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94457/2020/DGM (HOU)


Intelligent Transportation Systems

(ITS) - Requirements for Public
Transport Vehicle Operation

P.B. NO. 832, PUNE 411 004




October 2016

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Status chart of the Standard to be used by the purchaser for updating the record

Sl. Corrigenda Amendment Revision Date Remark Misc.


General remarks:

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)


The Government of India felt the need for a permanent agency to expedite the
publication of standards and development of test facilities in parallel when the work
on the preparation of the standards is going on, as the development of improved
safety critical parts can be undertaken only after the publication of the standard and
commissioning of test facilities. To this end, the erstwhile Ministry of Surface
Transport (MoST) has constituted a permanent Automotive Industry Standards
Committee (AISC) vide order No. RT-11028/11/97-MVL dated September 15, 1997.
The standards prepared by AISC will be approved by the permanent CMVR
Technical Standing Committee (CTSC). After approval, the Automotive Research
Association of India (ARAI), Pune, being the secretariat of the AIS Committee, will
publish this standard.

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are globally proven systems to optimize the
utilization of existing transport infrastructure and improve transportation systems in
terms of efficiency, quality, comfort and safety. Having realized the potential of ITS,
Government bodies and other organizations in India are presently working towards
implementing various components of ITS across the country.

The first step taken for creation and implementation of ITS was holding a National
Workshop titled “User Requirements for Interactive ITS Architecture”, which was
conducted as a collaboration between SIAM and ASRTU on 26th & 27th February
2015. This was primarily focused on ITS in Public Bus Transportation. Nonetheless,
the workshop helped to create the outline for “National Intelligent Transport System
Architecture and Policy for Public Transport (Bus)”, which was submitted by ASRTU
and SIAM to the government

In the 44th & 45th CMVR-TSC, Chairman had directed - standardization activities to
be initiated on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) - Vehicle Location Tracking,
Camera Surveillance System and Emergency Request Button. The committee
intended to extend the above user requirements to all public transportation namely –
buses, taxis, etc. The current document covers the requirements for Vehicle Location
Tracking and Emergency Button. The other ITS components like PIS, CCTV system,
Fare collection etc. are deliberated and would be addressed in later phase and could
be added as separate parts to the current document..

Based on these directions, the AISC Panel on ITS has prepared this AIS-140 titled,
“Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) - Requirements for Public Transport
Vehicle Operation”

The panel has also deliberated and identified the necessary elements for an effective
implementation of vehicle level ITS system.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

This standard has been prepared by considering inputs received from all stake holders
on ITS, mainly -
a. Directions of CMVR-TSC
b. Detailed Specification Document on Vehicle Tracking Devices (dated 4th March
2015, published by MoRTH)
c. Report of Department of Telecom (Telecom Engineering Centre) Automotive
Working Group on M2M enablement in Intelligent Transport System (ITS)

This AIS on ITS, has been provisioned for device level approval; including
construction and target vehicle level approval. Device level approval is needed to
enable retro-fitment of ITS systems on in-use vehicles. This will ensure ITS Backend
Control Centre infrastructure already presents with the STUs can be more fully
utilized and make the investment in the Backend Control Centre infrastructure more
As per the direction of CMVR-TSC which needed the Communication Protocol and
Backend Control Centre requirement for tracking and handling the alerts to be
detailed, the same has been addressed in Section 6 & 7, as detailed below.

 The devices would transmit data to the Backend Control Centre using 2G/3G/4G
wireless connectivity (with SMS fall back) as per the protocol provided in
respective sections (Section 6).
 The data from the devices would travel over the wireless telecom service provider
network and finally get delivered at the Backend Control Centre. The detail about
Device to Backend Communication Mechanism is mentioned in Section 7.
BIS and AIS both have panels which are formulating standards on ITS. It is our belief
that taking the AIS route for the 1st implementation would give the faster time for
adoption. Experts in the BIS panel and in DIMTS who are working on these subjects
have been co-opted and invited to work in the AIS panel to make the AIS as robust as
possible. Once implemented and all implementation problems in this emerging
technology have been eliminated, BIS standard can be made with further inclusions if
any resulting from consultations with the wider stakeholder community. Because of
these reasons, we recommend the AIS route for regulation creation and first
One of the major concerns which has been raised during the panel meetings is on the
issue of privacy encroachments by ITS systems. Some overseas member countries of
the 1958 agreement have been continuously emphasizing in WP29 forums that the
regulated ITS system must not encroach on privacy. Towards this, the panel has
submitted a document titled ‘Data Privacy in Transportation ITS’ To help the system
developers deal with these issues. Further, system developer can also take guidance
from ‘IS/ISO/TR 12859: 2009 - Intelligent Transport Systems — System Architecture
— Privacy Aspects in ITS Standards and Systems’ while developing their systems to
meet the requirements of this standard. The Panel and the Automotive Industry
Standards Committee (AISC) responsible for preparation of this standard are given in
Annexure-D and Annexure -E respectively.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Clause No. Details Page No.
1.0 Scope 1/40
2.0 Application For CMVR Type Approval 3/40
3.0 ITS Functions and Requirements 4/40

4.0 Communication Protocol 10/40

5.0 Construction and Installation 16/40

6.0 Functional, Performance, Durability, Environmental and 17/40

Protocol Tests

7.0 Device to Backend Communication Mechanism 31/40

List of Annexures
ANNEXURE-A Information to be Submitted for Type Approval 34/40

ANNEXURE-B Criteria for Extension of Type Approval 35/40

ANNEXURE-C Physical Interfaces (Connectors) for Power and I/Os 36/40

ANNEXURE-D Composition of Panel 38/40

ANNEXURE-E Committee Composition 40/40

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) - Requirements for

Public Transport Vehicle Operation


1.A.0 This standard applies to both individual components as well as system

environment intended to be used in Public transport vehicles.


Requirements on ITS devices and functions - Vehicle Location Tracking
and Emergency Button.

For the purpose of this standard, definitions are given below:

1.B.1 “Acquisition sensitivity” refers to the minimum signal level at which the
device is able to successfully perform a cold start TTFF. The acquisition
sensitivity test is a simulated signal test.

1.B.2 “Assisted GPS (A-GPS)” is a system allowing satellite receivers to obtain

information from communication network resources to assist in acquiring
satellite location. A-GPS system is especially useful when the receiver is in
a location where it is difficult for the satellite signals to penetrate. In
addition to providing better coverage, A-GPS also improves the start-up
time, which is the time required by the satellites and the receivers to
establish a reliable connection.

1.B.3 “Circular Error Probability (CEP)” is defined as the radius of a circle

centered on the true value that contains 50% of the actual GPS
measurements. So a receiver with 5 meter CEP accuracy will be within 5
meter of the true measurement 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time
the measurement will be in error by more than one meter.

1.B.4 “Dilution of Precision (DOP)” is the degree of proximity of the location

data to their mean value. The relative position of satellites affects the
accuracy of location calculation by the locating module. Location
coordinates computed when the satellites are clustered together suffer from
dilution of precision (DOP), a factor that multiplies the associated errors.
The DOP for an ideal satellites constellation arrangement equals close to 1,
which does not magnify the underlying errors.

1.B.5 “Distance Root Mean Square (DRMS also called RMS, 1Sigma)”
This is computed as square root of the average of the squared horizontal
position errors with 65% probability. The position expressed has the
probability of being within a circle with radius with 65% probability. A
locating module with 6 metre DRMS accuracy would be within 6 meters of
its actual position 65% of the time.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

1.B.6 “Emergency Button” A button provided in vehicle for passengers or crew

members to send specialized data packet /SMS to Centralized regulatory
server to indicate safety/panic situation caused by human or natural
disaster or vehicle accident etc.
1.B.7 “Global Positioning System (GPS)” is a space-based radio navigation
system. It provides positioning, navigation, and timing services to military
and civilian users on a continuous basis.
1.B.8 “Sensitivity” refers to the minimum signal strength level at which locating
module can successfully perform a location fix. A GNSS locating module
has two different sensitivity levels – acquisition sensitivity and tracking
1.B.9 “Time to First Fix (TTFF)” describes the time required for a tracking
device to acquire adequate satellite signals and related data (almanac and
ephemeris data) to compute location.
1.B.10 “Tracking Sensitivity” refers to the minimum signal level at which the
device is able to successfully maintain the location fix. The acquisition
sensitivity test is a simulated signal test.
1.B.11 “Vehicle Location Tracking (VLT)” device uses satellite based location
technology to determine and record the precise location of a vehicle at
regular intervals. The location data so determined can be stored within the
device, and/or can be transmitted to the Backend Control Centre using a
wireless communication modem built in the device.
The References are listed below.
1.C.1 National Level Vehicle Security and Tracking System – Detailed
Specification Document on Vehicle Tracking Devices (GPS) (Published by
1.C.2 APTA TCIP - American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
Standard for Transit Communications Interface Profiles (TCIP)
1.C.3 EBSF - European Bus System of the Future
1.C.4 ISO 11898-1:2003 Road vehicles — Controller area network (CAN)
1.C.5 SAE J 1939 Recommended Practice for a Serial Control and
Communications Vehicle Network.
1.C.6 Bus-FMS-Standard
1.C.8 National ITS Architecture - U.S. Department of Transportation
1.C.9 ISO 17185-1:2014 - Intelligent transport systems — Public transport user
information — Part 1: Standards framework for public information

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

1.C.10 Trans model Standard (CEN/TC 278 WG3/SG4, Reference Entity-

Relationship Data Model for Public Transport) - European reference data
model for Public Transport operations developed within several European
Projects - EN 12896:2006

1.C.11 Specification for Entity-Relationship for describing the main fixed objects
in Public transport CEN/TC 278, 2008 - EN 28701:2012

1.C.12 RTIG (Real Time Information Group Ltd) - Digital Air Interface Protocol

1.C.13 SIRI (Service Interface for Real Time Information) European Technical
Specification (TS) - CEN/TS 15531

1.C.14 NeTEx-Network Exchange European Technical Specification (TS)

CEN/TS 16614

1.C.15 NaPTAN (National Public Transport Access Node)

1.C.16 ISO 15638-15:2014 Intelligent transport systems – Framework for

cooperative telematics applications for regulated vehicles (TARV) – Part
15: Vehicle location monitoring

1.C.17 ISO 15638-5:2013 Intelligent transport systems – Framework for

collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight
Vehicles (TARV) – Part 5: Generic vehicle information

1.C.18 NMEA-0183: The NMEA 0183 standard defines an electrical interface and
data protocol for communications between marine instrumentation.

1.C.19 IS/ISO/TR 12859:2009 – Intelligent Transport System-System

Architecture-Privacy Aspects in ITS standards and systems

1.C.20 Report of Department of Telecom (Telecom Engineering Centre)

Automotive Working Group on M2M enablement in Intelligent Transport
System (ITS)

1.C.21 URL: http://tec.gov.in/pdf/M2M/M2M%20Enablement%20in%20ITS.pdf


2.1 The application for CMVR device level approval shall be accompanied by
information on the system specification as mentioned in Annexure A.

2.2 Type approval shall involve following steps:

2.2.1 Device Approval: Approval provided at Device level for compliance to

this standard.
These approved devices can be fitted / retro-fitted by manufacturer/ dealer/
permit holder/system integrator in any vehicle model provided it shall meet
installation requirements as mentioned in Clause No. 5 of this standard.
For manufacturers seeking vehicle level approval with approved VLT with
Emergency Buttons fitted shall only require installation approval as per the
provisions of Clause 5 and Sub-Clause 6.1 of Clause 6.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

2.3 Modifications and Extension of Approval

2.3.1 Every modification pertaining to the information, even if the changes

are not technical in nature declared in accordance with clause 2.1, shall
be intimated by the VLT with Emergency Button Manufacturer to the
test agency. If the changes are in parameters not related to the provisions, no further
action need be taken. If the changes are in parameters related to the provisions, the test agency,
which has issued the certificate of compliance, may then consider, based
on the justification provided by the VLT with Emergency Button
Manufacturer and reviewed by the test agency, whether,

The model with the changed specifications still complies with provisions;


Any further verification is required to establish compliance.

2.3.2 In case of, tests for only those parameters which are affected by the
modifications need be carried out based on Criteria for extension of type
approval as per Annexure B.

2.3.3 In case of fulfilment of criterion of clause or after results of further

verification as per clause are satisfactory, the approval of
compliance shall be extended for the changes carried out.


The list of ITS functions envisaged from this device type is set out
below in Table 3A –

Table 3A: List of ITS Functions and Sub Functions

Function Sub Functions

Emergency Buttons
Safety and Security
Vehicle Location Tracking (VLT)

The above functions and their requirements shall be met by only single
device that can be interfaced by external emergency buttons. The
communications to Backend Control Server (Government authorized
server) shall be done by device as per the protocol and functionalities
defined below.

3.1 Vehicle Location Tracking (VLT) With Emergency Button

3.1.1 Functional Requirements for VLT

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
AIS-140 Device shall be capable of obtaining position information using Global

Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). GNSS receiver specifications are
as follows:
a. Device shall be capable for operating in L and/or S band and include
support for NAVIC/IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite
System) for devices installed on or after 1st April, 2018.
b. The Device shall support GAGAN, the Indian SBAS (Satellite
Based Augmentation System).
c. Device shall have a position accuracy of minimum 2.5 m CEP or
6 m 2DRMS.
d. Device shall have an acquisition sensitivity of minimum (-) 148
e. Device shall have a tracking sensitivity of minimum (-) 165 dBm.
f. Device shall have an internal antenna; however if in case of
Integrated systems with vehicle / aftermarket OEM approved kits if
the fitment location prevents the internal antenna from functioning,
then external antenna shall be provided. Device shall support standard minimum I/Os as mentioned: 4 Digital, 2
Analogue and 1 Serial Communication (e.g. RS232) for interfacing
external systems (E.g. Digital input for Emergency request button
interfacing). Device shall be capable of transmitting data to Backend Control Server

(Government authorized server) via Wide Area (Mobile)
Communications network (GSM/GPRS) as per Communication
Protocol in Section 4. Device shall be capable of transmitting Position, Velocity and Time (PVT
data) along with heading (direction of travel) to a Backend Control Server
(Government authorized server) at configurable frequency as per
Communication Protocol of Section 4.

