Unit 19
Unit 19
Unit 19
With Globalization more companies acknowledged the concept of “Inclusivity”
as it is making our workplace more diverse. Studies explore that Talent diversity
is the key for business growth. The positive outcome of “Workforce Diversity”
is it brings new thinking and ideas, talents, experiences, broader view points in
an organization. To maximize the profit within a global framework organization
need to become more diversified. Many companies feel pride among themselves
for having diverse workforce group as it broad their skill base and they become
more innovative and competitive. Companies need these days diverse workforce
group. It helps them to relate with global customers and increase market
opportunities. Also, they get broader range of perspective for issues and
challenges, innovative and competitive advantage.
The concept of Diversity embraces respect and acceptance of each individual’s
differences. It acknowledges each individual is unique and can have differences
in dimensions of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, socio-economic and
demographic status, physical abilities, religious beliefs and political ideas and/
or other ideologies. Diversity explores these differences in safe, positive and
nurturing environment to understand and embrace their rich dimension.
At Global level Business Leaders are making great efforts to create an atmosphere
where opinion of each employee heard, and their suggestions are valued and
considered. They are making policies for inclusive and accessible workplace
with special reference to disable peoples, LGBT and women. Diversity exists in
every part of the world, industrial sector and organization. However successful
diverse organizations, share one common distinctive feature; they have learned
how to get advantage of diversity to create a unified and inclusive global
organizational culture. “At global scale inclusion allows for more effective talent
management (attraction and retention), more effective alignment and team
performance, and improved speed and efficiency across borders”.
Inclusive organization involves people from diverse background who brings with
them larger range of skills and perspectives, which encourages the environment
of innovative ideas, employee stability, increased productivity and new supporters
in terms of vendor contacts, financial sources and employees.
Vision, Mission and Core Values: People work for an organization because
they believe in its vision, mission and goals. These organization delivers what
they promise and maintain trust and promise of its customers as well as workforce.
Better Employees: Inclusive organization creates, attracts and retains the best
employees. They constantly involve themselves into improving and solving
problem of employees through encouragement of growth and improvement.
People want to be employed at an inclusive organization because these
organizations are high performing, values multi culture and diversity, maintains
high morale of its employees. They value and retain their employees which lead
to better performance of company.
Companies should also focus and review their recruitment policies for differently
able people before their hiring, their accessibility or reach office/workstation,
washroom accessibility, navigation of wheelchair or whichever assistive device
they are using and ensure sensitivity of the other employees and orientation for
One of the main reasons why disable people are finding it difficult to gain job
opportunities seems to be the mind-sets of the employers. Employers’ concerns
about productivity, poor matches between the requirements of a job and the
worker’s abilities, poor matches between employee potential and job requirements
and concerns about legal liability.
The World Health Organization defines disability as follow:
“Disabilities are an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations
and participation restrictions. Impairment is a problem in body function or
structure; an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in
executing a task or action; while a participation restriction is a problem
experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations. Thus, disability is
a complex phenomenon, reflecting an interaction between features of a person’s
body and features of society in which he or she lives”.[1]
• Employers are surrounded by myth and a wrong belief that disabled persons
are less productive, take more sick offs, won’t stay in job for a long, might
be a health and safety hazard etc. These are proven myths and are far off
from reality.
• The fear among employers that employing disabled persons will be expensive
and increase their cost in making changes in the workspace. The reality is
they only have to make few reasonable adjustments in their workspace which
cost very minimum and very easily recovered from the average productivity
of disabled workers.
• A lack of information and understanding among employers of available
assistive technology in the market.
• Lack of confidence in employing and managing disabled people among
managers, surrounded by fear of mistakes, what easy mode of training should
be provided to them.
An employer must know before hiring Employees with disability, how to create
inclusive work environment which includes developing attitude, Infrastructure,
policies and practices so that they can easily accommodate with other colleagues.
Inclusive Practices
A separate training for the persons with disability and a feedback to ensure their
understanding must be done by HRs.
• For Hearing impairments an alternate communication via sign language
interpreters should be arranged.
• For vision impairments relevant visual material along with elements for
providing verbal explanations of the same should be accessible.
• For a person with cerebral palsy who has a speech impairment, inclusion
could be done by giving them time and space to speak at his pace and taking
conscious efforts to understand what is said by paraphrasing or asking the
person to repeat.
• Disability awareness workshops should be arranged in the company that
makes all employees inclusive.
• Provide flexibility options like work-from-home or flexible work timings
to accommodate persons with disability.
