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5 - Q2 Emp Tech

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Quarter 2 – Module 5:

Uploading, Managing, and

ICT Projects for Social Change
Compiler/Contextualizer: Roselou M. Delima
Quarter 2 - Module 5
Uploading, Managing, and Promoting ICT Projects for
Social Change

Content Standard : The learners demonstrate an understanding of

how to manage an online ICT Project for Social
Performance Standard : The learners shall independently and
collaboratively co-manage an online ICT Project for
Social Change through available tools, resources,
and platforms.
Competencies : Demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social
Change are uploaded, managed, and promoted for
maximum audience impact
Learning Objectives :
1. Identify social media platform to use in
uploading and disseminating ICT projects.
2. Upload ICT projects that advocate social change
in various social media platforms.
3. Promote and manage ICT projects for maximum
audience impact.

What I Know

Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answers on a separate sheet of


1. Ivan creates content on Facebook and has massive loyal followers who
are inspired and motivated to become like Ivan. What type of social
media user is Ivan?
A. vlogger C. influencer
B. poser D. user

2. Janice immediately shared her posts to the public and tagged her
friends. She also posted it to related Facebook group and other social
media platforms. What process of project making is she doing?
A. designing C. conceptualizing
B. developing D. promoting

3. Do all social media platforms have the same way of sharing your profile
page or channel page?
A. Yes, basically they are similar in almost all ways. That is why it is
very easy to use
B. No, there are slight differences for each platform, and it varies
greatly sometimes
C. Somehow, because they look and feel similar
D. Maybe, I am not using it at all

4. The most effective way to disseminate information and gain support to

your project is by posting a video on social media. Is this a correct
A. Yes, definitely!
B. No, there are some factors to consider. Other projects that use ICT
tools and platforms are equally important.
C. No, the most effective way is face-to-face because you can
communicate better that way.
D. Yes, people nowadays have gadgets and internet connection. Using
video makes your project for engaging. By posting it to social media,
you can reach a wider audience.

5. What video editing software that you can use best for 3D animation?
A. Openshot C. Blender
B. Kinemaster D. Filmora

6. What multimedia content is hosted by YouTube?

A. audio C. videos
B. podcasts D. vodcasts

7. Based on the four important purposes in advocating social advocacy,

which of the following refers to infusing advocacy and learning with a
sense of meaning and purpose to motivate and uplift your audience?
A. to inform C. to educate
B. to inspire D. to entertain

8. Which of the following refers to the purpose of producing content to

transform information to awareness?
A. to inform C. to educate
B. to inspire D. to entertain

9. What content purpose is being referred to empowerment of audience

with knowledge by engaging them into a wise, hopeful and respectful
cultivation of learning and application?
A. to inform C. to educate
B. to inspire D. to entertain

10. It is a systematic summary of project or issues that contemplate

interests, experience and expertise that commonly serve as a purpose
of delivering an in-depth discussion of a certain topic that a person has
a strong position on. Which of the following refers to the statement
A. Concept Paper C. Conceptualized Framework
B. Concept Map D. Dissertation

11. What is the difference between a vlogger and an influencer?
A. Vloggers have massive followers without making a video, while
influencers are known to be in Instagram.
B. Vloggers creates video content and can be also an influencer, while
influencers create various content and known to have massive
C. Vloggers cannot be considered influencers; influencers can be
considered as vloggers.
D. Vloggers can only be found in YouTube, while Influencers are active
in many different social media platforms.

12. What video sharing platform allows its users to upload, edit, co-create,
and share short clips?
A. Facebook C. TikTok
B. TokTok D. YouTube

13. Why is ‘To entertain’ one of the purposes of producing content?

A. it infuses advocacy and learning with a sense of meaning and
B. it motivates people to act with curiosity and interest.
C. it empowers audience to believe in social change.
D. it transforms information to awareness that ignites curiosity while
having fun learning.

14. Which among the choices clearly defines the concept of design?
A. A plan for the construction of an object.
B. A specification for the construction of a system.
C. A plan for the implementation of an activity or process in the form
of a prototype, product or process.
D. All of the above

15. What video editing tool that is free to use and download and users do
not need to purchase the software?
A. Closed-source C. Open software
B. Closed software D. Open-source

What I Need to Know

This lesson provides information on how you will be able to upload,

manage, and promote your ICT project through an effective design,
development, and promotion of a video presentation. You will learn to
disseminate and reach out to your target audience and gain support on your
advocacy. This is the final stage of your social project where planning and
conceptualizing, research for content, designing and development are
combined to produce a meaningful output that serves as a catalyst for change.

