان رادولوسنس في اللور ماندبل ايش تتوقع .
منتال فورامين
_Is it a histo
Vitality Test
_ And another fourth option
.9جايب صورة لفك سفلي ال لور سفن .بس كراون مافي اي روت ومافي راديولوسنس . 🟣
ايش التشخيص
? Dentogenesis imprefects
وطفل حصل له انتروشن لالنتيرير 9.
ايش اسوي
اعمل ليه اكستروشن واسبلين_
اخليه كدا_
فلو اب بعد شهر_
10. ايش بنراعي لما نعطي انترا بلب. بالنسبه لالنترا بلب جاني.
. _نحقن ببطء اخترت
11. Endo trated tooth obturation should end at :
Anatomical apex
b-anatomic apex
c-minor contriction
d-major consritction .
13. صوره الشعه سنه معمولهاover ended obturation extended beyond the apex كانها
thermoplasrisized or excessive sealer material بس كتير وعاملهperiapical radiolucency
Pt complain of dull pain related to this tooth what is the managment :
Non surgical endo retreatment
Surgical endodontic retreatment
Analgesic antibiotic and follow up
14.2.5 لو فيmm above pulp dentin 🟣, amalgum restoration will be used what to applu first :
Gi base
Cavity varnish
15.The color of an object appears different under different light sources what is the name of
this phenominon
17, Class 3 skeletal for ortho ttt
With prognathic mand
Normal maxilla :
Head gear
Chin cup
➡️ ✅✅
18. Mesially tilterd 7 with missing 6
What to ise to avoid pulp exposure non rigid connector
19. Wound dehiscence
20. سؤال متى تكلم المريض انك كسرت فايل
/او ماتكلمه
21.skeletal class 2
Hfil ✅✅
✅✅✅anti fungal وبيقول اي العالج اللي هتكتبه للحاله دي؟angular chelitis 🟣صوره فيها.25
Osteonecrosis ✅✅✅
27.At which stage the lateral peg shape defect occur :
Morphodifferntiation calcification and root formation
ابريل25 مناقشة
B)24 ✅
B) occlusal load ✅
A) Mucositis ✅
B) Osteonecrosis ... ...
A) Non -beneficence ✅
B) Autonomy Legal
A) premolars ✅
B) Upper incisors
C) Canine.
A) HPV ✅
Pic submandible infection
؟Submandibular space infection is acute cellulitis of the soft tissues below the mouth. Symptoms
include pain, dysphagia, and potentially fatal airway obstruction.
Diagnosis usually is clinical. Treatment includes airway management, surgical drainage, and IV
Probe 1,2,3,5✅✅✅
-Pic scaler angulation
- Sub scaler angulation
Cavosurface angle for amalgam
epinephrine dose for cardiac patient 💟0.04mg✅✅✅➡️➡️➡️0.04
Normal pt. 0.2mg
- Def class 1 malocclusion Class 1 > Same as normal occlusion but characterized by
crowding, rotations, and other positional irregularities.
- Def class 1 malocclusion Class1Same as normal occlusion but characterized by
🔶 ✅✅✅
crowding, rotations, and other positional irregularities. -
Tt class 2 malocclusionClass 2 max protrousion 1/facebowtherapy 2/functional app
Class 2 manddeficiency
Functional app fixed or removable Tt
Class lll
1- growth modification
*retraction of maxilla by ( head ger)
* mandibular stimulas
_REAMOVABLE APPLANCE lik ( activator.. Bionator.. Frankel.. Twin block)
2- ortgodontic comofluge
3- surgical
Lik ( saggital split oestotomy)
implant and sinus space
➡️➡️➡️4 mm✅✅✅
Implant with 7mm space
Working and non working side ✅✅✅
Clasps ✅✅
Read aboout
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis
50-year-old woman comes to the clinic complaining of a continuous burning feeling of the
tongue. She
reports taking an antibiotic as prescribed by her physician. The dentist notes diffuse loss of the
papillae of the dorsal tongue with redness, giving it a bald appearance.
Which of the following is the best method used to obtain and confirm the most likely diagnosis?
A Culture
B. Serology
c.Exfoliative cytology
🟥Distance from CEJ to
✅✅bone crest is 2mm
Normal bone level -
Reduced bone - periodontitis-
🟥After gingival osseous recontoring surgery ,in iterproximal area there is some areas with
,vertical bone defect and other S are : horizontal iterproximal ✅✅
Radicular blending Bone gradualizing
C.posterior mucosa-
🟥 جاتني نفس الصوره ديPt with hiv came for u after 1week from previous dental visit , on
examination u found this tongue abnormality , lesion is non painful & not be scrubbed ? What u
can do :
A-Give him antifungal ttt
B-Refere the pt to physician as this may be progression of disease
C-Reassure Pt and give home mouth wash
بسم هللا مناقشه
Ttt: RCt
X ray..
