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Mix Design Manual

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Mix Design Manual

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1. Introduction to concrete mix design 1

2. Concrete Mix Design methods 15

3. A critical view of different mix design methods. 23

4. Important points for implementing Concrete Mix Design 29

5. Site Laboratory 33

6. Standard site corrections for implementing concrete mix design 35

7. Testing Procedures 39

8. Trouble Shooting 43

9. Some common questions related to concrete mix design 45

10. A note on durability of concrete 49

11. Note on use of Fly Ash in concrete 53

12. Annexure

Annexure I IS requirements for fine and coarse aggregates 57

Annexure II Tables & graphs for IS method of Mix Design 61

Annexure III Tables & graphs for DOE method 65

Annexure IV Tables for ACI method 69

Annexure V Tables & graphs for RRL method 71

Annexure VI References from IS 456 – 2000 77

Annexure VII IS Requirements for Cement and Water 83

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1.0 Introduction

Concrete is the basic engineering material used in most of the civil engineering structures.
Its popularity as basic building material in construction is because of, its economy of use,
good durability and ease with which it can be manufactured at site. The ability to mould it into
any shape and size, because of its plasticity in green stage and its subsequent hardening to
achieve strength, is particularly useful.

Concrete like other engineering materials needs to be designed for properties like strength,
durability, workability and cohesion. Concrete mix design is the science of deciding
relative proportions of ingredients of concrete, to achieve the desired properties in the
most economical way.

With advent of high-rise buildings and pre-stressed concrete, use of higher grades of
concrete is becoming more common. Even the revised IS 456-2000 advocates use of higher
grade of concrete for more severe conditions of exposure, for durability considerations.
With advent of new generation admixtures, it is possible to achieve higher grades of concrete
with high workability levels economically. Use of mineral admixtures like fly ash, slag, meta
kaolin and silica fume have revolutionised the concrete technology by increasing strength and
durability of concrete by many folds. Mix design of concrete is becoming more relevant in the
above-mentioned scenario.

However, it should be borne in mind that mix design when adopted at site should be
implemented with proper understanding and with necessary precautions.

Durocrete mix design manual is an attempt to increase the awareness among the
users, about concrete mix design. It is made with intention of serving as ready
reckoner for personnel, implementing mix design at site.

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1.1 Advantages of mix design

Mix design aims to achieve good quality concrete at site economically.

I. Quality concrete means

• Better strength
• Better imperviousness and durability
• Dense and homogeneous concrete

II. Economy

a) Economy in cement consumption

It is possible to save up to 15% of cement for M20 grade of concrete with the
help of concrete mix design. In fact higher the grade of concrete more are the
savings. Lower cement content also results in lower heat of hydration and hence
reduces shrinkage cracks.

b) Best use of available materials:

Site conditions often restrict the quality and quantity of ingredient materials.
Concrete mix design offers a lot of flexibility on type of aggregates to be used in
mix design. Mix design can give an economical solution based on the available
materials if they meet the basic IS requirements. This can lead to saving in
transportation costs from longer distances.

c) Other properties:

Mix design can help us to achieve form finishes, high early strengths for early
deshuttering, concrete with better flexural strengths, concrete with pumpability
and concrete with lower densities.

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1.2 What is mix design?

Concrete is an extremely versatile building material because, it can be designed for strength
ranging from M10 (10Mpa) to M100 (100 Mpa) and workability ranging from 0 mm slump to 150
mm slump. In all these cases the basic ingredients of concrete are the same, but it is their
relative proportioning that makes the difference.

Basic Ingredients of Concrete: -

1. Cement – It is the basic binding material in concrete.

2. Water – It hydrates cement and also makes concrete
3. Coarse Aggregate – It is the basic building component of concrete.
4. Fine Aggregate – Along with cement paste it forms mortar grout and
fills the voids in the coarse aggregates.
5. Admixtures – They enhance certain properties of concrete e.g.
gain of strength, workability, setting properties,
imperviousness etc

Concrete needs to be designed for certain properties in the plastic stage as well as in the
hardened stage.

Properties desired from concrete in plastic stage: -

• Workability
• Cohesiveness
• Initial set retardation

Properties desired from concrete in hardened stage: -

• Strength
• Imperviousness
• Durability

Concrete mix design is the method of correct proportioning of ingredients of concrete, in

order to optimise the above properties of concrete as per site requirements.

In other words, we determine the relative proportions of ingredients of concrete to achieve

desired strength & workability in a most economical way.

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1.3 Information required for concrete mix design

The site engineer should give following information while giving material
for mix design to the mix design laboratory: -

a) Grade of concrete (the characteristic strength)

b) Workability requirement in terms of slump

c) Other properties (if required): -

i. Retardation of initial set (to avoid cold joints in case of longer leads or for ready
mix concrete)
ii. Slump retention (in case of ready mix concrete)
iii. Pumpability (In case of ready mix concrete)
iv. Acceleration of strength (for precast members or where early deshuttering is
v. Flexural strength (normally required for concrete pavements)

d) Ascertain whether condition of exposure to concrete is mild, moderate severe or very

severe. Proper investigation of soil should be done to ascertain presence of sulphates &
chlorides, in case of doubt.

e) What is the degree of control at site? Following factors indicate degree of control at site: -

i. Batching – weigh batching / volume batching.

ii. Type of aggregates – whether mixed graded aggregate will be used

or 20mm, 10mm aggregates will be used separately.

iii. Testing of concrete – whether casting & testing of concrete cubes

will be done regularly at site.

iv. Source of aggregate – whether sources of sand and aggregate will be

standardised or likely to change frequently.

v. Supervision – whether qualified staff will be present to supervise concreting work

and make necessary corrections e.g. correction for moisture in sand and
changes in material properties.

vi. Site laboratory – whether the site will have necessary laboratory equipment like
sieves, weighing balance etc. to check material properties.

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1.4 Material properties and how they affect mix design
A. Cement

a) Strength/grade of cement: Grade of cement e.g. 43 grade or 53 grade can

influence the mix design. Grade of cement indicates minimum strength of cement in
N/mm tested as per standard conditions laid down by IS codes (OPC 43 grade – IS
8112-1989, OPC 53 grade – IS 12269 – 1987 e.g. a 43 grade cement should give
minimum strength of 43 N/mm at 28 days). Higher the strength of cement, higher is
the strength of concrete for the same water/cement ratio. In other words a higher
strength of cement permits use of higher water/cement ratio to achieve the same
strength of concrete. The IS 10262 - 1982 for mix design fig.2 (refer Annexure II page
no. 61 of Durocrete Mix Design Manual) gives the different curves of cement based
on the actual strength of cement on 28 day. These cement curves give
water/cement ratio required to achieve a given target strength. Information on grade
of cement may not be as useful as the actual 28days strength of cement. This is
because some of the 43 grade cements practically give strengths more than 53
N/mm . When a 53-grade cement is stored for a long time, its strength may
deteriorate and become equivalent to 33 grade or 43 grade cement. Thus 28 days
strength of cement is required to select the cement curve before starting the mix
design. Finding the 28 days strengths of cement consumes time. It is not practical in
many cases to wait for 28 days strength of cement to start the mix design. In such
cases 28 days strength reports of the manufacturers may be used and can be
supplemented by accelerated strength of cement found by reference mix method
given in IS 10262 Apart from strength of cement, the type of cement e.g. Ordinary
Portland Cement, pozzolona cement (blended cement) etc, is also important factor
affecting the gain of strength. Blended cements achieve strengths later than Ordinary
Portland Cements and require extended curing period. However, use of these
cements result in more durable concrete by offering greater resistance to sulphate
and chloride attacks.

b) Initial & Final setting time of cement: The initial setting time of cement indicates
the time after which the cement paste looses its plasticity. Operations like mixing,
placing and compaction should be completed well before the initial setting time of
cement .The minimum initial setting time specified by IS 456 –2000 (Clause
page no 14 and IS 8112-1989 page 2) is 30 minute. Most of the cements produced
today give an initial set of more than 60 minutes. Beginning of hardening of cement
paste indicates the final setting of cement. The maximum limit for final setting
permitted by IS 8112: 1989 (Clause 6.3. page 2) is 600 minute. Most of the cements
produced today give a final setting of between 3 to 5 hours. Curing can be started
after final setting of cement. The initial setting and the final setting can be extended
by use of retarders in order to avoid cold joints when lead-time for placing concrete is

B. Fine Aggregates
a) Gradation of fine aggregates: The gradation of sand is given by sieve analysis. The
sieve analysis is done by passing sand through a set of standard sieves and finding
out cumulative passing percentage through each sieve. The IS 383 – 1970 -Table 4,
clause 4.3 (refer Annexure I page no 57 of Durocrete Mix Design Manual) classifies
fine aggregates in 4 zones starting from zone I representing coarse sand, to zone IV
representing the finest sand. The limits of cumulative percentage passing for each
sieve for above zones are given in table 4 of IS 383 (refer Annexure I Page 57 of
Durocrete Mix Design Manual). The fineness of sand found by sieve analysis governs
the proportion of sand in concrete .The overall fineness of sand is given by factor
called fineness modulus. Fineness Modulus is given by division of the summation of
cumulative retained fractions for standard sieves up to 150-micron sieve size by 100.

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The fineness modulus of sand varies from 2.0 to 4.0; higher the FM coarser is the

Type of Sand - FM

Fine - 2.0 to 2.8

Medium - 2.8 to 3.2
Coarse - 3.2 and above

b) Specific gravity of fine aggregates: This is the ratio of solid density of sand
particles to the density of water. Higher the specific gravity, heavier is the sand
particles and higher is the density of concrete. Conversely a lower specific gravity of
sand will result in lower density of concrete. Specific gravity of sand is found with help
of pycnometer bottles. The specific gravity of fine aggregates found in Pune region
varies from 2.6 to 2.8.

c) Silt Content by weight: This is found by wet-sieving of sand and material passing 75
micron sieve is classified as silt. This silt affects the workability of concrete, results in
higher water/cement ratio and lower strength. The upper limit for 75-micron sieve in
case of sand is 3% by weight. This limit has however been extended to 15% in case
of crushed sand in IS 383 – 1970 Table 1. (Refer Annexure I page 59 of Durocrete
Mix Design Manual)

C. Coarse Aggregate
a) Maximum size of coarse aggregate: Maximum size of aggregate is the standard
sieve size (40mm, 25mm, 20mm, 12.5mm, 10mm) through which at least 90% of
coarse aggregate will pass.
Maximum size of aggregate affects the workability and strength of concrete. It also
influences the water demand for getting a certain workability and fine aggregate
content required for achieving a cohesive mix. For a given weight, higher the
maximum size of aggregate, lower is the surface area of coarse aggregates and vice
versa. As maximum size of coarse aggregate reduces, surface area of coarse
aggregate increases. Higher the surface area, greater is the water demand to coat
the particles and generate workability. Smaller maximum size of coarse aggregate
will require greater fine aggregate content to coat particles and maintain
cohesiveness of concrete mix. Hence 40 mm down coarse aggregate will require
much less water than 20 mm down aggregate. In other words for the same
workability, 40mm down aggregate will have lower water/cement ratio, thus higher
strength when compared to 20mm down aggregate. Because of its lower water
demand, advantage of higher maximum size of coarse aggregate can be taken to
lower the cement consumption. Maximum size of aggregate is often restricted by
clear cover and minimum distance between the reinforcement bars. Maximum size of
coarse aggregate should be 5 mm less than clear cover or minimum distance
between the reinforcement bars, so that the aggregates can pass through the
reinforcement in congested areas, to produce dense and homogenous concrete.
It is advantageous to use greater maximum size of coarse aggregate for concrete
grades up to M 35 where mortar failure is predominant. Lower water/cement ratio will
mean higher strength of mortar (which is the weakest link) and will result in higher
strength of concrete. However, for concrete grades above M40, bond failure
becomes predominant. Higher maximum size of aggregate, which will have lower
area of contact with cement mortar paste, will fail earlier because of bond failure.
Hence for higher grades of concrete (M40 and higher) it is advantageous to use
lower maximum size of aggregate to prevent bond failure.

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b) Grading of coarse aggregate: The coarse aggregate grading limits are given in IS
383 – 1970 - table 2, Clause 4.1 and 4.2 (Refer Annexure I page 57 of Durocrete Mix
Design Manual) for single size aggregate as well as graded aggregate. The grading
of coarse aggregate is important to get cohesive & dense concrete. The voids left by
larger coarse aggregate particles are filled by smaller coarse aggregate particles and
so on. This way, the volume of mortar (cement-sand-water paste) required to fill the
final voids is minimum. However, in some cases gap graded aggregate can be used
where some intermediate size is not used. Use of gap-graded aggregate may not
have adverse effect on strength.
By proper grading of coarse aggregate, the possibility of segregation is minimised,
especially for higher workability. Proper grading of coarse aggregates also improves
the compactability of concrete.

c) Shape of coarse aggregate: Coarse aggregates can have round, angular, or irregular
shape. Rounded aggregates because of lower surface area will have lowest water
demand and also have lowest mortar paste requirement. Hence they will result in
most economical mixes for concrete grades up to M35. However, for concrete grades
of M40 and above (as in case of max size of aggregate) the possibility of bond failure
will tilt the balance in favour of angular aggregate with more surface area. Flaky and
elongated coarse aggregate particles not only increase the water demand but also
increase the tendency of segregation. Flakiness and elongation also reduce the
flexural strength of concrete. Specifications by Ministry of Surface Transport restrict
the combined flakiness and elongation to 30% by weight of coarse aggregates.

d) Strength of coarse aggregate: Material strength of coarse aggregate is indicated by

crushing strength of rock, aggregate crushing value, aggregate impact value,
aggregate abrasion value. In Maharashtra the coarse aggregates are made of basalt
rock, which has strengths in excess of 100 N/mm . Hence aggregates rarely fail in
strength. The IS limits for above tests are given below:

• Aggregate Crushing value

• Aggregate Impact value
• Aggregate abrasion value

e) Aggregate Absorption: Aggregate can absorb water up to 2 % by weight when in

bone dry state, however, in some cases the aggregate absorption can be as high as
5%. Aggregate absorption is used for applying a correction factor for aggregates in
dry condition and determining water demand of concrete in saturated surface dry

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1.5 Decision Variables in Mix Design

