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Project Proposal - DB - ME

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MSME Idea Hackathon 3.

1. Title of Proposed idea: Modification of biodiesel blends for Internal Combustion based agricultural

2. Idea Theme: Agriculture.

3. Whether the idea involves use of existing intellectual property or not, give brief detail thereof:
The idea of developing Argemone Mexicana bio-diesel blends and implication the bio-diesel oil in
Internal Combustion based agricultural machines is totally a unique one. The conventional machines
are driven with the help of conventional diesel which requires higher maintenance cost and also
involved in environmental pollutions.

Although a numerous number of research work have been performed from last several years,
however, incorporating the plant flower seed oil blends (Argemone Maxicana) for commercial use in
agricultural devices (farming tractors, diesel driven pump, diesel generator) has not been investigated
earlier and hence this idea does not involve the direct use of existing intellectual property.

4. Newness/uniqueness of the innovation.

 Biodiesels are biodegradable, non-toxic, non-poisonous and non-aromatic in nature.
 It is a renewable fuel which can be made from agricultural waste or feedstock.
 It makes the storage safer due to high flash point.
 It has reasonable cetane number that helps to reduce knocking tendency in the engine.
 Bio-diesel provides smoother engine operation by enhancing the lubricity and better
 Increase the amount of blending leads to an increment in overall efficiency.
 The blended oils provide 80% of heating value as compare to conventional diesel one.
 Bio-diesel can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emission to the atmosphere by reducing CO,
unborn hydrocarbon and particle matters.
 According combustion parameters like maximum cylindrical pressure, rate of pressure
rises, NHR, CHR and MBF we got most promising values for bio-diesel.
 The physical and chemical properties of esterified Argemone Maxicana are closely matched
with the properties of the conventional diesel and can be used in the existing diesel engine
without further modifications.
5. Concept and Objective
The best conversion, optimum utilization and performance with full combustion and low
emission of Argemone Mexicana blended oil within any internal combustion engine related to
agricultural sector are the main objectives of this novel work. A new strategy of extracting bio-
diesel was thought for and experimented over a vegetable oil having low fatty acid values. The
following were the specific objectives of the present work:
➢ To produce the bio-diesel from the Argemone Maxicana seeds.
➢ To characterize the bio-diesel and compare their properties with pure diesel.
➢ To prepare & compare various blending with the pure diesel.
➢ To test the performance of the blended bio-diesel in a diesel engine.
➢ To study the combustion characteristics of the blended bio-diesel and compare it with pure diesel.
➢ To analyze the emission gages for various blends.
6. Potential areas of application in Industry/market in brief
➢ Need for Alternative Fuel in India
At present, India is producing only 30% of the total petroleum fuels required. The remaining 70%
is being imported, which costs about Rs. 80,000 crore every year. It is an astonishing fact that
mixing of 5% bio-diesel fuel to the present diesel fuel is made available in our country, which can
save about Rs. 4000 crore every year. It is estimated that India will be able to produce 288 metric
tonnes of bio-diesel by the end of 2027, which will supplement 41.14% of the total demand of
diesel fuel consumption in India. The planning commission of India has launched a bio-fuel project
in 200 districts from 18 states in India. It has recommended two plant species, viz. jatropha
(Jatropha curcas) and Argemone Mexicana for bio-diesel production. It's important to note that
while biodiesel offers several advantages, its widespread implementation also raises concerns
related to land use, food production, and potential competition with agricultural resources. Careful
planning, sustainable feedstock sourcing, and considering the broader implications are necessary
to ensure biodiesel's responsible and sustainable implementation.
❖ Bio- Fuels used in Transportation
Transportation field is the major consumers of fossil fuels and the greatest contributing agent of
the environmental pollution. Moreover, in aviation sector also some airlines have already started
testing and using biofuels in their aircraft. In spite of presence of different types of bio-fuels present
in the environment we use bio-diesel and bio- ethanol mainly. In 2010 the use of bio-fuel in
transportation sector is only 3% where in 2020 it rises to 5.75%. There are several factors which
are needed to be considered before use the alternative fuel as a bio-fuel in a large-scale production.

