Seminar Topics
Seminar Topics
Seminar Topics
Living in a wireless world is not a distant dream anymore. The Bluetooth technology is the
current killer technical application with promising future, which brings us closer to that end.
Bluetooth technology is a wireless, automatic art of connection that is aimed at simplifying
and communicating in the Internet and data synchronization facilitating cable replacement
technology. It works on a universal medium to bridge the complex data networks, peripheral
interfaces to form a short-range digital radio frequency 2.4GHz in a wide range of 10mts. The
blue tooth technology has proven to be the elixir to industrial specifications for wireless
Personal Area Network (PAN), requiring little bandwidth with significant features of
robustness, low power and low-cost efficiency. It supports the personal bubble, which
transmits both voice and data for multiple devices connected in a Piconet or Scatter net. Blue
tooth wireless technology is designed to secure with unto 128bit public or private key
authentication and stream lining chipher upt064 bit, proving 5 thick layers of security.
Living in a wireless world is not a distant dream anymore. Bluetooth is the current killer
application with promising future which brings us to that end. Bluetooth is a wireless,
automatic connection that is aimed at simplifying and communicating in the internet and data
synchronization facilitating cable replacement technology. It works on a universal medium to
bridge the data networks, peripheral interfaces to form a short range digital unlicensed radio
frequency of 2.4GHz in a wide range of 10mts. Due to their independence on short range
radio link, Bluetooth devices do not require a line of site connection in order to communicate.
Bluetooth technology has proven to be elixir to industrial specification for wireless, personal
area network (PAN) requiring little bandwidth with significant features of robustness, low
power and low-cost efficiency. It has created a strong undercurrent in the technical space
since it is so economic, practical and reliable. The peer-to-peer Connections help in
worldwide applications having global standards.
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up to 10 piconets can exist within the 10-meter bubble. Each piconet support up to 3
simultaneous full duplex voice devices. The gross data rate is 1 Mb/s, but the actual data rate
is 432 kbps for full duplex transmission, 721/56kbps for asymmetric transmission, and 384
kbps for tms2000 transmission. Bluetooth wireless technology is designed to be as secure as a
wire with up to 1 28-bit public/private key authentication, and streaming cipher up to 64 bits
based on a 5 security.
Network arrangement:
Bluetooth network arrangements (topology) can be either point-to-point or point-to-
multipoint. Any unit in a piconet can establish a connection to another piconet to form a
scatter net. See the figure, which diagrams a scatter net in which piconet A, which consists of
four units, is connected to piconet B, network.
Data transmission: Data can be transmitted both synchronously and asynchronously. The
Synchronous Connection Oriented (SCO) method is used primarily for voice, and
Asynchronous Connectionless (ACL) is primarily for data. Within a piconet, each master-
slave pair can use a different transmission mode, and modes can be changed at any time.
Time Division Duplex (TDD) is used by both SCO and ACL, and both support 16 types of
packets, four of which are control packets that are the same in each type.
Voice/Data Access Points: A voice/data access point is one of the key initial usage
models and involves connecting a computing device to a communicating device via a secure
wireless link (see Figure 1). For example, a mobile computer equipped with Bluetooth
technology could link to a mobile phone that uses Bluetooth technology to connect to the
Internet to access e-mail. The mobile phone acts as a personal access point. Even more ideal,
the notebook can connect to the Internet while the cell phone is being carried in a briefcase or
purse. The Bluetooth usage model also envisions public data access points in the future.
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Figure 1: Voice/data access points
1. Smart Home
2. The Internet Bridge
3. Automatic Check-in
4. The Three-in-one Phone
The typical architectures for wireless technology say that blue tooth has produced a strong
undercurrent in technical space, and suggested this will continue to rise rapidly. Bluetooth
technology is barely tapped. If things pan-out for Bluetooth, may be Bill Gate's vision of
every device talking to each other will become a_solution for low-medium speed device
connectivity. It uses the ad-hoc technology for audio transmissions which make them cost
effective, thus making then very practical. It has punched in great momentum in the industrial
sector. It’s a omni-directional technology not requiring any line-of-sight and providing high
levels of security. it’s a Cable Replacing technology is finding its applications in Smart
Home, Internet Bridging. Thus, it is an international technology having global standards. and
it has etched golden pages in the history of the "Art of Connectivity”.
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2. Surveillance Camera System
Definition of an embedded system is various type of computer system or computing device
that performs a dedicated function and/or is designed for the use with a specific embedded
software application. Embedded systems may use a combination of read-only as well as with
read-write based operating system. But an embedded system is not usable as a commercially
viable substitute for general- purpose computers or devices.
