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Project Name: WSP

Name of the contractor: Zyeta Interior Pvt Ltd


Work Activity Hazard RISK
1.Frequent movement of Lorry/Tractor
and other heavy vehicles, machinery
2.Injury due to inadvertent and reckless
3..Slip, trips, falls.
may not has a diving licence 5.Lack
of driving skills and unaware of vehicle
movements. 6. 1.Vehicle accidents.
Driver has not aware of safe driving 2.Stacked materials falling from
speed inside and safety signages of the vehicle.
site 3.Damage to materials.
Traffic movement-Vehicle Movement 7. Vechile has not parked in 4.Collide with vehicle.
1 at site.
5 3 15 High
designated area. 5.Collide with structure.
6.Hitting utilities due to additional
7.Over speeding of vehicle
8. Fatal injuries may occur

1.Tripping hazard and fall hazards 1. Minor Physical injuries may

2. Injury may occurs occurs due to the falling of
3.Unsafe height materials stacking materials from the stacking
4..Dishealved nature of stacking 2.Property
5. Overloading the materials damage will happen 3.
6.Stacking in inappropriate area at Moving scaffolding cannot ensure
store/site safe movement if the materials
7.Lack of materials stacking stills and stacked in the undesignated area
2 Materials Stacking at Store /site ill equiped 4.Fire 3 3 9 Medium
8.Lack of caution signages hazards due to the flammable
9. Fire hazards materials stacking 5.
10.Lack of barricade ans Moving elements may struck on
signages the stacking area
1.Fall,trip and slip hazard
2.Lacking of materials handling
skills 3.Dont have a sufficient
material handling equipments 1.Vehicle may hit someone while
4.Shifters may trap inside the moving in.
service lift 2.Obstructing another vehicle
5.Improper lifting human movement
postures 6.Lifting and 3.Muscle or tendon strain getting
shifting of unsafe loads 7.lack of on and off the vehicle
PPEs 8. 4.Material may have sharp
Fatique edges and splinters.
9.unfit workers involve in materials 5.Material does not adequate side
Materials Handling handling clearance for lifting.
a)From unloading area to site 10. lack of materials handling 6.Material in odd shape to carry.
b) Inside the side equipment inspection 7.Dust inhalation and entry to the
3 4 4 16 high

8.Muscle strain will occur due to

the improper lifting postures and
procedures while manual lifting
9.Pinch points between material
and vehicle.
10.Injury to foot
11.Defective plant &machineries
used for unloading
12.Unsafe use of service

1.Fall,trip and slip hazard 1.major physical injury may occur

2.Lacking of materials handling due to the collapes of unsafe load
skills 3.Dont have a lifting 2.muscle strain and fracture may
equipment happen while following the wrong
lifting plan
4.Lack of lifting plans 3.Body pain, musceloskeletal pain
5..Lifting and shifting of unsafe loads
Loading/Unloading Material at the 6..lack of PPEs
4 3 4 12 high
ground floor 7. Fatique
8.Lack of
loading and unlaoding area 9.Lack
of rest pause
1. Collapse of scaffolding 1. Major injury / health effect /
2. Fall of materials, hand tools illness (fractures, breaking of
3. Fall of Person due to slip, trip, organs, injury to body parts)
obstruction in access, openings, failure to 2. Minor injury / health effect /
anchor safety harness illness
4. Protruding upright rebars
5. Usage of defective / damaged
3. First Aid Injury / Slight health
materials effect
6. Uneven ground surface 4. Property Damage
7. Deployment of untrained & unfit 5.Fall from scaffolding
workforce 6. Few of the
8. Overloading / lack of supports scaffolding parts may be
/ fixing of bracings, ties, counter pins, unavalible
jointers, etc.
9. Awkward posture
10. Unsecured platform, walkways, MS
5 Scaffolding erection & dismantling perforated working platform, etc. 4 4 16 High
11. Horseplay
12. Poor visibility
13.Lack of PPEs

1.Scaffolding is moved too close to 1.Material damage/personnel

live electrical wires. injury due to fall from platform
2.Scaffolding is moved with the 2.Elecrtrocution
person at the top. 3.Scaffolding
3.Scaffolding without handrail and collapses
4.Scaffolding may upset and fall
moving on uneven floor (raceway pit) on co-workers
6 Working on scaffolding 4.Rash/Forced pulling of scaffolding 4 4 16 High
5. Lack of overhead eletrical hazard
6.Horse play on scaffolding
7.Inadequate height working
trainings 8.Lack of supervision
9.Lack of PPEs

1.Dust inhalation 1.long term inhalation causes lung

2.Eye injuries dieses/
3.Chemical and dust exposure 2.Eye injuries leads to sight
4.Health Issues may occur problem by the effect of dust
5.Fall from height substances
6.Physical injury 3.long term exposure
7.Slip and trip hazards of chemical will cause major health
8.Numbness issue/
9.lack of height working skills and 4.Fatal injury may happen due to
PPEs falling from scaffodling
10.Lack of grinding machine handling 5. Electrocution may occur
skills due to damaged and uninspected
7 Ceiling grinding grinding machine 4 4 16 High
1.Dust inhalation 1.long term inhalation causes lung
2.Eye injuries dieses/
3.Chemical and dust exposure 2.Eye injuries leads to sight
4.Health Issues may occur problem by the effect of dust
5.Fall from height substances
6.Physical injury 3.long term exposure
7.Slip and trip hazards of chemical will cause major health
8.lack of height working issue/
skills and implementation of Basic 4.Fatal injury may happen due to
PPEs 9.Poor house falling from scaffodling
keeping 10.Low 5. Working near the overhead
illumination 11. live wires
8 Floor & ceiling Marking for partition
Overhead live wires 4 4 16 High

1.Hand injuries occurs 1.Body fracture may occurs due to

2.Numbness fall of debris
Fatique 2.Electrocution may happen by the
3.Electrical hazards hidden live wires 3.Environmental
4.Fall of materials, pollution 4.Chronic
5.Debris health issues due to the dust
accumulation accumulation
6.Dust pollution 5.Minor injury may cause due to
7.Resporitory health issues lack of PPEs
9 Demolition 5 4 20 High
6.May damage the electrical
8.Slip and Trip devices on wall due to poor
9.Fatique illumination
10.Environmental hazards 7.Grinding wheel may
11.Lack of illumination broken into pieces in certain RPM
12. Lack of access and
1.Fall From Height 1.Fatal injuries may happen/
2.Electrical hazard 2.Electrical fire may occur /
3.Electrocution 3.Direct contact with live
4.Fall wires/
hazards 5.Fall of materials /
5.lack of competence 6.Cut injury due to hand
6.unaware of live tools 7. Current leakages may
wires catch fire
7.Inappropriate scaffolding provided
8.Fire hazards
9.Lack of safety devices

Temporary Lights and DB

10 4 4 16 High

1.Dust inhalation 1.Fall from the height & fall of

2.Eye injuries materials
3.Chemical and dust exposure 2.Defective scaffolding structure.
4.Health Issues may occur 3.Scaffolding usage on unleveled
5.Fall from height surface/ floor
6.Physical injury 4.Untrained workers engaged for
7.Slip and trip hazards height works.
8.lack of height working 5.Cut to hand due to
skills and implementation of Basic channel sharp edges
Gypsum board and GI channel PPEs 9.Poor house 6.Fixing and
11 fixing 4 4 16 High
keeping 10.Low cutting of gypsum board creates
illumination 11. dust accumulation
lack of ventilation 4.Dust inhalation and entry to the
12. Lack of material handling eye.
13. Lack of working devices 5.Muscle strain due to improper
working posture
1.Dust and chemical inhalation 1.long term inhalation causes lung
2.Eye injuries happen by putty dieses/
powder 2.Eye injuries leads to sight
3.Chemical and dust exposure problem by the effect of chemical
4.Health Issues may occur substances
5.Fall from height 3.long term exposure
6.Physical injury of chemical will cause major health
7.Slip and trip hazards issue
8.Numbness 4.Fatal injury may happen due to
9.lack of height working skills and falling from scaffodling
PPEs 5. May hit the finger aganist
12 Putty works/Punning work 10.Lack of putty work equipments sharp egdes due to poor 4 4 16 High
11.Lack of illumination and ventilation illumination 6.
12.Low illumination
13. Poor storage of putty bags

1.slip/trip/fall/health hazard 1.Respiratory issues will happen

2.Fire hazard 2.Due to the flammable materials
3. Environmental issue fire may cause
4.Biological hazards 3. Health hazards will be
5.Lack od breakout due to the environmental
cleanliness 6. Dust polution 4.Periodic
generation House keeping is not happening
7.Debris Accumulation at site 5.Periodic
debris removal is not happening

13 Housekeeping 3 4 12 Medium

Name & Signature of Site Project Manager : Mr. Siddharth

Name & Signature of Site EHS Manager : Mr. Louis prabhu
Likelihood x Severity = Hazard Score Hazard Rating

1 – Very Unlikely 1 – First Aid Rating 1 – 8 L – Low

2 – Unlikely 2 – < 3 days Rating 9 – 12 M – Medium
3 – Likely 3 – > 3 days Rating 15 – 25 H – High
4 – Very Likely 4 – Long Term
5 – Almost Certain 5 – Fatal
DATE:17-04-2024 to 19-04-2024 R-

ACTIVITY: Interior Fit Out

Control Measures
1)Induction of drivers, operators. Speed limit notices, control of traffic strictly, walk in
the passage or raod sides, avoid roaming inside the site/road.
2)Separate pedestrian/vehicle pathway and speed limit signages to be display
in strategic location
3. Materials shall be transported site in an appropriate vehicle, avoiding
any damages during transportation. Additionally during transportation the materials
must be covered and protected from weather elements.
4.Driver shall obtain permission from the gate security guard, in order to enter to the
5.Vehicle driver to hold a driving licence and have a vehicle pass to enter into the site.
6.Drivers shall obey site speed limits (Speed limit not more than 10 km/h).
7.While manoeuvring on site, a banks man to assist the driver. 5 2 10 Medium
8.While entering to site, driver shall check the height clearance in the Upper Basement
9.Driver to ensure that no already installed utilities are damaging.
10.Establish Traffic Management Plan

1)Proper stacking with barricade. signages, heigt limit etc.

