Volpe's Neurology of The Newborn. 6th Edition. ISBN 0323428762, 978-0323428767
Volpe's Neurology of The Newborn. 6th Edition. ISBN 0323428762, 978-0323428767
Volpe's Neurology of The Newborn. 6th Edition. ISBN 0323428762, 978-0323428767
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Neurology of the
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Neurology of the
Newborn Sixth Edition
Joseph J. Volpe, MD
Bronson Crothers Professor of Neurology, Emeritus
Harvard Medical School
Neurologist-in-Chief, Emeritus
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Terrie E. Inder, MBChB, MD Adré J. du Plessis, MBChB, MPH
Mary Ellen Avery Professor of Pediatrics in Division of Fetal and Transitional Medicine
the Field of Newborn Medicine Fetal Medicine Institute
Harvard Medical School Children’s National Medical Center
Chair, Department of Pediatrics/Newborn Medicine Washington, District of Columbia
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts Jeffrey J. Neil, MD, PhD
Professor of Neurology
Basil T. Darras, MD Department of Neurology
Joseph J. Volpe Chair in Neurology Boston Children’s Hospital
Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts
Associate Neurologist-in-Chief
Chief, Division of Clinical Neurology Jeffrey M. Perlman, MBChB
Boston Children’s Hospital Professor of Pediatrics
Boston, Massachusetts Department of Pediatrics
Weill Cornell Medical College
Linda S. de Vries, MD, PhD Division Chief, Newborn Medicine
Consultant Neonatologist New York Presbyterian Hospital
Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital New York, New York
Professor in Neonatal Neurology
University Medical Center Utrecht
Utrecht, The Netherlands
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899
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Contributors vii
Joseph J. Volpe, MD
Jeffrey J. Neil, MD, PhD Bronson Crothers Professor of Neurology, Emeritus
Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School
Department of Neurology Neurologist-in-Chief, Emeritus
Boston Children’s Hospital Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts
Annapurna Poduri, MD
Department of Neurology
Harvard Medical School and Epilepsy Genetics Program
Department of Neurology
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Preface to the Sixth Edition
In the preface to the first edition of this book, published more increased from four to nine chapters. The principal changes
than 35 years ago, I expressed the view that the neurology involved separation of the discussions of the preterm and term
of the newborn “should be viewed as a discipline in its own infant because the etiologies, neuropathology, pathophysiology,
right.” Over the decades, through four subsequent editions, and clinical features exhibit many differences and unique
the evolution of this discipline has been extraordinary. Work aspects. The chapters on neuropathology, especially, reflect new
relevant to neonatal neurology now is abundant in clinical insights gained by application of advanced neuropathological
journals in the fields of pediatrics, neurology, neonatology, techniques, those on pathophysiology, the impact of many
perinatology, and obstetrics, among others, and in multiple relevant neurobiological and clinical research studies, and
scientific journals of the many neurobiological disciplines. those on clinical features, the knowledge gained from advanced
The explosion of information in the field led me to conclude neuroimaging and the remarkable advances in therapeutic
several years ago that single authorship is no longer feasible, interventions. Unit V, concerned with intracranial hemorrhage,
especially if the quality of the book is to be at the highest level. includes a separate chapter on cerebellar hemorrhage and
With the prompting of Kate Dimock and others of the Elsevier the impact thereof on cognitive and related outcomes. The
team, I decided to embark on a multiauthored effort. Thus chapter on intraventricular hemorrhage and posthemorrhagic
this edition has been updated and revised with remarkable hydrocephalus in the preterm infant expands on previous
efforts from 5 editors and 12 additional authors. The editors discussions, especially of management, that are based on recent
and authors are particularly meaningful to me because they clinical investigations. Unit VI, concerned with metabolic
are former trainees, current colleagues, or both. They are truly encephalopathies, includes insights from clinical and basic
experts and in this edition have tolerated my compulsive editing research into hypoglycemia and hyperbilirubinemia, particularly
and sometimes incessant suggestions for each chapter. In management thereof, as well as important updates on neonatal
addition to their great skills as scholars, they have proven to be amino acid and organic acid disorders. Unit VII is a single
markedly resilient and tolerant of my often intrusive role in each chapter on degenerative disorders, specifically those that
chapter. present clinically in the newborn period. Insights obtained
The organization of the sixth edition is identical to that of from recent studies of molecular genetics, clinical features, and
previous editions. However, in addition to extensive updating, novel interventions are emphasized. Unit VIII, which covers
revising, and rewriting, many original chapters have been split neuromuscular disorders, has been expanded to four chapters,
into multiple chapters. The first eight chapters constitute the with a new chapter on arthrogryposis. These chapters reflect the
unit on human brain development, which were previously enormous advances in this field in delineation of phenotypes,
contained in two chapters. Particular expansion of this diagnosis, and interventions. The roles of molecular genetics
unit reflects new insights into the neurobiology of brain in disease characterization and gene manipulation therapies
development, fetal diagnosis, intrauterine interventions, and in interventions are among the new areas of emphasis in
molecular genetics. A major expansion of the discussion of brain neuromuscular disorders. Unit IX, which covers intracranial
organizational events of the third trimester of gestation was infections, remains as two chapters, but they have been
undertaken to accommodate the explosion of brain information expanded considerably. Important insights provided by modern
from advanced neuroimaging of normal cerebral cortical and neuroimaging and the advent of new therapies are emphasized.
