Voices Centenary Magazine
Voices Centenary Magazine
Voices Centenary Magazine
The woods are lovely, dark and deep;
but I have promises to keep.
The students are young, thoughts strong and steep;
Raise Your Voice , Let Yourself be Heard And I have promises to keep.
The legacy is immor tal, great hope will it reap;
www.iisc.ernet.in/voices So I have promises to keep.
And eternity to go, before I sleep…
VOICES: Centenary Special Issue -
And eternity to go, before I sleep.
100 enLIGHTening YEARS
Indian Institute of Science, known popularly as Tata Institute to both the common
Editor-in-Chief man and the scientific community is turning hundred soon! To usher in this significant moment
Madhurima Das (MGMT) and muse over its long history, yet many recent pasts, the Centenary Year Celebrations unfold.
Publisher As the curtains rise for the Institute to embark upon this historical time, the IISc
IISc Centenary Conference Committee community comprising of students, faculty, alumni and the staff bring forth their best contributions
to this amazing fable. From the British era to post independence days, the times of the Maharaja
Editorial Board to the democratic set up now, this hearth of knowledge has laid the foundation to many a brilliant
Arun R . (CSA), and enriched mind. The walkways have witnessed many a discoveries, rendered themselves to
Deepti Abbey (MRDG), many exhilarating moments, glowed in happiness when the researching minds discovered the
Eshwaran Vijaya Kumar (AERO), existential truths. This has been an inspiring tale of not just past glory but future promises. With
H.S. Sudhira (Alumnus, CST/MGMT), no predicament, it has embraced all minds from all regions and is an assimilation of that cultural
Madhusudan Hulgi (CHEMENG), odyssey.
Mukta Deobagkar (BIOCHEM),
Rupesh Nasre (CSA), The human mind is complex and human desires multi-fold. It is like a rainbow in
Shyam S. (MGMT ), which we wish the colour palette never stopped at VIBGYOR. After all, aspirations, emotions
Smrithi Murthy (MRDG), and reality- all have shades of grey. A thought seeded in one regular weekly meeting got converted
Vasanta K. (CSA), into a passionate benchmark for all in the team. After all, how many of us, when in our seventh
Vinay Shirhatti (CEDT) stage of life can state that we have lived the Shakespearean drama successfully being a part of the
100th year of a glorious institute.
Questions were encouraged, no thinking was compartmentalised- the science and art saw a
Anas K.A. (CPDM)
convergence like never before. It was a eureka moment, may be even close to nirvana, when 100
enLIGHTening YEARS found itself in flesh and blood. The current team of Voice-ians with pride
Printer presents the Voices Students Centenary Magazine, commemorating this hallmark moment.
The Navbharath Press, Bangalore .
This is also an ode to all those voices that existed over the decades, challenging the
Acknowledgments system, giving vent to their creative potentials as torchbearers of thought and action. For us,
Abraham P. Kurien , Kumudhini this was an exploratory journey to find that from being called ‘The Rag’ in the 70s to ‘Drag’ in
Ravindra , Santhi R . (MGMT ) the 80s to ‘SCampus’ in the 90s; and ‘Milieu’ a few years ago; every decade a bunch of students
Dr. T. A. Abinandanan (MATERIALS) began a movement that gained some momentum but finally could not sustain itself. While some
Partha Pratim Saha (Alumnus, prided themselves on being the investigative journalists of the campus, others thought they were
CHEMENG) the representatives of collective student emotion. We have a Tribute Section to commemorate the
Archives and Publications Cell , IISc existence of these Student Newsletters on campus!
Illustrations Voices is currently in its seventh year and is aware that things will change with the
Bhavin Shah (MCBL) next generation. What it continues to hope is that even in the Bicentennial celebrations of the
Institute, there will be students creating ‘greater decibel’!
Photo Credits
100 enLIGHTening YEARS brings you a pot-pouri that could give any gourmet chef
Ashok Kumar Mallik (CES)
a run for his money. From innovation to spirituality, scientific temper to discovery of the other
Dr. Gururaja K.V. (CES)
realm; from the institute being an integral part of life to a humorous take on how staying here for
Urvesh A. Bharambe (CPDM)
too long has its effects; personal anecdotes to conscientious takes on duty and a sense of respect; a
look at a centenarian to accounts of a first day, and there is poetry galore.
Email: voices.iisc@gmail.com
As you turn each leaf, this is a journey from then to now, from when to how; seen
Disclaimer: through the binoculars of the IISc community, a kaleidoscopic view that will ensure a smile, only
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by to ponder and say, “Congratulations Centenarian, You still have a long way to go!”
authors in this magazine do not necessarily reflect
the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Voices or
official policies of the Voices. However, this does not
apply to articles contributed by the Voices Team.
he hundredth year of an institution is a very special
occasion. In marking the centenary of the IISc, we
have an opportunity to look back on the history of the
Institute, reflect on its present and imagine its future. Such
occasions are usually celebratory, but they must also become
a time for reflection. The centenary conference provides
an opportunity for students, faculty, alumni and academic
colleagues from India and abroad to come together and discuss
issues of science that are most important today. Students
bring a freshness of approach, which is the true strength of
any academic institution, and the Institute is no exception.
VOICES is truly the voice of the student community and is a
forum not only for being critical of the present, but also a
medium through which literary talent can be expressed. This
special edition of VOICES should bring back images of the
past and provide a glimpse of the present.
Director, IISc
Took a walk down memory lane today... was reading in Before joining PhD:
the library and suddenly my mind went idle for a while… • I want to win the Nobel Prize.
and before I realized it, I was reminiscing about the times • I want to win the Turing Award.
gone by...
First year of PhD:
The lane was strewn with dead leaves, and I walked, • I want to finish PhD in two years.
bending down occasionally to pick them up… some were • I want to publish papers only in top tier
light with their care free happy memories… others were conferences.
heavy with the sadness and pain that comes with some • I want to make ground-breaking research.
memories… the joy of learning to ride a cycle, getting • I want to win the best PhD Thesis award.
my first bike, meeting friends after ages, long chats
where minds and hearts were opened to people who Second year of PhD:
could appreciate them, birthdays celebrated, presents • I want to finish PhD in 5 years.
gifted and received... the best so far had been the two • I want a problem.
days I spent in Bangalore during the IISc interviews…
• Shall I change my advisor?
the irreplaceable taste of excitement and the joy on my
mother’s face when she saw the list.
Third year of PhD:
Dark times and the will to survive through them… • I want a paper; I don’t care which conference.
heartbreaks, decisions gone wrong in retrospect… • Shall I change my topic?
everything was there for me to see… • I want to be known as Dr bhOndOO.
Memories can be really weird... there are few that can lift Fourth year of PhD:
my heart up to kiss the heavens, but many that pull me • I want to finish PhD!
down into a quagmire... Only when I need them the least • My industry-friends have two children by now. When
do they surface through the mind… There are memories will I get married?
that bring a smile on my face no matter when they are
brought up, then there are others that I wished I could Fifth year of PhD:
forget simply because they speak of a better time… With • Why did I come here?
people who were the centre of my world… With whom I • Why did I choose this advisor?
had imagined a bright future… fool that I was at the time • Why did I choose this topic?
when I made them my raison d’etre… Never did I pause
to think, was I the same for them? Time has given me Sixth year of PhD:
my answer. Maybe I deserved it for jumping headlong • Someone give me a degree!
into things without thinking seriously about future which • I want to leave this place — for ever.
I should have… but then, every mistake becomes visible
• Let me leave.
in retrospect and not when you are committing it… and
in spite of seeing everything, I make my mistake again…
Seventh year of PhD:
like a moth to the fire drawn… I wish there was somebody
to sweep the dead leaves off the lane completely. I wish • People call me uncle (aunti).
the leaves would never fall from the trees and stayed • She (He) waited and finally married someone else.
green forever. Thunder clouds gather on the horizon, and • I don’t want any degree. I just want to live
I start looking around for cover from the deluge to come, peacefully.
wishing I had the will to never step into the lane...
Indian Institute of Science has always been a fountain- Lakshmi are being tolerated. There is an up-beat mood
head of ideas and innovation. Innovation is not merely a of ideation and innovation in the air.
much touted catch-word today. It is a much studied topic
in economics, management, science and technology, One of the note-worthy aspects of life in IISc is the
sociology and public policy. I have extracted an acronym small-talk about great books. In some sense, many of
out of the common word mindset, to denote the long our own ideas are shaped by those of other thinkers. In
phrase of ‘making inventions/ innovations and discoveries my formative years at IISc as a student, I had the good
in science, engineering and technology’. This article is fortune of getting healthy doses of both mathematics and
about the IISc mindset. biology. The first, through the formal faculty sermons, and
the second through the informal fellow student debates.
A profound question in the history of ideas is, ‘why Monod’s statement, “life is an accident based on chance
certain ideas that shape the course of human civilization and perpetuated by the necessity of chemical reactions”,
occur almost contemporaneously and at certain times’. in his “Chance and Necessity”, sets one thinking about
A simplistic answer is that when the societies reach the ultra-reductionism of science. A coffee table chat
critical epochs in physical growth and development, the then, led me to Gunther Stent and his “Coming of the
intellectual contributions bloom in an explosive manner. Golden Age: A View of the end of Progress”. Stent used
It is not possible to expand this theme, in this short breakthroughs in his science (namely the Discovery of the
essay, on which there is a vast literature based on the DNA), to argue that the achievements of modern culture
many human endeavours of arts, architectures, music, left that culture fulfilled but exhausted, with nowhere to
sciences, etc. I will draw upon certain thoughts expressed go. This thesis of Stent, in this wonderful book of 1969, is
by some leading luminaries who have argued along such thankfully outdated today. The human spirit or life force,
lines, in the style of in-line citation. elan vital as the French philosopher Bergson called it, is
surprisingly innovative. It always finds newer intellectual
There are many theories, backed by semi-formal, pursuits, newer intellectual challenges and newer ways
empirical and analytical models, extensively discussed by to solve the problems generated by itself. It sets up and
scholars in a recent book, “Perspectives on Innovation”, conquers worlds. This is unlike Alexander, who “when he
edited by Malerba and Brusoni. I bring to bear arguments saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were
to develop eventually an analytical perspective from the no more worlds to conquer” (a quote from Plutarch’s Life
point of view of graph (or synonymously network) theory. of Alexander).
My thesis is that the enlightened ambience of this fine
Institute has evolved and continues to evolve rapidly due In the mathematical theory of evolution of graphs or
to the twin factors of nucleation of a large number of networks, comprising a certain number of nodes and
ideas and the networks of innovation. This last aspect of edges formed randomly according to some probability
networks serves as a model today for many phenomena distributions, certain significant events such as large
on many systems. It also captures the emergence of an cliques, large cycles appear when certain threshold
intellectual renaissance of sorts. This renaissance has parameter values are reached. The rich theory of random
just begun in the early third millennium. There is an graphs, developed in the classic books by Bollobas, Harary
increased momentum in the body of the scientific asset and Palmer provide many plausible mathematical models
we have. There is an accelerating trend of diminishing for the study of evolution of phenomena on systems
borders between the natural and engineering sciences. modeled as graphs. On the other hand, the studies of
A concomitant rapid reduction in the thickness of the large-scale networks, in an aggregate sense, pioneered
dividing line between the pure and the applied (or better, by the recent works of Barabasi and others, reveal many
the applicable) is being witnessed universally. Finally, in quantitative network properties that correlate with the
the Indian dichotomous scheme of things, transgressions physical properties of the modeled systems. These two
between the territorial boundaries of Saraswathi and approaches provide versatile frameworks for concrete
CRABIUS (Kanak Seshadri) I looked around and found the golden eyes,
This poem was published in Vol III No.1 Bringing sunshine all around the dark.
