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DCE80-100E TDCE01

Technical Handbook Contents Group 70 P. 1

Group 70
Hydraulic system
Specifications ........................................................................... 2
Main hydraulics.......................................................................... 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
General survey ............................................................... 3
Standad hydraulic system ............................................... 3
Supply ........................................................................ 4
Hydraulic servo .......................................................... 5
Electric servo ............................................................. 6
Hydraulic system with separate side-lift hydraulics ......... 7
Supply ........................................................................ 9
Electric servo ........................................................... 10
Lifting ............................................................................ 11
Lowering brake valve .................................................... 12
Tilting............................................................................. 13
Attachment supply......................................................... 14
Service ............................................................................... 15
Checking the hydraulic hoses ...................................... 15
Breather filter................................................................. 15
Changing the hydraulic fluid .......................................... 10
Mounting of fittings on hydraulic hoses ........................ 15
Checking the pressures and settings, standard system 16
Checking of pressure and setting, system with
separate side-lift hydraulics........................................... 17
Steering system 19
Description ......................................................................... 19
Steering valve ............................................................... 20
Brake system........................................................................... 22
Description ......................................................................... 22
Brake system WDB-system........................................... 22
Oil cooler ....................................................................... 24
Service ............................................................................... 25
Checking the brake system ........................................... 25
Parking brake .......................................................................... 26
Description ......................................................................... 26
Hydraulic pumps...................................................................... 27
Description ......................................................................... 27
Service ............................................................................... 30
Accumulator............................................................................. 32
Description ......................................................................... 32
High pressure filter .................................................................. 33
Description, service ............................................................ 33
Main valve ............................................................................... 34
Description ......................................................................... 34
Service ............................................................................... 37
Hydraulic cylinders .................................................................. 38
Service ............................................................................... 38

Hydraulic circuit diagram, components................................... 44

Hydraulic circuit diagram, hydraulic servo A06195.0500......... 45
Hydraulic circuit diagram, electric servo A06195.0600............ 47
Hydraulic circuit diagram, electric servo A44866.0100............ 49
DCE80-100E TDCE01
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 2

For different pressure settings, see the hydraulic plate on

each truck

5 6 7

1. Test outlet and pressure setting separate lift section

(14 and 12 on hydraulic diagram)
2. Test outlet and pressure setting working hydraulics
(9 and 13 on hydraulic diagram)
3. Test outlet and pressure setting steering system
(15 and 2 on hydraulic diagram)
4. Test outlet servo pressure, not adjustable
((8 on hydraulic diagram)
5. Test outlet, brake pressure
(52 on hydraulic diagram)
6. Test outlet accumulator charging
(10 on hydraulic diagram)
7. Pre charging pressure, accumulators
DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 3

General survey .
There are two different hydraulic systems
z Standard with hydraulic servo Diagram A06195.0600
or with el-servo Hydraulic diagram A06195.0500
z System with separate side-lift hydraulics Diagram 44866.0100
Standard hydraulic system, Diagram A06195.0600
The hydraulic system consists of the following sub-systems.
z Main hydraulics with the following functions:
– Lifting
– Tilting
– Sideshift
– Length adjustment
– Twist-locks
z Steering system
z Driving brake system for wet brakes with:
– Brake circuit
– Cooling circuit
z Parking brake system
The hydraulic system is configured around two single hydraulic
pumps which are driven by take-offs on the torque converter.
All of the essential valve functions are concentrated to a valve
block that is directly connected to the main valve.
One of the pumps powers the lifting function. Some of the return
fluid is by-passed to the cooling circuit of the driving brake system
to dissipate heat and is then lead to the reservoir.

1. Hydraulic pump, working hydraulics,

steering system, accumulator charge
2. Hydraulic pump, LIFT
3. High pressure filter
4. Main valve with valve block
a.Accumulator charging valve
With charged accumulator
feed to brake cooling circuit or
tank return
b .Feed to servo system
c. Priority valve, steering system
d. Feed to steering system
e. Main pressure limiting valve
f. Control section TWIST-LOCKS
g. Control section LENGTH ADJUST-
h. Control section SIDESHIFT
j. Control section TILT
k. Main pressure limiting valve
m. Control section LIFT
5. Steering system
6. Cooling circuit for service brake system
7. Brake circuit service brake system
8. Parking brake system
9. Accumulator
10. Accumulator discharge valve
11. Safety valve, accumulator
12. Servo controlled control levers
13. Solenoid valve, safety system, twist-
14. Solenoid valve, safety system, lift
15. Hydraulic tank
16. Breather filter, hydraulic tank
17. Hydraulic oil cooler
Hydraulic system, standard
DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 4

The other hydraulic pump delivers fluid to the other functions of

the main system and to the accumulator which in turn serves the
parking brake, driving brake and servo system of the control
levers (optional). All surplus fluid is supplied to the lifting function.
When the accumulator is fully charged and the lifting function is
deflected to maximum, the capacity of both pumps is utilized for
maximum lifting speed.
The fluid is cleaned through a high pressure filter upstream after
each pump.

20b 23



The numbers correspond to the hydraulic diagram

20a. Hydraulic pump

20b. Hydraulic pump
23. High pressure filter
31. Hydraulic tank
50. Breather filter

Hydraulic system, supply

DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 5

Standard hydralic system, hydraulic servo

In its standard version, the hydraulic system is equipped with a
hydraulic servo-operated main valve. A pressure reducing valve
in the valve block delivers 35 bar servo pressure for the control-
lever valves. The servo fluid is then supplied to the main valve for
setting the valve spools, at a rate that is proportional to the lever
Safety interlock, container handling
To prevent accidents when lifting containers, the servo circuit for
lift is supplied with a solenoid valve. This is activated from the in-
ductive sensors for twist-locks locked or unlocked on the attach-
ment. Should the twist-locks not be fully locked or unlocked, lifting
is prevented.
In the same way the servo circuit for twist-locks is supplied with
two solenoid valves, one for locking and one for unlocking twist-
The solenoid valves are fed with signals from the inductive sen-
sors for alignment on the attachment. If full alignment is not
achieved, the locking and unlocking of twist-locks is prevented.




