Grim Hollow - Character Creation
Grim Hollow - Character Creation
Grim Hollow - Character Creation
Character Creation
This document contains playtest material for the new
Grim Hollow character creation rules for 5th Edition.
What’s Included
This playtest pack includes the following:
The rules herein are not finalised and are subject to
change. Ghostfire’s design team will conduct a • Character Creation
development review, taking into account playtest Rules to create unique character heritages by
feedback before proceeding with a formal editing pass selecting traits representing features derived from
to create the final form of these rules. their ancestral heritage and cultural experience.
Ruleset • Heritages
A selection of heritages from the world of Etharis
The material contained within this playtest includes including those of common and eldritch origin.
material taken from the System Reference Document
5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and • Character Traits
available at A listing of the combat, exploration, and roleplaying traits identified by the Grim Hollow heritages
reference-document. included in this playtest.
Providing Feedback
If you would like to playtest the monster hunter and
provide your feedback, please use the following link to
fill out the survey:
also decide the general look and appearance of your
character’s body. Elves might have a general tendency
toward tall, graceful figures, while dwarves are known
Humans dominate the world of Etharis, with the folk of for their typically stout and sturdy forms. But as an
what are widely known as the elder peoples—the adventurer in Etharis, you are anything but typical. Feel
dragonborn, dwarves, elves, gnomes, and halflings— free to play an elf defined by an intimidating physical
spread throughout human lands or concentrated in the presence. Play a dwarf who uses their slender physique
isolated realms they retained after the conquest of the to maximum advantage while delving through
Era of Expansion. But though all those heritages claustrophobic ruins. In many campaigns, humans are
represent the most common folk of the world, the Grim known for having the widest possible range of coloring
Hollow campaign setting features a much broader and features, but that broad palette of appearance can
range of heritage options with which to build your apply to every heritage in Etharis, common or
character—and a system of character creation that can uncommon.
help make the player character heroes and scoundrels
of a Grim Hollow campaign truly unique.
Features and Traits
Characters in a Grim The only limitation to your body’s physical features is
that a feature can’t reproduce the effect of any heritage
Hollow Campaign trait without taking that trait, and a physical feature
can’t create benefits if there’s no trait to cover those
The world of Grim Hollow offers players new rules for benefits. For example, you can easily describe your
creating characters to explore the world and enhance grudgel character as being exceptionally thickly
roleplaying. Use the guidelines in this section alongside muscled, or create a wulven character covered by thick
the normal Fifth Edition character-building rules to mats of body hair that betray their werebear heritage.
create a character for a Grim Hollow campaign. But those cosmetic effects have no bearing on your AC
unless you also take the Well Protected trait. (The rest
of this section talks more about heritage traits, which
Choosing a Heritage are detailed at the end of this document.)
If you create a character from an eldritch heritage,
For Grim Hollow campaigns, available heritages are the unique nature of some of those heritages lets you
grouped into three categories—common heritages, rare play even more freely with your character’s physical
heritages, and eldritch heritages. features and form. You might ask the GM about creating
The common heritages of Etharis are the dragonborn, an accursed character who has extra arms, or a tail that
dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings, and humans whose you use the same way you use your arms and hands.
cultures and nations have defined the history of the But extra appendages don’t make it any easier to climb
continent. or carry more gear unless you also take the Climber or
The rare heritages are the folk who dwell on the Powerful Build traits and describe the effects of those
fringes of more widespread cultures, often treated as traits as coming from your extra arms or tail.
outsiders and struggling to find their place in the Likewise, no number of extra appendages will give
world—the dreamers, grudgels, laneshi, and ogresh. you the innate ability to make additional attacks,
Then there are the eldritch heritages of the accursed, because there’s no heritage trait providing that benefit.
arisen, dhampir, disembodied, downcast, wechselkind, However, you’re free to describe multiple attacks you
and wulven—creatures whose creation or nature is gain from a class feature as making use of your extra
touched by magic, living as true outsiders with no arms or tail in any way you like.
culture of their own.
This playtest document presents six of these
heritages for you to review.
Humanoid Type
If you select any of these Grim Hollow heritages, your
character is a Humanoid, even if their appearance is
radically different from other Humanoids.
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Thinking About Traits touched by contemporary magic or an ancient curse?
