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Nirma University

6CS153 Internet of Things
Course project report


1 Project Title: Smart Parking

2 Authors (student name (roll no)):

1. Niragi Brahmakshatriya (23MCA005)

2. Ayushi Desai(23MCA011)

3. Khyati Kadchha(23MCA022)

3 Description of the Problem that will be addressed by this project (15-20 lines):

Urban congestion and inefficient parking space utilization are major challenges in urban areas.
Drivers often spend excessive time searching for available parking spots, leading to traffic
congestion, increased fuel consumption, and environmental pollution. Furthermore, the lack of real-
time information on parking availability contributes to the problem, exacerbating urban mobility
issues and causing frustration among drivers.

4 Solutions proposed by other authors to solve the problem discussed in section-3 (Summarize
work from 3 to 4 papers) Write the four paragraphs

1. Title:PARKIT: An Android-based Real Time Smart Parking System using IoT

Author:Shruti Agarwal

The paper presents a solution to the problem of car parking in smart cities by implementing
an Android application with an IoT module. The Android application allows users to search
for nearby parking spaces, reserve multiple slots, and navigate to the selected location. The
application also automatically notifies users of nearby parking locations in real time and
provides alerts until the parking of a car is completed within the allotted boundaries. The
IoT model used in the system consists of various circuits and components, including sensors
connected to the parking area and interfaced with the mobile application through the cloud.
The proposed model includes features such as guiding vehicle drivers to specific slots, the
ability to cancel bookings, and the option to make future reservations conveniently in
advance. The model also includes a push notification facility to inform users of empty
parking lots nearby, contributing to a smart and efficient traffic management system. The
user has the flexibility to book one or more empty slots for any time period, with the
amount to be paid varying based on the selected parking duration.

2. Title: Quality of Services in Assets of Smart Parking

Author:Shiksha Singh

The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of climate change on
agricultural productivity in developing countries. The study uses a panel dataset from 1980
to 2010 and employs a fixed-effects regression model to estimate the relationship between
temperature and agricultural output. The results show that higher temperatures have a
negative effect on crop yields, with a 1°C increase leading to a 5% decrease in productivity.
The paper also examines the role of adaptation strategies, such as irrigation and crop
diversification, in mitigating the negative effects of climate change. The findings suggest
that these strategies can help to offset some of the productivity losses, but their
effectiveness varies across regions and crops. Overall, the study highlights the urgent need
for climate change adaptation measures in the agricultural sector to ensure food security in
developing countries.

3. Title:Smart Parking: Novel Framework of Secure Smart

Parking Solution using 5G Technology

Author:Ibrahim Tamam

This paper presents a robust framework for a secure smart parking system harnessing the
capabilities of 5G technology to address various limitations in existing parking systems. By
efficiently allocating parking slots based on vehicle size, enhancing security through a
mobile app-generated secure code, providing real-time parking information, and offering
convenient in-app payment options, the proposed framework aims to revolutionize the
parking experience in smart cities. Leveraging 5G's high speed, low latency, and large
capacity, the system enables features like instant slot booking, secure in-app payments, and
optimized space allocation. The comprehensive approach seeks to improve traffic flow,
reduce congestion, and elevate the overall efficiency and security of parking.
Considerations for implementation challenges, costs, and comparisons with existing
solutions, as well as potential integration with other smart city initiatives, could further
enhance the framework's applicability and significance.

4. Title:Towards a Smart Parking Management System for Smart Cities

Author: Paul Melnyk

This paper introduces a Smart Parking Management System (SPMS) as a solution to
address the inefficiencies inherent in existing parking systems, which often result in wasted
time and traffic congestion. The proposed SPMS employs sensors and a mobile app to
deliver real-time information on parking availability, guiding drivers to the nearest vacant
spot and assisting them in locating their parked cars. Through testing in a small-scale
testbed, the authors observed the system's effectiveness in significantly reducing search
time and enhancing overall parking efficiency. The findings suggest that the SPMS has the
potential to alleviate challenges associated with parking in urban areas, offering a promising
solution to enhance efficiency and reduce traffic congestion. However, the need for further
research and testing in real-world settings is emphasized for comprehensive validation.
5 Proposed Solution

