Manual Engineering-En US
Manual Engineering-En US
Manual Engineering-En US
1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents ............................................................................................ 2
2 General Operating Information ................................................................... 7
2.1 Header Area .................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Status Line ........................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Expandable Side Bar ...................................................................................... 8
2.4 Function Views ................................................................................................. 8
2.4.1 Start Screen ................................................................................................ 8
2.4.2 Control Module List View......................................................................... 9
2.4.3 Results Views.............................................................................................. 9
2.5 Table Operating Functions ......................................................................... 11
2.5.1 Sort Function for Tables ........................................................................ 11
2.5.2 Filter Function for Tables ....................................................................... 12
2.5.3 Copy Function for Tables ...................................................................... 12
2.5.4 Showing and Hiding Table Columns ................................................... 12
2.5.5 Changing the Order of Columns in the Table ................................... 12
2.5.6 Text Display for Control Modules with ODX Data ............................ 12
2.5.7 “Display Translated Service Texts" Display Mode ............................. 13
2.5.8 “Display LongNames from the ODX Data" Display Mode .............. 13
2.5.9 “Display ShortNames from the ODX Data" Display Mode ............. 14
2.5.10 Special Handling when Service Text Is Blank (TI MAS00194)......... 14
2.6 Using the Keyboard ..................................................................................... 15
2.7 Presets ............................................................................................................ 15
2.8 Online Help................................................................................................... 15
3 Diagnostic Entry ........................................................................................... 16
3.1 General.......................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Start Response .............................................................................................. 16
3.3 Vehicle Selection .......................................................................................... 16
3.4 Managing Vehicle IDs ................................................................................. 18
3.5 Diagnostic Interface Selection .................................................................... 18
3.6 Vehicle Project Selection ............................................................................. 19
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Vehicle ID
Vehicle name (can be edited, linked with the vehicle ID)
Connection Status
Vehicle connection (for example: VAS5054 – corresponds to the name of
the selected diagnostic interface or "DoIP" during a DoIP diagnosis)
Vehicle status ("Hardware cannot be reached", "VCI busy", "VCI free",
"KL30", "KL15")
The "VCI information" dialog can be opened through the "Info button". Fur-
ther details about the VCI connection are displayed here.
Battery voltage given in volts with two decimal places. If the voltage is less
than 12 volts, it will appear in red; otherwise, it will be in green font. If it is
not available or cannot be determined, a “?” is displayed instead of the
Note: the battery voltage is only displayed when a VCI that supports this is
(Refer to the chapter Battery Voltage Monitoring.)
This information is filled in once the application has detected it and is always
kept up-to-date.
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This area contains a button that you can use to switch between the "Diagnostic
tester" and "Administration" operating modes. The "Diagnostic" mode is active
when the application starts.
specified is loaded. The "►" button under the drop-down menu triggers the
automatic or manual loading of the project. The "Control module list" view dis-
plays after the project loads successfully. An "Info" icon is displayed next to the
project selection combo box. After left-clicking on the "Info" icon, the "in-
dex.xml:" file for the vehicle project that is selected in the combo box will open
in the computer's default browser. This file displays the content for the selected
project. After left-clicking on the "Info" icon when selecting "Engineering" or
"Service" projects, the application executes the procedure with the "index.xml"
file for the project that is currently loaded. If there is no "index.xml" file availa-
ble or no project was loaded (as is the case when "Engineering" or "Service"
project selection is used), the message "No project information available" will
appear when the "Info" button is pressed.
Open results tabs will close automatically when the project is changed. Diag-
nostic entry starts (again) with the selected project only when the "Start" button
is pressed.
If you press the "End diagnosis" button (eject symbol), the application returns to
the start status after confirming so that all results tabs are closed and no pro-
ject is loaded.
2.4.2 Control Module List View
The control module list view can be opened by selecting the tab with a vehicle
symbol that is always located at the left, by using the keyboard short F4, or by
selecting the button with the vehicle symbol below the function selection area. It
displays the list control modules in the selected vehicle that were detected dur-
ing diagnostic entry in hierarchical order. The structure is described in more
detail in the "Control module list" chapter (see chapter 4).
2.4.3 Results Views
If a diagnostic or vehicle function should be performed, the operation and the
results views for the function are generally shown in a specific corresponding
results view that opens when the function is accessed.
A variable number of views can be generated at runtime when requested by
the user. The tabs in this view are arranged just like the tabs in the control
module list on the lower edge of the function view area. Each tab (meaning
each respective instance) is assigned to a specific diagnostic or vehicle func-
tion. Various views can be generated in the corresponding tab for each diag-
nostic/vehicle function while running (depending on what can logically be dis-
played on the screen). Only one results view can be opened for a specific con-
trol module for each diagnostic function, even if you open the function again in
the "Control module list" view. Likewise, only one results view is created for
each vehicle-wide function. By default, each tab that is generated contains a
unique name that differentiates it from views that already exist. The name con-
sists of a prefix according to the address of the control module that is being
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001 – Identification ID
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042 – Flashing FL
Diagnostic procedures
Multiple results views can be created for displaying measured values and run-
ning the "Service OBD" vehicle function by calling these up multiple times. A
number is then added to the prefix "MW" for the "Measured values" or "OBD"
for the OBD vehicle function according to the sequential number of the tabs
that are open. Up to nine results views (MW1 through MW9) can be opened
for measured values.
There are diagnostic functions and vehicle functions where no specific tab is
opened to display the results view. These are operated using specific pop-up
dialogs. For example, these may include the Access authorization, Diagnostic
session, Stop communication and Baud rate diagnostic functions, and the
Transport mode and Stop communication vehicle functions.
The buttons below the function selection or the corresponding keyboard
shortcut (see chapter 2.6) can be used to:
Close all inactive results tabs (symbol x)
Switch directly to the control module list view (vehicle symbol)
Save the window settings for the active results view (folder symbol)
Copy the active tables to the clipboard (table symbol)
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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lines based on the context (for example, sorting in groups, different sorting or-
der). This is described in the corresponding chapters.
2.5.2 Filter Function for Tables
There is a general filter function for table content in the results view. If a view
contains a filter, an input field with the label "Filter" is shown aligned at the left
below the corresponding table. After entering filter text in the input field, only
table content that contains an exact match of the entered "filter text" is dis-
played. The filter is not case-sensitive. The filter function is applied immediately
each time data is entered in the input field. If there is a table with multiple col-
umns or a tree structure, only the content in the first column is evaluated by the
filter. If there is a tree structure, only the first level is evaluated by the filter. If
an element in a tree is hidden by the filter function, then all of its sub-elements
will also be hidden. The input window is focused by clicking on the window or
using the keyboard shortcut "CTRL + F". If the user opens the entire tree struc-
ture with all levels using the + symbol, the filter function will be applied to all
2.5.3 Copy Function for Tables
If a table is marked in the results view, the content of the table can be copied to
the clipboard for additional use in external editors, either by clicking on the
active button below the function selection (or using the keyboard shortcut
"CTRL + C").
2.5.4 Showing and Hiding Table Columns
After right-clicking on the table header that contains the column names, a con-
text menu opens. It contains a list of names in the table columns with a check-
box in front. Activating or deactivating a checkbox shows or hides the corre-
sponding table column. The current view can be adjusted using the "win-
dows_preference" button.
2.5.5 Changing the Order of Columns in the Table
The order of columns in a table can be changed using the context menu, which
can be displayed or hidden. You can open the context menu by right-clicking
on the table header. The menu contains arrow buttons for changing the order.
2.5.6 Text Display for Control Modules with ODX Data
In the Administration area (function configuration under ODX text display), you
can select from the following settings for displaying texts for control modules
with ODX data:
Display translated service texts
Display translated service texts with TI
Display LongNames from the ODX data
Display ShortNames from the ODX data
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If there is a unit, the DISPLAY NAME will be displayed with the prefix
If the TI is not populated with data, the cases are differentiated as follows:
If there is a parameter name and the long name is populated, the long
name will be displayed with the prefix "[LO]_".
If there is a parameter name and the long name is not populated, the short
name will be displayed with the prefix "[SO]_".
If there is a TEXTTABLE entry, this entry will be displayed with the prefix
If there is a unit, the DISPLAY NAME will be displayed with the prefix
2.5.9 “Display ShortNames from the ODX Data" Display Mode
In this display mode, ODX data is always used directly, regardless of the TI da-
ta. No service texts are displayed.
When the TI is populated with data, the cases are differentiated as follows:
If there is a parameter name, the short name will be displayed with the pre-
fix "[SN]_".
If there is a TEXTTABLE entry, this entry will be displayed with the prefix
If there is a unit, the DISPLAY NAME will be displayed with the prefix
If the TI is not populated with data, the cases are differentiated as follows:
If there is a parameter name, the short name will be displayed with the pre-
fix "[SO]_".
If there is a TEXTTABLE entry, this entry will be displayed with the prefix
If there is a unit, the DISPLAY NAME will be displayed with the prefix
2.5.10 Special Handling when Service Text Is Blank (TI MAS00194)
In the "Function configuration" section in the Administration area, there is an
additional option "Display blank service texts" as a duplicate selection under
the "ODX data display" tab. The following options are available for selection:
Flat display (default setting)
Hierarchical display
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2.7 Presets
Presets store settings and configurations that are saved one time by the user
and then can always be accessed again. They can be found in each view
where you can configure or select content and information displays.
The presets functions described below can be accessed using two controls.
Available presets can be selected and activated using the combo box to the left
of the presets button. The names of all presets elements that correspond to the
selected control module type (control module address) and the selected func-
tionality are listed. The selection of a preset adapts the display according to the
information in the preset that is loaded.
The "Preset..." button opens a pop-up menu that provides various operations
for a preset.
The "New" menu item allows you to save the configuration that is currently set
as a preset with a specified name. The "Clear" menu item resets the configura-
tion that is currently set and if there is a stored preset, it is unloaded. The
"Save" menu item allows you to save the configuration that is currently set in a
preset that is already selected. This item is only active if you have changed the
configuration of a stored or loaded preset. The "Rename" menu item allows
you to rename and save a loaded preset. “Delete" allows you to delete the se-
lected preset without changing the selected configuration. The "Restore" preset
allows you to reset a preset back to the original content after changing the con-
If you change the configuration of a preset but have not saved the changes yet,
there will be a red asterisk to the left of the combo box and a red frame
around it. "Unsaved settings" will also appear with the name of the preset.
The "Import" and "Export" menu items allow you to share a preset among var-
ious installations of the application. After pressing the button, a file selection
dialog opens. When exporting, you must specify a name under which the ac-
tive preset can be saved locally on the computer. When importing, the preset is
loaded into the application under the name specified in the file.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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the ODIS application, such as buttons, tool tips provide more information about
each element. If there is a keyboard shortcut for an element, it will also be dis-
3 Diagnostic Entry
3.1 General
If there is an active diagnostic filter, this will be indicated to the user when en-
tering. The user can accept the message and then continue to work with the fil-
ter. If the user performs an action during the display that makes the diagnostic
filter status no longer active, the message will close automatically.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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If the user presses the “Start diagnostic entry” button and there are no more
resources available for the selected vehicle, the application will ask if it should
still attempt to establish a connection.