The fixed frequency shall be user configurable, minimum frequency shall

be 5 sec during vehicle operation and not less than 10 minutes in sleep/IGN
OFF) as per the protocol defined in Communication Protocol of Section 4. Device shall be capable of transmitting data to minimum 2 different IP

addresses (1 IP address for regulatory purpose (PVT data) and 1 IP address
for Emergency response system other than the IP’s required for
Operational purpose. On pressing of Emergency button, the system implementing VLT function

shall send emergency Alert (Alert ID 10 as mentioned in Sub-section 4.2.1
of Communication Protocol Section 4) to the configured IP address(s) as
per the Communication Protocol mentioned in Section 4. In the absence of
GPRS network, the emergency alert shall be sent as SMS message along
with vehicle location data to configured control center number(s). The
SMS shall consist parameters as given in Sub-section 4.2.2.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
AIS-140 Device shall have an internal back-up battery to support 4 hours of

normal operations (to be tested for positional record transmission at a
frequency of 60 sec). Device shall be capable of transmitting alerts to the Backend Control
Server (Government authorized server) directly. The applicable list of
alerts is given in Section 4.2 (Alert ID 3 to 12) of Section 4. Device shall support over the air software and configuration update. Device shall support basic standard configuration (Mobile
communications network settings, Backend Control Server (Government
authorized server) details, data frequencies, alert thresholds etc.) as per
configuration specification defined in Section 4. Device shall support store and forward mechanism for all type of data
(periodic data and alerts) meant for backend transmission. The system
shall store data in internal memory during communication network un-
availability and transmit the data when the connection resumes in last in
first out (LIFO) manner. The live data shall be given higher priority for
transmission than back log (stored data) at any point in time. The Device shall have a unique identifier for identifying the VLT device
and data. The unique ID shall be stored in a read only memory area so
that it cannot be altered or overwritten by any person. The unique
identifier may be Vehicle Identification number or IMEI (International
Mobile Station Equipment Identity) Number. Device shall store/write the registration number of the vehicle in the
internal nonvolatile memory. Device shall have an Embedded SIM. Device shall be designed to operate between 8VDC and 32VDC using
vehicle battery input voltage range 12 /24Volts. Device shall have a sleep mode current ≤ 20 mA (If the function is
implemented in a dedicated system/device). Device shall support any operational GNSS system with 12 (minimum)
acquisition channels. The Device shall support:

• Location on GPRS/SMS

• Non-volatile memory to store min 40,000 positional log

• Configurable backup SMS facility in case of GPRS failure

• Capability to send serving and adjacent cell ID as well as network

measurement report (NMR)

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
AIS-140 The Device GNSS module shall have:

• The capability of Hot start <5s

• The capability of Warm start : < 30s

• The capability of Cold start < 40 s Device shall support Outputs as per NMEA 0183 The Device GPRS module shall have:

• Multi slot GPRS with In - built Quad-band GPRS module/Modem

• GPRS class 10 or above

• Support Embedded SIM to cater to the automotive operational
requirement such as vibration, temperature and humidity and provide
long life span with at least 10 years life and more than 1 million
read/write cycles
• GPRS module & SIM shall support
o SMS, Data (GPRS, TCP/IP) and
o Support multiple network OTA switching (on-demand/automatic)
capabilities. Device shall be dust, temperature, vibration, water splash resistant, IP 65
rated or better, tamper proof as per Section 6. Device shall be manufactured using processes as per quality management
standard for automotive industries i.e. ISO/TS 16949 updated from time
to time. Device shall support A-GPS (Assisted GPS). Device shall have provision of secured data transmission to the Backend
Control Centre from the devices through secured channel (e.g. secured
dedicated APN). Device shall have 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis gyroscope for getting
the alerts on harsh breaking harsh acceleration, and rash turning.
3.1.2 Functional Requirement for Emergency System Passengers or in-vehicle crew present in the vehicle shall be able to make
an emergency request by pressing the emergency button provided. The emergency request function shall not exist as standalone. The
function shall be part of Vehicle Location Tracking (VLT) system. An
alert shall be sent to the Backend Control Server (Government authorized
server) when emergency request is raised. De-activation shall always be
from authorized government server who receives alert message i.e.
NERS system as mentioned in Sub-section 4.2.2.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
AIS-140 The Emergency Buttons will be 'Normally Closed' (NC) type. The form
factor of Emergency Buttons will be such that the button is easy to press
in the case of an emergency, and simultaneously also minimizes the
possibility of accidental or unintended press thereby causing a false alert. On pressing of Emergency button, the system implementing VLT
function shall send emergency Alert (Alert ID 10 as mentioned in Sub-
section 4.2.1 of Communication Protocol Section 4) to the Backend
Control Server (Government authorized server) as per the
Communication Protocol mentioned in Section 4. In the absence of
GPRS network, the alert shall be sent as SMS message along with
vehicle location data to configured control center number. The SMS shall
consist of parameters as given in Sub-section 4.2.2. In absence of both GPRS and GSM networks and on pressing of
Emergency Button, the system implementing VLT function shall store
the emergency Alert (Alert ID 10 as mentioned in Sub-section 4.2.1 of
Communication Protocol Section 4). Once the GPRS or GSM is
available, this alert information shall be sent on high priority to the
configured IP addresses as per the communication protocol mentioned in
Section 4 or as SMS message along with vehicle location data to
configured control center number. The SMS shall consist of parameters
as given in Sub-section 4.2.2.
3.1.3 Configuration of Device Parameters Over the Air (OTA)
The device shall support at least the below parameters to be configurable
over the air (through SMS and GPRS). The updation shall be allowed
only over an ‘authenticated’ channel:
1. Setting/ Change of the Primary or Secondary IP and port number
2. Setting/ Change of the APN
3. Set configuration parameter like sleep time, overspeed limit, harsh
braking, harsh acceleration, rash turning threshold limits etc.
4. Emergency control SMS Centre Number(s)
5. Configuring the vehicle registration number
6. Configuring the frequency of data transmission in normal / Ignition
state / OFF state sleep mode/ Emergency state, etc.
7. Configuring the time duration for Emergency state
8. Capability to reset the device
9. Command to get the IMEI of the device
Configurable commands must involve the following features:
 SET: For setting the parameters.
 GET: For enquiring regarding the parameters such as mobile number,
GSM strength, vehicle number and other important parameters.
 CLR: For clearing certain commands, alarms, alerts etc.
After each SET, GET, CLR command the device should send alert to
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Backend Control Centre, as mentioned in Section 4 Alert 12, giving the

details of Mode, mobile no/ IP of control center sending commands.
3.1.4 Tracking Device Health Monitoring Parameters
The device shall send status of health parameters at configurable interval
and this threshold value shall also be configurable over the air. It shall be
possible for health parameters to be fetched on demand via command as
set out below in Table 3B.

Table 3B:
Health Monitoring Parameter
Sl. No. Field Description
1 Start Character $
2 Header The header of the packet/ identifier
3 Vendor ID Vendor identification header
4 Firmware Version Version details of the Firmware
used in EX.1.0.0
5 IMEI Identified of the sending unit. 15
digit standard unique IMEI no.
6 Battery percentage Indicates the internal battery charge
7 Low battery threshold Indicates value on which low
value battery alert generated in percentage
8 Memory percentage Indicates flash memory percentage
9 Data update rate when Indicates Packet frequency on
ignition ON ignition ON
10 Data update rate when Indicates Packet frequency on
ignition OFF ignition OFF
11 Digital I/o status Inputs connected to the device.
12 Analog I/o status Analog input status
13 End character *

3.1.5 SMS Fall Back

In case of emergency state, (i.e. on pressing of Alert button), the device
will shift to the SMS mode in case GPRS connectivity is not available. In
such case, the device will send the Alert message and tracking data
through SMS mode. Since SMS has the limitation of sending only 160
characters, so the tracking data to be sent in one SMS will have fields -
IMEI, Latitude, Direction, Longitude, Direction, location fix, speed, Cell
ID, LAC (Location Area Code), Date and Time as per emergency alert .
The details is provided in Sub-section 4.2.2.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)


4.1 Data Frame Format
Table below (Table 4A) contains the listing of fields that the vehicle
tracking devices would be required to send to the Backend Control
Centre. The first 3 fields (Start character, Header for VLT with
Emergency Buttons and Vendor ID, who has supplied the device) must
be fixed in position as well as format (Header part of frame). Rest all
other fields are required to be present in the location data sent by the
devices to the backend, but can be in any sequence or with any separator
between fields. The data value can be either in American Standard Code
for Information Interchange (ASCII) or in HEX format. Device must
transmit the Login message whenever it establishes (re-establishes after
disconnection) its connectivity with Server with the specified fields.
Login Message will carry following information:
• $DeviceName –Vehicle number on which the device is installed.
• $IMEI –15 Digit IMEI number.
• $Firmware – Version of the firmware used in the hardware.
• $Protocol -Version of the frame format protocol.
• $LastValidLocation – Last location info saved at the device.
Table 4A:
Data Message Format
Field Description Sample Data
Start Character $ $
Header The header of the
packet/ identifier
Vendor ID Vendor
identification header
Firmware Version details of 1.0.0
Version the Firmware used
in EX.1.0.0
Packet Type Specify the packet type
Depending upon the
context, every frame
from tracking device
NR = Normal must carry a
EA = Emergency Alert qualification code. This
TA = Tamper Alert helps to determine the
(Optional) state in which vehicle is
at that time.
HP = Health Packet
IN = Ignition On
IF = Ignition Off
BD = Vehicle Battery
BR = Vehicle Battery
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

BL = Internal Battery
Packet Status L=Live or H= History L

IMEI Identified of the sending 123456789012345

unit. 15 digit standard
unique IMEI no.
Vehicle Reg. No Mapped vehicle DL1PC9821
registration number
GPS Fix 1 = GPS fix OR 0 = GPS 1
Date Date value as per GPS 220714
date time per GPS date
Time Time value as per GPS 050656
date time in UTC format
Latitude Latitude value in 28.758963
decimal degrees (not
less than 6 places)
Latitude Dir Latitude Direction. N
N=North, S= South
Longitude Longitude value in 77.6277844
decimal degrees (not
less than 6 places).
Longitude Dir Longitude Direction. W
E=East, W= West
Speed Speed of Vehicle as 25.1
Calculated by GPS
module in VLT. (in
km/hrs.) (Upto One
Decimal Value)
Heading Course over ground in 310.56
No of Satellites Number of satellites 8
available for fix
Altitude Altitude of the device in 183.5
PDOP Positional dilution of
HDOP Horizontal dilution of
Network Operator Name of Network INA Airtel

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Name Operator
Ignition 1= Ignition On , 0 = 1
Ignition Off
Main Power Status 0 = Vehicle Battery 1
1= Vehicle Battery
Main Input Voltage Indicator showing source 12.5
voltage in Volts.(Upto
One Decimal Value)
Internal Battery Indicator for level of 4.2
Voltage battery charge
remaining. (Upto One
Decimal Value)
Emergency Status 1= On , 0 = Off 0
Tamper Alert C = Cover Closed, O = C
(Optional) Cover Open
GSM Signal Strength Value Ranging from 0 – 25
MCC Mobile Country Code 404
MNC Mobile Network Code 10
LAC Location Area Code 00D6
NMR (Network Neighbouring 4 cell ID
Measurement Report) along with their LAC &
signal strength
Neighbouring Cell ID
Digital Input Status 4 external digital input 0001
status (Status of Input 1
to Input 3 (0=Off;
Digital Output Status 2 external digital output 01
(0=Off; 1=On)
Frame Number Sequence Number of the 000005
messages (000001 to
Checksum Insures No error in 16
transmission (optimal)
End Character Indicated End of the *

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4.2 Messages & Alerts from Devices

4.2.1 Table below (Table 4B) contains the listing of alerts that need to come
from the tracking devices. These alerts are applicable for both live
packets as well as the history packets.
Table 4B:
Messages & Alerts Supported
Alert Message & Alerts Remarks
1. Location Update Default message coming from
each device
2. Location Update (history) Would be sent, if GPRS is not
available at the time of sending
the message in protocol format
Zero, BLANK, NIL, etc.
3. Alert – Disconnect from If device is disconnected from
main battery vehicle battery and running on its
internal battery
4. Alert – Low battery If device internal battery has
fallen below a defined threshold
5. Alert – Low battery removed Indicates that device internal
battery is charged again
6. Alert – Connect back to Indicates that device is connected
main battery back to main battery
7. Alert – Ignition ON Indicates that Vehicle’s Ignition
is switched ON
8. Alert – Ignition OFF Indicates that Vehicle’s Ignition
is switched OFF
9. Alert – GPS box opened Optional message would be
(Optional) generated indicating GPS box
10. Alert – Emergency state When any of the emergency
ON* button is pressed
11. Alert – emergency State When emergency state of vehicle
OFF is removed
12. Alert Over the air parameter When any parameter is changed
change over the air. Shall include the
name of parameter changed and
source of command
13. Harsh Braking Alert indicating for harsh
14. Harsh Acceleration Alert indicating for harsh

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

15. Rash Turning Alert indicating for Rash turning.

16 Device Tempered Alert Indicating Emergency
button wire disconnect/ wire cut

4.2.2 In case of emergency alert, the alert message shall be sent to 2 different
IP addresses hence the device shall support minimum 2 IP addresses (1
IP address for regulatory purpose (PVT data) and 1 IP address for
Emergency response system other than the IP’s required for Operational
purpose. The PVT data will send the emergency alert to the system.
Primary alert will go to the emergency response Backend Control Centre
(NERS/ MHA) as may be notified by the Government of India in the
schema below:

