Saes y 301
Saes y 301
Saes y 301
1 Scope ................................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations.................................... 2
3 References ........................................................ 2
3.1 Saudi Aramco Documents ............................ 2
3.2 Industry Codes and Standards ..................... 3
4 Definitions and Abbreviations............................ 4
4.1 Definitions ..................................................... 4
4.2 Abbreviations ................................................ 5
5 General Requirements ...................................... 5
6 Modification to Industry Standards .................... 7
7 Verification Requirements ................................. 8
8 Tank Management System ............................... 9
9 Testing and Inspection ...................................... 9
10 Shipping Requirements ..................................... 9
11 Documentation .................................................. 9
Revision Summary.................................................... 9
1 Scope
This standard describes the minimum mandatory requirements governing the design,
construction, and installation of Radar Tank Gauging (RTG) systems and equipment for
royalty/custody transfer measurement of hydrocarbon liquids.
This standard is restricted to stilling pipe mounted RTG systems in atmospheric upright
cylindrical, aboveground, liquid storage tanks.
This standard excludes RTG systems for, transfers from or to ships, truck loading, truck
unloading and pipelines. This entire standard may be attached to and made a part of
purchase orders.
2.1 Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the
EK&RD Coordinator.
2.2 Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company
procedure SAEP-302.
3 References
The requirements covered by this document shall comply with the latest edition of the
references listed below, unless otherwise noted:
4.1 Definitions
Datum Plate (Dip Plate): A level metal plate located directly under the
reference gauge point to provide a fixed contact surface from which liquid depth
measurement can be made.
External Floating Roof: A cover over an open top storage tank consisting of a
deck which freely rests upon the liquid being contained except at low levels when
the weight of the cover is transmitted by its supporting legs to the tank bottom.
Initial Setting of RTG System: The initial setting of the RTG System is the
process by which the RTG level reading is set equal to the average tank liquid
level; determined by the manual reference level measurement (at a single level).
The initial setting also includes verification of the ATT sensors.
Radar Tank Gauging (RTG) System: RTG is defined in this document as the
total of the electronic measuring systems consisting of a radar-based Automatic
Tank Gauge (ATG) and Automatic Tank Thermometers (ATT).
Reference Gauging Height: The vertical distance, noted on the tank capacity
table, between the reference gauge point on the gauge hatch and the datum strike
point on the tank floor or the gauge datum plate.
Reference Gauging Point: The point from which all liquid level measurements
shall be taken.
Stilling Pipe: Vertical sections of pipe or tubing extending from the gauging
platform to near the bottom of tanks that are equipped with external or internal
floating roofs. Stilling pipes may also be found on ships and barges.
For any other definition, refer to MPMS, Chapter 1, Vocabulary, which lists all
of the terms and definitions relating to measurement used in API standards on
petroleum products and lubricants.
4.2 Abbreviations
API American Petroleum Institute
ATG Automatic Tank Gauging
ATT Automatic Tank Thermometer
CMU Custody Measurement Unit of Process & Control Systems Department
MPMS Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards
RTG Radar Tank Gauge
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
SAES Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard
SAMSS Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification
SAPMT Saudi Aramco Project Management Team
SASD Saudi Aramco Standard Drawing
5 General Requirements
5.3 Only RTG systems are approved to perform automatic tank level gauging and
temperature measurement.
5.6 RTG system and its accessories shall meet the requirements of API MPMS 3.1B,
SAES-J-003, and 34-SAMSS-321 in terms of accuracy, installation, factory
calibration, initial, and subsequent verifications.
5.9 Stilling pipes shall be constructed to meet the requirements of Standard Drawing
AA-036256. A manual gauging and sampling stilling pipe shall be dedicated
per API MPMS Chapter 8. RTG shall be mounted on a properly supported,
slotted (or perforated) still pipe dedicated exclusively for the level measurement
of the tank.
5.10 Power Supply and Wiring - Instrument power supply, signal and control wiring
shall be in accordance with SAES-P-103, “UPS and DC”, SAES-P-104, “Wiring
Methods and Materials”, and SAES-J-902, “Electrical Systems for
Instrumentation.” RTG and ATT installations shall comply with Saudi Aramco
Library Drawing DC-950043 “Electrical Connections for Field Mounted
5.11 For Intrinsically Safe (IS) systems, the design and installation shall be as per in
SAES-J-903, “Intrinsically Safe Systems”. IS systems shall only be considered
in exceptional cases and will require prior approval by the Manager, Process &
Control Systems Department.
