13 Housekeeping 3 4 12 Medium
Control Measures
1)Induction of drivers, operators. Speed limit notices, control of traffic strictly, walk in
the passage or raod sides, avoid roaming inside the site/road.
2)Separate pedestrian/vehicle pathway and speed limit signages to be display
in strategic location
3. Materials shall be transported site in an appropriate vehicle, avoiding
any damages during transportation. Additionally during transportation the materials
must be covered and protected from weather elements.
4.Driver shall obtain permission from the gate security guard, in order to enter to the
5.Vehicle driver to hold a driving licence and have a vehicle pass to enter into the site.
6.Drivers shall obey site speed limits (Speed limit not more than 10 km/h).
7.While manoeuvring on site, a banks man to assist the driver. 5 2 10 Medium
8.While entering to site, driver shall check the height clearance in the Upper Basement
9.Driver to ensure that no already installed utilities are damaging.
10.Establish Traffic Management Plan
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
7.Inspect the scaffolding and grinding machine on daily basis with the checklists.
8.Provide appropriate scaffolding to get easy access to the designated heights 4 3 12 Medium
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures
1.Safe scaffold structure shall be tagged with GREEN tag by inspecting and filling the checklist
for records.
2.Competency card should be issued for trained workers on height works. Do not load the
working platform with gypsum board and channels
3.Use cut resistant hand gloves.
4.Use dust restrictive mask, goggles and hand gloves
5.provide proper ventilation
6.Use correct posture while working and ensure adequate breaks should be taken
7.Use dust collector along with the machine while doing the cutting activies
8.Provide sufficient trainings for the demolition workers
4 3 12 Medium
9.Provide exhaust fan to route out the dust accumulation inside site
10.Provide good illumination and ventilation
11.Work to permit system shall be implemeted effectively
12.. Exhaust fan shall be provided to exit the dust accumulation
13. Dust arrester gypsum cutter machine shall be used
14. Eye washer kit shall be ensured
15. Battery operated screwing machine
shall be used.
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances and dust
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from
chemical exposure on hands and eyes
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
Work Activity Hazard
1. Collapse of scaffolding
2. Fall of materials, hand tools
3. Fall of Person due to slip, trip,
obstruction in access, openings, failure to
anchor safety harness
4. Protruding upright rebars
5. Usage of defective / damaged
6. Uneven ground surface
7. Deployment of untrained & unfit
8. Overloading / lack of supports
/ fixing of bracings, ties, counter pins,
jointers, etc.
9. Awkward posture
10. Unsecured platform, walkways, MS
5 Scaffolding erection & dismantling perforated working platform, etc.
11. Horseplay
12. Poor visibility
13.Lack of PPEs
1.Scaffolding is moved too close to
live electrical wires.
2.Scaffolding is moved with the
person at the top.
3.Scaffolding without handrail and
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.lack of height working skills and
10.Lack of grinding machine handling
7 Ceiling grinding
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.lack of height working
skills and implementation of Basic
PPEs 9.Poor house
keeping 10.Low
illumination 11.
8 Floor & ceiling Marking for partition
Overhead live wires
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.lack of height working
skills and implementation of Basic
Gypsum board and GI channel PPEs 9.Poor house
11 fixing
keeping 10.Low
illumination 11.
lack of ventilation
12. Lack of material handling
13. Lack of working devices
1.Dust and chemical inhalation
2.Eye injuries happen by putty
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.lack of height working skills and
12 Putty works/Punning work 10.Lack of putty work equipments
11.Lack of illumination and ventilation
12.Low illumination
13. Poor storage of putty bags
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye irriatation due to saw dust
3.Saw dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.Fire hazards
10.Lack of good conditional Wood
cutting machine
13 Carpentry works 11.Lack of illumination and
ventilation 12.Huge saw dust
accumulation 13.Ergonomic
hazards 14.Poor
cable management
15.Lack of fire fighting equipment
1.Cement Dust inhalation
2.Eye irriatation due to cement
3.Chemical powder exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury due to hand boils
and fall from height
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.Fire hazards
10.Flammable materials
14 Block works 11.Lack of
illumination and ventilation 12.Poor
tool handling skills 13.Ergonomic
hazards 14.Poor
cable management
15.Poor materials handling
16.Inadequate PPEs
17.Poor materials stacking
and handling
18.Poor scaffolding usage while
donig block works in heights
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye irritation when get contact
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Lack of chemical hazard awareness
5.Health Issues may occur
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.Lack of working skills
and implementation of Basic PPEs
9.Poor house keeping
10.Low illumination and
ventilation 11.Lack of barricade
and caution signages
15 Floor Marking for Raceway
2.Slip &Trip hazards due to the slurry
3. No
Cutting machine calibration
4.Concrete chips may be scattered
5.Other work activity may be performed
inside the chipping area
6.Lack of barricade and cation signages
cable mamangement
8.Poor ventilation and illumination
9.Dust generates while cutting the floor
10.Fall hazard due to raceway pit
11.High Noise level
12.Debris will pile up
Screed Cutting and Chipping for 13. Defect in the
16 Raceway hand chipping tools and hammering m/c
17 Housekeeping
Likelihood x
1 – Very Unlikely
2 – Unlikely
3 – Likely
4 – Very Likely
5 – Almost Certain
1.Vehicle accidents.