March 1980 of DRAG!! A lady holding a golden lamp,
The light from it awakened my heart.
Now, I see, the horizon , but,
Thou still unvarnished haunt of noisy rooks Welcoming me was a path of flowers.
Cawing alas, for no Tennysonian Maud; I looked at the sky, stars and the moon,
Thou towerest above a repository of books But a rainbow asking me to climb.
And aspire to learning, perhaps to God:
Below thee many a clerk and scholar bold. I walked and ran towards these path,
Full many “a young man carbuncular”, stroll But turned around to look at her.
And whiffling through the Hall Jabber-Walk Dons old, Those glistening eyes waving at me,
Devouring whole, stray students on parole. I heard through the breeze her sweet voice.
Now, thou art a tower of silence, thy Faculty Hall forlorn I’ll always be there, hope you know,
The fair nymphs departed, dead the “Vibrations” encore. But you are free, to grow away.
The Bandar_Log have retired, the watchman is at the
gate alone. Now that I have you, these children,
The prolix debates are over and like the raven I’m crazed about the world, the next century.
“Nevermore” I proceeded, but shall never forget,
Dear Belfry, ‘tis true thou hast not many bats pellmell. She who planted the seed of light.
But then, you also ain’t got now no, No.....bel.
I realize that her percepts exerted,
Everlasting influence upon the course of my life.
arguments of how natural environments such as these of the Earth’s other creatures. But what does all this have
have been shown to be good for creative thought by to do with the few creatures we have on our campus?
restoring our ability to pay attention to difficult problems. Aren’t their numbers rather small and the campus itself
I could make the very straightforward argument that rather small to be of any significance?
there is good science to be done here and why waste a
resource that has been so fruitful, for both ecologists and Humans now occupy as much as 95% of all landmass
also the occasional intrepid molecular biologist. These are available for life and we plunder the oceans as well. We
all perfectly good arguments, but I’d like instead to tell have the largest range of any species and it is unlikely
you about something different, an idea I’ve come across that we will be able to change land we have occupied
only recently, the idea of a careful foot. back to natural habitat any time soon. Only about 5%
of the world today has natural ecosystems, an amount
We live in interesting times. The world changes rapidly that is woefully inadequate to the task of slowing down
around us, perhaps more rapidly than it has ever before. the mass extinction we are facing. This is why Michael
The planet’s climate is changing and all over the world Rosenzweig, from the University of Texas, introduces
ecosystems are in decline. We are currently losing species us to the concept of reconciliation ecology. He suggests
at nearly a thousand times the background rate, a process that if we find ways for as many species as possible to
that has been labeled the sixth mass extinction. Global co-exist with humans then we can significantly increase
climate change and the concurrent mass extinction, the habitat available to the world’s biota. One of the few
neither of these are unprecedented events, but they have ‘general laws’ in biology suggests that as more and more
never happened in the lifetime of humans. Scientists do area is available, the number of species we find in those
not know whether we as a species have the capability to areas increases exponentially. Rosenzweig suggests
survive such vast changes and our chances of survival are that increasing the available area through reconciliation
reckoned to be rather slim without the support structure ecology improves the chances of slowing the extinction
Text & Photo: Natasha Mhatre The source of one’s action is one’s belief.
Mario, M.E. student, had written a poem when he had 47 days remaining to finish his stay
at IISc. This poem was published in Jun 2008 issue of Voices, IISc Newsletter. Krishna Kant,
M.Sc. student, modified the poem to suit M.Sc./Ph.D. students. Both the poems are given
47 Days (for M.E. students). 1047 Days! (for Ph.d., M.Sc. students).
by Mario Pinto. by Krishna Kant Agarwal.
I count and recount, I count and recount
There must be something wrong. There must be something wrong
Hopelessly, Hopelessly,
for a miracle I long. for a miracle I long
I whine, I cry, I whine, I cry
I bang my feet. I bang my feet.
Finally, Finally
I give up in defeat. I give up in defeat.
From home, to home, From mess to lab,
I prepare to go. I prepare to go
My heart is really heavy, My heart is really heavy,
You Know? You know?
So little time, So little work
left in Bangalore, done for the project
47 Days, 1047 days,
… and I’ll be out of your door. …and I’ll be empty in my pocket.
Even in my wildest dreams, Even in my wildest dreams,
I never thought, I never thought
..of time so sweet, Of a time so terrible,
and the experiences it brought. …and the experiences it brought.
He had so much He had so much
for me reserved, for me reserved,
Even though non of it Even though non of it,
I deserved. I deserved.
My Heart was free, My heart was free,
My Mind philosophized, And now never will be
My Body danced, My mind crashed,
My soul Rejoiced. by studies I cherished
I Praise you God, My body ached,
for showing me Paradise, and My soul got perished.
Should you call me now, I praise you God,
Satisfied, I shall gladly close my eyes. for showing me such a “paradise”
May these 47 days pass, Hopefully, should you call me now,
like the years: The last two, Hurriedly!!, I shall close my eyes.
where each day had May these 1047 days pass,
its unique vibrant hue. like the years; first I can’t remember
Bless Me, Curse Me, where each day had,
or just Ignore! lost its value as a mere number.
47 DAYS, Bless me, Curse me,
AND ILL BE OUT OF YOUR DOOR!!! or just Ignore!
1047 days, it seems
He was one of the back-benchers, not because he was not his car… The monster within his bosom gave a mighty
interested in what was going on but rather because he roar of indignation and bared its fangs. He had to move
got a bird’s eye view of people from where he was sitting. fast, he could not loose a single moment; his heart was
There she was, on the first row of chairs, the sunlight racing as he closed the distance between him and her.
catching the beautiful shade of her brown colored hair. He He was right behind her now. “Excuse me”, he said, “you
liked the way the earrings in her ears flashed in the soft dropped your pen back there”. She looked back at him
sunlight. His hands invariably picked up the pencil and and blinked in the sunlight. She vaguely remembered his
before he knew it he was sketching an indelible image face but could not place it. “Thanks”, she said and was
of her, as much on the paper as on the untouchable gone before he could say anything else. He watched with
canvas of his memory, in colors that were known only ever increasing rage as she practically ran to him and got
to his imagination. The professor was going on about into the car. He must have been lost in those thoughts for
torques, tensors, vectors and what not. He couldn’t wait quite sometime and was brought out of his red haze by a
for the class to end. He had decided – he would speak to piercing pain in his palm, and when he looked down, he
her today, come hell or high water. But somehow every noticed the pencil in his hand snapped in two. Gathering
time he made up his mind and his courage, something his senses, he moved away and slowly started walking
or the other would happen that ruined all his plans even towards the library. There was a Maths Olympiad coming
before they took off. Like for example last week, she was up and he wanted to do well in it. He shook his head as
standing right in front of him in the line at the canteen, he walked to clear his thoughts and decided to get over
and he had just opened his mouth to utter a hello when his feelings for her; it was going nowhere and leading
his mobile rang; some officious upstart from an obscure him into bouts of depression. He had enough on his
bank wanted to ask him some inane questions and by the plate already. He threw himself into the preparation and
time he had ticked him off, she had made her purchase kept his mind occupied with a fierce dedication. It was
and moved to join her friends. Her friends… how much a few days before the Olympiad when it had all started
he envied those girls and was downright jealous of the happening and looking back now he wished he had never
guys… especially that two-faced, pretentious fellow who went down that stone path.
acted holier-than-thou in her presence, but he knew
what he was really, what his true image was. How much He was lost in his own thoughts, and happened to look
it pained him to watch her respond to his comments, his up to a sound of pen repeatedly scratching on paper.
jokes and his “innocent” demeanor. Well it was true that The gods must have been smiling down upon him or he
he was rich, had a bike, was good looking and knew how was just plain lucky because there she was sitting on
to play people’s emotions with his conduct. And that was one of the stone benches, her hair cascading down her
what made him an adversary, a very dangerous one at shoulders and a look of extreme indignation on her face
that too... Because whether he liked it or not, he lacked as she balled up a piece of paper and tossed it down
all that – he was neither rich nor was he an Adonis nor to join its fallen comrades. She looked up and saw him
could he manipulate people; but he had a good heart, standing dead in his tracks. Sense told him to ignore her
a heart that sang true for the people he cared for and and move on, but the heart rarely if ever listens to the
would go the extra mile to help... But the problem was, mind and before he knew it, he had raised his hands
she did not know anything of this – her world and mind and waved to her. To his surprise she waved back and
space was occupied by that devil with an angelic face like a man enchanted, he found himself walking towards
and a mind to mismatch. The bell shattered his reverie her. “Hi, did not recognize you the other day. Aren’t you
and people started making a bee-line for the door. He the guy who sits on the last bench?” He cringed within
got up hurriedly and stuffed everything pell-mell into his – what a way to know me... last bencher! “Yeah”, he
satchel and followed his classmates’ example. He caught managed to say, “Do you want any help with that? Its
up with her just as she was reaching the first steps of looks like something that I can crack.” He knew the
the building. Thankfully she was alone… but there he solution the moment he had seen the problem. It was
was, waiting at the gate leaning suavely on the hood of something he had been working on a few days back as a
Common name: African tulip tree, Fountaintree This elegant evergreen tree is found in most parts of
• Hindi: Rugtoora; India. The generic name commemorates the distinguished
• Tamil: Patadi botanist, Prof. C. Alston of Edinburgh, 1685-1760. The
• Bengali: Rudrapalash species name scholaris refers to the fact that the timber
of this tree has traditionally been used to make wooden
Botanical name: Spathodea campanulata slates for school children. Its is commonly known as the
Family: Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family) Devil Tree, as it is considered to be the abode of the
devil, in popular imagination. In October small, green
One of the world’s most spectacular flowering trees, yet fragrant flowers appear. All parts of the tree can be
African tulip tree is a large upright tree with glossy considered poisonous. It is a tall elegant tree with greyish
deep green pinnate leaves and glorious orange scarlet rough bark. Branches are whorled, and so are the leaves,
flowers. It may grow to 80 ft on an ideal site, but most that is, several of them coming out of the same point.
specimens are much smaller. The tree has a stout, The tree is really elegant whether it is flowering or not.
tapering, somewhat buttressed trunk covered in warty The slightly rounded, leathery, dark green leaves form
light gray bark. The lateral branches are short and thick. whorls of 4-7. And a very regular branching gives the
The 1-2 ft long opposite leaves, which emerge a bronzy tree a beautiful shape. The wood is too soft for making
color, are massed at the ends of the branches. They are anything - so it is usually used in making packing boxes,
composed of 5-19 deeply veined oval leaflets. The horn blackboards etc. Its bark, known as Dita Bark, is used in
shaped velvety olive buds appear in upturned whorls at traditional medicine to treat dysentry and fever. On the
the branch tips. A few at a time, the buds of the lowest Western Ghats, tribal people are reluctant to sit or pass
tier bend outward and open into big crinkled red orange under this tree, for the fear of the devil.
tuliplike bells with red streaked gold throats, frilly yellow
edges, and four brown-anthered stamens in the center.