The numbers correspond to the hydraulic diagram

16. Control valve LIFT

43. Control levers
44. Control valve TWIST-LOCKS
45. Solenoid valve, brakes the servo circuit for TWIST-LOCKS
46. Solenoid valve, bryter the servo circuit for LIFT

Standard hydraulic system, hydraulic servo

DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 6

Standard hydraulic system, el-servo

Standard hydraulic system can be equipped with a electronically
servo-operated main valve.
The ECS-system’s out-signals for the lever functions are fed to
converters. The converters are electrically controlled pressure re-
duction valves that convert the electrical signal to a proportional
hydraulic pressure - servo pressure. The servo fluid is then supp-
lied to the main valve for setting the valve spools, at a rate that is
proportional to the lever movement.
The security locking is integrated in the ECS-system, se separate

ECS-system, see separate publications

5 6

1 2 3

5 4

51. Electro-hydraulic converters

6. Feed 35 bar servo pressure

Standard hydraulic system, Electro-hydraulic servo

DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 7

Hydraulic system with separate side-lift hydraulics

Hydraulic diabram A44866.0100
The hydraulic system consists of the following sub-systems:
z Working hydraulics, machine, that include:
Servo hydraulics that supply pressure to the electro-hydraulic
servo system

z Attachment hydraulics (see group 80)


z Service brake system, WDB system

– Brake circuit, hydraulically controlled, oil-cooled plate
– Cooling circuit

z Parking brake system, disk brake on the drive axle's ingoing

shaft. Applied by spring pressure, released hydraulically.

z Steering system

Electro-hydraulic servo system, principles

The working hydraulics are controlled via an electro-hydraulic
servo system, the principle components of which are illustrated
on the next page.
All hydraulic system functions are controlled via three independ-
ent sub-systems:
– El-servo
– hydraulic-servo
– working hydraulics
The el-servo system is controlled by the ECU5 central computer
unit as part of the truck's ECS system. Descriptions of the servo
circuits can be found in separate publications.
From ECU5, digital or analogue signals are fed to the control le-
ver. The signals are affected by the degree of movement of the
control lever, after which they are fed back to and processed in
The out-signals for LIFT/LOWER and TILT INWARDS/OUT-
WARDS from ECU5 are fed to converters. The converters are
electrically controlled pressure reduction valves that convert the
electrical signal to a proportional hydraulic pressure - servo pres-
The side-lift is controlled in the same way.
The servo pressure affects the control slide in the main valve for
the function in question and from there, the main flow.

ECS-system, see separate publications

DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 8



13 14 25 25

33 a b c d
b h e
15 f
24 e g
a c
9 d

6 6 6 6

2 31
3 1 4 5

30 KL1830

1. Variable axial piston pump 12. Accumulator

2. Relief valve 13. Accumulator evatuating valve
3. Fixed ving pump 14. Safety valve, accumulator
4. Fixed ving pump 15. Service brake system
5. Fixed ving pump 20. Cooling circuit, service brake system
6. High pressure filter 21. Parking brake system
7. Cab tilting 24. Oil cooler
8. Connector, side-lift hydraulics 25. Converter el-servo/hydraulic servo
9. Main valve 30. Hydraulic oil tank
a. Accumulator charging valve 31. Breather filter
b. Pressure reducing valve 32. Nozzle-check valve cooling circuit
servo system 33. Main valve, attachment
c. Pressure reducing valve and a. Control section SIDESHIFT
priority valve, steering system b. Control section TWIST-LOCKS
d. Differential valve, gives max 11 bar pressure c. Control section 20-40’
difference between steering valve LS-signal d. Control section LEVELLING
and the pump pressure e. Pressure reducing valve servo
e. Main pressure limiting valve TILT
f. Control section, TILT
g. Main pressure limiting valve LIFT
h. Control section LIFT
10. Steering system

Hydraulic system with separate side-lift hydraulics

DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 9

Working hydraulics, supply

The hydraulic system is supplied from four different pumps.
Pump 18+19 is a double combination pump where one section is
a variable axial piston pump and the other section is a fixed ving
pump. The variable pump 18 feeds the side-lift and is equipped
with relief valve 18a which allows the pump to start without coun-
ter pressure.The ving pump 19 feeds the machine’s working
hydraulics over the valve block 54.
The valve block is equipped with accumulator charging valve,
pressure reducing valve for servo system, pressure limitiation
and priority valve for the steering circuit.
The priority valve ensures pressure to the steering system, the-
reafter servo pressure and that the rest flow is fed to tilt and lift.
Pump 20a + 20b is a double pump of the ving type, where pump
20a feeds lift and pump 20b feeds the cab tilt. (Cab tilt is extra
The oil is cleaned by high pressure filters, one after each pump.

20a 53
23 12
18a 17





Numreringen gemensam med 20a. Vingpump, matning LYFT (Kugghjulspump

Hydraulschema A44866.0100 vid system utan hyttilt)
20b. Vingpump, matning hyttilt (Extra utrustning)
12. Huvudtryckbegränsningsventil LYFT 23. Högtrycksfilter
13. Huvudtryckbegränsningsventil TILT 31. Hydraultank
16. Manöverventil LYFT 51. Andningsfilter
17. Manöverventil TILT 53. Växlingsventil, hyttilt
18. Variabel axialkolvpump, matning aggregat 54. Plint, matning aggregat, se vidare grupp 80
18a. Tryckavalstningsventil
19. Vingpump, matning ackumulatorladdning
och TILT

Hydraulic system with separate side-lift hydraulics, feed machine hydraulics

DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 10

Hydraulic system with separate side-lift

hydraulics, el-servo
This hydraulic system is equipped with a electronically servo-
operated main valve.
The ECS-system’s out-signals for the lever functions are fed to
converters. The converters are electrically controlled pressure re-
duction valves that convert the electrical signal to a proportional
hydraulic pressure - servo pressure. The servo fluid is then supp-
lied to the main valve for setting the valve spools, at a rate that is
proportional to the lever movement
ECS-system, see separate publications
See also Group 80 Side-lift


51. Elektrohydrauliska omvandlare

1. Matning 35 bar servo
2. Elektro-hydraulisk omvandlare TILT
3. Elektro-hydraulisk omvandlare LYFT

El-servo machine, separate side-lift hydraulics

DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 11

The lifting cylinders are supplied from a separate section in the
main valve. The lifting speed is determined by the position of the
lift control lever. The flow of fluid from the hydraulic pumps can be
changed by altering the engine speed, which thus provides an
additional means of controlling the lifting speed.
During lowering, the fork carriage and the effect of the load force
the fluid from the lifting cylinders into the reservoir. A lowering
brake valve in the supply line to each lifting cylinder determines
the lowering speed and also limits the flow of fluid in the event of
hose failure. The lowering brake valves are of pressure-compen-
sated type and therefore permit only a certain predetermined
flow, thus ensuring a constant lowering speed, regardless of the
actual load.
Some of the return fluid is by-passed to the valve block and from
there to the cooling circuit of the driving brake.
The lifting cylinders are filled with fluid on the piston side to pre-
vent corrosion. This fluid is not pressurized and is fed back to the
reservoir in step with movement of the piston. Any leakage is also
drained to the reservoir through these lines.

16 12





The numbers correspond to the hydraulic diagram

A = System with separate side-lift hydraulics
12. Main pressure limiting valve LIFT
16. Main valve, control section LIFT
26. Lift cylinder
27. Lowering brake valve Lifting function
DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 12

Lowering brake valve

The lowering brake valves are screwed into the connecting pipes
at the bottom of the cylinders. They are preset and no adjustment
facilities are provided.
The valve contains a spring-loaded control plunger and a mova-
ble orifice plate, both of which interact to provide a constant flow
through the valve regardless of the prevailing load.
During lifting, the orifice plate and the control plunger are in a po-
sition which allows unrestricted flow of fluid. During lowering, the
orifice plate moves to the throttling position. The internal pressure
drop in the valve and the pre-load force of the control plunger
1 spring counteract one another and set the control plunger in an
equilibrium position, ie. in relation to the corresponding size of
the throttle gap. Large load – small gap, small load – large gap.

