Grade 8 - Week 2
Grade 8 - Week 2
Grade 8 - Week 2
Period 4
Task 1: Work in pairs. discuss the following 1. In your opinion, what activities can
question. we do with our friends in our leisure
- Have Ss answer the questions in the book. time?
- Elicit answers from Ss. This is an open activity, so 2. Why should we spend time with our
accept all answers provided they make sense. friends?
- Teacher asks Ss some follow up questions.
3. PRACTICE (15 mins)
a) Objectives:
To help Ss develop their skill of listening for specific information
b) Content:
- Task 2, 3 in Student book
c) Product:
- Students understand how to use the target grammar.
d) Implementation:
Task 2. Listen to an interview with Mark about his 1. Listen to an interview with Mark
leisure activities. Choose the correct answer. (5 mins) about his leisure activities. Choose the
Step 1: Task delivering correct answer.
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to an interview Answer key:
about the leisure activities Mark does. 1.A
Step 2: Task performance 2.C
- Ss read the questions first and underline the key words.
- T plays the recording.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss listen and choose the correct answers.
- Ss work in pairs to compare their answers.
- Ss answers and write them on the board without
confirming whether they are right or wrong.
Step 4: Judgement
- Teacher corrects for students (if needed)
Task 3. Listen to the interview again. Fill in each 2. Listen to the interview again. Fill
blank in the table with no more than two words. (10 in each blank in the table with no
mins) more than two words.
Step 1: Task delivering Answer key:
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the interview 1. video
again and complete the table of information. 2. cinema
Step 2: Task performance 3. park
- Ss read the table. 4. shape
- Ss guess the word or phrase to fill in each blank and 5. bike ride
write their guesses on the board) 6. places
- T plays the recording
- Ss to listen again and complete the table.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- T plays the recording once more for pairs to check their
answers to both activities 2 and 3.
- Ask for Ss’ answers to 2.
- Confirm and tick the correct answers.
Ask for Ss’ answers to 3.
- Ss work in pairs to compare their answers with each
other and with the words / phrases on the board)
- Write them on the board next to their guesses.
Step 4: Judgement
- Confirm the correct answers.
- Teacher corrects for students as a whole class.
4. APPLICATION (20 mins)
a) Objectives:
- To help Ss prepare ideas for the next activity
- To help Ss practise writing an email about what they like or dislike doing in their free time with
their friends.
b) Content:
- Have Ss work in pairs to answer the questions in the book.
- Have some Ss present their answers or write their answers on the board)
- Comment on their answers.
- Set up the writing activity: T reminds Ss that the first important thing is always to think about what
they are going to write. Ss can use the answers they have prepared in 4. Ask Ss to brainstorm the
ideas and needed language for writing. T may ask Ss to refer back to the reading for useful language
and ideas and write some useful expressions and language on the board)
- Ask Ss to write the first draft individually. T may display all or some of the Ss’ writings on the
wall / bulletin board) T and other Ss comment. Ss edit and revise their writing as homework. If time
is limited, T may ask Ss to write the final version at home.
c) Product:
- Students’ speaking
d) Implementation:
Task 4: Work in pairs. ask and answer the Suggested outcome:
questions. Students’ notes
- Have Ss work in pairs to answer the questions in the
- Have some Ss present their answers or write their
answers on the board)
- Comment on their answers.
Task 5: Write an email (80 - 100 words) to a pen- Suggested outcome:
friend to tell him / her about what you usually do Students’ first draft
with your friends in your free time. use your
answers in 4. Start and end the email as follows:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets up the writing activity:
- T reminds Ss that the first important thing is always
to think about what they are going to write. Ss can use
the answers they have prepared in 4.
Step 2: Task performance
- Ss brainstorm the ideas and needed language for
- Ss refer back to the reading for useful language and
ideas and write some useful expressions and language
on the board)
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss write the first draft individually.
Teacher may display all or some of the Ss’ writings on
the wall / bulletin board)
- Teacher and other Ss comment. Ss edit and revise
their writing as homework. If time is limited, Teacher
may ask Ss to write the final version at home.
Step 4: Judgement
- Teacher gives corrections and feedbacks
* Home assignment * Home assignment
- T assigns the homework. - Complete the email
- Ss copy their homework. - Prepare: Looking back and Project
- T explains it carefully