Primary alert will go to the emergency response Backend Control Centre

as notified by the Government of India in the indicative format below
(Table 4C):
Table 4C:
Indicative Format for Alert to Emergency Response System
Attribute Value / Description Size
Packet Header EPB, The unique identifier for all Character, 3 bytes
messages from VLT
Packet EPB, The unique identifier for Character, 3 bytes
Header all messages from VLT
Message Message Types supported. Character, 2 bytes
Type Emergency Message (EMR) or
Stop Message (SEM)
Vehicle ID Unique ID of the Vehicle Character,15 bytes
(IMEI Number)
Packet NM – Normal Packet, Character, 2 bytes
Type SP – Stored Packet
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Date Date and time of location the Character,14 bytes

location obtained from the data in
DDMMYYYY hhmmss format
GPS A – Valid, Character, 1 byte
V – Invalid
Latitude Latitude in decimal degrees - Double, 12 bytes
dd.mmmmmm format
Latitude N – North, Character, 1 byte
S – South
Longitude Longitude in decimal degrees - Double, 12 bytes
dd.mmmmmm format
Longitude E – East Character, 1 byte
W – West
Altitude Altitude in meters (above sea level) Double, 12 bytes
Speed Speed of Vehicle as Calculated by Float, 6 bytes
GPS module in VLT. (in km/hr)
Distance Distance calculated from previous Float, 6 bytes
GPS data
Provider G - Fine GPS Character, 1 byte
N - Coarse GPS or data from the
Vehicle Registration Number of the Character, 16 bytes
RegnNo Vehicle
Reply The mobile number to which Test 0
Number response needs to be sent.
(Emergency Mobile No. as
specified by
CRC The 32 bit checksum of all the 8 bytes
characters from the header up to
the CRC field
*Above format is indicative only. These Format will be notified by the
Government of India time to time.
4.3 Testing of Configuration of Device Parameters Over the Air (OTA)
The following testing will be done for
1. Setting/ Change of the Primary or Secondary IP and port number
2. Setting/ Change of the APN
3. Set configuration, parameter like sleep time for speed, harsh braking,
rash turns, etc.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

4. Emergency SMS Centre Number

5. Configuring the vehicle registration number
6. Configuring the frequency of data transmission in normal / Ignition
state / OFF state sleep mode, Emergency state, etc.
7. Configuring the time duration for Emergency state
8. Capability to reset the device
9. Command to get the IMEI of the device
Configurable commands must involve the following features:
 SET: For setting the parameters.
 GET: For enquiring regarding the parameters such as mobile number,
GSM strength, vehicle number and other important parameters.
 CLR: For clearing certain commands, alarms, alerts etc.
(To be verified on component level and target vehicle level approval)
5.1 Requirements on vehicle interface for VLT with Emergency Button
Connector for Power
The requirements for interface shall be as below or as agreed between
vehicle manufacturer and device manufacturer.
Standard connectors conforming to ISO 15170 shall be used at vehicle
side. Connector requirements shall be as per Annexure – C, Clause 1.1
(Sl. No 1 - Low power systems 1)
However, Device/System side connector/s shall be pre-agreed with
equipment manufacturer by
 Vehicle OEM in the case of OE fitment of the systems
 System supplier in case of retro fitment in aftermarket.
These requirements do not apply to integrated systems with vehicle
where integration is done by vehicle manufacturer and /or System
5.2 Requirement of Emergency System
Emergency button shall be one time press type. Separate release action
from authorized server shall be required to bring back the emergency
button to normal mode or clear emergency flag.
5.3 Physical Mounting
The VLT system shall be mounted in a suitable location such a way that
it is not easily accessible /exposed to passengers.
This requirement shall not be applicable in case of combined systems
VLT with HMI (Human Machine Interface) display in front of driver.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Test agency to verify this on vehicle level approval.

Emergency button(s) shall be fitted in such a way that every passenger
including driver shall be able to access the Emergency button(s).
Passenger Car shall have 2 emergency buttons on each passenger row
easily assessable by each of the passenger. There shall also be one
dedicated emergency button for the driver.
Passenger Transport bus shall have emergency buttons at locations easily
visible & assessable to all the passengers such as every 2 meters on both
the sides on passenger seating area. For seats reserved for ladies there
shall be a dedicated panic button for each row.
Test agency to verify this on vehicle level approval.
5.4 Power Supply
The vehicle tracking device will be installed on vehicles in which the
power supply voltage from vehicle battery is widely varying (12V, 24V
etc.) and also the power supply is not as stable as that in case of fixed
locations, especially during engine start-up and braking when the
voltage can fall to as low as 9V. Typically electronic devices are very
sensitive to power surges and spikes, and equipment may fail if they do
not receive stable power supply. The devices will need to have a
resilient power supply unit that can withstand such fluctuations and the
devices also need to have power backup so that they continue to
function for some duration when the vehicle battery is not functional or
is disconnected from the devices.
Vehicle power interface shall have
 One common ground linked to vehicle chassis
 One permanent power Supply (12/24V) connected to the vehicle
 One non-permanent power line (12/24V) connect to the battery after
5.4.1 Electrical Wiring
The wiring harness used in the device shall be tested for flammability as
per IS 2465.
6.1 Vehicle Level Functional Tests
Following functionalities for each of the systems shall be demonstrated
at the vehicle, in case system is provided by the vehicle OEM.
6.1.1 Vehicle Location Tracking With Emergency Button Vehicle OEM shall only provide/ installed devices approved under
component level testing. System transmits PVT information to Backend Control Center
(2 different IPs) at user configurable frequency (minimum 5 seconds)
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
AIS-140 System to communicate to control center on the occurrence of the alerts

captured in Communication Protocol of Section 4.
6.1.2 Emergency Request
Emergency request function - When the emergency buttons (as
applicable) placed anywhere in the vehicle is pressed by any passenger /
crew, make sure that the emergency request message is send/received at
the control center.
6.2 Component Level Functional Tests
Following functionalities for each of the systems shall be demonstrated.
At the choice of the manufacturer, these functionalities can also be
alternately demonstrated at the vehicle level and shall be deemed to be
complied with at component level as well.
6.2.1 Vehicle Location Tracking Standard connector provided for Power and other signals as per
Annexure C. Configuration of device as per the standard format mentioned in
Section 4.
 Local configuration upload shall be verified.
 Configuration upload from control center shall be verified. Vehicle Location data transmission to Backend Control Center. Backend Control Centre shall be able to check the version of firmware
loaded on the system. Update the firmware of the system from Backend Control Centre
6.3 Device Level Functional, Performance & Durability Tests
The tests to be performed for device level approvals are as listed below.
These functionality check will be performed after each test as
acceptance criteria –
Tested systems shall satisfy general functional requirements at all the
specified ranges during the test and after the test.
Following to be checked after testing:
i) Tracking functionality shall be checked via Backend Control Centre
for the VLT system (Functional Test number 1 as per “Table 6A
Functional Testing”.
6.3.1 Functional Testing
Functional Testing as described in the Table 6A below shall be done
with the acceptance criteria in Table 6A after completion of all the
Performance & Durability Tests as listed in Table 6B.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Table 6A:
Functional Testing

Sl. No Test Test Procedure

1 Tracking The test shall be conducted on VTL to
Functionality determine the proper functioning of VLT
Test with Emergency Button by testing its
connectivity to Backend Control Centre
(Government authorized server).

Procedure: The VLT with Emergency Button

shall be connected to vehicle battery to
switch it on. The VLT with Emergency
Button shall be tested for the connectivity to
server and its capability to send two location
2 Location This test shall be conducted on VLT with
Accuracy Test Emergency Button.

The receiver is placed into a cold start state –

usually by a command sent to the receiver
through a test connection – and then a fairly
strong navigation signal simulating in L
and/or S band is sent. The time it takes for
the receiver to determine its first good
location fix is recorded. Test is done many
times (>15 times) over many conditions and
the results are averaged.

Acceptance Criteria: 2.5 m CEP or 6 m


3 Acquisition This test shall be conducted on VLT with

Sensitivity Emergency Button.
Test Procedure: Set the simulator to output
navigation signal simulating L and/or S band
to a particular location with a very level so
that the tracking is not possible. Gradually
increase the signal level that allows the
receiver to successfully perform a cold start
TTFF within a specified time frame. The
minimum signal level that allows acquisition

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

is referred as to the acquisition sensitivity.

Acceptance Criteria: The acquisition
sensitivity shall be minimum (-) 148 dBm.
4 Tracking This test shall be conducted on VLT.
Sensitivity Procedure: The device under this test is
Test locked on to the simulator's output frequency
(navigation signal simulating L and/or S
band) and the simulator power output is
lowered until the lock is lost. Multiple
repetition of the test with different satellite
geometries ensures that an accurate average
measure is recorded.
Acceptance Criteria: The tracking
sensitivity shall be equal to or better than (-)
165 dBm.
5 Cold-Start The device in this test is placed into a cold
Time to First start state. The time it takes for the device to
Fix (TTFF) determine its first good location fix is
Test recorded. The cold start test is performed
several times and the results are averaged.
Acceptance Criteria: The cold start TTFF
shall be less than 40 seconds at Open Sky
condition or (-) 130 dBm.

6 Warm-Start In this test the device is started in warm start

Time to First mode and time taken by device to determine
Fix Test the first valid location fix is recorded. This is
done several times and results are averaged.
Acceptance Criteria: The warm start TTFF
shall be less than 30 seconds at Open Sky
condition or (-) 130 dBm.
7 Hot-Start Time In this test the device is started in Hot start
to First Fix mode and time taken by device to determine
Test the first valid location fix is recorded. This
test is performed several times and results
are averaged.
Acceptance Criteria: The hot start TTFF
shall be less than 5 seconds.
8 SIM Test This test is to check the suitability of the
SIM and communication module. The test
shall be conducted to determine the
effectiveness and operation of the GPRS
module with OTA network switching
capabilities on demand as well as
automatically in real-time. The test consist of
two type of testing as below:

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

1. The device would be tested to perform as

per the protocol using an embedded
2. The GPRS module & SIM, shall support:
o SMS, Data (GPRS, TCP/IP) and
o Support multiple network OTA
switching capabilities (On Demand as
well as Automatic Switching on real-
time basis)
Acceptance Criteria: In the testing, vendors
has to demonstrate the embedded SIM based
tracking and multiple network OTA
switching capabilities (On Demand as well
as Automatic Switching on real-time basis)
for effective network management and
9 Interference Interference testing is a type of test, in which
Test Cold Start/Hot Start test are performed with
device exposed to interfering signals and the
performance as recorded. In this test, the
GPS receiver is turned on and allowed to
achieve a location fix. The jamming signal is
then added to the GPS signal at a level that is
detectable to the GPS receiver. The jamming
signal power level is increased in 1 dB
increments until the first degradation of the
GPS receiver is noticed. This is typically a
dropped satellite. The jamming signal power
level is again slowly increased until the GPS
receiver loses its 3D navigation fix.
Acceptance Criteria: The Interference shall
not result in any degradation of the Cold
Start/Hot Start TTFF times. In addition, it
shall not result in any degradation of the
absolute location accuracy required and the
same shall be 2.5 m CEP or 6 m 2DRMS.
10 Multipath Test This test is a simulated frequency test
conducted to determine the effect of
multipath signals. The signal from a single
satellite is simulated to arrive at the device
via two or more paths. One path is typically a
direct path, and other paths are typically a
reflection of the same signal from building or
structure. Multipath testing is a kind of a
meta-test in that some of the above tests are
done with the addition of multi-path
simulation of one or more satellites by the
GPS signal simulator.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Acceptance Criteria: The multipath shall

not result in any degradation of the Cold
Start/Hot Start TTFF times. In addition, it
should not result in any degradation of the
absolute location accuracy required and the
same shall be 2.5 m CEP or 6 m 2DRMS.
6.3.2 Performance & Durability Test
The Performance & Durability Test is listed in Table 6B.
Table 6B:
Performance & Durability Test
Sl. No Test Test Procedure
1 Shock Test Shock test is performed to provide a degree
of confidence that the device can physically
and functionally withstand the relatively
infrequent, non-repetitive shocks
encountered in transportation environments.
This test provides an assessment of the effect
of the shocks on the performance of the
device. The test shall be performed as per IS
9000-part 7 – 2006. Severity Level = 15g,
Impact duration = 11ms, Impact Type = Half
sine, Total number of impact = 9 (3 on each
Acceptance Criteria: Device after the shock
test shall be required to meet the provisions
of Functional Test Number 1 as listed in
Table 6A.

2 Vibration Test This test is performed to check that the

device the device can physically and
functionally withstand the vibration
exposures in the life cycle typically
encountered in a vehicular environment. The
test shall be performed as per IS 9000-part 8
– 1981. The test specimen mounted on a
suitable support shall be rigidly fixed on a
suitable vibrating machine constructed to
produce simple harmonic function (total
amplitude of 1.5 mm) and shall be subjected
to vibration through a frequency range of 10-
55-10 Hz in a sweep period of 1 min with
continuously varying frequencies. The
vibration shall be applied for not less than 1
h in the directions of each of the 3 major axes
of the light.
Acceptance Criteria: During and after the test
the device shall be required to meet the
provisions of Functional Test Number 1 as
listed in Table 6A.
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

3 Ingress The vehicle tracking devices must be able to

Protection (IP) work in dusty environment that are typically
encountered by the public transport vehicles
where these would be installed. IP rating (IS/
IEC 60529 - 2001) is used for specifying the
environmental protection characteristics of the
tracking device. The device will be tested for
dust and water ingress according to IP 65

Acceptance Criteria: The device shall be

required to meet the provisions of Functional
Test Number 1 as listed in Table 6A.