A. Water/cement ratio
B. Cement content
C. Relative proportion of fine & coarse aggregates
D. Use of admixtures

A. Water/cement ratio

Water to cement ratio (W/C ratio) is the single most important factor governing the strength
and durability of concrete. Strength of concrete depends upon W/C ratio rather than the
cement content. Abram’s law states that higher the water/cement ratio, lower is the strength
of concrete. As a thumb rule every 1% increase in quantity of water added, reduces the
strength of concrete by 5%. A water/cement ratio of only 0.38 is required for complete
hydration of cement. (Although this is the theoretical limit, water cement ratio lower than
0.38 will also increase the strength, since all the cement that is added, does not hydrate)
Water added for workability over and above this water/cement ratio of 0.38, evaporates
leaving cavities in the concrete. These cavities are in the form of thin capillaries. They
reduce the strength and durability of concrete. Hence, it is very important to control the
water/cement ratio on site. Every extra lit of water will approx. reduce the strength of
concrete by 2 to 3 N/mm and increase the workability by 25 mm. As stated earlier, the
water/cement ratio strongly influences the permeability of concrete and durability of
concrete. Revised IS 456-2000 has restricted the maximum water/cement ratios for
durability considerations by clause, table 5 (Refer Annexure VI page 78 of
Durocrete Mix Design Manual)

B. Cement content

Cement is the core material in concrete, which acts as a binding agent and imparts strength
to the concrete. From durability considerations cement content should not be reduced
below 300Kg/m for RCC. IS 456 –2000 (Refer annexure VI page 78 of Durocrete Mix
Design Manual) recommends higher cement contents for more severe conditions of
exposure of weathering agents to the concrete. It is not necessary that higher cement
content would result in higher strength. In fact latest findings show that for the same
water/cement ratio, a leaner mix will give better strength. However, this does not mean that
we can achieve higher grades of concrete by just lowering the water/cement ratio. This is
because lower water/cement ratios will mean lower water contents and result in lower
workability. In fact for achieving a given workability, a certain quantity of water will be
required. If lower water/cement ratio is to be achieved without disturbing the workability,
cement content will have to be increased. Higher cement content helps us in getting the
desired workability at a lower water/cement ratio. In most of the mix design methods, the
water contents to achieve different workability levels are given in form of empirical relations.
Water/cement ratios required to achieve target mean strengths are interpolated from
graphs given in IS 10262 Clause 3.1 and 3.2 fig 2 (Refer Annexure II page 61 of Durocrete
Mix Design Manual. The cement content is found as follows: -
Water required achieving required workability (Lit/m )
Cement content (Kg/m ) =
Water/cement ratio

Thus, we see that higher the workability of concrete, greater is cement content required
and vice versa. Also, greater the water/cement ratio, lower is the cement content required
and vice versa.

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C. Relative proportion of fine, coarse aggregates gradation of aggregates

Aggregates are of two types as below:

a. Coarse aggregate (Metal): These are particles retained on standard
IS 4.75mm sieve.
b. Fine aggregate(Sand): These are particles passing standard
IS 4.75mm sieve.
Proportion of fine aggregates to coarse aggregate depends on following:

i. Fineness of sand: Generally, when the sand is fine, smaller proportion of it is

enough to get a cohesive mix; while coarser the sand, greater has to be its proportion
with respect to coarse aggregate.

ii. Size & shape of coarse aggregates: Greater the size of coarse aggregate lesser is
the surface area and lesser is the proportion of fine aggregate required and vice
versa. Flaky aggregates have more surface area and require greater proportion of
fine aggregates to get cohesive mix. Similarly, rounded aggregate have lesser
surface area and require lesser proportion of fine aggregate to get a cohesive mix.

iii. Cement content: Leaner mixes require more proportion of fine aggregates than
richer mixes. This is because cement particles also contribute to the fines in

D. Use of admixtures

Now days, admixtures are rightly considered as the fifth ingredient of concrete. The
admixtures can change the properties of concrete.
Commonly used admixtures are as follows:

i. Plasticisers & superplasticisers

ii. Retarders
iii. Accelerators
iv. Air entraining agents
v. Shrinkage compensating admixtures
vi. Water proofing admixtures

i. Plasticisers & super plasticisers

Plasticisers help us in increasing the workability of concrete without addition of water. It

means that we can achieve lower water/cement ratio without reducing the workability at
the same cement content. Cement particles tend to form flocs trapping a part of mixing
water in them. Hence not all the water added is useful for generating workability.
Plasticisers work as dispersion agents (de flocculent) releasing the water trapped in the
flocs resulting in workability. Use of plasticisers is economical as the cost incurred on
them is less than the cost of cement saved; this is more so in concrete designed for
higher workability.

Compatibility of plasticisers with the cement brand should be checked before use. Also
plasticiser should not be added in dry concrete mix.

Plasticizers are used for moderate increase of workability whereas super plasticizers are
used where very large increase in workability is required. Plasticizers are normally
lignosulphonated formaldehydes and are normally added in small dosages. This is
because large dosage can cause permanent retardation in concrete and adversely affect
its strength. Super plasticizers are naphthalene or melamine based formaldehyde. They
can be used in large dosages without any adverse effect on concrete. This is contrary to

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 10

popular perception that term super plasticizers means more potent, hence lower dosage
is required when compared to normal plasticizers. In practice super plasticizers are used
in large dosages for generating higher workability and better slump retention.
Compatibility of plasticizers with cement should be ascertained before use in concrete.
Since action of plasticizers is based on ionic dispersion certain plasticizers are more
effective with certain cements, thus requiring lower dosages. Non-compatible plasticizers
if used, will not adversely affect the concrete, but its high dosage will make it
uneconomical for use.

ii. Retarders:

They are used for retarding (delaying) the initial setting time of concrete. This is
particularly required when longer placing times are desired as in case of ready mixed
concrete. Retarders are commonly used to prevent formation of cold joints when casting
large concrete. Retarders are normally added in lower dosages as large dosages can
cause permanent retardation in concrete. Retarders are recommended in case of hot
weather concreting to prevent early loss of slump. It is important to note that retarders
reduce early strength of concrete e.g. 1-day and 3-day strength. However, 28 days
strength is not affected.

iii. Accelerators

They are used for accelerating the initial strength of concrete. Typical accelerators
increase the 1-day (up to 50 %) and 3-days (up to 30 %) strength of concrete. Most of the
accelerators show little increase for 7 days strength. For this reason, accelerators are
commonly used in precast concrete elements for early removal of moulds. Accelerators
may not be much useful for early deshuttering where early strengths are required in
range of 5 to 7 days. This is because accelerators are expensive and their ability to
increase strengths decreases after 3-5 days. A better option for early deshuttering would
be the use of plasticizers, reducing the water/cement ratio and achieving a higher grade
of concrete. It is believed that accelerators may cause retrogression of strength after 28
days when compared with normal concrete.

iv. Waterproofing Compounds

These chemicals have double action of blocking capillary pores and reducing the size of
capillaries that may act as conduits for water. Most waterproofing agents have
plasticizing effect and help to reduce water/cement ratio. Lower water to cement ratio
results in smaller size of capillaries and improved imperviousness. In this respect, even
plasticizers will have reasonable water proofing ability. Waterproofing compounds may
not be alternative to membrane waterproofing because they can not rectify casting
defects, like honey combing, voids, cracks caused because of shrinkage. Actually normal
concrete, if cast properly with low water/cement ratio is impervious and waterproofing
compounds help to maintain low water to cement ratio.

v. Air Entraining Agents

They are chemicals that introduce small air bubbles of size less than 45microns in
concrete. These air bubbles disperse uniformly in concrete and work like ball bearings to
increase the workability of the concrete. Most of this entrained air is not expelled during
compaction and becomes a permanent part of concrete. This is unlike plasticizers whose
effect ceases after the setting of concrete. The entrained air has following advantages:

a) Helps to lower the water /cement ratio hence reduces permeability

of concrete.
b) Make concrete mixes cohesive and increases compactability of
c) Reduces bleeding in concrete.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 11

d) It is particularly useful in freeze-thaw conditions for increasing
durability of concrete in cold climatic conditions.

However, effect of air entrainment is to lower strength of concrete. Every 1% air entrained
can reduce the strength of concrete by 5 %. Effect of air entrainment on strength can be
negated by using lower water/cement ratio. This is possible because of high plastcizing
effect of air entrainment. Oleic Acid, Reetha powder, etc are the commonly used air
entraining agents. Air entraining agents are economically available and improve quality of
concrete. However, they should be used carefully where good concreting practices are
followed. 3 to 6 % air entrainment is commonly used in concrete. Higher air entrainment
may not result in increased beneficial effects.

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2.0 Concrete Mix Design Methods

The basic objective of concrete mix design is to find the most economical proportions
(Optimisation) to achieve the desired end results (strength, cohesion, workability, durability,
As mentioned earlier the proportioning of concrete is based on certain material properties
of cement, sand and aggregates. Concrete mix design is basically a process of taking trials
with certain proportions. Methods have been developed to arrive at these proportions in a
scientific manner. No mix design method directly gives the exact proportions that will
most economically achieve end results. These methods only serve as a base to start
and achieve the end results in the fewest possible trials.

The code of practice for mix design-IS 10262 clearly states following: -
The basic assumption made in mix design is that the compressive strength of workable
concretes, by and large, governed by the water/cement ratio. Another most convenient
relationship applicable to normal concrete is that for a given type, shape, size and grading
of aggregates, the amount of water determines its workability. However, there are various
other factors which affect the properties of concrete, for example the quality & quantity of
cement, water and aggregates; batching; transportation; placing; compaction; curing; etc.
Therefore, the specific relationships that are used in proportioning concrete mixes should
be considered only as the basis for trial, subject to modifications in the light of experience
as well as for the particular materials used at the site in each case.

Different mix design methods help us to arrive at the trial mix that will give us required
strength, workability, cohesion etc. These mix design methods have same common threads
in arriving at proportions but their method of calculation is different. Basic steps in mix
design are as follows:

a. Find the target mean strength.

b. Determine the curve of cement based on its strength.
c. Determine water/cement ratio.
d. Determine cement content.
e. Determine fine and coarse aggregate proportions

We will now follow above steps and solve a mix design problem by different methods.


Consider a mix design for M30 grade of concrete, having moderate workability (Slump range
50mm to 75mm).

Material Properties
Cement 53 grade (Although, actual 28 days compressive strength = 63 N/mm )

Fine aggregate –
FM. = 3.26 (Zone I ) 600 micron passing = 32 %
Specific gravity = 2.75

Coarse aggregate

20mm - Specific gravity - 2.95

Dry Rodded bulk density – 1600 Kg/m
10mm - Specific gravity 2.86
Dry Rodded bulk density – 1700 Kg/m

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2.1 Find the target mean strength

Concrete is designed for strength higher than characteristic strength as a margin for
statistical variation in results and variation in degree of control exercised at site. This
higher strength is defined as the target mean strength.
It is calculated as follows:

Target mean strength = Characteristic strength + K * σ

K= Himsworth Coefficient is taken as 1.65 for 5 % probability of failure.

σ = Standard deviation

The values of σ are given in IS 10262 for fair, good and very good degree of control.
However, IS 456-2000 has given revised values of σ to be considered for mix design.
Better the degree of control lesser is the value of σ and lower is the target mean
strength. In other words, the ‘margin’ kept over characteristic strength is more for fair
degree of control to that of good degree of control.
Say for M30 grade of concrete, K=1.65 (for 5% failure) and Standard Deviation
σ = 5 N / mm .
Target Mean Strength = 30 + 1.65 * 5
= 38.25 N/mm

2.2 Determine the curve of cement based on its strength.

The strength of cement is determined either by conventional methods given in IS 4031-

1988 Part 6 or by accelerated curing reference mix method mentioned in IS 10262 –
1982 page15 (Appendix B Clause 3.1.1.) The cement is classified into various curves
based on the strength of cement.
Curve Strength of Cement (N/mm )
A 31.9 to 36.8 N/mm
B 36.8 to 41.7 N/mm
C 41.7 to 46.6 N/mm
D 46.6 to 51.5 N/mm
E 51.5 to 56.4 N/mm
F 56.4 to 61.3 N/mm
After selecting the appropriate curve based on the strength of cement, water/cement
ratio is interpolated for a given target mean strength.

2.3 Determine water/cement ratio

The relation between Target Mean Strength and water cement ratio for different cement
curves is given in IS 10262 Fig 2 (Refer Annexure II page 61 of Durocrete Mix Design
Once the cement curve is fixed, water/cement ratio required for achieving the target
mean strength can be interpolated (Refer Appendix B)

For Example

For F curve and Target Mean Strength of 37

The water cement ratio is 0.48
For F curve and target mean strength of 38.25
The water cement ratio is 0.46

All the mix design methods follow same procedure up to this stage.

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2.4 Finding cement content

Most of the mix design methods find cement content with following formula:

Weight of Water per m
Water /cement ratio =
Weight of cement per m
Weight of Water per m
Weight of cement =
Water/cement ratio

Weight of water required per m also called as water demand.