The Smart Parking project aims to address the challenges by leveraging IoT technology to create a
real-time parking management system. By deploying sensors in parking spaces and utilizing data
analysis algorithms, the system will provide drivers with accurate information on available parking
spots. This will enable drivers to quickly locate vacant parking spaces, reducing traffic congestion
and cutting down on unnecessary fuel consumption. Additionally, the system will optimize parking
space utilization, leading to more efficient use of existing infrastructure and a reduction in the need
for new parking facilities.Through sensors and data analysis, the system will provide real-time
information to drivers, enabling them to locate vacant parking spaces quickly and efficiently, thus
improving traffic flow and reducing carbon emissions. Overall, the Smart Parking project aims to
revolutionize urban mobility by leveraging IoT technology to create a more sustainable and
efficient parking ecosystem.

5.1 Describe the proposed solution with a suitable concept/component diagram (Block diagram).
Write ½ half page to 1 page of text and add the said figure here and do cite the figure inside
the surrounding description para. Also add cation for the figure.
5.2 Draw the circuit diagram showing the implementation of the concept diagram and explain
the working of the entire concept with suitable flowcharts/activity diagram. Do write min
1page and max 2 pages for the working of the concept.
Working of the Concept:

1. RFID Sensor Integration:

● RFID sensors are installed at the entry and exit points of each parking space.

● Each vehicle is equipped with an RFID tag containing unique identification


● When a vehicle approaches the entry point, the RFID sensor reads the tag's
information, identifying the vehicle and its corresponding parking space.

2. Arduino Uno Control:

● Arduino Uno acts as the central processing unit, receiving data from RFID sensors
and controlling servo motors.

● Upon detecting a vehicle at the entry point, Arduino Uno receives the RFID tag
information and checks the parking space's availability in the system.
3. Parking Space Management:

● If the parking space is available, Arduino Uno activates the servo motor to open the
parking barrier, allowing the vehicle to enter.

● The system updates the parking space status to "occupied" in the database.

● If the parking space is already occupied or unavailable, Arduino Uno prevents the
barrier from opening and notifies the driver through indicators or a display.

4. Vehicle Exit Process:

● When the vehicle exits the parking space, it passes through the exit point equipped
with another RFID sensor.

● The RFID sensor reads the vehicle's RFID tag information, confirming its
identity and parking space.

● Arduino Uno receives the exit signal and updates the parking space status to
"vacant" in the database.

● The servo motor is activated to open the parking barrier, allowing the vehicle to exit.

5. IR Sensor

● Detection: IR sensors emit infrared radiation and detect changes in its intensity
caused by vehicles entering or exiting.

● Arduino Integration: Signals from IR sensors connect to an Arduino Uno. It

processes these signals to manage parking space availability.

● Management: Arduino verifies space availability. If a space is free, it opens the

barrier for entry. If occupied, it alerts the driver.

● Feedback: Feedback mechanisms like LEDs or a mobile app inform drivers of space
availability and barrier status.

6. User Interface and Feedback:

● The system can include a user interface, such as a mobile app or display panel, to
provide real-time information to drivers.
● Drivers can check the availability of parking spaces and receive instructions on
where to park.

● Feedback mechanisms such as LED indicators or messages on the display panel

inform drivers about the status of parking barriers and their entry/exit permissions.

5.3 List all subcomponents of the components of the concept diagram. Add the diagram for each
component (Ex esp32, rain sensor, DC motor, I2C converter etc) and label the parts of the
component which is used in the circuit diagram drawn in section 5.2. Describe the working of
each subcomponent and provide its data sheet ( ex-input power, output voltage, analog
pins/digital pins/other pins its corresponding GPIO number and write the meaning of each of
the only pins used in your circuit diagram to connect various subcomponents/things shown in
section 5.2. Example shown below

● Component A shown in the circuit diagram:

1. The MFRC255 RFID Reader Module

2. Connecting the MFRC522 RFID module with Arduino

3. IR Sensors
5.4 Discuss the use of cloud services with its technical description and the purpose to use it in the
said solution. Also explain with suitable screenshots of how to create and configure the

No Cloud Service used

5.5 Discuss the communication aspects between the components and cloud services. Also explain
the communication model and protocols used for establishing communication between IoT
component/Things and IoT component and services.