❖ Implication of biodiesel in agricultural sector

By utilizing biodiesel in farming machinery, tractors, and equipment, the agricultural sector can
reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a more sustainable food production system.
Every year a total of ₹1 lakh crore worth of fuel is utilised in the Indian agriculture economy which
can be minimized by the streamline utilization of biofuels.
7. Market data for the potential idea/innovation:

Indian government has mandated 10% blending of ethanol with petrol which amounted to about
1100 million litres of ethanol use. Further, India has a plan to expand biodiesel production to
substitute 20% of diesel consumption by 20124 (MNRE, 2009).

Projected demand for biofuels is estimated based on the projections available for petroleum
products for transportation demand for 2022 and 2030 (IEA, 2008) and considering a 20% biofuel
substitution as planned. IEA (2006) assumes that even under Advanced policy scenario biofuels
will constitute only 7% of the demand by 2030. The upper bound of scenarios considered by the
IPCC (2007), suggests that biofuels will grow to 3% of total transport energy demand by 2030
under the baseline scenario, but could increase to about 5–10%, depending on future oil and carbon
prices and technological developments. We, however consider a biofuels substitution target of 20%
by 2022, which represents a scenario in which aggressive biofuel goals are set and expected to be
achieved by the Indian government.

Table 1: Projected demand (in Mt) for biofuel in India for the year 2020. Source: TERI (2008).

Projected demand 2022-low 2022-high

Gasoline 12.9 74.0
20% of gasoline 2.6 14.8
Ethanol 4.0 23.1
Diesel 54.7 144.0
20% diesel 10.9 28.8
Biodiesel 12.7 33.5

Two scenarios for 2022 are considered, the first one assumes that the current trends in gasoline
and diesel consumption for transport continues in the future, and second scenario uses the projected
transport demand for gasoline and diesel given by the National energy road map for 2030 (TERI,
2008). The first scenario is called ‘‘2022-low’’ and the second one ‘‘2022-high’’. According to the
estimates, the annual ethanol demand is expected to rise to 4.0 Mt in the case of 2020-low scenario
and to 23.1 Mt in the case of 2022-high scenario from 0.15 Mt in 2005 and the currently negligible
annual biodiesel demand is likely increase to 12.7 and 33.5 Mt, respectively in the cases of 2022-
low and 2022-high scenarios (Table 1) to meet the 20% target.

❖ Competitive Landscape:
According to Planning Commission (2003) edible oil demand being higher than its domestic
production, there is no possibility of diverting edible oil for production of biodiesel. Further biofuel
policy of India also bans the use of edible oil seeds for biofuel production. There are many tree
species which bear seeds rich in oil. Of these some promising tree species have been evaluated and
it has been found that there are a number of them such as Argemone Mexicana & Jatropha curcas,
which would be very suitable in Indian conditions. However, Argemone Mexicana has been found
to be most suitable for the purpose. It can be planted on degraded lands and by farmers on field
boundaries to provide protective hedge, fallow lands, on farmers’ holdings as agro-forestry along
with agricultural crops, public lands along railway tracks, highways, canals and community and
government lands in villages. It can also be planted under the poverty alleviation programmes that
deal with land improvement. Thus, the focus, in India, is on Argemone Mexicana on wastelands
or as a complementary crop for biodiesel production.