white matter development and derangements thereof in the Unit X, which is on perinatal trauma, remains a single chapter
human premature infant. Unit II, concerning the neurological about injuries of extracranial, cranial, intracranial, spinal
evaluation, was expanded to describe new methodologies, cord, and peripheral nervous system structures, expanded by
especially advanced MRI techniques, to study the newborn insights obtained from modern neuroimaging. Unit XI, which
brain. A new chapter on neurodevelopmental follow-up was is about intracranial mass lesions, includes a chapter on brain
added to this unit. My longstanding devotion to the neurological tumors and vein of Galen malformations that provides new
examination and the importance thereof is reflected in its own insights into molecular characterization of tumors, clinical
dedicated chapter. Unit III, which focuses on neonatal seizures, features, and advances in management. Unit XII, which covers
serves as an effective bridge between the initial chapters and drugs and the developing nervous system, remains a single
the later, diseased-focused chapters because neonatal seizure chapter, with particularly new insights into clinical features
is a key manifestation of many of the neurological disorders and treatment. The impact of recent surges in opioid abuse
dealt with later in the book. The discussion of neonatal and the effects on the newborn are among the areas of special
seizures reflects the impact of new neurobiological insights emphasis.
(e.g., chloride channels, GABA excitation) and their importance Concerning the specific editors and authors who contributed
for understanding the newborn’s propensity to seizures, the to the sixth edition of Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn, the
impact on subsequent brain development, and the effects of critical first unit, as noted earlier, was expanded from two to
anticonvulsant medications. Unit IV, concerned with hypoxic- eight chapters. The first four of these chapters were updated
ischemic and related disorders, the largest unit of the book, was and revised by one of my first neonatal neurology fellows at
Preface to the Sixth Edition ix
Washington University in St. Louis and later a faculty member at Washington University in St. Louis) and as a brilliant
in neonatal neurology with me in Boston, Dr. Adré du Plessis, clinician and clinical investigator taught me a great deal about
who has developed especial expertise in disorders of neural tube the critical nonneurological aspects of the sick newborn and
formation, prosencephalic development, fetal ventriculomegaly, the importance thereof in the genesis of neurological illness.
and cerebellar development and the clinical impact of defects Over the years he has been an admired colleague who now
thereof. Dr. Annapurna Poduri, a child neurology resident and leads a major neonatology program at Cornell University in
later member of the faculty in the Department of Neurology that New York.
I led at Boston Children’s Hospital, is an accomplished expert Unit VII was updated with the help of Dr. Christopher Elitt,
in cerebral cortical development, especially proliferative and a fellow in neonatal neurology with me at Boston Children’s
migrational defects, and genetic disorders thereof. Dr. Hannah Hospital and now a junior faculty member here. The final
Kinney, a distinguished neuropathologist and my longtime product in this important area reflects his strong background in
colleague at Boston Children’s Hospital, is a pioneer in the neuroscience and molecular genetics and his ability to tolerate
application of advanced neuropathological techniques to the my incessant critiquing of his generally fine work in updating
study of organizational events and myelination of the brain, this chapter.
especially premature and early infant brain. Unit VIII was updated and revised by Dr. Basil Darras,
Particularly involved in the update/revision of Unit II was my closest colleague at Boston Children’s Hospital during
Dr. Jeffrey Neil, a former child neurology resident and fellow my tenure as Chair of Neurology from 1990–2005. I am
during my years at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. especially proud that he holds a Neurology Chair in my
Neil, who is now a colleague in Neurology at Boston Children’s name. He remains an esteemed colleague and a trusted
Hospital, is internationally recognized for his expertise and friend. His stature in the neuromuscular field is recognized
innovation in advanced MR methodologies, especially as applied internationally and is reflected in part by his leading role in the
to premature infants. The only new chapter in the book, which outstanding book Neuromuscular Disorders of Infancy, Childhood and
is on neurodevelopmental follow-up, was prepared by Dr. Adolescence.