2 3

1. Control plunger
2. Throttling slot
3. Orifice plate in the throttling position
4. Orifice plate in the open position

Lowering brake valve

DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 13

The two tilting cylinders enable the mast to be tilted 3° forward
and 3° to the rear. (Optional 2°/3° or 3°/6°)
In each of the return lines is a valve which provides counter-pres-
sure to avoid inadvertent forward tilt, which would otherwise oc-
cur in unrestricted flow in the forward tilt mode.






1. Control section, TILT

2. Tilting cylinder
3. Counter pressure valve 29

The numbers correspond to the hydraulic diagram

A = System with separat side-lift hydraulics

17. Control valve, TILT

28. Tilt cylinder
29. Counter pressure valve

Tilting function
DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 14

Attachment supply
One section in the main valve for each of the functions sideshift,
length adjustment 20’-40’ and twist-locks feeds the attachment

Only Standard hydraulic system.

See also Group 80 Side-lift attachment


The numbers correspond to the hydraulic diagram

48 47 30
18. Control valve SIDESHIFT
19. Control valve LENGTH ADJUSTMENT
30. Supply cylinder SIDESHIFT
44. Control valve TWIST-LOCKS
47. Supply cylinders LENGTH ADJUSTMENT
48. Supply cylinders TWIST-LOCKS

Attachment supply
DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 15


The hydraulic system includes a high-pressure accumu-

lator. Open the accumulator evacuating valve 42to re-
lease pressure before working on the hydraulic system.

Take great care during all work on the hydraulic system. Avoid
being close to pressurized hydraulic components and hoses.
Observe strict cleanliness, since the presence of foreign matter
42 can easily result in a valve seizing or in other operational distur-

Checking the hydraulic hoses

Check hydraulic hoses and connections for leakage, cracking
and wear. Replace hoses if there is the slightest indication of
weakness. Tighten the connections as required.

Breather filter
The hydraulic reservoir is fitted with a breather filter which pre-
vents airborne impurities from entering the reservoir. Change the
filter as specified in the lubrication chart. The filter is of the spin-
on type. To change the filter, remove the old filter element, dis-
card it and screw on a new element.

Changing the hydraulic fluid

Change the hydraulic fluid in accordance with the lubrication
42. Accumulator evacuating valve chart.
1. Remove the bottom plug of the hydraulic reservoir and drain
off the fluid.
2. Refit the plug and fill the reservoir with fresh hydraulic fluid.
The capacity is given in the Technical Specification.
Mounting of fittings on hydraulic hoses.
1. Measure the length of the hose to be replaced.
2. Thread the sleeve ANTICLOCKWISE onto the end of the
hose until the hose bottoms in the sleeve. The sleeve has an
internal thread which will thus be pressed into the hose.
3. Grease the adapter thread and screw in the adapter
2 CLOCKWISE until it bottoms on the sleeve. The hose will
thus be clamped between the threads of the sleeve and

4. Carefully flush the hose with white spirit, or equivalent, and

blow compressed air through it, so that the hose is absolutely

2. Sleeve The above procedure may be used only on 1" and smaller
3. Adapter diameter hoses. In addition, it may only be used on hoses
4. Measure the hose shown in the spare parts catalogue, with the sleeve and
length like this: adapter separated from the hose.
4 Hoses shown in the spare parts catalogue as complete
units with the end connections fitted must be ordered as
complete units in accordance with the catalogue.
DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 16

Checking the pressures and settings

1. Open the accumulator evacuating valve 42 and start the en-
42 2.
Stop the engine to check that the stopping device is working.
When making the following tests, use a manometer with a
hose of suficcient length so as the reading can be made from
inside the operator’s cab.
3. Start the engine and let it run at approximately 1200 r/min.
4. Close the accumulator evacuating valve 42.
5. Servo pressure on test point 8. The pressure should be 35±5
bar and it cannot be adjusted.
6. Steering pressure on test point 15. Allow the engine to run in
the mid-speed range and turn the steering wheel to full lock
in one direction. Pressure setting, see hydraulic plate. Cor-
rect with adjusting screw 2 as required.
7. Accumulator charging pressure on test point 10. Pressure
setting, see hydraulic plate. Correct with adjusting screw 1.
8. Main hydraulic pressure on test point 9, and lifting section
pressure on test point 14. The pressure of each output shall
be equal.
The pressure is set individually for each truck and is stated
in the delivery specification and the hydraulic plate.
The pressure should be set equally on adjusting screws 12
and 13 so that the truck can only just lift its rated load at the
appropriate load centre.
The adjusting screw must be sealed after making any adjust-

The numbers corrspond to the hydraulic diagram

1. Adjusting screw, accumulator charging pressure

2. Adjusting screw, steering system pressure
7. Test point, brake system cooling circuit,
max. 1 bar
8. Test point, servo pressure, not adjustable
9. Test point, main hydraulics
Shall be same pressure as 14
10. Test point, accumulator charging
12. Adjusting screw, main pressure limiting valve
Set the same as 13
13. Adjusting screw, main pressure limiting valve
Set the same as 12
14. Test point, separate lifting section
Shall be same pressure as 9
15. Test point, LS-signal from steering valve

Test and adjusting points for valve

block and main valve
DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 17

Checking of pressures and settings,

system with separate side-lift hydraulics
A 1. When making the following tests, use a manometer with a
hose of suficcient length so as the reading can be made from
inside the operator’s cab.
2. Unscrew the connection at A on the variable pump and fill the
pump with hydraulic oil. Reconnect A.

42 3. Open the accumulator evacuating valve 42 and start the en-

4. Stop the engine to check that the stopping device is working.
Pressure, accumulator charging
5. Connect the manometer to test outlet 10.
6. Start the engine and let it run at 1200 r/min.
7. Close the accumulator charging valve 42.
8. The pressure in 10 should increase from the accumulator
pre.charging pressure up to the charging pressure according
to the hydraulic plate. Adjust if necessary on adjustment
12 screw 1.

13 Pressure Steering system

9. Stop the engine and slightly lift up the machine to relieve the
steering wheels.
2 10.Connect th manometer to test outlet 15.
11. Start the engine and let it run at 1200 r/min
12.Check the steering pressure in test outlet 15. Turn the stee-
ring wheel in one direction. Let the steering spindle go to stop
and read the pressure. The pressure reading should be accor-
ding to the hydraulic plate. Adjust if necessary on adjustment
screw 2.
Pressure servo system
13.Connect the manometer to test outlet 8. The pressure reading
9 should be 35±5 bar. Tis pressure cannot be adjusted.
8 1
Pressure working hydraulics, TILT and LIFT
(Numreringen gemensam med Hydraulschema 14.Connect the manometer to test outlet 9. Operate the tilt func-
A44866.0100) tion until stop and read the manometer. The pressure reading
should be according to the hydraulic plate. The pressure
1 Justerskruv, ackumulatorladdningstryck reading should also be equal to the pressure in outlet 14, see
2. Justerskruv, tryck i styrsystem next item. Justera vid behov på justerskruv 13.
8 Mätuttag servotryck 35±5 bar, ej justerbart 15.Connect the manometer to test outlet 14. The pressure is set
9 Mätuttag, TILT
individually for each truck and is stated in the delivery specifi-
Skall ha samma tryck som 14
10 Mätuttag, ackumulatorladdning cation and the hydraulic plate. The pressure should be set so
12 Justerskruv, huvudtryckbegränsnings- that the truck can only just lift its rated load at the appropriate
ventil LYFT. Ställs lika med 13 load centre. The pressure should be equal to the pressure in
13 Justerskruv, huvudtryckbegränsnings- outlet 9. Adjust if necessary on adjustment screw 12.
ventil TILT. Ställs lika med 12 16.The adjusting screw must be sealed after making any adjust-
14 Mätuttag, LYFT ment.
Skall ha samma tryck som 9

..to be continued next page.