They are followed by 5-10 in green brown fingerlike pods
pointing upwards and outwards above the foliage. Each
of these pods contains about 500 tissue papery seeds.
The tree flowers in spurts all through the growing season,
but peak bloom is usually in the spring.
Placid Rodriguez (BE 1958, PhD 1976). Currently to a four-year ME programme, and finally abolished it.
he is a Raja Ramanna Fellow and AICTE-INAE The old post-BSc DIISc programme, which was converted
Distinguished Visiting Professor at IIT Madras and into a post-BSc BE programme was a remarkable asset
President of Indian Nuclear Society. for the Institute. It produced a large number of leaders
in science and technology activities in our country. It was
The growth of the Institute from the late Fifties to unique in producing engineers with a science background,
the present, to which I have been a witness has been and in my opinion, the Institute did the greatest mistake
phenomenal. The visible changes are not only in the in abolishing this programme. May be the centenary may
number of students and particularly the female population be an opportune time to look back at some of these old
among them, but also the new buildings, names for initiatives, reassess them and revive them.
roads and avenues, the very crowded car parks, the large
number of two-wheelers, the new messes and the new
blocks of Hostels.
If you asked a student in the late 1950s or early 1960s
to rank the best in the Institute, the answer would
invariably have been the Messes, the Gymkhana, and his
Department in that order! It was rumored that many a Memories
research student deliberately delayed the submission of
thesis to continue to enjoy the Mess and the Gymkhana.
In the Gymkhana, Billiards was the most popular, followed
by tennis and table tennis. The swimming pool was Brij M. Moudgil (Alumnus, MATERIALS)
also popular, particularly during the summer. My friend
and classmate K. H. Vijayadeva Reddy, who was also
the Institute Swimming Champion, and I were regular Brij Moudgil obtained his B.E in Metallurgy from IISc
swimmers and on many days, we were the only ones in 1968. He is presently a Distinguished Professor
in the pool in addition to some visitors from Germany and Alumni Chair Professor of Materials Science and
affiliated to HAL. Engineering at the University of Florida ; and Director
The BE Metallurgical Engineering course, which at of the Particle Engineering Research Center.
that time was only two years duration for those with
a bachelor’s degree in physics or chemistry, was really One early morning in August, 1965, a young man on his
well-designed; it was amazingly comprehensive, covering first ever visit to the South alighted from the Bangalore
almost all relevant subjects, from mineralogy to nuclear Mail and asked the scooter driver to take him to the
materials, including those that are not covered in four-year Indian Institute of Science. The driver looked confused
BTech programmes today! The teachers were wonderful and replied that there was no such institute in town.
and inspiring: Anantharaman taught physical metallurgy, Perplexed and nervous the young person pulled out the
phase diagrams and heat treatment, and Ramachandran telegram he had received from the institute director Dr.
(later NAL, Bangalore) taught mechanical metallurgy. Satish Dhawan informing him of his admission, and tried
J. Balachandra was truly a walking encyclopedia on to convince the driver that such an institute has to be
corrosion, electrometallurgy and nonferrous extraction, located in town. Few moments later the driver exclaimed,
and so was Mallikarjunan on iron and steel. Later on, “Oh! You mean the Tata Institute!” None of the exams
when I came back to the Department for the external and quizzes that I faced over the next three years fazed
registration PhD, the Department was in the nurturing me as much.
hands of Abraham and Vasu, two other affectionate and
inspiring gurus. At the institute, a number of us were housed in the ‘E’
The Institute did a lot of experiments with the BE Block, also known as the “Tunnel Block” where a knock
programme: converted it to a three-year programme, then on the door on the ground floor would echo at the other
Jaydeep Sarkar obtained his MSc (Eng) in Metallurgy express their grievances to the authorities! It worked and
from IISc in 1993. Currently, he holds a senior R&D brought some changes. Let us thank those who survived
engineer position with Praxair Electronics, a division and excelled in studies. In my recent visit to the campus,
of Praxair Inc., at Orangeburg, New York. I did notice many changes including a few new hostels
with modern amenities and it convinced me that life in
It was a day of joy and wonderful feelings when my E-block is part of history now.
admission to the metallurgy department as a student
was confirmed in 1991. Besides the department facilities, In academics many distinguished faculty members
the beautiful campus, a good library, ‘the great coffee impressed me because of their achievements in their
board’ exceeded my expectations of a good campus. respective fields. The intensity of oral examination
While a cup of coffee in the coffee board helped me and the method of choosing potential supervisors for
to stay focused during long days, an after dinner walk the research work were more than a regular selection
in the inner campus always helped me to gain energy procedure! A good deal of courses, close supervision
for the next day. Great weather, nearly pollution free of the research work, in-house seminars as well as
campus, healthy food in most messes, ample sources of presentations from the well-known visitors always made
entertainment made my life nearly perfect. Most E-block the atmosphere intellectually stimulating. Changes that
dwellers would probably disagree with me because many took place during this time cannot be overlooked and
of them had to develop skills to co-exist with not so loving these included refurbishing of the seminar hall, making
bed bugs for several years! The early morning queue for e-mail facility available to the students (Internet was yet
a bucket of hot water made some of them so frustrated to come), a hot-press, a micro-hardness tester, switching
that an idea of a noisy bucket procession was launched to from dot-matrix printers to laser ones and so forth.
Sunil Anandatheertha (Student, AERO) for example 1 + 1 ? 2 then ‘the’ fabric of logic would have
discontinuities or holes in it. But how can one accept a
fact which appears not-strange sometimes and strange at
What is real and unreal? It’s quite a question. Once others be accepted as something being logically correct?
answered; the answer is all that remains and the question Or, perhaps common sense and logic are two wrongly
becomes ‘sublime’. So, what is real? , what is truth? Or coined words for some facts; and if so, the very fact of
“are real and truth the same?”. What is unreal is rather basing the facts on logic and hence on common sense
easy and yet difficult to be answered. The unreal is just seems absurd. Speaking from the Einstein’s relativistic
the absence of real in the simplest sense. It does not point of view, things considered strange otherwise would
form a separate entity all by itself. Just think about it appear as not-strange and would be known as a fact. The
when someone tells “Oh!! It’s dark in here”. All he/she “Grand Unified Theory” or today’s “M-Theory” which are
means is “there is no light here” or “the presence of ‘an believed to be the fundamental theory of “Nature” herself.
absence of light’”; so is with “truth” and “falsity”. One can Can we consider the fundamental theory as the basis;
tell the difference if and only if one knows what truth is; standing upon which is all the rest? A big question that
isn’t it? That’s quite logical. Can “that which is not unreal could be posted on the capabilities of this fundamental
be real?” or “that which is not falsity is truth” be correct? theory could be relating to the fabric of reality. Can this
A personal opinion would be ‘not necessarily! The logic theory explain reality?
works better otherwise’. Logic?. But can the truth about
real, reality and the non real be logic based?. This leads Now comes another great inquiry (provided the theory
us to the inquiry into “How true is common sense?” That can tell what reality is and make a distinction between
which is/appears (‘right’ or ‘correct’ or ‘just’ or ‘existing’ reality and the non-reality) that “Is reality a fabric just
or ‘prevailing’) to the common sense (unambiguously) like the fabric of space time?”. If so, what does it depend
is what is considered as or remarked upon as ‘logically on; and we must face a striking possibility of having a
correct’. But how far can our common sense go right; and condition in this ‘reality fabric’ similar to that of the space
will it do just if ‘on it’, we base the pillars of reality. The time fabric which can at times be curved. If after all this
inquiry can take route by knowing/answering “How false similarity exists, then the possibility of having the reality
can common sense be? Or can it go false?” Can common fabric ‘curved’ due to some unknown reason cannot be
sense be flawed? As stated above, the whole fabric of looked down upon. Above all, it would be worthwhile to
logic is built upon something which is unambiguous and ponder as what might happen if the reality were to be
appears correct for the common sense. curved? An even greater esoteric point to be noticed is –“If
at all the reality fabric is curved?, then what does it curve
In the year 1905, Albert Einstein while understanding the against?. Does it curve with time?; or with something
relativistic effects of going at speeds approaching that more abstruse? (consciousness? Hmmmm…)”.
of light, noticed that strange things happen. Somehow,
these strange things like the ‘Lorentz contraction (which If the theory is capable of explaining what reality is,
was predicted before Einstein developed his theories), then can we consider the theory itself as a laterally un-
slowing clocks (twin paradox) and others; did not fit quite inverted reflection of reality. It is equally important not
well into the fabric of logic due to an arguable fact of to forget that an object can have not just a single but
being a bit non – common sensical. Two points can be multiple images (assume that the mirrors make laterally
made at this juncture. One being that the common sense uninverted images). This inquirable point leads us
prevalent had been flawed and the other being that to another missed out branch in the theory as to the
some facts has been established such as those of the requirement from the theory to have similar images of
predictions made by Einstein’s theory and others. But is its own. But now comes a very arguable and a subtle
it not arguable that once the facts have been established, point that “an image is so because of the mirror”. Ever
they could be considered as being logically correct? entered the ‘crazy mirrors’ room in a circus? Well, you
Consider a simple mathematical statement as 1 + 1 = would have guessed what I am going to put down now.
2, which is a fact and remains a fact at all situations, is As are the different distorted images of your own self,
considered as being logically correct; and it is. If there is so are the multiple forms the fundamental theory has
a situation or a scenario wherein the logic breaks down to take up; each being a mere crazy reflection of reality.
A thought exercise: consider a rectangle with a circular In an age of religious and cultural bigotry and in a
hole in it. Let the hole and the rectangle be analogous country where superstitions abound, the importance
to non-reality and reality fabric respectively. Working in of spreading awareness and open-minded thinking is
the way of the former point that the “Non-reality is a greatly increased. The question arises, how can the
‘presence’ entwined in the fabric of reality”, one could IISc workforce contribute to scientific thinking in the
imagine it to be as the “rectangle with the hole” as a non-academic areas? For this, it would help to also re-
single entity. Considering the latter point, one could evaluate the extent of rational thinking we follow outside
imagine it to be as “’the space of subtraction of circle of our labs. An average student at IISc might identify
from the rectangle’ and the ‘circular hole’ as two different with the increasing separation from the systems and
entities.” But this consideration would do a bit of harm ways of thinking he/she was brought up with, at home.
(or would it?) as it would lead to a sentence as “the How often do our parents still insist on letting us visit
existence of a hole all by itself without any entity for it or leave on ‘auspicious days’, or perform pujas so our
to be in”. Rephrased as ‘The existence of a ‘non-existing research progresses well; or match horoscopes and fix
region of space’ independent of the ‘existing region of alliances. How many IIScians honestly take a stand, or
space’ since, a hole all by itself without anything for it even have an opinion on taking/giving dowry which is
to be in is analogous to the state of being non-existent. prevalent despite laws against it?