Water demand depends on:

i. Required Workability of concrete: Higher the workability required greater is the
water demand.

ii. Aggregate properties: Fineness and silt content of fine aggregate, size, shape
and flakiness of coarse aggregate, type of aggregate e.g. crushed, uncrushed.

iii. Use of admixtures: Plasticizers will reduce the water demand

Different mix design methods give empirical relations to find the water demand
Say, we want to find water demand for 20 mm maximum size of crushed aggregate and
natural sand of zone II (F.M. = 3.0) for a slump range of 60 to 80 mm (compaction factor
= 0.9)

A. IS method
Refer annexure II (page no 61)
Water Demand =186 lit for compaction factor of 0.8
Add 3% water for incremental compaction factor of 0.1
Water demand = 186 + 5.58
= 191.58 Lit

Cement Content =191.58/0.46

= 416.47Kg/m3
B. DOE Method
Refer Annexure III – (page 65).
We will select water demand for 30 to 60mm range
Water demand for natural fine aggregate = 180lit
Water demand for crushed coarse 20mm max size aggregate = 210 lit
Water Demand = 2/3 x 180+ 1/3 x 210
= 120 + 70= 190 lit
Cement Content =190/0.46
C. ACI Method
Refer Annexure IV – (page no 69)
Water demand for 30 to 50mm Slump =185 Lit
Water demand for 80 to 100 mm Slump = 200 Lit
Water demand for 50 to 80 mm can be interpolated as average of the above
Cement Content = 192.5 /0.46
= 418.47

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 15

D. RRL Method
Refer Annexure V (page no 71)
RRL method (Road Note 4) differs from rest of methods in calculation of cement
content. RRL method gives tables for different water/cement ratio and degree of
workability (Table 1 to 6)

These tables directly give aggregate to cement ratios from which cement content can
be calculated.
For zone II sand and grading no 2 and medium workability
Aggregate to cement ratio = 3.7 for water cement ratio of 0.45
Aggregate to cement ratio = 4.2 for water cement ratio of 0.50
Aggregate to cement ratio for w/c of 0.46 is interpolated as 3.8
Cement content (Kg/m ) = Plastic density /(1+Agg to cement ratio + w/c ratio)
Calculation for plastic density is shown in Sec 4.3

2.5 Determine fine and coarse aggregate content:

The fine aggregate to coarse aggregate ratio is determined in different methods as

A. IS method

Sand % by volume for zone II sand, compaction factor 0.8 and water cement ratio 0.6 for
20mm down coarse aggregate = 35% (Refer table 2 Annexure III, page no 65 of
Durocrete Mix Design Manual)

Correction for zone 1 sand = +1.5%
Correction for water/cement ratio of 0.46= - 3%
Net Sand content = 35=1.5-3-33.5%
Weights of fine and coarse aggregates are calculated as
V = (W +C/Sc + 1/p(fa/Sfa) ) x 1/1000
V = (W +C/Sc + 1/1-p x (Ca/Sca) ) x 1/1000
V = Absolute volume of fresh concrete i.e. (gross volume –volume of entrapped Air)
= 1-.02=0.98
W = water demand = 190Lit
C = cement content = 416Kg
p = ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate =0.335
fa = total quantity of fine aggregate in Kg per m
ca = total quantity of coarse aggregate in Kg per m
Sc = Specific Gravity of Cement =3.15
Sfa = Specific gravity of fine aggregate =2.75
Sca = Combined Specific Gravity of Coarse aggregate (Assuming 30% of coarse
aggregate is 10mm down aggregate =2.90 x 0.7 + 2.86x 0.3=2.89
Fa= 606 Kg/m
Ca =1278Kg/m

B. DOE Method

Refer Annexure III (page 65)

Sand Content for slump range of 30 to 60 mm and 30% 600 micron passing fraction in
sand is calculated from fig 2 as 42%

Average specific gravity of combined aggregates is calculated as follows: -

= 0.42 x 2.75 + 0.58 x 2.89
= 2.83
Plastic Density of concrete is interpolated from fig 4 Annexure 4 as 2525kg/m .
Total aggregate content per m is calculated as 2525 – 416 -190 =1919Kg

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 16

3 3
Sand content per m = 1919 x 0.42 = 805 Kg/m
Total coarse aggregate content = 1919 x 0.58 = 1113 kg/m
Thus sand content in DOE method is much higher than that worked out in IS method

C. ACI Method

Refer Annexure IV Table 1 (page no. 69)

For F.M = 3.0 Volume of dry rodded coarse aggregate = 0.6
For F.M = 3.26. Volume of dry rodded coarse aggregate per m can be extrapolated as
= 0.58
Dry rodded density of coarse aggregate is say *1800 kg/m
Total coarse aggregate content = 1800 x 0.5 = 1044 Kg.
First estimate of weight of fresh concrete is calculated from table2 as =2355Kg/m . (This
plastic density is low for concretes with basaltic aggregates.)
Total sand content per m = 2355 - 416 - 192.5 -1044
= 702.5 Kg per m

The above proportions need to be reworked on actual plastic density of concrete which is
usually higher than 2500 for basaltic aggregates of Western Maharashtra

* should be dry rodded density of combined or graded coarse aggregate.

D. RRL Method
Refer Annexure V (page no 71)
In RRL method the relative proportion of fine aggregates is so calculated, that combined
grading of aggregates fits zone 1 or 2 of figs 1,2or 3 of Annexure 6.
A trial proportion is taken and combined gradation is worked out for e.g.
35% fine aggregate 20% 10mm down aggregate, 45% 20mm down aggregate.

The combined gradation is worked out as follows: -

Sieve size Fine Coarse Coarse Combined
aggregate aggregate aggregate Grading
10mm 20mm
30% 25% 45%
Cumulative passing %
20mm 100 100 100 100
10mm 100 92 15 59.75 *
4.75mm 97% 7 0 37.6
2.36mm 74 0 0 22.2
1.18mm 56 0 0 16.8
600micron 33 0 0 9.9
300micron 12 0 0 3.6
150micron 2 0 0 0.6
* Calculated as 100x 0.3 + 92x 0.25 + 15x 0.45

Thus we find that combined gradation if plotted on fig 2 Annexure 5 goes near the lowest
curve at lowest curve on 600micron 1.18 and 2.36 fractions.
The curve can be pushed towards 2 curve (Ideal curve) by increasing the sand content.
After some trial runs it is observed that 38% Fine Aggregate, 20% 10mm down and 42%
20mm down aggregate gives grading close to curve2.

Since aggregate to Cement ratio is 1: 3.8

The relative proportion are worked as follows:
Cement: Fine aggregate: 10mm Aggregate: 20mm Aggregate

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 17

1: 1.45 :0. 75: 1.6
If weight of cement is “C” the total weight per m will be
C +1.45C + 0.75C +1.6C + 0.46C=5.26C

The plastic density of concrete is worked as follows

(1x Sc + 1.45x Sfa +0.75x Sca10 +1.6 x Sca20 + w/c)/5.26 x 1000 x (1- Ea)
Sc= Specific gravity of cement =3.15
Sfa =Specific gravity of fine aggregate =2.75
Sca10=Specific gravity of 10mm coarse aggregate =2.86
Sca20=Specific gravity of 20mm coarse aggregate =2.90
W/c = water to cement ratio = 0.46
Ea = Entrapped air = 2%
Plastic density = 2593
Cement content = 2593/5.26
= 492.9 Kg /m
This is higher than max allowable cement content of 450Kg/m as per IS 456 2000. We
find that RRL method gives much higher cement content than other methods

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 18

3.0 Critical view of different mix design methods

3.1 IS Method

The IS method treats normal mixes (up to M35) and high strength mixes (M40 and
above) differently. This is logical because richer mixes need lower sand content when
compared with leaner mixes. The method also gives correction factors for different w/c
ratios, workability and for rounded coarse aggregate. In IS method, the quantities of fine
and coarse aggregate are calculated with help of yield equation, which is based on
specific gravities of ingredients. Thus plastic density of concrete calculated from yield
equation can be close to actual plastic density obtained in laboratory, if specific gravities
are calculated accurately. Thus actual cement consumption will be close to that targeted
in the first trial mix itself. The water cement ratio is calculated from cement curves based
on 28 days strength of cement. This can be time consuming and impractical at times. The
IS method gives separate graphs using accelerated strength of cement with
reference mix method. This greatly reduces the time required for mix design.
The IS method suffers from following limitations: -

a. The IS method recommends 35 % sand content by absolute volume for zone II

sand with correction of +1.5 % for zone I and –1.5 % for zone III. These zones
have wide range and this correction is not adequate to achieve a cohesive
mix. Some times a correction may be required even when fine aggregate varies
from upper side to lower side of a particular zone.

b. Though sand content is adjusted for lower water cement ratio there is no direct
adjustment for cement content. As discussed earlier, the cement particles act, as
fines in concrete and richer mixes often require lesser fine aggregate when
compared to leaner mixes. A mix in which cement content has been lowered by
use of plasticisers may require higher sand content to improve cohesion.

c. The IS method gives different tables for determining sand content for concrete up
to M 35 grade and above M 35 grade. There is an abrupt change in sand
content from 35% to 25% in the two tables when shifting from M 35 grade
concrete to M40 grade concrete. The change may be justified to account for
higher cement content but it should be gradual in nature.

d. The IS method considers compaction factor as measure for workability, to

calculate the water demand. Compaction factor may not correctly represent
workability and the revised IS 456 2000 has excluded compaction factor as a
measure of workability. It recommends use of slump as a measure for
workability. Relationship between slump and compaction factor is difficult to

e. The IS method does not take into account the effect of the surface texture and
flakiness of aggregate on sand and water content. It does not recommend any
corrections when crushed fine aggregate is used against natural fine aggregate
as in case of DOE method.

f. The IS method does not easily account for blending of different fine
aggregates or coarse aggregates when they individually do not conform to IS
requirements. On the other hand in RRL method, coarse sand can be blended
with fine sand or stone dust to get the required gradation (Natural sand and stone
dust will have different specific gravities). Even coarse aggregates of different
sizes, gradation and specific gravities can be blended to achieve the required
gradation in RRL method.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 19

g. The IS method gives water demand and fine aggregate content for 10mm
20mm and 40mm down aggregate .In practice the maximum size of coarse
aggregate is often between 20mm and 40mm, the estimation of water and sand
content is difficult.

h. The quantities of fine aggregate and coarse aggregates are calculated from the
yield equation. The yield equation is based on concept, that volume of concrete
is summation of absolute volumes of its ingredients. Absolute volume of
ingredients are function of specific gravities of ingredients .The plastic density of
concrete if theoretically calculated on the basis of specific gravities, may not
match with that actually measured from concrete.

i. The IS method does not have a specific method of combining 10mm

aggregates with 20 mm aggregates. The grading limits for combined
aggregates in IS383 are too broad and do not help much to arrive at particular
ratio of different coarse aggregates. The combined grading curves of RRL
method help us to arrive on particular ratio of coarse aggregates.

j. The IS method does not have an adjustment in fine aggregate content for
different levels of workability. Higher workability mixes require more fine
aggregate content to maintain cohesion of mix.

3.2 DOE Method

The DOE method overcomes some limitations of IS method. In DOE method, the fine
aggregate content is a function of 600micron passing fraction of sand and not the zone of
sand. The 600-micron passing fraction emerges as the most critical parameter governing
the cohesion and workability of concrete mix. Thus sand content in DOE method is more
sensitive to changes in fineness of sand when compared to the IS method. The sand
content is also adjusted as per workability of mix. It is well accepted that higher the
workability greater is the fine aggregate required to maintain cohesion in the mix. The
water content per m is recommended based on workability requirement given in terms of
slump and Vee Bee time. It recommends different water contents for crushed aggregates
and for natural aggregates. The quantities of fine and coarse aggregates are calculated
based on plastic density plotted from fig 4 Annexure III (page no 68). However the DOE
method allows simple correction in aggregate quantities for actual plastic density
obtained at laboratory.

The DOE method also suffers from some limitations.

a. The fine aggregates content calculated from DOE method often is on the higher
side resulting in over sandy mixes. For zone 1 coarse sand (600micron fraction
15 to 20%) the sand content may exceed 50% for moderate workability of 30mm
to 60mm slump.
b. The fine aggregate content cannot be adjusted for different cement contents.
Hence a rich mix with cement of 400Kg/m will have the same fine aggregate
proportion, as a lean mix with 300kg/m cement for given sand. Thus richer
mixes may not be as workable because of higher fines, when compared to mixes
obtained from the IS method.
c. The DOE method also does not take into account the effect of the surface texture
and flakiness of aggregate on sand and water content although it distinguishes
between crushed stone aggregates and natural aggregates.
d. The DOE method does not have a specific method of combining 10mm
aggregates with 20 mm aggregates.
e. No specific graphs are available (to estimate fine aggregate content) for
maximum size of aggregates between 20and 40 mm.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 20

3.3 ACI method

This method is based on determining the coarse aggregate content based on, dry rodded
coarse aggregate bulk density and fineness modulus of sand. Thus this method takes
into account the actual voids in compacted coarse aggregates that are to be filled by
sand cement and water. This method also gives separate tables for air-entrained
concrete. This method is most suitable for design of air-entrained concrete. This method
gives separate values of water and sand content for maximum size of aggregate up to
150mm. Hence this is most suitable method for designing plum concrete. It also gives
separate values for 12.5 & 25 mm down coarse aggregate.
This method suffers from following limitations: -

a. It gives coarse aggregate contents for sand with FM range of 2.4 to 3.0 .It is
found that sand available in many parts of India is extremely coarse with FM
more than 3.2.
b. In this method the density of fresh concrete is not given as function of specific
gravity of its ingredients. In IS and DOE method the plastic density or yield of
concrete is linked to specific gravity of ingredients.
c. The values of density of fresh concrete given in this method range from 2285
3 3
kg/m for10mm down aggregate to 2505kg/m for 150mm down coarse
aggregate. It is found that in many parts of our country, the density of fresh
concrete (plastic density) of 20 and 10 mm down aggregates vary from 2400 to
2600kg/m . The weights calculated from the given densities often result in higher
cement contents than that assumed.
d. The ACI method also does not take into account the effect of the surface texture
and flakiness of aggregate on sand and water content, neither does it distinguish
between crushed stone aggregates and natural aggregates.
e. The ACI method does not have a specific method of combining 10mm
aggregates with 20 mm aggregates.
f. The fine aggregate content cannot be adjusted for different cement contents.
Hence the richer mixes and leaner mixes may have same sand proportion, for a
given set of materials.

3.4 The RRL Method (Road Note 4 Method)

In this method, the aggregate to cement ratios are worked out on the basis of type of
aggregate, max size of aggregate and different levels of workability. The relative
proportion of aggregates is worked on basis of combined grading curves. This method
facilitates use of different types of fine and coarse aggregates in the same mix. The
relative proportion of these can be easily calculated from combined grading curves. The
values of aggregate to cement ratio are available for angular rounded or irregular coarse

This method suffers from following drawbacks: -

a. This method leads to very high cement contents and thus is becoming
b. In many cases use of gap graded aggregate becomes unavoidable. In many
parts of the country the practice is to use 20mm coarse aggregates without
10mm aggregates. This is because of quality of 10mm aggregates produced
from jaw crusher is very poor .Gap grading does not fit in to the standard
combined grading curves of RRL method.
c. Sand available in some parts of country is graded that it is high on coarse
fraction (1.18mm and above) and low on fines (600micron and below). It is
difficult to adjust the sand content to match any of the standard combined
grading curves .The combined grading curve often cuts across more than one
standard curves in such cases.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 21

d. Different aggregate to cement ratios are given for different levels of workability
ranging from low to high. But these levels of workability are not defined in terms
of slump, compaction factor or Vee Bee time as in case of other methods.
e. The fine aggregate content cannot be adjusted for different cement contents.
Hence the richer mixes and leaner mixes may have same sand proportion, for a
given set of materials.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 22

4.0 Important points for implementation of mix design:

1. Cement brands to be used should be standardised in advance

2. All materials should be accepted only after testing and only if they meet the
acceptance criteria. Daily record of materials tested at site should be maintained at

3. A site trial of mix design should be taken to ensure the suitability of mix at site.
Cubes should be cast during site trial and should be tested before commencing the
concreting work using the mix design.