Mät- och justeringspunkter,
ventilblock och huvudventil
DCE80-100E Main hydraulics TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 18

Pressure side-lift
17.Connect the manometer to test outlet B on the sid-lift sidlyf-
tens main valve.

18.Increase the pump pressure by adjusting screw C.

At 210 bar the main pressure limiting valve should open and
the pressure should not increase further.
The overflowing in the main pressure limiting valve could be
heard in the main valve.
19.Reduce the pressure to 180 bar as read on the manometer.
The adjusting screw must be sealed after making any adjust-
C ment.

20.Connect the manometer to test outlet D

Check the pressure for the different functions of the side-lift by
allowing the function to run to its end position and then read
D the manometer.
The pressures shluld be.
– LEVELLING 180 bar
– SIDESHIFT 130 bar
– TWIST-LOCKS 180 bar
– LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 20-40’ 130bar

E 21.Connect the manometer to test outlet E on the cab tilt control
22.Run the cab tilt to its end position and read the manometer.
The pressure should be 70±5 bar.
Adjust if necessary on adjusting screw F
The adjusting screw must be sealed after making any adjust-
DCE80-100E Steering system TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 19

Steering system
The steering system comprises the steering valve and the steer-
ing cylinder. The system is supplied with fluid from the valve block
adjoining the main valve. An adjustable pressure limiting valve
provides the control pressure.
An LS signal from the steering valve actuates the priority valve in
the valve block to always ensure sufficient supply to the steering






The numbers corrspond to the hydraulic diagram

A = System with separat side-lift hydraulics
24. Steering valve
25. Steering cylinder
31. Tank
37. Throttle-check valve

Steering system
DCE80-100E Steering system TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 20

Orbitrol steering valve

The steering valve is of the closed centre, non-reaction type with
load sensing signal connection to the valve block. The load signal
gives load-dependent control of the fluid pressure from the valve
block to the steering valve. The type closed centre implies that it
closes for flow of fluid between the pump and reservoir in the neu-
tral mode. This is necessary to enable signal pressure to be con-
nected to the steering valve.
The steering valve consists of a gear pump and a distribution
valve. When the steering wheel is turned, fluid is supplied from
the valve block via the gear pump to the distribution valve which
ensures that the flow of fluid will be supplied to the port corre-
sponding to the direction in which the steering wheel has been
turned. Due to the gear pump, the flow of fluid supplied to the
steering cylinder is proportional to the angle through which the
steering wheel has been turned.
A valve block with built-in double shock and suction valves is con-
nected to the steering valve. The shock valves opening at 280
bar, prevent pressure surges caused by blows against the
steered wheels from being propagated to the steering valve. The
suction valves open to prevent vacuum on the opposite side of
the piston, which could lead to cavitation.

1. Steering valve
2. Valve block
3. Double shock valve with suction valve
4. Check valve

Steering valve with valve block

DCE80-100E Steering system TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 21

Item 12 – assembly pattern

Tightening torquet: 30±5 Nm

1. Dust cover 17. Gear set

2. Body – spool – sleeve 18. O-ring
3. Ball 19. End plate
4. Threaded bush 20. Washer
5. O-ring 21. Pin
6. Guide ring 22. Screw with drilled head
7. Front bearing race 23. Locking wire
8. Needle bearing holder 24. Nameplate
9. Rear bearing race 25. Self-tapping screw
10. Ring 26. Spacer
11. Pin 27. Spacer
12. Neutral position springs, 1 set
13. Shaft
14. Spacer
15. O-ring
16. Distributor plate

Steering valve
DCE80-100E Brake system TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 22

Brakesystem – WDB-system
The foot brake system is known as the wet disc brake system, in
which each hub is equipped with a multiple-disc assembly.
The disc assembly comprises stationary discs arranged alter-
nately with a number of rotating discs. The disc assembly is com-
pressed by hydraulic pressure to provided effective braking
action. The assembly is submerged in a hydraulic fluid bath to
dissipate the heat generated by braking. A separate cooling cir-
cuit is provided to cool the hydraulic fluid.
The advantages of the wet disc brake system include the fact that
no adjustment is needed, and that no fading or wear occur. More-
over, the enclosed oil bath keeps the system completely free from
water and impurities.
The brake system comprises three separate hydraulic circuits,
i.e. the foot-brake circuit, the cooling circuit and the parking brake cir-
All circuits are supplied with hydraulic fluid under pressure from
the same hydraulic pump. The brake circuits are supplied from
four hydraulic accumulators and the cooling circuit from the valve
block. Excess fluid from the main hydraulic system is passed on
to the cooling circuit.



41 22



21. Accumulator 38. Pressure switch, disengagement

22. Pressure limiting valve 39. Pressure switch brake lights
31. Tank 40. Pressure switch low brake pressure
32. Service brake valve 41. Pressure switch warning lamp par-
33. Service brake cylinder king brake and seat buzzer.
34. Parking barke valve 42. Accumulator evacuating valve
35. Parking brake cylinder 52. Test outlet brake pressure
36a. Brake cooling curcuit supply
36b. Brake cooling curcuit, return
Brake system, accumulator supply
DCE80-100E Brake system TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 23



36a 36b


31. Tank
33. Service brake cylinder
36a. Brake cooling curcuit supply
36b. Brake cooling curcuit, return
49. Oil cooler

A. From brake pedal

Brake system, cooling circuit supply

DCE80-100E Brake system TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 24

Oil cooler
A cooler with electrically powered fan is used for evacuation of
heat which is generated in the hydraulic system, mainly when
braking frequently.


The numbers correspond to the hydraulic diagram

49. Oil cooler
DCE80-100E Brake system TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 25

Checking the brake system

The figures in the following text refer to the Hydraulic circuit dia-
1 gram. See also Checking the pressures and settings, group 70
page 10
The checks are to be made with the hydraulic system at the work-
ing temperature.
1. Start the engine.
2. Bleed the brake lines
– press the brake pedal
– open carefully the bleed nipple located on the inside of
one of the hubs until oil free of any air starts to flow from
the bleed nipple. tighten the nipple
– repeat the procedure for the other hub.

