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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course File

Subject Material Science ( B037315(037))

Branch Mechanical Engineering

Semester 3rd

Year 2023-24

Dr. Sanjay G Sakharwade Faculty : Sameer Singh

HOD Asst. Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engg. Dept. of Mechanical Engg.
RCET, Bhilai RCET, Bhilai
Mo. No. 7000185224
Email Id- ssku07652@gmail.com
Course File Content

S. No. Topic Pg No.

1. First page 1

2. Vision & mission of the institute 3

3. Vision & mission of the department 3

4. Syllabus 4-5

5. Programme Outcomes 6

6. Course’s Outcomes 6

7 Mapping of Programme’s outcomes and Course’s Outcomes 7-8

8. Teaching Plan 9-11

9. Lecture plan & Notes Brief 12-19

10. Question Bank 20-22

11. Previous Year Question Papers 23-26

12. Assignments(I-V) 27-29

Vision & Mission of Institute

To be recognized among top ranking institutions in the country by 2025 that provides quality
education, pursuance of research and innovation.

To produce qualified and competent graduates to serve humanity by providing an environment
for holistic development through excellence in education and inculcating ethical values and
sense of social and environmental responsibilities. The institution is committed to disseminate
and preserve knowledge by stimulating intellectual growth through research and innovation.

Vision & Mission of Department

Globally recognized leader in Mechanical Engineering for excellence in teaching, innovative
research and technology development with societal impact Mission.

Prepare leaders of tomorrow bestowed with sound fundamentals, strategic thinking and global
awareness. Foster an environment of innovation and high-impact research addressing
real-world problems and catering the needs of the under-served.


UNIT I Structure of Materials:

Crystalline and noncrystalline solid, Concept of unit cell and space lattice, Crystal
structure of metal, Miller indices.

Crystal Imperfection:

Point defects – Interstitial defect, Frankel defect and Schottky defect; Line defects-
Edge dislocations, Screw dislocation; Surface defects- Grain boundary, Tilt
boundary, Twin boundary and Volume defects- Stacking fault.

UNIT II Mechanical Properties of Materials:

Stress-strain diagrams for engineering materials, Young’s modulus, Yield strength,

Tensile strength, Elasticity, Plasticity, Ductility, Malleability, Brittleness, Toughness,
Stiffness, Hardness, Hardenability, Fatigue and Creep.

Deformation of Metals:

Elastic deformation: Elastic after effect, Plastic deformation: deformation by slip

(shear deformation)-Critical resolved shear stress, Deformation by twinning,
Differences between slip and twinning. Dislocation theory - edge dislocation,
screw dislocation. Strain hardening, Seasons cracking, Bauschinger effect, Yield
point phenomena and related effects, Cold and hot working processes, Effect of
cold work, recovery, recrystallization, grain growth on properties of crystalline

UNIT III Solidification of Metals and Alloys:

Mechanism of solidification, Nucleus formation and crystal growth, Homogeneous

and heterogeneous nucleation, Metal ingot structure- Dendritic and columnar
grains, Grain boundaries, Grain growth, solidification process, Effect of grain size
on properties of metals.

Phase and Phase Equilibrium Diagram:

Phase & types of phase, Hume-Rothery’s rule, Cooling curve of pure metals and
alloys, Gibb’s phase rule, Types of phase equilibrium diagrams: Isomorphous-
Lever rule, Monotectic, Eutectic-Hyper, Hypoeutectic, Eutectoid -Hyper,
Hypoeutectoid, Peritectic and Peritectoid system. Allotropy of Iron, Iron-Iron
carbide phase diagram.

UNIT IV Heat Treatment:

Introduction, Purpose and advantages of heat treatment, T-T-T curve and Micro
constituents in steel, Heat treatment processes: Annealing-Stress relief,
Spheroidising, Process and full annealing, Normalising, Hardening, Tempering,
Austempering, Martempering.

Surface Hardening:

Flame, Induction and Case hardening: Carbuising- Pack and Gas carburizing,
Nitriding, Cyaniding, Carbo-nitriding, Vacuum and Plasma hardening.