4. Every mix design is specific to materials used for mix design. Hence for any minor
variation in material properties of sand, coarse aggregate received at site,
corrections in mix proportions may be necessary at the site. Following corrections
should be made regularly at site: -
a) Correction for surface moisture
b) Correction for Fineness Modulus of sand
c) Correction for size and shape of coarse aggregate
d) Correction for workability of concrete
e) Correction for Bulk density (Only in case of Volume batching)
f) Correction for yield
Daily record of corrections made in the mix proportions should be maintained in the
concreting work data sheet.

5. Concrete mix design assumes that aggregates used in concrete are in saturated
surface dry condition. Coarse aggregates should be wetted before concreting to
bring them in SSD condition. Since correction for surface moisture is done on sand,
water should not be spayed on sand.

6. If weigh batcher is used, its level & calibration should be checked daily before
starting the work. Calibration can easily be checked by preparing sand bags of 25
Kg & 5 Kg.

7. In case of volume batching correction for bulk density is necessary. This is because
every mix design is done by weight only. These weights are converted to volume
based on loose bulk density found at site.

8. Concrete mix design is done not only for strength but also for workability. Hence
changes in mix proportions may be necessary for changes in workability desired at
site. The slump given in mix design should never be exceeded and strictly
controlled on site. We recommend a slump reading to be taken for every 25 bags of
cement concrete.
9. Since water cement ratio not only governs the strength but also the durability of
concrete. The water cement ratio on the site should be strictly controlled. The water
cement/ratio can be controlled by maintaining the slump as per the design

10. Use only measured cans for adding water in the mixer. Use of trapezoidal buckets
for adding water should be strictly avoided as their typical shape results in either
excess or lesser water being added to the mixer. Milk kettles are recommended
because their peculiar shape not only prevents water from falling off while addition
but also ensures speed of water addition.

11. On starting the concreting work we recommend a process of calibration of water for
first 3 batches. In this process exact quantity of water calculated after making

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 23

moisture correction is added in the mixer during concreting. Slump of concrete
after proper mixing is measured and average slump of first 3 batches is found out.
This slump reading serves as the control slump entire concrete for the day and
should never be exceeded. This will keep water cement ratio in control even if minor
variation in moisture of sand is observed at site during the day.

12. Regularly check the average weight and freshness of cement bags. Average weight
of at least 5 bags should be taken each day prior to concreting. If the average
weight of cement bags is below 49 Kgs., proper correction should be made by
reducing the weight of aggregates in order to maintain the cement consumption.

13. Mix design is based on the strength of cement tested at laboratory that is usually
fresh. If age of cement is more than 1 month or if it is not stored properly, the
strength of cement will be affected. In such cases, corrections in mix design may
be required to account for reduced strength. Such a correction may be done by
using lower cement curve in the standard graph. The effect of using a lower curve
will be, a lower water cement ratio to achieve the same strength.

14. Ensure cement stocked properly in waterproof room and is not in direct contact with
floor or the walls. Use first in first out system of keeping inventory to ensure that old
stocks of cement are not used for concreting.

15. Cubes should be cast for every batch of concrete no matter how small is the
quantity of concrete. The revised IS 456 2000 makes cube testing mandatory for
every concreting shift. The minimum frequency of samples of cubes cast is given in
IS 456 2000 Clause 15.2.2. Ensure that minimum sample of 3 cubes is always
available for 28 days testing.

16. Every sample of cube reading should always be accompanied by slump reading of
the batch from which cubes are taken. Slump reading helps us to correlate the
strength with workability. For example if it is observed that cube results are low for a
set of cubes and corresponding slump reading is found to be high, it may be
concluded that low strengths are on account of high water cement ratio. If cube
results are low for low slump reading of the batch, the problem may be with quality
of sand, aggregates or cement.

17. Standard deviation of samples of cube results should be regularly checked. The
revised IS 456 2000 assumes a standard deviation of 4 Mpa for concrete grades up
to M25 and 5 Mpa for grades above M25. Higher standard deviation mean poor
control at site on concrete operation. Acceptance criteria for accepting cube results
are given in revised IS 456 2000. The cube results should be regularly checked for
these acceptance criteria.

18. Cement consumption should be checked every day and proper record of cement
actually consumed versus the design consumption should be maintained in the
concreting work data sheet.

19. The exact cement consumption at site can be checked with help of a yield box. The
yield box is a simple rectangular box made of mild steel or plywood. The concrete
after mixing is poured in yield box and vibrated properly. The volume of concrete is
measured in m . Reciprocal of this volume in m3 will give cement consumption in
bags per m3 of concrete.

20. The mix design should be regularly revalidated from the laboratory for any changes
in material properties.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 24

5.0 Site Laboratory

5.1 Items necessary on site for Mix Design

1. Set of 12 Cube moulds of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm.

2. A slump cone, tamping rod and a scale.

3. Weighing balance of 5Kg. With accuracy of 2gms and corresponding weights up

to 2 gm. Electronic Balance is highly recommended.

4. Spring balance of 100Kgs.

5. Milk cans of 5,2 & 1 litre capacity for addition of water.

6. 250 ml measuring cylinder for silt test.

7. Set of sieves as under:

40mm, 25mm, 20mm, 12.5mm, 10mm along with a Pan & 4.75mm, 2.36mm,
1.18mm, 600 μ, 300 μ, 150 μ, 75 μ along with a pan and lid.

8. Conical cans of 5 lit and 1 lit capacity for calibration.

9. If Weigh Batcher is not available at site, then following Farmas should be made
available at site:

Capacity in litres Nos. L B H Size (in cm)

35 4 40 x 25 x 35
30 1 40 x 25 x 30
25 2 40 x 25 x 25
20 1 40 x 25 x 20
15 1 40 x 25 x 15
10 2 40 x 25 x 10
10. Hot plate
11. Compression testing machine.
12. A yield box of size 50cm x 50cm x 75 cm made of mild steel or plywood.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 25

6.0 Standard Corrections for implementing mix design

6.1 Correction for surface moisture in sand

Sand contains some fraction of water as surface moisture. This moisture affects
(increases) the water cement ratio of concrete. Water cement ratio takes into account the
total water available for hydration of cement.

Water/ cement ratio = (Water added per batch + Surface moisture in sand)
Water to be added for every batch should be calculated only after deducting the surface
moisture from the water quantity of water cement ratio

Water to be added per batch = (Water/ cement ratio * 50) - (surface moisture * wt
of sand per batch)
If moisture content = 4%
Wt. Of sand = 135kgs.
Water / cement ratio = 0.55

Water to be added per batch = 0.55 *50 - 4%*135

= 27.5 - 5.4
= 22.1 1trs
Wt. Of sand per batch should be increased correspondingly by wt. of surface moisture in
sand e.g. 5.4kgs.

Moisture content in sand will vary from day to day and also with different lots of sand. It is
therefore very important to make correction for moisture in sand to maintain w/c ratio. If
slump on site is kept under control, the w/c ratio is automatically controlled.

6.2 Correction for Aggregate absorption

For any mix design, the coarse aggregate is considered to be in saturated surface dry
condition. Where as the metal on the site is often in bone-dry condition (especially
during summers). This dry aggregate often absorbs the water added in concrete and
reduces the workability of concrete. Correction for surface absorption is necessary to
maintain the water cement ratio.
A correction of 1% to 2 % of wt. of coarse aggregate may be made in case of bone-dry
condition of aggregate.
For example if the aggregate absorption is 2%, and total weight of aggregates is 180 Kg
Aggregate absorption= 0.02 * 180
= 3.6 Litres
Hence quantity of water added (From previous example) =22.1 + 3.6
=25.7 lit
How ever it is recommended that the aggregate should be wetted thoroughly before
concreting to make it in saturated surface dry condition instead of making correction for
aggregate absorption.

6.3 Correction for bulk density

This correction is to be done only in case of volume batching.

Every mix design is always done considering weights of different ingredients.
In case volume batching is done on site, the weights of aggregates need to be
converted into volumes. This is done with the help of bulk densities of aggregates.

Volume of sand per batch = wt. of Aggregate per batch

Bulk density

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 26

For example, if wt. of sand per batch = 135kgs.
Bulk Density =1.66Kg/lit

Vol. Of sand = 135/1.66 = 81.3litrs. Say 80litrs.

Hence, use 2 forms of 25litrs and one form of 30litrs. Bulk density of sand changes with
bulkage. Hence correction for bulk density of sand should be made every day.
Bulk density of metal is between 1.4 Kg/Lit to 1.5 Kg/Lit where as bulk density of sand
varies with bulkage and usually lies between 1.6 to 1.8 Kg/Lit.

6 .4 Correction for bulkage

This correction is done only in case of volume batching of concrete. When sand is
moist it ‘bulks’ i. e. it occupies grater volume. Hence, less weight of sand is taken in the
given volume. In other words, the bulk density of sand changes. Otherwise, volume of
sand needs to be increased in proportion of bulkage.
If correction for bulk density is done, effect of bulkage is taken care of &
correction for bulkage need not be done.

6.5 Correction for silt

Excessive silt in sand affects the bond between cement and sand. Silt particles are finer
than 75 micron in size and have tremendous water demand. They increase the water
cement ratio required for getting the same workability. Organic and inorganic impurities
present in silt also affect the durability of concrete. This reduces the strength of concrete.
This problem is quite severe during monsoon.

Since the effect of silt is to reduce the workability, if silt % at site is found to be more than
that considered in mix design, then either the same mix should be used with reduced
workability as found during calibration of water or workability should be increased by
making field corrections.

6.6 Field corrections for increasing the workability of concrete.

a) Increase the workability by reducing the specific surface of concrete (reducing the %
of sand, reducing % of 10mm down metal if it is flaky etc.). However, this correction
is to be done only if sand is fine or coarse aggregate is flaky and done only to the
limit of not loosing the cohesiveness of concrete mix.
b) Increase the workability by increasing the cement content. This can easily be done by
reducing the total aggregate added per batch by approx. 10kg. This should be
continued till the required workability is obtained. Sand and coarse aggregate
should be reduced proportionately. Say if we are using 40% sand as proportion of
total aggregate reduce the sand by 4kg and reduced the coarse aggregate by 6 kg.
c) By adding plasticiser – Dosage of plasticiser may be adjusted to get the required
workability. However, It is important to check the compatibility of plasticiser with
cement and also the maximum and minimum dosage of plasticisers as specified by
he manufacturers.

6.7 Corrections for changes in gradation of sand

Sand shows lot of variation on sites because of change in source of supply.

If the sand received at site is finer than the one considered in mix design the excess
surface area created by the fines will increase the water demand. This will either reduce
the slump of concrete or increase the water cement ratio. Hence correction should be
done to reduce the specific surface of fine aggregate. This can be done by reducing the
fine aggregate by 5 kg and increasing the wt. of coarse aggregate by 5 kg keeping the

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 27

total wt. of aggregate constant. This may be done till required workability is obtained. If
correction of more than 10kg is required for sand consult the mix design laboratory.
Similarly, if sand received at site is coarser than the one considered in mix design the mix
is likely to segregate because of lack of fines (Lack of cohesion). In such a situation
increase the fine aggregate by 5 kg and reduce the total aggregate by 5 Kg keeping the
total weight of aggregate constant. This may be continued till the mix becomes cohesive
and the required workability is obtained for the given water cement ratio. If correction of
more than 10kg is required for sand consult the mix design laboratory. An excessive
correction may increase the water cement ratio or reduce the workability of concrete.

The fineness modulus of sand in Pune varies from 3.2 to 3.8 The IS specifies a limit of
2.2 (fine sand) to 3.2 (coarse sand) for fine aggregate. This means that sand available in
Pune is extremely coarse. This is partly because of absence of fines in the sand and 10%
to 15% is retained on 4.75mm sieve as chal or shingle present in the sand. In case of
coarse sand, a part of sand may be replaced by fine crushed sand to increase the
missing fines in concrete.
In case crushed sand is not available fine stone dust (600 μ passing more than 60 %and
150 μ passing not more than 20%) may be used to replace a part of sand. Such stone
dust should not replace more than 15 Kg of sand under normal circumstances. Strict
control on water cement ratio should be kept. Stone dust reduces the workability; hence,
the water cement ratio is likely to increase.

6.8 Correction for changes in size and shape of coarse aggregate

If size of coarse aggregate is lower than that used for mix design sand content will have
to be increased to account for increased surface area of coarse aggregate. This will in
turn increase the water demand of concrete. This may necessitate increase in cement
consumption to maintain workability. In such case the coarse aggregate may be reduced
by 5 kg. This will not only increase the proportion of sand but also increase the cement
consumption. This correction may be done to the extent of 10 kg. Consult mix design
laboratory if satisfactory mix is not obtained even after making the above correction.
Effect of flaky aggregate is also to increase the surface area hence the same correction
as mentioned above may be applied in case of flaky aggregate.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 28

7.0 Field Testing procedures

7.1 Finding surface moisture of sand

Take 500 gm of sand and heat it in a tray gently till sand is dry and starts flowing freely.
Surface dry sand is weighed again to find the loss in weight.

Surface moisture =
(500 - W)

NOTE: It is important not to over heat the sand, as it will make the sand bone dry. The
sand particles should be in saturated surface dry condition after heating. To ensure this
condition heat the sand only to the point it becomes free flowing and there is a colour
Moisture in sand results in bulkage (increase in volume of sand) To get a rough estimate
of surface moisture following thumb rule may be used when sand is not extremely wet.

Moisture in Bulkage
Medium Coarse
Sand Sand
1% 8% 6%
2% 16% 12%
3% 22% 15%
4% 27% 17%
5% 29% 18%

Approximate quantity of surface water carried by fine aggregate is given in table 10 of IS

456-2000 (Page 24)

Condition of sand % Surface Moisture Usually finer the

Very wet sand 7.5% sand greater is
Moderately wet 5% the surface
sand moisture that it
Moist sand 2.5% will carry.