3. Connect a manometer to the test outlet (10) on the main

1. Bleed nippel valve.
4. Allow the engine to run to full charging pressure as stated on
the hydraulic plate.
See also section Checking of pressures and settings Grupp
70 page 16 - 17.
5. Stop the engine and depress the brake pedal fully. The pres-
52 sure reading in test outlet 52 should be according to the hy-
draulic plate.
6. Release the brake pedal and check that the pressure falls to
7. Check to make sure that there is enough charge in the accu-
mulator to cover at least eight brakings.
8. Check the clutch activating pressure
– Parking brake OFF
– Gear selector in F or R
– Depress the clutch pedal and listen for a clicking sound in
the electrical central unit in the cab.
At the clicking sound, e.g. the clutch being activated, the
pressure reading in outlet 52 should be 30±2 bar.
9. Check the activating pressure for warning lamp LOW
– Connect the manometer to test outlet 10 on the main
– Charge up the accumulator fully.
– Stop the engine, leave ignition key ON and depress the
brake pedal repeadetly.
– The warning lamp LOW BRAKE PRESSURE shoul light
up at 110-115 bar.
10. Check the accumulator’s pre-charging pressure as follows –
it should be according to the hydraulic plate.
11. Open, carefully. the accumulator evacuating valve (42) ,
keeping a check on the manometer in the test outlet (10). At
the specified pre-charging pressure, the pressure should
drop sharply to 0.
12. If the pressure is lower, the pre-charging pressure should be
raised to the correct level using special filling equipment for
nitrogen gas accumulators.

The charging equipment may be handled only by specially

trained personnel.

42 Accumulator evacuating valve

DCE80-100E Parking brake system TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 26

Parking brake
The parking brake consists of a disc brake with a brake cylinder
on the drive axle input shaft. The brake is applied by a heavy
spring in the brake cylinder.
The parking brake can also be used as an EMERGENCY
BRAKE. During emergency braking, the brake linings are sub-
jected to very heavy wear. The linings should therefore be
checked after any emergency braking operations and changed if
1 The parking brake is released by hydraulic pressure being sup-
plied to the cylinder to counteract the spring force.
The brake is controlled electrically by means of a switch adjacent
to the hydraulic levers. The switch is connected to a solenoid
valve which controls the brake cylinder hydraulic supply and re-
KL1739 turn.
When the parking brake is applied, the flow of fluid to the brake
cylinder is interrupted and the fluid in the cylinder is discharged
to the tank. The brake is then applied by the spring in the cylinder.

Bleeding and checking the parking brake

1. Release the parking brake
2. Check that the yoke can move freely on its suspension axles.
If not, this mus be remedied.
3. Carefully open the bleed niple 4, see illustration, tighten the
nipple when oil free from any air comes out.
2 4. Check the plat between between brake pads and brake disc.
the play should be between 1-1.5 mm
Adjust if necessary, see group 40.

Description and adjustment of parking brake cylinder ,

see group 40


1. Switch parking brake

2. Parking brake valve
3. Brake cylinder
4. Bleed nipple

Parking brake
DCE80-100E Hydraulpumpar TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 27

Pump 18 +19 is a kombination pump where the inner section is a
variable piston pump 18 of constant pressure type and the outer
section is a fixed vane pump19.
Pump 20 a+b is a double fixed vane pump.
Variable axialkolvpump, see illustration next page
Pumps 18 that feeds the side-lift attachment is a variable axial
piston pump with five pistons placed in a cylinder rotor. The
stroke length of the pistons is determined by the position of an an-
gled pressure plate. The pistons are secured in slip-shoes that
rotate against the pressure plate. The stroke volume area and the
1. Replaceable cartridge assembly, includes cam area within the pistons are filled with hydraulic fluid during the
ring, rotor, vanes, pins and sideplates suction phase. During the pressure phase, the hydraulic fluid is
2. Front and rear sideplates fed into the pressure lines via a valve plate. A hole in the head of
3. Ball bearing each of the pistons allows hydraulic fluid to be forced out and
4. Front sideplate, is fixed axially by discharge gives a balanced counter pressure from the pressure plate as
pressure to reduce internal leakage well as a film of fluid that lubricates the surfaces and inhibits wear.
5. –
Fixed vanepump, see illustrations below and next page
6. –
7. Vane, is urged outward at suction ramp by pin These pumps consist of a pump casing and a pump unit, and are
force and centrifugal force of simple design. A rotor in the pump unit comprises a number of
8. Cam ring vanes fitted in radial slots. The rotor is driven by a shaft and ro-
9. Suction ramp where unloaded ramp moves out tates in a cam ring. The rotor vanes follow the profile of the cam
10. Pressure ramp with working vanes which press ring, and each vane performs two cycles – each comprising one
likquid towards the discharge port suction stroke and one delivery stroke – per revolution. The fluid
11. Working vane on inor arc seals discharge pres- flows radially through the pump unit.
sure from the suction port The vanes are forced outwards towards the cam ring by centrifu-
12. Discharge ramp where unloaded vane gal force and by thrust pins which are subjected to the same pres-
moves in sure as the pump delivery pressure. This ensures that the vanes
13. Pin cavity is at a steady pressure slightly higher will alwqys be in contact with the cam profile. An fluid film pre-
than at discharge port vents the vanes from coming into metallic contact with the cam
14. Lub side holes, lubricate the sideplate surfaces profile. In the same way, an fluid film prevents metallic contact
15. Pressure pins, force the vanes outward with the side plates.
16. Vanes Since the vanes, ports and pressures are balanced diametrically,
the net load on the rotor is a pure torque caused by the pumping
action. Sturdy shaft bearings carry the forces caused by the
pump drive.

7 10

15 9

13 14
Fast vingpump, dubbel
DCE80-100E Hydraulpumpar TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 28




20 19 18

15 16 2 8

7 10


Fixed vane pump 12. Discharge ramp where unloaded vane

1. Replaceable cartridge assembly, includes cam ring, moves in
rotor, vanes, pins and sideplates 13. Pin cavity is at a steady pressure slightly higher than
2. Front and rear sideplates at discharge port
3. Ball bearing 14. Lub side holes, lubricate the sideplate surfaces
4. Front sideplate, is fixed axially by discharge pressure 15. Pressure pins, force the vanes outward
to reduce internal leakage 16. Vanes
5. – Variable axial piston pump
6. – 17. Cylinderrotor
7. Vane, is urged outward at suction ramp by pin force
and centrifugal force 18. Ställskiva
8. Cam ring 19. Pumpkolv
9. Suction ramp where unloaded ramp moves out 20. Regulator
10. Pressure ramp with working vanes which press likquid 21. Justerskruv, stand-by tryck, 18 bar
towards the discharge port 22. Avlastningsventil
11. Working vane on inor arc seals discharge pressure 23. Justerskruv, pumptryck
from the suction port

Combination pump, variable piston pump and fixed vane pump

DCE80-100E Hydraulic pumps TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 29

Hydraulic pump of gear type

6 Machines that are not equipped with cab tilt supplied with hydrau-
lic pumps of the gear type.
1 The hydraulic pump is directly driven by the engine via splines.
The pump spindles are mounted in plain bearings which are lu-
bricated by the hydraulic fluid flowing through the pump.
Pressure plates on each side of the pump gearwheels seal be-
tween the suction and pressure side.
5 2

1. Pump body
2. Outlet
3. Driving gear
4. Gap between teeth
5. Inlet
6. Driven gear

1. Splines
2. Driving gear
3. Pump body
4. Pressure plate
5. Driven gear

Hydraulic pump
DCE80-100E Hydraulpump TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 30

Hydraulic pumps of gear type

General instructions are given below for service operations that
should be carried out on the pumps and how much wear is ac-
ceptable on the various components before a particular compo-
nent must be replaced.