2.Supervise the labor while shifting/stacking and store in proper manner
3.Do not exceed 400kgs/square meter.
4.Follow the materials stacking guidelines for safe stacking
5.Stack over the supports,if its a fragile materilas
6.Use stopper for the cylinderical materials stacking
7.Place a fire extingisher near the flammable
materials stack 8. Provide training for the labors who
involved in materials stacking 9. Ensure supervision around the 3 2 6 Low
clock while stacking 10.Store the liquid
items in the containers 11.Barricade the
area and ensure appropriate signages
1.Mechanical handling can be preferred
2.Use cut / abrasive resistant gloves, pad up the uneven surface.
3.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
4.Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting.
5.Discuss with team and then lift the material.
6.Use the material trolley whenever possible.
7.Wear face mask and goggles while t handling the chemical materials.
8.Check the specification of the material to ascertain the weight.
9.Make use of the trolley or gunny bags to shift any loose material.
10.Find out the feasibility of lifting the material without placing hand below the material.
11.Try to take assistance if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
12.Do not make single person manual lift if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
12.Take proper and safe body positioning before handling materials.
13.Check the vehicle for any falling or loose material that may fall on and hard hat
should be always worn. 4 3 12 Medium
14.Trained operator shall be engaged for material handling machine operation.
15.Shall get the support of service lift operator for shifting of materials
16. Mechanical handling equipments shall be inspected and ensure safety tags

1.use of mechanical aid such as trolley,

2.Avoid Stooping/twisting while lifting the load.
3.Stabilize an unstable load by securing it.
4.Ensure the individual capabilities for the load carried by the operatives.
5.Use of appropriate
PPEs 6.Manual
handling training for operatives
7.Deploy skilled and fit workers for loading and unloading 3 3 9 Medium
8.Stick with the lifting plan always
9.provide necessary rest pauses.
1. Scaffold to be erected on levelled and firm ground with out triggers
2. Screening of workers to be done along with height phobia test.
3. Trained & experienced workers to be engaged for erection and dismantling of scaffold
4. Qualified and experienced scaffold inspector to be deployed, Scaffold tag to be signed by
scaffold inspector along with scaffold identification register
5. Scaffolding methodology & mock up to be approved by design consultant
6. Additional support with permanent structure to be provided for scaffold if the base to height
ratio is more than 1:4
7. Access to be provided for reaching the work location and when the working height goes
above 1.8m, will provide a safety harness
8. Working Platform to be fully boarded / 600 mm width & secured, mid rails, handrails and toe
board to be provided.
9. Double lanyard full body harness with shock absorber / retractable personnel fall arrest
system, rope grab fall arrestor to be used by the workers doing the scaffolding.
10. Loose material not to be kept on top of scaffold and not to be overloaded.
11. Hand tools, materials to be secured so that it will not fall even if mishandled.
12. Training for scaffolders to be done by the vendors (weekly, fortnightly, monthly). 4 3 12 Medium
13. Safety Helmet, Shoes, Hand gloves to be used.
14. While erection and dismantling, safety watcher need to be deployed and barricading the
area below to be done and display of signage to be done as per the activity.
15. Material not to be thrown from the top of the scaffold / elevated levels.
16. If the scaffold material is shifted with mechanical equipment, relevant precautions of
Loading and Unloading of Materials by Mechanical Equipment to be reviewed.
17. Lifeline to be provided for anchoring the safety harness.
18. Electrical cables not to be routed / anchored through the scaffolds towers / frames.
19. Lighting to be provided for clear visibility.
20. Training on emergency rescue to be conducted for the workers engaged in the activity.
21.Wheel locking system should be inspected in mobile scaffolfing
22. Inspect the scaffolding on daily basis and provide safety tags.

1.Approved scaffolding with safety tagging.

2.Permit to work system need to be implemented
3.Job specific training for operatives.
4.Working Area has to be
barricaded along with proper signages. 5.Safety
harness shall necessary when the working height goes above 1.8m
6.Provide sufficient height work training
7.Adequate supervision required around the clock 4 3 12 Medium
8.Stick with basic PPEs
9.Ensure guard rails while height height working
10. Scaffolding wheels should be locked to arrest free
movement of scaffolding.

1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances and dust

2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from
chemical exposure on hands and eyes

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

6.Provide appropriate scaffolding for height work

7.Inspect the scaffolding and grinding machine on daily basis with the checklists.

8.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights 4 3 12 Medium

9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock

10.Adequate training need to be ensured.

11. Shall provide a job specific trainings
12. Work permit must be ensured before the work starts.
13. Dust collecting grinding machines shall be used
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from chemical

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures

6.Provide appropriate scaffolding for height work

4 3 12 Medium
7.Inspect the scaffolding on daily basis with the checklists.

8.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights

9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock

10.Adequate training need to be ensured.

11. All the electrical cables are connected by connectors and insulaated.

1.Strictly implement the basic PPEs

2.Demolish partially to maintain the safe working procedures
3.Provide rest pause for the workers to avoid fatique and numbness

4.Brief the safe working method before the work start

5.Proper supervision need to be done
6.Debris removal should happen immediately which lead to slip and trip and
environmental issues.
7.Provide sufficient trainings for the demolition workers
5 2 10 Medium
8.Provide exhaust fan to route out the dust accumulation inside site
9.Provide good illumination and ventilation
10.Work to permit system shall be implemeted effectively
11.Barricade the area and provide caution signages
12. ISI marked grinding wheel shall be provided
13.Grinding machine shall be inspected and tagged
1.Pre inspection need to be ensured for no live wires avaliblities
2. Use cut resistance gloves
3. Only certified working platform should be used at work place.
4. Loose materials don’t keep at the edge side of the working platform (Tools kit must
be used at working platform for keeping the tools)
5. Don’t move mobile scaffold while Men on the platform.
6. Ensure the hand rail & toe board as per standard while working on the platform.
7. Use specific hand tools for the work check for grip of the hand tool.
8.Fully boarded working platform with guard rail and wheel locking system
9.Provide a certified electrician for lights installation
10.Do the temporary lights installtion in the day time
11.Provide a fire extinguisher near the work activity
12. Ensure proper supervision and PTW system
13.Provide job specific training for the
electricians 14. Provide 30mA RCCB in all
the temporary DBs. 15. Avoid joints and 4 3 12 Medium
insulation on the power cables used in temporary lights and DB 16.
Use connectors in all the cable joints
17.LOTO system to be implemented during tapping from exiting panel
18.Ensure the valid Checklist of the DB.
19.The Competent B License holder should check the DB periodically.
20.Ensure the Distribution Box should contain proper female Sockets with inbuilt cap.
21.DB Tripping Test certificate to be submitted
22.Emergency contact number to be displayed near the DB

1.Safe scaffold structure shall be tagged with GREEN tag by inspecting and filling the checklist
for records.
2.Competency card should be issued for trained workers on height works. Do not load the
working platform with gypsum board and channels
3.Use cut resistant hand gloves.
4.Use dust restrictive mask, goggles and hand gloves
5.provide proper ventilation
6.Use correct posture while working and ensure adequate breaks should be taken
7.Use dust collector along with the machine while doing the cutting activies
8.Provide sufficient trainings for the demolition workers
4 3 12 Medium
9.Provide exhaust fan to route out the dust accumulation inside site
10.Provide good illumination and ventilation
11.Work to permit system shall be implemeted effectively
12.. Exhaust fan shall be provided to exit the dust accumulation
13. Dust arrester gypsum cutter machine shall be used
14. Eye washer kit shall be ensured
15. Battery operated screwing machine
shall be used.
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances and dust
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from
chemical exposure on hands and eyes

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

5..Provide appropriate scaffolding for height work

6..Inspect the scaffolding and grinding machine on daily basis with the checklists.
7.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights
4 3 12 Medium
8.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock
9.Adequate training need to be ensured.
10. Shall provide a job specific trainings
11. Work permit must be ensured before the work starts.
12. Provide exhaust fan for chemical substance elimination
13. Povide good illumination and ventilation

1)5s housekeeping method has to be adapt.

2)Sufficient dust bins to be provide in strategic location. Use vaccum machine rather
than sweeping. 3)Water
damping down periodically, 4)Debris
has to be remove periodically. 5)Tool
box talk to be conduct for workers and brief the Hk hazards
6)Provide basic PPEs
7.Floor Moping shall be done on daily basis.
8.Keep work area clear off debris and remove
tools/equipment when not in use to eliminate trip hazards.
9.Cleaning of all the debris after completing the task.
10.Ensure the waste is always filled up either in stable boxes or plastic bags 3 2 6 Low
11.Ensure use of sweeping machine instead of brooms.
12. Fire extinguisher need to ne placed near the debris yard
13. Barricade and proper signages
Project Name: WSP

Name of the contractor: Zyeta Interior Pvt Ltd

Work Activity Hazard

1.Frequent movement of Lorry/Tractor

and other heavy vehicles, machinery
2.Injury due to inadvertent and reckless
3..Slip, trips, falls.
may not has a diving licence 5.Lack
of driving skills and unaware of vehicle
movements. 6.
Driver has not aware of safe driving
speed inside and safety signages of the
Traffic movement-Vehicle Movement 7. Vechile has not parked in
1 at site. designated area.
1.Tripping hazard and fall hazards
2. Injury may occurs
3.Unsafe height materials stacking
4..Dishealved nature of stacking
5. Overloading the materials
6.Stacking in inappropriate area at
7.Lack of materials stacking stills and
2 Materials Stacking at Store /site ill equiped
8.Lack of caution signages
9. Fire hazards
10.Lack of barricade ans