7.2 Measuring Silt Content at site

Take 50ml. of water in 250ml. beaker and add some salt to it. Add sand to it till 100ml.
mark is reached. Again add water up to 150ml. Stir the sand well to wash it in salt water.
Keep the beaker still for 3 hours. Observe the thickness of the silt layer.

Silt content = Height of silt layer (ml) * 100

Height of sand (ml)

Sand with silt content greater then 8 % calculated by above method should not be used
for concreting.
In laboratory the silt % is calculated as % weight of particles finer than 75 micron. The
limit is given as 3% in IS383 (Refer Annexure I page no 59).

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7.3 Measuring Bulk density at site

weight of material in kg
Bulk density =
Volume in litres

Bulk density can be measured on site by filling a standard 35 litres form with aggregate
and weighing the aggregate filled in the form.

e.g. wt. of sand in 35 litres form = 58kg.

Bulk density =58/35 = 1.66kgs./ litres.

7.4 Measuring Bulkage on site

Take 100ml. of sand in 250ml. beaker and add water so as to completely submerge the
sand. Shake the beaker well and the keep it steady for some time. Note the level to which
it settles.
Original level - New level
Bulkage % = *100
New Level

7.5 The sieve analysis of fine aggregates and the fineness modulus


Set of sieves ranging 40 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm, 16 mm, 12.5 mm, 10 mm, 6.3 mm, 4.75
mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18mm, 600 μ, 300 μ, 150 μ weighing balance, heating pan and stove.


i. Heat 1Kg of sand on stove to remove all the moisture. This will make the
particles free from cohesion induced because of surface tension of free water in
ii. Arrange all the sieves in order of size, with largest sieve size on the top.
iii. Place weighted material on the top most sieve and shake each sieve. Shaking
shall be done with a varied motion backward and forward, left to right, circular –
clockwise, anti- clockwise with frequent jerking, so that the material is kept
moving over the sieve surface. Shaking should be done till all the particles are
given a chance to pass through the sieve.
iv. Weigh the material retained on each sieve on a weighing balance. The material
retained on each sieve after shaking represents the fraction of aggregate coarser
than the sieve size in question and finer than the sieve size above.
v. Calculate % retained and the cumulative % retained on each sieve. The
summation of the % cumulative wt retained on all the sieve sizes up to 150
micron, divided by 100 gives the fineness modulus.
vi. The sieve analysis is recorded in following table

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 30


IS sieve size Wt. retained % Of Wt. Cumulative % wt. Cumulative % wt.

Retained Retained Passing
4.75 mm
2.36 mm
1.18 mm
600 μ
300 μ
150 μ
Passing 150 μ


∑ Cumulative % weight retained (up to 150 μ)


7.6 Casting and testing of Concrete Cubes

Cubes of concrete should be cast for every shift of concreting work to estimate the
strength of concrete.

Concrete for filling the cubes should be taken from the middle discharge of concrete
mixer. Concrete from beginning or at the end of discharge should be avoided. Cubes
should be filled in 3 equal layers. Each layer should be uniformly tamped at least 35
times with a16mm blunt rod. The tamping should be done in such a manner that the rod
penetrates through the layer up to the lower layer. Cubes should be properly levelled and
finished using hand trowel. Cubes should be kept in shadow properly covered with wet
gunny bags. Cubes should be demoulded after 24 hours and immersed in water for
curing. It is important to keep the cubes away form the shocks or vibrations especially for
initial 3 days of casting.
We recommend that minimum 6 cubes should be taken every day and the batch of 3
cubes be tested for 7 days and 28 days respectively.

As per IS 456 -2000 minimum frequency of sampling is as follows:-

Vol of concrete Number of samples
00 - 5 m 1
06 - 15 m 2
16 - 30 m 3
31 - 50m 4
51 & above 4 plus one additional for each
additional 50 m
Three test specimens shall be made for each sample for testing at 28 days .If 3 and 7
day strengths are required, additional samples should be taken, over and above
mentioned in the frequency of sampling.

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7.7 Measuring Slump at site

Slump test:
Slump cone for slump test, tamping rod of steel 16 mm in diameter, 0.6 m long and
rounded at one end.

i. The internal surface of the slump cone shall be thoroughly cleaned and should be
free from any set concrete before commencing the test. The mould should be
placed on smooth horizontal, rigid and non – absorbent surface such as carefully
levelled metal plate. The mould is firmly held in position while filling it.
ii. The mould should be filled in 4 layers each approximately one quarter of the height
of mould. Each layer shall be tamped with 25 blows. The stroke should be
distributed in a uniform manner over the cross section of mould. For the 2 and
subsequent layers tamping rod should penetrate into underlying layer. The
bottom layer should be tamped throughout its depth.
iii. After the top layer has been rodded the concrete shall be struck off level with trowel
or rod. The mortar, which may have leaked out between mould and base plate,
shall be cleaned away.
iv. The mould shall be removed from concrete immediately by raising it slowly and
carefully in vertical direction. This will allow the concrete to subside and the
slump shall be measured immediately by determining the difference between
height of mould and that of highest point of slumped concrete specimen. The
above operation shall be carried out in a place free from shock or vibration.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 32

8.0 Trouble Shooting at Site

8.1 The mix segregates: -

a. Reduce the water cement ratio – Higher workability often results in segregation
hence reduce the workability by reducing the water added to mix.
b. Increase the mixing time of mixer – Poor quality of mixing often results in
segregation. Segregating mix can be an indication of poor quality of mixer
c. Increase the sand proportion – lack of fines often results in segregation. If sand
is extremely coarse, a part of sand may have to be replaced by fine stone dust.
d. Increase the cement content – Richer mixes have lesser tendency for
segregation. This may be the last resort as it adds to the cost.

8.2 The mix is not workable

a. Reduce the sand content – If sand available at site is much finer than the one
used in design, higher specific surface will result in lower workability. A 10 to 15 kg
reduction in sand per batch will increase the workability. The reduction of sand
should be compensated by increasing the quantity of metal by equivalent amount.
b. Check the silt content – Silty sand will greatly reduce the workability of mix. The
silt particles greatly enhance the specific surface and reduce the workability. Try
replacing it by either non-silty sand or crushed sand. Sand washing can be adopted
if sand washing machine is available.
c. Check the mixer quality and mixing time – Inadequate mixing often results in
poor workability.
d. Workability can be increased by adopting measures stated in 6.5

8.3 Strength of Cube Results is low

a. Check whether the water/cement ratio used in the concrete mix was high. This is
one of the most common reasons for low strength. This will be indicated by the
slump reading of the concrete batch from which the cubes have been cast. We
recommend that a slump reading be taken for every batch from which cubes are
cast. A slump reading in excess of the slump given in the design mix indicates
higher water cement ratio.
b. Check whether the cubes have been cast with proper compaction as mentioned in
Sec 7.6. The weight of concrete cube less than 8 Kg may indicate poor
c. Check if dimensions of concrete cubes are within tolerance of +/- 0.2 mm. If the
dimensions of cubes are not as specified above, the faces of the cube being
crushed may not be parallel to each other. This may result in reduced area of
contact between cube and plate of CTM and also eccentric loading.
d. Check if the raw materials used were satisfactory. Silty sand, flaky aggregates and
cement with poor strength will result in low strength. If the above raw materials are
available, cubes should be cast and tested to rule out the above possibility. A small
sample of cement should always be kept aside for later testing for every major
casting. This sample can be tested for physical and chemical properties in case of
failure. In many cases it is seen that no firm conclusion can be drawn because of
non-availability of cement for testing.
e. Check if mixing was proper and variation amongst different cube samples is within
the tolerance limit of 15% from the average. Improper mixing may result in non-
uniform distribution of cement paste and lower strengths.
f. Check if the concrete cubes have not been subjected to some vibration or shocks
in the early age.

8.4 The concrete does not set.

a. Check the physical and chemical properties of cement e.g. initial
setting time, final setting time, 3, 7 & 28 days compressive strength.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 33

b. Check if admixture used was proper and in correct dosage. A lignosulphonate base
admixture added at high dosage can impart permanent retardation to concrete.
c. Check if the water used for concrete mix is not contaminated. Presence of
sugar/molasses in water can result in retardation of concrete.

8.5 The concrete sets very fast

a. If the aggregates are bone dry, they will absorb water from the surrounding mix
resulting in sudden drop in workability and early setting of concrete. This can be
avoided by pre-wetting of coarse aggregates before concreting.
b. Check if the cement has a false set. This will be indicated by laboratory testing.
c. Concreting in hot weather and low humidity conditions can result in rapid moisture
loss and sudden drop in workability and early set of concrete.
d. Check if the gypsum percentage in cement is proper by chemical analysis of

8.6 There are cracks on the concrete surface immediately after casting.
Plastic shrinkage is the most common reason for surface cracks on concrete.
Rapid loss of moisture in the plastic stage results in plastic shrinkage cracks. The
phenomenon is common when concreting is done in windy condition. To prevent
plastic shrinkage the concrete should be covered with plastic, immediately after

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 34

9.0 Some common questions about mix design

9.1 How to get the most economical mix design: -

a. Cement content can be reduced by selecting appropriate raw materials

i. Use of graded sand with low silt content
ii. Aggregates should be equi-dimensional with min flakiness and elongation. For
concretes up to M 40 grade rounded aggregates give best results.
iii. By using higher size of aggregates where cover and reinforcement spacing

a) By reducing the workability requirement of concrete: - Higher workability always comes at

cost. Higher workability is achieved by increasing the cement content or by adding
b) By using pozzolonic materials like fly ash & ground granulated blast furnace slag etc. These
materials not only bring economy but also increase the workability of concrete.
c) By correct use of compatible admixture. If admixtures are used judiciously after testing
compatibility with cement, they substantially reduce the cement content. This is more so for
higher grades of concrete and where higher workability is desired. The cost incurred on
admixture in such cases is less than that required for additional cement.

9.2 Will use of 53 grade of cement result in lower cement consumption?

A higher grade of cement will enable us to use a higher order cement curve for calculating
the water cement ratio. This means that a higher grade cement will allow us to use a higher
water/cement ratio for achieving a given target strength. This will result in lower cement
consumption for a given water demand. With advent of modern cement manufacturing
technology the difference between 43 grade and 53 grade cement is reducing. Almost all the
43 grade cements available today have strengths required for E curve (strength range of 51.5
to 56.4N/mm ) while some of the 43 grade cements give higher strengths to fit F curve
(strength range of 56.4 to 61.3 N/mm ). Most of the 53 grade cements fall in F curve while
some give higher strengths for which curves are not defined (Some call them as G curve with
strength above 61.3 N/mm ). Hence the curve of cement (Strength range) governs the
cement consumption rather than the grade of cement. If a 53 grade cement is stored for a
long duration, its strength may drop to that of E curve or even D curve. Even a higher cement
curve may not always ensure a lower cement consumption. This is because the durability
criterion restricts the maximum water/cement ratio for a given condition of exposure.
For example,
For target mean strength of 26.6 N/mm (M20 grade of concrete)
For F curve the water cement ratio is 0.58
For E curve the water cement ratio is 0.55
For mild condition of exposure the max allowable water cement ratio is 0.55
Hence 43 grade cement (E curve) and 53 grade cement (F curve) will result in same cement
consumption. But for a target mean strength of 33.25 N/mm (M25 grade of concrete) in mild
condition of exposure.
For F curve the water cement ratio is 0.52
For E curve the water cement ratio is 0.49
In the above case the 53 grade cement (say F curve) will result in lower cement consumption
compared to 43 grade cement (say E curve)

9.3 Is use of rounded aggregate suitable for concrete?

For concrete grades up to M40, the failure pattern is mostly the mortar failure. As discussed
earlier the round aggregate have the lowest water demand for a given workability. Hence
they will either result in lower cement consumption or will give higher strength or result in
higher workability. Hence they can certainly be used for making good quality concrete. Hence
screened shingle normally available at site as waste material, if free from shells makes
excellent replacement for 10mm aggregates.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 35

9.4 Will use of higher size of aggregates always result in better
Again for concrete grades up to M 35 where mortar failure is predominant a higher aggregate
size will reduce the water demand hence the water cement ratio and will result in better
strengths. However, for higher grades where bond failure becomes predominant, a lower
maximum size of aggregate will give better results by increasing the area of contact between
mortar and metal and reducing the probability of bond failure.

9.5 How is pumpable concrete different than ordinary concrete? Is it

always better than normal concrete?
Pumpable concrete requires high degree of workability (slumps above 100mm) and high
degree of cohesion to prevent segregation. It also requires a higher mortar content to
lubricate the pipeline. Higher workability is achieved by increasing the cement content and
use of admixtures. Cohesion is achieved by use of higher fines. The fines are increased by
increasing sand content or using finer sand or by increasing cement. Because of above
reasons pumpable concrete always works out more expensive than ordinary concrete. If a
concrete is made pumpable, it automatically means that mix is well graded and highly
cohesive. However, the water demand of pumpable concrete is much higher. Some times
there is a risk of inadvertently using higher water/cement ratio to make the concrete
pumpable. This will reduce the durability of concrete. Also higher fines content increases the
chance of drying shrinkage.

9.6 What is the harmful effect of bleeding in concrete?

Bleeding is the phenomenon of water added in concrete, coming to the top surface by
forming capillaries. While some bleeding is normal and will replace the moisture loss
occurring at the surface, excessive bleeding will adversely affect the durability of concrete.
This is because the capillaries formed in the process will render the concrete porous.
Excessive bleeding will also result in settlement of heavier particles. It will increase the
water/cement ratio at the surface reducing the strength of top skin layer. Bleeding can be
controlled by adopting correct gradation of aggregates, using lower water cement ratio and
use of air entraining agents.

9.7 Does use admixture have any harmful effect on durability of

Admixtures have been commonly used to make good quality concrete for several decades in
India and abroad. There is no evidence to suggest any negative impact of admixture on the
durability of concrete if they comply basic requirement of sulphates and chlorides.

9.8 Can crushed sand make as good a concrete as that made from
natural sand? How does it affect the economy of mix design?
Crushed sand can make as good a concrete as that made of natural sand .In fact use of
crushed sand will become inevitable in near future because of dwindling sources of natural
sand. Crushed sand particle though shaped, does not have the spherical shape of natural
sand. Hence the crushed sand will have greater water demand than that of natural sand
resulting in slightly higher cement consumption. However, if crushed sand is properly graded
with adequate fines the mix may have lower water demand when compared to poorly graded
natural sand. Besides crushed sand can afford better control on gradation when compared to
natural sand. Hence crushed sand may become an economical option if good quality natural
sand is not available.