Table 2: Land required (Mha) for meeting projected biofuel demand for 2020

Biofuel crop Yield of biofuel Area required for Area required for
per ha (tons) 2022-low (Mha) 2022-high (Mha
Bioethanol Biodiesel Bioethanol Biodiesel
0.5 25.44 66.98
Jatropha 1.5 8.48 22.33
3 4.24 11.16
Argemone Maxicana 4.08 3.12 8.21
Sugarcane 5.76 0.7 4.01
Sweet sotghum 0.88 4.56 26.28

8. Current development status of innovation

The project is in TRL 1 level. Only the fundamental research has been carried out upon this field. The
required region for collecting the seeds of Argemone Mexicana also pointed out.
9. Expected time of completion of the Project
1. Identify the land of Argemone Mexicana Plant – 2 months.
2. Collection of raw seeds from the plants – 2 months.
3. Test the chemical properties of seed oil – 1 month.
4. Chemical processing of raw seed oil – 1 month.
5. Test the properties of the raw oil – 1 month.
6. Make different blending with the seed oil and test the performance within the engine – 5 months.
10. Financial requirements:
(a) Activity-wise break-up

Particular/Item Total idea project cost Amount GOI Incubatee share (Rs. In
(Rs. In lakh) assistance (Rs. In lakh) lakh)
Technology related Expenditure 8,00,000 7,50,000 50,000
towards machine usage charges etc.,
Electricity charges, Procurement of
raw material, testing/Calibration
charges, other charges essential for
development of idea Max (10.00)
Charges for mentor / handholding 1,00,000 1,00,000
supporting team Max (3.00) lakh.

Travelling Expenses or any other item 30,000 30,000

not covered as above may be allowed
as per need for development of the
idea Max (2.00) lakh

*Total idea/project cost (Rs in lakh): Rs. 9,23,000

*Total GOI Assistance required (Rs in lakh): Rs. 8,80,000
*Total Incubatee share (Rs in lakh): Rs. 50,000
(b) Justification of Budget:

Sl.No. Equipment details Imported/Indigenous Estimated Cost

1. Swaraj 735 FE Indigenous Rs, 5,00,000
Chemical furnace and
2. Indigenous Rs, 1,00,000
3. Water Jacket price Indigenous Rs, 4,000
4. Diesel (500 L) Indigenous Rs. 46,000
5. controlled oil Indigenous Rs. 25,000
Collection of
6. Argemone Maxicana Indigenous Rs. 25,000
7. Methanol (10 L) Indigenous Rs. 300
8. Sulphuric acid (10 kg) Indigenous Rs. 1200
Sodium Hydroxide
9. Indigenous Rs. 5000
pallets (10 kg)
Ortho phosphoric acid
10. Indigenous Rs. 4000
(10 L)
11. Exhaust Gas Analyzer Indigenous Rs. 90,000
Total Rs. 8,00,000

13. Summary of the idea:

“Due to increasing rate of energy consumption, depletion of supply resulting inflation and energy
shortage which is leading us to energy crisis”. “Alternate or renewable energy resources are very
essential to develop for future energy requirement to meet the need of the future generation”. Among
all other alternative energy sources, bio-diesel is able to meet the increasing demand of fuel to some
extent. Moreover bio-diesel is environment friendly as it emits less smoke due to complete combustion.
Many researchers have worked on the production characterization and performance of various bio-
diesels produced from different feed stocks. There was only one research found on the issue of
performance, combustion and emission of Argemone Mexicana bio-diesel. This is the second time
attempt that has been made to produce the Argemone Mexicana and examine their performance,
combustion and emission on single compression ratio with three different bio-diesel blends.

14 (a) New concept: The use of feedstock for the generation of biodiesel which can be proved as one of
the best alternatives for the working of agriculture based Internal Combustion Engines. The primal
aim is to enhance the overall performance of the machine with a subsequent reduction of Nitrogen and
hydro-carbon based environmental polluted gases.

14 (b) Prior art on the concept, if any: No such concept has been used in the agricultural sector.
15. Main Problem being addressed in the Project

❖ Chemical Exposure and Safety

Methanol (a flammable, toxic alcohol) and lye (a corrosive, caustic base) are two hazardous chemicals
required to convert vegetable oil into biodiesel. Overexposure to methanol can cause neurological
damage and other health problems. Methanol also presents a serious fire risk. Lye can cause skin and
lung irritation. Both methanol and lye can cause eye damage or blindness. Rigorous precautions are
necessary to avoid poisoning, fire, and contamination of soil and water resources. Before beginning a
biodiesel project, please consider whether or not you can responsibly follow the safety protocols
outlined in the sections below.