1. If different sections of the pump must be prised apart, take

great care not to damage any of the machined surfaces. The
use of excessive force may damage the parts.
2. It is essential that all parts are blown clean and wiped with a
lint-free linen cloth before being assembled.
3. If the parts are difficult to fit during assembly, tap with a soft
mallet - never use a steel hammer.
4. The gears are carefully matched, and they must therefore be
kept together as a unit during dismantling. Treat them with
extreme care, so that the shafts and the teeth are not dam-
aged. Avoid touching the shaft ends.
5. Never hammer a plain bearing or roller bearing into place.
Use a press or other suitable tool.
6. Before assembly, fill all ports with hydraulic fluid, so that the
pump is thoroughly lubricated from the start. All pumps must
turn in the intended direction of rotation, since the pressure
will otherwise damage the seals.
7. Hot fluid must not be allowed into a cold pump, since it may
otherwise seize.
8. After starting, run the pump without load and with the engine
running at idling speed for at least two minutes. During this
running-in period, check that the pump does not run hot.
DCE80-100E Hydraulpump TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 31

Permissible wear of the pump components

9. Pump body
The pump pressure presses the pump gears towards the walls of
the body on the low-pressure side, and since the shafts and bear-
ings wear, the pump gears will rub against the body.
If the pump body has worn more than 0.13 mm, it must be
changed. Check by placing a straight edge inside the pump body,
and use feeler gauges to measure the wear.

10. Driven gear

The driven gear must be replaced if any kind of scoring or wear
is found on the shaft ends or teeth.

11. Driving gear

Fit a new driving gear if wear can be felt on the sealing surfaces.

12. Pressure plates

The pressure plates seal at the sides of the pump section. Wear
of the pressure plates will cause internal leakage. The maximum
permissible wear is 0.05 mm. Fit new pressure plates if the exist-
ing ones are scored, worn or pitted.
Check the centres of the pressure plates where the teeth mesh.
Wear here indicates that there are impurities in the fluid. Pitting
indicates cavitation or the formation of gas. Discolouration of the
pressure plates indicates overheating.

13. Dowels
If a dowel or its hole has been damaged, the dowel and possibly
the section containing the dowel must be changed.
If more than reasonable force is needed for pressing in a dowel,
this may be due to inadequately deburred or fouled parts, defor-
mation of the dowel or poor fit of the dowel hole.

14. Plain bearings and roller bearings

If new gears are fitted, the bearings must also be changed. Plain
bearings must be a hard press fit. Roller bearings must be a light
press fit, and it is acceptable if they can be pressed in by hand. If
a bearing can drop out of its seat, the hole is too large.

15. Seals
Replace all rubber and plastic seals, including all O-rings, seals
at the pressure plates, shaft seals and gaskets.
DCE80-100E Accumulator TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 32

The hydraulic system is connected to membrane type accu-mu-
lators which are pre-charged with nitrogen at a pressure of 100
bar. The membrane is forced upward causing the pressure of the
nitrogen to increase as the accumulator becomes charged with
hydraulic fluid. When the hydraulic system requires power from
the accumulator, the membrane presses fluid back into the sys-
The accumulator is fitted at the top with a connection for testing
the pressure of the nitrogen, and for refilling nitrogen with the aid
of special filling equipment.
The pressurized fluid from the accumulator is utilized to power
the driving brake and parking brake systems, and to supply the
42 pressure reducing valve of the servo hydraulics.
An evacuating valve is fitted between the accumulator and reser-
voir. This valve shall be used to relieve the accumulator of pres-
sure before carrying out any work on the hydraulic system.


The hydraulic system includes high-pressure accumula-

42. Accumulator evacuating valve tors. Open the accumulator evacuating valve to release
pressure before working on the hydraulic system.

1. Connection
2. Seal
3. Membrane
4. Safety plate
5. Steel bottle

DCE80-100E High pressure filter TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description, service Group 70 P. 33

High pressure filter

Two high pressure filters located immediately after the pumps are
used to clean the fluid. The filter head is equipped with a by-pass
valve which opens at 5 bar. The opening area is initially small but
gradually increases with the pressure drop across the filter, ie, as
the amount of impurities trapped by the filter cartridge increases.
The filter element is a fibreglass cartridge with an absolute mesh
of 25 µ.

High pressure filter

The high pressure filter for the hydraulic fluid must be changed at
the intervals specified in the lubrication chart.
In addition, the filter must always be changed whenever work has
been carried out on the hydraulic system.
1. Clean the outside of the filter and the area around it.
2. Place a vessel under the filter to collect any spillage.
3. Remove the filter bowl. Use an open-ended or ring spanner.
4. Remove the filter cartridge.
5. Replace the O-ring between the filter head and the bowl and
3 the O-rings on the adapter. The O-rings are packed together
with the filter cartridge.
6. Lubricate the O-ring for the filter head with hydraulic fluid.
7. Carefully clean the filter bowl and fill it half-full with hydraulic
8. Remove the filter cartridge from its package and fit it imme-
9. Fit the bowl and tighten it to a torque of 140 Nm.
1. Filter head
2. Filter bowl 10. Start the engine to purge the system of air, and check that
3. Arrow, flow direction the filter does not leak.

The high pressure filter cartridge must always be changed
when a pump has been exchanged.
The filter must always be fitted with its top arrow pointing
in the flow direction.
DCE80-100E Main valve TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 34

Valve block
Several hydraulic functions are concentrated to a valve block
which is connected directly to the main valve. .

Valve block, main functions:

(Numbering is the same as in the Hydraulic Circuit Diagrams)

1. Accumulator charging valve

2. Pressure limiting valve, steering system
3. Differential valve, providing max. 11 bar difference between
the steering valve LS-signal and the pump pressure
4. Priority valve for the steering circuit
Provides 11 bar initial pressure in the main valve
Actuated by the steering valve LS-signal and ensures that
the steering circuit has sufficient supply
5. Pressure reducing valve for servo to control levers.
6. Relief valve, cooling circuit. Provides max. 1 bar, opens to
the reservoir at higher pressure in the cooling circuit.