No Cloud Service used

5.6 Provide the code for each IoT component and Cloud service and explain briefly the libraries
imported in this program with it source URL and purpose to use it. Discuss the meaning of
each statement in the code snippet of the programs.

#include <SPI.h>

#include <MFRC522.h>

#include <Servo.h>

#include <Wire.h>
#define SS_PIN 10

#define RST_PIN 9

MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);

Servo gateServo; // Define a servo object for the gate

Servo myservo; // Define a servo object for other purposes

Servo parkingServo; // Define a servo object for parking

int pos = 0; // Variable to store the servo position

int gatePos = 0; // Variable to store the gate servo position

int parkingPos = 0; // Variable to store the parking servo position

int IR1 = 3;

int Slot = 1; // Total number of parking Slots

int flag1 = 0;

int flag2 = 0;

void setup() {

pinMode(IR1, INPUT);

pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // Define pin 7 as output for denied access indication

pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // Define pin 6 as output for authorized access


myservo.attach(6); // Attach the servo to pin 6

gateServo.write(0); // Close the gate initially

parkingServo.write(100); // Set parking servo to initial position

Serial.begin(9600); // Initiate serial communication

SPI.begin(); // Initiate SPI bus

mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Initiate MFRC522

Serial.println("Approximate your card to the reader...");


void loop() {

// Look for new cards

if (!mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) {


// Select one of the cards

if (!mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {


// Show UID on the serial monitor

Serial.print("UID tag :");

String content = "";

for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++) {

Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");

Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);

content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " "));

content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX));


Serial.print("Message : ");


if (content.substring(1) == "71 D8 9B 1B") // Change the UID here

if (Slot > 0) {

Serial.println("Authorized access");


for (pos = 0; pos <= 180; pos += 1) { // goes from 0 degrees to 180

// in steps of 1 degree

myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in

variable 'pos'

delay(15); // waits 15ms for the servo to

reach the position

Slot--; // Decrease available slots

} else {

Serial.println("No available parking slots");



} else {

Serial.println("Access denied");



for (pos = 180; pos >= 0; pos -= 1) { // goes from 180 degrees to 0

myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in


delay(15); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach

the position


// IR Sensor logic

if (digitalRead(IR1) == LOW && flag1 == 0) {

if (Slot > 0) {

flag1 = 1;

if (flag2 == 0) {


Slot = Slot - 1;

if (flag1 == 1 && flag2 == 1) {



flag1 = 0;

flag2 = 0;

Serial.print("Slot Left: ");




// Function to indicate denied access

void indicateDeniedAccess() {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

digitalWrite(7, HIGH);


digitalWrite(7, LOW);


5.7 Screen shots of the assembled solution/output and URL of the video showing the working of
the said solution
Video link:

5.8 Total cost of building this solution with the url of the sources from where the components are

Available device used

5.9 Benefits and limitations of the said solution

Benefits of the Smart Parking Solution:

1. Reduced Traffic Congestion: By providing drivers with real-time information on available

parking spots, the smart parking system helps reduce the time spent searching for parking, thereby
lowering traffic congestion in urban areas.

2. Fuel Consumption Reduction: With the ability to quickly locate vacant parking spaces, drivers
can minimize unnecessary driving around in search of parking, leading to a reduction in fuel
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Optimized Space Utilization: The system optimizes parking space utilization by efficiently
managing parking allocations. This results in better utilization of existing parking infrastructure and
reduces the need for constructing new parking facilities, thus saving resources and space.

4. Improved User Experience: Drivers benefit from a more convenient parking experience with
reduced search times and streamlined entry and exit processes, enhancing overall user satisfaction.