❖ Handling of By-Products
Biodiesel processors generate substantial quantities of crude glycerol by-product (about one gallon of
waste product containing glycerol for every five gallons of biodiesel produced). Most processors also
use water for fuel purification, and may generate as much as three gallons of waste water for each
gallon of fuel produced. Both glycerol and waste water require handling and disposal consideration
(see Waste Management in Biodiesel Production for further information).

❖ Responsibility for Vehicle/Equipment Failure

The moment that a small producer pours the first gallon of homemade fuel into a fuel tank, that
producer takes responsibility for the future performance of the equipment in question. While there are
thousands of examples worldwide of small producers successfully powering diesel equipment with
homemade fuel, users should also understand that problems can and do occur.

16. Background for getting the idea

a. Who is it for:
Rural and agriculture sector using alternative fuels.
b. What will it do:
Minimize the use of diesel in agriculture related I.C Engines and also reduced the generation
of NOx and hydro-carbon related emissive gases.
c. Unique features? Explain?
Subsequent reduction of ‘Green house’ gases with the positive enhancement of overall
performance for various blends of biodiesel.
17. How simple or complex will the idea execution or implementation be? What are the risk
factors in executing the idea?

The adopted idea is very simple one. It only depends upon the availability of the seeds, processing of
seed oil and proper mixture of seed oil with the conventional diesel oil controlling the properties of
biodiesel like, viscosity, density, cetene number etc. A very minimal amount of risk factors is involved.

18. How soon the idea can be put into operation?

The timeline for implementing the idea of using Argemone Mexicana Biodiesel in agricultural or
farming related machines can vary depending on various factors, availability of resources, research
and development efforts and market readiness. Here are some considerations that may impact the

19. How must investment is needed for prototyping of the idea

Rupees 15 lakhs only depending upon the availability of the Argemone Mexicana seeds, buying of
tractors, chemical processing of seeds, testing the biodiesel and study the impact of exhaust gases upon

20. (a) How do you intend to protect your idea

Patents: Consider filing for a patent to protect the unique aspects of your cow dung making machines
design or functionality. A patent provides exclusive rights to the inventor, preventing others from
making, using, or selling the invention without permission.