2.Stacked materials falling from
3.Damage to materials.
4.Collide with vehicle.
5 3 15
5.Collide with structure.
6.Hitting utilities due to additional
7.Over speeding of vehicle
8. Fatal injuries may occur
1. Minor Physical injuries may
occurs due to the falling of
materials from the stacking
damage will happen 3.
Moving scaffolding cannot ensure
safe movement if the materials
stacked in the undesignated area
4.Fire 3 3 9
hazards due to the flammable
materials stacking 5.
Moving elements may struck on
the stacking area
3 4 12
4 4 16
1.Material damage/personnel
injury due to fall from platform
4.Scaffolding may upset and fall
on co-workers
4 4 16
4 4 16
3 4 12
1.Electrical shock can lead major
injury to wokers
2.Head and back injury may happen
due to slip and trip
3.Eye vision loss due to flying chips of
4.May not aware of floor cutting
machine working condition
5. May have connections in the
power cables
6.Co workers will be injuried
7.Workers not aware of cable
routings and connections
8. Raceway pits lead to fall of
workers where step into it
9. Due the noise level above
85db, the hearing ability may be 4 4 16
reduce in long term exposure
10.Environment pollution
may happen due to the slurry and
debris pile up
14.Poor tools
maintainence 15.No access
to co2 fire extinguisher
1.Respiratory issues will happen
2.Due to the flammable materials
fire may cause
3. Health hazards will be
breakout due to the environmental
polution 4.Periodic
House keeping is not happening
debris removal is not happening
3 4 12
Mr. Siddharth
Mr. Louis prabhu
DATE:23-04-2024 to 25-04-2024 R-
Control Measures INDEX
1)Induction of drivers, operators. Speed limit notices, control of traffic strictly, walk in
the passage or raod sides, avoid roaming inside the site/road.
2)Separate pedestrian/vehicle pathway and speed limit signages to be display
in strategic location
3. Materials shall be transported site in an appropriate vehicle, avoiding
any damages during transportation. Additionally during transportation the materials
must be covered and protected from weather elements.
4.Driver shall obtain permission from the gate security guard, in order to enter to the
5.Vehicle driver to hold a driving licence and have a vehicle pass to enter into the site.
6.Drivers shall obey site speed limits (Speed limit not more than 10 km/h).
7.While manoeuvring on site, a banks man to assist the driver. 5
8.While entering to site, driver shall check the height clearance in the Upper Basement
9.Driver to ensure that no already installed utilities are damaging.
10.Establish Traffic Management Plan
1)Proper stacking with barricade. signages, heigt limit etc.
2.Supervise the labor while shifting/stacking and store in proper manner
3.Do not exceed 400kgs/square meter.
4.Follow the materials stacking guidelines for safe stacking
5.Stack over the supports,if its a fragile materilas
6.Use stopper for the cylinderical materials stacking
7.Place a fire extingisher near the flammable
materials stack 8. Provide training for the labors who
involved in materials stacking 9. Ensure supervision around the 3
clock while stacking 10.Store the liquid
items in the containers 11.Barricade the
area and ensure appropriate signages
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
7.Inspect the scaffolding and grinding machine on daily basis with the checklists.
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures
1.Safe scaffold structure shall be tagged with GREEN tag by inspecting and filling the checklist
for records.
2.Competency card should be issued for trained workers on height works. Do not load the
working platform with gypsum board and channels
3.Use cut resistant hand gloves.
4.Use dust restrictive mask, goggles and hand gloves
5.provide proper ventilation
6.Use correct posture while working and ensure adequate breaks should be taken
7.Use dust collector along with the machine while doing the cutting activies
8.Provide sufficient trainings for the demolition workers
9.Provide exhaust fan to route out the dust accumulation inside site
10.Provide good illumination and ventilation
11.Work to permit system shall be implemeted effectively
12.. Exhaust fan shall be provided to exit the dust accumulation
13. Dust arrester gypsum cutter machine shall be used
14. Eye washer kit shall be ensured
15. Battery operated screwing machine
shall be used.