The user can start the vehicle search using the “Update” button (broadcast in
network). There is an adjustable timeout period in the Diagnostic entry section
of the Administration area where you can specify an exact number of seconds
(the default value is 20 seconds). If no DoIP vehicle was detected after a
timeout occurred, a confirmation dialog will be displayed if the vehicle selec-
tion list is empty: “No DoIP-capable vehicles could be found!” In the other case,
the first vehicle will be selected when the vehicle selection list is first detected. A
vehicle that was already selected before the new update remains selected after
the update if it is still contained in the vehicle selection list. Otherwise, the first
vehicle in the list is selected. The "Close" button ("X" symbol) closes the vehicle
selection list and returns to the entry view. The "Vehicle ID" button ("magnifying
glass" symbol) opens an input dialog opens where a specific vehicle search can
be performed based on the parameter specifications (selection of the last se-
lected vehicle, input of a DNS name, IPv4 address, or Iv6P address).
The “Ethernet” toggle button is only shown if the user has specified a physical
diagnostic interface in the application that supports DoIP and whose activation
line status functions are supported. The button is shown “pressed” if the activa-
tion line status is ON and “not pressed” if the activation line status is OFF. The
corresponding tool tip indicates which activation line status will be set if you
click the button. Clicking on the button performs the corresponding function.
When the list of DoIP-capable vehicles is displayed, the "Diagnostic entry" but-
ton is only active if a vehicle in the vehicle selection list is selected. If you click
the "Diagnostic entry" button while the vehicle list is displayed, diagnostic entry
will run with the selected vehicle and the selected vehicle project. Double-
clicking and the “Return to a vehicle” button starts diagnostic entry with the se-
lected vehicle and vehicle project. You can also select an "Engineering" or
"Service" project when starting diagnostic entry. If you select the "Engineering"
or "Service" diagnostic entry, the "Determine VIN via VWVIN" step of the di-
agnostic entry will be initiated and the project assigned to the VIN will be
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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After the loss of a connection is detected by the ECF, a dialog with the follow-
ing options for selection is shown:
Reestablish the connection (all results are kept)
Connect to a different vehicle (same project)
Go back to the home page (all previous results are discarded)
If the option "Back to start selection" is selected, the OK button is always active
regardless of the reconnection status. To end using one of the other two op-
tions, the reconnection must be successful.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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hicle project at any time during the program sequence. After performing a di-
agnostic entry, you must then respond to a modal confirmation dialog "Do you
want to change the vehicle project and perform a new diagnostic entry? If so,
all result pages will be closed.” Confirm with “Yes” (Question Mark Icon). The
default focus is on "No". If "Yes" is clicked, first all results views are closed and
then a new diagnostic entry is performed with the selected vehicle project. This
also happens if you select the project that was already used again (see chapter
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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ed vehicle. If the reading out fails or an invalid VIN is detected, all available
vehicle projects are shown in the dialog box described below (depending on if
the Service or Engineering mode is selected). If a VIN could be detected, the
program first searches in a table stored locally for an allocation of this VIN to
a vehicle project. If there is such an allocation, the corresponding project is se-
lected. If there is no allocation available or there is no local table, the VRT/VPT
mechanism will make a selection. If multiple applicable vehicle projects are
found, they will be shown in a drop-down list for selection. This list is displayed
in a modal dialog box. After confirming with "OK", the project specified by the
user is selected. Diagnostic entry ends if you click "Cancel". The selected vehi-
cle project is then copied into the local allocation table. If one does not exist,
one will be created in this location.
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Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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With the last two settings, DoIP communication can be limited to IPv4 or IPv6.
The user can specify which vehicle data should be detected during diagnostic
entry. The following vehicle data is available:
Gateway/bus master components list
Vehicle identification number
Central elimination counter
Last deletion date of the functional DTC memory
Trip odometer
If no vehicle data should be read, you can make this configuration using the
"Deactivate reading vehicle data" checkbox.
Regardless of the setting for reading the "Gateway/bus master components
list), all control modules that potentially contain a components list are deter-
mined in order to provide a complete evaluation of the components lists.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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The second case generally occurs with KWP2000 gateways. It can also occur
with UDS systems.
In the third case, multiple control modules respond to the query. The compo-
nents lists for all bus masters that are found are read out and the information
contained there is entered in the central control module list.
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Address - System
This column generally contains the control module address of the affected con-
trol module and after that, the system name separated with a "-" and addition-
al information. If the control module address is not available, the nodes or the
LIN address may be shown if applicable. Node addresses are displayed in
brackets to differentiate them from control module addresses. If there is no ad-
dress for a subsystem, the cell for the corresponding control module will remain
blank. If no control module address is known for a control module, "????" is
displayed. Control module addresses are always display in 4-digit format, with
zeros added to the beginning if necessary.
Initially, only the system ID is added after the hyphen. Additional identification
information is entered here after the first time the identification data for the af-
fected control module is accessed. The installation status of the affected control
module is added to the system ID if it differs from the coding in the components
list (VBL) for the associated gateway. The following text is displayed there in
Not coded => accessible
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If the control module is coded as not installed in the associated bus master, but
is detected as a current/optional installation and/or can be reached,
Coded => not detected
If the control module is coded as installed in the associated bus master, but the
bus master does not detect that it is installed.
Coded => communication faulty
If the control module is coded and detected in the associated bus master, but
cannot be reached by the application.
Warranty Info
The bus identifier and/or the protocol combination used for the affected con-
trol module is displayed in this column, if available.
Sleep Icon
If the sleep bit is set, an icon indicating this is displayed in the "SB" column.
This column is initially populated with information from the service bit for the
respective control module from the components list for the applicable bus mas-
ter. Once the control module is read as part of the diagnostic function for the
DTC memory, the number of faults in this control module is entered in the ap-
plicable cell. If a partial tree is collapsed under a bus master, a "lightning bolt"
symbol will be shown in this location in its entry if there is a fault in one of the
control modules that is not visible.
TB Selection
This column contains a drop-down list for each control module with protocol
combinations determined based on that data that you can select. The selected
protocol is used for communication with the control module. In addition to ex-
plicit protocol data, the list also contains a blank entry for an automatic selec-
tion that is preselected by default. The display of this column can be activated
or deactivated in the Control module list section of the function configuration in
the Administration area.
An icon in this column indicates the status of the connection with the control
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Diagnostic function
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001 – Identification
002.01 Read
002.02 Delete
006 – Coding
007 – Adaptation
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Vehicle function
042 – Flashing
045.01 Activate
045.02 Deactivate
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046.01 Coding/adaptation
046.02 Code components list
047.01 Read
The items for each vehicle function are described in the corresponding chapter.
5 Identification
If you select a control module in the control module list and activate the "001 -
Identification" diagnostic function in the function navigator, a results view
opens with the identification data that was read out. The tab in this view has a
label that consists of the control module address and the suffix ID, for "Identifi-
The identification information is shown in two tables. The upper table shows the
system identification, parts number, and the software and hardware versions.
The information for the master control module that is being addressed is shown
in the top line of this table. In the lines that follow, if available, the associated
slave control modules, software compositions (with software components that
can be expanded), and software clusters are listed. The slave systems and soft-
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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ware compositions are diagnosed via the master and the cluster via an inde-
pendent connection.
The entry must be marked in the upper table for additional identification char-
acteristics. In the lower table, the user can switch between standard identifica-
tion characteristics and the expanded identification characteristics for the sys-
tems selected above. The variable "Show standard identification" or "Show ex-
panded identification" button is used for this. The standard identification is dis-
played automatically after selecting an entry in the upper table. The "Update"
button can be used to update the data that is displayed at any time, regardless
of the selected view. In the expanded view, the attributes are shown in a hier-
archy structure, if applicable, and are generally collapsed.
The expanded identification is not available for KWP1281 control modules.
The maintenance history data in the control module can also be erased on con-
trol modules with KWP2000 light plus and Service 0x22. An “Erase mainte-
nance history data” button is displayed for this purpose. It is only visible and
active for the affected control modules when the expanded identification is dis-
The workshop code in the lower table can be displayed in two ways. If it is an
ODIS workshop code, the code converted by the ECF will be displayed and the
HEX value will be added in brackets. With a VAS workshop code, only the
converted code is shown.
6 DTC Memory
After selecting a control module in the control module list and opening the
"002 - DTC memory" item in the function navigator for the "Control modules"
view, a view opens for displaying the DTC memory contents for the selected
control module. This view has the tab "<Control module address>-DTC". The
contents of the DTC memory that was read are displayed in tables arranged
one above the other. The upper table lists all of the results read from the se-
lected control module. The fault code, the SAE code, the description of the DTC
memory entry, and additional status information, if applicable, are displayed
Clicking on the fault line displays the environmental conditions in the lower ta-
ble. This includes additional information about the selected entry, such as mile-
age, priority, date, frequency, or fault status. The amount and type of this in-
formation may differ from one control module to another. The left column of
the table contains the type/name of the information and the right column con-
tains the value that was read. There may be a ">" in front of the name. This
indicates that there is detailed information about a group that can be expand-
ed or collapsed by clicking on the ">" symbol.
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For UDS control modules when the option "Display status bits" is selected, an
additional table with status information about the results status is displayed to
the right of the environmental conditions table.
In the "Update" area, you can have the DTC memory read again by clicking
the "Now" button. Checking off the "Cyclical" checkbox causes the DTC
memory to be read in cycles. The cycle time can be configured in the Admin-
istration area/Cycle times under the "Function configuration" tab. In the "Sort"
area, you can select criteria for sorting the DTC memory entries in the upper
table. The sorting is ascending based on the time when the fault occurred.
Clicking the "Erase DTC memory" button erases the content of the DTC memory
for the selected control module. This button is only active when physical dele-
tion is possible. Clicking the "OBD - Delete" button erases the content of the
DTC memory for all OBD control modules. This button is only active for UDS
control modules if the physical service for deleting the DTC memory for the ver-
sion used is not populated with data.
Depending on the ODX data, additional information about a fault may be ac-
cessed for UDS control modules using the Special Data Groups (SDG). If a spe-
cific fault is selected in the upper table in the view, the "DTC info" button can
be used to open a dialog where the additional information is displayed in a
table. The left column of the two-column table contains the name of the infor-
mation and the right column contains the value.
With UDS control modules, you can select from the functions "Read DTC
memory" (item: DTC memory), "Read list of all fault paths that have not been
checked" (unchecked fault paths), and "Read list of all active faults" (active
faults) in a drop-down list in the "filter templates" area. The drop-down list also
contains three items that address templates that can be configured by the user.
These can be set in the Administration area ("DTC memory" area of the func-
tion configuration). The DTC table updates automatically after a function is se-
For UDS control modules with the supported "developer DTC memory" func-
tion, the identification and display of the developer DTC memory can be acti-
vated via a radio button. Depending on the button selection, the displayed DTC
memory list contains either only the conventional memories or only the devel-
oper DTC memories. When the developer DTC memory is activated, then every
read and deletion process takes place within this OBD function with the select-
ed filter screen and the selected memory areas. For this, individual memory ar-
eas or all memory area can be selected in the displayed selection list using the
"Display all" checkbox.
When the conventional DTC memory/developer DTC memory is activated and
the "Snapshots" function is supported, the display of snapshots can be activat-
ed via the "Read DTC snapshots" button. Snapshots are displayed in the envi-
ronmental data table under the environmental data and the measured values
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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7 Measured Values
After selecting a control module in the control module list and opening the
function "003 - Measured values" in the function navigator in the "Control
module list" view, a new results view is created. Its tabs are named "MW<1-
9>" because up to nine measured value views can be created in this way. The
"Measured values" tab has two sequential views. One is for configuring the
measured values to be displayed or record (measured value selection), and
one is to display the measured values that are read (measured value display).