9.9 Can we eliminate use of 10 mm aggregate?

Concrete technology does not reject use of gap-graded concrete. At many sites 20 mm
aggregates are used with natural sand without the 10 mm down aggregates. This is because
the 10mm aggregates produced from jaw crusher is flaky and does not give a good mix.
However, the gap-graded concrete has a higher tendency of segregation and bleeding.
Hence it is not recommended where concrete of moderate or high workability is required.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 36

10.0 A note on durability of concrete

10.1 Factors Affecting Durability of Concrete

External Factors

i. Sulphate attack
ii. Chloride attack
iii. Carbonation
iv. Effervescence (Leaching)
v. Shrinkage / Creep
vi. Alkali Aggregate Reaction

i. Sulphate attack

• MgSO4, Na2SO4 when present in solution react with hardened cement

• Result in volume changes and disrupts concrete
• Alternate wetting and drying is most harmful.


a) Use of sulphate resisting cement

b) Low Water/ cement ratio (W/C below 0.5)
c) Use of Puzzolona

ii. Chloride Attack

• Attacks the reinforcement resulting in corrosion

• The corroded reinforcement swells 2 to 3 times its original volume
• The swelling of reinforcement ruptures the concrete.
Corrosion is Electro – Chemical process.


a) Use of low water/ cement ratio.

b) Use of Pozzolonic materials.
c) Proper design of concrete and good concreting practices.
d) Protective coating on steel.


a) Use of Sulphate resisting cement.

b) Use of Chloride based admixtures.

iii. Carbonation

• CO2 in atmosphere reacts with concrete surface in presence of Moisture

to form Carbonic Acids
• PH of concrete reduces from 13.5 to 8.5
• Loss of Alkalinity accelerates rusting of steel.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 37

Depth of Carbonation Age (Years)
M 20 M 40

5 0.5 4
10 2 16
15 4 36
20 7 64


a) Use of low w/c Ratio or Higher grade of concrete.

b) Increase cover to reinforcement.

iv. Leaching (Effervescence)

• Hydration of cement by water leads to formation of Cement Gel and Lime

• Lime being water-soluble, dissolve in water and brought to surface by

a) Increase Permeability of concrete.
b) Reduces the PH of concrete – enhancing corrosion.
c) Affects the aesthetics of concrete surface.

a) Use of low water/ cement ratio.
b) Use of Puzzolonic materials.

v. Shrinkage

• Plastic shrinkage
• Drying Shrinkage

a) Cracking


a) Early curing
b) Protecting concrete from Wind/ Sun.
c) Wetting of Aggregates / Subgrade.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 38

vi. Alkali Aggregate Reaction

• Alkalis present in cement react with reactive form of silica present in

• Alkali Aggregate Reaction results in ‘Alkali Silicate Gel’.
• The gel is of unlimited swelling type – it imbibes water and swells
resulting in cracking and disruption.


a) Use of non – reactive aggregates.

b) Use of low Alkali cements with Alkali content less than 0.6 %.
c) Use of Puzzolonas
d) Use of low cement content.

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11.0 Note on use of Fly Ash in concrete

Fly ash, known also as pulverized – fuel ash, is the ash precipitated electro-statically from
the exhaust fumes of coal-fired power stations, and is the most common artificial
pozzolana. During combustion of powdered coal in modern power plants, as coal passes
through high temperature zone in the furnace, the volatile matter & carbon are burned off,
where as most of the mineral impurities, such as clays, quartz, and feldspar, will melt at
high temperature. The fused matter will be quickly transported to lower temperature
zones where it solidifies as spherical particles of glass. Some of the mineral matter
agglomerates forming bottom ash, but most of it flies out with the flue gas stream and is
called fly ash. This ash is subsequently removed from the gas by electrostatic

11.1 Use of Fly Ash In Concrete

Fly ash is the most commonly used pozzolona with cement. A Pozzolana is essentially a
silicious material, which in itself -possessing no cementitious properties, will in finely
divided form and in presence of water react with calcium hydroxide at ordinary
temperature to form compounds possessing cementitious properties.
The hydration of cement is an exothermic reaction resulting in formation of gel (binding
material) & calcium hydroxide (free lime).
The two principle components of cement namely C3S and C2S react with water as
follows: -
C3S + H2O = Gel + Ca (OH) 2
The corresponding weights involved are as follows
100 + 24 = 75 + 49
C2S + H2O = Gel + Ca (OH) 2
The corresponding weights involved are as follows: -
100 + 21 = 99 + 22
Thus we see that in hydration of C3S almost 50% lime by weight of C3S is generated as
compared to only 20% in case of C2S. C3S is responsible for early gain of strength while
C2S results in later gain of strength. Today’s cements in an effort to give high early
strength contain higher proportion of C3S.Thus lime generated in concrete as a result of
hydration is as much as 30% by weight of reacting cement.

The free lime generated as a result of hydration is water-soluble and tends to leach out.
This makes concrete porous and more vulnerable to further attack from water and other
The reactive silica present in fly ash converts free lime into calcium silicate
hydrates, which is insoluble in water and possesses cementitious properties. It
leads to further gain of strength at later ages in concrete. The IS allows upto 35%
replacement of cement by fly ash.

The fly ash particles are spherical (which is advantageous from the water requirement
point of view) and are of least the same fineness as cement (although with fewer fine
particles) so that the silica is readily available for reaction.

11.2 The Specifications

The pozzolanic activity of fly ash is in no doubt, but it is essential that it has a constant
fineness and a constant carbon content. The two are often interdependent since the
carbon particles tend to be coarser. Modern boiler plant produce fly ash with a carbon
content of about 3 percent but much higher values are encountered in fly ash from older
plants. British Standard BS 3892: 1965 lays down a maximum loss of ignition of 7
percent, but probably a carbon content upto 12 percent is acceptable. It is not clear why
carbon may be harmful but, of course, it is not pozzolanic and is therefore no more than a
filler The importance of uniformity of properties of fly ash can not be overestimated, as
otherwise it is difficult to maintain the uniformity of the resulting concrete. British Standard
BS 3892: 1965 specifies three zones of fineness so that uniform supply can be assured.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 40

The residue on 45 μm sieve is convenient basis of classification of size. The main
requirements of ASTM Standard C 618-78 are: a minimum content of 70 percent of
silica, alumina and ferric oxide all together, a maximum SO3 content of 5 per cent, a
maximum loss on ignition of 12 per cent, and a maximum alkali content(expressed
as Na2o of 1.5 per cent. The latter value is applicable only when the fly ash is to be used
with reactive aggregate. British standard BS 3892:1965 specifies a maximum MgO
content of 4 per cent and SO3 of 2.5 per cent.
It should be noted that fly ash might affect the colour of the resulting concrete.

Portland- pozzolana cements show also good resistance to sulphate attack and to some
other destructive agents. This is so because the pozzolanic reaction leaves less lime to
be leached out and also reduces the permeability of concrete. It should be remembered
that pozzolanas vary very considerably in their effects, both good and bad, and it is
advisable to test any untried pozzolanic material in combination with the cement and
aggregate, which are to be used in actual construction. The use of fly ash with sulphate-
resisting Portland cement is not allowed according to British code of Practice CP
110:1972 and BS 5328:1976 when resistance to sulphate attack is required. This view is
not necessarily correct.

When pozzolanas are used as a partial replacement for cement, the cement and
pozzolanas are batched separately and mixed with the other ingredients in the concrete
mixer. The required properties of pozzolanas for such a purpose are prescribed by ASTM
Standard C 618-78.

With replacement, concrete mixes have a lower early strength than when Portland
cement is used, but beyond about three months there is no less of strength. With lean
mixes, there may even be a long-term gain of strength due to the replacement. If equal
early strength is required and pozzolana to be used (e.g. because of alkali-aggregate
reactivity) then addition of pozzolana rather than replacement of cement is necessary.
Because the continuing formation of hydrates fills the pores and also because of
the absence of free lime which could be leached out, partial replacement of
Portland cement by pozzolana reduces the permeability of concrete: a 7 to 10- fold
reduction has been reported. The US Government encourages the use of fly ash
in all appropriate construction involving the Federal Funds.

11.3 Applications

A) Improvement in workability
With fresh concrete mixtures that show a tendency to bleed or segregate, it is well known that
incorporation of finely divided Flyash generally improves workability by reducing the size and
volume of voids. It will also enhance cohesiveness of freshly made concrete. The small size
and the glassy texture of fly ashes makes it possible to reduce the amount of water required
for a given consistency. In a review paper on the use of fly ashes it was reported in one case
that a concrete made by substituting 30% of cement with a Canadian flyash required 7% less

B) Durability to thermal cracking

Use of pozzolona results in lower heat of hydration hence reduces thermal cracking and
shrinkage. As a thumb rule the total heat of hydration produced by pozzolanic reactions
involving mineral admixtures (Fly ash) is considered to be half as much as average heat
produced by hydration of Portland cement.
The portland cement replacement by fly ash has been practiced in the united states since the
1930s. In mass concrete construction, where low cement contents and fly ash proportions as
high as 60 to 100 % by weight of cement are commonly employed with, the first successful
application was in 1948 for building the Hungary Horse dam, Montana more than 2 million m

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 41

of concrete was used, some cement contained as much as 32% of cement replaced by fly
Use of fly ash is particularly beneficial when concrete is exposed to considerably higher than
normal temperatures, because of high heat of hydration and extremely hot weather
conditions in tropical countries like India. Compared to specimens cured in laboratory, field
concrete with out the presence of admixtures are likely to undergo a strength loss due to
micro cracking on cooling, but concrete containing mineral admixtures frequently show a gain
of strength.

C) Durability to Chemical Attacks

The permeability of concrete is fundamental to determining the rate of mass transfer related
to destructive chemical actions such as attack by acidic and sulphate solutions. The
published literature contains sufficient evidence that in general the incorporation of mineral
admixtures in to concrete improves the resistance of material to acidic sulphate water
(moderate sulphate attack) and seawater. This is mainly due to pozzolonic reaction, which is
accompanied by a reduction in permeability and as well as reduction in the calcium hydroxide
content of the hydrated product.
It has been observed that reduction of Ca(OH)2 only marginally reduces the alkalinity of
concrete and pH value of concrete is sufficient to prevent rusting of steel. The chloride ion
which initiates rusting, gets ‘fixed’ in concrete with pozzolana. This results in reduction in
chloride ion diffusion in concrete and thus delays corrosion of steel. Thus use of fly ash as
pozzolana enhances durability of concrete structures.

D) Environmental Considerations
Not only is the manufacture of Portland cement highly energy intensive it also is a significant
contributor of the green house gases.
The production of every tonne of Portland cement contributes about one tonnes of CO2 into
the atmosphere. Minor amount of NO2 and CH4 are also released into the atmosphere. The
total CO2 emissions per tone of cement range from about 1.1 tones of CO2 from the wet
process to 0.89 tonnes from a precalcination kiln. Hence every tonne of cement replaced by
fly ash, saves the environment from release of approximately one tonne of CO2 in the
Thus today environmental and energy considerations also advocate use of fly ash in

IS requirements for Fly Ash for use in concrete.

Sr. No. Characteristics As per IS: 3812, 1987

1. LOI (%) MAX 12.00
2. SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3 (%) MIN 70.00
3. SiO2 (%) MIN 35.00
4. CaO (%) --
5. MgO (%) MAX 5.00
6. SO3 (%) MAX 2.75
7. Specific Surface m /Kg MIN 320
8. Lime Reactivity Mpa MIN 4.0
9. Compressive Strength (%) MIN 80 % (of control)
10. Drying Shrinkage (%) MAX 0.15
Concrete Microstructures, properties and materials – P.Kumar Mehta &Paulo J.M. Monteiro
Properties of Concrete – A.M. Neville

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 42

Annexure I

IS requirements for fine and coarse aggregates (based on IS 383)

Table 1 : Grading limits for fine aggregates :


Grading Grading Grading Grading Zone
Zone I Zone II Zone III IV
10 mm 100 100 100 100
4.75 mm 90-100 90-100 90-100 95-100
2.36 mm 60-95 75-100 85-100 95-100
1.18 mm 30-70 55-90 75-100 90-100
600 micron 15-34 35-59 60-79 80-100
300 micron 5-20 8-30 12-40 15-50
150 micron 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-15

Source: Refer Table No. 4 (Clause 4.3) Page no. 11 of IS 383 -1970

Table 2 : Grading limits for single size coarse aggregates


63 mm 40 mm 20 16 12.5 10
mm mm mm mm
80 mm 100 - - - - -
63 mm 85 to 100 - - - -
40 mm 0 to 30 85 to 100 - - -
20 mm 0 to 5 0 to 20 85 to 100 - -
16 mm - - - 85 to 100 -
12.5 mm - - - - 85 to 100
10 mm 0 to 5 0 to 5 0 to 0 to 0 to 85 to
20 30 45 100
4.75 mm - - 0 to 5 0 to 5 0 to 0 to
10 20
2.36 mm - - - - - 0 to 5
Source: TABLE 2 page no 9 (Clauses 4.1 and 4.2) IS 383 – 1970

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 43

Table 3 Grading limits for graded coarse aggregate:


Designation NOMINAL SIZE
40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm
80 mm 100 - - -
63 mm - - - -
40 mm 95 to 100 100 - -
20 mm 30 to 70 95 to 100 100 100
16 mm - - 90 to 100 -
12.5 mm - - - 90 to 100
10 mm 10 to 35 25 to 55 30 to 70 40 to 85
4.75 mm 0 to 5 0 to 10 0 to 10 0 to 10
2.36 mm - - - -
Source: TABLE 2 page no 9 (Clauses 4.1 and 4.2) IS383 – 1970

Table 4 Grading limits for combined aggregates:


40 mm Nominal Size 20 mm Nominal Size
80 mm 100
40 mm 95 to 100 100
20 mm 45 to 75 95 to 100
4.75 mm 25 to 45 30 to 50
600 micron 8 to 30 10 to 35
150 micron 0 to 6 0 to 6

Source: IS383 – 1970 TABLE 5 page 11 (Clause 4.4) All in Aggregate Grading

Quality of aggregates:

1. Aggregates Crushing Value – The aggregate crushing value, when determined in

accordance with IS: 2386 ( Part IV ) –1963 shall not exceed 45 percent for aggregate
used for concrete other than for wearing surfaces, and 30 percent for concrete for
wearing surfaces, such as runways, roads, and pavements.
2. Aggregates Impact Value – As an alternative to 3.3 the aggregate impact value may
be determined in accordance with the method specified in IS : 2386 (Part IV)-1963.
The aggregate impact value shall not exceed 45 percent by weight for aggregates
used for concrete other than for wearing surfaces and 30 percent by weight for
concrete for wearing surfaces, such as runways, roads and pavements.
3. Aggregates Abrasion Value – Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser
and the supplier, the abrasion value of aggregates when tested in accordance with
the method specified in IS: 2386 (Part IV) – 1963 using Los Angels machine, shall
not exceed the following values: -
b) For aggregates to be used in concrete for wearing surfaces 30 percent
c) For aggregates to be used in other concrete

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 44

Table 5 Limits of Deleterious materials for fine and coarse aggregates:


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Uncrushed Crushed Uncrushed Crushed
i) Coal and lignite IS: 2386 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
(Part II) –
ii) Clay lumps Do 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
iii) Material finer than 75 IS: 2386 3.00 15.00 3.00 3.00
μ IS Sieve (Part I) -
iv) Soft fragments IS: 2386 - - 3.00 -
(Part II) -
v) Shale Do 1.00 - - -
vi) Total of percentages of - 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00
all deleterious
materials (except mica)
including SI No. (i) to
(v) for col 4,6 and 7
and SI No. (i) and (ii)
for col 5 only

Source: TABLE I page no 8 (Clause 3.2.1) IS383 – 1970

Note I –

The presence of mica in fine aggregate has been found to reduce considerably the durability and
compressive strength of concrete and further investigations are underway to determine extent of
mica. It is advisable. Therefore, to investigate the mica content of fine aggregate and make
suitable allowances for the possible reduction in the strength of the concrete or mortar.