Do you consider yourself an exemplar of your people,
The traits presented as part of each heritage’s write-up or do you quietly push against the social and cultural
are divided into three categories that can help guide norms that others expect to define you?
your sense of who your character is: As an adventurer in Etharis, you have even more
reason than most to break the expectations that your
• Combat traits represent instincts and abilities useful in
heritage might hold for you. You might play an elf who
battle, and when engaging with the myriad other
lived among dwarves for long years, swapping the
threats of life in Etharis. default elf’s Shroud of the Wild trait for the Toughness
• Exploration traits represent a character’s focus on trait. You might play a grudgel with a magical
interacting with and traveling through the physical background, deciding to take the spellcasting granted
world. by Magical Savvy and Magical Savant traits in place of
• Roleplaying traits set up a character’s talents and the grudgel’s suggested Artisanal Focus and Crafter’s
aptitudes with skills, tools, magic, and more. Eye traits. You might decide to select four of your
suggested traditional traits and take those four traits
Trait descriptions included in this playtest are detailed
again, creating a character whose specific focus grants
at the end of this document. them an edge in the things they’re best at. The
When considering the traditional traits for your traditional traits listed for each heritage are only
chosen heritage, consult that section to assess whether thematic suggestions. How much or how little your
the benefits a trait provides fit your character heritage’s most popular traditions shape your character
concept—and read through other available traits to get is up to you.
a sense of the many aptitudes, instincts, and innate
abilities your character might embrace. Balancing Traits
Traditional traits for each of the standard heritages in a
Grim Hollow campaign are divided fairly evenly
Trait Selection between combat, exploration, and roleplaying, with
In a typical Fifth Edition game, characters are given a three traits in two of those categories and two traits in
list of traits or features based on their race, species, the third category. However, this isn’t a specific pattern
ancestry, heritage, or whatever term is used by the that you need to match for your character.
source material. If you choose to use that method for In a Grim Hollow campaign, you can take heritage
your Grim Hollow game, you can do so. Each heritage traits from any of the three trait categories as you see
presented in this chapter features base traits shared by fit, unless the GM determines otherwise. In certain
all characters of that heritage, plus eight traditional campaigns with a strong focus on combat or
traits that create a typical member of that heritage. exploration, it might make sense for characters to
However, a Grim Hollow campaign also allows players
balance their trait selection, choosing at least two traits
to build unique characters built on a diverse range of
in each category. (This was the character-building setup
Selecting all the traditional traits noted for your used in Arora: Age of Desolation, where the Grim
heritage is quick and easy, and creates a character who Hollow trait system first appeared.) But most of the
feels like a solid archetype within your chosen heritage. time, allowing free selection of heritage traits allows
But you can swap any of those suggested traditional you to customize your character in a way that best fits
heritage traits for any of the traits provided, building the story you want to tell.
your character around any eight traits. This can include Sometimes, you might want your heritage traits to
taking the traditional traits presented for any other provide options that your chosen class doesn’t give
heritage, taking one of your traditional traits again to you. For example, in building a sorcerer character, you
gain its secondary effect, or taking any of the many might focus on combat heritage traits, creating a
traits that aren’t part of any heritage’s default
character who grew up amid conflict, and who trained
with weapons, armor, and combat tactics even before
their magical power began to assert itself. At other
Customizing Heritage times, you want your heritage traits to reinforce your
The world of the Grim Hollow campaign setting is a chosen character concept, as with building a ranger
world of endless conflict, fell magic, and dark secrets. who focuses on exploration traits. By creating a
The peoples of the world are divided along clear lines of foundation of natural capability on which your class can
heritage that are often subdivided by culture or region.
further build, you can shape a character to make them
But no matter your chosen heritage, your character is
also defined by upbringing and circumstance. Have you the absolute best at what they do.
spent your life in relative peace in the heartland, or in a
frontier territory where raids and warfare are a
constant threat? Have you or your family line been
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Choosing a Class
Any typical Fifth Edition class can be found in the world
of Grim Hollow, as can any specialized classes that the
GM and players decide on.
Ability Scores
You can generate your character’s ability scores in any
way available in the game’s rules and approved by your
GM. When you have generated your ability scores,
choose two scores to increase by +2 and +1,
respectively. If you use a heritage from another book
and that heritage offers a standard setup for increasing
starting ability scores, you can use that setup instead.
The many languages of Etharis are defined along lines
of heritage and politics. Work with the GM to determine
what languages your character knows.
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Dwarf Base Traits
Heritages Typically short and stout, dwarves are among the most
Six Grim Hollow heritages are provided in this playtest: recognizable folk of Etharis.
dwarves, elves, dhampir, disembodied, wechselkind, Age. Dwarves physically mature by their late teens,
and wulven. but are considered young until they reach the age of 50.
On average, they live about 350 years.
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Elves Elf Base Traits
The proud and elegant elves were among the first Though elves might pass as humans at a distance, their
people to dwell in the forests of Etharis. Their long fine features typically make them immediately
history is entwined within fables from the distant past. recognizable to other folk.