UNIT V Engineering Materials:

Classifications of engineering materials, Composition, Properties and application

of the following engineering materials:-Ferrous: Cast Iron- Grey cast iron, White
cast iron, Malleable cast iron, and Spheroidal cast irons. Steel- Unalloyed or plain
carbon steels- Low, Medium, High carbon steels Alloy steel- Stainless steel, Tool
steel, Maraging steels, Spring steel. Non-ferrous: Copper alloys: Brasses – Muntz
metal, Cartridge brass, Naval brass, Admiralty brass, Bronzes – Gun metal,
Phospher bronze, Aluminium bronze, Copper-nickels alloys. Aluminium alloys :
Duralumin, Cast aluminium alloys, Aluminium silicon alloys. Sintered carbide.
Al-Cu-Mg alloy, Nickel base superalloy, Titanium alloy. Composite materials.

Text Books:
1. Material Science & Engineering A First Course- V. Raghavan- PHI.
2. Material Science- O.P. Khanna- Dhanpat Rai.

Programme Outcomes (PO’s)
1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and engineering as
applicable to the fields of Mechanical Engineering.
2. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to organize, analyze, and
interpret data in the fields of mechanical Engineering.
3. An ability to design and construct mechanisms, machines, components and processes to
meet desired requirements, within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental,
social, political and ethical issues.
4. An ability to function on multidisciplinary and culturally diversified teams.
5. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve the problems using sound Mechanical
Engineering principles.
6. An understanding of professional and legal issues and responsibilities as it pertains to
Mechanical Engineering.
7. An ability to effectively communicate technical information in speech, presentation, and
in writing.
8. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of computing in a global,
economic, environmental, and public context.
9. Recognition of the need for an ability to engage in lifelong learning to cope-up with
rapidly changing technology.
10. Knowledge of contemporary developments.

Course’s Outcomes
Once the student has successfully complete this course, he/she will be able to answer
the following questions or perform following activities:

1. An ability to apply knowledge of Material Science as applicable to the fields of

Mechanical Engineering.
2. Explain crystal structure and Imperfection in crystal structure.
3. Define basic mechanical properties of materials & explain the theories of deformation.
4. Explain solidification phenomenon of pure metal, alloys and interpret phase diagrams
5. Explain how microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon and alloy steels are
controlled by various heat treatment/surface treatment processes.
6. Compare characteristics of various ferrous, nonferrous and composite materials.

Mapping of Course’s Outcomes with Programme Outcome

1. CO1: An ability to apply knowledge of Material Science as applicable to the fields

of Mechanical Engineering.
○ PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and
engineering as applicable to the fields of Mechanical Engineering.
■ Justification: CO1 directly aligns with PO1 as it involves applying
material science knowledge, which is a fundamental aspect of mechanical
2. CO2: Explain crystal structure and Imperfection in crystal structure.
○ PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and
engineering as applicable to the fields of Mechanical Engineering.
■ Justification: Understanding crystal structures and imperfections is
foundational in materials science and essential for applying basic
sciences to mechanical engineering.
○ PO2: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to organize,
analyze, and interpret data in the fields of mechanical engineering.
■ Justification: Explaining crystal structures involves analysis and
interpretation of crystallographic data, which aligns with PO2.
3. CO3: Define basic mechanical properties of materials & explain the theories of
○ PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and
engineering as applicable to the fields of Mechanical Engineering.
■ Justification: Defining mechanical properties and explaining deformation
theories require applying fundamental engineering principles.
○ PO5: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve the problems using sound
Mechanical Engineering principles.
■ Justification: Knowledge of mechanical properties and deformation is
crucial for problem-solving in mechanical engineering.
4. CO4: Explain solidification phenomenon of pure metal, alloys and interpret phase
○ PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and
engineering as applicable to the fields of Mechanical Engineering.
■ Justification: Understanding solidification and interpreting phase
diagrams involve applying basic scientific principles.
○ PO2: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to organize,
analyze, and interpret data in the fields of mechanical engineering.
■ Justification: Explaining and interpreting phase diagrams require
analysis and interpretation skills.
5. CO5: Explain how microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon and alloy
steels are controlled by various heat treatment/surface treatment processes.
○ PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and
engineering as applicable to the fields of Mechanical Engineering.
■ Justification: Knowledge of heat treatment processes is an application of
basic scientific principles.