Measured values for multiple control modules can be selected or displayed
together both in the measured value selection and the measured value display.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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or from control modules with UDS protocol. The configuration view is adapted
depending on the control module that was selected in the drop-down list.
7.1.1 Control Modules with KWP Protocol
Measured value blocks with up to four measured values are read for control
modules with KWP protocol. The measured value block numbers are entered in
the "MVB.Position" input field (1 through 255 for KWP 1281, or 1 through 254
for KWP 2000) along with the measured value position within the associated
measured value block separated with a period, if applicable. The input tem-
plates for the measured value block give the option of selecting multiple meas-
ured value blocks and an entire measured value block range with a single in-
put. Measured value block ranges are entered in the format "<Start measured
value block>-<End measured value block>". Individual measured values can-
not be entered. Multiple individual measured values, measured value blocks,
and measured value block ranges can be entered in the input field for meas-
ured value blocks, separated by commas. Blank spaces are ignored. A shared
name can be specified in the "Measured value identifier" text input field for the
measured values that are defied in the "MVB.Position" field.
MVB.Position: 3, 4, 5.1, 7-10 Measured value name: text
Measured values entered multiple times (for example, if there are overlapping
ranges) are only included in the measured value selection once. Invalid entries
(for example, start block < end block, position > 4, or measured value block >
255) are ignored. If you have also entered a measured value name, the appli-
cation will use the name for all measured value blocks that are entered and will
add it to the measured value number.
The "Accept" button is active after making a correct entry. Clicking "Accept"
transfers the input into the right table where the selected measured values are
located. If only one block number is entered, all measured values in this block
will be shown as selected when the "Accept" button is clicked.
After copying one or more measured value blocks into the selection, the but-
tons for moving the selected measured values will become active. If selected
individual blocks are not displayed, they can be moved into the left table by
clicking the "<" button. All measured value blocks located there will not be dis-
played. The "<" button is always active when at least one measured value
block in the right table is selected. Measured value blocks from the left table
can be moved to the right table by clicking the ">" button. The button is always
active when at least one measured value block in the left table is selected. All
measured value blocks can be moved at once using the ">>" or "<<" buttons.
Measured value blocks highlighted in the right table while pressing and hold-
ing the CTRL button can be moved up or down using the "▲"or "▼" buttons in
order to put the selected measured value blocks into the desired order. The
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
buttons for moving the selected measured values are used the same way with
UDS control modules once the measured value name is selected as described
7.1.2 Control Modules with UDS Protocol
Control modules with UDS protocol do not use any measured value blocks.
Measured values that are available for the selected control module are read
from the Offboard Diagnostic Information System Engineering internal data-
base and their names are displayed in the table on the left. The names dis-
played in the table on the left can stand for a measured value group whose
measured values can be selected or deselected together as a group. You can
use a filter function that filters the measured value selection list based on se-
quences of characters in order to select measured values (see the chapter
2.5.2). You can also specifically reduce the list of selectable measured values in
the combo box by selecting a specific grouping that is part of the database.
The buttons for moving blocks become active by clicking on the desired meas-
ured value name in the left table. The measured value names are added to or
removed from the list on the right using the move buttons, as described above
for KWP control modules.
If a user would like to reuse a measured value selection later, it can be stored
in a preset and reused, regardless of the control module protocol definition
(see chapter 2.7).
Clicking the "Continue" button displays the measured values for the measured
value blocks in the right table in the results view.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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Another column in the measured value table (to the left of the control module
address) contains a checkbox that allows you to exclude one or more meas-
ured values from the update. With UDS, the application provides a checkbox
for the upper grouping element (for example "Basic setting status"). With KPW,
each set of blocks has a checkbox. The checkboxes are activated by default. If
you return to the measured value selection and adds additional measured val-
ues in the view, the diagnostic system keeps the status that was set for the
available checkboxes and adds the new measured values with active check-
Using the buttons in the "Record" area, the measured values that are read can
be recorded in a file in table format. The directory for saving the results files
can be specified in the Administration area ("Measured value logs" area in the
"Save locations" tab). The file name is created by the application based on the
vehicle name, the date, and the time (mwlog_<VIN>_<Date>T<Time>).
Pressing the "●" (start) button begins or resumes the recording of the measured
value reading. The “▌▌" (pause) button interrupts the measured value record-
ing. It can be resumed with the "●" button. The measured values are then added
to the file that was previously used.
Pressing the “■" (stop) button ends the recording and closes the results file. Ac-
tivating recording again using the “●" button starts recording in a new file.
Leaving the results view (returning to the measured value configuration or clos-
ing the tab) ends the recording and closes the results file. Switching to another
tab pauses the recording. Recording resumes when you switch back to the
measured values view.
Measured values for UDS control modules can be arranged in groups in the
measured values view. When this happens, a ">" is added to the beginning of
the group name and the right column will be empty. Clicking ">" opens the
group and displays the measured values. Clicking on the ">" that is now in
front of the group will hide the group again.
The "Back" button returns to the first view in the measured value selection and
you can change the selection of measured values to be displayed.
8 Coding
If you select a control module in the control module list view and open the func-
tion "006 - Coding", a results view opens, whose tab name consists of the con-
trol module address (such as 01) and the suffix "COD" for "Coding". If a Cod-
ing tab is already open for a control module and the function is selected again,
the tab that is already open will be displayed. The configuration and operation
differ depending on whether the coding will be performed with KWP or UDS
control modules.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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In both cases, the system first checks if the control module that should be coded
has subsystems, meaning secondary control modules assigned to this control
module. If this is the case, all systems for the sub-bus will be included in a drop-
down list for selected in the Results view. The drop-down list contains the system
names for all systems in this sub-bus. The master control module is selected
first. You can use the drop-down list to select another subsystem, whose proto-
col-specific coding value will be displayed.
A label with the identification data for the master control module is displayed
above the drop-down list. The coding value for the master control module is
read and displayed immediately upon opening the view. The other displays
and input options may vary depending on the diagnostic protocol and the se-
lected coding type.
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For using the local authentication token, the buttons “Recall token”, “Load to-
ken”, and “Delete token” will be available. These are used for writing end-to-
end encrypted data with UDS control modules. An authentication token for the
current diagnostic data can be recalled from the SFD backend and saved lo-
cally using the “Recall token” button (see the chapter 14).
This stored diagnostic data and the associated token can be loaded and dis-
played in this OBD function using the “Load token” button. A file selection dia-
log for selecting the desired authentication token will be displayed. The content
cannot be changed then until it is successfully written using the “Accept” button
or removed using the “Remove token” button.
8.2.1 UDS Binary Coding and KWP Long Coding
The binary coding display for UDS control modules and the long code for KWP
control modules are identical. The following description is based on binary
coding but it still applies to long coding.
In the binary view, the code string is displayed with one byte per line in a table
that cannot be sorted. The table columns contain the byte number, the value in
hexadecimal formate, and the value in binary format. For each display type,
the table contains one column each for the current value and the input. You
can make coding entries directly in the coding table. The application shows the
option for input using a cursor. You can move the cursor as desired within the
table using the "Up arrow", "Down arrow", "Right arrow", and "Left arrow"
buttons. Input is only possible in the "Hex input" and "Binary input" columns.
Only hex value data can be entered in the "Hex input" column, and only bina-
ry value data can be entered in the "Binary input" column. If you press the "En-
ter" button, the application copies the input into the table input columns. The
application performs the actual coding only after the "Accept" button is
pressed. After selecting another (sub-)system using the "System ID" combo box,
the input focus switches to the first line in the associated coding table.
If the view is used for long coding on a KWP2000 control module, you can se-
lect the blank line after the last filled coding line and add a new coding byte
there using the "Add byte" button. This process can be repeated as often as
desired. The application fills the columns for the current value in the coding
lines that are added with 0. A selected coding line can also be removed here
using the "Remove byte" button. After removing, the application renumbers the
remaining line in the "Byte no." column.
If necessary, you must enter a sequence of numbers that corresponds to the
coding string in the "Check digit" input field below the table. If there is no
check digit, a warning message appears when saving:
"The coding string could not be checked for errors. Do you want to save any-
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Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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The status of the actual installation can be ✔(coded) and ? (not coded).
The specified installation that is set can be stored using the “Apply” button.
“Code automatically” saves all software compositions as coded. “Restore” re-
stores the status that was present when the view was opened. “Update” reads
the current coding statuses.
For using the local authentication token, the buttons “Recall token”, “Load to-
ken”, and “Delete token” will be available. These are used for writing end-to-
end encrypted data with UDS control modules. An authentication token for the
current diagnostic data can be recalled from the SFD backend and saved lo-
cally using the “Recall token” button (see the chapter 14).
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
This stored diagnostic data and the associated token can be loaded and dis-
played in this OBD function using the “Load token” button. A file selection dia-
log for selecting the desired authentication token will be displayed. The content
cannot be changed then until it is successfully written using the “Accept” button
or removed using the “Remove token” button.
10 Adaptation
To perform the adaptation function for the control module that is activated in
the control module list, the entry "007 - Adaptation" must first be selected in
the function navigator of the "Control module list" view for the selected control
module. The display opens in a new results view whose tabs are named ac-
cording to the control module address (for example, 01) plus the suffix "ANP".
The configuration and operation differ depending on whether the adaptation
will be performed with KWP or UDS control modules.
set to the new value. After saving, the "Reset" button is deactivated. However,
both buttons are deactivated when the value in the "Input" field is identical to
the "Old value/Default value" field. You can reset the values of all channels to
the control module factory settings by pressing the "Reset all" button.
Preset Functionality
If a user would like to reuse a parameter selection later, it can be stored in a
preset, regardless of the control module protocol definition (see chapter 2.7).
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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Preset Functionality
If a user would like to reuse a parameter selection later, it can be stored in a
preset, regardless of the control module protocol definition (see chapter 2.7).
11 Basic Setting
The "005 - Basic setting" function opens a view with a tab whose name consists
of the control module address (for example, 01) and the suffix "GES". The
basic setting configuration and the displayed measured values differ depend-
ing on whether the function was carried out on control modules with KWP or
UDS protocol.
With access via DoIP, remote diagnosis access is possible. The following mes-
sage will appear in this case:
Accessing a vehicle remotely presents a high security risk. Make sure that
! there are no people in the vehicle that you are currently connecting to with a
remote connection.
Preset Functionality
There is a preset function (see chapter 2.7) that only contains one channel
number. When loading a preset, this channel number is selected and reading
measured values "not in basic setting" starts. When loading a preset, the
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
channel number that loads is displayed in the edit field next to the "Select
channel" button.
Channel Selection
Decimal numbers in the following range are valid for the channel number:
KWP1281: 0 - 255
KWP2000: 1 - 254
The button for selecting the channel remains deactivated until you have en-
tered a valid channel number. If you have not entered a valid channel number,
then the background of the channel editing field is red to indicate that a pa-
rameter must be entered here. If a channel is switched, the basic setting on the
current channel ends before switching to the new channel.