For simplicity, consider another thought exercise: take
an apple, make a through hole; through which you could How does an IISc graduate perceive the social mores
peep at your girl friend or your boy friend and gaze. Now and habits which are taken for granted and accepted
take out the apple, yet you see the same face. I hope as the ‘standard’? Does the questioning and skeptical
you do see the same face and not any others!!!. Now attitude one assumes when handing academic concepts
The memorial statue of Mr Jamsetji Nussewanji Tata, facing IISc main building is the symbol of his
patriotism and generosity that has made it possible to have an institute like IISc in India. The statue
depicts him carrying a replica of the institute and is supported by the statue of abundance on its left
and by the statue of knowledge on its right. The memorial tablet on the central shaft begins with
the words “humata hukhta hvrasta” which mean “good thoughts, good words, good deeds”, the
main motto of the Zoroastrian religion, which were truly followed by our beloved founder. The other
figures that are part of this memorial are of Minerva (Goddess of medicine, wisdom, commerce and
crafts), Calliope(Goddess of Eloquence), Vulcan (God of fire and smithery) and Jove (God of sky and
thunder) representing research in IISc.
I was there when it all began, and it all ended when produced an emblem, which had a snowflake at its centre.
I was still there. But during its rather short life, The I think it had five-fold symmetry, too. Befitting the work
Metallograph brought joy to all those who read it, and culture of IISc, most of the issues were brought out past
more so to the few who wrote in it. Yes, there was a midnight. We would pester fellow students to write about
student magazine called The Metallograph that was a something. I also did a couple of interviews of prominent
huge part of life in Department of Metallurgy for four or visitors and wrote profiles of students who were leaving
five years. the Department after completing their theses. Most
articles were written by individuals, but there was one
In the summer of 1995, a few months after I started my written on KR Market by Manjini, Nagendra, Srinivasan
PhD work, Nagendra became the coordinator of student Raghavan and I. Anyone who has been to KR Market will
activities, which till that point only meant that he would surely agree that no single writer can adequately capture
be the convener of the Annual Symposium. Of course, it in one article.
Nagendra wasn’t satisfied with that much. So during
one of those legendary coffee breaks he proposed a few This student magazine of Metallurgy became popular
ideas, one of which was to start a student magazine. outside the Department as well. I remember that a couple
of my articles on the game of cricket (what else?) were
When I got some exciting results in the early part of particularly liked by all who read them. Finni David wrote
my PhD, Vikram advised me to ‘grab the ball and run an article about life on campus that won him a few fair
with it’. I don’t know if I did that in my research, but I fans. L.N. Venkataraman also let his vocabulary lose onto
certainly ran with the ball when it came to the student the readers. Ramanarayan wrote about phantom limbs, an
magazine. We all did. The idea was floated within the article which I totally failed to comprehend but published
Ceramics Lab at first, and when the response was anyway. (Sorry Ram, I had to put this down…)
positive, it was taken to all the research students. Prof.
Prasad, who was the Chairman at that time, backed the There were a few interesting situations that we got into
new venture wholeheartedly. Pretty soon, the editorial because of The Metallograph. We had to retract one article
team was formed. Tania became the Founding Editor. that criticized the Institute after a senior faculty member
I was some kind of associate editor. Seshacharyulu objected to it. This led one member of the editorial team
and Sankarasubramanian were also there. Soon, the to offer his resignation as a protest against the perceived
first issue was brought out. I can’t remember in which suppression of the collective freedom of speech of the
month of 1995 the first issue was brought out. I also students. Other minor skirmishes within the editorial
don’t remember who else were there on the first editorial team involved disagreements over grammar, and being
team. With a little bit of research and email exchanges, I politically correct. I think all those experiences enriched
can perhaps get all the dates, all the editorial teams, and my life as a student of Metallurgy. I blame myself for
all the other details to quantify this account. But I don’t the rapid decline of the popularity of The Metallograph.
want to do it because then it would amount to writing When I became the Editor, I was thinking of ways to
history rather than just reminiscence. make it easy for students to write. Since articles of
literary nature were difficult to write, I decided to accept
So whose idea was it anyway to name a student technical writings which we had steadfastly rejected till
magazine The Metallograph? Er… it was my idea. There that point. Suddenly, The Metallograph was competing
is a newspaper called The Telegraph. So when we were with the more established sources of news on advances
scratching our heads trying to come up with a name in science and technology, namely Nature, Science,
for our magazine, it struck me that we should call our Resonance, and worst of all, Google.com! While it was
magazine The Metallograph. Clever, don’t you think? I easier for students to write technical articles, nobody
am happy to say that there wasn’t too much of resistance wanted to read them. The next few years, Sudhir and
to the name of the magazine. Seshacharyulu promptly L.N. Venkataraman sustained the magazine valiantly, but
No words can define you, Only continuous self questions without answers
in age of hundred, going strong, Distracting myself without focusing to subject
made us proud as Indian, The more I knew the more difficult the simple became
left an impact on the world, Losing lots of time, confusion & even depression
quality of your work, justifies your beautiful name, Finally I see better
getting older with time, With some theory in between for the presentation
still gaining youthfulness. I began to build the frame
I sorted out the useful from useless claim
No words can define your greenery, With all its ups & downs……..
every one falls in love with your greenery Today I present to you
your departments are islands in the green sea. The saga of my melody
showing the path to solve global warming. Science reflects the art of God
IISc reflects the art of Godlike
No one likes to leave you, The sculptor of this art is late Hon. J. N. Tata
as powered by goddess of learning, Set lust greenery along the space is any visitor’s delight
home for students and scientists, The amidst villa with tall tapering body & over it all the
becoming symbol of unified India. graceful vimana
It has proved to be the unparalleled spiritual totem for
No one can ignore you, aspirants
you are mother of, It is perfect blend of what is termed as ‘Beauty with
Raman, Bhabha, GNR, Dhawan …..grew up here, It is a journey of a centenial with its strong foundation
you are dreams of many, Providing space to build skyscrapers to its thousands of
making India proud. devotees
So, we the devotees with a strong commitment to serve
Not only want to lead but to rule the world by making
Indianisation of Globe rather than Globalisation of India
My association with the Indian Institute of Science started interaction with IISc and its faculty was quite intense and
in 1961 when I joined as a Master of Engineering student covered many departments. In fact several of my junior
in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Of course, I colleagues obtained their research degrees – MSc or PhD
had been to the Campus several times earlier to attend – with co-guides from IISc and my laboratory. Several
special lectures, to use the excellent library and visit the of the main DRDO programmes – Oceanography and
Science exhibition during the Golden Jubilee celebrations. Sonar Systems, Guided Missiles, Light Combat Aircraft,
The two years I spent on the IISc campus to a large extent and Laser systems and Solid State Devices – had intense
set the stage for my science and technology orientation and close interaction with the faculty members and the
and career. Though the teaching in general was not research students/associates across the departments. In
really of much higher order than those at my previous fact, I considered IISc as an extended arm of DRDO, in
engineering college, the environment for learning (clearly so far as these programmes were concerned, and used
a shift from teaching paradigm to learning paradigm), it as such. Looking back over this nearly quarter of a
exposure to the entire canvas of science and the chance century, I find that I used to be on the campus so often
to mingle and dialogue with students and researchers (perhaps once a week) and so much so my friends in the
with high intellectual potential were the main features of Faculty used to quip whether I have joined the Faculty
the academic environment at the IISc (and it still remains itself, which I did during the last (and continuing) phase
so). of my interaction with IISc.
My next long stint at the IISC was when I came to the As my scientific and technological life was drawing to an
Campus as a visiting Professor in my department during end, I decided to come back to where it had all started
the 1977 calendar year. Besides teaching several courses but this time as a Visiting Professor in ECE department.
and co-guiding research students, there were plenty of Though the National Programmes that I ran (and still
opportunities to run short-term courses and workshops. running) in the field of Smart Materials, MEMS and Micro
Indeed the latter in some way acted as a trigger for Systems and the involvement of a large number of IISc
my returning to India to take up appointment with Faculty cutting across the Departments in this field were
the Defence Research and Development Organisation. the main factors, an opportunity to constantly interact
During the year’s stay I was of the opinion that a couple with people working at the cutting edge of science and
of things needed some change – four electrical sciences technology was equally a factor in accepting an invitation
departments did not have much of an interaction between to be a visiting professor. The last few years have been
them (this situation, in some sense, continues) and as invigorating as those of the initial and the intervening
though IISc professors were involved in several projects periods.
at the high end of science and technology, there were
minimal joint and collaborative projects (there is some With nearly five decades of involvement with the Indian
change in this; but certainly requires further change). Institute of Science several thoughts race through my
mind. Unlike the scenario in the West, the INSTITUTE
The third phase of my interaction with IISc started in happens to be the main, if not essentially the only,
1980 when I joined the Naval Physical and Oceanographic Research University in India. As such it has to seed and
Laboratory of DRDO, and then went on to head the trigger high and cutting edge Science and Technology with
DRDO and till the year 2005. Besides many defence equal importance. While it is important and absolutely
projects and programmes, I joined the Faculty of the imperative to pursue Science for knowledge’s sake, it is
Institute in conducting several short-term courses, equally essential for IISc to be a much more effective
workshops and conferences. In 1984, we conducted the technology developer for creating wealth for India. I
IEEE International Conference on Circuits, Systems and dream of the day the INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE
Signal Processing to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of would trigger the creation, its own Technology Corridor,
IISc and the Centenary of IEEE. During this period my like Stanford did for Silicon Valley, MIT and Harvard for the
It happens almost every weekend. Come Friday and occasional spine-chilling drops of water from the roof.
there is a call of the wilderness, beckoning to rediscover
the joy and thrill of exploring the mysteries of nature. There are several rivers and fast flowing mountain brooks
Fortunately, there are quite a few who share these in the Western Ghats. One of the things we looked forward
feelings and there is always company available on such to in a trek is a splash in one of them at noon-time. Near
missions of adventure. Yedekumeri there was a fabulous setting in a secluded
spot, with cool crystal clear water flowing through rocks.