Inclusive Attitude
• Respect the employee with disability and understand that he has the required
skill and education required for the job. Help him to enable with the work
environment. Never dismiss a person just because of their disability.
• Help disable employees to grow their potential avoid the habit to talk on
their behalf.
• Always assign equal responsibility and accountability for their performance
as compared to Non Disable workers.
• Implement inclusive practices and policies in the work environment.
• By effectively engaging employees, with discussions regarding disability
issues. Training to employees to enhance their understanding level and correct
• Behavior Training regarding disability etiquette, tips on interacting with
people of disabilities.
• Disability awareness and sensitivity training that explore the biases, fears
and myths that creates barriers for disable employees.
Inclusive Policies
Inclusive Environment
• To provide access for a disable individual applicant to participate in the job
application process.
• Create an accessible work premises with all necessary equipments and
facilities for persons with disability.
• Always conduct meetings in accessible place along with interpreters for
verbally and visually impaired employees who can explain them. This can
create inclusion for person with disability.
• Conduct employee engagement activities, outings keeping persons with
disabilities in mind in places that are accessible to them. Never create such
fun events in which they cannot participate and make barrier in inclusion.
• A team of individuals to plan and dedicate time assessing, planning and
implementing accessibility modifications at workplace.
• Seek expert advice in accessibility to act as a consultant for changes.
• Assess needs and implement changes for individuals with disabilities within
your workplace.
Inclusive Infrastructure
• Ramps, Lifts and Restroom in the office building should be accessible for
the person with disability.
• Office set should be well organized and uncluttered so that visually impaired
persons find it comfortable to walk around and access resources easily.
Areas in which modifications may occur for the disable persons include,
1) Parking Lots (handicapped parking spaces)
2) Entrances and Exits
3) Fire Alarms and Emergency Exits
4) Conference rooms and shared work space
5) Desks and Personal Work Space
6) Hallways
7) Stairwells
8) Elevators
9) Restrooms
10) Cafeterias
11) Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility which includes Web-
based intranet and internet information and applications, operating systems,
Software application, E mail and other electronic correspondence, Software
applications and operating systems, Telecommunications products, Video
and multimedia products, Desktop and laptops, closed products such as
calculators, printers, photo copier machines and job applications dash boards.
• A leading Food and agricultural company CEO Greg Page, says “The world
is becoming increasingly global, visible, and transparent. As Cargill continues
to expand worldwide, our differences—from our culture and work habits to
communication style and personal preferences—are becoming even more
essential to our business strategy. We are working hard to create an
environment in which all employees are valued and respected, including
those with disabilities. Our Disability awareness Council partners with our
company’s leadership to build and sustain a supportive culture with the
goal of employing individuals with disabilities. [2]
• “At AT&T Cynthia Brinkley, Senior Vice President, Talent Development &
Chief Diversity Officer says,” We know that diverse, talented, and dedicated
people are critical to our success, so we seek out individuals from diverse
backgrounds and give them opportunities to grow and develop in their
careers. We have long been a leader in providing an inclusive work
environment, offering performance-based rewards, and creating cultures of
excellence”. [4]
• A SCS subsidiary, Trusted Hub, has been employing disabled people for
several years, and we have found them to be very dedicated to their work,
much focused and very efficient. Trusted Hub is currently one of the largest
employers of disabled people. [5]
These examples show that Companies have been acknowledging that one of the
best ways to tap into the disable customer segment market is to ensure it is
represented in your workforce. Disable workforce helps business to understand
and meet the requirements of this important and expanding customer base.
Research shows that consumers both with and without disabilities favor
businesses that employ disable people.
Activity 1
1) Explain the definition of Disability as per WHO?
2) What are the issues, challenges and Barriers faced by Disabled Job
3) How can an employer create an inclusive and accessible job environment
for persons with disability?
The global economy moves diversity to the top of the agenda. Immigration,
Worker migration (guest workers), gender and ethnic heterogeneity continue to
dramatically change the composition of the workforce. There is a growing demand
for equivalent authority for these workers and other groups like lesbians, gays,
bi sexual and transgendered (LGBT).
On the one hand, heterogeneous workforce has been increasing, for several well-
known reasons. Shifts in labour force participation have changed the composition
of employment in favour of women, LGBT (Sexual Minorities). New patterns
of international immigration have brought more cultural and ethnic diversity to
the organization.
Those Gender-Diverse teams which include women perform better than single-
gender teams for several reasons:
• Generally in gender diverse teams, Men and Women have different overview,
perspective, observation, ideas and market perception, which facilitate better
decision making and better performance at the business unit level.