4 EMI /EMC The Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) tests
are performed to assess whether the device
performs its intended functions in the
electromagnetic environment to which it
would be exposed. Further, the device shall
not generate electromagnetic disturbances
that may influence other equipment in the
Acceptance Criteria: The device shall meet
the EMI/EMC requirements as per AIS 004
(Part 3).
5 Battery Battery backup is the amount of time that the
Backup Test device battery can support sending the data
without being connected to the power source.
This test will be performed by disconnecting
the input charging voltage to the device. On
disconnecting the external supply, battery
would use its charge capacity to send data
through GPRS. Time duration between
external power disconnect to the last data
packet time denotes the battery backup time.
Acceptance Criteria: Device shall be able
to work in active mode for a period of 4
hours or more at the polling/ transmission
rate of 60 sec
6 Reverse The device to be tested shall be connected to
Polarity a reversed voltage of 14 V for 12 V systems
Protection and 27 V for 24 V systems for 2 min after
without Fuse connecting the system to the suitable circuit.
Acceptance Criteria: After test; the device
shall be required to meet the provisions of
Functional Test Number 1 as listed in Table

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

7 Wiring Flammability Test: The wiring harness

Harness - used in the device shall be tested for
Flammability flammability as per IS 2465.
8 Wiring As per AIS 028
Harness -
or DIN72551 or ISO 6722
9 Free Fall IS 9000 (Part VII/Sec 4) Free fall at 500 mm.
Acceptance Criteria: After test the device
shall be required to meet the provisions of
Functional Test Number 1 as listed in Table
10 Performance During testing, VLT with Emergency button
Parametric shall be kept inside test chamber in power
Test ON condition.
(Nine points, (System shall be stabilized for minimum 5
tri min at each condition.
At each test point the system will be powered
voltage) on and shut down 5 times with a duration of
1 min ON and 1 min OFF time)
Following are the various voltages &

24V System 12V System

18V, -25°C 9V, -25°C
18V, +80°C 9V, +80°C
18V, Room 9V, Room
Temperature Temperature
27V, -25°C 13.5V, -25°C
27V, +80°C 13.5V, +80°C
27V, Room 13.5 V, Room
Temperature Temperature
32V, -25°C 16V, -25°C
32V, +80°C 16V, +80°C
32V, Room 16V, Room
Temperature Temperature

Acceptance Criteria: The device shall be

required to meet the provisions of Functional
Test Number 1 as listed in Table A for each
value of the temperature and voltage.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

11 Insulation Test shall be conducted as per ISO 16750-

Resistance 2:2010 after damp heat test mentioned in
Test point 3 of the Section 6.4.
System/components shall remain 0.5 h at RT
after the damp heat test.
Test shall be conducted With a voltage of
500 V DC. Acceptance Criteria: Insulation
Resistance shall be > 1 MΩ.
No arcing or puncturing of insulation
allowed shall be observed
12 Load Dump VLT shall be tested for this.
Test Pulse 5a For 12 V System:
A Voltage spike of 65V, 4 Ohms 200ms
pulse-5a as per standard ISO 7637-2: 2004
For 24 V System:
A Voltage spike of 123V, 8 Ohms 200ms
pulse-5a as per standard ISO 7637-2: 2004.
Acceptance Criteria: Device shall meet
functional class A as per ISO 7637-2: 2004.
After test, the device shall be required to
meet the provisions of Functional Test
Number 1 as listed in Table 6A.

6.3.3 Device Level Environmental Tests

The environmental tests to be performed for device level approvals are as
listed in Table 6C.
Following to be checked after testing:
i) Tracking functionality shall be checked via Backend Control Centre for
the VLT with Emergency Button.
Table 6C:
Device Level Environmental Test
Sl. Test Procedure
1 Dry Heat / High The high temperature test is used to evaluate
Temperature Test effects of high temperature conditions on
safety, integrity, and performance of the
device. The test shall be carried out in
accordance with Indian Standard IS: 9000 (Part
3/Sec 5) the device shall be subjected to
temperature of 70 ± 2°C for 16 h in high
temperature. Test with device in working
condition. The recovery period shall be 2 h.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Acceptance Criteria: Device during and after

the high temperature test the device shall be
required to meet the provisions of Functional
Test Number 1 as listed in Table 6A.
2 Cold Test The test shall be carried out in accordance with
IS 9000 (Part 2/Sec 4 - 1977). The device
under test shall be subjected to temperature of
–10 ± 2°C for 2 h with device in working
condition. The recovery period shall be 2 h.
Acceptance Criteria: Device during and after
the cold test, the device shall be required to
meet the provisions of Functional Test Number
1 as listed in Table 6A.
3 Damp Heat Test The device under test shall be tested according
to IS 9000 (Part 5/Sec 2 - 1981). The test is
carried out at +25° to +55° C, Humidity 95%.
Six cycles (each test cycle of 24 h) shall be run
with device in off condition. Functional test
shall be carried out with power in ‘On
condition’ at start of 2nd, 4th and 6th cycle.
Acceptance Criteria: Device during and after
the test the device shall be required to meet the
provisions of Functional Test Number 1 as
listed in Table 6A.
4 Temperature Temperature shock test is carried out to
Shock determine if the device can withstand sudden
changes in the temperature of the surrounding
atmosphere without experiencing physical
damage or deterioration in performance. The
device shall be tested as per IS 9000 (Part
14/Sec 2) – 1978. Exposure time would be 3
hours/cycle and number of cycles would be
Acceptance Criteria: Device after the test the
device shall be required to meet the provisions
of Functional Test Number 1 as listed in Table
5 High Temperature The high temperature test is used to evaluate
Test effects of high temperature conditions on
safety, integrity, and performance of the
device. The test shall be carried out in
accordance with Indian Standard IS: 9000 (Part
3/Sec 5) the device shall be subjected to
temperature of 70 ± 2°C for 16 h in high
temperature. Test with device in working
condition. The recovery period shall be 2 h.
Acceptance Criteria: Device during and after
the high temperature test the device shall be
required to meet the provisions of Functional
Test Number 1 as listed in Table 6A.
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

6 Salt Spray Test The salt spray test is conducted to check

corrosion resistance of device. The device
shall be tested according to Clause 4.8 of IS
10250 for 96 h.

Acceptance Criteria: The device shall be

required to meet the provisions of Functional
Test Number 1 as listed in Table 6A.
7 High Voltage The test is conducted to ensure service life
Test requirements & functionality. The device under
test shall be operated for 60 minutes at 18 V for
12 V systems & 36 V for 24 V systems. This
test is as per ISO 16750-2:2010
Acceptance Criteria: Device during and after
the test the device shall be required to meet the
provisions of Functional Test Number 1 as
listed in Table 6A.

6.3.4 Protocol Testing

This set of testing needs to be done for all cases namely vehicle level
testing and component (Device) level testing.
Protocol is a set of rules to be followed by the device while sending data
to the Backend Control Centre. The protocol comprises data update rate,
number of fields, start character, end character, alert type etc. Protocol
testing involves checking the compliance of data sets received by the
Backend Control Centre against the protocol both with respect to the
data fields as well the format. It is expected that the data coming to a
central server shall be exactly as required under the protocol. Table
below (Table 6D) mentions the validation process for the protocol
Table 6D:
Protocol Testing Parameters
Field Description Validation Process
Field Description
Start Character $
Header The header of the packet/ identifier
Vendor ID Vendor identification header
Firmware Version Version details of the Firmware used in
Packet Type Specify the packet type –
NR = Normal
EA = Emergency Alert
TA = Tamper Alert

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

HP = Health Packet
IN = Ignition On
IF = Ignition Off
BD = Vehicle Battery Disconnect
BR = Vehicle Battery Reconnect
BL = Internal Battery Low
Packet Status L=Live or H= History
IMEI Identified of the sending unit. 15 digit standard
unique IMEI no.
Vehicle Reg. No Mapped vehicle registration number
GPS Fix 1 = GPS fix OR 0 = GPS invalid
Date Date value as per GPS date time
Time Time value as per GPS date time in UTC
format (hhmmss)
Latitude Latitude value in decimal degrees (with
minimum 6 decimal places)
Latitude Dir. Latitude Direction.
Example N=North, S= South
Longitude Longitude value in decimal degrees (with
minimum 6 decimal places)
Longitude Dir. Longitude Direction.
Example E=East, W= West
Speed Speed of Vehicle as Calculated by GPS module
in VLT.(in km/hr)
Heading Course over ground in degrees
No. of Satellites Number of satellites available for fix
Altitude Altitude of the device in meters
PDOP Positional dilution of precision
HDOP Horizontal dilution of precision
Network Operator Name of Network Operator.
Ignition 1= Ign On , 0 = Ign Off
Main Power Status 0 = Vehicle Battery Disconnected
1= Vehicle Battery Reconnected
Main Input Voltage Indicator showing source voltage in Volts.
Internal Battery Indicator for Level of battery charge remaining

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Emergency Status 1= On , 0 = Off
Tamper Alert C = Cover Closed , O = Cover Open
GSM Signal Strength Value Ranging from 0 – 31
MCC Mobile Country Code
MNC Mobile Network Code
LAC Location Area Code
Cell ID GSM Cell ID
NMR (neighbouring Neighbouring 4 cell ID along with their LAC and
Cell ID) signal strength
Digital Input Status 4 external digital input status (Status of Input 1 to
Input 3 (0=Off; 1=On))
Digital Output Status 2 external digital output status
(0=Off; 1=On)
Frame Number Sequence Number of the messages (000001 to
Checksum Insures No error in transmission (optional)
End Character Indicated End of the frame

The following test would be performed along with the protocol testing
of the device:
a) Memory Storage
The device shall support 40000 or more positional logs/packets. This
is a functional test and the device will be simulated to be in non –
GPRS coverage area and the logs will be maintained. The capacity
of logging will be checked by monitoring the logs on the device.
b) Messages & Alerts from Devices
Table below (Table 6E) contains the listing of alerts that need to
come from the tracking devices. These alerts are applicable for both
live packets as well as the history packets.
Table 6E: Messages & Alerts
Alert Message & Alerts Remarks
1. Location Update Default message coming from
each device
2. Location Update (history) Would be sent, if GPRS is not
available at the time of
sending the message
3. Alert – Disconnect from If device is disconnected from
main battery vehicle battery and running on
its internal battery

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4. Alert – Low battery If device internal battery has

fallen below a defined
5. Alert – Low battery Indicates that device internal
removed battery is charged again
6. Alert – Connect back to Indicates that device is
main battery connected back to main
7. Alert – Ignition ON Indicates that Vehicle’s
Ignition is switched ON
8. Alert – Ignition OFF Indicates that Vehicle’s
Ignition is switched OFF
9. Alert – GPS box opened Message would be generated
(Optional) indicating GPS box opened
10. Alert – Emergency state When any of the emergency
ON* button is pressed
11. Alert – emergency State Emergency state of switch
OFF will be cancelled by backend
server, when emergency state
of vehicle is removed
12. Alert Over the air parameter When any parameter is
change changed over the air. Shall
include the name of parameter
changed and source of
13. Harsh Braking Alert indicating for harsh
14. Harsh Acceleration Alert indicating for harsh
15. Rash Turning Alert indicating for Rash
* In case of Emergency Alert ON system, the alert message should go in
the below format as set out in Table 6F. This emergency alert message
shall be sent to 2 different IPs; i.e. the device shall support minimum 2
IPs simultaneously.
Table 6F:
Message Format
Attribute Value / Description Size
Packet Header EPB, The unique identifier for all Character, 3 bytes
messages from VLT
Message Type Message Types supported. Character, 2 bytes
Emergency Message (EMR) or
Stop Message (SEM)

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Device ID Unique ID of the Vehicle (IMEI Character,15 bytes

Vehicle ID Number)
Packet Type NM – Normal Packet, SP – Character, 2 bytes
Stored Packet
Date Date and time of the location Character,14 bytes
obtained from the location data in
DDMMYYYY hhmmss format
GPS Validity A – Valid, V – Invalid Character, 1 byte
Latitude in decimal degrees - Double, 12 bytes
dd.mmmmmm format
Latitude Character, 1 byte
N – North, S – South
Longitude in decimal degrees - Double, 12 bytes
dd.mmmmmm format
Longitude Character, 1 byte
E – East W – West
Altitude in meters (above sea Double, 12 bytes
Speed of Vehicle as Calculated Float, 6 bytes
Speed by GPS module in VLT. (in
Distance calculated from Float, 6 bytes
previous GPS data
G - Fine GPS Character, 1 byte
Provider N – Coarse GPS or data from the
Vehicle Registration Number of the Character, 16
RegnNo Vehicle bytes
The mobile number to which 0
Test response need to be sent.
Reply Number (Emergency Mobile No. as
specified by
The 32 bit checksum of all the
CRC characters from the header up to 8 bytes
the CRC field


The VLT device would transmit data to the Backend Control Centre
using GPRS wireless connectivity (with SMS fall back) as per the
protocol provided in respective sections (Sub-section 6.3.4). The data
from the devices would travel over the wireless telecom service
provider network and finally get delivered at the Backend Control
Centre. Since the permit holders/Device suppliers would require to have
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

a valid communication plan on SIM cards on the devices and would

avail services from multiple telecom service providers, the data would
be transmitted to the Backend Control Centre using the networks of
multiple telecom service providers.

A suitable control mechanism would be established for the data transfer

from VLT to Backend Control Centre, as only the authorized devices should
be able to transfer data to the Backend Control Centre and a mechanism for
authenticating the devices/SIMs shall also be put into place.

The following mandatory provisions will have to be made in the Backend

Control Centre:

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

1. Registration and activation of the device(s) fitted on the vehicle,

including the details of vehicle registration number, engine number,
chassis number, vehicle make and model, device make and model, and
telecom service provider’s name.