1.Fall,trip and slip hazard

2.Lacking of materials handling
skills 3.Dont have a sufficient
material handling equipments
4.Shifters may trap inside the
service lift
5.Improper lifting
postures 6.Lifting and
shifting of unsafe loads 7.lack of
PPEs 8.
9.unfit workers involve in materials
Materials Handling handling
a)From unloading area to site 10. lack of materials handling
b) Inside the side equipment inspection
1.Fall,trip and slip hazard
2.Lacking of materials handling
skills 3.Dont have a lifting

4.Lack of lifting plans

5..Lifting and shifting of unsafe loads
Loading/Unloading Material at the 6..lack of PPEs
ground floor 7. Fatique
8.Lack of
loading and unlaoding area 9.Lack
of rest pause

1. Collapse of scaffolding
2. Fall of materials, hand tools
3. Fall of Person due to slip, trip,
obstruction in access, openings, failure to
anchor safety harness
4. Protruding upright rebars
5. Usage of defective / damaged
6. Uneven ground surface
7. Deployment of untrained & unfit
8. Overloading / lack of supports
/ fixing of bracings, ties, counter pins,
jointers, etc.
9. Awkward posture
10. Unsecured platform, walkways, MS
5 Scaffolding erection & dismantling perforated working platform, etc.
11. Horseplay
12. Poor visibility
13.Lack of PPEs
1.Scaffolding is moved too close to
live electrical wires.
2.Scaffolding is moved with the
person at the top.
3.Scaffolding without handrail and

moving on uneven floor (raceway pit)

6 Working on scaffolding 4.Rash/Forced pulling of scaffolding
5. Lack of overhead eletrical hazard
6.Horse play on scaffolding
7.Inadequate height working
trainings 8.Lack of supervision
9.Lack of PPEs

1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.lack of height working skills and
10.Lack of grinding machine handling
7 Ceiling grinding
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.lack of height working
skills and implementation of Basic
PPEs 9.Poor house
keeping 10.Low
illumination 11.
8 Floor & ceiling Marking for partition
Overhead live wires

1.Hand injuries occurs

3.Electrical hazards
4.Fall of materials,
6.Dust pollution
7.Resporitory health issues
9 Demolition
8.Slip and Trip
10.Environmental hazards
11.Lack of illumination
12. Lack of access and
1.Fall From Height
2.Electrical hazard
5.lack of competence
6.unaware of live
7.Inappropriate scaffolding provided
8.Fire hazards
9.Lack of safety devices

Temporary Lights and DB


1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.lack of height working
skills and implementation of Basic
Gypsum board and GI channel PPEs 9.Poor house
11 fixing
keeping 10.Low
illumination 11.
lack of ventilation
12. Lack of material handling
13. Lack of working devices
1.Dust and chemical inhalation
2.Eye injuries happen by putty
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.lack of height working skills and
12 Putty works/Punning work 10.Lack of putty work equipments
11.Lack of illumination and ventilation
12.Low illumination
13. Poor storage of putty bags

1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye irriatation due to saw dust
3.Saw dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.Fire hazards
10.Lack of good conditional Wood
cutting machine
13 Carpentry works 11.Lack of illumination and
ventilation 12.Huge saw dust
accumulation 13.Ergonomic
hazards 14.Poor
cable management
15.Lack of fire fighting equipment
1.Cement Dust inhalation
2.Eye irriatation due to cement
3.Chemical powder exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury due to hand boils
and fall from height
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.Fire hazards
10.Flammable materials
14 Block works 11.Lack of
illumination and ventilation 12.Poor
tool handling skills 13.Ergonomic
hazards 14.Poor
cable management
15.Poor materials handling
16.Inadequate PPEs
17.Poor materials stacking
and handling
18.Poor scaffolding usage while
donig block works in heights
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye irritation when get contact
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Lack of chemical hazard awareness
5.Health Issues may occur
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.Lack of working skills
and implementation of Basic PPEs
9.Poor house keeping
10.Low illumination and
ventilation 11.Lack of barricade
and caution signages
15 Floor Marking for Raceway
2.Slip &Trip hazards due to the slurry
3. No
Cutting machine calibration
4.Concrete chips may be scattered
5.Other work activity may be performed
inside the chipping area
6.Lack of barricade and cation signages
cable mamangement
8.Poor ventilation and illumination
9.Dust generates while cutting the floor
10.Fall hazard due to raceway pit
11.High Noise level
12.Debris will pile up
Screed Cutting and Chipping for 13. Defect in the
16 Raceway hand chipping tools and hammering m/c

14.Inadequate supervision during night

15.Unaware of Electrical fire hazard
1.slip/trip/fall/health hazard
2.Fire hazard
3. Environmental issue
4.Biological hazards
5.Lack od
cleanliness 6. Dust
7.Debris Accumulation at site

17 Housekeeping

Name & Signature of Site Project Manager :

Name & Signature of Site EHS Manager :

Likelihood x

1 – Very Unlikely
2 – Unlikely
3 – Likely
4 – Very Likely
5 – Almost Certain



1.Vehicle accidents.
2.Stacked materials falling from
3.Damage to materials.
4.Collide with vehicle.
5 3 15
5.Collide with structure.
6.Hitting utilities due to additional
7.Over speeding of vehicle
8. Fatal injuries may occur
1. Minor Physical injuries may
occurs due to the falling of
materials from the stacking
damage will happen 3.
Moving scaffolding cannot ensure
safe movement if the materials
stacked in the undesignated area
4.Fire 3 3 9
hazards due to the flammable
materials stacking 5.
Moving elements may struck on
the stacking area

1.Vehicle may hit someone while

moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle
human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting
on and off the vehicle
4.Material may have sharp
edges and splinters.
5.Material does not adequate side
clearance for lifting.
6.Material in odd shape to carry.
7.Dust inhalation and entry to the
4 4 16

8.Muscle strain will occur due to

the improper lifting postures and
procedures while manual lifting
9.Pinch points between material
and vehicle.
10.Injury to foot
11.Defective plant &machineries
used for unloading
12.Unsafe use of service
1.major physical injury may occur
due to the collapes of unsafe load
2.muscle strain and fracture may
happen while following the wrong
lifting plan
3.Body pain, musceloskeletal pain

3 4 12

1. Major injury / health effect /

illness (fractures, breaking of
organs, injury to body parts)
2. Minor injury / health effect /
3. First Aid Injury / Slight health
4. Property Damage
5.Fall from scaffolding
6. Few of the
scaffolding parts may be

4 4 16
1.Material damage/personnel
injury due to fall from platform
4.Scaffolding may upset and fall
on co-workers
4 4 16

1.long term inhalation causes lung

2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of dust
3.long term exposure
of chemical will cause major health
4.Fatal injury may happen due to
falling from scaffodling
5. Electrocution may occur
due to damaged and uninspected
grinding machine 4 4 16
1.long term inhalation causes lung
2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of dust
3.long term exposure
of chemical will cause major health
4.Fatal injury may happen due to
falling from scaffodling
5. Working near the overhead
live wires
4 4 16

1.Body fracture may occurs due to

fall of debris
2.Electrocution may happen by the
hidden live wires 3.Environmental
pollution 4.Chronic
health issues due to the dust
5.Minor injury may cause due to
lack of PPEs
5 4 20
6.May damage the electrical
devices on wall due to poor
7.Grinding wheel may
broken into pieces in certain RPM
1.Fatal injuries may happen/
2.Electrical fire may occur /
3.Direct contact with live
5.Fall of materials /
6.Cut injury due to hand
tools 7. Current leakages may
catch fire

4 4 16

1.Fall from the height & fall of

2.Defective scaffolding structure.
3.Scaffolding usage on unleveled
surface/ floor
4.Untrained workers engaged for
height works.
5.Cut to hand due to
channel sharp edges
6.Fixing and
4 4 16
cutting of gypsum board creates
dust accumulation
4.Dust inhalation and entry to the
5.Muscle strain due to improper
working posture
1.long term inhalation causes lung
2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of chemical
3.long term exposure
of chemical powder will cause
major health issue
4.Fatal injury may
happen due to falling from
scaffodling 5. May
hit the finger aganist sharp egdes 4 4 16
due to poor illumination
6.Lack of
MSDS knowledge reaurding putty

1.long term inhalation causes lung

2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of dust
3.long term exposure
of saw powder will cause major
health issue/
4.Fatal injury may happen
due to falling from scaffodling
5.Electrocution may
occur due to damaged and 4 4 16
uninspected cutting machine
6. Power
cables may be damaged
7. Body and joints
pain 8.Lackof fire fighting
equipment will lead to fire
1. Bones fracture and spinal cord
damages may occurs due to falling
from the scaffolding
2.Scaffolding may collape due to
the uneven surfaces
3.Incompetence of Masonary
works and unaware of related
4.Long term exposture to cement
5.Respiratory issue will breaout
due to the chemical and dust
6.Workers may not aware of 4 4 16
fire fighting equipment
7. Lack of training
1.Long term inhalation causes
lung disease
2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of chemical
dust substances
3.Long term
exposure of chemical will cause
major health issue/
4.May collide aganist
materials 5.Lack os MSDS
knowledge of marking

3 4 12
1.Electrical shock can lead major
injury to wokers
2.Head and back injury may happen
due to slip and trip
3.Eye vision loss due to flying chips of
4.May not aware of floor cutting
machine working condition
5. May have connections in the
power cables
6.Co workers will be injuried
7.Workers not aware of cable
routings and connections
8. Raceway pits lead to fall of
workers where step into it
9. Due the noise level above
85db, the hearing ability may be 4 4 16
reduce in long term exposure
10.Environment pollution
may happen due to the slurry and
debris pile up
14.Poor tools
maintainence 15.No access
to co2 fire extinguisher
1.Respiratory issues will happen
2.Due to the flammable materials
fire may cause
3. Health hazards will be
breakout due to the environmental
polution 4.Periodic
House keeping is not happening
debris removal is not happening

3 4 12

Mr. Siddharth
Mr. Louis prabhu

Severity = Hazard Score Hazard Rating

1 – First Aid Rating 1 – 8 L – Low

2 – < 3 days Rating 9 – 12 M – Medium
3 – > 3 days Rating 15 – 25 H – High
4 – Long Term
5 – Fatal