○ PO3: An ability to design and construct mechanisms, machines,
components, and processes to meet desired requirements, within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, and ethical
■ Justification: Controlling properties through heat treatment involves
designing processes to meet specific material requirements.
○ PO5: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve the problems using sound
Mechanical Engineering principles.
■ Justification: This CO involves problem-solving related to material
properties and treatment processes.
6. CO6: Compare characteristics of various ferrous, nonferrous and composite
○ PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and
engineering as applicable to the fields of Mechanical Engineering.
■ Justification: Comparing material characteristics requires applying
engineering principles and material science knowledge.
○ PO10: Knowledge of contemporary developments.
■ Justification: Understanding and comparing various materials is crucial
for staying updated with contemporary material science developments.

Teaching Plan

S.No. Lecture Date of Topic

No. Delivery

UNIT I : Structure of Materials & Crystal Imperfection(8 Lectures)

1. 1. Introduction to Material Science:

Importance and applications in Mechanical Engineering

2 2 Crystalline and Noncrystalline Solids:

Basic concepts, differences, and significance

3 3 Concept of Unit Cell and Space Lattice:

Definitions, examples, and importance in material science

4 4 Crystal Structure of Metals:

Common crystal structures (BCC, FCC, HCP) and their

5 5 Point Defects:
Interstitial defect, Frankel defect, Schottky defect

6 6 Line Defects:
Edge dislocations, Screw dislocations

7 7 Surface Defects:
Grain boundary, Tilt boundary, Twin boundary

8 8 Volume Defects:
Stacking fault and their implications on material properties

UNIT II : Mechanical Properties of Materials & Deformation of Metals(18 Lectures)

11 11 Stress-Strain Diagrams:
Understanding stress-strain behavior for different materials

12 12 Young’s Modulus and Yield Strength:

Definitions, significance, and calculations

13 13 Tensile Strength, Elasticity, Plasticity:

Detailed discussion and real-life applications

14 14 Ductility, Malleability, Brittleness:

Examples and industrial relevance

15 15 Toughness, Stiffness, Hardness:

Understanding and measuring these properties

16 16 Hardenability, Fatigue:Testing methods and practical


17 17 Creep: Long-term material behavior under stress

18 18 Summary of Mechanical Properties

19 19 Elastic Deformation: Elastic after effect and its significance

20 20 Plastic Deformation: Deformation by slip and twinning,

critical resolved shear stress

21 21 Dislocation Theory: Edge dislocation, Screw dislocation

22 22 Strain Hardening and Related Effects

23 23 Cold Working Processes

24 24 Hot Working Processes

25 25 Effect of Cold Work:

Recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth

26 26 Properties of Crystalline Materials

UNIT III :Solidification of Metals and Alloys & Phase Diagrams(10 Lectures)

27 27 Mechanism of Solidification

28 28 Metal Ingot Structure:

Dendritic and columnar grains, grain boundaries

29 29 Phase and Phase Equilibrium Diagram

30 30 Hume-Rothery’s Rule:
Cooling curve of pure metals and alloys

31 31 Gibb’s Phase Rule:

Types of phase equilibrium diagrams: Isomorphous,
Monotectic, Eutectic

32 32 Eutectoid, Peritectic, and Peritectoid systems

33 33 Allotropy of Iron

34 34 Iron-Iron Carbide Phase Diagram

35 35 Eutectoid, Hyper, and Hypoeutectoid

36 36 Peritectic and Peritectoid Systems

UNIT IV :Heat Treatment & Surface Hardening (8 Lectures)

37 37 Introduction to Heat Treatment

38 38 Annealing Processes

39 39 Normalising and Hardening

40 40 Tempering, Austempering, and Martempering

Text Books:
1. Material Science & Engineering A First Course- V. Raghavan- PHI.
2. Material Science- O.P. Khanna- Dhanpat Rai

Lecture Notes

UNIT I: Structure of Materials

Lecture 1: Introduction to Material Science

● Overview:
○ Importance and applications in Mechanical Engineering.
○ Historical perspective and evolution of material science.
● Key Concepts:
○ Definition of material science.
○ Role in engineering disciplines.
● Applications:
○ Examples of materials in mechanical engineering.

Lecture 2: Crystalline and Noncrystalline Solids

● Crystalline Solids:
○ Definition and characteristics.
○ Examples and applications.
● Noncrystalline Solids:
○ Definition and characteristics.
○ Examples and applications.
● Comparison:
○ Differences between crystalline and noncrystalline solids.

Lecture 3: Concept of Unit Cell and Space Lattice

● Unit Cell:
○ Definition and significance.
○ Types of unit cells (primitive, body-centered, face-centered, etc.).
● Space Lattice:
○ Definition and examples.
○ Importance in material science.
● Visualization:
○ Diagrams and models to illustrate concepts.