For these reasons organization these days making gender diversity a priority.
The key to achieve gender diverse workforce balance is Inclusion.
It is referred glass because it is usually not a visible boundary, and a woman may
not be familiar of its existence until she “hits” the barrier. The invisible hindrance
women generally faces when they attain mid-management positions. In theory,
nothing prevents a woman from being promoted, but women can see the higher
they step in the organizational hierarchy, the less promotions, pay raises, and
opportunities they get in comparison they should have due to invisible obstacles
that prevent them from rising further.
The phrase ‘Glass Ceiling’ refers to a hidden barrier that prevents someone from
accomplishing further success. Glass ceilings are most often observed in the
organizations and are usually a barrier to achieving power and success equal to
that of a more assertive employees group. A woman who has better skills, talent,
credentials and education than her male colleague but is obviously being passed
over for promotions due to her gender is a better example to explain this term.
Gender Pay Gap: The gender pay gap is generally the difference between pay
earnings of male and female. As of April 2016, the wage gap in the United States
was “79 cents for every dollar paid to men, amounting to an annual gender wage
gap $10,762”.[7]
Glass Escalator: It can be defined as how more men are joining female dominated
areas, such as health care sector jobs and elementary school teaching. Within
these job responsibilities, the men are skipping right past women to reach the
top. Similarly to if they were on an escalator and a woman was stepping each
stair to progress in her career for promotion. Men are being offered more
promotions than women although women have worked just as hard, they are still
not being getting offered the same chances as men are in few situations termed
as glass escalator.
Sticky Floor: The “sticky floor” refers to women who accept low-pay, less
promotional positions such as junior clerical and assistants, healthcare, childcare
jobs. Sticky floors can be described as the arrangement that women are, compared
to men, less likely to start to move up the job and career ladder. Thereby, this
circumstance is related to gender differences at the bottom of the wage distribution.
Family Demands: Women are still the ones who break off their careers to handle
family responsibilities. Due to overloaded work, they left with less time to engage
in the social networking essential for career growth advancement.
Pay Inequity. The higher up the ladder female go the greater difference between
male and female wages they find.
Gender Role Orientation: It has been experience that the work organizations
tacitly approve and promote that the working women accept submissive and non
leadership roles and men main leader roles.
Gender Stereotyping(s): Stereotypes and perceptions of Indian women in the
workplace appear to have a significant negative impact on the position of working
managers. The study suggests that male Indian managers are viewed,
stereotypically as working in the areas of sales, marketing and production. Being
good leaders, bosses and decision makers and handling challenging assignments.
On the other hand Indian women are viewed as working in HR and administrative
positions at low to junior levels and in field such as fashion and beauty.
Sexual Harassment: The career woman is often seen as an object by the male
co-workers. Work place harassment occurs in many forms ranging from taunts/
comments to actual physical transgressions.
Workplace Incivility: Many a times, it happens that the working women are
not given the due respect and care they deserve from their male co-workers. This
is because many of the male co-workers have the same psychology and mental
conditioning that the women occupy a subjugated position both at home and
Guidance of Mentor or Sponsor: A mentor can help guide, connect with other
influential people, and help to overcome the hurdles on the way to the top. Typical
areas where a mentor can help for development include time management, stress
management, prioritizing, teamwork, and communication skills.
Self Promotion: Self-promotion is one of the most important attributes for getting
ahead, but should also learn to share the skill of your talents and successes.
Helping Drop Outs Women: For women who decide to take break from her
career/workplace to raise children or care for elderly parents, career practitioners
can help them create a plan to maintain marketability while taking time off from
full time employment. Organization encourages HR Professionals to stay in
contact with former colleagues and maintain membership in professional
association, to help them explore volunteer options for contractual or part-time
to keep their skills up-to-date.
Women’ Empowerment
Inclusive organizations focus on attracting, evolving, and advancing women and
underrepresented populations by removing obstruction, gaining stakeholder buy-
in, creating inclusive leaders, and developing events for growth.
Entrusting in women delivers high social and economic returns. More importantly,
it’s also the right thing to do. For too long, women faced biasness in equal pay
for equal work. Too many times, male hiring managers have ignored qualified
women for C-Suite positions – CEO, CFO, CTO etc. Too frequently, capital
based venture firms have ignored potential of female entrepreneurs. An inclusive
organization focuses on women empowerment by creating more women in
management positions, female investors and entrepreneurs.