Petra Huppi, a neonatal neurology fellow with me in Boston Unit IX on intracranial infections, constituting two chapters,
at the turn of the century when she carried out pioneering was updated by Dr. Linda de Vries. She is an admired leader
research on the application of MR methodologies to the study in our field, with whom I have had the privilege of previously
of the premature brain and who is currently a leading figure in coauthoring. Her great expertise in neuroimaging and all aspects
neurodevelopment, and by Dr. Lianne Woodward, an esteemed of clinical research in neonatal neurology is reflected in the
colleague in the Department of Pediatric Newborn Medicine two chapters.
at Harvard Medical School. Unit XI is a single chapter that was greatly enriched by the
Especially involved in the update/revision of Unit III was a work of my former colleague at Boston Children’s Hospital,
former colleague in my Department of Neurology at Boston Dr. Shenandoah (Dody) Robinson. As a leading pediatric
Children’s Hospital, Dr. Frances Jensen (currently Chair of neurosurgeon, she enhanced the chapter with new insights
Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania). Her work on the into surgical approaches and results, as well as molecular aspects
pathophysiology of neonatal seizures has been seminal. Her of tumor classification and clinical characteristics.
colleague, also formerly with us in Boston, Dr. Nicholas Abend, The final unit consists of a single chapter updated by Dr.
contributed importantly to the update. Dr. Terrie Inder (see Lianne Woodward and Dr. Christopher McPherson. The
later) my former trainee and current colleague, also contributed latter, a particular expert on the pharmacology of drugs in
in a major way to this chapter. the developing fetus and newborn, was a colleague during his
Unit IV, the largest unit of the book, now includes nine recent period on the faculty in Pediatric Newborn Medicine
chapters. The update/revisions were led by Dr. Inder (see at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
later), Dr. Kinney, Dr. Neil, and Dr. Back. The first three Particular recognition should be accorded to Dr. Terrie
are current colleagues in Boston, and Dr. Stephen Back, Inder who has authored/coauthored multiple chapters and,
currently at Oregon Health Sciences University, was a former importantly, has interacted copiously with Elsevier concerning
child neurology resident and postdoctoral fellow with us at myriad details involved in generating a finished product. After
Boston Children’s Hospital. He is now recognized as a world completing her training in neonatology in New Zealand, Terrie
leader in the pathophysiology of brain injury in the premature trained with me in Boston in the late 1990s as a resident in
infant. Exceptional expertise also is apparent in relation to child neurology and then as a fellow in neonatal neurology.
clinical features (Dr. Inder), neuroimaging (Dr. Neil), and During that period she spearheaded seminal studies of preterm
neuropathology (Dr. Kinney). brain by advanced MR techniques, which she used also in
Unit V includes major efforts by Dr. Terrie Inder (see later), subsequent years with distinguished academic positions in
Dr. Catherine Limperopoulos, and Dr. Jeff Perlman (see later). New Zealand, Australia, and St. Louis and finally as Chair
Dr. Limperopoulos was a fellow in neonatal neurology in my of Pediatric Newborn Medicine here (Brigham and Women’s
Department of Neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital, when Hospital and Harvard Medical School).
