Radar stands for ‘RADIO DETECTION AND RANGING’. It is basically an echo ranging system in
which electromagnetic energy in the form of high power short duration pulses are sent out at distant
targets. After this an echo is received at the transmitting station. This echo is the received signal
from the long distant object. The echo is then analyzed to obtain information regarding the location
of targets.
It consists of a transmitter and a receiver. Both the elements are connected to a directional antenna
through a duplexer. Now what is a duplexer? It is a switching arrangement. It is excited by a small
portion of the pulse power generated by the transmitter. The duplexer disconnects the receiver from
the antenna and connects the transmitter to the antenna. The function of the antenna is to rotate in
order to direct the radiated beam as necessary. When the transmitted pulse is over, the duplexer
reconnects the receiver to the antenna. Now the reflected pulses are received and processed at
the superheterodyne receiver. The demodulated pulses are then fed to the indicator for display
purpose and analysis.
The main function of radar is to provide information on the elevation (vertical direction)
and azimuth (horizontal direction) of the antenna, thus the position of the target can be found.
The distance of the target can be calculated by from total time (t) taken by the pulse to travel to the
target and return to its original initial point. Assuming ‘ c ‘ to be the velocity of light in free space,
the distance traversed by pulse is ‘ct’ meters. Now this is 2times the target distance, hence the
distance to the target is ‘ct/2’ meters.
RADAR RANGE EQUATION is d (max) = [{S P (t) G (t) ². λ²}/ (4π) ³ P (min)] ¼
d (max) = Maximum range.
λ = Wavelength.
G (t) = Power gain of the antenna relative to the isotropic radiator.
P (t) = Peak value of the transmitted pulsed power.
P (min) = Minimum power that can be detected by the receiver.
S = Effective area of the target.
Radar finds its applications in various fields like:
MILITARY USES: enemy ships can be detected by radar which helps in direct
targeting of the enemy ships or even aircrafts. Moreover radar displays are used
in bomb ships or in cities at night. We are well aware of the satellites revolving in
space used for communication purposes, but do we know that radar placed on a
satellite helps in detecting the ballistic missiles.
IN SUBMARINES: Radars are also used in finding submarines and in directing
guided missiles.
CIVILIAN USES: Useful information about navigations can be obtained from
radars. Radar located or fixed in ships can be used to locate marker buoys, other
ships, land etc.
SCIENTIFIC USES: Map positions of islands can be found out using radars.
Furthermore information regarding the distance and motions of different
planetary bodies can be obtained with the help of radar.
OTHER USES: Radars are used in mapping, meteorology, air traffic control at
airports providing landing facilities. Radars are also used by police forces for
traffic speed control and prosecution of offenders.
Block diagram of a fundamental radar system.
Modulator You can see on the block diagram that the heart of
the radar system is the modulator. It generates all the necessary timing pulses
(triggers) for use in the radar and its associated systems. Its function is to
ensure that all subsystems of the radar system operate in a definite time
relationship with one another and that the intervals between pulses, as well
as the pulses themselves, are of the proper length.