Status Display
The current basic setting status is displayed in bold font on two lines in the "Se-
lection and feedback" area: the current selected channel and the basic setting
status. “-" will be displayed for the current channel as long as no channel is
selected. There are two separate tables in the "Selection and feedback" area
whose names are "Measured values without basic setting" and "Measured
values with basic setting". The measured values that are received are entered
in the corresponding table, depending on the basic setting status that the con-
trol module reports. Entering new values after a status change leaves the pre-
vious values in the other table unchanged. That means values can be displayed
in both tables at the same time.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
lems with the parameters that were set, meaning at least one parameter is
marked in red, an error message will appear when clicking the "➨" button. If
the validity test for all parameters was successful, the next view, "Measured
value selection", is displayed. Clicking "◄━" returns to the previous view in
basic setting selection. Even if basic settings were added or removed there, all
of the affected settings remain the same for the remaining basic settings.
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Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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ured values for the basic setting that is currently running are shown and all
others are hidden. The "►" is deactivated while this is running. Clicking on “■”
stops the basic setting. You can click “▐►” to continue. The system will begin
with the basic setting that is currently selected, regardless of where the proce-
dure was stopped. Some basic setting procedures require action from the user.
If this is the case, the required action is shown in the measured value table for
the current active measured value. The setting process continues automatically
once the action is performed. The measured values will be displayed once the
basic setting is complete. If the basic setting was not successful, a dialog ap-
pears with an error message that you must confirm.
Preset Functionality
There is a preset function (see chapter 2.7) that contains the selection, parame-
ter settings, and measured value allocation for the basic settings. Loading a
preset retrieves the configuration that was stored in the preset.
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Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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group or the input elements it contains are deactivated if sequential output di-
agnostic test mode is selected.
Preset Function
Using the preset function during a selective actuator test, you can save the se-
lected actuator code under a preset name. If an actuator code has been en-
tered and confirmed. The system automatically switches to selective output di-
agnostic test mode when loading a preset.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
for the selected actuator or for the "overall" entry are displayed in the list on
the left. The measured values displayed can be changed using the option
fields, which are located above the list field. Measured values specific to basic
settings, control modules, and vehicles can be selected. The measured values to
be displayed can be selected here the same way actuators are selected. The
right list, which is empty at the beginning, contains the selected measured val-
Clicking the ">" button moves the selected measured values to the list on the
right. To add all measured values from this list, press the ">>" button. Individ-
ual measured values can be removed from the list on the right by clicking on
the "<" button.
Clicking the "<<" button removes all measured values from the list. These
measured values will then appear in the list on the left. The list of selected
measured values can be sorted. Exactly one measured value must be selected
to do this.
Each time the "▲" button is clicked, the item moves one position up. Clicking
"▼" moves it down one position.
Once the desired measured values are selected, you can switch to performing
output diagnostic test mode using the "➨" button. If vehicle-specific measured
values were selected, you can only switch to performing output diagnostic test
mode if the control modules that had measured values selected can be ad-
dressed together. If the control modules cannot be addressed together, a dia-
log with the conflicts is displayed. They must be corrected before you can
switch to the next page. Clicking "<-" returns to the previous view in parame-
ters settings. Even if the parameters are changed or actuators are added or
removed there, the measured value selection remains for the other actuators.
You can use a filter function (see chapter 2.5.2) that filters the selection list
based on sequences of characters for selecting the measured values for the
measured values.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
All overall measured values are shown in the lower tree structure.
Measured values can be arranged in groups. When this happens, a ">" is
added to the beginning to indicate there is a group and the right column will
be empty.
Clicking the ">" symbol opens the group and displays the measured values.
Clicking on the "-" that is now in front of the group will hide the group again.
The measured values that are read can be recorded in a table format in a log
file. The storage directory is the application subfolder “DiagnosticProtocols”. The
file name is created by the application based on the vehicle name, the date, and
the time (sglog_<VIN>_<Date>T<Time>).
Recording the measured values can be started or continued with the “●” button.
The “▐▐” button pauses the recording, and the “■”ends the recording.
The overall status of all selected actuator tests displayed in the "Output diag-
nostic test mode - status field" above both tree structures. Possible status mes-
sages are: active, not active and ended. To begin output diagnostic test mode,
first select the actuators to be checked. You can click to select one or more ac-
Clicking on "►" (start) starts the actuator test. Clicking on "■" (stop) ends the
actuator test. The buttons are always based on the actuator test that is currently
selected. For example, if you choose the actuators 1 through 3 before starting,
these tests are started by pressing the "►" button. If you reduce the selection to
actuators 2 and 3 and press the "■" button, only actuators 2 and 3 are stopped,
while actuator 1 continues running. Actuators can be started and stopped at any
time independently of each other.
The "STOP" (emergency off) button stops all active actuators. The same applies
if the tab is closed or exited or if you return to the previous view using the "<"
button. The actuator test does not start again automatically when your return to
the "Performing output diagnostic test mode" view. It must be started again
The " " (restart) button restarts the already started actuators with default pa-
rameters from the currently selected actuators.
Using the "▐►" (next) button, a sequential actuator test can be performed on a
UDS control module. There must not be any other active actuator tests. An ac-
tuator must also be selected from the list on the left. If both conditions are met,
the "▐►" button will be activated.
Clicking on "▐►" switches to the next actuator and clicking on "►" starts the test
for this actuator. If the end of the list is reached, clicking "▐►" will move to the
first entry in the list. The measured values for the actuator test that is currently
running are shown. Clicking "■" stops the actuator test that is currently running.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
The sequential actuator test can be continued by clicking "▐►" and "►". The sys-
tem will begin with the actuator that is currently selected, regardless of where
the test was stopped.
Preset Functionality
There is a preset function (see chapter 2.7) that contains the selection, parame-
ter settings, and measured value allocation for output diagnostic test mode.
Loading a preset retrieves the configuration that was stored in the preset.
13 Hex Services
Hex services (tab suffix "HEX") are a function for sending diagnostic PDUs (Pro-
tocol Data Units) on the vehicle bus directly to the control module without using
the associated ODX data. The "Hex service" view is selected the same way oth-
er diagnostic functions are selected from the function selection list in the "Con-
trol module list" view (selecting a control module and opening the "011.01 Hex
service" diagnostic function). The left area of the view is divided into four sub-
areas that are arranged one above the other:
a table for selecting predefined request PDUs
an input field for the PDU to be sent
a trace view for diagnostic communication
a display table for the last response PDU that was received
The areas 1, 3, and 4 can be resized by dragging the sides with the mouse.
The selection table combines two options for using predefined request PDUs.
The first option uses presets and the second option using an ODX browser that
creates PDUs from the ODX data and can be prepared as a PDU that is ready
to send. A request PDU that is selected in this table by double-clicking or that is
created is copied into the input field. You can switch between the two alterna-
tives with UDS control modules using the "Preset" and "ODX data" tabs that
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
are located above the table. With KWP control modules, only the "Presets" ver-
sion is available.
A request PDU that was prepared in the previous step can be edited in the in-
put field if needed. A request PDU can also be entered completely manually
The "Send" button to the right of the input field sends the request PDU to the
control module.
The response from the control module is displayed in two areas located below,
called "Trace display" and "Display table".
The trace display lists all requests that were sent and the response received in
chronological order.
Depending on the communication type, either the CAN ID or the logical ad-
dress (in the case of DoIP) will be shown in the left column of the table. The next
column shows the applicable long name. The length o the PDU and its content
will also be displayed.
The display can be cleared by clicking the "Delete trace" button.
Using the "Copy trace" button, you can copy the content of the trace display
into the clipboard and reuse it in another application.
The display table located all the way at the bottom displays the last control
module response that was received. The displayed control module response
can also be copied into the clipboard using the "Copy response" button.
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information is read out again from the control module and displayed in the
dialog. The dialog can be closed with the “End” button.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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This end-to-end encryption dialog also appears when the “Recall token” button
is pressed in the adaptation and coding OBD functions.
In the upper area of this dialog, control module information and a message
about writing at least one end-to-end encrypted DID is displayed.
In the end-to-end encryption configuration, there are two selection boxes that
can be used to set the desired use case and the login method. “Online activa-
tion” and “Offline activation” are available as the use case. The selected use
case is started with the “Perform” button.
With “online activation”, the current control module can be encrypted directly
for the available diagnostic values. An encryption token will be detected from
the SFD backend and transferred to the control module so that end-to-end en-
crypted data can then be written. Successful authentication in the SFD backend
that takes place using either PKI or SecurID (depending on the selected login
method) is required for this.
With the ‘Offline activation” use case, a connection to the SFD backend is not
required, so the selected login method is not relevant. However, there must be
a suitable local offline encryption token that must be selected using a file selec-
tion dialog. If the token content does not match the current diagnostic data, the
process will be ended with an error message.
The default save location of the offline encryption token can be changed in the
administration under "access authorization save location".
This offline encryption token is saved in the coding and adaptation OBD func-
tions by pressing the "Recall token” button. This case, the end-to-end encryption
dialog will appear, but only the “Online activation” use case will be available.
When performed, an encryption token for the current diagnostic data will be
received from the SFD backend and saved on the local test computer. The user
can specify the save location and name using a file selection dialog.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
end of the writing process informs you if the process completed successfully or
ter the initial address for the address range to be read using an input field. The
initial address input field is highlighted with a red background until you enter a
valid initial address (3-byte example: range between 0x000000 (0 dez.) and
0xFFFFFF (16777216 dez.). It has a decorator that shows the permitted input
values. For UDS, hexadecimal input is necessary for address lengths larger
than 4 bytes and it cannot be changed to a decimal display. The decorate that
indicates the maximum input value is also omitted. When an address length of
"5 bytes" or greater is selected, only the hexadecimal display is available.
You can configure the number of memory cells to be read in the function navi-
gation area. There is a group for this called "Number of memory cells" in the
function navigation area. Within the group, you can selected between decimal
or hexadecimal input for the number of memory cells to be read using two ra-
dio buttons.
Hexadecimal input for the number of memory cells to be read is activated by
default the first time the results view opens. The address length "3 bytes" is pre-
selected. An exception to this is the KWP1281 diagnostic protocol, which has
"2 bytes" preselected. For UDS control modules, you can also set the length
specification using a combo box that contains the values "1 byte" and "2
bytes". The input field for the number of memory cells to be read is highlighted
with a red background until you enter a valid number in the range between
0x0000 (0 dez.) and 0x3E8 (1000 dez.). For UDS control modules, the upper
threshold for a valid input is 0XFF (255 dez.) for the 1-byte specification, and
0xFFE (4094 dez.) for the 2-byte specification. The input field has a decorator
that shows the permitted input values.
You can start the memory cell reading using the "Read cells" button. The button
is only active if the initial address and the number of memory cells to be read
contain valid inputs.
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Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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same column. All input fields that belong to the memory cells that were not
read earlier are deactivated.
By pressing the "Cancel" button, you can discard the changes which closes the
dialog window without accepting the changed values. The changes are copied
into the results view after confirming the changes with the "OK" button or
pressing the Enter button. The numerical display (dec. or hex display) of all
memory cells that changed in comparison to the read values are marked with
bold font and yellow highlighting in the cell background.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
that are read. After loading a preset, values can be copied into the control
module using the "Write cells" function.
17 Baud Rate
In the "Control module list" view under the diagnostic functions, the entry
"011.02 Baud rate". Opening this after selecting a control module opens a
dialog for switching the baud rate. The dialog contains two buttons for per-
forming actions and an area for displaying the results. The buttons "Switch to 1
Mbaud" or "Switch to default baud rate" switch to a baud rate of 1 Mbaud or
to the default baud rate from the project data. The result is given as text infor-
mation including the target baud rate.