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances and dust
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from
chemical exposure on hands and eyes
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures
2 10 Medium
2 6 Low
3 12 Medium
3 9 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
2 10 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
2 6 Low
3 12 medium
2 6 Low
Project Name: WSP
Work Activity Hazard
1. Collapse of scaffolding
2. Fall of materials, hand tools
3. Fall of Person due to slip, trip,
obstruction in access, openings, failure to
anchor safety harness
4. Protruding upright rebars
5. Usage of defective / damaged
6. Uneven ground surface
7. Deployment of untrained & unfit
8. Overloading / lack of supports
/ fixing of bracings, ties, counter pins,
jointers, etc.
9. Awkward posture
10. Unsecured platform, walkways, MS
5 Scaffolding erection & dismantling perforated working platform, etc.
11. Horseplay
12. Poor visibility
13.Lack of PPEs
1.Scaffolding is moved too close to
live electrical wires.
2.Scaffolding is moved with the
person at the top.
3.Scaffolding without handrail and
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.lack of height working skills and
10.Lack of grinding machine handling
7 Ceiling grinding
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.lack of height working
skills and implementation of Basic
PPEs 9.Poor house
keeping 10.Low
illumination 11.
8 Floor & ceiling Marking for partition
Overhead live wires
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye injuries
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.lack of height working
skills and implementation of Basic
Gypsum board and GI channel PPEs 9.Poor house
11 fixing
keeping 10.Low
illumination 11.
lack of ventilation
12. Lack of material handling
13. Lack of working devices
1.Dust and chemical inhalation
2.Eye injuries happen by putty
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.lack of height working skills and
12 Putty works/Punning work 10.Lack of putty work equipments
11.Lack of illumination and ventilation
12.Low illumination
13. Poor storage of putty bags
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye irriatation due to saw dust
3.Saw dust exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.Fire hazards
10.Lack of good conditional Wood
cutting machine
13 Carpentry works 11.Lack of illumination and
ventilation 12.Huge saw dust
accumulation 13.Ergonomic
hazards 14.Poor
cable management
15.Lack of fire fighting equipment
1.Cement Dust inhalation
2.Eye irriatation due to cement
3.Chemical powder exposure
4.Health Issues may occur
5.Fall from height
6.Physical injury due to hand boils
and fall from height
7.Slip and trip hazards
9.Fire hazards
10.Flammable materials
14 Block works 11.Lack of
illumination and ventilation 12.Poor
tool handling skills 13.Ergonomic
hazards 14.Poor
cable management
15.Poor materials handling
16.Inadequate PPEs
17.Poor materials stacking
and handling
18.Poor scaffolding usage while
donig block works in heights
1.Dust inhalation
2.Eye irritation when get contact
3.Chemical and dust exposure
4.Lack of chemical hazard awareness
5.Health Issues may occur
6.Physical injury
7.Slip and trip hazards
8.Lack of working skills
and implementation of Basic PPEs
9.Poor house keeping
10.Low illumination and
ventilation 11.Lack of barricade
and caution signages
15 Floor Marking for Raceway
2.Slip &Trip hazards due to the slurry
3. No
Cutting machine calibration
4.Concrete chips may be scattered
5.Other work activity may be performed
inside the chipping area
6.Lack of barricade and cation signages
cable mamangement
8.Poor ventilation and illumination
9.Dust generates while cutting the floor
10.Fall hazard due to raceway pit
11.High Noise level
12.Debris will pile up
Screed Cutting and Chipping for 13. Defect in the
16 Raceway hand chipping tools and hammering m/c
18 Housekeeping
Likelihood x
1 – Very Unlikely
2 – Unlikely
3 – Likely
4 – Very Likely
5 – Almost Certain
1.Vehicle accidents.
2.Stacked materials falling from
3.Damage to materials.
4.Collide with vehicle.
5 3 15
5.Collide with structure.
6.Hitting utilities due to additional
7.Over speeding of vehicle
8. Fatal injuries may occur
1. Minor Physical injuries may
occurs due to the falling of
materials from the stacking
damage will happen 3.
Moving scaffolding cannot ensure
safe movement if the materials
stacked in the undesignated area
4.Fire 3 3 9
hazards due to the flammable
materials stacking 5.
Moving elements may struck on
the stacking area
3 4 12
4 4 16
1.Material damage/personnel
injury due to fall from platform
4.Scaffolding may upset and fall
on co-workers
4 4 16
4 4 16
3 4 12
1.Electrical shock can lead major
injury to wokers
2.Head and back injury may happen
due to slip and trip
3.Eye vision loss due to flying chips of
4.May not aware of floor cutting
machine working condition
5. May have connections in the
power cables
6.Co workers will be injuried
7.Workers not aware of cable
routings and connections
8. Raceway pits lead to fall of
workers where step into it
9. Due the noise level above
85db, the hearing ability may be 4 4 16
reduce in long term exposure
10.Environment pollution
may happen due to the slurry and
debris pile up
14.Poor tools
maintainence 15.No access
to co2 fire extinguisher
1.Injury may happen due to
unware of power tool operation
2.Electrocution may
happen by the hidden live wires
3.Environmental pollution due to
oil spillage
4.Chronic health issues due
to the dust accumulation
5.Minor injury may
cause due to lack of PPEs
6.May damage
the electrical devices on wall due
to poor illumination
3 4 12
Mr. Siddharth
Mr. Louis prabhu
DATE:23-04-2024 to 25-04-2024 R-
Control Measures INDEX
1)Induction of drivers, operators. Speed limit notices, control of traffic strictly, walk in
the passage or raod sides, avoid roaming inside the site/road.