Lecture 4: Crystal Structure of Metals

● Common Crystal Structures:

○ Body-Centered Cubic (BCC).
○ Face-Centered Cubic (FCC).
○ Hexagonal Close-Packed (HCP).
● Properties and Applications:
○ Characteristics of each crystal structure.

○ Real-life examples and uses in mechanical engineering.

Lecture 5: Miller Indices

● Introduction:
○ Definition and purpose of Miller indices.
● Calculation:
○ Steps to determine Miller indices.
● Applications:
○ Examples of how Miller indices are used in material science.

Lecture 6: Point Defects

● Types of Point Defects:

○ Interstitial defect.
○ Frankel defect.
○ Schottky defect.
● Effects on Materials:
○ How these defects influence material properties.
○ Examples in engineering applications.

Lecture 7: Line Defects

● Edge Dislocations:
○ Definition and characteristics.
○ Visualization and diagrams.
● Screw Dislocations:
○ Definition and characteristics.
○ Visualization and diagrams.
● Impact on Materials:
○ How line defects affect mechanical properties.

Lecture 8: Surface and Volume Defects

● Surface Defects:
○ Grain boundary, Tilt boundary, Twin boundary.
○ Effects on mechanical properties.
● Volume Defects:
○ Stacking fault.
○ Influence on material behavior.
● Case Studies:
○ Real-life examples of surface and volume defects.

UNIT II: Mechanical Properties of Materials & Deformation of Metals (18


Lecture 9: Stress-Strain Diagrams

● Introduction to Stress-Strain Behavior:
○ Definitions of stress and strain:
■ Engineering vs. true stress-strain.
○ Types of stress-strain curves:
■ Brittle, ductile materials.
● Elastic Behavior:
○ Hooke’s Law and elastic modulus:
■ Relationship with material stiffness.
○ Elastic limit and proportionality.

Lecture 10: Young’s Modulus and Yield Strength

● Young’s Modulus:
○ Definition and significance:
■ Calculation from stress-strain curve.
○ Application in material selection and design.
● Yield Strength:
○ Definition and measurement methods:
■ Offset yield, tensile test.
○ Factors affecting yield strength:
■ Grain size, temperature, strain rate.

Lecture 11: Tensile Strength, Elasticity, Plasticity

● Tensile Strength:
○ Measurement and interpretation:
■ Ultimate tensile strength (UTS).
○ Real-life applications in structural materials.
● Elasticity vs. Plasticity:
○ Differences in deformation behavior:
■ Reversible vs. irreversible deformation.
○ Plastic deformation mechanisms:
■ Slip, twinning, transformation.

Lecture 12: Ductility, Malleability, Brittleness

● Ductility:
○ Definition and measurement:
■ Percentage elongation, reduction in area.
○ Importance in forming processes and material selection.
● Malleability and Brittleness:
○ Characteristics and examples:
■ Impact on manufacturing and structural integrity.
○ Factors influencing ductility and brittleness:
■ Crystal structure, temperature.

Lecture 13: Toughness, Stiffness, Hardness

● Toughness:
○ Charpy and Izod impact tests:
■ Energy absorption and fracture behavior.
○ Factors affecting toughness:
■ Temperature, notch sensitivity.
● Stiffness:
○ Definition and measurement:
■ Relationship with elastic modulus.
○ Applications in load-bearing structures.
● Hardness:
○ Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers hardness tests:
■ Indentation hardness methods.
○ Significance in wear resistance and material selection.

Lecture 14: Hardenability, Fatigue

● Hardenability:
○ Factors affecting:
■ Alloying elements, cooling rate.
○ Jominy end-quench test:
■ Measurement and interpretation.
● Fatigue Behavior:
○ S-N curve and fatigue limit:
■ Life prediction under cyclic loading.
○ Examples in mechanical components and design.

Lecture 15: Creep

● Definition and Types of Creep:

○ Primary, secondary, tertiary creep:
■ Mechanisms and stress effects.
○ Factors influencing creep behavior:
■ Temperature, stress level, microstructure.

Lecture 16: Summary of Mechanical Properties

● Integration of Mechanical Properties:

○ Relationship between hardness, toughness, etc.:
■ Materials selection criteria.
○ Case studies and practical examples.