2. Re-registration/re-activation of the device(s) fitted on the vehicle in case

of any change in device or telecom service provider, etc.

3. Regular health check of the device(s) fitted on the vehicle, as per the
parameters and frequency defined in Sub-section 3.1.4.

4. Administration/configuration of devices for any changes in the

parameters as decided by the respective state from time to time.

5. Notification of alerts in case of press of an Alert Button fitted on the

vehicle, in the protocol defined in Section 4.

6. Notification of alerts in case of defined deviations by vehicle such as

over-speeding, deviation from defined route/geographic area, time of
operation, etc.

7. Location tracking of the vehicle including real-time as well as history

tracking for up to last 90 days.

8. Notification to the permit-holder through SMS in case any device(s)

stops functioning/sending data to the Backend Control Centre.

9. Reports of the vehicles with devices not working/sending data beyond

defined number of days (1 day, 3 days, 7 days and 30 days).

10. Ensure that the security and privacy of the data is maintained in
accordance with applicable laws/guidelines of various government

In addition to the above mandatory provisions, the Backend Control Centre

can provide any other optional features.

The mechanism to set up the Backend Control Centre shall be decided by

the respective states. The states can chose any of the following options for
setting up the Backend Control Centre:

1. States can set up their own dedicated Backend Control Centre, meeting
the above listed mandatory provisions and any other optional features as
they may decide.

2. States can allow telecom service providers to offer Backend Control

Centre as a Value Added Service (VAS) to the permit holders, meeting
the above listed mandatory provisions and any other optional features as
they may decide. In this case, the telecom service providers shall
provide access to the Backend Control Centre to government officials,
as decided by the respective state.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)



a. Make
b. Type
c. Model No.
d. Part No.
e. Installation layout: Attach drawing showing location in vehicle.
a. Make
b. Model No.
c. Part No.
d. Connector used
e. Connector used for antennas
e.1. main GSM antenna
e.2. GPS antenna
e.3. WLAN antenna
a. Make
b. Version
c. Operating System Details with Version
a. Vehicle to Center
 VLT to Control Center
 Command Set for Configurations
6.1 Device/System Drawing.
6.2 Vehicle installation Drawing.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

B1.0 In case of following changes, Functional, Performance, Durability and
Environmental Tests which are necessary for establishing compliance are
listed below

Changes in System Tests to be conducted

B1.1 Change in Make, Model, Type, Applicable tests as per Section 6 and
accompanied with or without a Functional verification at system
Part No of Vehicle Location integration level or component level as
Tracking (VLT) and Vehicle applicable.
Health Monitoring.

B1.2 Change in onboard layout of ITS Verification at system integration

component or complete system level along with target vehicle

B1.3 Change in software of ITS System Functional verification at system

integration level.

B.1.4 Change in wiring harness and Connector requirements specified in

connectors this standard.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)


The below section is for new vehicles and not for the retro-fitment of ITS
systems on in-use vehicles.

Device/System side connector/s shall be as per the equipment manufacturer by

in case of retro fitment in aftermarket.
Provisions for Power connectors and Power supply to be made by
Manufacturers in case of OE fitment & Dealer / Permit holder in case of retro
fitment of systems outside vehicle manufacturer facility.

These requirements do not apply to integrated systems with vehicle where

integration is done by vehicle manufacturer and /or System Integrator.

1.0 Vehicle Side Connectors

The vehicles shall be equipped with connectors with appropriate fuse

protection for interfacing systems implements the functions

Power for physical systems are supplied by vehicle battery which supplies
power to all electrical system in the vehicle.

When the engine is running, the vehicle battery is in charge and the systems
shall consume normal power needs. But when the engine is turned off, the
power consumption by systems shall be limited by means of sleep modes or
auto shut off.

Considering the power requirements for equipment packages, the systems are
grouped as

ITS System
Max Power Typical Systems / Packages

Low Power Systems Up to 120 W VLT with Emergency Button

The power interface shall have

 One common GROUND linked to vehicle chassis - GND

 One permanent power line (12/24V) linked to the battery after Manual Switch
– B+
 One non-permanent power line (12/24V) linked to the battery after Main
Switch – SW+

1.1 Minimum Connector Requirements

The minimum connector requirements are formulated as following.

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

Sl. Recommended Applicable

Max Minimum Recommended
No. Electrical ITS
Power Requirement Connector
Provisions Systems
1. Low Power Up to Telematics B+, SW+, OEM to protect
System 1 120 W Device/VLT GND ISO 15170-B1-
(Mandatory System with 3.1-Sn/K1
Provision) Emergency Socket
Button (Female)

The OEM may provide optional auxiliary connectors of their choice for meeting
other functional requirements.
1.2 Connector labeling in Wiring Harness:
Vehicle side wiring shall have the following labeling for the connectors
Recommended Electrical Labeling Requirement
Low Power System 1 ITS 120 W
(Mandatory Provision)
Low Power System 2 ITS 120 W
(Mandatory Provision)
High Power System 1 ITS 360 W
(Mandatory Provision)
(Mandatory Provision)
1.3 Connector Cavity/PIN Assignment
Power Connector: ISO 15170-B1-3.1-Sn/K1, ISO 15170-B2-3.1-Sn/K1
Pin 1 B+
Pin 2 SW+
Pin 3 GND
CAN Connector: ISO 15170-B1-4.1-Sn/K1
Pin 1 CAN High
Pin 2 CAN Low
Pin 3 Option CAN Ground
Pin 4 Not used

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

2.0 Device/System connectors

Device/System side connector/s shall be pre-agreed with equipment

manufacturer by
1. Vehicle OEM in the case of OE fitment of the systems
2. Permit holder or Dealer in case of retro fitment of systems outside vehicle
manufacturer facility

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)

(See Introduction)
Name Organization

Mr. Rakesh Jain Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Ltd. (DIMTS)

Members Representing
Mr. Prashant Tiwari /Shri Alok Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Ltd. (DIMTS)
Mr. A. A. Deshpande/ Mr. M. The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI)
M. Desai / Mr. K. B. Patil
Director / Mr. Samir Sattigeri Central Institute of Road Transport (CIRT)
/Shri M. M. Pathak
Mr. G. R. M. Rao Vehicle Research & Dev. Estt. (VRDE)
Dr. Madhusudan Joshi International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT)
Mr. K. K. Gandhi SIAM
Mr. S. Ravishankar/ Mr. D. Ashok Leyland Technical Centre (SIAM)
Balakrishnan/Ms. Suchismita
Mr. Girish Kodolikar Force Motors Ltd. (SIAM)
Mr. Sanjay Tank Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. (SIAM)
Mr. Shrikant V. Joshi / Mr. P S Tata Motors Ltd. (SIAM)
Gowrishankar, / Mr. Sharad S.
Mr. Suchindran M Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd. (SIAM)
Mr. Jitendra Malhotra/ Mr. Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.(SIAM)
Sumit Sharma/ Mr. Raj Kumar
Mr. RajendraKhile/Mr Renault Nissan Technology and Business Centre (SIAM)
Mr. S Ramiah TVS Motor Company Ltd. (SIAM)
Mr. Arun Sivasubrahmaniyan Hero Motocorp Ltd. (SIAM)
Mr. R. Narasimhan Bajaj Auto Ltd. (SIAM)
Mr. Uday Harite ACMA
Mr. Raju Agarwal / Castmaster Mobitec India Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Rahul Jain
Mr. Vishwajit Joshi KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd

* At the time of approval of this Automotive Industry Standard (AIS)

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)


(See Introduction)

Automotive Industry Standards Committee

Mrs. Rashmi Urdhwareshe Director

The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune

Members Representing

Shri Priyank Bharti Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

(Dept. of Road Transport and Highways), New Delhi

Representative from Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises

(Department of Heavy Industry), New Delhi

Shri S. M. Ahuja Office of the Development Commissioner, MSME, Ministry

of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, New Delhi

Shri Shrikant R. Marathe Former Chairman, AISC

Shri R.R. Singh Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi

Director Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune

Director Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehra Dun

Director Vehicles Research and Development Establishment,


Director International Centre for Automotive Technology

Director Global Automotive Research Centre

Director Indian Rubber Manufacturers Research Association

Representatives from Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers

Shri T. R. Kesavan Tractor Manufacturers Association, New Delhi

Shri Uday Harite Automotive Components Manufacturers Association of

India, New Delhi

Member Secretary
Shri Vikram Tandon
Dy. General Manager
The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune

* At the time of approval of this Automotive Industry Standard (AIS)

94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
Amendment 1 (11th December 2017)
AIS-140: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) - Requirements for Public
Transport Vehicle Operation

1. Page 2
Replace Clause 1.B.7, Substitute the following text for the existing text:
1.B.7 “Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)” refers to a space-based
radio navigation system. It provides positioning, navigation and timing
services to military and civilian user on a continuous basis.
2. Page 2
Add new sub clause 1.B.12:
1.B.12 “SIM/UICC” refers to Subscriber Identification Module (SIM)/
Universal integrated circuit card (UICC) as per GSMA guidelines / DoT
(TEC) Guidelines. Embedded SIM/UICC is a PCB soldered
3. Page 2
Add new sub clause 1.B.13:
1.B.13 “Cellular Technology” such as GPRS/UMTS/HSPA/LTE etc.
4. Page 5
Clause a, Substitute the following text for the existing text:
a. Device shall be capable for operating in L and/or S band and include
support for NAVIC/IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite
System) for devices installed on vehicles on or after 1st October 2018.
However VLT devices shall be compliant as per other GNSS constellation
in the interim period.
5. Page 5
Clause d, Substitute the following text for the existing text:
d. Device shall have an acquisition sensitivity of minimum (-) 145 dBm with
GNSS/ (-) 140 dBm with IRNSS (NAVIC as applicable).

6. Page 5
Clause e, Substitute the following text for the existing text:
e. Device shall have a tracking sensitivity of minimum (-) 160 dBm with
GNSS / (-) 153 dBm with IRNSS (NAVIC as applicable).
7. Page 5
Clause f, Substitute the following text for the existing text:
f. Device shall have an internal antenna; however, if in case of Integrated
systems with vehicle OEM fitted kits if the fitment location prevents the
internal antenna from functioning, then additional external antenna may
be provided.

Page 1 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
8. Page 5
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: Device shall support standard minimum I/Os as mentioned: 4 Digital, 2
Analog Input and 1 Serial Communication (e.g. RS232) for interfacing
external systems (E.g. Digital input for Emergency request button

9. Page 5
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text Device shall be capable of transmitting data to Backend Control Server
(Government authorized server) via Wide Area (Mobile)
Communications network (Cellular) as per Communication Protocol in
Section 4.
10. Page 5
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text : Device shall be capable of transmitting Position, Velocity and Time (PVT
data) along with heading (direction of travel) to a Backend Control Server
(Government authorized server) at configurable frequency as per
Communication Protocol of Section 4.
The fixed frequency shall be user configurable. Highest data transmission
rate shall be 5 sec during vehicle operation and not less than 10 minutes
in sleep/IGN OFF) as per the protocol defined in Communication Protocol
of Section 4.
11. Page 5
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text : On pressing of Emergency button, the system implementing VLT
function shall send emergency Alert (Alert ID 10 as mentioned in Sub-
section 4.2.1 of Communication Protocol Section 4) to the configured IP
address(s) as per the Communication Protocol mentioned in Section 4. In
the absence of Cellular network, the emergency alert shall be sent as SMS
message along with vehicle location data to configured control center
number(s). The SMS shall consist parameters as given in Sub-section
12. Page 6
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: The Device shall have a unique identifier for identifying the VLT device
and data. The unique ID shall be stored in a read only memory area so that
it cannot be altered or overwritten by any person. The unique identifier is
IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) Number.
13. Page 6
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: Device shall have an Embedded SIM/UICC.

Page 2 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
14. Page 6
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: Device shall be designed to operate 12V DC and or 24 V DC.
15. Page 6
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: Device shall have a sleep mode current ≤ 50 mA.
16. Page 6
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: The Device shall support:
 Location on Cellular /SMS
 Non-volatile memory to store min 40,000 positional log
 Configurable backup SMS facility in case of Cellular failure
 Capability to send serving and adjacent cell ID as well as network
measurement report (NMR)
17. Page 7
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: The VLT Device shall have:
 The capability of Hot start < 10s
 The capability of Warm start : < 60 s
 The capability of Cold start < 120 s
18. Page 7
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: Device shall support data Outputs as per protocol covered in this
19. Page 7
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: The Device Cellular module shall have:
• Multi slot Cellular with In – built Quad-band Cellular
• Cellular class 10 or above
• Support Embedded SIM/UICC to cater to the operational
requirement such as vibration, temperature and humidity and
provide long life span with at least 10 years life and more than 1
million read/write cycles
• Cellular module & Embedded SIM/UICC shall support
o SMS, Data (Cellular, TCP/IP) and
o Support multiple network OTA switching (on-demand /
automatic) capabilities.
20. Page 7
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text:

Page 3 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU) Device shall be manufactured by manufacturer whose quality
management system has been certified for compliance to ISO / TS 16949
or ISO 9001 or any equivalent National or International standard.
21. Page 8
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text: The Emergency Buttons will be such that disconnection between switch
and controller should be detected through controller logic or ‘Normally
Closed’ (NC) Type Switch. For Emergency button, there shall be
indication of its working status visible for passengers in Ignition ON
Condition. The form factor of Emergency Buttons will be such that the
button is easy to press in the case of an emergency, and simultaneously
also minimizes the possibility of accidental or unintended press thereby
causing a false alert.
22. Page 8
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text : On pressing of Emergency button, the system implementing VLT
function shall send emergency Alert (Alert ID 10 as mentioned in Sub-
section 4.2.1 of Communication Protocol Section 4) to the Backend
Control Server (Government authorized server) as per the
Communication Protocol mentioned in Section 4. In the absence of
Cellular network, the alert shall be sent as SMS message along with
vehicle location data to configured control center number. The SMS shall
consist of parameters as given in Sub-section 4.2.2.
23. Page 8
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text : In absence of both Cellular and GSM networks and on pressing of
Emergency Button, the system implementing VLT function shall store the
emergency Alert (Alert ID 10 as mentioned in Sub-section 4.2.1 of
Communication Protocol Section 4). Once the Cellular or GSM is
available, this alert information shall be sent on high priority to the
configured IP addresses as per the communication protocol mentioned in
Section 4 or as SMS message along with vehicle location data to
configured control center number. The SMS shall consist of parameters
as given in Sub-section 4.2.2.
24. Page 8
Clause 3.1.3, Substitute the following text for the existing text :
3.1.3 Configuration of Device Parameters Over the Air (OTA)
The device shall support at least the below parameters to be configurable
over the air (through SMS and Cellular). The updation/ configuration shall
be allowed only over an ‘authenticated’ channel:
1. Setting/ Change of the Primary or Secondary IP and port number
2. Setting/ Change of the APN
3. Set configuration parameter like sleep time, over speed limit, harsh
braking, harsh acceleration, rash turning threshold limits etc.
4. Emergency control SMS Centre Number(s)
5. Configuring the vehicle registration number

Page 4 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
6. Configuring the frequency of data transmission in normal / Ignition
state / OFF state sleep mode/ Emergency state, etc.
7. Configuring the time duration for Emergency state
8. Capability to reset the device
9. Command to get the IMEI of the device Configurable commands must
involve the following features:
9.1. SET: For setting the parameters.
9.2. GET: For enquiring regarding the parameters such as mobile
number, GSM strength, vehicle number and other important
9.3. CLR: For clearing certain commands, alarms, alerts etc. except
emergency alert
After each SET, GET, CLR command the device should send alert to
Backend Control Centre, as mentioned in Section 4 Alert 12, giving the
details of Mode, mobile no/ IP of control center sending commands.