Note II –
The aggregate shall not contain harmful organic impurities (tested in accordance with IS 2386
Part II –1963) insufficient quantities to affect adversely the strength or durability of concrete. A
fine aggregate which fails in the test for organic impurities may be used, provided that when
tested for the effect of organic impurities on the strength of the Mortar, the relative strength at 7
and 28 days, reported in accordance with IS 2386 Part VI –1963, is not less than 95 %.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 45

Annexure II

References from IS 10262

Relation between free water/cement ratio and concrete strength at 28 days for different
cement curves:



28 - Day Concrete Strength, N/mm 2




0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65

Water - Cement Ratio

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 46

Table 1 Suggested values of standard deviation


IN N/mm
Very Good Good Fair
M 10 2.0 2.3 3.3
M 15 2.5 3.5 4.5
M 20 3.6 4.6 5.6
M 25 4.3 5.3 6.3
M 30 5.0 6.0 7.0
M 35 5.3 6.3 7.3
M 40 5.6 6.6 7.6
M 45 6.0 7.0 8.0
M 50 6.4 7.4 8.4
M 55 6.7 7.7 8.7
M 60 6.8 7.8 8.8
Source: Table I from page 5 IS 10262-1982
Note: Appendix A provides guidance regarding the different degrees of quality control to be
expected, depending upon the infrastructure and practices adopted at the construction site.
Table 2 - Approximate water content per m of concrete

Nominal maximum size of Water content per m of concrete Kg
aggregate, mm

For Grades upto M 35

10 208
20 186
40 165
For Grades above M 35
10 200
20 180

Source: Table 4 and 5 page no 9 IS 10262-1982

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 47

Table 3 Approximate sand per M of concrete

Nominal maximum size of Sand as percentage of total aggregate

aggregate,mm by absolute volume

For Grades upto M 35

10 40
20s 35
40 30
For Grades above M 35
10 28
20 25

Source: Table 4 and 5 page no 9 IS 10262-1982

Table 4 Adjustment of values in water content

Change in condition stipulates in Table Adjustment required in water content

2 and 3
For sand confirming 0
To grading zone I, zone III or zone IV
of IS: 383 - 1970
Increase or decrease in the ± 3 percent
Value of compacting factor by 0.1
Each 0.05 increase or decrease in free 0
water cement ratio
For rounded aggregate -15 kg / m

Source: Table 6 page no 11 IS 10262-1982

Table 5: Adjustment of Values in Sand Percentage

Change in condition stipulates in Table Adjustment required in sand in total

12 aggregate
For sand confirming +1.5 percent for zone I
To grading zone I, zone III or zone IV -1.5 percent for zone III
of IS: 383 - 1970 -3.0 percent for zone IV
Increase or decrease in the 0
Value of compacting factor by 0.1
Each 0.05 increase or decrease in free ± 1 percent
water cement ratio
For rounded aggregate -7 percent

Source: Table 6 page no 11 IS 10262-1982

Table 6 Approximate air content

Nominal maximum size of Entrapped air, percentage of volume

aggregate, mm of concrete
10 3.0
20 2.0
40 1.0

Source: Table 3, page 9 IS 10262 –1982

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 48

Annexure III

Tables & Graphs from DOE Method

Table 1 Approximate water demand for different workability

Slump, mm 0-10 10-30 30-60 60-180

V-B time, sec > 12 6-12 3-6 0-3
Maximum size of Type of
aggregate aggregate
10 mm Uncrushed 150 180 205 225
Crushed 180 205 230 250
20 mm Uncrushed 135 160 180 195
Crushed 170 190 210 225
25 mm Uncrushed 130 155 175 190
Crushed 166 186 206 221
40 mm Uncrushed 115 140 160 175
Crushed 155 175 190 205

Source: Design of Normal Concrete Mixes, DOE, 1988


i) For different types of coarse and fine aggregate, the free water content is
estimated as 2/3 W FA + 1/3 W CA
W FA = free water content appropriate to the type of the fine aggregate, and
W CA = free water content appropriate to the type of the coarse aggregate
ii) Values interpolated for 25 mm maximum size of aggregate.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 49

Fig 1
μ sieve.
Recommended proportions of fine aggregate passing a 600μ

Maximum aggregate size : 40 mm

Slump : 0-10 mm 10- 30 mm 30 - 60 mm 60- 180 mm

Vebe time : 12s 6 - 12s 3- 6s 0- 3s
Proportion of fine aggregate, percent

15 15

15 40 40
60 80
60 40
60 80
60 80 100
80 100
100 100

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Free-water/cement ratio

Fig 2
μ sieve.
Recommended proportions of fine aggregate passing a 600μ

Maximum aggregate size : 20 mm

Slump : 0-10 mm 10- 30 mm 30 - 60 mm 60- 180 mm

Vebe time : 12s 6 - 12s 3- 6s 0- 3s
Proportion of fine aggregate, percent

15 40
40 40
40 60
60 60
60 80 100
80 80 100
100 100

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Free-water/cement ratio

Fig 3
μ sieve.
Recommended proportions of fine aggregate passing a 600μ

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 50

Maximum aggregate size : 10 mm

Slump : 0-10 mm 10- 30 mm 30 - 60 mm 60- 180 mm

Vebe time : 12s 6 - 12s 3- 6s 0- 3s
Proportion of fine aggregate, percent


15 40
40 40 60
60 80
80 80
100 100

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Free-water/cement ratio

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 51

Fig 4

Wet density of fully compacted concrete for varying relative

densities of aggregate

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 52

Annexure IV

Tables from ACI Method

Table 1 Approximate mixing water requirements for different slumps and maximum
size of aggregate

Slump Water, kg/m of concrete, for the maximum sizes of coarse
Mm aggregates
10 12.5 20 25 40 50 70 150
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
30 To 50 205 200 185 180 160 155 145 125
80 to 100 225 215 200 195 175 170 160 140
150 to 180 240 230 210 205 185 180 170 -
Approximate 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2
entrapped air
Source: ACI Manual 21.1.81
i) The above values are maximum for reasonably well-shaped angular
coarse aggregate graded within acceptable limits.
ii) The quantities of mixing water can be used to compute cement factors
for trial batches.
iii) For aggregate greater than 40 mm, the slump values are based on
slump tests after removal of particles greater than 40 mm by wet

Table 2 Volume of Coarse Aggregate Per Unit Volume of Concrete

Maximum size Volume of dry rodded coarse aggregate per unit volume of
of aggregate concrete for different fineness moduli of sand

2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00

10 mm 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 mm 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
20 mm 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
25 mm 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
40 mm 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70
50 mm 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
70 mm 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.75
150 mm 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81

Source: ACI Manual 211.1-81

Notes :
I) These volumes are selected from empirical relationships to produce concrete with a
degree of workability suitable for usual RC construction; for less workable concrete,
such as that required for concrete pavements they may be increased by about 10
percent; for more workable concrete, such as that required for pumped concrete, they
may be decreased by about 10 percent.
ii) Fineness modulus of sand = sum of cumulative ratios retained on sieves with square
openings of about 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.18, 2.36 and 4.75 mm

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 53

Annexure V
Tables and graphs from RRL Method (Road note 4 method)

Table 1
Aggregate – Cement Ratios for Different Degrees of Workability, Water – Cement Ratios
and Gradings – for 40 – mm Rounded Gravel Aggregate

Water Degree of Workability

Ratio, Very low Low Medium High
by Grading number Grading number Grading number Grading number
Weight 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0.35 5.0 4.5 3.9 3.4 4.3 3.9 3.5 3.1 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.7
0.40 7.0 6.5 5.7 4.9 5.9 5.6 5.0 4.4 4.7 4.6 4.3 3.8 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.5
0.45 8.9 8.6 7.7 6.5 7.6 7.4 6.7 5.8 6.0 6.1 5.7 5.0 5.2 5.3 5.0 4.6
0.50 8.0 8.2 7.2 7.5 7.6 7.1 6.3 6.3 6.5 6.2 5.7
0.55 8.4 8.9 8.1 7.3 S 7.7 7.4 6.7
0.60 7.6
Source: Road Note No. 4
Notes : (i) S indicates that the mix will segregate
(ii) Values have been obtained by extrapolation of other data and are not based directly
on results of the trial mixes

Table 2
Aggregate – Cement Ratios for Different Degrees of Workability, Water – Cement Ratios
and Gradings – for 40 – mm Crushed Rock Aggregate

Water Degree of Workability

Ratio, Very low Low Medium High
by Grading number Grading number Grading number Grading number
Weight 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0.35 3.4 3.4 3.2 2.9
0.40 4.9 4.6 4.2 3.8 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.0 3.1 3.1 2.9 2.7
0.45 6.0 5.7 5.2 4.7 4.9 4.7 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.1 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.7 3.4
0.50 7.2 6.8 6.2 5.6 5.8 5.6 5.3 5.0 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.2
0.55 8.1 7.7 7.1 6.4 6.6 6.4 6.1 5.8 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.3 S 5.2 5.2 4.8
0.60 8.6 8.0 7.2 7.4 7.2 6.9 6.6 6.1 6.2 6.1 6.0 S 5.9 5.6
0.65 8.8 7.9 8.1 7.9 7.6 7.3 S 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.5 6.2
0.70 8.6 8.5 8.3 7.9 7.5 7.5 7.3 7.1 6.8
0.75 8.5 8.1 7.8 7.4
Source : Road Note No. 4
Notes : (i) S indicates that the mix will segregate
(ii) Values have been obtained by extrapolation of other data and are not based directly
on results of the trial mixes

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 54

Table 3
Aggregate – Cement Ratios for Different Degrees of Workability, Water – Cement Ratios
and Gradings – for 20 – mm Rounded Gravel Aggregate

Water Degree of Workability

Ratio, Very low Low Medium High
by Grading number Grading number Grading number Grading number
Weight 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0.35 4.5 4.2 3.7 3.2 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.0 3.1 3.0 2.8 2.6
0.40 6.6 6.1 5.4 4.5 5.3 5.1 4.6 4.1 4.2 4.2 3.9 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.6 3.3
0.45 8.1 7.6 6.7 5.8 6.9 6.6 5.9 5.1 5.3 5.3 5.0 4.6 4.6 4.8 4.5 4.1
0.50 8.0 7.0 8.2 8.0 7.0 6.0 6.3 6.3 6.0 5.5 5.5 5.7 5.4 4.8
0.55 8.1 8.2 6.9 7.3 7.3 7.0 6.3 6.3 6.5 6.1 5.5
0.60 7.7 8.0 7.1 S 7.2 6.8 6.1
0.65 8.4 7.8 7.7 7.4 6.6
0.70 7.9 7.1
0.75 7.6
Source : Road Note No. 4
Notes : (i) S indicates that the mix will segregate

Table 4
Aggregate – Cement Ratios for Different Degrees of Workability, Water – Cement Ratios
and Gradings – for 20 – mm Crushed Rock Aggregate

Water Degree of Workability

Ratio, Very low Low Medium High
by Grading number Grading number Grading number Grading number
Weight 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0.40 4.5 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.2 3.0
0.45 5.5 5.0 4.6 4.3 4.3 4.2 3.9 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.4 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.2 3.1
0.50 6.5 5.9 5.4 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.2 3.9 3.8 S 3.9 3.8 3.5
0.55 7.2 6.6 6.0 5.7 5.7 5.5 5.0 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.3 S 4.3 4.0
0.60 7.8 7.2 6.6 6.3 6.3 6.0 5.6 5.3 S 5.2 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.5
0.65 8.3 7.7 7.2 6.9 6.9 6.5 6.1 5.8 5.7 5.4 5.2 5.2 4.9
0.70 8.7 8.2 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.0 6.6 6.3 6.2 5.8 5.8 5.5 5.3
0.75 8.2 8.0 7.9 7.5 7.0 6.7 S 6.2 6.1 5.8 5.7
0.80 7.4 7.2 6.6 6.5 6.1 6.0
Source: Road Note No. 4
Notes : (i) S indicates that the mix will segregate

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 55

Table 5

Aggregate – Cement Ratios for Different Degrees of Workability, Water – Cement Ratios
and Gradings – for 10 – mm Rounded Gravel Aggregate