5. Enhanced Urban Mobility: By reducing traffic congestion and improving parking efficiency, the
smart parking solution contributes to enhanced urban mobility, making cities more accessible and
livable for residents and visitors alike.
Limitations of the Smart Parking Solution:

1. Initial Setup Cost: Implementing a smart parking system involves upfront costs for installing
sensors, communication infrastructure, and software development. This initial investment may pose
a barrier to adoption, particularly for smaller municipalities or parking operators with limited

2. Maintenance Requirements: Like any IoT infrastructure, the smart parking system requires
ongoing maintenance to ensure proper functioning of sensors, communication networks, and
software platforms. Maintenance costs and efforts need to be factored into the overall operational

3. Data Privacy and Security Concerns: The collection and storage of data on parking space
occupancy raise privacy and security concerns. Ensuring the protection of user data and preventing
unauthorized access to sensitive information is critical to maintaining user trust and compliance
with data protection regulations.

4. Limited Coverage and Accuracy: The effectiveness of the smart parking system depends on the
coverage and accuracy of the sensor network. In densely populated areas or underground parking
lots, signal interference or obstructions may affect the reliability of parking space detection, leading
to inaccuracies in available space information.

5. Dependency on Technology Infrastructure: The smart parking solution relies on technology

infrastructure such as internet connectivity and power supply. Any disruptions or failures in these
systems could affect the reliability and availability of the parking information, potentially
inconveniencing drivers and operators.

Despite these limitations, the benefits of the smart parking solution in reducing traffic congestion,
fuel consumption, and optimizing parking space utilization make it a promising approach for
enhancing urban mobility and sustainability in cities. Continued advancements in IoT technology
and data analytics can address some of the existing challenges and further improve the
effectiveness of smart parking systems.

5.1 Future scope of adding more features and functionalities


The future scope of the smart parking solution extends beyond its initial implementation, offering
opportunities to add more features and functionalities to enhance its effectiveness and usability.
Here are several potential areas for future development:

1. Dynamic Pricing: Introducing dynamic pricing based on demand and availability can incentivize
more efficient use of parking spaces. The system can adjust parking fees in real-time, encouraging
drivers to park in less congested areas or during off-peak hours.

2. Reservation System: Implementing a reservation system allows drivers to pre-book parking

spaces, ensuring availability and reducing uncertainty. Integration with mobile apps or online
platforms enables users to reserve and pay for parking in advance, streamlining the parking

3. Integration with Navigation Apps: Integrating the smart parking solution with popular navigation
apps provides drivers with seamless navigation to available parking spaces. Real-time updates on
parking availability can be overlaid on navigation maps, guiding drivers to their destinations

4. Parking Guidance System: Utilizing signage, LED displays, or mobile notifications, a parking
guidance system directs drivers to available parking spaces within a parking facility. Visual cues
and real-time updates help optimize traffic flow and improve overall parking management.
5. Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Integration: Incorporating EV charging stations into parking
facilities enables drivers of electric vehicles to conveniently recharge their vehicles while parked.
The system can provide information on the availability of charging stations and manage charging
sessions based on demand.

6. Smart Parking Analytics: Implementing advanced analytics capabilities allows operators to gain
insights into parking patterns, usage trends, and revenue generation. Data-driven decision-making
can optimize parking operations, pricing strategies, and infrastructure investments.

7. Multi-modal Integration: Integrating smart parking with other transportation modes, such as
public transit or bike-sharing systems, offers users seamless intermodal connectivity. Parking
information can be combined with transit schedules or bike availability, facilitating multi-modal

8. Environmental Monitoring: Adding environmental sensors to parking facilities enables

monitoring of air quality, noise levels, and other environmental factors. This data can inform urban
planning decisions and contribute to creating healthier and more sustainable urban environments.

9. Enhanced Security Features: Incorporating video surveillance, license plate recognition, and
access control systems enhances security and safety in parking facilities. Real-time alerts and
monitoring capabilities help deter theft, vandalism, and unauthorized access.

10. Accessibility Features: Implementing features such as designated accessible parking spaces,
wayfinding for individuals with disabilities, and mobile apps with accessibility features improves
inclusivity and accessibility for all users.

By continuously innovating and expanding the functionality of the smart parking solution,
stakeholders can address evolving urban mobility challenges, improve user experiences, and
contribute to building smarter, more sustainable cities. Collaborating with technology partners,
urban planners, and transportation authorities can help unlock the full potential of smart parking
systems in shaping the future of urban mobility.

5.1 Stakeholders of this solution


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