Tall, graceful, and extraordinarily beautiful, these Age. Although elves reach physical maturity at about
ancient folk believe they are descended from the nature the same age as humans, the elven understanding of
spirits who cultivated the mortal realm. The elves claim adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass
the forests and river lands of Caer Neiada as their worldly experience. An elf typically claims adulthood
ancestral home, in what is now the Charneault and an adult name around the age of 100, and can live
Kingdom. Within those deep woods they created to be 750 years old.
magnificent domains, ever taking guidance and blessing Size. Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and
from the ageless spirits of the forest. often have slender builds. Your size is Medium.
Many elves are blessed with keen eyesight and a Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
talent for archery. Their deep knowledge of the
woodlands and their affinity with the fey enable them
to conceal themselves effortlessly within their own Traditional Elf Traits
domains. Their deadly and stealthy armies made them
a force to be reckoned with in the early days of Etharis. The ancient traditions followed by many elves reflect a
However, their unchallenged dominion over the forests mastery of mind, body, and magic.
combined with their long lives made the elves arrogant,
setting themselves above and away from other folk— Combat Traits
especially humans, who they considered primitive and • Awakened Mind
barbaric. And so the elves failed to recognize the • Focused Mind
humans as a plausible threat. • Weapon Aptitude
The Era of Expansion cost the elves dearly. Their
kingdoms were shattered and many of their forests
turned to ash. Though their battle prowess never Exploration Traits
dimmed, the elves found themselves outnumbered and • Darkvision
unable to repel war-hungry armies burning and • Meditative Rest
lumbering their sheltering woodlands. They instead • Shroud of the Wild
retreated deep into their forests on the outskirts of
human civilization, where they believed the Spirits of
Nature would still protect them. When the elves Roleplaying Traits
eventually reemerged, they formed a pact humankind • Inborn Perception
that birthed the Charneault Kingdom. • Magical Savvy (any cantrip)
In the end, the sorrow of the elves for their lost
paradise empowered them to recreate that beauty in
music and arts. They have crafted heartbreaking songs
of a lost past that echo among the trees in the night. In
these ballads they call themselves the ulufey, meaning
mortal fey and the descendants of the fey sidhe. The
faerie courts who had once guided the elves were not
vanquished in the Era of Expansion and many hope
such spirits of nature will aid in restoring elven lands to
their ancient grace.
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Dhampir Dhampir Base Traits
A dhampir is marked by a forbidding birthright—a The physical nature of a dhampir is shaped by the
humanoid half-cursed with vampirism, living as a creature they once were, and by the nature of their
mortal but touched by a dreaded immortal power. A curse.
dhampir possesses many of the grim features of their Age. The curse that creates a dhampir makes them
undead sires but their mortal nature lets them avoid ageless, letting them ignore the passage of time—
vampiric vulnerabilities. Like their creators, dhampir though they can succumb to death in many other ways.
crave the blood of the living. But they’re not controlled Size. A dhampir is the same size as the humanoid
by such cravings if their will is strong enough to resist they were spawned from. You are Small or Medium, as
it. you determine.
Always spawned from creatures of other heritages, Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. If you are
dhampir are incredibly rare and vary widely in form Small, you can reduce your speed by 5 feet to gain an
and temperament. The only thing all dhampir truly extra traditional trait.
share is the legacy of their unnatural creation. True
vampires are the embodiment of death. They can mimic
life by twisting cadavers into undead or spreading their Traditional Dhampir Traits
curse to spawn more of their own kind. But vampires
cannot naturally reproduce or create anything truly The vampiric features they inherit inevitably mark the
living. Dhampir are thus most often the result of some dhampir as who they are.
form of necromantic accident—a dying child revived by
fell magic, an apothecary mixing herbs with vampire Combat Traits
blood, or a failed attempt to find a cure for vampirism, • Draining Attack
and so forth. • Natural Attack (fangs)
Whatever their origins, most dhampir experience an • Well Protected
existence rooted in trauma, and often pervaded by
loneliness. Commoners who fear dhampir view them as
blood-hungry monsters, despite the fact that most Exploration Traits
sustain their life with normal food and drink. At the • Climber
same time, vampires revile them as thin-blooded • Darkvision
weaklings. A dhampir’s life is thus usually spent
searching for somewhere to belong, whether fitting into
mortal society or trying to appease their blood-drinking Roleplaying Traits
forebears. • Eager Deceiver
A dhampir who chooses life among mortals is often • Magical Savant (charm person)
wracked by guilt. Their craving for blood can come to • Magical Savvy (friends)
feel all-consuming as they cling to their humanity and
empathy. Dhampir are made to feel like monsters by
those who are superstitious of them. Yet commoners
who care for a dhampir as family can never truly
understand their struggle against the monster within.