Karnataka State in India is bountiful as regards natural
treasures. Majestic mountains, gorgeous gorges, For the most part, the trek led through thick forests and
wonderful water-falls and fantastic forests make it a negligibly populated areas. Wild life ranging from snakes
trekker’s paradise. The Western Ghats running through to elephants is reported here. The guard of the goods
the length of the state, the beautiful Nilgiri Range in the train in which we travelled the last part to Subramanya
South, river Cauvery with its frothy waterfalls, wildlife and told us about the man who sat on a log of wood in the
bird sanctuaries, and the region around the many lakes jungle, only to discover that it was a huge python.
scattered throughout the state offer an infinite number of
routes. There are several places around Bangalore, within We went to this region again the next year, but in the
a hundred kilometres, providing excellent opportunities middle of summer, and this time trekked in the opposite
for a one or two-day treks. direction, from Shrivagilu to Yedekumeri. Again the
tunnels, bridges and green forests. The railway track is
It was usually during the dinner that someone would at a great height, almost parallel to the road and the
mention a new place to explore, the word would go river down below, which are visible for most of the route.
around, and within an hour or so a small group, back Thick forests separate the two. This time we entered the
packs ready, would be heading to the central bus stand jungle at a point in an attempt to reach the river. But had
or train station. to give up, and ran back for safety: there was a herd of
wild elephants. When we were in the middle of one of the
One of our earliest experiences was in the Western Ghats, tunnels, half a km long, a train was upon us suddenly. We
from Sakleshpur to Yedekumeri. There is a narrow gauge flattened against the walls of the tunnel. The roar of the
railway connecting these two places, which serves as train was deafening.
the guide. The track hugs the forest covered mountains
and there are sheer drops of several hundred feet on the It is the elements of risk and danger that add excitement
other side. in a trek. During the trek from Samse to Kudremukh, we
lost our way, even the trail. Dense trees surround on all
We had trekked there in October, just after the rains, and sides and since it was noon, it was difficult to guess the
there was lush greenery all around. I still vividly remember direction. We climbed up a steep mountain to detect any
the magic moments as the early morning fog lifted, like traces of civilisation, but all that was visible from the top
the curtains on a stage, revealing the green paddy fields was more mountains cascading on all sides. Finally we
glistening in the rays of the rising sun, shadow like forests detected a patch of wet ground, and searched for the
behind them, and violet hued mountains rising even source of water. It turned out to be a small rivulet, but
beyond. There was adventure too, in the form of railway we followed it to a stream, and eventually to a trail that
bridges to be crossed using a foot wide iron strip running set us back on the correct path.
through the middle: after sometime you feel stationary
and the rails seem to be moving in the opposite direction. In this particular trek we carried provisions and even a
The view directly below is fantastic and terrifying. Then pressure cooker. Collecting wood is easy, and cooking in
there were pitch dark tunnels, a few meters to a kilometre a glade or an alcove of trees is great fun. And whatever
long, some of them with screeching hordes of bats and the resulting concoction, it tastes like ambrosia. One has
We cycled to Nandi Hill in February, 60 kilometres away With all these slips and falls, dirt and grime, scratches
from Bangalore. For a change, we started at 4 in the and bleedings, twisted ankles and hurting backs, what
morning to experience cycling in the dark. It was nice is it that makes we want to go again and again on mad
silently gliding under the starry skies. Now and then the trips of adventure trekking? Become a weekend trekker
headlights of an oncoming truck made it difficult to see and find out!
the road in front, and one of us miraculously escaped
when his cycle slipped off the edge of the road. We And best of luck with the leeches!
reached the base of Nandi Hill where we parked our
The Mother
Ankita Pramanik (Student, ECE) was always among the top three rankers of his school.
From his childhood he had loathed to have a lot of friends.
He had only two friends but the bonding of friendship
“Chinku, please read all the questions before writing the was very great among the three. He shared every minute
exam and once you finish answering all the questions, go detail of his life with these two friends. But things had
through your work carefully. And I am sorry son, I can’t changed from the beginning of class X. Chinku could feel
come with you to your examination centre. But don’t the peer-pressure. He often pondered over the fact that
worry Dad’s there. He will take you. I am extremely sorry. his father is an MBA from IIM, mother a gold-medalist
I… I know today is the first day of your class 10 Board in Economics and his cousins are into either medicine or
exam but son, I am busy. But, I promise I’ll definitely pick engineering, so he needed to perform well in his board
you up in the afternoon.” exam and carve out a place for himself. He was often
“Absolutely not needed, Shalini. I can pick him up as apprehensive what would happen if he did not perform
well.” well in the exam. What would happen if he had no great
“No, Raj you go to your work. I’ll manage it.” academic achievements. He used to shudder at the very
“Shalini, do you think that by picking him up today after thought of being a failure. He felt his friends secretly
his exam you will be fulfilling all your motherly duties? laughed at him. He started avoiding them. These days,
Can you tell me how many sleepless nights you had when he barely laughed. So as days passed and his board-
Chinku had fever? How many times you organized his exams neared, he became more and more upset and
birthday party? How many times did you go to his school pale with the fear of being an under performer. But his
on parents-teachers meeting?” parents did not notice his behavioral changes. How could
“Raj, stop now! You don’t have to remind me what you they? Where was the time to notice all these silly things?
have done. And stop bullying me as if I am the worst Chinku’s mother did not even have the time to notice that
mom. I know you are a GREAT DAD.” her morning-tea turned ice-cold while she worked on
Shalini and Raj were engrossed in their heated argument her project-report. He longed for his mother’s company
but neither of them noticed that their child Chinku was and care but she was unable to spare time for him. It
listening to their argument with a silent plea in his eyes, is not that his mother did not love him but it is that she
“Please stop for God’s sake! Please stop at least today. I loved her work more. Poor Dad somehow managed some
have a board exam.” time for Chinku but he could not read much of Chinku’s
Chinku alone knew how miserable his condition was! He
My relationship with the Indian Institute of Science, seeds. It was just too beautiful. I cannot remember as to
better known under the sobriquet ‘Tata Institute’, how many we collected. In the past two years I have not
is nearly five decades old. Hold your breath, not as a been able to see a single “Gulaganji” tree. I don’t know
student. It is a simple story of a simple soul who stood in where they all are gone.
awe of a premier institution over the years...an institution
that has contributed immeasurably to the growth of After another ten years my brother was able to join the
science and the scientific way of thinking for exactly one Institute as a research scholar to the utter joy of our
hundred years. It does not claim to narrate any earth parents. To be able to get into this premier institution
shaking happenings. It is just a ‘putting together’ of a was one of life’s greatest achievements. Whenever there
few encounters which occured at very irregular intervals was a cricket match on the gymkhana grounds and our
starting in 1958-59. team played, my brother would treat us to lunch in the
mess and we used to so look forward to it. During those
On one Sunday morning I was shepherded by my mother days hardly anyone used to complete the work in less
to this august institute along with my siblings, thanks to a than 6 to 7 years. And this was true even in my brother’s
neighbour who was working for his Ph.D. in the electrical case. Due to various reasons he was forced to change
department and who had agreed to show us around. The guides too. By the time he completed submission, the
memory is vague and if I try to be very graphic it would one person who would have been proud was not around.
border more on my imagination than on facts and I am My dad had died very shortly after my brother had joined
loath to try it either. However two things do stand out. the Ph.D programme. As a part of the course work he
After a seemingly interminable bus journey we reached had to learn German and he had bought one Cassel
the place at around 9.00 AM. Thanks to the trees and Dictionary. Now, three decades later, I am using it for
also the famous, salubrious Bangalore climate, which my work here, inspite of the latest online dictionaries.
once existed, the campus was shrouded in mist and it My younger brother too is an alumnus of IISc. He did his
was cold!!! When the sun managed to shine through, M.E. during 1976-78. Now I am here at a ripe old age
what did we see? Lo and behold! The dew drops on trying to do something I had been wanting to do earlier,
the green grass carpet reflected thousands of suns and but could not.
amongst them we saw the small bright red “Gulaganji”
It was nearing the end of the working day. After a to crime, and he probably had a family to support back
tough day’s work I set about to leave for home. The home.
schedule had been gruelling as usual - lethargic in the
morning, dreary in the noon, and picking up full pace And then there was this rag-picker who carried two
by the evening. Just then my boss came up to me and rucksacks on his back – the left one was related to his
started his usual cribbing about my lack of attention and living, and in the other was his kid, with its head propped
care towards the now-routine task of initial evaluation out. How much more of a burden did he have compared
of insurance claims for small industries. The melancholy to me –all I maybe carrying would be a few claims papers
was inducing fatigue. I was tired of the job, tired of my back home. And I wouldn’t be able to carry my kid longer
boss - who is a reasonably unreasonable person, tired of than ten minutes.
my wife – whose list of purchases is as endless as her
unpunctuated monologue, tired of my kids – whose list In the meantime, I reached into my pocket to shell out a
is even greater, of my neighbour - who is aghast about rupee or two for the beggar, who would still have to search
my water connection crossing his gate, of my milkman - for food long after I would have munched grudgingly on
whose character is as dilutedas his milk, and of everything the usual food made by my wife under the comfort of a
and everybody including myself! roof.
Am I the only unlucky person upon whom so much And then this struck me – nobody is sans problems.
misfortune must befall? Why can’t I be left alone just After all, God has given me something, definitely better
like one of my junior school classmates, whom I met than somebody’s nothing. A family which will still attend
the other day? He runs his own business, has a sedan, to me when I am down with a hundred degree fever, a
and can buy his family almost the whole gift shop! Isn’t neighbour who will share sweets with me to lighten up
it unfair on the part of the Almighty to be partial and a festive day, a home that would protect me from ten
bestow only some with riches? Well, I was, to say the degree winters, and above all a balanced and healthy life.
least, frustrated. Oh, that old classmate of mine has acute health problems
due to his fast paced lifestyle. He gets to talk with his
As usual I went to the bus stop to head home. It was one kids maybe once a month or so. This lesson that the
of the more crowded and accessible bus stops. There street vendor, the rag-picker and the beggar taught me is
was a sort of stark contrast in the reality that this place invaluable – I’ll carry it with me for life.
presented. It was right below the tallest building in my
city, which by all means represented the socio-economic Thank you God !
superiority of the neighborhoods, but also served as a
lone juncture of survival for the not so superior as well.
“Cheese !!” of students who kept pouring in way past the initial time
We all looked up at the radiant sky, given, faculty who also complied with the dress code of
Pride in our eyes and head held high! white and their children.
Marked in our position, disciplined we stood, The Director, Prof. P. Balram said this was a wonderful
Worth the entire wait was this moment good. initiative that brought together everyone at one place,
The frames did capture, while a little ‘miss sunshine’ a seldom happening in these 440 odd acres of land. He
quipped, “Cheese”! not only enthused the participants with his presence, but
This summarized the entire experience, “Smile Please!” after several posed shots at the emblem, said, “I am
Date: 16 November 2008. fitter than most of the people!” . Commenting on the
Venue: Gymkhana Grounds, IISc dress code being white, he had an innovative idea of
Event: Human Formation of the IISc Emblem using lab coats! Now, why didn’t we think of that ?!
This was a historical moment as for the first time ever; Brijesh spoke about how the volunteers came in early to
the institute community came together to be a part of the draw the entire emblem and literally got their hands dirty
Human Formation of the IISc Emblem. This was another with mud and chalk powder. Arif working enthusiastically
of the events to usher in the Centenary Year. A brain child with the volunteers cited how initially it was difficult to
of the faculty and the Student Council, this event was get students but finally, the day had come and the Human
lead by Prof. AnanthaSuresh with co-ordinating support Formation was a reality. Student volunteers felt happy
from Brijesh Bhatt, The Student Council Co- Chairman and enthusiastic about being a part of this initiative but
and Arif Ali Baig, The Student Council General Secretary, hoped that things were better planned and punctuality
who conducted a drive to get students to be a part of was maintained. And as Prof. Vinoy put it, “ The Ball is
this. finally rolling for the Centenary!”
We had over 250 enthusiasts for whom waking up early
on a Sunday morning was no big deal. This comprised The event was designed by SAiMAA Creations.
Deepti Abbey (Student, MRDG) Remember the days when we studied, studied, and
studied, faced a series of entrances to land here; and
finally went through rounds of interviews and one day
you feel on top of the world being the part of the institute.
It appears just like a dream, to those who have felt this Life starts with full enthu, movies, DJ parties, Tea board
way a span of 100 years -- a period of victory, glory and birthday celebrations , never ending assignments and
a success with a responsibility to still maintain it. horrible end term examinations all in a row and have to
Who would have thought that an institute started by be faced all one by one. The feelings and the thoughts of
Jamshetji Tata in the year 1909 will one day be recognised reaching here are not at all over when suddenly we realise
as the most prestigious place for research giving platform that roots of research have started going deep and finally
to thousands of budding scientists. we start realising for what cause we are here.