1. Main valve
2. Valve block
DCE80-100E Main valve TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 35

Main valve
The main valve, in its standard version, is actuated via a hydraulic
The valve consists of the following main components:
z Inlet section
z Control sections, corresponding to the number of functions
ofthe truck
z Combined control and outlet section
The main valve has a separate inlet and outlet section, and also
a separate main pressure limiting valve for the lifting section. The
entire flow from one of the hydraulic pumps goes to this section.
If the lifting function is not actuated, the flow from this pump goes
instead to the cooling circuit of the driving brake or to the reser-
In addition, any flow from the other pump that is not utilized in the
remaining main hydraulic functions is also supplied. When the lift-
ing function is not actuated, the return flow from this pump goes
1. Inlet section with main pressure limiting to the cooling circuit of the driving brake.
2. Control section
3. Control/outlet section
4. Inlet/control/outlet section, LIFT
5. Valve block

Main valve

1. Inlet section
1a. Main pressure limiting valve
2. Control section
2a. Control spool
3. Control/outlet section

Main valve
DCE80-100E Main valve TDCE01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 36

Control valve for servo control of the main valve

The control valves are integrated into a block, and the number of
valves corresponds to the number of functions of the truck.
Each valve or section is equipped with two pressure reducing
valves. The valve spools are hardened and precision-ground to
minimize any internal leakage.
The control forces are low, and the valve travel is proportional to
the lever travel, which ensures smooth control of the main hy-

1. Adjusting screw for lever travel

2. Pressure reducing valve

Control valve

1. Servo pressure 35 bar

2. Reservoir
3. Lifing


Servo control of the lifting section

DCE80-100E Main valve TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 37

Main valve
The main valve is precision made and must be treated with great
care so that its performance will not be impaired. The following
rules apply whenever service work is carried out.
1. Protect the valve against moisture and dirt. Take particular
care to avoid dirt entering the connection ports. Also protect
the ports from damage by scratching or bruising. Keep un-
connected ports plugged with plastic plugs or the like.
2. Protect the ends of the spools and covers against blows. The
valve spool may be bent if handled carelessly, and it will then
immediately jam on being used.
DCE80-100E Hydraulic cylinders TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 38

Repairs to leaking hydraulic cylinders – replacing

the seal
Never use compressed air for re-
moving the piston from the cylinder. Se also separate information
You could sustain serious injuries.
Supplement Technical Handbook, Hydraulic cylinders
Publ. No. 920937-9279

General instruction applicable to all cylinders

If necessary, see Group 80 for instructions on the dismantling of
the fork carraige and mast.
1. Remove the relevant hydraulic cylinder. Fit immediately pro-
tective caps or plugs to the hydraulic cylinder and hose con-
2. Take the cylinder to the workshop, drain any oil remaining in
it and carefully wash the outside of the cylinder.
3. Dismantle and assemble the cylinder in accordance with the
instructions for that particular cylinder type.
4. Removing the seals:
– Whenever repair work is carried out on hydraulic cylin-
ders, all seals, scraper rings, etc. must be replaced.
1. Screw driver – Take extreme care when removing the seal in the cylinder
2. Lip seal head, to avoid scratching the bottom of the groove, since
3. Scraper ring oil leakage will otherwise occur in the future. Use a screw-
driver as shown in the figure.
– Clean all components very throughly.

5. Fitting of lip seals:

– Fit the seal in the cylinder head with the lip facing inwards
towards the piston. Oil the seal and press it in by hand.
N.B. Don’t use any tools, since the seal may otherwise be
scratched. Even a minute scratch may cause the seal to

6. Fitting the piston seal:

– All piston seals are of the same design and consist of five
components, i.e. a centre sealing ring, two backing rings
and two guide rings.
– Dismantle the piston seal and start by fitting the sealing
ring onto the piston, and then fit the backing rings and the
guide rings. All of this must be done by hand.

1. Sealing ring
2. Backing rings
3. Guide rings
4. Piston head
DCE80-100E Hydraulic cylinders TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 39

Lubrication of single acting cylinders

1. This type of cylinders have no oil supply on the piston side.
If the cylinders are operated in a limited stroke (1), there is a
risk of corrosion damage to the upper part of the cylinder in-
ner surface (4).
2 2. Loosen the breather filter (2).
3. Inject 300-500 ml of oil into the filter connector (3).
4. Operate the cylinder in its full tavel a number of times until no
4 more oil is pressed out from the connector (3).


1. Normal operating stroke

2. Breather filter
3. Filter connector
4. Area with corrosion risk
DCE80-100E Hydraulic cylinders TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 40

Lifting cylinder
1. The cylinder head is fitted ito the cylinder tube with 12
screws and nuts

2. Note that the lowering brake valve is integrated in the cylin-

der tube

1. Pin
2. Lowering brake valve
3. Piston rod guide
4. Cylinder tube
5. Piston rod tube
6. Spacer
7. Nut
8. Washer
9. O-ring
10. Screw
11. Cylinder head
12. Piston rod guide
13. Seal
14. Wiper
15. Air venting valve

Lift cylinder
DCE80-100E Hydraulic cylinders TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 41

Steering cylinder
1. The steering cylinder has a double-acting piston, with the
piston seal in the centre.
2. ,On each side of the cylinder tube there is a cyllinder head
which is fixed to the cylinder tube by means of a locking ring.
At disassembly, the O-ring could be jammed in the locking
ring groove thus making it very difficult to pull the piston out
of the cylinder tube. For instructions on disassembly, see
Supplement Technical Handbook, Hydraulic cylinders, publ
No. 920937-9279.

1. Steering cylinder 7. Wiper

2. Cylinder tube 8. O-ring
3. Piston rod 9. Back-up ring
4. Seal kit 10. Cylinder head
5. Piston seal 11. Locking ring
6. Seal 12. Washer Steering cylinder
DCE80-100E Hydraulic cylinders TDCE01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 42

Tilt cylinder
1. The tilt cylinder is fitted with a clevis mounts. The piston rod
clevis is threaded onto the piston rod and is secured by lock-
nuts and locking plate.
2. The cylinder head is threaded and attached to the cylinder
tube with flange screws.
See also group 80 for Control of tilt cylinders

1. Guide 11. Piston rod seal

2. Piston seal 12. Cylinder head
6. Cylinder tube 13. Skruv
7. Piston rod 14. Wiper
8. O-ring 15. Screw
9. Back-up ring 16. Washer
10. Guide 17. Clevis mount

Tilt cylinder
DCE80-100E Empty page TDCE01
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 43
DCE80-100E Hydraulic diagram TDCE01
Technical Handbook Components Group 70 P. 44