Other dhampir decide to indulge their blood lust.
They may even vie for position among the nobility of
Ostoya. Despite lacking conventional parentage, a
dhampir may form a familial bond with the vampire
they regard as their sire. Vampires who exploit this
relationship can gain a valuable ward who is able to
walk in sunlight and blend more easily with mortal
society. A dhampir in this position may become a spy,
steward, or herald of their master. But they understand
that they will never achieve positions of actual power in
vampire society.
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Disembodied Disembodied Base Traits
To allow one’s mind to touch the planes is the ultimate Though their presence in the world is shaped by magic,
dream of many an arcane spellcaster, and nowhere has the forms of the disembodied appear much as they did
that dream come closer to reality than in the lost city of before the disaster that spawned them.
Ulmyr’s Gate. Founded in the Bürach Empire by a group Age. The disembodied mature at a much slower rate
of ambitious wizards who chafed under the limitations than the humanoids they once were, with their life
imposed upon them by government bureaucracy, expectancy doubled or even tripled.
Ulmyr’s Gate boasted free study for all mages who Size. Disembodied appear as translucent versions of
sought sanctuary within its walls. The Great College their former selves, their nearly insubstantial nature
dedicated to magical study in the city quickly became a reducing their weight to a quarter of what it was. Your
sanctum for mages of all disciplines from across size is Small or Medium, as you determine.
Etharis, creating a golden age of magic within its walls. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. If your
That golden age came crashing down in a single size is Small, you can reduce your speed by 5 feet to
night, when the founding mages of Ulmyr’s Gate gain an extra traditional trait.
attempted an ambitious ritual intended to part the veil
and create a permanent portal to the Ethereal Plane.
Instead, their magic tore a gaping rift in the fabric of Traditional Disembodied Traits
reality, and in an instant the entire city was tipped into
the void between worlds. Ulmyr’s Gate and all its Most disembodied retain a touch of the ethereal magic
citizens were presumed destroyed. The incident that marks them as creatures of two worlds.
triggered another inquisition against hubristic arcanists
who tampered in things mortals were not meant to Combat Traits
know. Then, life in the empire went on. • Magical Fortification
Years later, stories began to surface of frightening • Master of Distraction
apparitions sighted in the region where Ulmyr’s Gate • Out of Phase
once stood. These haunting folk seemed oddly blurred
or indistinct. Witnesses reporting that they would
vanish as suddenly as they appeared. Gradually, it Exploration Traits
became clear that these poor souls were the survivors • Ethereal Fade
of the Ethereal Rift, now trapped between worlds and • Inured to the Elements
trying to retain their tenuous grasp on the Material
Those residents of lost Ulmyr’s Gate who have Roleplaying Traits
mastered the strength to return to the world have been • Magical Insight
named the disembodied by the sages who have studied • Magical Savant (feather fall)
them. These rare individuals have left or fled their • Magical Savvy (dancing lights)
former home, crossing through the Ethereal Rift to
roam the mortal world. Though they resemble the
people they once were, they are both more and less—
creatures of two dimensional realms, often haunted by
memories of the city’s destruction, of which they rarely
if ever speak.
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Wechselkind Wechselkind Base Traits
A mother hears a sound in the night and worriedly Enchanted with powerful faerie magic, wechselkind are
checks on her sleeping toddler. Nothing appears amiss. unique among other humanoids.
But weeks later, an unseen glamour fades and a horror Age. Wechselkind do not age as normal creatures do,
is revealed: the child has been stolen by the faerie, and forever trapped in the doll-like visage of their creation.
a wechselkind is left in their place. For the faerie are Their maximum age is a function of natural wear and
callous and unchanging beings, and nothing inspires damage, and they are immune to magical aging effects.
their fascination—and their envy—more than the Size. Built to resemble a child, wechselkind are
malleable, bright spark of a young humanoid child. between 2 and 3 feet tall and weigh between 35 and 55
A wechselkind is a construct crafted of wood, clay, pounds. Your size is Small.
and ceramic in the form of a small child, animated by Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You can
faerie magic and concealed in illusion that makes them reduce your speed by 5 feet to gain an extra traditional
appear identical to a stolen mortal babe. Once that trait.
glamour fades and the lie is revealed, a wechselkind is
most often cast out by the stolen child’s family, if not
destroyed. Occasionally, though, a family takes pity on Traditional Wechselkind Traits
the poor creature and attempts to raise them, only to
find that while their mind develops normally, a The magical and artificial nature shapes the aptitudes
wechselkind is forever bound in the unchanging form of and innate features of all wechselkind.
a childlike doll.