So, here’s the institute standing firmly with over forty Still, life is really enjoyable here; a place where you
departments; eminent library with various students’ experience different cultures, enjoy celebrating the same
welfare and entertainment centers. It feels proud to be festival in different moods and ways; refreshing yourself
a student here, where you can dwindle with your mind at tea and coffee corners with friends, sitting there for
storming experiments; enjoy the company of people from hours making plans to go out, discussing new faces and
diverse fields and learn the experience of looking at even fashion and in the pastime to change mood little science
a simple thing from different perspectives; a place where and research.
you feel honored to be following the same path as the
Nobel laureate Dr C.V. Raman or many famous alumni, So, isn’t it great to be here? Nice way of pursuing science
all working with the aim to benefit the society in one or with sports and other extra curricular activities, where
the other way. It is a wonderful place to enjoy complete the nights are also as glistening as days.
students’ rights and freedom, as also the experiences of
other dignitaries renowned in their respective fields. I salute this rising sun for giving us the opportunity
to pursue science at its best in the shades of others’
Life at IISc is completely different from what the usual; experiences and above all helps us in building the
the nights are also as bright as the sunny days. Nature confidence and commitment towards goal. Above all, I
is in its full glory all around and even the fellow crows congratulate it for completing the glorious 100 years and
accompany you in the dark nights saying that they are wish to celebrate years like it ahead.
with us.
High Voltage
published in
Platinum Jubilee
Book) by
M S Chandrasekar
Life on campus is not a picnic, not by any chance! One range of extracurricular activities. The Ranade Library
might even say that students have it tough, with classes and Reading room boasts of a vast collection of books
to attend and unending series of examinations to sit and magazines. And it is a sight that pleases my soul
through and to top this there loom the dreaded project when I step into the library and there are people sitting in
deadlines. Even for research students, the rigours of those old cane chairs engrossed in their books or comics.
working in laboratories for unearthly hours and the This flight into another imaginary world or the quest for
challenging task of keeping your advisor happy while information on something which may not benefit you in
hoping to finish a PhD in a respectable time frame (read: your “professional career” is a great stress-buster! For
before you are positively ancient!!!) make life stressful the musically inclined, the Music club (better known as
enough! Rhythmica) is a very active group indeed. The concerts
that the group presents are very well received, popular
Thankfully for all of us at IISc, we are blessed with a and appreciated. I shall not say much about the Gymkhana
beautiful campus and a very active community of students Movie club since I am sure most of us have scrambled to
that helps to keep us relatively cheerful and saves us wind up all work bang on time as the Friday evening
from becoming boring, geeky and dull individuals always approaches such that not a single movie is missed! But
stuck in the laboratory or the classroom. If you are what is interesting is that there is another group that can
wondering whether I have any point to make at all, I showcase off-beat films at required interest and meets
should just state that I am talking about the multitude at the Physics Department regularly, thus ensuring that
of students’ activities and clubs on campus that give a there is ample scope for you to explore different kinds of
chance to even the most stressed of us to relax in exactly cinema along with enjoying the popular genre.
the way we please.
Beyond the activities within a formal “club” structure,
Not being particularly athletically oriented, I had not students with similar interests meet as a small groups
evinced much interest in the Gymkhana facilities on so as to discuss, learn and teach. Such activities include
campus to begin with. But over the last year ( with ample the Astronomy Club, a group of amateur enthusiasts that
prodding from friends), I have discovered that we have meets at the top of the Raman building. Along with their
a Gymkhana facility which offers badminton, tennis, gym modest sets of personal telescopes and equipment they
facilities, billiards, chess, carom, table tennis, hockey, keep a watch on the skies and look at the constellations
football, cricket, kung fu and the list goes on and on! The and stars. And considering that we stay on an incredibly
aerobics club and the yoga classes twice a day are an beautiful campus that is almost like a different world,
added benefit for all those fitness fanatics and the “not so there is no chance that nature and photography lovers
fit” (more like “challenged with ‘weighty’ issues”). At the will not flourish here. Though there are many (and let
end of a seemingly unending working day, a competitive me stress “many”) amazing photographers here, there
match on the courts or an exhaustive training session are also those who do not venture beyond the regular
on the grounds goes a long way to make you feel more digital camera and the Photography club is a blessing of
cheerful (endorphins you know!!!). And it is amazing sorts for them since it provides equipment and arranges
that many of the games facilities we have today were photography tours too. Another recent discovery for me
present even at the very beginning of the Gymkhana, has been the Voices group, which brings out a students’
though there were a few then that might sound novel newsletter. Along with giving you a means for letting your
today, such as the Rifle club...am so amused at the idea creative juices flow, “Voices” lets you say all that you
of going around campus carrying a rifle today! may have ever wished to but for which you may not have
found a platform before.
On the premises of the Gymkhana at IISc (which
is renowned as one of the oldest Gymkhanas in There are many other informal groups that meet on a
Bangalore), there are facilities for a surprisingly vast regular basis in order to share common interests, relax,
Centurion Dearest
Tata Marg (originally published in Platinum Jubilee
Sudhir R. (Student, CPDM) Book) by M S Chandrasekar
A special mention needs to be given to the birds on the go there, order whatever they want, and then drift apart
trees that are more than willing to shower their “blessings” nearby and once they are finally done with the eating
on you whether you like it or not. There is a superstition they come back and pay the money at the end. There is
that unless one is blessed by the birds, he/she won’t no supervision, just an innate honesty from the students
be able to write his/her thesis. If you are superstitious and trust from the café owner. This kind of culture and
and are facing a tough time in writing your thesis, go trust is usually not prevalent elsewhere.
and stand outside the library during six to eight in the
evening. You are sure to get blessed. Fortunately, these So, all in all IISc is a special place to be in. Maybe a
birds are not wasteful or unintelligent either. They shower lot of us need to cherish the time that we have here
their blessings only on the roads used more by humans, and appreciate its natural beauty and glory rather than
example on the road from the library to Biochemistry grumbling about its various lacunae (which are usually
department. On other lesser used roads, you won’t find human-centric). So, the next time someone asks me
them. “what kind of a place is Bangalore”, I will answer without
any hint of apology “I know nothing of Bangalore, I live
Another wonderful thing about IISc is that there is a in IISc which is a different and beautiful sub-city of its
trust factor implicit over here. Mostly you will find people own kind. If you wish to know about IISc, I can give you
trusting one another on various issues. Even students who all the details.”
are usually not renowned for their trustworthiness are
honest and responsible. Take the example of GymCafe (a
popular eating place near Gymkhana). A lot of students
Today, I’m going to break a big news. Guess what? I’m said, and read as if to my class, slowly and deliberately,
writing a novel! I’m spending almost two hours every day pausing to explain now and then.
for its materialization. The title? Well, it is still ‘Untitled.’ “I never knew you could write so well.”
I have finished almost three chapters. Ah! You want to “It is a pity that you should have underrated me so long;
hear more? but now you know better. Keep it up,” I said.
It is about the life of a newly married English Teacher, “And if possible don’t look at the pages, say roughly
who is also a poet, teaching at a college. As a sample, between 150 and 200, in the (book) Golden Treasury.
here is an extract describing a lovely scene… And don’t Because someone called (William) Wordsworth has
forget to e-mail me your valuable opinion… written similar poems.”
»»»»»»»»»»» This was an invitation for her to run in and fetch her
copy of the Golden Treasury and turn over precisely the
(Please note that the story is written in First Person forbidden pages. She scoured every title and first line
Singular. The words in brackets are given for your better and at last pitched upon the original. She read it through,
understanding of the story. The English Teacher speaks and said: “Aren’t you ashamed to copy?”
to his wife that he is unable to write poetry nowadays
because--) “No,” I replied. “Mine is entirely different. He had written
about someone entirely different from my subject.”
“The trouble is I have not enough subjects to write on,” “I wouldn’t do such a thing as copying.”
I confessed. She (his wife) drew herself up and asked:
“Let me see if you can write about me.” “I should be ashamed to have your memory,” I said. “You
“A beautiful idea,” I cried. “Let me see you.” have had the copy of the Golden Treasury for years now,
I sat up very attentively and looked at her keenly and and yet you listened to my reading with gaping wonder! I
fixedly like an artist or a photographer viewing his subject. wouldn’t give you even two out of a hundred if you were
I said: “Just move a little to your left please. Turn your my student.”
head right. Look at me straight here. That’s right… Now I
can write about you. Don’t drop your eyelashes so much. »»»»»»»»»»»
You make me forget my task. Ah, now, don’t grin please.
Very good, stay as you are and see how I write now, “Anaska, we never knew you could write so well.”
steady…” I drew up the notebook, ran the fountain pen “It is a pity that you people should have underrated me
hurriedly over it and filled a whole page beginning: so long; but now you know better. Keep it up. And if
possible don’t look at the pages, say roughly between
“She was a phantom of delight 50 and 60, in the book The English Teacher. Because
When first she gleamed upon my sight: someone called R K Narayan has written similarly.”
A lovely apparition, sent
To be a moment’s ornament.” References:
Read the poem “She was a phantom of delight” by William
It went on for thirty lines ending: Wordsworth from:
“And yet a spirit still, and bright http://www.web-books.com/Classics/Poetry/Anthology/
With something of an angelic light.” Wordsworth/SheWas.htm
I constantly paused to look at her while writing, and said: Know more about R K Narayan and The English Teacher
“Perfect. Thankyou. Now listen.” from:
“Oh, how fast you write!” she said admiringly. http://www.wmich.edu/dialogues/texts/englishteacher.
“You will also find how well I’ve written. Now listen,” I htm
IISc played an important role in coordinating various related to rewinding or repairing of electrical machines,
activities and researches during the Second World War. repairing and calibration of measuring instruments and
Although not all of them can be mentioned, some of the other such miscellaneous jobs.
important contributions are listed below. • Large quantities of Carbon composition resistors and
• During the year 1941-42, on a request by the Army, the vitreous enameled resistors required by the Air Force
institute placed around 108 acres of land at the army’s were manufactured and supplied.
disposal for use as a temporary camp site for the duration • The institute became one of the centres of radio
of the war. communication in Bangalore for the Signal Corps. A
• The institute agreed to provide facilities for training 250 watt short wave transmitter was constructed by the
of skilled artisans, viz., electricians, mechanics, tin and institute for their use.
copper smiths for war purposes. • A scheme of repairs, tests and calibration of electrical
• During 1942-43, on a request by the Air Headquarters, and radio instruments as well as construction and repair
a factory for large scale manufacture of hydrogen gas of mechanical appliances were undertaken for the Air
was put up within the premises of the institute. Force and other fighting units.
• Pilot plant experiments were carried out by the institute
for the manufacture of Potassium Permanganate, At the conclusion of the hostilities, the War Department,
Potassium Chlorate, urea, white phosphorous from the Supply Department, the Directorate of Admiralty
phosphatic modules of Trichinopoly and cryolite. A design Research and Development and the President of Council
of a plant for the manufacture of Phosphorus and 200 lbs of Scientific and Industrial Research expressed their
of phosphorus made in the pilot plant were supplied to appreciation of the work that was done at the institute in
the Army authorities. the aid of war effort.
• At the request of the Supply Department of the Indian
government, the institute had prepared and supplied Hipatitis vaccine
2000 lbs of p-nitrophenyl-azo-β-naphthylamine.