Lecture 17: Elastic Deformation

● Elastic After Effect:

○ Explanation and significance in materials.

Lecture 18: Plastic Deformation

● Deformation by Slip and Twinning:
○ Mechanisms and critical resolved shear stress.
○ Differences and applications.

Lecture 19: Dislocation Theory

● Edge and Screw Dislocations:

○ Detailed analysis and movement.
○ Impact on material strength.

Lecture 20: Strain Hardening and Related Effects

● Introduction to Strain Hardening:

○ Definition and mechanism.
○ Examples in material strengthening.

Lecture 21: Cold Working Processes

● Cold vs. Hot Working:

○ Definitions and advantages.
○ Examples of cold working processes.

Lecture 22: Hot Working Processes

● Hot Deformation:
○ Processes and examples.
○ Effects on material properties.

Lecture 23: Effect of Cold Work

● Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain Growth:

○ Mechanisms and effects on properties.
○ Examples in material processing.

Lecture 24: Properties of Crystalline Materials

● Impact of Microstructure on Properties:

○ Grain size and orientation.
○ Applications in alloy design.

UNIT III: Solidification of Metals and Alloys & Phase Diagrams (10 Lectures)

Lecture 25: Mechanism of Solidification

● Nucleation and Crystal Growth:

○ Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation.
○ Crystal growth mechanisms.

Lecture 26: Metal Ingot Structure

● Dendritic and Columnar Grains:
○ Formation and significance.
○ Grain boundaries and their influence.

Lecture 27: Phase and Phase Equilibrium Diagram

● Phase Diagrams:
○ Types and interpretations (Isomorphous, Eutectic, etc.).
○ Applications in alloy design.

Lecture 28: Hume-Rothery’s Rule

● Application in Alloy Design:

○ Examples of alloys based on Hume-Rothery rules.

Lecture 29: Gibb’s Phase Rule

● Definition and Application:

○ Calculation and implications in phase diagrams.

Lecture 30: Eutectoid, Peritectic, and Peritectoid Systems

● Phase Transformations:
○ Examples and industrial applications.

Lecture 31: Allotropy of Iron

● Iron’s Allotropic Forms:

○ Alpha, gamma, and delta iron.
○ Influence on steel properties.

Lecture 32: Iron-Iron Carbide Phase Diagram

● Microstructures and Reactions:

○ Phases and transformations.

Lecture 33: Eutectoid, Hyper, and Hypoeutectoid Systems

● Phase Transformations:
○ Examples and applications in alloy development.

Lecture 34: Peritectic and Peritectoid Systems

● Phase Transformations:
○ Mechanisms and industrial significance.

UNIT IV: Heat Treatment & Surface Hardening (8 Lectures)

Lecture 35: Introduction to Heat Treatment

● Purpose and Benefits:
○ Overview of heat treatment processes.

Lecture 36: Annealing Processes

● Types of Annealing:
○ Process descriptions and applications.

Lecture 37: Normalizing and Hardening

● Heat Treatment Techniques:

○ Process details and effects on material properties.

Lecture 38: Tempering, Austempering, and Martempering

● Heat Treatment Processes:

○ Comparison and applications.

Lecture 39: Surface Hardening Techniques

● Flame, Induction, and Case Hardening:

○ Process descriptions and applications.

Lecture 40: Carburizing Processes

● Pack and Gas Carburizing:

○ Mechanisms and case studies.

Lecture 41: Carbo-Nitriding

● Vacuum and Plasma Hardening:

○ Techniques and industrial applications.

Lecture 42: Summary of Heat Treatment

● Integration of Heat Treatment Processes:

○ Effects on material properties and selection criteria.

UNIT V: Engineering Materials (4 Lectures)

Lecture 43: Ferrous Materials

● Classification and Properties:

○ Types of iron and steel alloys.
○ Applications and material selection.

Lecture 44: Non-Ferrous Materials

● Copper Alloys, Aluminum Alloys, etc.:

○ Properties, applications, and alloying principles.

Lecture 45: Composite Materials

● Types and Applications:

○ Reinforcement mechanisms and matrix materials.
○ Examples in aerospace, automotive, and construction.

Lecture 47: Composite Materials (Continued)

● Types and Applications:

○ Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs), Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs), Metal
Matrix Composites (MMCs).
○ Advantages, limitations, and applications in different industries.