DATE:23-04-2024 to 25-04-2024 R-

ACTIVITY: Interior Fit Out

Control Measures INDEX

1)Induction of drivers, operators. Speed limit notices, control of traffic strictly, walk in
the passage or raod sides, avoid roaming inside the site/road.
2)Separate pedestrian/vehicle pathway and speed limit signages to be display
in strategic location
3. Materials shall be transported site in an appropriate vehicle, avoiding
any damages during transportation. Additionally during transportation the materials
must be covered and protected from weather elements.
4.Driver shall obtain permission from the gate security guard, in order to enter to the
5.Vehicle driver to hold a driving licence and have a vehicle pass to enter into the site.
6.Drivers shall obey site speed limits (Speed limit not more than 10 km/h).
7.While manoeuvring on site, a banks man to assist the driver. 5
8.While entering to site, driver shall check the height clearance in the Upper Basement
9.Driver to ensure that no already installed utilities are damaging.
10.Establish Traffic Management Plan
1)Proper stacking with barricade. signages, heigt limit etc.
2.Supervise the labor while shifting/stacking and store in proper manner
3.Do not exceed 400kgs/square meter.
4.Follow the materials stacking guidelines for safe stacking
5.Stack over the supports,if its a fragile materilas
6.Use stopper for the cylinderical materials stacking
7.Place a fire extingisher near the flammable
materials stack 8. Provide training for the labors who
involved in materials stacking 9. Ensure supervision around the 3
clock while stacking 10.Store the liquid
items in the containers 11.Barricade the
area and ensure appropriate signages

1.Mechanical handling can be preferred

2.Use cut / abrasive resistant gloves, pad up the uneven surface.
3.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
4.Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting.
5.Discuss with team and then lift the material.
6.Use the material trolley whenever possible.
7.Wear face mask and goggles while t handling the chemical materials.
8.Check the specification of the material to ascertain the weight.
9.Make use of the trolley or gunny bags to shift any loose material.
10.Find out the feasibility of lifting the material without placing hand below the material.
11.Try to take assistance if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
12.Do not make single person manual lift if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
12.Take proper and safe body positioning before handling materials.
13.Check the vehicle for any falling or loose material that may fall on and hard hat
should be always worn. 4
14.Trained operator shall be engaged for material handling machine operation.
15.Shall get the support of service lift operator for shifting of materials
16. Mechanical handling equipments shall be inspected and ensure safety tags
1.use of mechanical aid such as trolley,
2.Avoid Stooping/twisting while lifting the load.
3.Stabilize an unstable load by securing it.
4.Ensure the individual capabilities for the load carried by the operatives.
5.Use of appropriate
PPEs 6.Manual
handling training for operatives
7.Deploy skilled and fit workers for loading and unloading 3
8.Stick with the lifting plan always
9.provide necessary rest pauses.

1. Scaffold to be erected on levelled and firm ground with out triggers

2. Screening of workers to be done along with height phobia test.
3. Trained & experienced workers to be engaged for erection and dismantling of scaffold
4. Qualified and experienced scaffold inspector to be deployed, Scaffold tag to be signed by
scaffold inspector along with scaffold identification register
5. Scaffolding methodology & mock up to be approved by design consultant
6. Additional support with permanent structure to be provided for scaffold if the base to height
ratio is more than 1:4
7. Access to be provided for reaching the work location and when the working height goes
above 1.8m, will provide a safety harness
8. Working Platform to be fully boarded / 600 mm width & secured, mid rails, handrails and toe
board to be provided.
9. Double lanyard full body harness with shock absorber / retractable personnel fall arrest
system, rope grab fall arrestor to be used by the workers doing the scaffolding.
10. Loose material not to be kept on top of scaffold and not to be overloaded.
11. Hand tools, materials to be secured so that it will not fall even if mishandled.
12. Training for scaffolders to be done by the vendors (weekly, fortnightly, monthly). 4
13. Safety Helmet, Shoes, Hand gloves to be used.
14. While erection and dismantling, safety watcher need to be deployed and barricading the
area below to be done and display of signage to be done as per the activity.
15. Material not to be thrown from the top of the scaffold / elevated levels.
16. If the scaffold material is shifted with mechanical equipment, relevant precautions of
Loading and Unloading of Materials by Mechanical Equipment to be reviewed.
17. Lifeline to be provided for anchoring the safety harness.
18. Electrical cables not to be routed / anchored through the scaffolds towers / frames.
19. Lighting to be provided for clear visibility.
20. Training on emergency rescue to be conducted for the workers engaged in the activity.
21.Wheel locking system should be inspected in mobile scaffolfing
22. Inspect the scaffolding on daily basis and provide safety tags.
1.Approved scaffolding with safety tagging.
2.Permit to work system need to be implemented
3.Job specific training for operatives.
4.Working Area has to be
barricaded along with proper signages. 5.Safety
harness shall necessary when the working height goes above 1.8m
6.Provide sufficient height work training
7.Adequate supervision required around the clock 4
8.Stick with basic PPEs
9.Ensure guard rails while height height working
10. Scaffolding wheels should be locked to arrest free
movement of scaffolding.

1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances and dust

2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from
chemical exposure on hands and eyes

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

6.Provide appropriate scaffolding for height work

7.Inspect the scaffolding and grinding machine on daily basis with the checklists.

8.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights 4

9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock

10.Adequate training need to be ensured.

11. Shall provide a job specific trainings
12. Work permit must be ensured before the work starts.
13. Dust collecting grinding machines shall be used
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from chemical

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures

6.Provide appropriate scaffolding for height work

7.Inspect the scaffolding on daily basis with the checklists.

8.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights

9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock

10.Adequate training need to be ensured.

11. All the electrical cables are connected by connectors and insulaated.

1.Strictly implement the basic PPEs

2.Demolish partially to maintain the safe working procedures
3.Provide rest pause for the workers to avoid fatique and numbness

4.Brief the safe working method before the work start

5.Proper supervision need to be done
6.Debris removal should happen immediately which lead to slip and trip and
environmental issues.
7.Provide sufficient trainings for the demolition workers
8.Provide exhaust fan to route out the dust accumulation inside site
9.Provide good illumination and ventilation
10.Work to permit system shall be implemeted effectively
11.Barricade the area and provide caution signages
12. ISI marked grinding wheel shall be provided
13.Grinding machine shall be inspected and tagged
1.Pre inspection need to be ensured for no live wires avaliblities
2. Use cut resistance gloves
3. Only certified working platform should be used at work place.
4. Loose materials don’t keep at the edge side of the working platform (Tools kit must
be used at working platform for keeping the tools)
5. Don’t move mobile scaffold while Men on the platform.
6. Ensure the hand rail & toe board as per standard while working on the platform.
7. Use specific hand tools for the work check for grip of the hand tool.
8.Fully boarded working platform with guard rail and wheel locking system
9.Provide a certified electrician for lights installation
10.Do the temporary lights installtion in the day time
11.Provide a fire extinguisher near the work activity
12. Ensure proper supervision and PTW system
13.Provide job specific training for the
electricians 14. Provide 30mA RCCB in all
the temporary DBs. 15. Avoid joints and 4
insulation on the power cables used in temporary lights and DB 16.
Use connectors in all the cable joints
17.LOTO system to be implemented during tapping from exiting panel
18.Ensure the valid Checklist of the DB.
19.The Competent B License holder should check the DB periodically.
20.Ensure the Distribution Box should contain proper female Sockets with inbuilt cap.
21.DB Tripping Test certificate to be submitted
22.Emergency contact number to be displayed near the DB

1.Safe scaffold structure shall be tagged with GREEN tag by inspecting and filling the checklist
for records.
2.Competency card should be issued for trained workers on height works. Do not load the
working platform with gypsum board and channels
3.Use cut resistant hand gloves.
4.Use dust restrictive mask, goggles and hand gloves
5.provide proper ventilation
6.Use correct posture while working and ensure adequate breaks should be taken
7.Use dust collector along with the machine while doing the cutting activies
8.Provide sufficient trainings for the demolition workers
9.Provide exhaust fan to route out the dust accumulation inside site
10.Provide good illumination and ventilation
11.Work to permit system shall be implemeted effectively
12.. Exhaust fan shall be provided to exit the dust accumulation
13. Dust arrester gypsum cutter machine shall be used
14. Eye washer kit shall be ensured
15. Battery operated screwing machine
shall be used.
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances and dust
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from
chemical exposure on hands and eyes

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

5..Provide appropriate scaffolding for height work

6..Inspect the scaffolding and grinding machine on daily basis with the checklists.
7.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights
8.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock
9.Adequate training need to be ensured.
10. Shall provide a job specific trainings
11. Work permit must be ensured before the work starts.
12. Provide exhaust fan for chemical substance elimination
13. Povide good illumination and ventilation
14. MSDS should be displayed at site and should
brief to all the POP workers before the work starts.

1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of saw dust

2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect the eyes from saw dust
3.Place a fire extinguisher near the carpentry yard and train workers how to use the
extinguishers 4.
Provide a dedicated carpentry yard with proper fencing and ensure safety signages
5.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT
6.Provide a dedicated carpentry table to avoid ergonomic hazards
7.Housekeeping shll be done periodically
8.Provide fire buckets with water and sand inside the yard and machine secure boxes
for proper placing of idle cutting machines
9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock 4
10.Adequate training need to be ensured.
11. Shall provide a job specific trainings
12. Work permit must be ensured before the work starts.
13. Dust collecting Wood cutting machines shall be used
14."S" hook shall be provided for cable management
15.Power cables and cutting machines shall be inspected
and tagged. 16.Face wash Kit shall be ensured
17.Cement MSDS shall be briefed to all the mason
18.Exhaust fan shall be used to
eliminate the saw dust
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of cement particles
2.Ensure rubber hand gloves and goggles to protect the hands and
eyes from cement dust
3.Exhaust fans shall be ensured at site
4.provide proper illumination and ventilation
5.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT
6.Provide suitable scaffilding to access the designated heights, safety harness must
be used if the working heights goes above 1.8m.
7.Housekeeping shall be done periodically
8.Block should be stacked in safe heights which need to barricade and ensure caution
9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock
10.Adequate training need to be ensured.
11. Shall provide a job specific trainings 4
12. Work permit must be ensured before the work starts.
13. Dust accumulation shall be eliminated by exhaust fans
14."S" hook shall be provided for cable management
15.Power cables and cutting machines shall be inspected
and tagged. 16.Eye washer Kit shall be ensured
17.Workers need to be trained for operating
fire fighting equipment
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from chemical

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards and chemical hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures

6.Ensure basic PPEs

7.Inspect the Marking area for ensure harm free zone. 3

8.Provide appropriate ventiliation and illumination

9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock

10.Adequate training need to be ensured.