Video surveillance system is a surveillance system which uses a camera to detect the object
and transmit the information to remote host, it addresses real time observation leading to a
description of actions and interactions. The camera used in the surveillance system has
different covering ranges. There are cameras which cover small ranges which are basically
used for an indoor application such as in house, Factories, industries, banks and many
restricted areas etc.
The main purpose of this project is to capture video by using surveillance camera control
system in remote areas where security is needed. This technology is widely used for the
banks, shops, historical places where it requires lot of security.
In this system the surveillance camera control system will be controlled through the
intelligent Micro controller systems which in turn control various stepper motor. Previously
the DC motor is used to control the surveillance camera but by using DC motor precision is
not obtained. Therefore, we use stepper motor to obtain 100% accuracy areas we need to
cover a wider range.
Diagram of Transmitter
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Block Diagram of Receiver
• Widely used for monitoring
• Video meeting
• Video E-mail
• Video door bell
• Video phone
• Computer
• Car reverse
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Advantages and Applications:
❖ Internet based remote camera control system for remote areas using PC.
❖ Home security camera system, security camera system: PC based security provides
security camera system equipment to make covert video security which allows you to
take advantage of your existing PC to record security video.
❖ Video surveillance system designed for homes and small business that
manages your video digitally from the camera to the PC
❖ The main advantages of a security system based on commodity components
provides a network of analogue or IP cameras and PC-based monitoring
❖ NAVTEX broadcast system control of a PC based surveillance camera
control system with secure ports of high-resolution surveillance camera,
controlled accesses, and scanners.
❖ PC-based surveillance camera control system provides multitasking with
access control.
❖ Aircraft identification integrated into an airport surface surveillance video system.
PC based surveillance system consist of microcontroller, max232, L293D driver,
regulated power supply and stepper motor. The microcontroller operates at 1105MHz and
at a baud rate of 9.6k. The MAX232is a dual driver/receiver that includes capacitive
voltage generator to supply voltage levels from a single 5-V supply. The max232 is used
to provide serial communication for microcontroller.
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3. ATM Security Using Eye and Facial Recognition
With the support of ATM, though banking becomes easier but the chances of fraud are on
rampant. There has been countless number of mishap and misrepresentations which usually
occurs of in banking transactions. Thus, there is a dire need for development of such system
which would serve to protect the consumers from fraud and other breaches of security. This
paper proposes the alliance of Face Recognition System for verification process and
enhancing the security in the banking region.
The rise of technology into India has brought into force many types of equipment that aim at
more customer satisfaction. ATM is one such machine which made money transaction easy
for customers to the bank. But it has both advantages and disadvantages. Current ATMs
make use of naught more than an access card and PIN for uniqueness confirmation. [1]This
has ATM Using Face Recognition System demonstrate the way to a lot of fake attempt and
mistreatment through card theft, PIN theft, stealing and hacking of customers account
details and other parts of security. This process would effectively become details and other
part of security. This process would effectively become an exercise in pattern matching,
which would not require a great deal of time.
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How Do They Work:
A database of people face is maintained by the system that handles face detection. There are
typically 3 parts related to a face recognition:
• Face-detector
• Eye-localizer
• Face-recognizer
The face detector spots the face, eliminating any other detail, not related to the face (like the
backdrop). It identifies the facial region and leaves the non-facial region in the photo of the
person to be identified.
It finds the spot of the eyes; so that the position of the face can be identify better
The first and foremost important step of this system will be to locate a powerful open-source
facial recognition program that uses local feature analysis and that is targeted at facial
verification. Various facial recognition algorithms be familiar with faces by extracting
features, from a snap of the subject's face. For ex, an algorithm may examine the size, relative
position, in addition to/or outline of the nose, eyes, cheekbone and jaw. These facial
appearances are then used to search for other imagery across matching features. Other
algorithm manages a balcony of face images and then compresses the images face
information and it saves only the data in the image that is used for face detection.
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How The System Works
When a customer puts in a bankcard, a stereo camera locates the face, find the eye and take a
digital image of iris at a distance of up to two to three feet. The result computerized, iris
codes compared with one of the customers will initially provide the bank. ATM won’t work if
the two codes don’t match. The camera also does not use any kind of beam. Instead, a special
lens has been developed that will not only blow up the image of the iris, but provide more
detail when it does. Iris scans are more accurate than other high-tech id system available that
scan voices and fingerprints.
Advantages of ATM security using eye and facial recognition include;
• span banking
• securing financial transactions
• safeguarding sensitive customer data
• fostering a more robust and user-friendly banking experience.
We thus develop an ATM model which provides security by using Facial verification
software Adding up facial recognition systems to the identity confirmation process used in
ATMs can reduce forced transactions to a great extent. Using a 2d and 3d technology for
identification is strong and it is further fortified when another is used at authentication level.