Lecture 48: Summary

● Review of Key Concepts:

○ Recap of engineering materials: ferrous, non-ferrous, and composites.
○ Importance of material selection based on properties and applications.
○ Future trends in material science and engineering.

Question Bank

Unit I: Structure of Materials & Crystal Imperfection

1. What is recrystallisation?
2. What is grain growth? Explain the effect of grain growth on properties of metals.
3. Explain homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation.
4. Discuss the metal ingot structure having dendritic grains with a neat sketch.
5. What do you mean by nucleation?
6. Explain the mechanism of solidification of pure metals with neat sketches.
7. Differentiate between crystalline and non-crystalline solids. Describe the concept of unit
cell and space lattice with diagrams.
8. Explain the difference between twin and tilt boundary with diagrams.
9. What is crystal imperfection? List its types with examples.
10. Define grain and grain boundary with diagrams.
11. Describe the crystal structure of metals and the significance of Miller indices.
12. Explain the types of point defects in crystals, such as interstitial defects, Frenkel defects,
and Schottky defects.
13. What are line defects in crystals? Describe edge dislocations and screw dislocations.
14. Discuss surface defects like grain boundaries, tilt boundaries, and twin boundaries.
15. Explain the concept of volume defects, including stacking faults, and their implications on
material properties.

Unit II: Mechanical Properties of Materials & Deformation of Metals

1. What are the mechanical properties of materials?

2. Describe any six mechanical properties and explain them with proper diagrams.
3. Differentiate between cold working and hot working processes.
4. Explain elastic deformation and plastic deformation with proper diagrams.
5. Differentiate between slip and twinning.
6. Explain the Bauschinger effect with a neat sketch.
7. Draw a neat sketch of the stress-strain diagram showing the limit of proportionality,
elastic limit, yield point, point of maximum loading, and rupture.
8. Explain how dislocation produces plastic deformation in materials.
9. Discuss the properties of hardness, toughness, ductility, and brittleness.
10. Write notes on:
● Strain hardening
● Orange peel effect
● Bauschinger effect
11. Define and explain the significance of Young’s modulus and yield strength.
12. Describe tensile strength, elasticity, and plasticity with examples from real-life
13. Explain the industrial relevance of ductility, malleability, and brittleness.
14. Discuss the testing methods and practical implications of hardenability and fatigue.
15. Explain creep and its long-term effects on material behavior under stress.

Unit III: Solidification of Metals and Alloys & Phase Diagrams

1. State and write down the invariant monotectic reaction.

2. Explain and draw the cooling curve for pure iron.
3. Sketch and briefly describe the equilibrium diagram of an alloy subjected to peritectic
4. Draw and explain the iron-iron carbide phase diagram and highlight its important points.
5. What is the Lever rule? Explain its application in phase diagrams.
6. Explain the following:
○ Gibbs phase rule
○ Hume-Rothery’s rule
7. Sketch the iron-carbon equilibrium diagram and show the different microconstituents.
Explain the diagram.
8. Define the solidification of metal.
9. Explain the structures of ingot, dendrite, and columnar grains with proper diagrams.
10. Draw and explain the iron-carbon phase diagram and highlight its significant points.
11. Discuss the mechanisms of solidification, including nucleus formation and crystal growth.
12. Explain the differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation.
13. Describe the effect of grain size on the properties of metals.
14. What is the importance of grain boundaries in the solidification process?
15. Explain the concept of phase and phase equilibrium diagrams with examples.

Unit IV: Heat Treatment & Surface Hardening

1. What are the purposes of heat treatment?

2. Discuss the formation of austenite during the heating of steel.
3. Explain surface hardening and its types with proper diagrams.
4. What is tempering? When is it necessary? Explain the stages of tempering.
5. Explain the TTT diagram with the help of a neat sketch.
6. What is annealing? Explain the different types of annealing.
7. Explain induction hardening with the help of a neat sketch.
8. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of induction hardening and surface
9. Explain the usefulness of the S-curve in heat treatment.
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tempering?
11. Describe the process and benefits of normalizing in heat treatment.
12. Explain the differences between hardening and annealing.
13. What is martempering, and how does it differ from austempering?
14. Describe the processes and applications of carburizing, nitriding, and cyaniding.
15. Discuss the effects of vacuum and plasma hardening on material properties.

Unit V: Engineering Materials

1. Differentiate between metals and non-metals in terms of their characteristic properties

and uses.