What’s In

You have done a good job in creating your concept paper in your
previous module. Keep it in mind because you will use it in this lesson. Before
you proceed, make sure that you have at least one social media account. Write
the URL link of your social media accounts using a separate sheet of paper.
Write NONE if you do not have a social media account in the given platform.

My YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/arcdelima
My Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/rosostem
My TikTok: https://tiktok.com/rosodeli
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosodeli

Your Social Media Accounts:

YouTube: _______________________________
Facebook: _______________________________
TikTok: __________________________________
Twitter: __________________________________
Others: ___________________________________

Do you know how to get the URL link of your social media profiles? You
can copy the URL link of your profile by going to your profile page (Facebook)
and channel page (YouTube) then click the URL in the address bar if you are
using a desktop or laptop. For smartphones such as Android, social media
platforms have different ways in accessing your URL profile link. In Facebook,
you can go to your profile page and click the three horizontal dots and you will
see your profile link. You can click the copy link button to share. In YouTube,
click your profile picture above and click ‘Your channel’. You will be redirected
to your channel page. Click the three vertical dots above and click share.
Choose your preferred sharing method. In TikTok, go to your profile page ‘Me’.
Then, click the share profile. Choose again your preferred sharing method.
You can choose ‘Copy link’ and share it to a friend via Messenger to see the
URL link of your profile page.

Knowing how to share your profile is an important step in promoting your

advocacy. Remember to set in public when sharing the URL links of your
Profile page, Fan page, Group page, Channel, and posts to reach a wider

Were you now able to answer the activity above? If you were able to provide at
least one URL link, you are ready to proceed in designing, developing, and
promoting your ICT project.

What’s New
Having a social media account lets you have access to online content.
It also allows you to create and share your own. It gives you the freedom and
power to influence other people in the production of variety of contents such
as tutorials, vlogs, advocacies and more.

Now that you have your own social media account, search for a sample
Social Advocacy in any social media platform (Facebook, YouTube, TikTok,
etc.) Answer the following questions below on a separate sheet of paper.

Social Media Platform: ___________________________________________________

Title of the Video: _______________________________________________________
Uploader: ________________________________________________________________
Video Link: ______________________________________________________________
Date Uploaded: __________________________________________________________

1. What was the social advocacy all about?

2. What have you observed on the content of the Social Advocacy?
3. If you could change a certain part of the video, what would it be and

***Note: If you have a difficulty in accessing the internet, remember the time
when you watched a video of a person advocating change. In a separate sheet
of paper, write down where you saw the video and what platform you used to
view it and answer the questions above.

What is It

Social Media Platforms

Social Media is known to help a wide range of audience. Among its

many uses, it is now a popular platform for disseminating public information
and finding support for advocacies. Popular users of these platforms are called
influencers. Anyone who have good content, advocacy, and massive loyal
followers can become an influencer. A person who creates content using a
video in social media is called a vlogger. A vlogger can become an influencer if
he has a massive loyal follower, while an influencer creates various types of
content such as written posts, pictures, or videos as in the case of vlogger.
However, as a social media user, it is important to be a media information
literate individual to spot fake news and content from vloggers and

 Facebook – The most popular social media platform offers various

application within the website for its users to use. Facebook Page and
Facebook Group are useful for promoting your projects in the social
 YouTube – A video sharing platform that let its users create, upload,
watch and gain loyal followers.
 TikTok – A video sharing app that focuses on social network. Users
can create, upload, modify, co-create short-clip videos.

Designing Social Advocacy

A design is a plan or specification for the construction of an object or

system or for the implementation of an activity or process or the result of the
that plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product or process. The
design generally gratifies a certain goals and constraints such as aesthetic or
overall look, functionality, economical and socio-political considerations that
are expected to interact with a certain environment.

In designing and creating your own video content, you should express
yourself by voicing out creatively with passion to promote the advocacy you
desire. Collect ideas, make outlines, decide on the message, and make your
content interesting and positive. Make sure to anchor your content to the four
important purposes in producing a social advocacy:

 Inform – Transform into an informative purpose in producing your

advocacy. One main purpose of media is to inform the people of what
is the real situation of the society. Voice out your thought in increasing
understanding and making meaningful knowledge to share with others.
Communicate with the audience with your heart.
 Inspire – Infuse your advocacy and learning with a sense of meaning
and purpose to motivate and uplift your audience. Make their viewing
worthwhile, alive and healthy to their eyes. Create new possibilities and
desire to be taken. Inspire them to take actions.
 Educate – Empower your audience with the proper knowledge. Make
them aware and impart learning through your advocacy. To educate
your audience means engaging them into a wise, hopeful, and
respectful cultivation of learning and application.
 Entertain – Ignite wonder, awe, and entertainment through learning.
Learning is not always being serious, but it becomes more adequate if
the person is enjoying while doing it. Give your advocacy an
entertainment value.