18 Data Upload
To transfer data sets from control modules to the local tester, the entry “011.05
- Data upload” must be selected in the function navigator for the “Control
module list” view. This function only supports UDS control modules. The tab
name for this results view consists of the control module address (such as 0001)
and the suffix “DUP” for “data upload”. At the top of this view there is a table
containing data sets that are available on the control module. The lower file
list, however, shows the data sets already locally available.
In the upper table, selection boxes can be used to select available control
module data sets. When the “Upload data set” button is pressed, the control
module transmits the selected data sets to the local directory. This local directo-
ry is configured via the “Search...” button. However, changes to directory paths
will only be in effect for as long as the tab is used.
There is an option to enter user-defined text in the “Free text” column within this
data set table. This additional text will be added to the file name of the data set
downloaded in the future. When entering free text, the naming conventions are
immediately checked; only numbers and letters are permitted that do not ex-
ceed the maximum length of 80 characters. Whenever there is no user-defined
text, the current time stamp with the "yyyyMMddTHHmmss” format is automati-
cally used as free text. The file names being transmitted are composed as fol-
DU_<control module address>_<data set ID>_<VIN>_<data set version>_<data set name>_<free
The lower list displays the local data sets being transmitted from the configured
storage directory. Pressing the “Display” button will open this directory with
Windows File Explorer.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
20 Transport Mode
To switch transport mode on or off for the entire vehicle, select the entry "045 -
Transport mode" under "Vehicle functions" in the "Control module list" view in
the function navigator. It contains the sub-functions "045.01 Activate" and
"045.02 Deactivate". To switch transport mode on or off, select the corre-
sponding list entry and double-click the corresponding sub-entry to start the
action. A message only appears if there is an error. The message contains de-
tailed information about the error.
21 Flashing
The flashing view with the tab name "FZG_FL" after opening the vehicle func-
tion "042 - Flashing" contains a table of all programmable control modules in
hierarchical order. A control module that is selected in the control module list
when opening is then preselected in this list. The table contains the columns
System / Container (initially contains information about the control modules
from the column), Flash Sequence, and Status. After loading flash files, the
flash containers that are available for a control module and the sessions con-
tained in them are displayed in the table in hierarchy levels below the respec-
tive control module and can be collapsed and expanded. Subsystems, software
clusters, or virtual systems may have their own flash container. One or more
flash containers can be added to a control module. The baud rate only dis-
plays if it was set differently than the standard rate from Administration (func-
tion configuration). When flashing with a control file and binary files, the bina-
ry files to be used are shown under the corresponding session.
Administration Settings
Standard paths for flash files can be set in Administration under "Save loca-
tions" in the "Flash paths" or "Flashing (Engineering)" areas. The default setting
is the same as in ODIS Service. The corresponding configuration entry from
ODIS Service is used for this.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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There are various settings in the Flashing (Engineering) area of the function
Filtering based on expected idents can be activated for UDS control modules.
For KWP control modules, there are settings options for activating version con-
trol of the flash container and specifying the standard baud rate for KWP flash
procedures. Possible values are: default from the container, 1000 KBit, 500
KBit, 100 KBit.
The following options are available for dependent systems, such as ICAS/HCT
control module:
Canceling the flash procedure of a dependent system when there are errors
Activating editing mode for the sequence of the dependent systems
Activating developer mode for flashing without a JSON control file
There is also the setting “Use the flexray flash PDUS”. This activates or deac-
tivates the “LinkControl (87hex)” service for the next flash procedure via DoIP.
The “Mutehandling by ODIS operating system” setting activates or deactivates
the “CommunicationControl (28hex)” service for parallel flash procedures.
The “PDU size [byte]” can be modified for flash procedures via DoIP. When this
value is increased, larger UDS PDUs can be sent when flashing. This reduces
the time needed for the flash procedure. The possible maximum limit is also
specified by a configuration parameter in the config.ini file, because flashing
could be interrupted if the values are too high.
Using the “Activate partial flashing” setting, partial flashing for procedures can
be activate or deactivated by the user.
System 42
In the function navigation area, there is a "System 42" button with the System
42 icon. After a login dialog for System 42, it opens a System 42 dialog for
selecting a suitable flash container for the control module that is currently se-
lected. The following information is displayed for each flash container in the
flash container selection table:
the name of the affected basic control module
the part number
the software version
the hardware version
the name of the container file
the release status
A message about flashing is shown within the dialog and is always based on
the container that is currently selected. The default setting for the sorted output
of the entries in the flash container selection table is based on the basic control
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
module, then the part number, and then the software version. If you click on a
column header in a table to change the sorting order, the table is first sorted by
this column and then based on the default order. The following information is
shown for the control module in the flash container selection dialog:
the control module name with control module address
the part number that was read
the software version that was read
the hardware version that was read
The selectable flash containers from System 42 can be filtered based on the
following criteria: text filter for the base control module, the part number, the
software and hardware version, as well as using drop-down menus for project
selection and (after selecting a project) release status.
The flash containers selected using the checkboxes are downloaded after
pressing the "Complete" button and temporarily stored locally in the path set in
Administration. If a flash container has been downloaded, the flash sessions
contained are automatically allocated to the selected control modules.
After pressing the "Continue" button, the dialog shows all files that are related
to the selected flash containers. In this case, the "Continue" button is deactivat-
ed. You can select all files with the checkboxes. If you have selected more files
that are not flash containers, a "Save file" dialog opens after clicking the
"Complete" button. All files that you have selected using checkboxes are stored
by the application in the selected folder, except for the flash containers.
The diagnostic system gives the following filter options for display in the
"Download System 42" selection window:
Filter by base control modules using keyboard input
Filter by part number index using keyboard input
Filter by software version using keyboard input
Filter by hardware version using keyboard input
Filter by release status by drop-down selection
The options for selection in the "Release status" filter correspond to the release
status that is available in System 42. The input fields for filtering are not case-
sensitive. The diagnostic system applies each character in the filter fields as
soon as it is entered. If you use more than one filter, the filter request are com-
bined together with a logical AND.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
in parentheses in the column header in order to show the reference to the pro-
ject selection. You can set the project reference to the release status display
using a drop-down menu. If the vehicle does not select any vehicle project us-
ing "Project selection", the "Release status" filter is deactivated. The entire "Re-
lease status" column will be filled with question marks if this is the case.
By selecting the filter option "UDS flash container (*.frf, *.frf-f, *.odx, *.odx-f,
*.pdx, *.xml)“ for UDS control modules or "suitable KWP control tables (*.stt;
*.sgo)“ for KWP control modules, the filter is reduced to the file extensions. The
“Flash sequence (*.json, *.zip)” filter reduces the selection to files that can de-
fine a flash sequence. The filter can also be canceled with the filter "All files*.*".
Once a flash container is selected and confirmed in the selection dialog, the
container's availability and format are checked. If the test fails, the procedure
is canceled. If a control file with external binary files is selected, it is also re-
quired that the external binary files must be in the same directory as the control
file. When selecting a flash sequence file, the sequence of the flash container
that is already loaded will be shown in the interface. If all of the flash data that
is specified as required in the file is not present, a note to reload the container
will be displayed in the “Status” column for the affected control modules.
External Editor
If a container is selected for a control module, ti can be opened in an external
editor using the "Open in external editor" button.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
Session Selection
The flash session to be flashed is selected from a flash container using a ses-
sion selection dialog, which is described in the information that follows. When
a flash container or a flash session is selected, the "Session selection" button
for opening the dialog is activated. When a flash container is selected, press-
ing this button opens a session selection dialog for the editor mode. When a
flash container is selected, all sessions that it contains are pre-selected even
though the dialog does not open at this time. The session selection is made in
the dialog using checkboxes. When the session selection dialog opens, all pre-
viously selected sessions are pre-selected. The sequence of the flash sessions is
shown in the sequence in the dialog and is designed for performing the flash-
ing as taken from the MCD system when checking the available sessions. You
cannot sort the table contents for session selection. The session selection dialog
contains a combo box and a label for the baud rate setting that is only activat-
ed with KWP control modules.
Subsystems for UDS control modules are loaded in the control module list when
the main control module is selected based on the setting selected for "Load
subsystems" in Administration (Diagnostic communication area function config-
uration). (the number of identification attempts for subsystems are also set at
the same location in the administration). Subsystems for the control module that
is currently selected can be loading using the "Read subsystems" button. This
button is only active with UDS control modules and if the administration setting
"Load subsystems" is deactivated (Diagnostic communication area function
configuration), and if the data for the selected control modules is designed for
Version check
If there is a version conflict, meaning the control module version is >= the con-
tainer version, or if the version cannot be detected, there is a warning message
that allows you to cancel the flash procedure for the affected control module.
The version check for KWP control modules can be deactivated in Administra-
tion (Flashing (Engineering) area function configuration).
Flash Sequence
For logical control modules, software clusters, and virtual systems, dependen-
cies to other control modules may result during flashing. In such cases, the flash
sequence file (*.json) as well as all of the flash files specified there as required
must be loaded. The flash procedure cannot start if all of the required data is
not loaded. If the flash data for a control module is missing, this will be indicat-
ed in the “Status” column with the message “(please load!)”. The advantage of
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
loading a zip file instead of an individual JSON file is that the package already
contains all of the JSON files and the associated flash container. After selecting
this zip file, the entire contents will automatically be loaded, checked, and dis-
played in the control module list.
Each flash sequence file (.json) that is loaded will be displayed as an additional
entry at the start of the control module list with the associated control modules
as sub-elements. Once there is a flash container allocation to the control mod-
ules, the respective start position will be displayed in the “Flash sequence” col-
umn. When the administration setting for editing the sequence is activated, the
start position will be displayed permanently and can be changed after a selec-
tion. However, only the sequence within the flash sequence file can be edited.
A parallel flash procedure takes place if there are control modules with the
same start position.
To enable flashing of dependent systems without a flash sequence file (.json),
Developer mode can be enabled in Administration. Then there will be no check
performed when the flash procedure starts.
Flash Procedure
A confirmation dialog appears after clicking the "Start flashing" button or with
the "CTRL + P" keyboard shortcut. If program requirements are not met when
starting the flash procedure, the diagnostic system informs you of this. The di-
agnostic system shows the requirements that were not met in a dialog window
that must be confirmed. If the diagnostic system cannot determine the translat-
ed text, it will shows is precondition constants instead. If a flash sequence that
cannot be performed using the available data is defined for a control module,
the flash procedure will be canceled and a note will indicate this. If the proce-
dure is not canceled, you will be asked if the logging should be done in the ex-
isting log or in a new one. A progress dialog appears after the flash procedure
is started. It contains information about the overall progress of the flash proce-
dure (as a progress bar) and additional information. If you press the "Cancel"
button, the procedure will be canceled at the next possible moment. If it cannot
be canceled immediately, you will be informed about the cancellation in a sta-
tus report. If errors occur while flashing, they will be logged and the overall
procedure will continue to the end. The exception here is a flash procedure with
a flash sequence. If an error occurs while flashing a control module that is
specified in a flash sequence, the rest of the flashing procedures defined in the
sequence will be canceled. After the completed flash procedure (even if it is
canceled), you will be asked if all DTC memory entries in all control modules
have been deleted. A results dialog is displayed after the entire flash proce-
dure is completed. It shows the number of containers that were flashed unsuc-
cessfully and the number that were not as well as the flash procedures that
were canceled. The log can also be displayed using the "Display log" button (in
the side bar). During the flash procedure, information about the flash process is
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
automatically added to the results log and saved after each container is com-
pleted. If a new log file was created for the flash procedure, the file name will
be selected automatically as follows:
Flashing_<VIN>_<time stamp>.xml
The time stamp is in the format yyyymmddTThhmmss.