Whether nurtured or shunned, most wechselkind Combat Traits
eventually find themselves living as outcasts, and • Creature Cover
learning to fend for themselves as best they can. The • Magical Fortification
residual magic of their faerie glamour allows a
wechselkind to conceal themself for short periods,
whether in the guise of the child they replaced or an Exploration Traits
adult halfling, gnome, or other person of similar stature. • Artificial Form
With few physical needs, a wechselkind can easily • Helping Hand
wander from settlement to settlement, watching the • Pass Through
people they encounter with envious eyes, and hoping
for a place to finally fit in.
With the spread of the Weeping Pox, many Roleplaying Traits
wechselkind have emerged from hiding. With their • Magical Savant (disguise self)
immunity to disease, they’re able to offer assistance to • Magical Savvy (minor illusion)
healers in plague-stricken regions, gaining a measure of • Intuitive Acrobat
respect—or even admiration—from those able to see
beyond their tragic origins. However, even wechselkind
who are accepted among other folk often remain wary,
fearing that once their usefulness is at an end, they
might be cast out once more.
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Wulven Wulven Base Traits
Across wilderness and settled lands, in forest hamlets Wulven can arise among any other culture or folk, and
and farmsteads, the fear of lycanthropy runs deep. But draw on the physical features of those folk.
few folk ever come to realize that the hulking stranger Age. Wulven mature at the same rate as other
they passed on the trade road at dusk, the forest hermit characters of their original heritage, but the magic that
who appeared from nowhere to warn of unseen danger spawns them makes them age more and they remain fit
ahead, and the druidic acolyte protecting a sacred even in their later years.
spring do not share their fears. For these folk have Size. Wulven are the same general height as others of
already been touched by the lycanthropic curse, and their original heritage, but are often stockier, more
have accepted the gifts it gives them. muscular, or more lithe, depending on the nature of the
Wulven are the natural-born children or descendants curse that touches them. Your size is Small or Medium,
of an individual cursed with lycanthropy, not inheriting as you determine.
the curse in full but touched by its feral nature. Those Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. If you are
afflicted in this way are commonly associated with Small, you can reduce your speed by 5 feet to gain an
werewolves in the minds of commoners, inspiring the extra traditional trait.
name given to them. But wulven are equally likely to be
descended from werebears, wererats, wereravens, or Traditional Wulven Traits
even rarer lycanthropes.
The weaker trace of lycanthropy handed down to a Many wulven channel the natural instincts—and often
wulven means they do not take animal or hybrid form. the natural fierceness—of the creature their curse links
They are as calm and personable as any folk, suffering them to.
no loss of control or mindless bloodlust under the full
moon. However, the feral nature of the beast they carry Combat Traits
within them drives most wulven to lives of solitude and • Hunter’s Instinct
the quiet of the wilderness. • Natural Attack (claws)
Wulven embody the mysticism of the primal world, • Pack Hunter
rather than its savagery. Where they wander through
forest and scrubland, their wild look and solitary nature
sees them often mistaken for fey spirits, druids, or Exploration Traits
actual lycanthropes. Many make lives for themselves as • Burst of Speed
members of druidic enclaves or as protectors of small, • Climber
isolated communities. Some become emissaries or
champions of the fey courts, though the touch of cursed
magic in the wulven makes some fey distrust them. But Roleplaying Traits
in the end, most wulven live as outlanders, cautious • Athlete’s Spirit
around folk they don’t know for fear of their solitary • Inborn Perception
nature and subtly bestial features being misunderstood. • Nature’s Voice
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Character Traits Taking Character Traits
Taking a character trait once establishes a baseline
This chapter presents the character traits featured in benefit for your character. For example, you can take
each of the heritages defined in the previous section. the Darkvision trait if you want to see in shadow or
Each of these traits helps shape and define what your darkness, the Eager Deceiver trait if you want to have
character’s heritage means for them. Some characters innate proficiency in the Deception skill, and so forth.
proudly use most or all of the traditional traits You can also take each trait a second time to grant an
presented for their heritage, marking themselves as a additional benefit, and many traits can be taken three
solid example of the capabilities and worldview for or more times if they are built around specific choices
which that heritage is widely known. Other characters or options that change each time you take the trait.
are defined by the unexpected differences between Taking a trait more than once grants an additional
them and other folk of their heritage. benefit over and above the trait’s baseline benefit,
improving the baseline benefit in some way. For
Traits and Story example, taking the Darkvision trait a second time gives
you the Improved Darkvision trait, allowing you to see
When you choose your traits, whether traditional or even farther in the dark.