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4. Electronic Toll Collection
Electronic Toll Collection is a generally mature technology that allows for electronic payment
of highway tolls. It takes advantage of vehicle-to-roadside communication technologies to
perform an electronic monetary transaction between a vehicle passing through a toll station
and the toll agency. This project is implemented using the innovative technology of Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID).
RFID is a wireless link to uniquely identify tags. These systems communicate via radio
signals that carry data either unidirectional or bidirectional. The tag is energized by a time-
varying electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) wave that is transmitted by the reader. This RF
signal is called carrier signal. When tag is energized the information stored in the tag is
transmitted back to the reader. This is often called backscattering. By detecting the
backscattering signal, the information stored in the tag can be fully identified. RFID systems
are comprised of two main components RF reader and RF Tag.
The RFID tag, or transponder, is located on the object to be identified and is the data carrier
in the RFID system. Typical transponders (transmitters/responders) consist of a microchip
that stores data and a coupling element, such as a coiled antenna, used to communicate via
radio frequency communication. Transponders may be either active or passive.
Active transponders have an on-tag power supply (such as a battery) and actively send an RF
signal for communication while passive transponders obtain all of their power from the
interrogation signal of the transceiver and either reflect or load modulate the transceiver’s
signal for communication. Most transponders, both passive and active, communicate only
when they are interrogated by a transceiver.
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Active RFID and Passive RFID are fundamentally different technologies. While both use
radio frequency energy to communicate between a tag and a reader, the method of powering
the tags is different. Active RFID uses an internal power source (battery) within the tag to
continuously power the tag and its RF communication circuitry, whereas Passive RFID relies
on RF energy transferred from the reader to the tag to power the tag. While this distinction
may seem minor on the surface, its impact on the functionality of the system is significant.
Passive RFID either 1) reflects energy from reader or 2) absorbs and temporarily stores a
very small amount of energy from the reader’s signal to generate its own quick response. In
either case passive RFID operation requires very strong signals from the reader and the signal
strength required from the tag is constrained to very low levels by the limited energy. On the
other hand, active RFID allows very low-level signals to be received by the tag, and the tag
can generate high level signals back to the reader, driven from its internal power source.
Active RFID tag is continuously powered, whether in the reader field or not.
The selection of active or passive tag affect factors like range of communication, data storage
capacity, sensor ability etc. If the tag is active the reader can spot more tags within seconds
than the passive tag, but as the cost is compared the passive tags are cheaper than the active
tags. The life of the passive tags is more than the active tag because, active tag requires tag
power supply within the chip.
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The different frequencies that the tag can work are;
RF Reader:
The basic components of an RFID system combine in essentially the same manner for all
applications and variations of RFID systems. All objects to be identified are physically
tagged with transponders. The type of tag used and the data stored on the tag varies from
application to application.
The RF field generated by a tag reader (the energy transmitter) has three purposes:
1. Induce enough power into the tag coil to energize the tag
2. Provide a synchronized clock source to the tag
3. Act as a carrier for return data from the tag
• reduced traffic congestion
• enhanced operational efficiency,
• decreased environmental impact
• This not only saves time for commuters but also reduces fuel consumption and
emissions, contributing to a more sustainable transportation system.
• highways
• bridges
• tunnels globally
• streamlining toll collection processes and improving overall road
infrastructure management.
Conclusion and Future Scope:
The electronic toll Collection systems are a combination of completely automated toll
collection systems and semi-automatic lanes. Various traffic and payment data are collected
and stored by the system as vehicles pass through. The different technologies involved are
logically integrated with each other but remain flexible for upgrades. They also include
sophisticated video and image capturing equipment for full-time violation enforcement. So,
this basic arrangement developed by us will applicable for the future developments in road
transport by proper modifications. RFID systems have a secure place in the automatic
identification sector. The system can made free from the challenges and will be cost effective
in near future.
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5. Battery Less Phones
If we just date back to January 9, 2007, it’s the date when the world first witnessed a
smart phone, and in fact, the first ‘Touch screen phone’. Mr. Jobs, the owner of Apple
Inclusive launched the “I-phone” aiming to turn everyone’s life uncomplicated. And then,
it has been ten years since the launch of the smart phone, and in these 10 years, the world
has observed a revolutionary change in the era of smart phones. One of the most drastic
changes was witnessed in the batteries of these smart phones, ranging from 1000mAh to
5000mAh on an average. In the past couple of years, intense usage of smart phones for
various purposes has resulted in battery draining at a rapid rate.