Programming Information
The application displays the programming information that was detected for
service 22 control modules. The results are displayed as a raw value in the first
line of the programming information (F1DF) for service 22 control modules.
Depending on the raw value, other lines may show:
"Program available"
"Program deleted"
"Program consistency reserved"
"Cannot be programmed according to flash specifications"
"Can be programmed according to flash specifications"
Parallel Flashing
DKF2 control modules that have a KWP control module as the master control
module cannot be flashed in parallel.
The parallel flashing is controlled by an external flash control file that you link
to manually in the application. You can select the flash control file using the
"Local flash file" selection in the Flashing diagnostic function. If you select a file
with the extension ".xml", it will be interpreted as a flash control file. If such a
file was imported successfully, the flash file data that is read will be displayed
in the control module list for this view. If the file is faulty, there will be a de-
tailed error description instead. After importing successfully, the flash proce-
dure can be started using the "Start quick flashing" button. The progress of the
flash process is shown. You can have other procedure details displayed using
the "Details" button.
Please note that:
The application does perform a plausibility test, but it does not check the con-
tent for technical accuracy. You are responsible for the flash control file that is
created and linked.
The attachment37.2 contains a brief description of the structure of a flash file.
tion navigator. After selecting the function, the view "FZG - GSA" opens, in
which all control modules are shown in a tree structure with their fault entries.
The tree contains the following information:
Control module (column header: "System")
Number of fault entries (column header: "DTC")
The "System" column also contains checkboxes that can be used to select or
deselect control modules. If a control module is selected, it also applies for the
subsystems and software compositions that it contains. A separate selection is
not possible. All control modules can be selected or deselected at once using
the checkbox in the table header. If all control modules are selected, the
checkbox will contain a check mark. If only some control modules are selected,
the checkbox will contain a filled square. If no control modules are selected, the
checkbox will be empty.
You can switch to the DTC memory view for each specific control module that is
displayed. To do this, double-click on the corresponding line. The DTC memory
content for the selected control module is displayed in a new tab.
There are two buttons ("+" and "-") below the tree that can be used to expand
or collapse all of the elements in the tree. If only a specific element should be
collapsed or expanded, this can be done using the small arrow in front of the
element. If there is no arrow, there are no sub-elements for this element.
With UDS/KWP, the SAE code (if available), otherwise the fault code
The fault type with KWP in decimal format
The fault text
In parentheses: the fault type in text format, static/sporadic with KWP, ac-
tive/passive with UDS
The equipment level documentation results can be added to the BZD log as
well as to the results log under the "Log" category using the "New" and "Add"
buttons in the expanded side bar.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
Additional settings for both the DTC memory and Equipment level documenta-
tion functions can be specified in Administration under the "Vehicle functions"
tab in the "Read entire system" area. You can also specify if OBD control mod-
ules should be erased and if there should be a physical erasing at the end
(control modules that cannot be erased using functional erasing are erased
anyway). The physical erasing can be delayed by entering a delay time.
The time between two DTC memory accessing cycles can also be set.
Another setting allows additional presets to be deactivated (see the following
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
ing the sidebar under the “Send log” button in the Build Status Documentation
section. This last option for accessing the function is also available when there
is not connection to the vehicle.
The logs generated by the "Read entire system" vehicle function are displayed
in the dialog in two tree structures. The first level of the tree contains the cate-
gories "Log (local)" and "Log (download)". The protocols are arranged below
as sub-elements. One log can be selected in each tree for comparison. If a log
is selected in each of the trees, they can be compared using the "Compare
logs" button. There is also a "Display" button of reach of the trees. This allows
you to display the selected log for each tree. The log displays in the computer's
default browser. The selected logs in the right selection list can be deleted using
the "Delete" button below the right log tree.
The "Load from VDS" button activates a function for downloading logs that are
stored in VDS. Authentication is required to access VDS. Refer to the chapter
22.5 Authentication in VDS.
After connecting successfully, another dialog for downloading externally stored
logs appears. You can check for available logs in the respective system and
have them displayed in a list by entering the 11-digit vehicle number and addi-
tional optional search criteria if desired and then clicking the "Search" button.
The following optional search criteria is also available when searching for VDS
Time period specified as start and end date
Measurement location
Measurement type
The logs that are found are selected using a checkbox in the selection list and
downloaded using the "OK" button. The logs are stored in the
"bzd_logs/download" folder in the ODIS Engineering installation path and are
then available in the "Display/Compare" dialog.
The "Cancel" button ends the dialog.
File server
The path to the file server can be specified using an input field or can be se-
lected using the "Selection" button and a file selection dialog.
Authentication is required to send to VDS.
Refer to the chapter 22.5 Authentication in VDS.
If sending logs by e-mail is selected, an e-mail opens in the default e-mail pro-
gram opens when sending. The logs to be sent are compressed into a ZIP file.
The subject line of the e-mail is "BZD/VDS logs: <log names>". "<Log
names>" is replaced with the names of the logs to be sent, separated by com-
mas. If there are more than two logs to be sent, "..." will be added to the sub-
ject line. An error message is shown if there is no default e-mail program. If the
logs are only sent by e-mail, they are not deleted after sending.
The available logs are displayed in a table and are sorted in ascending order
based on their names by default. Clicking on the header line changes the sort-
ing from ascending to descending and vice versa. All logs can be selected or
deselected at once using the checkbox in the table header. If all logs are se-
lected, the checkbox will contain a check mark. If only some logs are selected,
the checkbox will contain a filled square. If no logs are selected, the checkbox
will be empty.
If only the VDS, AVx and/or Carport send locations are active, logs that were
already transmitted successfully to these locations are not displayed.
Selected logs can be deleted by pressing the "Delete" button. The delete func-
tion can also be performed using the "Del" button if the log table has the focus.
The deletion process only runs after a security prompt in a confirmation dialog.
The option "Yes" (confirming the deletion) is preselected. With the option "Yes
and archive", the selected logs are moved to the "history" folder. When this
happens, the application considers the logs to be deleted, but they can still be
reached in the file system.
You can filter the logs using the "Filter" input field. If filter text is entered, only
logs that contain this text in their names are displayed. The number of filtered
logs is shown in the format "x of y log(s)" in an output field to the right of the
filter input field. "x" and "y" are replaced with the respective numbers. The log
filtering field is empty by default so that all logs are displayed.
With the "Open save location" button, the "bzd_logs" folder that contains the
logs opens in Windows Explorer.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
You can compare two logs with each other using the "Compare" button. The
button is only active when two logs are selected.
The logs that were previously selected can be sent to the selected send location
using the "Send" button. Only visible and selected logs are sent. If sending to
VDS is activated, the system checks if an internal vehicle number was specified
for each selected log before sending. If there is no number, a dialog for speci-
fying one opens. If Carport is selected as the send location, another dialog for
entering the action code appears before sending.
Logs that were transmitted successfully to VEDS and all other send locations
are deleted. The deletion process only runs after a security prompt in a confir-
mation dialog. The deletion can be confirmed or canceled in the confirmation
dialog. Deleting with archiving can also be selected. When this happens, the
application considers the log to be deleted, but it is still located on the hard
drive in the "bzd_logs/history" folder.
A log is considered to be sent to VDS successfully if the VDS server confirms it
with the status "OK".
After transmitting the logs, a dialog appears that contain any errors that may
have occurred.
Note: Build Status Documentation logs are automatically deleted after 30 days.
The hard drive folder “bzd_logs” and any subfolders (such as
“bzd_logs/history”) are checked when this is done.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
tion code input". You can enter an action code in a one-line text field in the
"Action code input" window. Only letters (A to Z) and numbers can be entered
in the action code input text field. Letters entered in the action code input text
field must be upper case. If the text field for entering the action code is selected
and empty, it will be marked as invalid and highlighted in red. The actual send-
ing process can only be started (by activating the "OK" button) when an action
code has been entered.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
A button to "Delete" the selected logs is located under the log list. The list of
available installation specifications from the "bzd_logs\VBV" folder is shown in
the right area of the dialog. Each installation specification can be selected indi-
vidually using a checkbox. Multiple selections are not permitted for an installa-
tion check.
A button to "Delete" the selected installation specifications is located under the
installation specification list.
There are two buttons for loading additional installation specifications from
System 42 or from a local folder ("Load from System 42" and "Load from fold-
er") are located to the right of the installation specifications list. To import an
installation specification, a dialog opens for you to log in and to select the ve-
hicle project and the installation specification. After loading the installation
specification from System 42, it is stored in the "bzd_logs\VBV" folder and is
automatically entered and preselected in the selection list.
Press the "Load from folder" button opens a file selection dialog with VBV files
(*.xml) preselected. After selecting an installation specification in the file system,
it is stored in the "bzd_logs\VBV" folder and is automatically entered and pre-
selected in the selection list.
After pressing the "Check installation" button, the results of the equipment level
check (comparison of the selected BZD log with the selected installation specifi-
cation) are displayed in the default browser.
In the second and third columns, "Coding data" and "Adaptation data", icons
indicate if template data is available for this control module. The symbols used
have the following meanings:
Green check mark: all control module parameters can be written, meaning the
data contains the same number of parameters or fewer as the data set that is
Yellow warning sign: the data that is loaded matches only parts of the ODX
data, meaning the control module parameters may be incomplete after writing.
Red diagonal line: the control module is completely missing in the data that is
loaded or in the vehicle in the ODX data.
In the fourth column, "Data selection", you can select which specific information
should be read or written for a control module using a drop-down list:
Adaptations and codes
You can restore the selection using the "- Delete selection -" entry. If this hap-
pens, there will be a blank entry in the table.
Writing the code for the engine was already individually selected. When se-
lecting the checkbox for adaptations, the entry for the engine is changed to
"Adaptation and codes". Only the adaptation is selected for all other control
"Adaptation and codes" is already selected for the engine. The checkbox for
codes is already activated and will now be removed. The selection for the en-
gine then changes to "Adaptations".
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
ing, the last entry for adapting or coding for each control module is used as a
basis for the subsequent writing process.
The available information is displayed in the "Coding data" and "Adaptation
data" columns as described above.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
If the bus master supports logical units/software clusters, the separate cluster
components lists will be detected by the control module and integrated into the
displayed components list. Also, any changes that are made to the specified
components and during automatic coding are adopted during writing.
Coding Subsystems
With the coding subsystems function, the code status of subsystems can be
changed. If the function is supported by the control module, it can be opened
with the navigator function tree.
✔(green) X
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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? (gray-
! (gray) X
"Specification" Column
After reading out, there is a checkbox in each line of the "Coded" column that
indicates if the control module is coded or not. You can select and deselect the
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
"Accept" Button
The "Accept" button copies the coding based on the selected control modules
into the "Specification" column. Pressing this button opens a confirmation dia-
log: "The coding will be performed based on the "Specification" column. Are
you sure you want to perform the coding?". The input focus is on "Yes" by de-
fault. When confirmed, the coding is performed based on the "Specification"
column in the results tab and then the results view is updated.