• At the invitation of the Government, large quantities development at IISc
of modified (Depolymerized) Shellac were prepared and
supplied. P.T. Raghuram (SSO, CHEMENG)
• A substantial amount junket rennet powder required by
the government was prepared and supplied.
• Pilot plant experiments were also carried out for the The hepatitis B virus has caused several epidemics in
manufacture of Vitamin D at the suggestion of the Army the past and presently, about a third of the world’s
authorities. population have been infected with the virus. The
• The Department of Biochemistry was engaged in various infection is preventable by vaccination. The hepatitis B
important problems related to the preservation of food vaccine market is estimated at US $ 22.2 million (Rs.
grains, the use and nutritive value of soya milk etc., at the 90 crores) and is growing at 20% annually. India is the
instance of the military authorities. largest producer of Hepatitis B vaccine today. Over 10
• The medical services of the army was actively helped brands available in the country and IISc has contributed
by the institute in applying radio technique as a rapid and to two of them.
less expensive method locating metal (shrapnel) in the
human body.
• Mostly as a war measure, a wind tunnel, where an air
velocity of 300 miles per hour can be set up, was built
with accessory laboratories.
• On the Electrical Engineering side, a number of jobs
were undertaken for the fighting services. These were
A fine Saturday morning. Long time since bhOndOO met fully concentrating on his typing.
his advisor, and long time for the next meeting. bhOndOO
is relaxed. No nightouts, peaceful sleeps, early wake-ups, “bhOndOO, coming for coffee?”. bhOndOO is
and early comings to the lab; and so is today. thunderstruck. Reasons:
• someone uttered his name.
bhOndOO is alone in the lab. He is merry, whistling Dil • some lady uttered his name.
tadap tadap ke kah raha hai aa bhi ja, reading Shami’s • Shami uttered his name.
scrapbook on Orkut. His Orkut fortune today is Be tactful: • some lady is asking him for coffee.
Overlook not your own opportunity. He is expecting • Shami is asking him for coffee.
something nice to happen to him today.
bhOndOO looks at Shami standing beside him. “Sure.”,
Suddenly, he hears opening of the lab door. Wow! Its bhOndOO mutters involuntarily. He locks his KDE session
Shami! Shami smiles at bhOndOO while entering. and gets up. While getting up, he realizes what he saw
bhOndOO does not notice it. He is busy finding and on screen while locking the terminal: he was replying to
clicking on Home on the screen to get away from Shami’s Julie and the subject was Re: Cannot forget last night.
scrapbook. Damn it! IISc proxy is so slow. While clicking
on the button, he realizes that he should react to Shami’s bhOndOO looks at Shami and notices no signs of disgust.
greeting. He looks at Shami who is by now at a distance May be, she did not see it. But what if she did?
of five feet and greets (with fear), “Hello.”.
They meet a junior on the way and the junior greets
Shami walks past bhOndOO, casually looks at his screen, them with a smile. From the mocking smile of the junior,
settles at a machine (not adjacent to that of bhOndOO’s), bhOndOO realizes that he is going alone with Shami! Oh
and starts typing her login. bhOndOO has managed his my God! I never got this chance before! He recollects his
reputation using the most terrific key-combination of all Orkut fortune. bhOndOO adjusts his spects, sweeps his
times in the history of industrialization: Alt+Tab. hand across his hair, and clears his throat. He is suddenly
looking confident — confident to break the ice.
bhOndOO re-relaxes himself and notices his screen. Shit!,
he exclaims. His Yahoo! mail is showing an advertisement “Going home in Dec?”, bhOndOO asks.
of Bharat Matrimony with a lady smiling at bhOndOO. I “Ya. I could not go in summer because of the summer
hope, she does not misunderstand me. course. I must go now. How about you?”.
“No, I am planning to do some paper reading for my
bhOndOO is cautious now. He is hardly doing anything on research in Dec. I may go home in Feb.”.
his machine. His full concentration is on the girl seated
three machines away from him. Shami is typing a reply. Shami nods. This small conversation boosts up bhOndOO’s
The lab bears sounds of her typing and the fan of AC. confidence. Shall I talk to her? Lets get seated first. He
Will me not typing anything look suspicious? bhOndOO remembers the slogan of Cafe Coffee Day: A lot can
decides to reply to some mail. However, his Yahoo! inbox happen over a cup of coffee. They enter the Tea Board. I
contains zero mails. No, no. Typing something is very must pay for her coffee today. He inserts his hand in the
important right now. bhOndOO opens one of the nine pocket and feels a single coin of five rupees. One coffee
spams, clicks on Reply and starts typing. costs four rupees.
bhOndOO’s concentration is at ultimatum. For typing thirty Are yaar! Why does this happen with me only? They are
words, bhOndOO presses the Backspace button sixty- 10 feet away from the queue and bhOndOO is searching
nine times. This is very bad. Why am I getting tensed? for alternatives:
bhOndOO relaxes himself and starts typing slowly — now
Major changes in IISc during the fifty years he spent Creating more institutions…
here... “To create an institution, you need an idea, a motivation,
“Its very difficult to imagine the institute fifty years ago”, a mission. You must feel that what you’re doing is terribly
he begins. The institute was very small then, with a important and NEEDS to be done”, he delivers. While
small number of people. A few of them were driven by he was in aeronautics, he felt that serious research was
extraordinary passion, like Sir C.V. Raman. “There were not being done in atmospheric sciences. The field had
half a dozen telescopes (placed near the area where the important, interesting problems, but none working on it.
health centre is today), and both students and faculty He spoke to the director about this and was in turn asked
used them extensively.” if he’d give time to the topic and take responsibility for it.
Changes started in the sixties and early seventies, when He agreed and so CAOS was born in 1982.
the number of students, faculty increased, teaching
programmes changed etc. The faculty decided that there The reason for IISc’s popularity…
should be greater focus on science and in order to initiate “Because it’s the cheapest!” he laughs. On a serious note,
this, new courses were introduced. he ends, “For a student of science, I do not know of a
“For a long time, there was no place to get coffee!” he better place. Though we don’t account for much in terms
reminiscences. He also adds that in those days, the of contribution to the world at the moment, our ambition
institute mess was supposed to provide the best food in should be to rise to the top.”
Bangalore (!).
which, instead, never leaves you - quite to your liking It all started with a visitor, a man -- with shabby, torn
and disgust! clothes and dirty wisps of hair who had come from a
distant place, outside the realms of that village, which
The incident occurred when I was about forty. I was he never talked about much. He had come to meet me. I
living at a place that was like a village, having a nice came to know that he was with his eight-year old son who
forest around it with varieties of flowers and birds. I was deeply ill. And he needed a written recommendation
was working there as a deputy to the Chief Magistrate from me to get the boy admitted to a well known hospital
of the state for the development of that land. We were that was situated some five miles from there. He said
essentially building new roads that would connect the he had gone to the hospital but was not attended much
location to bigger cities, with the hope that it would be because he didn’t have enough money and that he
changing to a town for the better. I was to stay there for was told if he could get a recommendation signed by
six months and supervise the construction. And I was a Government official, his son could be admitted there.
living at a place whose neighborhood had a nice man Then he had come to know of me staying here and having
called Shaul. He was one of the wealthy men in the area. walked all the way from the hospital, carrying his son on
He had a large bungalow and a beautiful garden that was his shoulders. I inspected the boy and he indeed was
almost like a decorated piece of poetry that people from very weak. He was otherwise normal, just as other boys
miles away came to visit often. He invited me from time of his age, laughing and jumping when he was happy
to time to have dinner or lunch. He lived with his wife and and crying and complaining to his daddy when he was
had no children. I wondered whether being thus alone sad. But his unique feature was, as I got to notice, that
was one of the prime reasons behind never feeling any he fell frequently short on energy. I presumed he was
holding backs in terms of spending money. They spent suffering from leukemia. I decided to forward a letter to
with grace and always helped other people. Shaul was the hospital authorities, and for that night, I asked Shaul
very energetic. He was gay and talkative and had a heavy if he could let the visitors stay at his place. He agreed.
figure. He was unmercifully possessive of his garden They were served dinner and given a room. And they
where he grew rare flowers with utmost care. At times were supposed to leave for the hospital, next morning,
he was a bit short-tempered, but again, he was one of in Shaul’s car. It was the only personalised vehicle in
those men who quickly forgot any bad lines that he had the village apart from my own bicycle that I rode during
spoken or that were spoken to him. He held no grudges! supervising the different construction sites.
And he always had this piece of expensive cigar hanging
from his lower lip. His wife was a bit on the shyer side - I woke up the next morning to find quite a number of
talking less and spending more time in kitchen, cooking people gathering in front of my neighbor’s garden,
delicious dishes for the entire neighborhood. They were listening to him shout rough lines. I understood, due to
unanimously loved and respected throughout the place. some reason, he was in one of his bad-tempered moods.
Vinay Shirhatti (Student, CEDT) I found that Haley’s Comet visited the earth about the
same time as Twain’s birth and death dates. Twain was
aware of the peculiar fact that his birthday was around
Pure nascent and glistening dew drops the same time as the comet’s arrival - A harbinger of
Cling to the leaves and the window panes things to come, one might say. He expressed the desire
that it would be appropriate if he left the planet about
The morning air seethes with the fog the same time as its next arrival. Like most coincidences,
which replaces last night’s lashing rains his wish came true and everyone promptly forgot about it
until someone in IISc (Me! Me!) found out about it.
The feather on the boughs have come alive
calling out of glee and a smile I wear The incident set me off thinking about all the weird
and wonderful things that have happened since Mark
A dissolving symphony fills in the campus Twain’s death and my birth. We have seen two incredibly
Canvases of God, there are where devastating world wars, the rise and fall of racism and
Nazism, the rise of Zionism. This is not to say that many
The curving tars wear an eager look amazing things didn’t happen - we put a man in the
waiting to be swarmed by a thousand feet moon; we, in India, are well on our way to doing exactly
the same deed; we have seen the birth of the Indian
Feet tapping away or the feet on the pedals Institute of Science and its evolution into one of the
Tringing and smiling as the crossing souls greet greatest research institutes in India.