freely chosen, consider not just what those traits All rules and limitations that come with a trait the
provide your character in terms of game mechanics, but first time you take it apply to the benefit granted by
also how your character came to possess those traits. Is taking the trait again, unless the trait specifies
a trait something you were born with? Is it a feature otherwise. For example, the Impromptu Artisan trait
that runs in your family, whether a natural inheritance allows you to craft simple gear as long as you have an
or a long-held familial curse? Is a trait something you appropriate proficiency, raw materials, and necessary
came upon later in your life? Did it just happen to you, equipment. If you take that trait twice, you can craft
or was it gained through years of focus and training? more complex gear, but the requirements for materials
Was the trait enabled by magic, or is it naturally and equipment don’t go away.
Whatever the genesis of each of your heritage traits,
you should also imagine how those traits have Natural or Magical
affected—and continue to affect—your life. Does a With the exception of traits that grant you the ability to
particular trait set you apart from your kin, or even cast cantrips or spells, most character traits don’t
make you an outcast in your traditional society? Or has specify whether any given trait is natural or magical in
it made you more accepted? How has your trait affected nature. This gives you the freedom to decide how the
the life you’ve lived, and do folk around you have any trait has shaped your character.
reason to react to it, positively or negatively? A dwarf with the Damage Resistance trait might be
The answers to all these questions can help you possessed of a natural fortitude that lets them shrug off
establish a wonderfully rich backstory and personality poison damage, while a dragonborn with that trait
for your character. carries the legacy of a draconic ancestor to protect
them from fire damage. A dhampir character whose
curse makes their body unnaturally strong has a perfect
physical explanation for their Well Protected trait. But a
halfling with a seemingly normal physique might select
the same trait to represent some kind of preternatural
Even traits that specifically focus on defending
against magical effects, such as Awakened Mind or
Magical Fortification, might be mundane in origin,
representing a natural resilience or aptitude powerful
enough to interact with magic.
Even if you decide that some or all of your character’s
traits are magical, those traits remain an intrinsic and
natural part of you, fueled by your physical, mental, and
spiritual strength. As such, traits to which you give a
magical origin can’t be dispelled with dispel magic and
similar effects, and are unaffected by magical dead
zones or wild magic zones, the antimagic field spell, and
so on.
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Trait List Trait Descriptions
Character traits are grouped into three categories: The following traits define your character, establishing
combat, exploration, and roleplaying. Traits of each who they were at birth and who they’ve become since
group are listed below in alphabetical order, along with then. Though your character’s capabilities are largely
the name of the improved version of the trait if it is defined by your choice of class, these traits provide the
taken more than once. This list includes the traditional tools to tailor your character’s other physical, mental,
traits identified for each of the heritages described in and magical potential.
the previous section.
Artificial Form (Exploration)
Combat Traits You were made, not born, and your unnatural origin
forever marks you as different. You are a Construct, but
Awakened Mind → Reawakened your enchanted form still benefits from healing spells.
Creature Cover → Subtle Cover You can also heal yourself by spending Hit Dice during
Damage Resistance → Damage Immunity short rests and finishing long rests, as normal.
Draining Attack → To the Dregs You are immune to disease, and you don’t need to
Focused Mind → Immutable Mind eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. You must still rest for 8
Hunter’s Instinct → Relentless Instinct hours during a long rest to gain its benefits.
Magical Fortification → Extended Fortification Self Repair. If you take this trait twice, when the
Master of Distraction → Hindering Distraction mending cantrip is cast on you, you can spend a Hit Die
Menacing Roar → Incomparable Roar to regain a number of hit points equal to the roll of the
Natural Attack → Swift Strike die plus your Constitution modifier (minimum 1 hit
Out of Phase → Phase Shift point). You can use this feature a number of times equal
Pack Hunter → Pack Leader to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses
Relentless Endurance → Unparalleled Endurance when you finish a long rest.
Toughness → Extra Tough
Weapon Aptitude → Weapon Specialist
Well Protected → Protective Cover Artisanal Focus (Roleplaying)
You revere the crafting skill of ancestors long dead.
Choose an artisan’s tool. You have proficiency with that
Exploration Traits tool.
Artisanal Expertise. If you take this trait multiple
Artificial Form → Self Repair times, you gain proficiency with a new tool each time.
Burst of Speed → Furious Speed Additionally, you can have advantage on an ability
Climber → Wall Walker check made using any tool you selected with Artisanal
Darkvision → Improved Darkvision Focus. You can use this feature a number of times equal
Ethereal Fade → Ethereal Focus to twice your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended
Helping Hand → Helpful Tactics† uses when you finish a long rest.