I had the privilege of working with her during her initial work My colleagues in this undertaking have been aided
on the developing cerebellum. She has established her own immeasurably by many people. My assistant for the past 25 years,
program at George Washington University and has developed Irene Miller, typed manuscripts, prepared tables, manipulated
greatly her widely recognized research in the study of the thousands of references, checked and double-checked table
cerebellum. and figure numbering, and tolerated my obsessive pursuit
The four-chapter Unit VI was updated by Dr. Jeffrey Perlman. of perfection, as she has over three previous editions of this
Dr. Perlman was my first fellow in neonatal neurology (then book. Shaye Moore, leader of the Medical Writing Team of
x Preface to the Sixth Edition
the Department of Neurology, dealt with such complex issues implementation in bringing this project to fruition. All the
of digital manuscript preparation (multiplied by 38 chapters), editors and authors agree that we could not have had a better
that I cannot begin to understand or explain. No challenge publishing group.
was too great for her to confront and overcome. The Elsevier
team, particularly Kate Dimock and Janice Gaillard, struck Joseph J. Volpe, MD
a remarkable balance of guidance, patience, efficiency, and Boston, Massachusetts
Preface to the First Edition
The neurology of the newborn is a topic of major importance important clinical clues when we elicit a complete history and
because of the preeminence of neurological disorders in perform a careful physical examination. It is this quality of
neonatology today. The advent of modern perinatal medicine, discovery with simple techniques that has made the neurology
accompanied by striking improvements in obstetrical and of the newborn so stimulating for me, and I hope that this
neonatal care, has changed the spectrum of neonatal disease book can lead the reader to similar discoveries.
drastically. Many previously dreaded disorders such as With accomplishment of the essential first step of definition
respiratory disease have been controlled to a major degree. of the clinical problem, we can turn in a rational way to the
At the same time, certain beneficial results of improved care, increasingly sophisticated means of studying the infant’s
for example, markedly decreased mortality rates for premature deranged neural structure and function. Although my emphasis
infants, have been accompanied by neurological disorders that is, first, on the simplest and least invasive techniques for
would not have had time to evolve in past years. providing us with the necessary information, we are in an
This major importance of neonatal neurological disease has era when sophisticated and informative procedures such as
stimulated efforts by workers in many disciplines to recognize, imaging the brain itself can be done in a safe and effective way.
understand, treat, and ultimately prevent such disease. This The final process in our understanding the infant with a
book is an attempt to bring together the knowledge gained neurological disorder requires an awareness of a burgeoning
from these efforts and to present my current understanding corpus of information derived from studies in human and
of the neurology of the newborn. Because of the diversity of experimental pathology, physiology, biochemistry, and related
knowledge that I have attempted to bring to bear upon the fields. Of necessity, often we must extrapolate to our newborn
problems discussed in this book, I may have oversimplified patient data obtained from animals. Such extrapolation must
in certain areas and displayed my own ignorance in others. always be made cautiously, and yet we cannot ignore the
Nevertheless, I have written the material in the hope that it many lessons learned from the laboratory that have proved
will be of value to all health professionals involved in the invaluable in our understanding of neonatal neurological
care and follow-up of the newborn infant with neurological disease. In this book, on the one hand, I attempt to synthesize
disease. in a comprehensible manner relevant material from a diversity
The prime focus of the discussions of neonatal neurological of disciplines and, on the other hand, try very hard not to
disease throughout this book is the clinical evaluation of the oversimplify what are clearly very complex issues.
infant, that is, what we can learn from observation of the setting I believe that the neurology of the newborn has come of age
and mode of presentation of the disease and the disturbances and, indeed, should be viewed as a discipline in its own right. I
of neurological function apparent on careful examination. The hope that in some way this book will contribute to establishing
theme that recurs most often is that careful clinical assessment, that status. My most fervent hope is that this discipline excites
in the traditional sense, is the prerequisite and the essential the interests and efforts of others concerned with the neonatal
foundation for understanding the neurological disorders of the patient and that, through concerted actions, the greatest possible
newborn. The infant does not advertise his or her neurological benefits accrue to the infant with neurological disease.
disorder with the drama that older children and adults exhibit,
but with patience and diligence we can discover a treasure of Joseph J. Volpe, MD
It is with pleasure and eagerness that I acknowledge with acknowledgment is made in those places, I take this particular
gratitude the help of so many over the years. I am grateful opportunity to thank them again for their generosity. Many
to Dr. Raymond Adams, who introduced me to neurology other physicians involved in the care of newborns have shared
and neuropathology and provided a model of scholarship in their unusual and interesting cases with me; I thank them for
medicine that I have since striven to achieve; to Dr. C. Miller their stimulation and education. Many faculty, fellows, and
Fisher, who taught me the inestimable value of looking carefully house officers at St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Boston
at the patient and never denying observations that did not fit Children’s Hospital have helped me immeasurably in the
preconceived notions; and Dr. E. P. Richardson, Jr., who taught study of neonatal patients. My collaborators in clinical and
me neuropathology and provided a framework for study on basic research have been wonderful partners in our pursuit
which I remain dependent. of discovery and creativity in the study of the newborn brain.