2)Separate pedestrian/vehicle pathway and speed limit
signages to be display in strategic location
3. Materials shall be
transported site in an appropriate vehicle, avoiding any damages during
transportation. Additionally during transportation the materials must be covered and
protected from weather elements.
4.Driver shall obtain permission from the gate security guard, in order to enter to the
5.Vehicle driver to hold a driving licence and have a vehicle pass to enter into the site.
6.Drivers shall obey site speed limits (Speed limit not more than 10 km/h). 5
7.While manoeuvring on site, a banks man to assist the driver.
8.While entering to site, driver shall check the height clearance in the Upper Basement
9.Driver to ensure that no already installed utilities are damaging.
10.Establish Traffic Management Plan
1)Proper stacking with barricade. signages, heigt limit etc.
2.Supervise the labor while shifting/stacking and store in proper manner
3.Do not exceed 400kgs/square meter.
4.Follow the materials stacking guidelines for safe stacking
5.Stack over the supports,if its a fragile materilas
6.Use stopper for the cylinderical materials stacking
7.Place a fire extingisher near the flammable
materials stack 8. Provide training for the labors
who involved in materials stacking 9. Ensure supervision 3
around the clock while stacking 10.Store the
liquid items in the containers
11.Barricade the area and ensure appropriate signages
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
7.Inspect the scaffolding and grinding machine on daily basis with the checklists.
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures
1.Safe scaffold structure shall be tagged with GREEN tag by inspecting and filling the checklist
for records.
2.Competency card should be issued for trained workers on height works. Do not load the
working platform with gypsum board and channels
3.Use cut resistant hand gloves.
4.Use dust restrictive mask, goggles and hand gloves
5.provide proper ventilation
6.Use correct posture while working and ensure adequate breaks should be taken
7.Use dust collector along with the machine while doing the cutting activies
8.Provide sufficient trainings for the demolition workers
9.Provide exhaust fan to route out the dust accumulation inside site
10.Provide good illumination and ventilation
11.Work to permit system shall be implemeted effectively
12.. Exhaust fan shall be provided to exit the dust
accumulation 13. Dust arrester gypsum cutter machine
shall be used 14. Eye washer kit shall
be ensured 15.
Battery operated screwing machine shall be used.
1.Provide N95 mask to prevent inhalation of chemical substances and dust
2.Ensure hand gloves and goggles to protect from
chemical exposure on hands and eyes
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
3.Don’t handle the chemical substances which direct contact with the bare hands
5.MSDS of the chemical substances shall be briefed to the workers to enhance the
safety measures
2 10 Medium
2 6 Low
3 12 Medium
3 9 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
2 10 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
3 12 Medium
2 6 Low
3 12 medium
3 12 Medium
2 6 Low
Project Name: Firstsouce
Work Activity Hazard
5 Shifting of DG
1. Accidents due to Misconduct of TC
2.High velocity wind, Crane tipping
over due to overload
6 5.Operation of crane.
1. Fault of the equipment.
Likelihood x
1 – Very Unlikely
2 – Unlikely
3 – Likely
4 – Very Likely
5 – Almost Certain
5 3
1. Minor Physical injuries may occurs due to the falling
of materials from the stacking
2.Property damage will happen
3. Moving scaffolding cannot ensure safe movement if
the materials stacked in the undesignated area
4.Fire hazards due to the flammable
materials stacking
5. Moving elements may struck on the stacking area
3 3
4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.
4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.
4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.
4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.
4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.
4 4
1.Vehicle may hit someone while moving in.
2.Obstructing another vehicle human movement
3.Muscle or tendon strain getting on and off the vehicle.
3 4
Devesh Mishra
Vishal Joil, Manoj and Zuber
15 Medium
9 Medium
16 high
15 High
15 High
15 High
12 High
15 High
12 high
Hazard Rating
L – Low
M – Medium
H – High
DATE: 19-07-2024
Control Measures
1)Induction of drivers, operators. Speed limit notices, control of traffic strictly, walk in
the passage or raod sides, avoid roaming inside the site/road.
5 2 10 Medium
3 2 6 Low
4 3 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
4 4 12 Medium
3 3 9 Medium