11. Ensure the house keeping after the work.
1. ELCB (30mA tripping capacity) will be provided and inspect on daily basis.
2.Inspection the machine Display the tag on the machine.
3. Cable will be routed through overhead and need to be join by connectors
4. Provide IP44/48 rated sockets and ensure no wire/cable joints.
5.Basic PPEs (safety helmet, safety shoes, hand glove, safety goggles, nose mask
6. PAT of machine will be checked prior starting the activity
7.Above 85db noise level, ear plug should be ensured
8. Immediately cement slurry needs to
remove from the floor to avoid slip and fall 9.Debris should be removed
immediately 10. All the hand chipping
and hammering machine shalll be inspected before the work starts and ensure the third party
certificate 11. Inspect the power tools
with the checklist and ensure inspection tag 12. Ensure appropriate
ventilation and illumination 13. Barricade the area
and apply caution signages 14. Night work permit
should be ensured and the related hazards shall be briefed to all the worker who involves in
the cutting an dchipping activities 15.Fire 4
extinguisher training shall be conducted all the workers.
1)5s housekeeping method has to be adapt.
2)Sufficient dust bins to be provide in strategic location. Use vaccum machine rather
than sweeping. 3)Waste
segregation shall be done periodically,
4)Debris has to be remove periodically.
5)Tool box talk to be conduct for workers and brief the Hk hazards
6)Provide basic PPEs
7.Floor Moping shall be done on daily basis.
8.Keep work area clear off debris and remove
tools/equipment when not in use to eliminate trip hazards.
9.Cleaning of all the debris after completing the task.
10.Ensure the waste is always filled up either in stable boxes or plastic bags 3
11.Ensure use of sweeping machine instead of brooms.
12. Fire extinguisher need to ne placed near the debris yard
13. Barricade and proper signages


2 10 Medium
2 6 Low

3 12 Medium
3 9 Medium

3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium

3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium

2 10 Medium
3 12 Medium

3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium

3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
2 6 Low
3 12 medium
2 6 Low
Project Name: WSP

Name of the contractor: Zyeta Interior Pvt Ltd

Work Activity Hazard

1.Frequent movement of Lorry/Tractor

and other heavy vehicles, machinery
2.Injury due to inadvertent and reckless
3..Slip, trips, falls.
may not has a diving licence 5.Lack
of driving skills and unaware of vehicle
movements. 6.
Driver has not aware of safe driving
speed inside and safety signages of the
Traffic movement-Vehicle Movement 7. Vechile has not parked in
1 at site. designated area.
1.Tripping hazard and fall hazards
2. Injury may occurs
3.Unsafe height materials stacking
4..Dishealved nature of stacking
5. Overloading the materials
6.Stacking in inappropriate area at
7.Lack of materials stacking stills and
2 Materials Stacking at Store /site ill equiped
8.Lack of caution signages
9. Fire hazards
10.Lack of barricade ans

1.Fall,trip and slip hazard

2.Lacking of materials handling
skills 3.Dont have a sufficient
material handling equipments
4.Shifters may trap inside the
service lift
5.Improper lifting
postures 6.Lifting and
shifting of unsafe loads 7.lack of
PPEs 8.
9.unfit workers involve in materials
Materials Handling handling
a)From unloading area to site 10. lack of materials handling
b) Inside the side equipment inspection
1.Fall,trip and slip hazard
2.Lacking of materials handling
skills 3.Dont have a lifting

4.Lack of lifting plans

5..Lifting and shifting of unsafe loads
Loading/Unloading Material at the 6..lack of PPEs
ground floor 7. Fatique
8.Lack of
loading and unlaoding area 9.Lack
of rest pause

1. Collapse of scaffolding
2. Fall of materials, hand tools
3. Fall of Person due to slip, trip,
obstruction in access, openings, failure to
anchor safety harness
4. Protruding upright rebars
5. Usage of defective / damaged
6. Uneven ground surface
7. Deployment of untrained & unfit
8. Overloading / lack of supports
/ fixing of bracings, ties, counter pins,
jointers, etc.
9. Awkward posture
10. Unsecured platform, walkways, MS
5 Scaffolding erection & dismantling perforated working platform, etc.
11. Horseplay
12. Poor visibility
13.Lack of PPEs
1.Scaffolding is moved too close to
live electrical wires.
2.Scaffolding is moved with the
person at the top.
3.Scaffolding without handrail and

moving on uneven floor (raceway pit)

6 Working on scaffolding 4.Rash/Forced pulling of scaffolding
5. Lack of overhead eletrical hazard
6.Horse play on scaffolding
7.Inadequate height working
trainings 8.Lack of supervision
9.Lack of PPEs

1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.lack of height working skills and
10.Lack of grinding machine handling
7 Ceiling grinding
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.lack of height working
skills and implementation of Basic
PPEs 9.Poor house
keeping 10.Low
illumination 11.
8 Floor & ceiling Marking for partition
Overhead live wires

1.Hand injuries occurs

3.Electrical hazards
4.Fall of materials,
6.Dust pollution
7.Resporitory health issues
9 Demolition
8.Slip and Trip
10.Environmental hazards
11.Lack of illumination
12. Lack of access and
1.Fall From Height
2.Electrical hazard
5.lack of competence
6.unaware of live
7.Inappropriate scaffolding provided
8.Fire hazards
9.Lack of safety devices

Temporary Lights and DB


1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.lack of height working
skills and implementation of Basic
Gypsum board and GI channel PPEs 9.Poor house
11 fixing
keeping 10.Low
illumination 11.
lack of ventilation
12. Lack of material handling
13. Lack of working devices
1.Dust and chemical inhalation
2.Eye injuries happen by putty
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.lack of height working skills and
12 Putty works/Punning work 10.Lack of putty work equipments
11.Lack of illumination and ventilation
12.Low illumination
13. Poor storage of putty bags

1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye irriatation due to saw dust
3.Saw dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.Fire hazards
10.Lack of good conditional Wood
cutting machine
13 Carpentry works 11.Lack of illumination and
ventilation 12.Huge saw dust
accumulation 13.Ergonomic
hazards 14.Poor
cable management
15.Lack of fire fighting equipment
1.Cement Dust inhalation
2.Eye irriatation due to cement
3.Chemical powder exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury due to hand boils
and fall from height
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.Fire hazards
10.Flammable materials
14 Block works 11.Lack of
illumination and ventilation 12.Poor
tool handling skills 13.Ergonomic
hazards 14.Poor
cable management
15.Poor materials handling
16.Inadequate PPEs
17.Poor materials stacking
and handling
18.Poor scaffolding usage while
donig block works in heights
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye irritation when get contact
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Lack of chemical hazard awareness
5.Health Issues may occur
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.Lack of working skills
and implementation of Basic PPEs
9.Poor house keeping
10.Low illumination and
ventilation 11.Lack of barricade
and caution signages
15 Floor Marking for Raceway
2.Slip &Trip hazards due to the slurry
3. No
Cutting machine calibration
4.Concrete chips may be scattered
5.Other work activity may be performed
inside the chipping area
6.Lack of barricade and cation signages
cable mamangement
8.Poor ventilation and illumination
9.Dust generates while cutting the floor
10.Fall hazard due to raceway pit
11.High Noise level
12.Debris will pile up
Screed Cutting and Chipping for 13. Defect in the
16 Raceway hand chipping tools and hammering m/c

14.Inadequate supervision during night

15.Unaware of Electrical fire hazard
1.Physical injuries occurs
2. Fatique due to over time
4.Fall of men and materials,
6.Dust pollution
7.Low ventilation
8.Slip and Trip

9.Lack of welfare measures

hazards 11.Lack of
illumination 12.
17 Night works Lack of access and agress
13. Inadequte supervision
14.Lack of
15. Non compliances of
Work permit system

16.No provision of security guard

17.Lack of PPEs
18.Inadequate training for height
19.Unware of
hazards during t he night time
20. Working in dark spots
1.slip/trip/fall/health hazard
2.Fire hazard
3. Environmental issue
4.Biological hazards
5.Lack od
cleanliness 6. Dust
7.Debris Accumulation at site

18 Housekeeping

Name & Signature of Site Project Manager :

Name & Signature of Site EHS Manager :

Likelihood x

1 – Very Unlikely
2 – Unlikely
3 – Likely
4 – Very Likely
5 – Almost Certain



1.Vehicle accidents.
2.Stacked materials falling from
3.Damage to materials.
4.Collide with vehicle.
5 3 15
5.Collide with structure.
6.Hitting utilities due to additional
7.Over speeding of vehicle
8. Fatal injuries may occur
1. Minor Physical injuries may
occurs due to the falling of
materials from the stacking
damage will happen 3.
Moving scaffolding cannot ensure
safe movement if the materials
stacked in the undesignated area
4.Fire 3 3 9
hazards due to the flammable
materials stacking 5.
Moving elements may struck on
the stacking area

1.Vehicle may hit someone while

moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle
human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting
on and off the vehicle
4.Material may have sharp
edges and splinters.
5.Material does not adequate side
clearance for lifting.
6.Material in odd shape to carry.
7.Dust inhalation and entry to the
4 4 16

