Substance/Preparation : Substance
UN Number : 1013
Components: This product is hazardous.
Chemical Formula : CO2
Substance Name : Carbon Dioxide
Contents : 100%
CAS No. : 124-38-9
EC No. : 204-696-9
Contains no other components or impurities which will influence the classification of the product.
• Physical hazards: Gases under pressure-Refrigerated liquefied gas-Warning - (CLP: Press. Gas)-H281
Classification EC 67/548 or EC 1999/45 : Not classified as dangerous substance/mixture.
Hazard pictograms:
In high concentrations may cause asphyxiation. Symptoms may include loss of mobility / consciousness, dizziness,
drowsiness, nausea, diminished mental alertness, impaired muscular coordination, faulty judgment, depression of all
sensations, emotional instability and fatigue. Victim may not be aware of asphyxiation.
Low concentrations of CO2 causes increased respiration and headache.
Lack of sufficient oxygen may cause serious injury or death.
Remove victim to uncontaminated area wearing self-contained breathing apparatus. Keep victim warm and rested. Call a
doctor. Apply artificial respiration if breathing stopped.
Skin/eye contact:
Immediately flush eyes thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes. Incase of frostbite spray with water for at least 15
minutes. Apply sterile Dressing, Obtain medical assistance.
Adverse effects not expected from this product.
Not expected to present a significant ingestion hazard under anticipated conditions of normal use.
Personal Precautions:
Evacuate area.
Ensure adequate air ventilation.
Use protective clothing.
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus when entering area unless atmosphere is proved to be safe.
Environmental Precautions:
Try to stop release.
Prevent dispersal of spilled material from entering sewers, basements, and work pits, or any where its accumulation can be
Clean Up Methods: Ventilate area.
Toxicity information: In high concentrations cause rapid circulatory insufficiency even at normal levels of oxygen
concentration. Symptoms are headache, nausea and vomiting, which may lead to unconsciousness and death.
Skin corrosion/irritation : No known effects from this product. Serious eye damage/irritation :
No known effects from this product. Respiratory or skin Sensitization: No known effects from this
Acute toxicity : No known toxicological effects from this product.
Rat inhalation LC50 (ppm/4h) : No data available.
STOT-single exposure : No known effects from this product.
STOT-repeated exposure : No known effects from this product.
Aspiration Hazard : Not applicable for gases and gas-mixtures
UN number: 1013
HS Code : 28112190
Sea transport
Proper shipping name : CARBON DIOXIDE
Hazard class(es) : 2.2
Emergency Schedule (EmS) - Fire : F-C Emergency Schedule (EmS) - Spillage :
S-V Packing Instruction(s) : P200
Air transport
Proper shipping name : CARBON DIOXIDE
Hazard class(es) : 2.2
Passenger and Cargo Aircraft : Allowed
Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
EU Legislation / Seveso directive 96/82/EC : Not covered
National legislation: Ensure all national/local regulations are observed.
Chemical safety Assessment: A CSA does not need to be carried out for this product.
Not listed as an extremely hazardous substance.
Not listed as a toxic chemical.
Not listed as a regulated substance.
This information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product
features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.