2. Write the composition, properties, and applications of:
○ Duralumin
○ High-speed steel
3. What is the purpose of alloying steels? Explain the effects of various alloying elements
on steel.
4. Write the classification, composition, characteristics, and uses of brasses.
5. What is the composition of stainless steel?
6. Discuss the different types of cast iron.
7. What is plain carbon steel? Explain the classification of plain carbon steel.
8. Write short notes on:
○ Gun metal
○ Bearing materials
9. Describe the composition, properties, and uses of high carbon steels.
10. What is the purpose of alloy steel? Explain the effects of various alloying elements in
11. Describe the composition and applications of aluminum alloys.
12. Explain the properties and uses of copper alloys such as brasses and bronzes.
13. Discuss the significance of sintered carbide and its applications.
14. Explain the characteristics and applications of nickel-base superalloys.
15. Describe the properties and industrial applications of titanium alloys.

Previous Year Question Paper


Assignment I(UNIT I)

Q1. What is recrystallisation?

Q2. What is grain growth? Explain the effect of grain growth on properties of metals.

Q3. Explain homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation.

Q4. Discuss the metal ingot structure having dendritic gains with a neat sketch.

Q5. What do you mean by Nucleation?

Q6. Explain the mechanism of solidification of pure metals with neat sketches.

Q7. What is crystalline and non crystalline solid? Concept of unit cell and space lattice
with diagram.

Q8. Difference between twin and tilt boundary with diagram.

Q9. What is crystal imperfection? Its types with examples.

Q10. Define grain and grain boundary with diagram.

Assignment II(UNIT II)

Q1. What are the mechanical properties of materials?

Q2. Write any 6 mechanical properties and explain it with proper diagram.

Q3. Difference between cold working and hot working processes.

Q4. Explain elastic deformation and plastic deformation with proper diagram.

Q5. Differentiate between slip and twinning.

Q6. Explain Baushingers’s effect with neat sketch.

Q7. Draw a neat sketch of stress- strain diagram showing the limit of proportionality,
elastic limit, yield point, the point of maximum loading and rupture.

Q8. Explain how dislocation produces plastic deformation in materials.

Q9. Explain the properties of hardness, toughness, ductility and brittleness.

Q10. Write notes on:

1. Strain hardening.
2. Orange peel effect
3. Bauschinger effect

Assignment III(UNIT III)

Q1. State and write down the invariant monotectic reaction.

Q2. Explain and draw the cooling curve for pure iron.

Q3. Sketch and briefly write down the equilibrium diagram of an alloy subjected to
peritectic transformation.

Q4. Draw and explain iron- iron carbide phase diagram and show its important points.

Q5. What is Lever rule?

Q6. Explain the following:

1. Gibbs phase rule
2. Hume Rothery’s rule

Q7. Sketch iron-carbon equilibrium diagram and show on it the different

microconstituents. Explain the above diagram.

Q8. Define solidification of metal.

Q9. Explain ingot, dendrite and columnar with proper diagram.

Q10. Draw and explain the iron- carbon phase diagram and show its important point.

Assignment IV(UNIT IV)

Q1. What are the purposes of heat treatment?

Q2. Discuss the formation of austenite during heating of steel.

Q3. Explain surface hardening and its types with proper diagram

Q4. What is tempering? When its necessary? Explain the stages of tempering.

Q5. Explain the TTT diagram with the help of a neat sketch.

Q6. What is Annealing? Explain different types of annealing.

Q7. Explain induction hardening with help of a neat sketch.

Q8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Induction hardening and surface

Q9. What is the usefulness of the S curve in the heat treatment? Explain.

Q10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tempering?

Assignment V(UNIT V)

Q1. Differentiate between metals and non metals in terms of their characteristic
properties and uses.

Q2. Write the composition, properties and applications of :

1. Duralumin
2. High speed steel

Q3. What is the purpose of alloying steels? Explain the effect of various alloying
elements of steel.

Q4. Write the classification, composition, characteristics and uses of brasses.

Q5. What are the composition of stainless steel?

Q6. Discuss different types of cast iron.

Q7. What is plain carbon steel? Explain the classification of plain carbon steel.

Q8. Write short notes on:

1. Gun Metal
2. Bearing materials

Q9. Write the composition, properties and uses of High carbon steels.

Q10. What is the purpose of alloy steel? Explain the effects of various alloying element


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