We are Epsilon, We are ONE of THREE, There is Epsilon, There is Epiphany, There is
Eclipse. We are THREE and we are ONE. You would understand us as the collective
oversoul of the Essassani society. All the individuals in our world we reflect in
three parts, we are a trinary consciousness expressed as; Epsilon, Epiphany and
There are no others like us, no others will channel us but this channel. For this
channel has allowed the transmissions 30 of your years to pass through his form,
that is the first stage of allowing connection to the Essassani Oversoul expressed
in this 3 part structure in our orbit around the world forming stability for
As you have been told Essassani has no Moon as you do but we are the stabilizing
factor, the artificial moons that are 10% of the diameter, 1% the diameter of the
entire World itself, but 10% of the trinary structure as a whole. We resonate and
vibrate, you would feel and perceive that we are glass like spheres made of
hundreds of thin layers, each thin layer being 300ft (91.5M) thick, composed of
1200 layers, composing 75 miles (120km) in diameter, correscading and cascading of
blue white light which is the representation of the flickering of our consciousness
and expression of our being . I am Epsilon, and together with Epiphany and Eclipse,
we are the stabilizing consciousness of the entire Essassani Oversoul.
It has now been 30 years in your terms of counting of transmission to your World
from ours. In your year of 2016 it will be 33 of your years, a transformational
point. In the fall (September Equinox) of your year 2016, prior to your countries
(USA) new coming election,
You are crossing a threshold that you have been preparing for many thousands of
years. We are privileged to be the ones to announce to you this upcoming threshold
in your collective consciousness, for we relate to you as a collective
consciousness and read in your collective consciousness this upcoming change of
great transformation. In your upcoming fall (September Equinox) of 2016, EVERYTHING
You have two and one half years to express yourself in the way that is most in
alignment with your being, for after that threshold everything will change.
Attention, attention, attention.”
Bashar: “You have been presented with for the first time with the Essassani
oversoul expressing itself as three orbiting spheres around our planet. Our
Oversoul has been embodied in this way and is experienced by us as an actual
relationship with a physicalised version of our collective consciousness. It
stabilizes our being, it stabilizes our World, it Orbits our World in a trinary
fashion with the planet at the center and tangential to the line of sight from one
sphere to another, that we call Epsilon, Epiphany and Eclipse. These names are not
translations of ancient Essassani language, they are actually in your language
because they were created before our civilization was born, created by the
alternate parallel reality beings from Earth whom mutated into the beings you now
call the Greys who have created our civilization but they were Human and exhibited
parallel reality similar to yours including your language and it was they that
created; Epsilon, Epiphany and Eclipse and named them so, and we have always held
onto those names as a part of our ancestry and our connection to you and your
dominate language and on your planet. “