Water Degree of Workability

t Ratio, Very low Low Medium High
by Grading number Grading number Grading number Grading number
Weight 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0.40 5.6 5.0 4.2 3. 4. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2.
2 5 9 3 6 9 5 0 4 5 2 8 3
0.45 7.2 6.4 5.3 4. 5. 4. 4. 3. 4. 4. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 2.
1 5 9 1 2 7 3 7 0 2 9 4 9
0.50 7.8 6.4 4. 6. 5. 4. 3. 5. 5. 4. 3. 4. 4. 4. 3.
9 5 8 9 8 4 0 3 5 8 5 0 4
0.55 7.5 5. 7. 6. 5. 4. 6. 5. 4. 4. 5. 5. 4. 3.
7 4 7 7 4 1 7 9 0 3 1 5 9
0.60 6. 7. 6. 5. 6. 6. 5. 4. 5. 5. 5. 4.
5 5 4 0 7 3 5 5 8 6 0 3
0.65 7. 7. 5. 7. 6. 6. 5. S 6. 5. 4.
2 1 6 3 9 1 0 1 5 7
0.70 7. 6. 7. 7. 6. 5. 6. 6. 5.
7 2 9 5 7 5 6 0 1
0.75 6. 7. 5. 7. 6. 5.
7 2 9 1 5 5
0.80 7. 7. 6. 7. 6. 5.
2 7 3 6 9 9
Source: Road Note No. 4
Notes : (i) S indicates that the mix will segregate

Table 6

Aggregate – Cement Ratios for Different Degrees of Workability, Water – Cement Ratios
and Gradings – for 10 – mm Crushed Rock Aggregate

Water Degree of Workability

Ratio, Very low Low Medium High
by Grading number Grading number Grading number Grading number
Weight 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0.40 3.7 3.3 2.8 2.0
0.45 4.5 4.1 3.5 2.6 3.8 3.6 3.0 2.2 3.3 3.1 2.7 2.1
0.50 5.2 4.9 4.2 3.2 4.4 4.2 3.6 2.7 3.8 3.7 3.2 2.6 S 3.2 2.9 2.4
0.55 5.9 5.6 4.9 3.8 4.9 4.8 4.2 3.2 S 4.2 3.7 3.0 3.7 3.4 2.8
0.60 6.6 6.3 5.5 4.3 S 5.3 4.7 3.7 4.7 4.2 3.4 4.2 3.8 3.2
0.65 7.3 7.0 6.1 4.8 5.8 5.2 4.2 5.1 4.6 3.8 4.6 4.2 3.6
0.70 7.9 7.6 6.7 5.3 6.3 5.7 4.6 5.6 5.1 4.2 5.0 4.6 4.0
0.75 7.3 5.8 6.8 6.2 5.0 6.0 5.5 4.6 5.4 5.0 4.4
0.80 7.8 6.3 7.2 6.6 5.5 6.4 5.9 5.0 5.8 5.4 4.7
Source: Road Note No. 4
Notes : (i) S indicates that the mix will segregate
(ii) With crushed aggregate of proper shape than tested, segregation may occur at a
lower aggregate –cement ratio.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 56

Table 7

Values of Absorption of Water by Aggregate

Type of Time Absorption, percent

aggregate Particle Size, IS sieve designation
600 to 1.18 mm 2.36 to 4.75 to 10 to 20 to 10
300 - μm to 600 - 1.18 mm 2.36 mm 4.75 mm mm
Rounded 10 min 1.7 2.0 1.9 1.6 1.2 0.5
Gravel 24 hr. 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.5 0.8
Irregular 10 min 0.4 1.1 2.0 2.8 3.2 1.4
Gravel 24 hr. 0.5 1.3 2.4 3.4 3.7 1.9
Crushed 10 min 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3
granite 24 hr. 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.4

Source: Concrete Mix Design by J. D. McIntosh.



52 50
38 36
30 31 32

23 24 25 24
15 17
11 12 12
5 7 7
150 mm 300 mm 600 mm 1.18 mm 2.26 mm 4.75 mm 10 mm 20 mm 40 mm

I S sleve designation

Grading curves for 40-mm maximum size of aggregate

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 57

Fig – 2



42 42
34 35 35
28 28 30
21 23
14 16

150 mm 300 mm 600 mm 1.18 mm 2.26 mm 4.75 mm 10 mm 20 mm

I S sleve designation

Grading curves for 20-mm maximum size of aggregate

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 58

Fig - 3


60 60

45 45 45

34 33 30
28 26
20 20
14 16
6 6
150 mm 300 mm 600 mm 1.18 mm 2.26 mm 4.75 mm 10 mm

I S sleve designation

Grading curves for 10-mm maximum size of aggregate

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 59

Annexure VI

References from IS 456: 2000

Table 1 : Acceptance criteria for compressive strength of concrete.

Specific Mean of the Group of 4 Individual Test

Grade Non-Overlapping Results in N/mm
Consecutive Test
Results in N/mm
(1) (2) (3)
M 15 ≥ fCK + 0.825 x ≥ fCK -3 N/mm2
established standard
deviation ( rounded off
to nearest 0.5 N/mm
f CK + 3 N/mm ,
whichever is greater

M 20 ≥ fCK + 0.825 x ≥ fCK - 4 N/mm2

Or established standard
above deviation ( rounded off
to nearest 0.5 N/mm
f CK + 4 N/mm ,
whichever is greater

Source: (Table 11 Page 30 IS 456-2000)

Note: In the absence of established value of standard deviation, the values given in Table 8 may
be assumed, and attempt should be made to obtain results of 30 samples as early as possible to
establish the value of standard deviation.

Source : Characteristic Compressive Strength Compliances Requirement

(Clauses 16.1 and 16.3)

Table 2: Surface moisture in sand

Sr.N Aggregate Approximate Quantity of Surface

o. Water
Percent by Mass I/m
i) Very wet sand 7.5 120
ii) Moderately wet sand 5.0 80
iii) Moist sand 2.5 40
iv) Moist gravel or crushed rock 1.25 – 2.5 20 – 40

1) Coarser the aggregate, less the water it will carry.

Source: Table 10 Surface Water Carried by Aggregate (Clause 10.2.5 IS 456-2000)

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 60

Table 3
Minimum Cement Content, Maximum water/cement ratio and Minimum grade of
concrete for different exposures with Normal Weight Aggregates of 20 mm Nominal
Maximum Size

Sr Exposure Plain concrete Reinforced concrete

Min Max free Min grade Min Max free Min grade
cement w/c ratio of cement w/c ratio of
content concrete content concrete
3 3
Kg/m Kg/m
1 Mild 220 0.60 - 300 0.55 M 20
2 Moderate 240 0.60 M 15 300 0.50 M 25
3 Severe 250 0.50 M 20 320 0.45 M 30
4 Very severe 260 0.45 M 20 340 0.45 M 35
5 Extreme 280 0.40 M 25 360 0.40 M 40

1. Concrete mix proportioning (Ref : IS 456 2000 Point no.9 Page No. 22)

1.1 Mix Proportion

The mix proportions shall be selected to ensure the workability of the fresh concrete and
when concrete is hardened, it shall have the required strength, durability and surface

1.1.1 The determination of the proportions of cement, aggregates and

water to attain the required strengths shall be made as follows:
a) By designing the concrete mix; such concrete shall be called ‘ Design
mix concrete’, or
b) By adopting nominal concrete mix; such concrete shall be called
‘Nominal mix concrete.’

Design mix concrete is preferred to nominal mix. If design mix concrete cannot be used
for any reason on the work for grades of M 20 or lower, nominal mixes may be used with
the permission of engineer-in-charge, which, however, is likely to involve a higher cement

(Source: Clause 9 from IS 456 Page No.22)

2. Production of concrete – Quality Assurance Measures (As

recommended by IS 456 – 2000)

2.1.1. In order that the properties of the completed structures are

consistent with the requirements and the assumptions made during the planning
and the design, adequate quality assurance measures shall be taken. The
construction should result in satisfactory strength, serviceability and long term
durability so as to lower the over all life cycle cost. Quality assurance in the
construction activity relates to proper design, use of adequate materials and
components to be supplied by the procedures, proper workmanship in the
execution of works by the contractor and ultimately proper care during the use of
structure including timely maintenance and repair by the owner.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 61

2.1.2. Quality assurance measures are both technical and organizational.
Some common cases should be specified in general Quality Assurance Plan
which shall identify the key elements necessary to provide fitness of the structure
and measured with the overall purpose to provide confidence that the realized
project will work satisfactorily in service fulfilling intended needs. The job of
quality control and quality assurance would involve quality audit of both inputs as
well as the outputs. The inputs are in the form of materials for concrete;
workmanship in all stages of batching, mixing, transportation, placing compaction
and curing; and the related plant, machinery and equipments; resulting in the
output in the form of concrete in place. To ensure proper performance, it is
necessary that each step in concreting which will be covered by the next step is
inspected as the work proceeds.

2.1.3 Each party involved in the realization of a project should establish

and implement a Quality Assurance Plan, for its participation in the project.
Supplier’s and sub contractor’s activities shall be covered in the plan. The
individual Quality Assurance Plan. Quality Assurance Plan shall define the tasks
and responsibilities of persons involved, adequate control and checking
procedures, and the organization and maintaining adequate documentation of
the building process and its results. Such documentation generally include:
a) test report and manufacturer’s certificate for materials, concrete mix
design details;
b) pour cards for site organization and clearance for concrete placement.
c) Record the site inspection of workmanship, field test;
d) Non-conformance reports, change orders;
e) Quality control charts and
f) Statistical analysis.

(Source : Point no.10 from Is 456 –2000 Page No.23)

3 Batching.

To avoid confusion and error in batching, consideration should be given to using the
smallest practical number of different concrete mixes on any site or in any one plant. In
batching concrete, the quantity of both cement and aggregate shall be determined by
mass; admixture, if solid, by mass; liquid admixture may however be measured in volume
or mass; water shall be weighed or measured by volume in a calibrated tank. (See also
IS 4925)

Ready-mixed concrete supplied by ready-mixed concrete plant shall be preferred. For

large and medium project sites the concrete shall be sourced from ready-mixed concrete
plants or from on site or off site batching and mixing plants.(see IS 4926)

3.1.1 Except where it can be shown to the satisfaction of the engineer-in-charge that
supply of properly graded aggregate of uniform quality can be maintained over a
period of work, the grading of aggregate should be controlled by obtaining the
coarse aggregate in different sizes and blending them in the right proportions
when required, the different sizes being stocked-piled for several hours
preferably a day before use. The grading of coarse and fine aggregate should e
checked as frequently as possible, the frequency for the job being determined by
the engineer-in-charge to ensure that the specified grading is maintained.
3.1.2 The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be within ± 2 percent of the
quantity of cement being measured and within ± 3 percent of the quantity of
aggregate, admixtures and water being measured.

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 62

3.1.3 Proportion/Type and grading of aggregates shall be made by trial in such a way
so as to obtain densest possible concrete. All ingredients of the concrete should
be used by mass only.
3.1.4 Volume batching may be allowed only where weigh batching is not practical and
provided accurate bulk densities of materials to be actually used in concrete have
earlier been established. Allowance for bulking shall be made in accordance with
IS 286 (Part 3). The mass volume relationship should be checked as frequently
as necessary, the frequency for the given job being determined by engineer-in-
charge to ensure that the specified grading is maintained.
3.1.5 It is important to maintain the water-cement ratio constant at its correct value. To
this end, determination of moisture contents in both fine and coarse aggregates
shall be made as frequently as possible, the frequency of given job being
determined by the engineer-in charge according to weather conditions. The
amount of added water should be adjusted to compensate for any observed
variations in the moisture content in the aggregates, IS 2386 (Part III) may be
referred to. To allow the variation in mass of aggregate due to variation in their
moisture content, suitable adjustments in the masses of aggregates shall also be
made. In the absence of exact data, only in the case of nominal mixes the
amount of surface water may be estimated from the values given in Table 10.

3.1.6 No substitutions in material used on the work or alterations in the established

proportions, except as permitted in 10.2.4 and 10.2.5 shall be made without
additional tests to show that the quality and strength of concrete are satisfactory.

4. Stripping Time for form work:

Forms shall not be released until the concrete has achieved strength of at least twice the
stress to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of removal of formwork. The
strength referred to shall be that of concrete using the same cement and aggregates and
admixtures, if any, with the same proportions and cured under conditions of temperature
and moisture similar to those existing on the work.

Type of Formwork Minimum Period Before Striking Formwork

a) Vertical formwork to columns, walls, 16 – 24 h
b) Soffit formwork to slabs 3 days
(Props to be refixed immediately after
removal of formwork)
c) Soffit formwork to beams 7 days
(Props to be refixed immediately after
removal of formwork)
d) Props to Slabs:
1) Spanning up to 4.5m 7 days
2) Spanning over 4.5 m 14 days
e) Props to beams and arches:
1) Spanning up to 6 m 14 days
2) Spanning over 6 m 21 days

(Source: Page 25 IS 456 2000)

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 63

Annexure VII

IS Requirements for Cement and Water

IS Requirements for Cement

Compressive strength
33 Grade 43 Grade 53 Grade
3 days (N/mm ) 16 23 27
7 days (N/mm ) 22 33 37
28 days (N/mm ) 33 43 53

Fineness: By Blaine’s air permeability

For OPC and Portland Slag Minimum 2250 cm2/gm
For PPC Fly ash based Minimum 3000 cm2/gm

Setting time
Initial setting time Minimum 30 minute
Final setting time Maximum 600 minute

By Le-Chatlier’s method Maximum 10 mm
By Auto Clave method Maximum 0.8 %

IS Requirements for Water

Total suspended solids 2000 mg/lit IS 3025 (Part 17) – 1984

Organic solids 200 mg/lit IS 3025 (Part 18) – 1984
Inorganic solids 3000 mg/lit IS 3025 (Part 18) – 1984
Sulphates 400 mg/lit IS 3025 (Part 24) – 1986
Chlorides 500 mg/lit (For RCC) IS 3025 (Part 32) – 1988
2000 mg/lit (For PCC)
pH Not less than 6 IS 3025 (Part 11) – 1983
To neutralize 100 ml sample 5 ml IS 3025 (Part 22) – 1984
using Phenolphthalein
indicator 0.02 Normal, NaOH
To neutralize 100 ml sample 25 ml IS 3025 (Part 23) – 1984
using Methyl orange indicator
0.02 Normal, H2SO4 required

Durocrete Mix Design Manual all rights resrved to Durocrete 64

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