25. Page 9
Clause 3.1.5, Substitute the following text for the existing text :
3.1.15 In case of emergency state, (i.e. on pressing of Alert button), the device
will shift to the SMS mode in case Cellular connectivity is not available.
In such case, the device will send the Alert message and tracking data
through SMS mode. Since SMS has the limitation of sending only 160
characters, so the tracking data to be sent in one SMS will have fields -
IMEI, Latitude, Direction, Longitude, Direction, location fix, speed, Cell
ID, LAC (Location Area Code), Date and Time as per emergency alert .
The details is provided in Sub-section 4.2.2.
26. Page 12
In Table 4 A , for the item Checksum and entries thereof, substitute the following:
Checksum Ensures No error in transmission (optimal) 16
27. Page 13
In Table 4 B, for the item – Alert Id 2. Location Update (history) and entries
thereof, substitute the following:
2. Location Update (history) Would be sent, if Cellular is not available
at the time of sending the message in
protocol format Zero, BLANK, NIL, etc.
28. Page 14
Clause 4.2.2, For first paragraph substitute the following text for the existing text:
4.2.2 In case of emergency alert, the alert message shall be sent to 2 different
IP addresses hence the device shall support minimum 2 IP addresses (1 IP
address for regulatory purpose (PVT data) and 1 IP address for
Emergency response system other than the IP’s required for Operational
purpose. The PVT data will send the emergency alert to the system. Only
Primary alert data will go to the emergency response Backend Control
Centre (NERS/ MHA) as may be notified by the Government of India in
the schema below:

Page 5 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
29. Page 14
Substitute the following Table 4 C for existing Table 4 C :
Table 4C:
Indicative Format for Alert to Emergency Response System
Attribute Value / Description Size
Start Character $ 1 Byte
Packet Header EPB, The unique identifier Character, 3 bytes
for all messages from VLT
Packet Type Message Types supported. Character, 3 bytes
Emergency Message
(EMR) or Stop Message
IMEI Number Unique ID of the Vehicle Character,15 bytes
(IMEI Number)
Packet Status NM – Normal Packet, Character, 2 bytes
SP – Stored Packet
Date Date and time of location Character,14 bytes
the location obtained from
the data in DDMMYYYY
hhmmss format
GPS Validity A – Valid, Character, 1 byte
V – Invalid
Latitude Latitude in decimal Double, 12 bytes
degrees - dd.dddddd
Latitude Direction N – North, Character, 1 byte
S – South
Longitude Longitude in decimal Double, 12 bytes
degrees - dd.dddddd
Longitude Direction E – East Character, 1 byte
W – West
Altitude Altitude in meters (above Double, 12 bytes
sea level)
Speed Speed of Vehicle as Float, 6 bytes
Calculated by GPS module
in VLT. (in km/hr)
Distance Distance calculated from Float, 6 bytes
previous GPS data

Page 6 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
Provider G - Fine GPS Character, 1 byte
N - Coarse GPS or data
from the network
Vehicle Regn. No Registration Number of the Character, 16 bytes
Reply Number The mobile number to 0
which Test response needs Note: No number needs to
to be sent. (Emergency be sent. This field will
Mobile No. as specified by with value ‘zero’
End Character * 1 byte

Check sum Ensure no error in 8 bytes

*Above format is indicative only. These Format will be notified by the
Government of India time to time.
30. Page 15
In Clause 4.3, for the words:
“• CLR: For clearing certain commands, alarms, alerts etc.”
Substitute the following text:
“• CLR: For clearing certain commands, alarms, alerts etc. except emergency
31. Page 16
Clause 5.1, Substitute the following text for the existing text :
5.1 Requirements on vehicle interface for VLT with Emergency Button
Connector for Power
The requirements for interface shall be as agreed between vehicle
manufacturer and device manufacturer.
32. Page 16/17
Clause 5.3, Substitute the following text for the existing text :

Page 7 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
5.3 Physical Mounting
The VLT system shall be mounted in a suitable location such a way that
it is not easily accessible /exposed to passengers.
This requirement shall not be applicable in case of combined systems
VLT with HMI (Human Machine Interface) display in front of driver.
Test agency to verify this on vehicle level approval.
Emergency button(s) shall be fitted in such a way that every passenger
including driver shall be able to access the Emergency button(s).
Passenger Car shall have at least one emergency buttons on each
passenger row easily accessible by each of the passenger. There shall also
be one dedicated emergency button for the driver row.
Passenger Transport bus shall have emergency buttons at locations easily
visible & assessable to all the passengers such as every 2 meters on both
the sides on passenger seating area. For seats reserved for ladies there
shall be a dedicated panic button for each row.
It shall be permissible to have a single emergency button for two
successive ladies’ rows on both sides of the vehicle provided each lady
passenger in either rows are able to reach and operate the emergency
Test agency to verify this on vehicle level approval.
33. Page 17
Clause 5.4, Substitute the following text for the existing text :
5.4 The vehicle tracking device will be installed on vehicles in which the
power supply voltage from vehicle battery is widely varying (12V, 24V
etc.) and also the power supply is not as stable as that in case of fixed
locations, especially during engine start-up and braking when the voltage
can fall to as low as 9V. Typically electronic devices are very sensitive to
power surges and spikes, and equipment may fail if they do not receive
stable power supply. The devices will need to have a resilient power
supply unit that can withstand such fluctuations and the devices also need
to have power backup so that they continue to function for some duration
when the vehicle battery is not functional or is disconnected from the
Vehicle power interface shall have
 One common ground linked to vehicle chassis
 One permanent power Supply (12/24V) connected to the vehicle
battery (+Vbat).

 One non-permanent power line (12/24V) connect to the battery after

ignition (IGN).
34. Page 17
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text : System transmits PVT information to Backend Control Center (2 different
IPs) at user configurable frequency (minimum 5 seconds) via GSM /

Page 8 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
35. Page 18
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text : Standard connector provided for Power and other signals as per clause
no 5.1.
36. Page 18
Clause, Substitute the following text for the existing text : Updating of the firmware of the system from Backend Control Centre
37. Page 19
Substitute the following Table 6 A for existing Table 6 A :
Table 6A:

Functional Testing
Sl. No Test Test Procedure
1 Tracking Functionality The test shall be conducted on VTL to
Test determine the proper functioning of VLT
with Emergency Button by testing its
connectivity to Backend Control Centre
(Government authorized server).

Procedure: The VLT with Emergency

Button shall be connected to vehicle battery
to switch it on. The VLT with Emergency
Button shall be tested for the connectivity
to server and its capability to send two
location messages
2 Location Accuracy Test This test shall be conducted on VLT with
Emergency Button.

The receiver is placed into a cold start state

– usually by a command sent to the receiver
through a test connection – and then a fairly
strong navigation signal simulating in L
and/or S band is sent. The time it takes for
the receiver to determine its first good
location fix is recorded. Test is done many
times (>15 times) over many conditions and
the results are averaged.
Acceptance Criteria: 2.5 m CEP or 6 m

Page 9 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
3 Acquisition This test shall be conducted on VLT with
Sensitivity Test Emergency Button.
Procedure: Set the simulator to output
navigation signal simulating L and/or S band
to a particular location with a very level so
that the tracking is not possible. Gradually
increase the signal level that allows the
receiver to successfully perform a cold start
TTFF. The minimum signal level that allows
acquisition is referred as to the acquisition
Acceptance Criteria: The acquisition
sensitivity shall be minimum (-)145 dBm with
GNSS/ (-) 140 dBm with IRNSS (NAVIC as

4 Tracking This test shall be conducted on VLT.

Sensitivity Test Procedure: The device under this test is
locked on to the simulator’s output
frequency (navigation signal simulating L
and/or S band) and the simulator power
output is lowered until the lock is lost.
Multiple repetition of the test with different
satellite geometries ensures that an accurate
average measure is recorded.
Acceptance Criteria: The tracking
sensitivity shall be equal to or better than (-)
160 dBm with GNSS / (-) 153 dBm with IRNSS
(NAVIC as applicable).
5 Cold-Start Time to The device in this test is placed into a cold
First Fix (TTFF) start state. The time it takes for the device to
Test determine its first good location fix is
recorded. The cold start test is performed
several times and the results are averaged.

Acceptance Criteria: The cold start TTFF

shall be less than 120 seconds at Open Sky
condition or (-) 130 dBm.
6 Warm-Start Time to In this test the device is started in warm start
First Fix Test mode and time taken by device to determine
the first valid location fix is recorded. This is
done several times and results are averaged.
Acceptance Criteria: The warm start TTFF
shall be less than 60 seconds at Open Sky
condition or (-) 130 dBm.

Page 10 of 16
94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
7 Hot-Start Time to In this test the device is started in Hot start
First Fix Test mode and time taken by device to determine
the first valid location fix is recorded. This
test is performed several times and results are

Acceptance Criteria: The hot start TTFF

shall be less than 10 seconds.
8 Embedded SIM/ This test is to check the suitability of the
UICC Test embedded SIM/ UICC and communication
module. The test shall be conducted to
determine the effectiveness and operation of
the Cellular module with OTA network
switching capabilities on demand as well as
automatically in real-time. The test consist of
two type of testing as below:
1. The device would be tested to perform as
per the protocol using an embedded
2. The Cellular module & embedded
SIM/UICC, shall support:
o SMS, Data (Cellular, TCP/IP) and
o Support multiple network OTA
switching capabilities (On Demand as
well as Automatic Switching on real-
time basis)
Acceptance Criteria: In the testing, vendors
has to demonstrate the embedded SIM/UICC
based tracking and multiple network OTA
switching capabilities (On Demand as well
as Automatic Switching on real-time basis)
for effective network management and
9 Functional VLT device shall be operated for 96 hours
Endurance Test with external power supply and internal
battery connected to device. PVT data
monitoring will be done for complete duration
of test with data frequency defined after IGN
switch ON mode. VLT device shall function
successfully during and after test.

10 On Vehicle VLT devices will be mounted on any target

Dynamic Location vehicle connected with vehicle battery. Target
Test vehicle with VLT devices will be run for 10
km on pre-defined track/route to verify
dynamic location test. VLT device PVT data
shall be within 12 meter for more than 90% of
the fixed location data (as arrived using
DGPS device on the same route). VLT
device PVT data shall be super imposed on
followed route map to check its correctness of
followed route.