Inured to the Elements → Immune to the Elements
Meditative Rest → Restorative Rest
Pass Through → Nimble Passage Athlete’s Spirit (Roleplaying)
Poison Resilience → Poison Indemnity Your reserves of physical power have kept you alive on
Shroud of the Wild → Faultless Shroud more than one occasion. You have proficiency in the
Steady → Stand Fast Athletics skill.
Athlete’s Resolve. If you take this trait twice, you can
†When this trait is taken twice, the second trait is a have advantage on an Athletics ability check. You can
combat trait. use this feature a number of times equal to twice your
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.
Roleplaying Traits
Artisanal Focus → Artisanal Expertise
Athlete’s Spirit → Athlete’s Resolve
Born Healer → War Doctor
Crafter’s Eye → Crafter’s Cunning
Inborn Perception → Piercing Perception
Instrumentalist → Virtuoso
Intuitive Acrobat → Stunt Expert
Magical Insight → Magical Historian
Magical Savvy → Magical Savant
Nature’s Voice → Primal Voice
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Awakened Mind (Combat) Crafter’s Eye (Roleplaying)
The dangers of Etharis have given you a focus that The history of Etharis is written in relics, and you read
allows you to shrug off debilitating magical effects. You that history better than most. When you make a History
automatically succeed on saving throws against magical ability check related to any object (an item, device,
effects that would leave you stunned, incapacitated, or building, material, and so forth) and you have
unconscious. This does not include effects that leave proficiency in an artisan’s tool associated with creating
you unconscious because you are reduced to 0 hit that object, you are considered proficient in History and
points. you add double your proficiency bonus to the check
Reawakened. If you take this trait twice, you also instead of your normal bonus.
have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Crafter’s Cunning. If you take this trait twice, you
saving throws. can have advantage on the History ability check you
make with Crafter’s Eye. You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus,
Born Healer (Roleplaying) regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
When those around you are suffering, you are there to
help them if you can. You have proficiency in the
Medicine skill. Creature Cover (Combat)
War Doctor. If you take this trait twice, you can have By slipping behind enemies or allies alike, you are able
advantage on a Medicine ability check. You can use this to fade from view with ease. You can attempt to hide
feature a number of times equal to twice your even when you are obscured only by a creature, as long
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when as that creature is of a size larger than you.
you finish a long rest. Subtle Cover. If you take this trait twice, you can
attempt to hide while obscured by a creature the same
size as you, or by two or more creatures one size
Burst of Speed (Exploration) smaller than you.
The many things that want to kill you will have to catch
you first. When you move on your turn, you can double
your speed until the end of your turn. You can use this Damage Resistance (Combat)
feature a number of times equal to your proficiency Exposure to the worst effects of a specific energy has
bonus, regaining all expended uses when you finish a given you a tolerance to its effects. You have resistance
long rest. to one of the following damage types of your choice:
Furious Speed. If you take this trait twice, you don’t acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder.
provoke opportunity attacks when using Burst of Damage Immunity. If you take this trait twice, as a
Speed. reaction to taking damage of the type you chose for
Damage Resistance, you gain immunity to that damage
type until the end of your next turn. You can use this
Climber (Exploration) feature again when you finish a short rest.
Sometimes staying away from what threatens you
means getting clear of those threats. You have a
climbing speed equal to your walking speed. Darkvision (Exploration)
Wall Walker. If you take this trait twice, you can use A life spent in shadow has made you grow accustomed
your climbing speed to move up, down, and across to the gloom. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
leaving your hands free. were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
Additionally, you can use the Dash action as a bonus shades of gray.
action while climbing. You can use this feature a Improved Darkvision. If you take this trait twice, the
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, range of your darkvision increases to 120 feet.
regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Draining Attack (Combat)
As your enemy’s life force ebbs, you grow ever
stronger. When you hit with an unarmed strike attack
using Natural Attack, you gain temporary hit points
equal to the damage dealt by the attack.
To the Dregs. If you take this trait twice, when you
use Draining Attack, the target also takes a penalty to
their hit point maximum equal to the damage dealt by
the attack. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.
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Eager Deceiver (Roleplaying) Hunter’s Instinct (Combat)
You long ago learned that being open with others only You summon a surge of ferocity when your prey least
gives them power over you. You have proficiency in the expects it. At the end of each long rest, you gain a
Deception skill. number of d8s equal to your proficiency bonus. When
Expert Deceiver. If you take this trait twice, you can you make a weapon attack, you can roll a d8 and add it
have advantage on a Deception ability check. You can to either the d20 roll or the damage roll. If you add it to
use this feature a number of times equal to twice your the d20 roll, you can decide to roll the d8 after the d20
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when roll is made, but you must do so before the outcome of
you finish a long rest. the roll is known.