5.12 A local power disconnect switch, which is easily accessible to an Operator shall
be provided at the gauge head.
(Addition-1) All tank stilling pipes shall be grounded to the tank. It is advised to
have at least two braided wires between the tank shell and stilling
pipe, one at the bottom and one on the tank roof, whenever feasible.
The braided wires should be at least 2” x 0.25” mm and preferably
(Addition-2) The range of relative density changes in the tank shall not be such as
to affect the vertical temperature distribution measured by the ATT
(Addition-4) Stilling pipes shall be equipped with all required emission control
devices, which may include items such as a gasketed sliding pipe
cover, and a pole wiper, as pipe as either a pole sleeve or a pole float
and float wiper.
(Addition-1) The thermal expansion of the tank shell or, if applicable, the support
pipe, shall be such that the total deviation for temperature changes
will fall within the accuracy requirements for the installed RTG
gauge, or if necessary be compensated for. If temperature sensing
elements are used to apply corrections to the indication they shall be
mounted in such a way that a correct average temperature is obtained.
(Addition-2) Each manual gauge hatch shall have a permanent gauge mark or tab
just inside the cap on the gauge hatch wall called a “reference point” or
“knife edge” to exactly define the location of the tape during dipping.
(Modification-2) Existing still pipes are suitable for use if they meet Modification-1
(above) and the installation criteria of API MPMS 3.1B.4.5, and
The stilling pipe is vertical within 1 degree.
The stilling pipe has a uniform minimum 8” diameter.
(Modification-3) The center line of the stilling pipe shall be between 450 and 750 mm
from the tank shell, as per AA-036256, in order to minimize
temperature effects from the tank shell.
(Addition-2) Stilling pipe segments shall be welded only on the outside. Inside
welding slags will reflect radar signals and will have an influence on
the signal to noise ratio and speed of the radar signal.
(Addition-3) All valves (including the tanks inlet and outlet valves) associated with
isolation of the tank during custody measurement shall have double
block-and-bleed functionality to verify the tanks are sealing the liquid.
Double block and bleed valves shall be checked for leakage for each
(Addition-4) Tanks shall have valid capacity tables. If the capacity table is not
valid, the tank shall be calibrated by an approved independent
calibration agency in accordance with SAEP-22, Tank Calibration
7 Verification Requirements
RTG system’s compliance with the requirements detailed in SAEP-28 shall be verified
when performing:
a) Factory Verification
b) Pre Installation
c) Initial Verification
d) Initial Setting of the RTG System
The Tank Management System shall conform to requirements stated in API Chapter 12.1.1
as specified in 34-SAMSS-321.
9.1 RTG system components shall undergo a Factory calibration and Factory
Acceptance Test (FAT) at the Vendor's facility. This test shall ensure the
system meets all functional and operational requirements including those
specified in SAEP-28. The Vendor shall provide simulators that perform the
functions of any missing components.
9.2 A verification test (SAT) shall be performed after the system is permanently
installed at the field location per SAEP-28. The fully integrated RTG system
shall be tested on-site to demonstrate acceptable performance.
10 Shipping Requirements
11 Documentation
Revision Summary
6 September 2011 New Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard.
29 September 2013 Editorial revision to change the primary contact persons.
30 June 2014 Minor revision to clarify requirements associated with tank stilling well construction and RTG
29 June 2016 Major revision in overlay format per standards’ optimization plan.
25 August 2019 Major revision to update the installation requirement of the stilling pipe to align it with
Standard Drawing AA-036256.
A. Capital cost for the complete system including installation and validation of the equipment
and instruments. The capital costs shall include all required equipment, including, but not
limited to:
1) For RTG, including RTG to measure liquid level, temperature, and density and to be
installed per API recommendations.
4) The number and size of tanks necessary to support operations shall be based on
working volumes of tanks, not tank capacities (volume of contents).
B. Operation and maintenance cost. The operating and maintenance costs shall include
provisions for manpower for manual gauging of free water, manual sampling, installation
and checking of seals on all connection valves between tank and custody transfer points,
additional testing of samples associated with tank gauging, equipment calibrations and
verifications, repair of connection valves.
C. The economic analysis shall account for costs associated with measurement inaccuracy
over and above that of metering.
D. International prices shall be used for all assessments involving refined liquids.
E. Cost for continuous verification considering the level of automation of both systems and
the necessary manpower.
F. Other economical considerations that may seem necessary for the analysis.