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94457/2020/DGM (HOU)
38. Page 23

In Table 6 B, for the Sl. No. 5 and entries thereof, substitute the following:

5 Battery Backup Battery backup is the amount of time

Test that the device battery can support
sending the data without being
connected to the power source. This
test will be performed by
disconnecting the input charging
voltage to the device. On disconnecting
the external supply, battery would use
its charge capacity to send data through
Cellular. Time duration between
external power disconnect to the last
data packet time denotes the battery
backup time.
Acceptance Criteria: Device shall be
able to work in active mode for a
period of 4 hours or more at the
polling/ transmission rate of 60 sec

39. Page 19
Substitute the following Table 6 C for existing Table 6 C:
Table 6C:
Device Level Environmental Test
Sl. No Test Test Procedure
1 Dry Heat / High The high temperature test is used to
Temperature Test evaluate effects of high temperature
conditions on safety, integrity, and
performance of the device. The test shall be
carried out in accordance with Indian
Standard IS: 9000 (Part 3/Sec 5) the device
shall be subjected to temperature of 70 ±
2°C for 16 h in high temperature. Test with
device in working condition. The recovery
period shall be 2 h.
Acceptance Criteria: Device during and
after the high temperature test the device
shall be required to meet the provisions of
Functional Test Number 1 as listed in Table

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2 Cold Test The test shall be carried out in accordance
with IS 9000 (Part 2/Sec 4 – 1977). The
device under test shall be subjected to
temperature of –10 ± 2°C for 2 h with
device in working condition. The recovery
period shall be 2 h.
Acceptance Criteria: Device during and
after the cold test, the device shall be
required to meet the provisions of
Functional Test Number 1 as listed in Table
3 Damp Heat Test The device under test shall be tested
according to IS 9000 (Part 5/Sec 2 – 1981).
The test is carried out at +25° to +55° C,
Humidity 95%. Six cycles (each test cycle
of 24 h) shall be run with device in off
condition. Functional test shall be carried
out with power in ‘On condition’ at start of
2nd, 4th and 6th cycle.
Acceptance Criteria: Device during and
after the test the device shall be required to
meet the provisions of Functional Test
Number 1 as listed in Table 6A.
4 Temperature Shock Temperature shock test is carried out to
determine if the device can withstand
sudden changes in the temperature of the
surrounding atmosphere without
experiencing physical damage or
deterioration in performance. The device
shall be tested as per IS 9000 (Part 14/Sec
2) – 1978. Exposure time at temperature
extremes -10ºC and 70 ºC would be 3
hours/cycle and number of cycles would be
Acceptance Criteria: Device after the test
the device shall be required to meet the
provisions of Functional Test Number 1 as
listed in Table 6A.
5 Salt Spray Test The salt spray test is conducted to check
corrosion resistance of device. The device
shall be tested according to Clause 4.8 of IS
10250 for 96 h.
Acceptance Criteria: The device shall be
required to meet the provisions of
Functional Test Number 1 as listed in Table
6 High Voltage Test The test is conducted to ensure service life
requirements & functionality. The device
under test shall be operated for 60 minutes
at 18 V for 12 V systems & 36 V for 24 V
systems. This test is as per ISO 16750-

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Acceptance Criteria: Device during and
after the test the device shall be required to
meet the provisions of Functional Test
Number 1 as listed in Table 6A.
40. Page 27
In Table 6 D; for item Packet Type and Alert ID and entries thereof, substitute the
following text for existing text :

Packet Type Specify the packet type –

NR = Normal
EA = Emergency Alert
TA = Tamper Alert (Optional)
HP = Health Packet
IN = Ignition On
IF = Ignition Off
BD = Vehicle Battery Disconnect
BR = Vehicle Battery Reconnect
BL = Internal Battery Low
HB= Harsh Braking
HA= Harsh Acceleration
RT= Rash Turning
Alert ID 02 Character
41. Page 29
After Table 6 D; for paragraph (a), substitute the following text for existing text
a) The device shall support 40000 or more positional logs/packets. This is a
functional test and the device will be simulated to be in non – Cellular
coverage area and the logs will be maintained. The capacity of logging will
be checked by monitoring the logs on the device.
42. Page 29
In Table 6 E; for Alert ID 2 and entries thereof, substitute the following text for
existing text :
2. Location Update (history) Would be sent, if Cellular is not
available at the time of sending the

43. Page 30
Substitute the following Table 6 F for existing Table 6 F:

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Table 6F:
Message Format
Start Character $ 1 byte
Packet Header EPB, The unique identifier Character, 3 bytes
for all messages from VLT
Packet Type Message Types supported. Character, 3 bytes
Emergency Message (EMR)
or Stop Message (SEM)
IMEI Number Unique ID of the Vehicle Character,15 bytes
(IMEI Number)
Packet Status NM – Normal Packet, SP – Character, 2 bytes
Stored Packet
Date Date and time of the location Character,14 bytes
obtained from the location
data in DDMMYYYY
hhmmss format
GPS Validity A – Valid, V – Invalid Character, 1 byte
Latitude in decimal degrees - Double, 12 bytes
dd.mmmmmm format
Latitude Direction N – North, S – South Character, 1 byte
Longitude in decimal Double, 12 bytes
Longitude degrees - dd.mmmmmm
Longitude Direction E – East W – West Character, 1 byte
Altitude in meters (above sea Double, 12 bytes
Speed of Vehicle as Calculated Float, 6 bytes
Speed by GPS module in VLT. (in
Distance calculated from Float, 6 bytes
previous GPS data
G - Fine GPS Character, 1 byte
Provider N – Coarse GPS or data from
the network
Registration Number of the Character, 16 bytes
Vehicle RegnNo
The mobile number to which 0
Test response need to be sent.
Reply Number (Emergency Mobile No. as
specified by
End Character * 1 byte
Ensure no error in
Check sum 8 bytes

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44. Page 31
In Clause no. 7 for first paragraph substitute the existing text with following text :
The VLT device would transmit data to the Backend Control Centre using Cellular
wireless connectivity (with SMS fall back) as per the protocol provided in respective
sections (Sub-section 6.3.4). The data from the devices would travel over the
wireless telecom service provider network and finally get delivered at the Backend
Control Centre. Since the permit holders/Device suppliers would require to have a
valid communication plan on embedded SIM/UICC cards on the devices and would
avail services from multiple telecom service providers, the data would be transmitted
to the Backend Control Centre using the networks of multiple telecom service
45. Page 31
In Clause no. 7 for second paragraph substitute the existing text with following
text :
A suitable control mechanism would be established for the data transfer from VLT
to Backend Control Centre, as only the authorized devices should be able to transfer
data to the Backend Control Centre and a mechanism for authenticating the devices/
embedded SIM/UICC shall also be put into place.
46. Page 36
Delete Annexure C :



P. B. NO. 832, PUNE 411 004







11th December 2017

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Amendment No. 2 (5th December 2018)

AIS-140: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) - Requirements for Public
Transport Vehicle Operation

1. Page 3, Clause No 2.2.1,

Substitute following text for existing text:

Device Approval: Approval provided at Device level for compliance to this

standard. These approved devices can be fitted / retro-fitted by manufacturer/ dealer/
permit holder/system integrator in any vehicle model provided it shall meet
installation requirements as mentioned in Clause No. 5 of this standard.

2. Page 4 , First paragraph

Substitute following text for existing text:

Table below (Table 4A) contains the listing of fields that the vehicle tracking devices
would be required to send to the Backend Control Centre. The first 3 fields (Start
character, Header for VLT with Emergency Buttons and Vendor ID, who has
supplied the device) must be fixed in position as well as format (Header part of
frame). Rest all other fields are required to be present in the location data sent by the
devices to the backend, but can be in any sequence and with any separator between
fields. The data value can be either in American Standard Code for Information
Interchange (ASCII) or in HEX format. Device must transmit the Login message
whenever it establishes (re-establishes after disconnection) its connectivity with
Server with the specified fields. Login Message will carry following information:

3. Page 5, Clause, Sub clause ‘a’

Substitute the following text for the existing text:

a. Device shall be capable for operating in L and/or S band and include

support for NAVIC/IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System)
for devices installed on vehicles on or after 1st April 2019. However VLT
devices shall be compliant as per other GNSS constellation in the interim

4. Page 16, Clause 5.0

Substitute following text for existing text:


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5. Page 16, Clause 5.1

Substitute the following test for the existing text:

Requirements on vehicle interface for VLT with Emergency Button

(This requirement is only a guideline for fitment and shall not be checked during
component approval or on vehicle)
Connector for Power
The requirements for interface shall be as agreed between vehicle manufacturer and
device manufacturer

6. Page 16, Clause 5.2

Substitute the following test for the existing text:

Requirement of Emergency System

(To be verified on component level)
Emergency button shall be one time press type. Separate release action from
authorized server shall be required to bring back the emergency button to normal
mode or clear emergency flag.

7. Page 16, Clause 5.3

Substitute the following text for the existing text:

Physical Mounting
(This requirement is only a guideline for fitment and shall not be checked during
component approval or on vehicle)

The VLT system shall be mounted in a suitable location such a way that it is not
easily accessible /exposed to passengers.

This requirement shall not be applicable in case of combined systems VLT with
HMI (Human Machine Interface) display in front of driver.

Emergency button(s) shall be fitted in such a way that every passenger including
driver shall be able to access the Emergency button(s).

Passenger Car shall have at least one emergency buttons on each passenger row
easily accessible by each of the passenger. There shall also be one dedicated
emergency button for the driver row.

Passenger Transport bus shall have emergency buttons at locations easily visible &
accessible to all the passengers such as every 2 meters on both the sides on
passenger seating area. For seats reserved for ladies there shall be a dedicated panic
button for each row.

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It shall be permissible to have a single emergency button for two successive ladies’
rows on both sides of the vehicle provided each lady passenger in either rows are
able to reach and operate the emergency button.

In case of passenger transport bus which has a glass window covered between
two pillars having pitch 2m or more, the emergency buttons shall be provided on
each pillar

National Permit Trucks, shall have one dedicated emergency button for the driver

8. Page 17, Clause 5.4

Substitute the following test for the existing text:

Power Supply
(The requirements related to vehicle are only a guideline for fitment and shall not
be checked during component approval or on vehicle)
The vehicle tracking device will be installed on vehicles in which the power supply
voltage from vehicle battery is widely varying (12V, 24V etc.) and also the power
supply is not as stable as that in case of fixed locations, especially during engine
start-up and braking when the voltage can fall to as low as 9V. Typically electronic
devices are very sensitive to power surges and spikes, and equipment may fail if
they do not receive stable power supply. The devices will need to have a resilient
power supply unit that can withstand such fluctuations and the devices also need to
have power backup so that they continue to function for some duration when the
vehicle battery is not functional or is disconnected from the devices.

Vehicle power interface shall have

 One common ground linked to vehicle chassis
 One permanent power Supply (12/24V) connected to the vehicle battery
 One non-permanent power line (12/24V) connect to the battery after ignition

9. Page 17, Clause No 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.1.2

Delete these clauses and renumber subsequent clauses.

10. Page 18, Clause No

Substitute following text for existing text:

The system shall transmit Emergency request information to one IP and PVT
information to other IP of backend Control Center at user configurable frequency
(minimum 5 seconds) via GSM/Cellular

11. Page 18
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Add following new clause and after clause : System shall communicate to control center on the occurrence of the

alerts captured in Communication Protocol Section 4. When Emergency Button is pressed, emergency request message shall
be sent from the system and received at the control center.
12. Page 31 ,Clause No 7.0

Add Below Text at the end of first paragraph

The Communication from Device to backend should happen on a Secure channel

over TCPIP protocol preferably on socket based connections where sessions are
managed to send commands over the same connection to the device and are
authenticated, identifiable, so as to prevent spoofing on IMEI/ Unique ID.

13. Page 33
Add following new clause 8.0 after clause 7.0:
8.0 CODE OF PRACTICE for Implementation of Vehicle Location Tracking
(VLT) Device, Emergency Button(s) and Command and Control Centres

This Code of Practice for AIS-140 has been formulated for facilitating smooth
Implementation of Vehicle Location Tracking (VLT) Device, Emergency Button(s)
and Command and Control Centres for the guidance of the stakeholders concerned.

8.1 General

a. The VLT device manufacturers will get their devices tested and certified
from the testing agencies referred to in rule 126 of the CMVR for
compliance to the rule 125 H of CMVR
b. The Backend System shall mean the backend Command and Control Centre
set up/ authorized by State/UT or VLT manufacturers, providing interface
to various stakeholders/systems such as State emergency response centre,
the transport department or Regional Transport Offices, Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways and its designated agency, Vahan (or any other
State/UT system used for registration of vehicles and/or issuance of
permits), VLT device manufacturers and their authorised dealers, testing
agencies, permit holders, etc. In the absence of State/UT backend system,
the registration, activation, health check and alert updates of VLT devices
shall be through a common layer for updation in Vahan.
The details of each VLT device (VLT device manufacturer code, device
serial number, IMEI number, IccID number and other details as notified by
the Central Government/State Government) shall be uploaded on the Vahan
directly or through backend system by the VLT device manufacturer using
its secure authenticated access.
The VLT device manufacturers or their authorised dealers shall install the
VLT devices in vehicles and register/activate the devices along with details
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of vehicle and permit holder on the corresponding backend systems in real-

time as per the process set out below.
The backend system/common layer will update the details of device in the
Vahan system against the respective vehicle record at the time of
installation and registration/activation of VLT device.
c. The VLT device manufacturers or their authorised dealers, at the time of
installation of VLT device in vehicles, shall configure the IP address and
SMS gateway details in the device for sending emergency alerts to the
emergency response system of the State/UT concerned.
d. The VLT device manufacturers or their authorised dealers, at the time of
installation of VLT device in vehicles, shall configure the configuration
parameters mentioned in AIS-140 in the device such as IP address and SMS
gateway details for sending required data to the backend system.
e. The VLT device manufacturers shall ensure that a control mechanism is
established for the secure data transfer from VLT to the backend system
and that only the authorized devices transfer data to the backend system.
The VLT device manufacturers shall also ensure that the mechanism for
authenticating the vehicle owner and devices is followed as per the protocol
specified in AIS-140 or such additional requirements as specified by the
States/UTs. Authentication of vehicle shall be done through an OTP sent
on vehicle owner’s mobile number from the corresponding backend system.
f. In case of press of an emergency button, the VLT device will send data
directly to the emergency response system of the respective State/UT. In
addition, the backend system will send the alert to the respective permit
holder, as decided by the State/UT.
g. VLT device manufacturers shall get their devices tested for conformity of
production every year from the date of first certification, from the testing
agencies referred to in rule 126 of the CMVR.
h. VLT device manufacturers shall get their backend systems certified for the
States/UTs from the testing agencies referred to in rule 126 of the CMVR/
i. The VLT device manufacturers or their authorised dealers, at the time of
installation of VLT devices in vehicles, shall configure the VLT device to
send a secure authenticated activation message directly to the State/UT
backend system/common layer as per the details provided in this section 8
j The VLT device manufacturers shall ensure that the Health Check
parameters are configured in the VLT device to send Health Check
messages, on request from the State/UT backend system/common layer, to
the respective backend system through SMS as per reference protocol
mentioned in this section 8

k. VLT device manufacturers or their authorised dealers shall provide

comprehensive warranty/maintenance support for the VLT device and
facilitate cellular connectivity in accordance with the guidelines issued by
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central government vide Motor Vehicles (Vehicle Location Tracking

Device and Emergency Button) Order, 2018 as amended from time to time.

l. The testing agencies will verify the conformity of production for the VLT
devices as prescribed in section 8.5.