8.Muscle strain will occur due to

the improper lifting postures and
procedures while manual lifting
9.Pinch points between material
and vehicle.
10.Injury to foot
11.Defective plant &machineries
used for unloading
12.Unsafe use of service
1.major physical injury may occur
due to the collapes of unsafe load
2.muscle strain and fracture may
happen while following the wrong
lifting plan
3.Body pain, musceloskeletal pain

3 4 12

1. Major injury / health effect /

illness (fractures, breaking of
organs, injury to body parts)
2. Minor injury / health effect /
3. First Aid Injury / Slight health
4. Property Damage
5.Fall from scaffolding
6. Few of the
scaffolding parts may be

4 4 16
1.Material damage/personnel
injury due to fall from platform
4.Scaffolding may upset and fall
on co-workers
4 4 16

1.long term inhalation causes lung

2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of dust
3.long term exposure
of chemical will cause major health
4.Fatal injury may happen due to
falling from scaffodling
5. Electrocution may occur
due to damaged and uninspected
grinding machine 4 4 16
1.long term inhalation causes lung
2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of dust
3.long term exposure
of chemical will cause major health
4.Fatal injury may happen due to
falling from scaffodling
5. Working near the overhead
live wires
4 4 16

1.Body fracture may occurs due to

fall of debris
2.Electrocution may happen by the
hidden live wires 3.Environmental
pollution 4.Chronic
health issues due to the dust
5.Minor injury may cause due to
lack of PPEs
5 4 20
6.May damage the electrical
devices on wall due to poor
7.Grinding wheel may
broken into pieces in certain RPM
1.Fatal injuries may happen/
2.Electrical fire may occur /
3.Direct contact with live
5.Fall of materials /
6.Cut injury due to hand
tools 7. Current leakages may
catch fire

4 4 16

1.Fall from the height & fall of

2.Defective scaffolding structure.
3.Scaffolding usage on unleveled
surface/ floor
4.Untrained workers engaged for
height works.
5.Cut to hand due to
channel sharp edges
6.Fixing and
4 4 16
cutting of gypsum board creates
dust accumulation
4.Dust inhalation and entry to the
5.Muscle strain due to improper
working posture
1.long term inhalation causes lung
2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of chemical
3.long term exposure
of chemical powder will cause
major health issue
4.Fatal injury may
happen due to falling from
scaffodling 5. May
hit the finger aganist sharp egdes 4 4 16
due to poor illumination
6.Lack of
MSDS knowledge reaurding putty

1.long term inhalation causes lung

2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of dust
3.long term exposure
of saw powder will cause major
health issue/
4.Fatal injury may happen
due to falling from scaffodling
5.Electrocution may
occur due to damaged and 4 4 16
uninspected cutting machine
6. Power
cables may be damaged
7. Body and joints
pain 8.Lackof fire fighting
equipment will lead to fire
1. Bones fracture and spinal cord
damages may occurs due to falling
from the scaffolding
2.Scaffolding may collape due to
the uneven surfaces
3.Incompetence of Masonary
works and unaware of related
4.Long term exposture to cement
5.Respiratory issue will breaout
due to the chemical and dust
6.Workers may not aware of 4 4 16
fire fighting equipment
7. Lack of training
1.Long term inhalation causes
lung disease
2.Eye injuries leads to sight
problem by the effect of chemical
dust substances
3.Long term
exposure of chemical will cause
major health issue/
4.May collide aganist
materials 5.Lack os MSDS
knowledge of marking

3 4 12
1.Electrical shock can lead major
injury to wokers
2.Head and back injury may happen
due to slip and trip
3.Eye vision loss due to flying chips of
4.May not aware of floor cutting
machine working condition
5. May have connections in the
power cables
6.Co workers will be injuried
7.Workers not aware of cable
routings and connections
8. Raceway pits lead to fall of
workers where step into it
9. Due the noise level above
85db, the hearing ability may be 4 4 16
reduce in long term exposure
10.Environment pollution
may happen due to the slurry and
debris pile up
14.Poor tools
maintainence 15.No access
to co2 fire extinguisher
1.Injury may happen due to
unware of power tool operation
2.Electrocution may
happen by the hidden live wires
3.Environmental pollution due to
oil spillage
4.Chronic health issues due
to the dust accumulation
5.Minor injury may
cause due to lack of PPEs
6.May damage
the electrical devices on wall due
to poor illumination

7.Accient/incident may occur due

to the insufficient supervision and 4 4 16
rest pause
person may not know the work
activity happening where the work
permit has not ensured

9. Fire may break out due the

flammable materials and electrical
10. Hazards have not
briefed in TBT
1.Respiratory issues will happen
2.Due to the flammable materials
fire may cause
3. Health hazards will be
breakout due to the environmental
polution 4.Periodic
House keeping is not happening
debris removal is not happening

3 4 12

Mr. Siddharth
Mr. Louis prabhu

Severity = Hazard Score Hazard Rating

1 – First Aid Rating 1 – 8 L – Low

2 – < 3 days Rating 9 – 12 M – Medium
3 – > 3 days Rating 15 – 25 H – High
4 – Long Term
5 – Fatal








DATE:23-04-2024 to 25-04-2024 R-

ACTIVITY: Interior Fit Out

Control Measures INDEX

1)Induction of drivers, operators. Speed limit notices, control of traffic strictly, walk in
the passage or raod sides, avoid roaming inside the site/road.
2)Separate pedestrian/vehicle pathway and speed limit
signages to be display in strategic location
3. Materials shall be
transported site in an appropriate vehicle, avoiding any damages during
transportation. Additionally during transportation the materials must be covered and
protected from weather elements.
4.Driver shall obtain permission from the gate security guard, in order to enter to the
5.Vehicle driver to hold a driving licence and have a vehicle pass to enter into the site.
6.Drivers shall obey site speed limits (Speed limit not more than 10 km/h). 5
7.While manoeuvring on site, a banks man to assist the driver.
8.While entering to site, driver shall check the height clearance in the Upper Basement
9.Driver to ensure that no already installed utilities are damaging.
10.Establish Traffic Management Plan
1)Proper stacking with barricade. signages, heigt limit etc.
2.Supervise the labor while shifting/stacking and store in proper manner
3.Do not exceed 400kgs/square meter.
4.Follow the materials stacking guidelines for safe stacking
5.Stack over the supports,if its a fragile materilas
6.Use stopper for the cylinderical materials stacking
7.Place a fire extingisher near the flammable
materials stack 8. Provide training for the labors
who involved in materials stacking 9. Ensure supervision 3
around the clock while stacking 10.Store the
liquid items in the containers
11.Barricade the area and ensure appropriate signages

1.Mechanical handling can be preferred

2.Use cut / abrasive resistant gloves, pad up the uneven surface.
3.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
4.Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting.
5.Discuss with team and then lift the material.
6.Use the material trolley whenever possible.
7.Wear face mask and goggles while t handling the chemical materials.
8.Check the specification of the material to ascertain the weight.
9.Make use of the trolley or gunny bags to shift any loose material.
10.Find out the feasibility of lifting the material without placing hand below the material.
11.Try to take assistance if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
12.Do not make single person manual lift if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
12.Take proper and safe body positioning before handling materials.
13.Check the vehicle for any falling or loose material that may fall on and hard hat
should be always worn. 4
14.Trained operator shall be engaged for material handling machine operation.
15.Shall get the support of service lift operator for shifting of materials
16. Mechanical handling equipments shall be inspected and ensure
safety tags
1.use of mechanical aid such as trolley,
2.Avoid Stooping/twisting while lifting the load.
3.Stabilize an unstable load by securing it.
4.Ensure the individual capabilities for the
load carried by the operatives.
5.Use of appropriate PPEs
6.Manual handling training for operatives
7.Deploy skilled and fit workers for 3
loading and unloading 8.Stick with the
lifting plan always
9.provide necessary rest pauses.

1. Scaffold to be erected on levelled and firm ground with out triggers

2. Screening of workers to be done along with height phobia test.
3. Trained & experienced workers to be engaged for erection and dismantling of scaffold
4. Qualified and experienced scaffold inspector to be deployed, Scaffold tag to be signed by
scaffold inspector along with scaffold identification register
5. Scaffolding methodology & mock up to be approved by design consultant
6. Additional support with permanent structure to be provided for scaffold if the base to height
ratio is more than 1:4
7. Access to be provided for reaching the work location and when the working height goes
above 1.8m, will provide a safety harness
8. Working Platform to be fully boarded / 600 mm width & secured, mid rails, handrails and toe
board to be provided.
9. Double lanyard full body harness with shock absorber / retractable personnel fall arrest
system, rope grab fall arrestor to be used by the workers doing the scaffolding.
10. Loose material not to be kept on top of scaffold and not to be overloaded.
11. Hand tools, materials to be secured so that it will not fall even if mishandled.
12. Training for scaffolders to be done by the vendors (weekly, fortnightly, monthly). 4
13. Safety Helmet, Shoes, Hand gloves to be used.
14. While erection and dismantling, safety watcher need to be deployed and barricading the
area below to be done and display of signage to be done as per the activity.
15. Material not to be thrown from the top of the scaffold / elevated levels.
16. If the scaffold material is shifted with mechanical equipment, relevant precautions of
Loading and Unloading of Materials by Mechanical Equipment to be reviewed.
17. Lifeline to be provided for anchoring the safety harness.
18. Electrical cables not to be routed / anchored through the scaffolds towers / frames.
19. Lighting to be provided for clear visibility.
20. Training on emergency rescue to be conducted for the workers engaged in the activity.
21.Wheel locking system should be inspected in mobile scaffolfing
22. Inspect the scaffolding on daily basis and provide safety tags.
1.Approved scaffolding with safety tagging.
2.Permit to work system need to be implemented
3.Job specific training for operatives.
4.Working Area has to be
barricaded along with proper signages. 5.Safety
harness shall necessary when the working height goes above 1.8m
6.Provide sufficient height work training
7.Adequate supervision required around the clock 4
8.Stick with basic PPEs
9.Ensure guard rails while height height
working 10. Scaffolding wheels
should be locked to arrest free movement of scaffolding.