"Restore" Button
The "Restore" button, which is only active when the actual status differs from
the original status, restores the original coding status and then updates the re-
sults view.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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"Update" button
Using the "Update" button will read out and display the current installation
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
changed in the control module. Other coding/adaptation values are not af-
fected by this function and they remain the same.
25 OBD
A "Service OBD" vehicle function is provided in ODIS for checking the OBD
components in the vehicle. This chapter describes both the required implemen-
tation in the graphic interface and the diagnostic services that are needed to
carry this out. The generic ODX data that is available is used for implementa-
tion of OBD functions. The system displays the list of supported functions after
determining which functions are supported. You can select from this list which
diagnostic functions in the vehicle should be performed. For modes 0x01
through 0x0A, information about which services should be performed in which
order and displayed in the form of results views is described for each individu-
al mode.
match the number of DTCs detected with Mode 03, the application will give an
error message. The error message shows all control modules with the reported
number of faults and the number of DTCs detected, if they do not match. The
DTCs are displayed in groups based on control modules. The results parame-
ters themselves are displayed in hierarchical order. The control modules are
sorted in ascending order based on their control module address. The control
module is displayed as the highest hierarchy element in the group with the
name control module address - control module service name.
25.5.4 Mode 04 - Erase DTC Memory
If you run the Clear/Reset Emissions-Related Diagnostic Information function
without checking mode 03 since the start of diagnosis, the application shows a
warning message in a modal dialog:
The DTC memory has not been checked yet.
The number and content of the DTC memory operating conditions and test re-
sults will be deleted.
Do you want to continue?
Otherwise, the first line of the warning message above will be omitted. The
"Erase" button in this dialog performs the erasing process, and "Cancel" ends
the operation. If control modules respond with NRC $22 (Conditions not Cor-
rect), the following dialog that must be confirmed appears: "At least one con-
trol module has reported that the requirements for erasing have not been met.
Switch the engine of and the ignition on.". This dialog also shows the responses
for all control modules. If all control modules give a positive response, a mes-
sage that reads "Diagnostic data was erased in the following control modules"
appears, and it lists the control modules that gave a positive response. After
performing mode 04, the application returns to the "Accessing OBD modes"
25.5.5 Mode 05 - Request Oxygen Sensor Monitoring Test Results
The application determines all of the TIDs that can be checked in the vehicle in
the step "Supported functions display” and displays them. In this mode, there is
an additional step similar to "Supported functions display", where you select
the sensors whose measurement results should be displayed. In the "OBD re-
sults display", the application displays all data about the TIDs and sensors se-
lected by the user. This is done in cycles.
25.5.6 Mode 06 - Request On-Board Monitoring Test Results for Specific
Monitored Systems
The application determines all of the TIDs or OBDMIDs that can be checked in
the vehicle in the step "Supported functions display" and displays them. The
decision about whether TIDs or OBDMIDs are available for selection depends
on the OBD link that is used. The standard filter and sorting functions are
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
available to provide a more clear overview. After selecting, the data from the
selected TIDs/OBDMIDs will be detected and displayed in cycles in the “OBD
results display” step. You can switch between updates in cycles and manual
updates using the “Cycle” checkbox.
25.5.7 Mode 07 - Request Emissions-Related Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Detected During Current or Last Completed Driving Cycle
The application detects the DTCs stored in the vehicle. The results view shows
the DTCs grouped according to control module. The control modules are sorted
in ascending order based on their control module address. The control module
that is reported is displayed as the highest hierarchy element in the group with
the name control module address - control module service name. The DTC con-
tent is displayed in hierarchical order, the same way the measured values are
25.5.8 Mode 08 - Request Control of On-Board System, Test Or Compo-
The application determines all of the TIDs that can be checked in the vehicle in
the step "Supported functions display" and displays them. In contrast to the
usual behavior, the application only allows you to select a single TID. In the
"OBD results display", the application displays all data about the TID you have
selected in cycles.
25.5.9 Mode 09 - Check Vehicle Information
The application determines all of the INFOTYPEs that can be checked in the
vehicle in the step "Supported functions display" and displays them. After an
option to select the INFOTYPEs that should be displayed, where the standard
functions are offered for filtering and sorting, all selected data about the IN-
FOTYPEs you have selected in the step "OBD results display" is detected in cy-
cles and displayed.
25.5.10 Mode 0A - Checking the Permanent DTC Memory
The results view shows the DTCs grouped according to control module. The ap-
plication sorts the control modules in ascending order based on their control
module address. The control module is displayed as the highest hierarchy ele-
ment in the group with the name control module address - control module ser-
vice name. The DTC content is displayed the same way as the measured values,
in the columns measured value name, value, and control module address. All
results parameters are displayed in hierarchical order.
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Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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27 Macro Function
The ODIS Engineering operating processes can be recorded, saved, and run
again automatically using the macro function. This allows the user to record
recurring operating processes and have them run automatically later. Macros
are recorded and run using the corresponding buttons in the side bar. They
can also be run using an entry in the function navigator in the "Control module
list" view, under the section Diagnostic processes. The user's actions themselves
within the results views and dialogs are not recorded, but rather these activities
are transformed into action sequences for a software interface in the applica-
Macro Recording
The side bar contains a group of buttons for controlling macro recording. The
“●” button (record) starts recording the user actions that follow. When it is
pressed, a file selection dialog appears first where you can specify the file
name for the macro to be recorded. The directory set in the Administration ar-
ea (Save locations) is preselected as the path. You can also create sub-
directories in this directory and save the macro there. After ending this dialog
with "OK" all of the user's actions that lead to a diagnostic action are record-
ed. The “▐▐” button (pause) pauses the recording. The user actions that follow
are not recorded. The “●” button (record) can be used to resume recording. The
“■” button (stop) stops the recording and closes the macro file.
Running a Macro
Macros are run by selecting the "Macro" entry in the function navigator in the
"Control module list" view (in the Diagnostic processes area) or using the >
("Run") button in the macro area in the side bar. A few with the tab "FZG-
MAK" opens. The view contains a list with all macros that are located a directo-
ry that is specified in the Administration area (Save locations) and its sub-
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
directories. You can select a macro to run here or in any sub-directories that
may be present. After selecting a macro, the “►” button (start) runs the macro.
It can also be run using the "ENTER" key on the keyboard.
The “☼” button (debug symbol) starts running the macro in the individual steps in
the debugger. When it starts running, a window for controlling macros that co-
vers the application's main window opens. During the time that the macro is
running, no user actions that are reached using the main window are possible.
The appearance of the macro window may differ depending on the process
mode (normal or debug mode). In both modes, you receive feedback about the
macro process in a console window. The output from the macro is displayed
here, and the notification when the macro ends. Depending on the reason for
ending the macro, the message "macro execution finished" may appear if the
macro has run until the end, and the message "macro aborted by user" may
appear if the running was canceled by the user. You can control the macro
process using a group of buttons. In both modes, the buttons
►: ("Start"): normal macro process,
▐▐: ("Pause"): pauses the macro process,
■: ("Stop"): stops the macro process
x: close window (only active when no macro is running),
and a drop-down list for selecting the running speed are present. The time in-
terval between running macro steps can be set in this selection list. Pressing an
editing button loads the macro in an external editor for editing.
In normal run mode, the window contains the ☼ button (bug symbol) that al-
lows you to switch to debug mode. In debug mode, the console display is shown
minimized in the lower area of the window. The source text for the macro is also
displayed in a text field. The last lines edited are highlighted. To the right of
that is a list with names and values for the macro's local or global variables.
Instead of the "Debug" button, the "Single step" and "Animate" buttons are
visible in this view. The macro can be run here in individual steps or animated
with the selected time interval. The individual step control is initially active when
switching from normal running mode to debug mode. The following buttons are
available in debug mode:
"Animate" Button
Pressing this button runs through all of the steps in the macro at the set speed
and shows the process. Pressing "Individual step" returns to individual step
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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"Run" Button
Switches back to normal mode and the debug window closes. The current
mode (individual step or animation) is resumed when switching back to debug
"Stop" Button
Ends the macro process (canceled).
"Close" Button
Closes the debug window (only active after ending or canceling the macro).
Macro control occurs at the macro command level. That means that a diag-
nostic function triggered in a macro step is completed before a "pause" re-
quest goes into effect.
In individual step mode, the marking for multiple steps may remain in the
same line. This happens when a line consists of multiple sub-expressions (for
example, "for" step).
Imported Python scripts are not displayed in debug mode. The "Individual
step" button works like "Step into" for internal function calls and like "Step
over" for external calls.
The minimum interval between two steps in debug mode is 0.1 seconds,
even if it is set to 0.0.
A macro that has started becomes like part of the application program
code. Errors in the macro process can therefore block the application par-
tially or fully despite the macro cancel function. This is especially true for
macros you have created yourself.
28 Trace Function
You can operate the trace function using buttons in the "Trace" section of the
side bar. The following buttons are used for this:
"Record" button → The recording begins or resumes.
"Pause" button → The recording is paused.
"Stop" button → The recording is stopped.
"Display" button → Displays a trace recording.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
the file name so that existing files will not be overwritten. The file name is com-
posed as follows:
CAN Bus trace: <VIN>_<time stamp>_CAN.vmt
DoIP-Trace: <VIN>_<time stamp>_DoIP.pcap
K line bus trace: <VIN>_<time stamp>_KLINE.vmt
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
You can create a new results log using this function. General information, such
as vehicle information, date, and version information, are automatically stored
in the log when creating a new results log.
The data from the current view/diagnostic function is copied into the log's XML
structure using this function. All additional, context-based data, such parameter
information about actuators, is also copied into the log.
This function opens an input dialog for entering user-specific comments. The
text comments entered are documented in the results log.
Using this function, you can display the results log currently saved in the file
system in the computer's default browser. The "Display results log" function is
only active when the current changes are saved.
The results log is saved in its current condition in a file under the file name that
was already specified using the "Save" function. If no file name was specified,
the "Save as" function opens the file selection dialog.
Note: in the Administration area, the initial path for results logs is maintained
as the default path, and it is not visible and cannot be changed. Logs are al-
ways stored there. If the path displayed in the Administration area is changed,
the results logs will also be stored in that location.
Note: results logs saved in the default location are automatically deleted after
30 days.
"Save As"
Using this function, you can save the results log in its current condition in a new
file. This opens a file selection dialog where the user can define the file path
and the name of the results log file. The default path set in the Administration
area (Save locations) is preselected in the file selection dialog. The application
suggest a standard file name. If there is an internal vehicle number, the file
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
name consists of the internal vehicle number, the current date, and the current
time. If there is no internal vehicle number, the VIN will be used instead.
30 Support Function
There is a "Support" button in the side bar for creating and send problem re-
ports. If it is pressed, an input dialog for creating a support request opens. The
input field fields for the subject and the text of the support request are availa-
ble first. The input field for the e-mail text supports clipboard functionalities for
text and graphics. The "Attach current results log" checkbox is activated if there
is a current results log available when the support request is opened. If there is
no results log available when the support request is opened or you have deac-
tivated the checkbox, the message "A results log is required for analysis. Do
you want to send the request without a results log?" reminds you that there is
no results log attached to the support request. Using the "Log file" checkbox,
you can attach the current available log files from the application to the sup-
port request. If the checkbox is activated, all ecf.log and engine.log files are
compressed in a ZIP file and attached to the problem report. The checkbox is
deactivated by default. Using the “VCI log files (VAS 6154/A only)” checkbox,
you can attach log files that are on the active VCI to the support request. This
checkbox is not selected by default. The checkbox is also deactivated when the
active VCI is not the VAS 6154/A.