I owe enormous gratitude to Dr. Philip Dodge, who For this edition I acknowledge with great pride and gratitude
stimulated me to study pediatric neurology and, after my the work of my former trainees and current esteemed colleagues
training, guided me to the neurology of the newborn. To this who served as editors and authors. They are distinguished
day he has been a continual source of support and inspiration. and dedicated scholars in their own right, and their efforts in
I gratefully acknowledge the help and contributions of many bringing to fruition this sixth edition were prodigious indeed.
investigators with an interest in the newborn. Their work is
included on many of the pages of this book, and although Joseph J. Volpe, MD
xiv Contents
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4 Unit I Human Brain Development
A A′
Neural crest SE
Neural tube Somite M
2 E
Spinal cord
Brain (white matter)
Central 3
canal Spinal cord
(gray matter) SE
Spinal NT
cord MHP
5 4
Figure 1.1 Primary neurulation. Schematic depiction (A) of the developing embryo: external view (left) and
corresponding cross-sectional view407 at about the middle of the future spinal cord. Note the formation of the
neural plate, neural tube, and neural crest cells. (B) Neurulation in the chick embryo. Dorsal view showing cranial-
to-caudal neural plate formation at the level of the line in panel 1. More cranially (arrow), the neural plate is shaping,
and still more cranially, the neural plate is bending (asterisk), and a neural groove and paired neural folds have
formed. Panel 2: Transverse section through the neural plate. Panel 3: Transverse section through neural groove at
the future midbrain level. Panel 4: Dorsal view during closure of the neural groove. groove. Panel 5: Transverse
section through the incipient neural tube. DLHP, Dorsolateral hinge point; E, endoderm; M, mesoderm; MHP, median
hinge point; N, notochord; NF, neural fold; NG, neural groove; NP, neural plate; NT, neural tube; SE, surface ectoderm.
(A, From Cowan WM. The development of the brain. Sci Am. 1979;241:113–133. B, From Schoenwolf GC, PhD,
Larsen’s Human Embryology, Chapter 4, 82–107. Copyright © 2015, 2009 by Churchill Livingstone, an imprint of
Elsevier Inc.)
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Primary Neurulation. cellular and molecular mechanisms,5,6,9,12-33 the most important
Primary neurulation occurs under the induction of the of which involve the cytoskeletal network of microtubules
underlying notochord and chordal mesoderm during the third and microfilaments. Under the influence of vertically oriented
and fourth weeks p/c (see Box 1.1 and Fig. 1.1).11 The neural microtubules, cells of the developing neural plate elongate, while
plate deformations required for development of the neural folds, contraction of actin microfilaments arranged circumferentially
and subsequently the neural tube, are mediated by a variety of around the apical portions of the cells results in cells with a
6 Unit I Human Brain Development
BOX 1.2 Secondary Neurulation (Caudal Neural categorization to be used in this text.40,41 The term dysraphism
Tube Formation) is best understood by considering its root (i.e., raphe), which is
defined as a line of union between two contiguous bilaterally
Peak Time Period symmetric structures. Dysraphism is therefore a failure of this
Canalization: 4–7 weeks of gestation process, and in its broadest sense includes any incomplete
Retrogressive differentiation: 7 weeks of gestation to after birth midline closure of the developing head and spine, and may
Major Events involve the mesenchymal and ectodermal structures individually
Canalization: undifferentiated cells (caudal cell mass) → vacuoles → or in combination. Embryologically, dysraphic states of the
coalescence → contact central canal of rostral neural tube central neuroaxis can be divided into those that occur (1)
Retrogressive differentiation: regression of caudal cell mass →
pre-neurulation (during gastrulation) and involve the neurenteric
ventriculus terminalis, filum terminale
canal; (2) during primary neurulation, forming the vast majority
of open neural tube defects; (3) during secondary neurulation
with disturbed development of the caudal cell mass, which is
broad base and narrow apex. These forces on the neural plate responsible for most closed neural tube defects; or (4) during
result in invagination of its midline, dorsomedial folding of its midline closure of the mesoderm and cutaneous ectoderm. Spina
edges, and closure to form the neural tube (see Fig. 1.1). The bifida refers only to defects of vertebral arch formation (described
process of neural fold bending in a dorsomedial direction also later); subtyping of spina bifida is based on the presence and
appears to involve differential proliferation and translocation nature of associated neuroectodermal malformations. Isolated
of the neuroepithelial cells.34 Surface glycoproteins, especially vertebral arch dysraphism without underlying neural defects
cell adhesion molecules important for cell-cell recognition, as or cystic evagination of the meninges or cord results in true
well as adhesive interactions with extracellular matrix, mediate spina bifida occulta.