20. (b) Related Background

Biodiesel is an ecologically friendly and a renewable substitute diesel fuel that can be used in
diesel engines with little or no alteration [1]. Used frying oil as one of the raw materials which can be
used for biodiesel production. The aim of this reading is to investigate the effects of used frying oil
originated from biodiesel on engine performance and releases in a Fiat Doblo 1.9 DS, four-cylinder,
four-stroke, 46 kW power capacity diesel engine. Qualified measurements with no. 2 diesel fuel were
conducted on both engine power and release characteristics of each of the fuel used. Biodiesel, when
equated to no. 2 diesel fuel, showed decrease in wheel force over3.35% and it also reduced the wheel
power by over 2.03%. In the acceleration tests,40–100 km/h and 60–100 km/h acceleration time were
recorded and a reduction of 7.32% and 8.78% were found, respectively. According to release
experiments, as a result of biodiesel intake, a reduction of 8.59% in CO release and rise of 2.62% were
found in CO2 release. Also, NOx releases rise by 5.03%as a result of biodiesel consumption. HC
releases and particulate releases have a significant effect on air pollution. As a result of biodiesel usage,
HC and particulate releases decreased by 30.66% and 63.33%, respectively. When the fuel
consumption amounts are compared, it was observed that biodiesel consumption was 2.43% less than
that of no. 2 diesel fuel. These release engine test results demonstration that biodiesels are more
atmosphere friendly fuel than no 2-diesel fuel. Amarnath et. al. [2] stated that the fossil fuels are the
main contributors of air pollution and helped to increase the greenhouse effect. Climate change also
occurred for the combustion of the fossil fuels. Bio- diesels are the suitable supplement of the fossil
fuels. It helps to reduce greenhouse enchases and prevent their adverse effect on the global warming.
Among the various alternative bio-diesels, Karanja oil is one of the most appropriate substitutions of
fossil fuels. The experiments were conducted on a single-cylinder, four-stroke, and direct-injection CI
engine. Compare to the normal diesel, using Karanja bio-diesel the performance parameters like brake
the efficiency, brake fuel consumption is nearly equal. And the emissions of carbon mono oxide,
carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and hydro carbons are much lower than the diesel. With increasing
the compression ratio, we obtained better performance and lower emissions. For maximum efficiency
and minimum emissions, the optimum values of load, compression ratio, injection pressure, and blend
were taken as 6 kg, 18, 247 bar, and B95, respectively. In the work of Abuhabaya et. al. [3] the interest
was shown on the production of the bio-diesels by using the current engine technologies. The study
was done to see the effects of using bio-diesels in the Compression Ignition engine and observe the
performance and emissions. Sunflower oil was used as bio-diesels after transesterification process
(with low molecular weight alcohol and sodium hydroxide) and then the oil is used in the Euro 4 four-
cylinder Compression Ignition engine. Four types of bio-diesel blends B5, B10, B15 and B20 were
used during the experiment and it was observed that with increasing the percentage of bio-diesels in
the blends we got lower emissions of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and hydro
carbons than diesel. While the performance and the efficiency are comparable to diesel. Production
optimization was achieved by changing the variables which included methanol/oil molar ratio, NaOH
catalyst concentration, reaction time, reaction temperature, and rate of mixing to maximize biodiesel
yield. The technique used was the RSM (response surface methodology). An experimental study was
performed by Shukla et. al. [4] on the particles emitted from the common rail direct injection (CRDI)
and sports utility vehicle engine (SUV). In this study, soot particles were Collected from the CRDI
engine fuelled with mineral diesel and 20% biodiesel blend (B20). The engine ran at 1800 rpm and
five different loads condition (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%). It was observed that B20 emitted lower
particles than the mineral diesel at all loads condition. It was also observed that at high load the
emission of aged particles is significantly lower than the diesel.
There is a rising interest to reduce the emissions like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and
unburned hydro carbons by using Neem methyl ester with antioxidants (L-ascorbic acid) [5]. However,
in case of nitrogen oxides emission, it increases 13% than pure diesel. To reduce the emission of
nitrogen oxides antioxidants (L-ascorbic acid) was used. The antioxidants mixed with Neem methyl
ester and this mixture used in the computerized four-stroke, water-cooled single cylinder diesel engine
of 3.5 kW rated power. With the use of L-ascorbic acid the nitrogen emissions reduced by 16%.at full
load conditions due to the delay or inhibitions of the oxidative process by donating an electron or
hydrogen atom to a radical derivative. However, the use of L-ascorbic acid the emission of carbon
monoxides is slightly increased and in terms of performance there is slight increment in brake thermal
efficiency. In the experimental study of Chauhan et.al. [6] focuses on the learning on the effect of
performance and emission of an agricultural engine using pure Jatropha oil. Due to high consume of
fossil fuels, Jatropha oil can be a suitable substitution in India, because of large availability of feed
stocks. By the experiment, we came to know that in case of performance, Jatropha oil is slightly