In a study it was found that, in some countries or regions, being open about one’s
sexual orientation – transgender or homosexual identity entail a significantly
lower chance to receive a positive response following a job interview. In addition,
the experience of heterosexism results in low psychological health and unexpected
issues pertaining to work-associated outcomes which could be related to formal
or informal discrimination related to career, discomfort at workplace. They could
witness homophobic incidents, an increased focus on their own identity
management strategies, and distraction from workplace.
Some studies theorize that gay and lesbian youths find less role models as
managers, supervisors and in leadership roles at their workplaces. As a
consequence, valuable psychological and motivational resources are missing for
them. Hence, individual strategies for identity management need to be taken up
for them.
Some studies about bisexual people show that this group often faces dual
discrimination and exclusion: both from heterosexual and homosexual
communities. As a result, bisexual people hide their sexual orientation at the
workplace more comparatively heterosexual and homosexual.
Today’s most successful businesses are admitting the value of transgender workers
as an essential aspect of corporate diversity and inclusion drives. Human
Resources and Diversity professionals have discovered that a meaningful
transgender system can readily be incorporated into an existing Diversity &
Inclusive program to achieve success. Organizations are also finding that
transgender issues come with presumption that require specific attention and
necessitate new changes to achieve an inclusive workplace.
In Historical times, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people have
been heavily disgraced, harassed and discriminated. However, now most western
countries have made appreciable moves to afford legal rights for them.
Earlier, Gender identity and orientation are the issues that are not openly discussed
in Indian culture/Society or at the workplace. For many parts of Indian society
and culture LGBT identity has been seen as an evil of foreign countries– with
the common held belief that LGBT individuals did not exist in Indian history
and culture but came from western influence.
Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, expression
are behavior does not confirm to that typically associated with the gender to
which they were assigned at birth. Gender identity refers to a person’s internal
sense of being male, female or other; gender expression refers to the way a person
communicates gender identity to others through behavior, attire, hairstyle and
expression of body.
Barriers Individuals Organization
• Discrimination • Access to advancement • Business growth and
• Prejudice and job promotions. productivity.
The chart 19.1: Shows the Relationship between Diversity and Inclusion
The upper left quadrant (A) shows high diversity but low inclusion. The lower
left quadrant (B) represents low diversity and low inclusion. The bottom right
quadrant (C) shows high inclusion but low diversity. Quadrant (D) shows high
inclusion and high diversity.
Organizations that practice inclusion as well as diversity are able to experience
high levels of collaboration, engagement and retention which provide a
competitive advantage. [10]
Activity 2
1) Explain the reasons why these days importance of women in gender
diverse team increasing?
2) What are the barriers and obstacles for women at organizational level?
3) What is Women Empowerment?
4) Define the term “Transgender”?
5) How HR can make Inclusive and welcoming work environment for
LGBT and Minorities?
Attempts have been made by the corporate sector to enhance and improve the
gender disparity and unequal power distribution. Many companies, in fact, have
employed measures such as crèches, flexi-time, refresher programs, orientation
on company policies for Women and Minorities, Transgender, LGBT Community
only scratch the surface of the real problems. However, there is need and
requirement for increased awareness for the contribution of women and the need
to nurture their talent at the workplace.
There is need for gender sensitization. There is need for gender equity training.
This must be done by the work organizations. This should not be seen extravagant
cost. This should be seen as an opportunity for job retention for female employees
and LGBT group because as it will enhance job satisfaction and reduce job stress.
Women and LGBT employees must be seen as an asset. It is a known fact that
women and LGBT employees provide more value altruism, team building, and
reliability in work than men.
Luthans, Fred (2016), Organistional Behaviour, McGrawHill Publications, Indian
Robbins, Stephens P (2014), Organisational Behaviour, Pearson Publications,
Indian Edition.
WHO Disabilities. (n.d.). http://www.who.int/topics/disabilities/en/
Employment of persons with disabilities - United ... (n.d.) http://www.un.org/
Leading Practices on Disability Inclusion - US Chamber of Commerce; https://
When Women Thrive Businesses Thrive - Mercer; http://www.mercer.com/
Glass ceiling - Wikipedia;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_ceiling
Meier & Labuski, 2013; Gender identity - American Psychological Association
Michalle E. Mor Barak; 2013; Managing Diversity – toward a globally inclusive
Berlitz ;Inclusive Leadership: Critical for a Competitive Advantage http://
www. b erl i t z. co m /S i t eDat a/d o cs/ Berl i t z WP I/ 2b 6 d d 53 1 f5ed 2 3d 1 /