Any number of extern files can also be attached to the problem report using
the "Add user attachments" button. If this button is pressed, various types of
attachments can be added to the support request. A standard file selection dia-
log opens for each type that is selected, and each has a preselected file path,
file name, and file type depending on the type selected. User attachments that
have been added to the support request can also be removed if necessary us-
ing a corresponding button.
By pressing the "Send” button, a message will appear that indicates that the
zipped attachments must be added manually to the email. The message will
contain the file path to the file. Confirming this message opens the user’s de-
fault mail system. This mail dialog will already be filled with the subject line,
email text, and the support email address that is stored in the Administration
area (contact data in the Support tab). Attachments can then be copied and
pasted into the email. If the support request is not sent right away (for example
if in offline mode or if there is a sending error), it will be stored and sent the
next time it is possible. The process from ODIS Service is used for this. In this
case, you will be informed with a message. It is also possible to save a support
request on the local computer in a selected location instead of sending it. To do
this, press the "Save" button in the support request dialog. A save location that
serves as a storage directory can be preselected in the Administration area.
The "Support" sub-folder in the ODIS directory is selected by default. If there is
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
not enough storage space there, you can select if the saving process should be
repeated (after freeing up storage space on the data carrier), or if the data
should be saved in a different location. In the second case, a file selection dia-
log asks for the desired save location. If no e-mail client is set up, pressing the
"Send" button will save the support request.
If the external tool ODIS "LogHelper" is installed in the "loghelper" sub-folder,
additional log files will be archived in the "log-extended" local folder when
sending. These expanded log files are too larger to send by e-mail, but they
can be very useful for fault analysis later. This tool is made available by the
ODIS update mechanism.
All support requests that are more than 14 days old are deleted from the direc-
tory selected in the Administration area when quitting the application.
In accordance with data protection regulations (DSGVO), the ODIS application
deletes stored support requests that are older than 30 days from the default
directory (the “Support” subfolder in the installation directory). If a directory
other than the default one is set in the Administration area, the user will be re-
sponsible for adhering to the DSGVO in this location. Messages indicating this
will be displayed in the Administration area.
All zip files in the “Support” folder and its subfolders will be deleted. Subfolders
that are empty after the deletion will also be deleted.
Files generated and stored by “LogHelper” will be included in this deletion.
The system will check for older support requests when the ODIS application is
started and ended, as well as daily if the ODIS application is not ended for
long periods of time.
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Information System Engineering
31.1 Configuration
The update process can be configured in the Administration section in the "Di-
agnostic data" section of the "General" tab.
The source for the update information can be set using the radio buttons. With
“Update using index files”, the update information is accessed by the applica-
tion through ODX information files on an update server; meaning, through a
network drive that is reached using a URL. With “Update using Volkswagen
diagnostic data server”, the update information is downloaded directly from a
server defined in the application.
The scope of the update can be set in the combo box. Here are the options:
1. Activate automatic check and update to newest version
2. Activate automatic check
3. Deactivate automatic check
With the automatic update (option 1), the selection of available data package
versions is disabled and thus, is automatically updated to the newest version.
This option is activated by default.
A day interval cycle for an automatic update check can be configured in the
entry “Update cycle in days”.
To be able to perform an ODX data update using index files, at least one ODX
info file in XML format must be referenced by entering a path or by selecting in
a file selection dialog. A total of 6 ODX update files that can be used simulta-
neously in the ODX update process can be stored.
31.1.1 ODX Info Files
An ODX info file contains the reference to individual ODX update packages
(for example servers that can be accessed) and additional information about
the packages themselves and the project data set they contains.
An update package is identified by the shared version number (date). It con-
tains one or more vehicle projects. The name of the individual data packets in
an update package corresponds t the name of the vehicle project and always
contains exactly one vehicle project. The data package is in a compressed file
format (zip).
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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If you have not selected the option for updating automatically to the newest
version, the application displays a dialog after the update check where you
can select the desired version of a complete ODX update package or individu-
al vehicle projects from it. The application shows the available versions of the
update packages and the vehicle projects they contain in a dialog. The appli-
cation selects the current version of the update package and the available ve-
hicle projects stored on the computer.
31.2.1 Dialog when Updating using Index Files
The following information is displayed in a table in this dialog:
"Version": version number
"Compatible with": compatible ODIS E versions
"Comments": from the "description” attribute
The table content is structured in a tree format with the levels: “Package”, “Ver-
sion” and “Vehicle project”.
You can select the desired version of the update package or individual vehicle
projects the same way as an update package using a checkbox. It is not possi-
ble to select an entire package.
31.2.2 Dialog when Updating using Diagnostic Data Server
The available data packages can be selected in a combo box in this dialog.
The following information is displayed in a table for all vehicle projects includ-
ed in the package.
"Update": checkbox to mark the vehicle project to be updated
"Delete": checkbox to mark the vehicle project to be deleted
“Name”: name of the vehicle project.
"Description": from the "description” attribute
"Status": current status of the vehicle project . Possible values:
o Unknown
o Installed
o Not offered by service
o New version available
o Version cannot be identified
Entries with the status “Not offered by service” are highlighted in red and can-
not be marked for update. Entries with the status “Not installed” cannot be
marked for deletion. Markings for update and deletion in the same entry are
excluded. Using the checkbox in the respective column header, all entries can
be marked or deselected for this action.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
32 Application Update
The application update mechanism enables manual and automatic updates to
the newest version of the application. Only vehicle projects for the Engineering
mode are updated using the update mechanism for ODX runtime data. The
update mechanism can run an automatic update check when ODIS starts. It
can also be activated manually using a button in the side bar. The update
mechanism provides the ODIS application user access to ODX information files
and additionally a selection of all available ODX data packets.
33 Connection Test
Pressing the "Connection test" button under Configuration in the side bar opens
the connection test dialog. It allows a connection test to external systems for
individual services to be configured using checkboxes and run, and it displays
the results status of the connection text for the selected services.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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35 Hotfixes
A hotfix is a collection of diagnostic data, test program, images, and docu-
ments and is provided in multiple zip files. The "VaudesSmartlang" is the ex-
ception, because it is located in a JAR. The "installation_index.xml" file lists the
hotfix archive.
In contrast to an update, hotfixes do not modify the installation but are just su-
perimposed over it. All diagnostic data, test programs, images, and documents
can be superimposed by a hotfix.
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
36 Disclaimer
The disclaimer contains important notes and warnings that the user must follow
when operating Offboard Diagnostic Information System Engineering. The dis-
claimer can be opened at any time in the expanded side menu using the “Dis-
claimer” button under “Info”.
37 Appendix
37.1 Using the Keyboard
As an alternative to using the mouse, you can also navigate and perform func-
tions in various views using the keyboard. The following keyboard shortcuts are
used in all views:
General Functions
Button/Key Combination Function
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F3 Support
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Absolute or relative to the flash control file
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A. Person Responsible
With this privacy policy, we hereby inform you of the ways in which your per-
sonal data is collected, processed, and used by Volkswagen AG, Berliner Ring
2, 38440 Wolfsburg, Germany, entered into the register of companies at the
district court in Braunschweig under the number HRB 100484 (“Volkswagen
In the information that follows, “Volkswagen Offboard Diagnostic Information
System Engineering” will be abbreviated as “ODIS Engineering”.
B. Collection, Processing, and Use of Your Personal Data
I. Basic Principles
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
Information System Engineering
The following data may be saved when performing work with the “ODIS Engi-
neering” diagnostic system:
Importer, dealer number
Global user ID
IP address
E-mail address
This data is only used to ensure you have access to group systems when you
are working with GFF, OBD, and procedures where data is populated (“Flash
mode”). This access is needed to provide you with the required additional in-
formation for the repair procedure, such as software configurations. In addi-
tion, the personal data listed above may be used to provide software support.
The e-mail address is used as the communication platform for this.
The data listed is processed on the basis of a prevailing legitimate interest (Art.
6 Abs. 1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO). The legitimate interest is based on ensuring a
smooth repair process.
The personal data that is collected is deleted by Volkswagen AG after ending
the “ODIS Engineering diagnostic session” on the diagnostic tester or within 30
days after closing a support case. To ensure a smooth support process, the per-
sonal data may also be processed by a contracted partner. The 30-day dele-
tion period is also followed in this case.
Data security in the vehicle is a high priority for Volkswagen AG. Volkswagen
AG use up-to-date technical and organisational measures and implement test-
ed mechanisms and standards from embedded security. Our security measures
include (and is not limited to) access control, system hardening, network vul-
nerability scan and management, awareness training, logging and security
event management, transmission and storage encryption.
However, if information is transmitted via the Internet, the security of these data
cannot be guaranteed. You should also understand that there may be circum-
stances amount to force majeure which cannot be foreseen, avoided or over-
come by Volkswagen AG, and as a result your personal data may still be dis-
closed, destroyed, tampered with, lost, improperly used or otherwise illegally
used. In such circumstances Volkswagen AG will inform you or publish relevant
details in accordance with applicable law and regulation. If required by rele-
vant supervisory authority, Volkswagen AG may report such circumstances to
the authority.
C. Your Rights
You may exercise the following rights vis-à-vis Volkswagen AG at any time and
at no cost. Further information on exercising your rights can be found in Section
Offboard Diagnostic User Guide
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Right to information: you have the right to obtain information from us about the
processing of your personal data.
Right to rectification: you have the right to obtain rectification from us of any
incorrect or incomplete personal data concerning you.
Right to erasure: you have the right to have your data erased if the conditions
set out in Article 17 of the GDPR are met. For example, you may ask for your
data to be erased if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was
collected. Furthermore, you may request erasure if we process your data on the
basis of your consent and you revoke this consent.
Right to restriction of processing: you have the right to request restrictions on
the processing of your data if the conditions of GDPR Article 18 exist. That is
the case, for example, if you dispute the accuracy of your data. You can then
demand a restriction of processing for the period it takes to verify the accuracy
of the data.
Right of objection: if processing is based on an overriding interest or if your
data are used for the purpose of direct marketing, you have the right to object
to the processing of your data. An objection is permissible if processing is either
carried out in the public interest, or in the exercise of official authority, or on
account of a legitimate interest pursued by Volkswagen AG or by a third party.
If you exercise your right to object to data processing, please notify us of your
reasons for objecting. You also have the right to object to data processing for
the purpose of direct marketing. The same applies to profiling, insofar as it is
related to direct marketing.
Right to data portability: if data processing is based on consent or on the per-
formance of a contract, and the data processing is performed by automated
means, you have the right to receive your data in a structured, commonly used
machine-readable format, and to transmit those data to another data proces-
Right of withdrawal: if the data processing is based on consent, you have the
right to withdraw your consent to data processing with effect for the future at
any time and at no cost.
Right to lodge a complaint: you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a
supervisory authority (such as the data protection authority of the Federal State
of Lower Saxony [Die Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz Niedersachsen])
concerning our processing of your data. The contact data for the supervisory
authorities can be found on the website
D. Your Contacts
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The contact person for the assertion of your rights and further information can
be found on the following website