inferior to diesel. By using other bio-diesels nitrogen emission is higher than the diesel but in case of
Jatropha oil NOx emission is very much lower than the diesel. The main problem of using Jatropha oil,
that the carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons emission are higher than when diesel fuel
is used. Due to high density and viscosity Jatropha oil has lower thermal efficiency and higher brake
specific fuel consumption in comparison to diesel. Christopher C et.al. [7] focuses on using the Sea
butter blends as bio-diesel in single cylinder diesel engine. It is gaining large acceptance in Europe,
USA and a part of Asia but it is not produced in Africa. By the process of transesterification sea butter
transformed into bio-diesel. Using this blends Brake Thermal Efficiency decreases but the Brake
Specific Fuel Consumption increase. This is due to lower energy content in the bio-diesel fuel. On the
emission side, emission of nitrogen oxides increases with increasing the percentage of bio-fuel in the
blends. But the other emissions like emission of carbon di oxide and un-burnt hydrocarbon decreases
drastically. Overall, we can say that in terms of performance and carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide
and hydrocarbon emission sea butter perform well than the diesel fuel, but in case of nitrogen oxide
emission it went high than the diesel. In the study of Dwivedi et. al. [8] we came to know about the
potentials and limitations of straight vegetable oil using as fuel in the diesel engine. Due to high
consumption rate of fossil fuels and the increase in price, modern world is looking for the alternative
fuel sources. Among various straight vegetable oils which are derived from the edible and non-edible
sources in India, five edible and four nonedible oils are analyzed for future studies due to their
composition of fatty acids. Oxidation Stability Index and Cold flow property are two parameters to
compare the various bio-diesels. According to Oxidation Stability Index Castur oil is the best bio-
diesels, followed by Mahua, Neem and Karanja. CP and CFPP of edible SVOs in decreasing order are
found: Castor > Rape seed > canola > Soya bean while non-edible SVOs in decreasing order are Mahua
> Neem > Karanja > Jatropha > Soybean indicating that there is a need to improve the cold flow
properties using additives. There is a rising interest in biodiesel [9] (fatty acid methyl ester or FAME)
as of the similarity in its properties when equated to those of diesel fuels. Diesel engines worked on
biodiesel have less release of CO, unburned hydrocarbons, particulate matter, and air toxics than when
functioned on petroleum-based diesel fuel. Manufacture of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) from
rapeseed (non-edible oil) fatty acid distillate with high free fatty acids (FFA) was considered in this
work. Environments for esterification process of rapeseed oil were 1.8 % H2SO4 as catalyst, and
reaction temperature 65 °C, for a time period of 3h. The return of methyl ester was > 90 % in 1h. The
amount of FFA was reduced from 93 wt % to less than 2 wt % at the end of the esterification process.
The produced FAME was pureed by neutralization with 1M sodium hydroxide in water solution at
62oC. By this process quality bio-diesel of FAME was produced. Due to high prices of fossil fuels [10]
modern era looks forward for the alternative fuel sources. Fatty acids and methyl and ethyl esters which
are derived from the vegetable oils and animal’s fat are coming out to be suitable substitute of the
fossil fuels due to their renewability, biodegradability and highly oxygenated nature. Blends of
Argemone Maxicana oil is used to optimize the parameters of performances like compression ratio,
fuel injection pressure, so that the efficiency of the engine increased. Argemone Maxicana blends also
help to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide unburned hydrocarbons etc.
21. How is this Project made and used
The project on implementation of biodiesel in internal combustion related agriculture related
machines incorporates the several stages like collection of raw seeds from the Argemone Mexicana
plants to the use of processed biodiesel in the I.C. Engines. The overall streamline process has been
described by the following flow diagram.
The project is designed to streamline the collection of raw seeds, extraction of seed oil, improve
the chemical properties of the seed oil, blending the seed oil with the conventional diesel, improve the
performance and combustion characteristics of 2-stkore and 4-stroke diesel engines and improve the
quality of exhaust gases to ensure the less emission of ‘Green-house’ gases.


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3. Abdullah Abuhabaya, John Fieldhouse and David Brown. The effects of using biodiesel on CI
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4. Pravesh Chandra Shukla, Tarun Gupta1 and Avinash Kumar Agarwal, A Comparative Morphological
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7. Christopher C. Enweremadu, Hilary L. Rutto and Najeem Peleowo, Performance Evaluation of a Diesel
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8. Gaurav Dwivedi and M. P. Sharma, Potential and limitation of straight vegetable oils as engine fuel –
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9. F. Halek, A. Kavousi, and M. Banifatemi. Biodiesel as an Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engines, World
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10. Nikhil Sutar and M.H. Attal. Performance Evaluation of C.I. engine with change in Different Engine
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