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The breakdown voltages are influenced by air condi- The maximum breakdown fields EBm0 under different
tions.11 In order to find a general law, the experimental field utilization factors n are shown in Fig. 6. When the tip
results are corrected to the values under standard reference radii are small, the values of EBm0 decreased with the increase
air conditions according to IEC standard.20 When the gap of the values of n. However, the values of EBm0 with the tip
distance is less than 0.5 m, the correction of the humidity radii of 1 cm and 2 cm are flat around 26.98 kVrms/cm and
is not required. Therefore, the corrected breakdown volt- 30.55 kVrms/cm, respectively. Different from the breakdown
age UB0 under standard reference air conditions can be voltage, the maximum breakdown fields are monotonous with
the field utilization factor. It can be found that the values of
written as,
EBm0 are much different with different tip radii when the val-
UB0 ¼ UB =ds : (4) ues of n are the same. This indicates that the breakdown con-
ditions cannot be decided only by the field utilization factor
The relative air density d and the exponent s are given by,
< 0; for g < 0:2
s ¼ g ðg 0:1Þ=0:8; for 0:2 g < 1 (6)
1; for g 1;
FIG. 6. Relationship between the maximum breakdown field and the field
utilization factor.
experimental data with the maximum relative error of 4.5%. around the fitting curve within a reasonable error range.
The value of the relative error increased with the decrease of Therefore, the breakdown field formula is of great potential
the value of n. When the tip radius is 0.3 cm, the calculated to evaluate the breakdown conditions when r2/d < 0.125 cm.
results are far away from the experimental data. Therefore, Incorporating the electric field calculation into the finite ele-
the maximum breakdown field distribution can be separated ment method described in Sec. II B, the breakdown voltage
as two regions by the dotted line as shown in Fig. 8. Within can be obtained.
the lower right region, the breakdown conditions can be accu-
rately evaluated by the streamer inception criterion. However, V. DISCUSSION
this criterion is out of work within the upper left region. The value of the breakdown voltage was calculated by
the arithmetic mean value. The coefficient of variation (CV)
B. Breakdown field formula
is introduced to investigate the variation range of breakdown
In order to accurately evaluate the breakdown conditions voltages within a series of 20 breakdown events in each
within the whole region as shown in Fig. 8, the upper left case, which is defined as,
region could be considered separately. It can be found that the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
maximum electric field is strengthened with the decrease of 1X N
ðUBm UB Þ2
the tip radius and the increase of the gap distance. However, N i¼1
no function can be found between EBm0 and r/d with different CV ¼ 100%: (15)
tip radii and gap distances. So, a geometric parameter consid-
ering the structure of the electrode system is introduced, Here, UBm is the measured breakdown voltage and N is equal
which is defined as r2/d. It indicates that the maximum break- to 20. The relationship between the CV value and the elec-
down field could be a function of the surface area of the trode system is shown in Table I. It can be found that the
electrode tip and the gap distance. The relationship between maximum value of CV is only 7.4% with the tip radius of
the maximum electric field within the upper left region and 0.3 cm and the gap distance of 1 cm. Therefore, the break-
the geometric parameter is shown in Fig. 9. It can be found down voltages under short air-insulated gaps are kept stable
that all the experimental data within the upper left region under the given experimental conditions.
a=N ¼ 396:65 1018 exp ð1603:27 1020 =ðE=NÞÞ This work was partly supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under the grant 51607041 and
þ 133:37 1018 exp ð646:77 1020 =ðE=NÞÞ; the Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China
(16) under the grant 2016J01220.
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