1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances and dust

2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from
chemical exposure on hands and eyes

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

6.Provide appropriate scaffolding for height work

7.Inspect the scaffolding and grinding machine on daily basis with the checklists.

8.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights 4

9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock

10.Adequate training need to be ensured.

11. Shall provide a job specific trainings
12. Work permit must be ensured
before the work starts. 13. Dust collecting
grinding machines shall be used
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from chemical

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures

6.Provide appropriate scaffolding for height work

7.Inspect the scaffolding on daily basis with the checklists.

8.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights

9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock

10.Adequate training need to be ensured.

11. All the electrical cables are connected by connectors and

1.Strictly implement the basic PPEs

2.Demolish partially to maintain the safe working procedures
3.Provide rest pause for the workers to avoid fatique and numbness

4.Brief the safe working method before the work start

5.Proper supervision need to be done
6.Debris removal should happen immediately which lead to slip and trip and
environmental issues.
7.Provide sufficient trainings for the demolition workers
8.Provide exhaust fan to route out the dust accumulation inside
site 9.Provide good illumination and ventilation
10.Work to permit system shall be
implemeted effectively 11.Barricade the area and
provide caution signages 12. ISI
marked grinding wheel shall be provided
13.Grinding machine shall be inspected and tagged
1.Pre inspection need to be ensured for no live wires avaliblities
2. Use cut resistance gloves
3. Only certified working platform should be used at work place.
4. Loose materials don’t keep at the edge side of the working platform (Tools kit must
be used at working platform for keeping the tools)
5. Don’t move mobile scaffold while Men on the platform.
6. Ensure the hand rail & toe board as per standard while working on the platform.
7. Use specific hand tools for the work check for grip of the hand tool.
8.Fully boarded working platform with guard rail and wheel locking system
9.Provide a certified electrician for lights installation
10.Do the temporary lights installtion in the day time
11.Provide a fire extinguisher near the work activity
12. Ensure proper supervision and
PTW system 13.Provide job specific
training for the electricians
14. Provide 30mA RCCB in all the temporary DBs. 4
15. Avoid joints and insulation on the power cables used in
temporary lights and DB 16. Use connectors in all the cable joints
17.LOTO system to be
implemented during tapping from exiting panel 18.Ensure the valid
Checklist of the DB.
19.The Competent B License holder should check the DB periodically.
20.Ensure the Distribution Box should contain proper female Sockets with inbuilt cap.
21.DB Tripping Test certificate to be submitted
22.Emergency contact number to be displayed near the DB

1.Safe scaffold structure shall be tagged with GREEN tag by inspecting and filling the checklist
for records.
2.Competency card should be issued for trained workers on height works. Do not load the
working platform with gypsum board and channels
3.Use cut resistant hand gloves.
4.Use dust restrictive mask, goggles and hand gloves
5.provide proper ventilation
6.Use correct posture while working and ensure adequate breaks should be taken
7.Use dust collector along with the machine while doing the cutting activies
8.Provide sufficient trainings for the demolition workers
9.Provide exhaust fan to route out the dust accumulation inside site
10.Provide good illumination and ventilation
11.Work to permit system shall be implemeted effectively
12.. Exhaust fan shall be provided to exit the dust
accumulation 13. Dust arrester gypsum cutter machine
shall be used 14. Eye washer kit shall
be ensured 15.
Battery operated screwing machine shall be used.
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances and dust
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from
chemical exposure on hands and eyes

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

5..Provide appropriate scaffolding for height work

6..Inspect the scaffolding and grinding machine on daily basis with the checklists.
7.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights
8.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock
9.Adequate training need to be ensured.
10. Shall provide a job specific trainings
11. Work permit must be ensured
before the work starts. 12. Provide exhaust
fan for chemical substance elimination 13.
Povide good illumination and ventilation
14. MSDS should be displayed at site and should brief
to all the POP workers before the work starts.

1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of saw dust

2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect the eyes from saw dust
3.Place a fire extinguisher near the carpentry yard and train workers how to use the
4. Provide a dedicated carpentry yard with proper
fencing and ensure safety signages
5.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT
6.Provide a dedicated carpentry table to avoid ergonomic hazards
7.Housekeeping shll be done periodically
8.Provide fire buckets with water and sand inside the yard and machine secure boxes
for proper placing of idle cutting machines 4
9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock
10.Adequate training need to be ensured.
11. Shall provide a job specific trainings
12. Work permit must be ensured
before the work starts. 13. Dust collecting
Wood cutting machines shall be used 14."S"
hook shall be provided for cable management
15.Power cables and cutting machines shall be inspected and
tagged. 16.Face wash Kit shall be ensured
17.Cement MSDS shall be
briefed to all the mason 18.Exhaust
fan shall be used to eliminate the saw dust
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of cement particles
2.Ensure rubber hand gloves and goggles to protect the hands and
eyes from cement dust
3.Exhaust fans shall be ensured at site
4.provide proper illumination and ventilation
5.Health hazards need to be briefed in the TBT
6.Provide suitable scaffilding to access the designated heights, safety harness must
be used if the working heights goes above 1.8m.
7.Housekeeping shall be done periodically
8.Block should be stacked in safe heights which need to barricade and ensure caution
9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock
10.Adequate training need to be ensured.
11. Shall provide a job specific trainings 4
12. Work permit must be ensured
before the work starts. 13. Dust
accumulation shall be eliminated by exhaust fans
14."S" hook shall be provided for cable management
15.Power cables and cutting machines shall be inspected and
tagged. 16.Eye washer Kit shall be ensured
17.Workers need to be trained for operating fire
fighting equipment
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from chemical

3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands

4.Health hazards and chemical hazards need to be briefed in the TBT

5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures

6.Ensure basic PPEs

7.Inspect the Marking area for ensure harm free zone. 3

8.Provide appropriate ventiliation and illumination

9.Provide appropriate supervision around the clock

10.Adequate training need to be ensured.

11. Ensure the house keeping after the work.
1. ELCB (30mA tripping capacity) will be provided and inspect on daily basis.
2.Inspection the machine Display the tag on the machine.
3. Cable will be routed through overhead and need to be join by connectors
4. Provide IP44/48 rated sockets and ensure no wire/cable joints.
5.Basic PPEs (safety helmet, safety shoes, hand glove, safety goggles, nose mask
6. PAT of machine will be checked prior starting the activity
7.Above 85db noise level, ear plug should be ensured
8. Immediately cement slurry needs to
remove from the floor to avoid slip and fall 9.Debris should be removed
immediately 10. All the hand chipping
and hammering machine shalll be inspected before the work starts and ensure the third party
certificate 11. Inspect the power tools
with the checklist and ensure inspection tag 12. Ensure appropriate
ventilation and illumination 13. Barricade the area
and apply caution signages 14. Night work permit
should be ensured and the related hazards shall be briefed to all the worker who involves in
the cutting an dchipping activities 15.Fire 4
extinguisher training shall be conducted all the workers.
1.Pre inspection need to be ensured for no live wires avaliblities in the work area
2. Use high reflective safety jackets
3. Only certified scaffolding working platform should be used at work place.
4. Loose materials don’t keep at the edge side of the working platform (Tools kit must
be used at working platform for keeping the tools)
5. Don’t move mobile scaffold while Men on the platform.
6. Ensure the hand rail & toe board as per standard while working on the platform.
7. Use specific hand tools for the work check for grip of the hand tool.
8.Fully boarded working platform with guard rail and wheel locking system
9.Provide a certified electrician for lights installation
10.Do the major electrical works in the date time to avid
major risk 11.Provide a fire
extinguisher near the work activity
12. Ensure proper supervision and PTW system
13.Provide job specific training for the electricians and other personnels
who do night works. 4
14. Provide 30mA RCCB in all
the temporary DBs. 15.
Avoid joints and insulation on the power cables used in temporary lights and DB
16. Use connectors in all the cable joints
17.LOTO system to be implemented during tapping from
exiting panel 18. Emergency contact details shall be diplayed at
site 19.Ensure inspected
scaffolding, power tools , fire extinguisher
20.Provide good ventillation and sufficient illumination
21.Ensure Access and Egress
22..Ensure welfare
measures for all the workers during the night hours
1)5s housekeeping method has to be adapt.
2)Sufficient dust bins to be provide in strategic location. Use
vaccum machine rather than sweeping.
3)Waste segregation shall be done
periodically, 4)Debris has to be
remove periodically.
5)Tool box talk to be conduct for workers and brief the Hk hazards
6)Provide basic PPEs
7.Floor Moping shall be
done on daily basis. 8.Keep
work area clear off debris and remove tools/equipment when not in use to eliminate
trip hazards. 3
9.Cleaning of all the debris after completing the task.
10.Ensure the waste is always filled up either in stable boxes or plastic bags
11.Ensure use of sweeping machine instead of brooms.
12. Fire extinguisher need to ne placed near the debris yard
13. Barricade and proper signages


2 10 Medium
2 6 Low

3 12 Medium
3 9 Medium

3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium

3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium

2 10 Medium
3 12 Medium

3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium

3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
2 6 Low
3 12 medium
3 12 Medium
2 6 Low
Project Name: Firstsouce

Name of the contractor: Smartwork

Work Activity Hazard

1.Frequent movement of Lorry/Tractor

and other heavy vehicles, machinery
2.Injury due to inadvertent and reckless
3..Slip, trips, falls.
may not has a diving licence 5.Lack
of driving skills and unaware of vehicle
6. Driver has not aware of safe
driving speed inside and safety signages
of the site
7. Vechile has
1 Traffic movement-Vehicle Movement at site.
not parked in designated area.
1.Frequent movement of Lorry/Tractor
and other heavy vehicles, machinery
2.Injury due to inadvertent and
reckless driving.

3..Slip, trips, falls.