Thermoplastisized obturation tech
🟨خالل جلسة التجريب الكراون طلع قصير في سن lower 5ايش ال Wallاللي فيهو المشكلة ️✳️✳
ايش التست اللي نعمله للتفريق بين apical periodontitisو ...abical abscessالخيارات فيها radiograph 🟨
و mobility teastو
percotion teast
بيشنت بياخد اسبرين ايش تسوي له قبل الشغل
BT test
Liver disease > BT + PT
حول االمبالنhart tissue والsoft اسم الحاله اللي عندها التهاب في
Peri-implantitis is a dental disease resulting in inflammation of the soft and hard gum tissues
surrounding a dentalimplant. Peri-implantitis is associated with loss of bone structure around
the inflamed gum supporting the tooth implan
كسر سنه وظاهر بسيط جداً من البلب من دون أعراض ايش تسوي له٨ بيشنت عمره 🟨
✅✅ Direct pulp capping
Primary = pulptomy
Permanent = direct pulp capping
دكتور عبدالرحيم
:االندو جه اغلبه من االسئله بتاعت الذهبي بس خللي بالك ساعات بيجي عكسها
الزم تبقي عارف الفرق بين ال
Irreversible pulpitis
وبين ال
Symptomatic and asymptomatic apical periodontitis
casesدي جات علي هيئه
في اكتر من خمس اسئله
حابعتلكم اللي افتكره ان شاءهللا
ذاكروا ال
كويس اوي Grades
هنا جمعت لكم اهم البكتيريا واهم معلومة عنها باختصار شديد:
احفظوها الكلمه الثانيه على وزنgingivitis واذا طولت مدة الجنجفايتس وما تم عالجه يصيرChronic periodontitis
3- Treponema denticola ( T. denticola ) :
حفظها بطريقة وربط ماله اساس علمي بالحياه بس قدعنه ان denticola الكوال يسبب،) 🥤 نهايتها ( كوالulceration سوا
جنجفايتس او بيرودونتايتس
احفظوها ان حرفp اول حرف بالبكتريا والPregnancy. ،، ( وكمانinter ) يعني داخل البطن نونو 🤰🏻
6- Actinomyces : healthy gingiva , root caries
Localized agg.periodontits
*واحده ابنها ٤سنين بلع خمسين ملجم فلواريد ماذا تفعل؟
ماهو مقاس الجاتا بيركا او الفايل المناسب؟
55من العادي
وال 55
taper. 04
وال خمسين من العادي
وال ٥٥تيير .
✅ ️♂🏻🤦
مركب لواحد ربر دام وهوب لقيته تعب و اتشنج في وجهه
type 1 نوع الحساسيه ايه Typeكام
?Erosion or abrasion or abfraction *واحد بيمص لميون كثير
:Tooth wear is the result of three processes
attrition (wear through tooth-tooth contact) and
erosion (dissolution of hard tissue by acidic substances). A further process (abfraction)
might potentiate wear by abrasion and/or erosio
💟Ph of ca.hydoxide
💟H2 by prouduct
From which Impression material
Pvs,, polyniyl siloxan
In canine area there are multible radiolucency like rise
What is ttt
جاني صورة
ginigiva in lower canine side ورم في
وطلب اسمهmashroom like lesion والوصف كان
Pygonic granuloma
حنسوي٣ وحاطاه في حليب قبلavulsion حصل ليهوcentral طفله جات تبكي مع امها وامها شايله سن
Other qu
Idopholr not good in sterlaization
One day before dialysis
,One day after
In the same day
postpone treatment for 2 weeks*
under medication
active tb —> emergency should isolated from other pts☀
Zinc phosphate
Calcium hydroxide
اجاني سوال لبنت كل شي فاسنانها طبيعي بس اللثه لونها احمر كتير وكلها
وفي بليدنج وقت تنظف اسنانها بالفرشاه
شو السبب
ولتسوي يوميا بالفلوس:
Pt had truma , central incisor appeares long than other central
حطو الوان فايل في صوره سريعه
جاني سوال كومبليت قال البيشن عنده موبيليني فاالسنان السفليه االماميه ايه نوع ال major connector
Lingual bar
Lingual strap
ما اتذكر
Peir abutment
بيشن عامل كومبوسيت فالسنترال المكسور وسقط منه جزء عايزين نصلحه سال عن الزاويه كم كان غير واضح السوال
Canin buccaly anf palatal by xray
How to know
علشان كده في االشعة دي الlateral بتاع الroot بتاعه عن الcrown واضح الcanine بيبقى الpalatal لما بيبقي
canine Palatal to lateral
💟Pregnant women in 3rd trimester came with inflammation somewhere in the oral cavity
💟🛑D16 of file 10
..Dx - D0 = (X -0) × taper
File 10 ÷100= 0.10
وd16 = 16 × 0.02 = 0.32
= 0.42
Can’t remember
🛑Asthmatic pt got anxious came with 2 inhalers one vasodilator salbutamol and other steroid
When became anxious about to get attack which one to give
💟Sickle cell anemia pt coming for major dental procedure what do u prepare before procedure
Antibiotics prophylaxis ✅
💟Dentigerous cyst- doesn’t mention it but explains it:: ttt was a weird case
علي حسب المعطيات
Size of cysts
🛑Patient with episodes of recurrence of erythema multiform from Herpes
Acyclovir was my answer✅✅
🛑💟Pt takes topical steroid for lesion but it’s the helping the lesion subside
Systemic steroids✅
Amalgam 24 معلومة
Gic 24
RMGIC immediately
)…All porcelain failures (chipping
✅✅ 📍
.Keep porcelain metal junction away from centric contacts
to prevent chipping of porcelain in retainer at the ceramometal junction
?what is the cause of chipping in labial surface of porcelain
.high occlusion force
thick porcelain layer
.Fusing the opaque coat of porcelain too low temperature or too short time