A morning of hope as good as you would see While there are so many diverse milestones that we, as
a species, have repeatedly crossed, I feel that a subtle
Adorning my beautiful IISc
reminder on one very important issue is required. Humanity
has often been very quick to try to attribute the success
of individuals to many trifling factors - race, religion,
caste and even political philosophy. I do not say that one
shouldn’t take pride in these things, but all the same it’s
It broke his continuity. It disturbed his idea of the infinite. The girl had left with agony and frustration and had
And it snapped that small circle – which otherwise could married someone else and lived a happy life.
have been traced over and over again – with a sharp
jab, reducing it to a curved line that flowed impermanent But after a few decades she died, as a thousand other
through life with a definite beginning and a definite end. mortals die and her body turned to ashes, her heart
evaporated, her soul bore holes through which air could
And then he became that small, stupid boy again – pass and she became a part of this mystic ocean of
vulnerable to the assaults and seductions of this world, continuity that the peninsular world bore in its heart for
and he waited for the next afternoon when similarly he eons.
would be in his island: sad, crying and content, and when
the waters would cut off his evergreen oasis of static And all this while he counted blades of grass, wings of
satisfaction from the peninsula of fluctuating emotions, dead butterflies – frozen through time – so much so that
hopes and fortunes. he didn’t even know when he died or if he died at all
because he never knew if he was not already dead from
the beginning ever since he had fallen in love and if he was
All these have been starting to occur since the time he not already immortal in that solitary island, that carried
had fallen in love. The emotion or the state of psyche years of peace and satisfaction, from the beginning ever
that he had only heard of before was ruling him now to since he had fallen in love…
such an extent that he has started to enjoy being ruled. It
was more than a drug. It was a whole new way of seeing The human peninsula survived and reared many more
himself and coming to terms with this world. He had seen girls who inspired the growth of such love in the hearts of
the girl once and he didn’t even remember whether he the youth who would dare to cut off their bits of islands
saw her again for it was not necessary, as he knew that from the piece of land, bounded by water of pain and
he had fallen in love and that was sufficient by itself. For creation in its three sides, just like he had done it once.
it made him sit down and cry. The hormonal depressions And it happened every time a star faded and every time
didn’t only decrease with the tears; the channels of salty a fairy appeared, with boxes of sparkles and magic, in
water – that etched through his cheeks – flushed every front of everybody. It happened every time a man chose
worldly manipulation off his soul, rendering it ready for to mould his future (along with (the spontaneity of) his
the seeds of surrender to be sown in its heart. present and (the interpretation of) his past) to the cause
of love. And slowly the whole peninsula, over billions
It was love alone that chose this island for him so much of years, got divided into small bits of islands (each
so that he ever failed to trace if he was dead or if he was separated from the other by their own magic realism
insane or if he was unimportant but this never worried that spun the web of truth and falsehood over its own
him much as all this time he was busy counting petals regime!) that stayed separated at afternoons, and joined
of flowers or blades of grass or wings of butterflies (that at nights, so that all the citizens of the peninsula could
stood still in the air, displaying their colors), getting all enjoy a common, shared piece of undivided land of peace
lost in that fever of things and he smiled for he couldn’t that respected everyone’s privacy and individualism, in
decide if this was for what the outside world considered the morning, so that they all can sing the song of love at
him to be dead, insane or insignificant! the breaking of dawn (though each of them had seen the
thing in his own different way, still somehow managing to
The girl had seen him in this state and had come to him realize that it was the same music that manifested itself
to ask if he would marry her for it seemed to her that it in several forms) along with the birds of air, trees of land
was the only plausible option left for them to choose and and fishes of the sea.
she was shocked to find him alone in his island, all naked
– his body being etched with flowers that had showered And his paradise got lost in that maze of love – that
from heaven, and wings of dead butterflies that seemed universal blessing that landed unto them from heaven;
as fresh as the evergreen leaves – smiling away with his still he never lost himself and the ground of his island
eyes closed, shivering thoroughly – his soul happy in the that he had so dearly created and prepared for himself
trance which it had created for itself or which was gifted and the rest, therefore, never mattered much.
Prof. H.N. Ramachandra who taught them Electrical Machine Design, “If we tried
Rao (DOB: October to address Prof. Aston as Sir, he’d respond … Don’t call
25th, 1909) was an me Sir. I am not a knight! Call me Professor. That’s how
esteemed GURU of jovial faculty were at the time”.
the Indian Institute
of Science, a stalwart After graduating, Prof. Rao joined the Government
who was attached Porcelain Factory (now BHEL) in 1936 and got involved
to this institution for in producing dichromates (used for tanning of soldiers’
over 75 years and the shoes during the Second World War), along with Prof.
only person who has K.R. Krishnaswamy, of the Department of Chemistry, IISc.
witnessed the Silver, Sir J.C. Ghosh invited him to join as lecturer in 1942 and
Golden, Platinum jubilees then began his second stint at IISc, this time as faculty.
and the Centenary year. He worked as Professor and then Dean of Engineering till
This article is an ode to 1969, when he left the Institute to join the Union Public
one of the ARCHITECTs Service Commission (UPSC). However, Prof. Rao had
of the INSTITUTE. continued association with the Institute through out his
life. He has the record of attending every single Ayudha
Puja in the Electrical Department since 1933 to date.
Be it visiting United States of America to get the Network Living in Bungalow No. 13 next to the Post office from
Analyzer from General Electric, at the dawn of the Indian 1942 to 1969, was one of the most memorable times
Independence, to ensure the rapid power infrastructure for Prof. Rao and his family. Prof. Rao recalled the great
development of the country or visiting Russia with Prof. ambience of the Institute, the fantastic atmosphere, the
Satish Dhawan, Prof. Dhikshitalu and Prof. Nagaraja, to freedom to work and play, attending the Golden Jubilee,
procure equipment for starting the School of Automation, meeting several visiting dignitaries, and the wonderful
Prof. Rao was an indispensible part of the Institute friends he made here like Prof. K Parthasarathy (the
Team. Relay specialist), Prof. B N Narayana Iyengar, Prof. Satish
Prof. Rao joined the Institute as a student in the Electrical Dhawan and Prof. M.S. Thacker.
Technology department in 1933 after completing his
Masters in Physics from Calcutta. Sir C.V. Raman also Prof. Rao’s contributions to the research community
joined the Institute as Director in the very same year, who and the country have fetched him many accolades. The
had been his Physics professor at Calcutta, too. It was as IEEE Centennial Medal, which he received in 1984 at
a student that he attended the Silver Jubilee celebrations the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Institute, Sir M.
of the Institute in 1934. Visvesvaraya Award for Senior Scientists in 2003 from the
Prof. Rao reminisced about his student days as a time of Chief Minister of Karnataka, two CBIP Gold Medals for
full freedom. It was a time when there was no attendance research and Fellowship of institutions like the Institution
or strict working hours. He recalled, “During day time of Engineers (India), IEI (London), ISI (India) are a few
we would be at MG Road or Brigade Road and then of them. He attributed all his success to God’s grace.
work late into the night at our labs. It was a wonderful
experience.” It was a time when faculty and guides like Prof. Rao strongly believed in the necessity of Change.
Prof. F.N. Moudawala, played the role of an elder brother, The changing face of IISc, from being a campus with just
being strict when required, but mostly being accessible three departments, when he joined as a student, to the
and affable. They would be faculty during the day, and at new face it is today, had been to him, on the one hand
4:30 pm, once work was done, they would head off to the very noteworthy, but also on the other, a little disturbing.
Gymkhana to play cricket, tennis and billiards with the “The number of students, in the departments in those
students. He said of one of his professors, Prof. Aston, days, were less and the teacher student ratio was 1:3.
November 23, 2108. It’s almost time to freeze the and violence in the campus. Finally, there had been a
bicentenary issue of Voices. non-violent upheaval in which students and teachers had
joined hands (something which they had failed to do till
Archives mention a time when issues used to get then in any real sense of the word) to bail out the Institute
delayed by months on end. A tiny readership of a few from this banal predicament. Bad guys had been beaten
thousand sometimes never even sensed the delay. Now, black and blue (only figuratively). Not just in the main
it’s impossibility. The 100s of millions of readers across campus in Bangalore, but in all the branches across the
the galaxy eagerly wait for the new issue of Voices in 49 odd planets where IISc has its branches, Coffee Board
their feed on the stroke of the midnight, the first of has been made a compulsory amenity. Coffee Board
every month, without fail. After all, who doesn’t want to has ruled and rocked in IISc since then. Teachers and
know about the toughest geeks of the Milky Way doing students finally realised that they live for a common end
the most cutting edge research in its most high-profile and hence should work together and not against each
research institute – IISc? other. Research productivity has never looked back since
then, resulting in the IISc of today, the most hot-shot
And someone in the editorial committee had this research hub of the galaxy.
brainwave of getting an article done by one of its founding
members: one senile dude named Sujit. He has somehow Anyway, I was digressing. An old IISc genetic bug. So,
managed to hang around for so long. His article in the I was supposed to meet this Sujit. While I started my
centenary edition way back in 2008 had been quite a air-car I realised that the flux of traffic was towards the
sensation, it’s said. There were controversies, litigations, opposite direction. OK! OK! There was a football match
demonstrations in front of his house and what not. The between P and C – the two dominant sports clubs of IISc.
only permanent effect of all this was on the readership I put the car in auto-cruiser mode and started thinking
of Voices. It had tripled! We had to have an article from about this football match. The sports festivals of IISc
him this time too. It would surely double the readership. would mostly have these two clubs fighting for the trophy
I mean, come on! Give me a break! What can you do with in the finals. P and C match would always be the climax
2 billion readers that you can’t do with 1 billion?! of all sports contests.
I looked at my watch – 11 AM. Still not too late for the For historical reasons, all audience would sit on one side
Idly Vada and coffee at Coffee Board. Within 5 minutes of the gallery while the other would be left empty. P would
I was standing in the queue. It was a bad time to visit always play from the right side while C would attack
Coffee Board. About 2000 coffee addicts from 150 from the left. Even at half time they wouldn’t change
odd departments would flock here. Even with all the sides. History also talks of confrontations – not on the
automated vending of coupons, coffee and idlis, you football field, but real ones – between the two teams a
might still end up spending 5-10 minutes in the queue very long time ago. Various articles in the Voices archives
at this hour. While sifting through the Voices archives, I hint that those days they were founded on two diverging
had found that there was a brief period about a 100 year ideologies. Left and right; liberals and conservatives;
back for which the Coffee Board had been closed. Some communists and capitalists – such names were used
administrative politics. There used to be a term named rather casually. Most of their conflicts had been limited
corruption that was used to explain many unexplainable to badmouthing each other. Things had really got serious
phenomena those days. And it figured a couple of times when owing to the presence of such self-proclaimed
in that report. I couldn’t find the meaning of that word in groups following X and Y ideologies, the Institute had
the latest edition of the Oxford Dictionary. But statistics bid to host a scholarly conference that revolved around
has shown that immediately following that event there economic and sociological themes. It had resulted in
was a noticeable dip in the research productivity of the a public embarrassment when most devout members
Institute and a surge in cases acute depression, suicides of P had failed to exhibit any real knowledge of Indian
‘No. Actually, those days we used to work alone. So, ‘November 23, 2208. It’s almost time to freeze the tri-
heroism was possible; but most of us lesser mortals centenary issue of Voices…’
would perish.’
I had met my so-called charismatic senior. Frankly, I
Some hairs on my arm and neck stood up. The thought hadn’t found him all that impressive. But I had gathered
of having to work alone on a problem all alone seemed my fill. I had managed to squeeze out an article from a
fearsome, adventurous, and unrealistic to us. These days, first generation Voice-ian. On time!
things are rather uninteresting. We work on problems
which are collectively identified and worked upon.
Researching isn’t meant to breed heroes these days. Our
primary objective is to learn researching in collaboration
with other researchers. The recent IISc work that got a
2107 Nobel in Physics involved nearly 2 generations of
40 scientists – physicists, chemists, biologists, computer
scientists and philosophers – working hand in hand to
solve the same problem. For the last one hundred years,
there has hardly been one single author paper. It’s in the
ethical code to share one’s ideas with colleagues and get
their feedback on the first day. A research result has now
become a routine outcome of a systematic process of
ideation and execution. The thrill of dazzling the world
with a groundbreaking result one find day is a passé.
I wondered at the moment, the sensation of being a
forgotten scientist working on a problem purely his own
formulation, toiling in the garage, finding a solution purely
his…it must have been great!