Developing Social Advocacy

Development phase is one of the crucial stages in constructing and

producing your social advocacy because this phase is where skills and
creativity should foster.
In crafting your proposed ICT project for social change, the following are
the tools or software in developing your own video content but not limited to:

 VideoPad – A free, professional, video editing application which allows

you to create movie projects from various video clips or a single video
file. It also allows you to import a wide variety of audio and video file
 Blender – An open-source program that is entirely free to use. It was
designed in 3D animation suite that comes with a very useful video
editor. It allows you to perform basic actions like video cutting, splicing
and complex task like video masking. It is a very flexible video editor
and caters to both beginner and advanced users.
 Shotcut – A fully-open-source program that allows you to access all
the features without the need for a paid upgrade. This video editor

supports a wide range of video formats and boasts a great collection of
tutorial videos. It supports 4K HD resolution and timeline editing. It is
best if you wanted a 4K HD resolution for your video output.
 Openshot – An entirely open-source video editing tool. It has an easy
to use drag and drop interface. It packs features including unlimited
layers and audio mixing. It also allows real-time previews when you
create transitions between your clips. This free editor has also a nice
balance between advanced features and a simple interface, good for
beginner and advanced creator.

Promoting and Managing Social Advocacy

You have made a video based on the purpose of your advocacy with a
message that you want to tell your target audience in an interesting manner.
It is time to get it published! But how do you get a word out about your pages,
posts, and videos?

To promote your content, do the following steps:

o Fill Out Your Social Media Profile – Provide necessary
information about your page, channel, posts, or advocacies. This
would help people to trust and support you.
o Add Hashtags – This symbol “#” with a word suffix is a trend in
social media to find what is trending. Start creating your own so
that people can find you or your project or advocacy. This would
also help you know who else are talking about your brand or
project and see their feedback about it. When sharing your
posts, never forget to share with a related hashtag.
o Tag Friends, People, and Pages – Use this symbol “@” to tag
your friends, acquaintances, and pages who might be interested
on your project or brand. Get the word out of it! Make it public.
Gain followers and supporters.

After promoting your project to the public, communicate with your

audience. There can be a flood of inquiries, comments, and feedback. Be
interactive and always ready to answer their questions.

What’s More
At this point, you have now identified the social media platform,
purpose or message, and tools that is fit to your social advocacy.

Directions: Based on your chosen local or regional issue in your concept

paper in your previous module, create a video presentation that will serve as
your ICT Project for Social Change. Your video presentation should be at least
two (2) minutes as minimum but not more than ten (10) minutes as maximum
length. Refer to the ICT Video Project rubric below for the scoring.

***Note: If you do not have a gadget in making a video presentation, you have
the option to choose another platform in promoting your social advocacy such
as creating a poster, infographics, artworks, etc.

Criteria 10 8 6 4
Content Major points Major points Major points Topic is
are presented are are oversimplified
and fully presented. presented. or fails to
supported with However, However, present
convincing some of most of them major points.
arguments and them are not are not
data supported supported
with with
convincing convincing
arguments, arguments,
ideas, and ideas, and
data. data.
Creativity Project shows a Project Uses other Uses other
large amount of shows some people’s people’s ideas
originality. originality. ideas (giving and
Ideas and Work shows them credit), presentation
presentation new ideas but there is but does not
are creative and insights. little give them
and inventive. Displays evidence of credit.
some original
creativity. thinking.
is common.
Platform Projects uses Project uses Project uses Project were
suitable a platform platform uploaded
platform that that catches with little with no
can gain wider the attention interaction interaction
audience of the from the from the
impact audience audience audience

What I Have Learned

Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How can a social advocacy bring change to a society or community?
2. What platform do you think is the fastest way to promote an advocacy?
Explain your answer.
3. List 5 ICT tools you can suggest in crafting a professional and creative
promotional video for a social campaign.

What I Can Do

Upload your created video from the activity in “What’s More” in any
platform (Facebook, TikTok, YouTube) that will impact a Social Change and
share it as a public published post. Invite your friends to like your post. Use

#CebuCitySHSemTech in your post to promote it to a wider audience. Then,
fill-out the following questions below on a separate paper:

Title of your Post: _______________________________________________________

URL Link of your Post: __________________________________________________
Creator’s Name/Account: ________________________________________________
Date Created/Uploaded: _________________________________________________
ICT Project Description (Briefly explain the purpose and goal/s of your
ICT Project):
***Note: If you have a difficulty in accessing the internet, make a 300-word
write-up of your own cause or planned activity in a separate sheet of paper.


Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of


1. What step you should do when your purpose is to help people trust
and support your content and advocacy?
A. Fill out your social media profile
B. Add hashtags
C. Tag friends, people, and pages
D. Meet them in person

2. Which symbol is used to label your content so that it can be found in

social media, and it can also be used to find content that is trending?
A. / B. * C. @ D.#

3. Which symbol is used to tag your friends, people, and pages?

A. @ B. # C. * D. /

4. What phase is one of the crucial stages in constructing and producing

your social advocacy?
A. Designing
B. Development
C. Planning
D. Promoting and Managing

5. John wanted to create a campaign in his barangay which aims to

empower his audience with the proper knowledge by making them
aware and imparting learning through his advocacy. What is the main
purpose of his campaign?
A. To inform
B. To inspire
C. To entertain
D. To educate

6. Marie likes to motivate and uplift her audience. She infuses her
advocacy with a sense of meaning and purpose. What is the main
purpose of Marie’s advocacy?
A. To inform
B. To inspire
C. To entertain
D. To educate

7. What is the main purpose of a proponent of a project who likes to voice

out his thoughts of what is the real situation in the society?
A. Educate
B. Entertain
C. Inspire
D. Inform

8. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about designing a social advocacy?

A. Collect ideas that seem to be fake to confuse other people.
B. Collect ideas, make outlines, decide on the message and make your
content interesting and positive.
C. In creating your own content, you should express yourself creatively
and passionately to promote your desired advocacy
D. Make sure to anchor your content on the four important purposes
in producing a social advocacy.

9. Which of the following is an ICT platform but has limitations compared

to its counterparts that are known to help reach a wide range of
A. Facebook Page C. YouTube
B. Twitter D. Email

10. Goni is starting a social advocacy in their barangay. Together with his
friends, they want to encourage people to help in the clean-up drive.
They want to make their campaign entertaining. What can you suggest
to Goni?
A. Tell Goni to make a Facebook Page about the upcoming clean-up
drive and share it online.
B. Suggest Goni to create flyers, posters and tarpaulins and hang them
in designated areas in the barangay.
C. Collaborate with Goni and his friends to create a jingle that
encourages the community to help in the clean-up drive and post it
online through YouTube, Facebook and other social media
D. None of the above.

11. Rolly teaches the school children about proper garbage segregation. He
showed to them a video clip about the negative effects of improper waste
disposal. What is the purpose of his social advocacy?
A. He inspires the children.
B. He is educating the school children.
C. He informs the children about proper waste disposal.
D. He tries to entertain the school children.

12. It is one of the crucial stages in constructing and producing your social
advocacy because this phase is where skills and creativity should
A. Development C. Research
B. Promotion D. Design

13. What is an entirely open-source video editor that has an easy drag and
drop interface and it has a nice balance between advanced features and
a simple interface that is good for both beginners and advanced
A. Blender C. Openshot
B. Shotcut D. VideoPad

14. Which of the following is the content purpose that ignite curiosity where
learning happens while having fun?
A. to inform C. to educate
B. to inspire D. to entertain

15. Which of the following is a multimedia content hosted by YouTube?

A. Audio C. Videos
B. Podcasts D. TED Talks

Answer Key

What’s In
- Answers May Vary

What’s New
- Answers May Vary

What’s More
- Answers May Vary

What I Can
What I Have
Answers May
- Answers May Vary


Innovative Training Works, Inc. (2016). Empowerment Technologies. Manila,

Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Mark Jhon Oxillo (March 2018). ICT Project for Social Change – Empowerment
Technologies. Retrieved October 12, 2020 from https://www.slideA P-

Yuvienco, J., Gonzales, J., DepEd Management Team. (2016). Empowerment

Technologies Student Reader. DepEd Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City,
Philippines: DepEd – Bureau of Learning Resources

Yuvienco, J., Limson-Santos, C., Gonzales, J., DepEd Management Team.

(2016). Empowerment Technologies Teacher’s Guide. DepEd Complex
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines: DepEd – Bureau of Learning

Santos, Elijah S., DepEd Management Team. (2020). Empowerment

Technologies Quarter 2 – Module 14: Planning and Conceptualizing Social
Advocacy for Developing an ICT Project. Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon
City, Philippines: Department of Education – National Capital Region

Santos, Elijah S., DepEd Management Team. (2020). Empowerment

Technologies Quarter 2 – Module 16: Designing and Developing an ICT
Project for Social Advocacy. Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City,
Philippines: Department of Education – National Capital Region


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