. contamination perior to opeque applications
formation of oxide layer lead to degreasing the bond
✅ Anaerobic
Fast acid
Metal ceramic FPD , its well fit in the lab when the technician test it , but on the Pt there is ☸️
difficulty in placing it
tight contact interpriximally-
All the other options about lab procedure
Scenario of pt with natural lower teeth ,exhibit mobility , all upper teeth present , lower ☸️
. posterior missed
I remember one option : treat the lower teeth &place lower over denture
Another question about how to solve problem of opened proximal contact when u place metal ☸️
-ceramic fpd
something like -close it with glazed cement “ idont remember-
Oral lesion associated with chemotherapy
A dentist refer aptient to his collageous to do proper treatment ,the other dentist examine the 💟
pt and discus with her the treatment she need , and refer her back to the first dentist , Pt ask the
. later dentist if he can do this ttt , he answer No
No -beneficence
Type of pin used in primary molar tooth
Short one
Least tooth missed
Upper premolars
Upper incisors
If there's lower central we choose it
After composite prep u found that the distance from pulp is only 0.5, type of sealer
Same Q but the restoration is amalgam
سؤال صورة أشعه
Bacteria in water line how much
which tooth we use round movement to extract-
Max central
max lateral
mand central
ديmandibular lateral
_pic of pericronitise Lady came with recurrent episodes of pain what's the managment?
1: irrigation with saline & remove depris & analgesic to reliefe pain
2 : operceolotomy
3: finally if recurrent extraction
_What's muramtism?
اختالف اللون مع اختالف الضوء
The Stephan Curve is a graph that shows what happens after the consumption of sugar in
relation to dental caries.
pic of a red lesion surrounded by white line under the tounge a symptomatic
Lichen p
Lichen erythematos
Erythema multifor
و تاني
_Pic of white lesion under the toung also asymptomatic مش فاكره االجابه بس هو كان طالب انك حتبدا
المانجمنت ب ايش
_lady have ulcers in buccal and gingival mucosa and also in genital and urinnogenital parts
How do u confirm the diagnosis
فاكراهم و تاني خيارين مش
Icrease lengths
enamel pearl?
An enamel pearl is a condition of teeth where enamel is found in locations whereenamel is
not supposed to be, such as on a root surface. They are usually found in the area between
roots, which is called a furcation, of molars
بسم االه
عبداارحيم. د.دعواتكم
Pregnant women in 3rd trimester came with inflammation somewhere in the oral cavity :
🛑💟 :
D16 of file 10
File 10 ÷100= 0.10
d16 = 16 × 0.02 = 0.32 و
0.42 =
✅crown middle third , Incisal—
Where pt feel sensitivity more
cervical ,
Bacteria in water line how much
➡️lengionella pnemophilla
bacteria In water line
سؤال صورة
💟After composite prep u found that the distance from pulp is only 0.5, type of sealer
💟Placement of rest seat without parallel meaurment 🤷🏻♀️(I think they mean survey )
incorrect rest seat length ✅
💟A dentist refer aptient to his collageous to do proper treatment ,the other dentist examine
the pt and discus with her the treatment she need , and refer her back to the first dentist , Pt
ask the later dentist if he can do this ttt , he answer No .
No -beneficence
.....don’t remember the 4 choice
Drug with pregnant:
Asprin with high dose
Acetaminophen is usually use
Asprin with low dose
Fast acid
All porcelain failures (chipping…)
📍 ✅✅
Keep porcelain metal junction away from centric contacts.
to prevent chipping of porcelain in retainer at the ceramometal junction
what is the cause of chipping in labial surface of porcelain?
high occlusion force.
thick porcelain layer
Fusing the opaque coat of porcelain too low temperature or too short time.
contamination perior to opeque applications .
formation of oxide layer lead to degreasing the bond
Amalgam 24
Gic 24
RMGIC immediately
💟Pt takes topical steroid for lesion but it’s the helping the lesion subside
Systemic steroids✅
💟Dentigerous cyst- doesn’t mention it but explains it:: ttt was a weird case
علي حسب المعطيات
Size of cysts
💟Asthmatic pt got anxious came with 2 inhalers one vasodilator salbutamol and other
steroid inhaler
When became anxious about to get attack which one to give
💟Sickle cell anemia pt coming for major dental procedure what do u prepare before
Antibiotics prophylaxis
Can’t remember the rest
إذا خلعناD وكان الE = موجودband and loop
اذا خلعناE وكان الD = موجودreverse band and loop( طالع6)هذا في حالة ال
Can’t remember