fusion of the opposing neural folds. Other critical molecular Neural tube defects refer to a disturbance in neuroectodermal
events include action of the products of certain regional development, defined embryologically as defects of primary or
patterning genes (especially bone morphogenetic proteins secondary neurulation. Anatomically, neural tube defects can be
and sonic hedgehog), homeobox genes, surface receptors, and further categorized by their location relative to the first fusion
transcription factors. point of the neural tube, at the level of the future foramen
magnum. Lesions of the anterior neural tube (rostral to the
Secondary Neurulation (Caudal Neural Tube Formation) foramen magnum) lead to cranial dysraphism, while those of
Secondary neurulation is the process of caudal neural tube the posterior neural tube (caudal to the foramen magnum)
formation, which commences at completion of primary lead to spinal dysraphism. The distinction between open or
neurulation (i.e., on closure of the posterior neuropore around closed dysraphic lesions is important for understanding the
the S2 spinal level, on day 26 p/c; Box 1.2).35,36 Secondary primary lesion and its secondary complications. Open neural
neurulation occurs in the caudal cell mass and, by forming tube defects have at least some continuity between the external
the remaining sacrococcygeal neural tube, completes neural surface of the fetus and the underlying neural tissue and at least
tube formation. Secondary neurulation gives rise to the intermittent CSF leakage. In addition, open neural tube defects
conus medullaris, cauda equina, as well as components of are usually associated with other CNS anomalies, including
the genitourinary tract and hindgut. Starting between 28 hindbrain, callosal, and cerebral cortical malformations. Closed
and 32 days p/c, the caudal cell mass undergoes vacuolation, neural tube defects are skin covered, with no exposed neural
coalescence, and canalization, processes that culminate by tissue and no CSF leak; the defect is confined to the spine,
7 weeks p/c.18,37,38 At this point the vacuoles connect to the and other associated CNS anomalies are rare.42 As a general
central canal of the neural tube previously formed by primary rule, most open neural tube defects result from disturbed
neurulation.3 Not infrequently, accessory lumens remain and primary neurulation, while most closed neural tube defects
may be important in the genesis of certain anomalies of neural result from disturbed secondary neurulation. However, there
tube formation (discussed later). Following canalization, the are exceptions to this rule. For example, higher (thoracic and
caudal cell mass undergoes retrogressive differentiation between cervical) myelomeningoceles may be skin covered (see the
7 weeks p/c and into postnatal life (see Box 1.2). At 8 weeks discussion of cervical myelocystoceles later on in this chapter),
p/c the spinal cord tissue extends the entire length of the and sacral lesions are occasionally open.43
spinal column. Subsequent disproportionate growth of the Disorders of primary neurulation are discussed in order of
spinal column results in relative ascent of the conus medullaris decreasing severity, starting with complete failure of neural tube
(which contains the ventriculus terminalis), leaving the filum formation (craniorachischisis totalis), followed by disorders
terminale in its wake. As a result the conus ascends to the of anterior neural tube formation (cranial dysraphism) and
level of L3 by 40 weeks,39 reaching its final level of L1–L2 by disorders of posterior neural tube formation (spinal dysraphism).
3 months postnatal.
Craniocerebral Dysraphism (Box 1.3)
Craniorachischisis Totalis
DEVELOPMENT Anatomical Abnormality. Craniorachischisis totalis (see Box
1.3) results from essentially total failure of neurulation at a
The terminology used to describe embryonic anomalies of very early stage, leaving an exposed neural plate–like structure
craniospinal development is inconsistent and often imprecise, (with no overlying axial skeleton or dermal covering) running
which in turn has compromised diagnosis and counseling. down the entire dorsal extent of the central neuroaxis (Fig.
To remedy this situation, we first review the definitions and 1.2).44,45 Because the neural plate is formed by 18 days p/c,