Many types of research have been done in order to find the exact reason for the battery
drain at a rapid rate and its solutions, although none of them were able to accomplish
anything special, and hence, rather than to find a solution to battery’s long life, a different
solution was established, and it was to construct phones, which can be operated without
batteries. This research paper focuses on the implementations of “Battery Less Smart
phones”, and on its pros and cons. It will also state some of the economic and possible
changes that can be made as per our research.
The smart phones we are using these days are indeed smart, however, are they really that
smart as the companies claim? The answer to this question is yes, but aren’t those really
dumb if discussed in terms of battery life? Yes, they are. Even the companies that sell
smart phones at phenomenal rates have the issue of battery’s performance [1]. The
performance is better as compared to others, but it is still a mystery if discussed in terms
of long life. The idea of battery less smart phones was initiated by a group of researchers
from “The University of Washington”, who invented the phone with a dial pad, and to the
next level of astonishment, the phone was designed so that it could harvest energy from
“Radio Signals”. The phone developed, features a dial pad, a small led light, and will also
include an E-ink display.
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Framework for Battery Free Phones
Ambient sources, and surprisingly those ambient sources are “Radio Signals or Radio
Waves”, and the device uses a minute photo diode to harvest energy from the ambient light or
RF sources. It consumes only 3.5 microwatts of power from these energy sources. The device
has a limited range of just 31 feet from the base station and the range can be expanded to 50
feet with the help of a small “Solar Cell".
1.Harnessing Energy
In order to harness energy from the ambient sources, a base station is required and the base
station is placed as per the range specified(31feet-50feet), RF energy can be transmitted in
unlicensed bands or grids ranging from 868MHz to 5.4GHz from their respective base
stations. It is then, that this RF energy is transfigured into DC power through some energy
harnessing devices such as “Power cast’s Power harvester Receivers”, these receivers also
contain criterion or conventional antennas having an average resistance of 40-50 ohms.
The main feature of these harvesters is to maintain the effectiveness while maintaining the
disparities of RF to DC transfiguration in order to make the output stable, although heading
with the new technology of battery free phones, the procedure was way different as compared
to the described one. In the phone, a “photo diode” was used to convert the ambient light into
current or DC power. These photo diodes can also produce energy in absence of light as they
contain optical filters and in-built lenses to perform better in dark conditions.
The researchers at the University easily found the fact that using a photo diode for converting
ambient signals and light into current is much efficient and economical than installing a
power harvester since the amount of power required for the functioning of the prototype was
very less. A Photodiode is a semiconductor, with p-n junction diode and an intrinsic layer
between two junctions [8]. The photocurrent is provoked by the electron hole pair because of
the assimilation of light between depletion region. When photons of energy greater than 1.1
electron volt (eV) strike the diode, electron-hole pairs are originated.
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Prototype & Working of Battery Less Smart Phones
In the given model, the user undertakes a button to twig in between the two transmitting and
listening notes. The team of researchers utilized the shell components on a printed circuit
board and the team corroborated and ensured that the battery free prototype can perform basic
functions like calling someone up and then hanging up the call without any inadequate call
drops. A custom base station collects the data in form of digital packages with the help of a
“Backscatter” and connects our call through “Skype” and the person at the other end answers
the call and responds. The device inherits the signals with a technology referred as “Zero
Power Amplitude Modulation” and plants the audio onto the earphones. For making a call,
the user has to dial the number on the dial pad and has to speak into the microphone. For
attending the call at receiver’s end, the user has to pick up the call and respond, the call is
transported to a long distance with a backscatter, which helps in the cycling of data packages.
• Conserves Electricity
• Saves Time
• Saves Time
• No Charging Issues
It was extremely astonishing to witness that a group of researchers have finally developed a
phone that uses no power, which means the phone has no battery and harnesses energy from
ambient signals and light sources. Even Mr. Jobs, who designed the first ever smart phone,
might have never thought that smart phones would be that smart that someday we would be
able to use it without a rechargeable option, that is without a battery. The phone just
consumes 3.5 microwatts of power and harvests energy from ambient radio and light sources
with the help of minute diodes that convert light and signal strength into a current which is
furthermore converted into few microwatts of power. With the phone, we can just dial a
number and call to another person.
The phone possesses a backscatter that sends the digital packages back to the cellular base
station. The base station then receives the signals and connects the call through Skype. The
battery less phone obtains signals with the help of zero power amplitude modulation and
transfers audio onto our earphones. To respond, the user has to press a button and speak into
the microphone. Even after combining these amazing technologies, the phone has multiple
disadvantages, Range being the biggest one. As per the rate of growing technology, these
limitations will be fixed soon with all the Wi-Fi routers having RF emission sources, and we
would soon witness an ‘Advance Battery less Phone’ with multiple features.
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