4.Driver may not has a diving
licence 5.Lack of driving skills
2 Vehicle entering from gate to Site location. and unaware of vehicle movements.
Driver has not aware of safe driving
speed inside and safety signages of
the site
7. Vechile
has not parked in designated area.

1.Fall,trip and slip hazard

2.Lacking of materials handling
3.Dont have a sufficient material
handling equipments.

4.Improper lifting postures.

5.Lifting and shifting of
unsafe loads.
6.lack of PPEs
DG Handling 7. Fatique.
a) Standing the crane in the allocated site 8.unfit workers involve in
location materials handling.
b)Lifting/loading DG with crane from site. 9. lack of materials handling
equipment inspection.
3 c)Movement of the Crane till DG
placement location.
d) Placement/unloading of DG at terrace
floor of DG room.
1. Fall of person / structure collapse.
2. Failure of hydraulic jack.
3. fall of tools/ electrical hazard/
collision with the moving.

4 Raising the Height of Tower crane

1.Failure of equipment/Stuck to the
any object.

5 Shifting of DG
1. Accidents due to Misconduct of TC
2.High velocity wind, Crane tipping
over due to overload

6 5.Operation of crane.
1. Fault of the equipment.

4.Inspection and verification of tower

1. Fall of person / structure collapse.
2. Failure of hydraulic jack.
3. fall of tools/ electrical hazard/
collision with the moving.

8 Erection of Mini Mobile crane-

1.Fall,trip and slip hazard
2.Lacking of materials handling
3.Dont have a sufficient material
handling equipments.

4.Improper lifting postures.

5.Lifting and shifting of
unsafe loads.
6.lack of PPEs
7. Fatique.
8.unfit workers involve in
ATS Panel Handling materials handling.
a) Parking the crane in the unloading 9. lack of materials handling
area. equipment inspection.
9 b) Lifting of the ATS panel from unloading
area to DG area.
c) Unloading of ATS panel at the terrace
of the DG room.

Name & Signature of Site Project Manager :

Name & Signature of Site EHS Manager :

Likelihood x

1 – Very Unlikely
2 – Unlikely
3 – Likely
4 – Very Likely
5 – Almost Certain


1.Vehicle accidents.
2.Stacked materials falling from vehicle.
3.Damage to materials.
4.Collide with vehicle.
5.Collide with structure.
6.Hitting utilities due to additional height.
7.Over speeding of vehicle
8. Fatal injuries may occur

5 3
1. Minor Physical injuries may occurs due to the falling
of materials from the stacking
2.Property damage will happen
3. Moving scaffolding cannot ensure safe movement if
the materials stacked in the undesignated area
4.Fire hazards due to the flammable
materials stacking
5. Moving elements may struck on the stacking area
3 3

1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.

2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.

4.Material may have sharp edges and splinters.

5.Material does not adequate side clearance for lifting.
6.Material in odd shape to carry.
7.Dust inhalation and entry to the eye.

8.Pinch points between material and vehicle.

9.Injury to foot
10.Defective plant &machineries used for unloading.

4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.

4.Material does not adequate side clearance for lifting.

5.Material in odd shape to carry.

6.Pinch points between material and vehicle.

7.Injury to foot
8.Defective plant &machineries used for unloading.

4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.

6.Material does not adequate side clearance for lifting.

7.Material in odd shape to carry.
8.Dust inhalation and entry to the eye.

9.Pinch points between material and vehicle.

10.Injury to foot
11.Defective plant &machineries used for unloading.

4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.

4.Material may have sharp edges and splinters.

5.Material does not adequate side clearance for lifting.
6.Material in odd shape to carry.
7.Dust inhalation and entry to the eye.

8.Pinch points between material and vehicle.

9.Injury to foot
10.Defective plant &machineries used for unloading.

4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.

4.Material may have sharp edges and splinters.

5.Material does not adequate side clearance for lifting.
6.Material in odd shape to carry.
7.Dust inhalation and entry to the eye.

8.Pinch points between material and vehicle.

9.Injury to foot
10.Defective plant &machineries used for unloading.

4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.

4.Material does not adequate side clearance for lifting.

5.Material in odd shape to carry.

4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.

4.Material may have sharp edges and splinters.

5.Material in odd shape to carry.
6.Dust inhalation and entry to the eye.

7.Pinch points between material and vehicle.

8.Injury to foot

3 4

Devesh Mishra
Vishal Joil, Manoj and Zuber

Severity = Hazard Score

1 – First Aid Rating 1 – 8

2 – < 3 days Rating 9 – 12
3 – > 3 days Rating 15 – 25
4 – Long Term
5 – Fatal



15 Medium
9 Medium

16 high
15 High
15 High
15 High
12 High
15 High
12 high

Hazard Rating

L – Low
M – Medium
H – High
DATE: 19-07-2024

ACTIVITY: Unloading of DG and Shifting to terrace of DG Room.

Control Measures

1)Induction of drivers, operators. Speed limit notices, control of traffic strictly, walk in
the passage or raod sides, avoid roaming inside the site/road.

2)Separate pedestrian/vehicle pathway and speed limit signages to be display in

strategic location
3. Materials shall be transported site in an
appropriate vehicle, avoiding any damages during transportation. Additionally during
transportation the materials must be covered and protected from weather elements.
4.Driver shall obtain permission from the gate security guard, in order to enter to the
5.Vehicle driver to hold a driving licence and have a vehicle pass to enter into the site.
6.Drivers shall obey site speed limits (Speed limit not more than 10 km/h).
7.While manoeuvring on site, a banks man to assist the driver.
8.While entering to site, driver shall check the height clearance in the Upper Basement
9.Driver to ensure that no already installed utilities are damaging.
10.Establish Traffic Management Plan
1)Proper stacking with barricade. signages, heigt limit etc.
2.Supervise the labor while shifting/stacking and store in proper manner
3.Do not exceed 400kgs/square meter.
4.Follow the materials stacking guidelines for safe stacking
5.Stack over the supports,if its a fragile materilas
6.Use stopper for the cylinderical materials stacking
7.Place a fire extingisher near the flammable
materials stack 8. Provide training for the labors
who involved in materials stacking 9. Ensure supervision
around the clock while stacking 10.Store the
liquid items in the containers
11.Barricade the area and ensure appropriate signages

1.Mechanical handling can be preferred

2.Use cut / abrasive resistant gloves, pad up the uneven surface.
3.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
4.Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting.
5.Discuss with team and then lift the material.
6.Use the material trolley whenever possible.
7.Wear face mask and goggles while t handling the chemical materials.
8.Check the specification of the material to ascertain the weight.
9.Make use of the trolley or gunny bags to shift any loose material.
10.Find out the feasibility of lifting the material without placing hand below the material.
11.Try to take assistance if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
12.Do not make single person manual lift if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
12.Take proper and safe body positioning before handling materials.
13.Check the vehicle for any falling or loose material that may fall on and hard hat
should be always worn.
14.Trained operator shall be engaged for material handling machine operation.
15.Shall get the support of service lift operator for shifting of materials
16. Mechanical handling equipments shall be inspected and ensure
safety tags
1.Mechanical handling can be preferred
2.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
3.Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting.
4.Discuss with team and then lift the material.
5.Check the specification of the material to ascertain the weight.
6.Find out the feasibility of lifting the material without placing hand below the material.
7.Do not make single person manual lift if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
8.Check the vehicle for any falling or loose material that may fall on and hard hat
should be always worn.
9.Trained operator shall be engaged for material handling machine operation.
10.Shall get the support of service lift operator for shifting of materials
11. Mechanical handling equipments shall be inspected and ensure
safety tags
1.Mechanical handling can be preferred
2.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
3.Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting.
4.Discuss with team and then lift the material.
5.Use the material trolley whenever possible.
6.Wear face mask and goggles while t handling the chemical materials.
7.Check the specification of the material to ascertain the weight.
8.Make use of the trolley or gunny bags to shift any loose material.
9.Try to take assistance if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
10.Do not make single person manual lift if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
11.Take proper and safe body positioning before handling materials.
12.Trained operator shall be engaged for material handling machine operation.
13.Shall get the support of service lift operator for shifting of materials
1.Mechanical handling can be preferred
2.Use cut / abrasive resistant gloves, pad up the uneven surface.
3.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
4.Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting.
5.Discuss with team and then lift the material.
6.Use the material trolley whenever possible.
7.Wear face mask and goggles while t handling the chemical materials.
8.Check the specification of the material to ascertain the weight.
9.Make use of the trolley or gunny bags to shift any loose material.
10.Find out the feasibility of lifting the material without placing hand below the material.
1.Use cut / abrasive resistant gloves, pad up the uneven surface.
2.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
3.Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting.
4.Discuss with team and then lift the material.
5.Use the material trolley whenever possible.
6.Wear face mask and goggles while t handling the chemical materials.
7.Check the specification of the material to ascertain the weight.
8.Trained operator shall be engaged for material handling machine operation.
9.Shall get the support of service lift operator for shifting of materials
10. Mechanical handling equipments shall be inspected and ensure safety
1.Mechanical handling can be preferred
2.Use cut / abrasive resistant gloves, pad up the uneven surface.
3.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
4.Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting.
5.Discuss with team and then lift the material.
6.Try to take assistance if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
7.Do not make single person manual lift if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
8.Take proper and safe body positioning before handling materials.
9.Check the vehicle for any falling or loose material that may fall on and hard hat
should be always worn.
10.Trained operator shall be engaged for material handling machine operation.
11.Shall get the support of service lift operator for shifting of materials
12. Mechanical handling equipments shall be inspected and ensure
safety tags
1.Mechanical handling can be preferred
2.Use cut / abrasive resistant gloves, pad up the uneven surface.
3.Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and vehicle
sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of the item carried.
4.Try to take assistance if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
5.Do not make single person manual lift if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs.
6.Take proper and safe body positioning before handling materials.
7.Check the vehicle for any falling or loose material that may fall on and hard hat
should be always worn.
8.Trained operator shall be engaged for material handling machine operation.


5 2 10 Medium
3 2 6 Low

4 3 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
3 3 9 Medium

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