Hydraulic circuit diagram

Components A06195.0500/0600
1. Accumulator charging valve
2. Pressure limiting valve, steering system
3. Differential valve, gives max. 11 bar difference between
LS-signal of the steering valve and the pump pressure
4. Priority valve for steering circuit. Gives 11 bar basic pressure
in the main valve. Actuated by LS-signal of the steering valve
and ensures sufficient supply to the steering system.
5. Pressure reducing valve for servo to the control levers
6. Safety valve in cooling circuit, permits max. 1 bar, opens to
the reservoir in event of higher pressure in the cooling sys-
7. Test point, brake system cooling circuit, max. 1,5 bar
8. Test point, servo pressure, non-adjustable
9. Test point, main hydraulics
(Shall be same pressure as 14)
10. Test point, accumulator charging
11. Test point, steering system
12. Main pressure limiting valve
Set the same as 13
13. Main pressure limiting valve
Set the same as 12
14. Test point, separate lifting section
Shall be same pressure as 9
15. Test point, LS-signal from steering valve
16. Control valve, LIFT
17. Control valve, TILT
18. Control valve, SIDESHIFTING
19. Control valve, LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 20’-40’
20. Hydraulic pump
21. Hydraulic accumulator, pre-charging pressure
22. Pressure limiting valve
23. High pressure filter
24. Orbitrol steering valve
25. Steering cylinder
26. Lifting cylinder
27. Lowering brake valve
28. Tilting cylinders
29. Counter pressure valve
30. Sideshifting cylinder
31. Hydraulic reservoir
32. Foot brake valve
33. Brake cylinders, foot brake
34. Parking brake valve
35. Parking brake cylinder
36. Oil cooled brake discs
37. Throttle-check valve for tank return counter pressure
38. Pressure switch, inching
39. Pressure switch, brake lights
40. Pressure switch, low brake pressure
41. Pressure switch, indicating lamp parking brake and seal
42. Accumulator evacuating valve
43. Control levers
44. Control valve TWIST-LOCKS
45. Solenoid valves, interlocking system TWIST-LOCKS
46. Solenoid valve, interlocking system LIFT
47. Hydraulic cylinder, LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 20’-40’
48. Hydraulic cylinder, TWIST-LOCKS
49. Hydraulicil cooler, brake system cooling circuit
50. Breather filter
51. Electro-hydraulic converters
52. Test point, brake pressure
DCE80-100E Hydraulic diagram TDCE01
Technical Handbook Components Group 70 P. 45














20a 20b















Hydraullic system, electric servo A06195.0500

DCE80-100E Hydraulic diagram TDCE01
Technical Handbook Components Group 70 P. 46

Hydraulic circuit diagram

Components A06195.0500/0600
1. Accumulator charging valve
2. Pressure limiting valve, steering system
3. Differential valve, gives max. 11 bar difference between
LS-signal of the steering valve and the pump pressure
4. Priority valve for steering circuit. Gives 11 bar basic pressure
in the main valve. Actuated by LS-signal of the steering valve
and ensures sufficient supply to the steering system.
5. Pressure reducing valve for servo to the control levers
6. Safety valve in cooling circuit, permits max. 1 bar, opens to
the reservoir in event of higher pressure in the cooling sys-
7. Test point, brake system cooling circuit, max. 1,5 bar
8. Test point, servo pressure, non-adjustable
9. Test point, main hydraulics
(Shall be same pressure as 14)
10. Test point, accumulator charging
11. Test point, steering system
12. Main pressure limiting valve
Set the same as 13
13. Main pressure limiting valve
Set the same as 12
14. Test point, separate lifting section
Shall be same pressure as 9
15. Test point, LS-signal from steering valve
16. Control valve, LIFT
17. Control valve, TILT
18. Control valve, SIDESHIFTING
19. Control valve, LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 20’-40’
20. Hydraulic pump
21. Hydraulic accumulator, pre-charging pressure
22. Pressure limiting valve
23. High pressure filter
24. Orbitrol steering valve
25. Steering cylinder
26. Lifting cylinder
27. Lowering brake valve
28. Tilting cylinders
29. Counter pressure valve
30. Sideshifting cylinder
31. Hydraulic reservoir
32. Foot brake valve
33. Brake cylinders, foot brake
34. Parking brake valve
35. Parking brake cylinder
36. Oil cooled brake discs
37. Throttle-check valve for tank return counter pressure
38. Pressure switch, inching
39. Pressure switch, brake lights
40. Pressure switch, low brake pressure
41. Pressure switch, indicating lamp parking brake and seal
42. Accumulator evacuating valve
43. Control levers
44. Control valve TWIST-LOCKS
45. Solenoid valves, interlocking system TWIST-LOCKS
46. Solenoid valve, interlocking system LIFT
47. Hydraulic cylinder, LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 20’-40’
48. Hydraulic cylinder, TWIST-LOCKS
49. Hydraulicil cooler, brake system cooling circuit
50. Breather filter
51. Electro-hydraulic converters
52. Test point, brake pressure
DCE80-100E Hydraulic diagram TDCE01
Technical Handbook Components Group 70 P. 47















20a 20b















Hydraulsystem, hydraulservo A06195.0600

DCE80-100E Hydraulic diagram TDCE01
Technical Handbook Components Group 70 P. 48

Hydraulic circuit diagram

Components A44866.0100
1. Accumulator charging valve
2. Pressure limiting valve, steering system
3. Differential valve, gives max. 11 bar difference between
LS-signal of the steering valve and the pump pressure
4. Priority valve for steering circuit. Gives 11 bar basic pressure
in the main valve. Actuated by LS-signal of the steering valve
and ensures sufficient supply to the steering system.
5. Pressure reducing valve for servo to the control levers
6. Safety valve in cooling circuit, permits max. 1 bar, opens to
the reservoir in event of higher pressure in the cooling sys-
7. Test point, brake system cooling circuit, max. 1,5 bar
8. Test point, servo pressure, non-adjustable
9. Test point, main hydraulics
(Shall be same pressure as 14)
10. Test point, accumulator charging
11. Test point, steering system
12. Main pressure limiting valve
Set the same as 13
13. Main pressure limiting valve
Set the same as 12
14. Test point, separate lifting section
Shall be same pressure as 9
15. Test point, LS-signal from steering valve
16. Control valve, LIFT
17. Control valve, TILT
18. Variabel hydraulpump, matning aggregat
19. Hydraulic pump, feed accumulator charging, TILT
20a.Hydraulic pump, feed LIFT
20b.Hydraulic pump, feed CAB-TILT (Optional eqquipment
21. Hydraulic accumulator, pre-charging pressure
22. Pressure limiting valve
23. High pressure filter
24. Orbitrol steering valve
25. Steering cylinder
26. Lifting cylinder
27. Lowering brake valve
28. Tilting cylinders
29. Counter pressure valve
30. Sideshifting cylinder
31. Hydraulic reservoir
32. Foot brake valve
33. Brake cylinders, foot brake
34. Parking brake valve
35. Parking brake cylinder
36. Oil cooled brake discs
37. Throttle-check valve for tank return counter pressure
38. Pressure switch, inching
39. Pressure switch, brake lights
40. Pressure switch, low brake pressure
41. Pressure switch, indicating lamp parking brake and seal
42. Accumulator evacuating valve
43. Control levers
44. Control valve TWIST-LOCKS
45. Solenoid valves, interlocking system TWIST-LOCKS
46. Solenoid valve, interlocking system LIFT
47. Hydraulic cylinder, LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 20’-40’
48. Hydraulic cylinder, TWIST-LOCKS
49. Hydraulicil cooler, brake system cooling circuit
50. Breather filter
51. Electro-hydraulic converters
52. Test point, brake pressure
53. Control valve, CAB-TILT (Optional equipment)
54. Connector for side-lift attachment
DCE80-100E Hydraulic diagram TDCE01
Technical Handbook Components Group 70 P. 49







23 23

19 20a

















Hydraulic system, hydraulic servo A44866.0100

DCE80-100E Empty page TDCE01
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 50

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