8.2 Installation, Registration, Activation and Service Process for VLT Device

a. VLT device manufacturers or their authorised dealers shall install VLT

devices on permit holder’s vehicles (only tested and approved model).

b. VLT device manufacturers shall ensure necessary uploading/integration of

the installation/activation data to the backend system/Vahan.

c. In case of any problem in updating Vahan, it will be VLT device

manufacturer’s responsibility to resolve the same.

d. VLT device manufacturers or their authorised dealers will also provide

necessary print of installation/activation report to permit holder from the
respective backend system.

e. Regional Transport Offices shall be able to verify the

registration/activation/functional status of VLT device in the
Vahan/corresponding backend system at the time of fitness testing.

f. The permit holder will have option to check the installation and device
working status in the Vahan.

g. The VLT device manufacture may offer value added services, in addition
to the mandatory performance requirements to the permit holders as per the
mutual agreement between them. Mandatory performance requirements
shall mean the following:

i. Uploading device data in Vahan

ii. Updating registration and activation data of VLT device
iii. Sending device health status to the backend system
iv. Sending emergency alerts to the corresponding State/UT emergency
response system
v. Sending over speeding alerts to the backend system
vi. Other performance requirements as per AIS 140 and as notified by
central government vide Motor Vehicles (Vehicle Location
Tracking Device and Emergency Button) Order, 2018 as amended
from time to time.

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h. The VLT device manufacturers may create their own system to monitor
their supplied devices, emergency button/s & connectivity working / non-
working status for managing warrantee / AMC and Cellular services.
i. The VLT device manufacturers or their dealers will update the SIM
numbers and their validity/renewal details in the backend system.

8.3 VLT Device Manufacturers Backend Application/System Requirements

In case VLT device manufacturer offers to provide its backend system for State/UT,
the same will need to meet the following requirements, in addition to those specified
in Clause 7 of AIS 140:
a) The application will provide the ability to locate a vehicle at a given time.
b) Facility to track defined vs. actual movement of vehicles, capture deviations
if any. (For vehicles where scheduled movement can be defined on GIS
c) The application should provide ability to track vehicle location on map. The
map engine and data should comply with applicable regulations including
guidelines as set out by Survey of India from time to time.
d) Facility for users to access and view position / location information on GIS
maps near real-time through web interface with historic data displayed on
e) Facility for providing current information location on demand.
f) Facility for playing back the recorded details of the vehicle movement along
the authorized route (where applicable).
g) Provide facility of alert generation

i. Ability to define new alerts on specific events

ii. From the on-board devices in case of tampering
iii. Speed exceeds the permissible limit
iv. Vehicle moves out of its designated route or area
v. Data feed not received from the on-board device

h) Provide facility to define rules for alerts/ notification and their delivery
mode like SMS, email, pop-up etc.

i) Management of notifications to various stakeholders by way of email or

SMS e.g. permit holders, RTO about device not working, over-speed etc.

j) Notification to the permit-holder through SMS in case any device stops

functioning/sending data to the application.

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k) Capability to update the on-board devices’ firmware from the backend.

l) Capability to configure on-board device parameters from the backend.

m) The tracking data will be kept live in the system for at least 90 days. Utilities
will be provided to support archive and restore functions for older data.
Alerts/reporting shall be available for one year in the backend.

n) The backend will store VTS time-related data at the same resolution as
received in the live application. The archived data after 90 days can also be
restored using utilities provided.

o) From a security perspective, the devices will not communicate to any IP

address located outside India whether it be the manufacturer’s application
or for purposes of configuration or firmware updates.

p) Firmware of the device needs to be available for auditing to notified testing

agencies. Firmware binary should be made available with version matching
one in the device as well as binary size & modification timestamp and/ or
checksum should match for the binary provided and one installed on device.
Backend System should be able to remotely read the existing version
number of the firmware via an OTA configuration read command. A new
version of the firmware should be pushed over the air from the VLT
manufacturer’s application. This shall be verified by the backend system
remotely reading the new version number of the firmware in the device via
and OTA configuration read command.

q) The device will communicate only to whitelisted set of IP addresses located

in India and will receive communication and commands also from
whitelisted set of IP addresses located in India.

r) The application and all key components like device management, firmware
control, GIS map shall be hosted at a data centre/ cloud in India and it will
be available for auditing by regulatory agencies.

s) The system shall provide > 99% availability and adhere to Infrastructure
Security, Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing guidelines as
set out by Ministry of Electronics, Information and Technology, GoI.

t) No data should flow out of the country under any circumstances in

compliance with applicable laws/regulations/guidelines.

u) The common layer shall be got tested from the testing agencies specified in
CMVR Rule 126/STQC/NIC for the following minimum functionalities:

i. Registration and activation of the device(s) fitted on the vehicle,

including the details of vehicle registration number, engine number,
chassis number, vehicle make and model, device make and model,
and connectivity details (telecom service provider’s name, ICCid,
SIM Nos., IMSI, date of validity, etc.).
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ii. Publish VLT device details in the Vahan/ any other State/UT system
used for registration of vehicles and/or issuance of permits

iii. Re-registration/re-activation of the device(s) fitted on the vehicle in

case of any change in device or telecom service provider, etc.

iv. Periodic health check of the device(s) fitted on the vehicle through
SMS, as per section 8.4.

v. Receiving alerts from VLT devices in case of defined deviations by

vehicle such as over-speeding, etc. Publish alerts and health check
received from VLT device in the Vahan/ any other State/UT system
used for registration of vehicles and/or issuance of permits.

vi. Provide interface to Vahan, respective State/UTs, RTOs, testing

agencies, VLT device manufacturer’s and their dealers.

8.4 Activation message and Health Check Message Protocol

The protocols for activation message and health check message are given below.
Device shall send the activation and health check messages on request as specified
below directly to the backend system (i.e. backend Command and Control Centre set
up/ authorized by State/UT or a Common Layer system providing interface to VLT
device manufacturers’ backend applications).

A. Activation SMS Format from Backend System to Device

For completion of the installation process, the VLT device shall undergo Activation
process as per below:

 Activation Message Request Format from the Backend System to the Device
(Through SMS): ACTV, Random Code, Reply SMS Gateway no.

 Activation Message Reply Format from Device to the Backend System

(Through SMS) as per Table 1 below:

Activation & Health Check Response SMS Format
from Device to Backend System

Activation Health Check

Field Name Characters
Example Example
Separator 1 , ,
Random code 6 343434 474747

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Separator 1 , ,
Vendor ID 4
Separator 1 , ,
Firmware version 6 V1.6.1 V1.6.1
Separator 1 , ,
IMEI 15 012345678912345 012345678912345
Separator 1 , ,
Alert ID 2 1 1
Separator 1 , ,
Latitude 12 14.034533 14.034533
Separator 1 , ,
direction 1 N N
Separator 1 , ,
Longitude 12 79.32045 79.32045
Separator 1 , ,
Direction 1 E E
Separator 1 , ,
GPS fix 1 1 1
Separator 1 , ,
Date and Time 15 16112018 120317 16112018 120317
Separator 1 , ,
Heading 6 263.19 263.19
Separator 1 , ,
Speed 4 25.4 25.4
Separator 1 , ,
GSM Strength 2 23 23
Separator 1 , ,
Country Code
3 404 404
Separator 1 , ,
Network Code
4 10 10
Separator 1 , ,
LAC 4 d6d6 d6d6
Separator 1 , ,
Main Power 1 1 1
Separator 1 , ,
IGN Status 1 1 1
Separator 1 , ,
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Battery Voltage 4 24.6 24.6

Separator 1 , ,
Frame Number 6 100000 100000
Separator 1 , ,
Vehicle mode 2 ID ID
Total Characters 139

B. Health Check Random Messages from Backend System to Device

Frequency: Twice Daily (Recommended),
Health Check Message Request Format from the Backend System to the Device
(Through SMS): HCHK, Random Generated ID, Reply SMS Gateway no.
Health Check Message Reply Format from Device to Backend System (Through
SMS): As per Table 1 above.

C. Publish Data to Common Layer by VLT Device Manufacturers’ Applications


Requirement to be complied with by VLT device manufacturers’ applications

Application shall publish the data to common layer in a specified frequency and
format as mentioned below

Services to publish data to the common layer

a. Push Offence Details

Type REST web service
Data Type JSON Array
Frequency 1 Hour

A single request may contain JSON Array of maximum 500 JSON Objects of the
following format.

Sl No Key Value Length Description

in bytes
In Parameters

Offence Type
1. oftyp 2
OS= Overspeed
Vehicle number without any
2. vno 16
delimiter like hyphen (-) or space.
3. imei 15 IMEI number.
4. date 8 Date in format DDMMYYYY
5. time 6 UTC in format hhmmss

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Latitude,decimal not less than 6

6. lat 12
Latitude Direction. N=North, S=
7. latd 1
Longitude,decimal not less than 6
8. lon 12
Longitude Direction. E=East, W=
9. lond 1
Speed in km/hrs, Upto One Decimal
10. spd 6
11. loc Location (Reverse Geo-coded)
12. rto RTO Code
13. state State Code

14. resp OK/ Error

b. Push Alert Details

Type REST web service
Data Type JSON Array
Frequency 1 Hour

A single request may contain JSON Array of maximum 500 JSON Objects of the
following format.

Sl No Key Value Length Description

in bytes
In Parameters
1. alrtid 2 Alert ID as per AIS-140
Vehicle number without any
2. vno 16
delimiter like hyphen (-) or space.
3. imei 15 IMEI number.
4. date 8 Date in format DDMMYYYY
5. time 6 UTC in format hhmmss
Latitude,decimal not less than 6
6. lat 12
Latitude Direction. N=North, S=
7. latd 1
Longitude,decimal not less than 6
8. lon 12

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Longitude Direction. E=East, W=

9. lond 1
Speed in km/hrs, Upto One Decimal
10. spd 6
11. loc Location (Reverse Geo-coded)
12. rto RTO Code
13. state State Code
14. resp OK/ Error

8.5 Conformity of Production - Testing Parameters

a. The VLT device manufacturers will get their devices tested and certified
for conformity of production from the testing agencies referred to in rule
126 of the CMVR for compliance to the rule 125 H of CMVR every year
from the date of first certification. The parameters for testing shall be as
specified in Table 1 of this section.
b. The VLT device manufacturers shall get their backend applications
audited from the testing agencies referred to in rule 126 of the
CMVR/STQC/NIC or by the agencies specified by States/UTs every year
from the date of first certification. The parameters for auditing shall be as
specified in Table 2 of this annexure.
c. The testing agencies shall provide the details of the VLT devices and
backend applications certified by them to the States/UTs by uploading the
same on the respective backend systems or any other means.

Table 1:
Test for COP of VLT Device and Emergency Buttons
Sl. No. Test Details (As per AIS-140)
1. Emergency button functionality (Clause No.
2. SMS fall back (Clause 3.1.5)
3. Table 6A: Functional Testing (Sr. No. 1-9, Clause 6.3.1)
4. Performance Parametric Test of Table 6B (Clause 6.3.2, Sr. No.10)
5. Protocol & alerts verification as per
-Clause No 4.1 and Table no 4A,
-Clause No 4.2 and Table no 4B, 4C
-Clause No 3.1.4 & Table no 3B
- OTA Commands verification
6. Ingress Protection (IP) Test as per Sr. No. 3 of Table 6B

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Table 2:
Test Parameters for Auditing of VLT Device Manufacturer’s Backend
Sl. No. Test Details
1. Firmware over the air update. Backend application should be able to
remotely read the existing version number of the firmware via an OTA
configuration read command. A new version of the firmware should be
pushed over the air. This should be verified by reading the new version
number of the new firmware in the device via and OTA configuration read
2. Application availability test to be conducted over a 7 days’ period by
periodic check of availability randomly or at specified intervals in an
automated or manual manner.
3. Test functionality of application to allow user to map & un-map a device
to a vehicle.
4. Test functionality to track a vehicle on a map over a period of 8 hours
given either a device ID or vehicle registration number. The device ID
and vehicle should be mapped beforehand.
5. Test replay of a vehicles location by specifying a start and end date and
time and device ID or vehicle registration number. The start and end date
and time should be from within the last 3 months at date of test. In case 3
months of historical data is not available, the VLT manufacturer can pre-
populate test data for the duration.
6. Firmware binary should be made available with version matching one in
the device as well as binary size & modification timestamp and/ or
checksum should match for the binary provided and one installed on
7. Test to confirm geographical location of IP addresses, the device
communicates with by IP Geolocation for all IPs configured into the
device to confirm they are in India. The IPs configured should be read
from the firmware configuration via configuration read command and
also separately confirmed against a list of IPs provided by the VLT
8. VLT manufacturer to provide a certificate, statement or affidavit
certifying the location of data centre/ cloud hosting region in India for
user, device and vehicle data.
9. VLT manufacturer to provide a Vulnerability Analysis and Penetration
Testing report from a 3rd party test agency authorised by CERT-In/STQC.
14. Page 34 ANNEXURE A

Delete clause no 6.2

15. Page 35 ANNEXURE B

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Substitute the following test for the existing text:


B1.0 In case of following changes, Functional, Performance, Durability and

Environmental Tests which are necessary for establishing compliance
are listed below

Changes in System Tests to be conducted

B1.1 Change in Make, Model, Type, Applicable tests as per Section 6 and
accompanied with or without a Functional verification at system
Part No of Vehicle Location integration level or component level
Tracking (VLT) and Vehicle as applicable
Health Monitoring.

B1.2 Change in software of ITS Functional verification at system

System integration level.

B1.3 Change in wiring harness Wiring harness requirements

specified in this standard



P. B. NO. 832, PUNE 411 004







5th December 2018

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