Relentless Instinct. If you take this trait twice,
whenever you use Hunter’s Instinct for an attack roll, if
Ethereal Fade (Exploration) the attack roll misses, you retain the d8 and can use it
Shifting away from the mortal world lets you move again.
through and observe that world unseen. As an action,
you fade from the Material Realm into the Ethereal
Plane for 1 minute. While you remain in this state, you Inborn Perception (Roleplaying)
can’t interact with the Material Plane, and effects on the The best way to avoid danger is to make sure you’re the
Material Plane can’t affect you, including spells and first person to notice it. You have proficiency in the
creatures. You can move and hear as normal, and you Perception skill.
see everything in shades of gray. When the effect ends, Piercing Perception. If you take this trait twice, you
you reappear in the Material Plane in the closest can have advantage on a Perception ability check. You
unoccupied space to where you faded from. You can can use this feature a number of times equal to twice
end the effect early as a bonus action. You can use this your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses
feature again when you finish a long rest. when you finish a long rest.
Ethereal Focus. If you take this trait twice, when you
use Ethereal Fade, you have advantage on Insight,
Investigation, and Perception checks made to assess the
Instrumentalist (Roleplaying)
material world around you. In the quieter moments, music can help you forget the
horrors you’ve seen. You have proficiency with two
instruments of your choice.
Focused Mind (Combat) Virtuoso. If you take this trait multiple times, you
Your strength of will protects you from magic that gain proficiency with two new instruments each time.
would corrupt your mind. You have advantage on Additionally, you can have advantage on an ability
saving throws against being charmed. check made using any instrument you selected with
Immutable Mind. If you take this trait twice, when Instrumentalist. You can use this feature a number of
you fail a saving throw against being charmed, you can times equal to twice your proficiency bonus, regaining
use your reaction to succeed on the save instead. You all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
can use this feature again when you finish a long rest.
Intuitive Acrobat (Roleplaying)
Helping Hand (Exploration/Combat) Staying loose and limber means being able to get out of
You excel at aiding your allies, knowing that the time even the tightest spots when your life is on the line. You
will come when you need them to return the favor. You have proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
can use the Help action as a bonus action to assist any Stunt Expert. If you take this trait twice, you can
ally making an ability check. (This is an exploration have advantage on an Acrobatics ability check. You can
trait.) use this feature a number of times equal to twice your
Helpful Tactics. If you take this trait twice, when you proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when
use Helping Hand, you can also assist an ally making an you finish a long rest.
attack roll. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended
uses when you finish a long rest. (This is a combat
Inured to the Elements (Exploration)
trait.) Even beneath scorching sun and in freezing cold, you
are able to hold yourself strong. You have advantage on
Constitution saving throws made to resist the effects of
extreme cold or extreme heat.
Immune to the Elements. If you take this trait twice,
you automatically succeed on Constitution saving
throws to resist the effects of extreme cold or extreme
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Magical Fortification (Combat) Master of Distraction (Combat)
The more that magic threatens you, the more your You draw your foes’ attention to you, intending it to be
resilience to it increases. Choose an ability score: the last diversion they ever see. As an action, you put on
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, a tactical display (bravado, cowardice, confusion, or
or Charisma. You have advantage on saving throws some other tactic) that gets your enemies’ attention.
using that ability score against spells and other magical Until the end of your next turn, any attack on an enemy
effects. within 10 feet of you that can see you has advantage.
Extended Fortification. If you take this trait multiple You can use this feature a number of times equal to
times, you have advantage on saving throws using a your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses
new ability score each time. when you finish a long rest.
Additionally, if you fail a saving throw against a spell Hindering Distraction. If you take this trait twice,
or other magical effect and you do not have proficiency when you use Master of Distraction, one affected enemy
with that saving throw, you can use your reaction to of your choice also has disadvantage on attack rolls it
reroll the save. You can use this feature again when you makes against any of your allies until the end of your
finish a long rest. next turn.
Magical Insight (Roleplaying)
Magic is power in the right hands, and those hands are Meditative Rest (Exploration)
yours. You have proficiency in the Arcana skill. Sleep is a luxury you’ve never had the need to afford.
Magical Historian. If you take this trait twice, you When you rest, you meditate deeply for 4 hours,
can have advantage on an Arcana ability check. You can dreaming but remaining conscious. After resting in this
use this feature a number of times equal to twice your way, you gain the same benefit that other humanoids
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when do from 8 hours of sleep.
you finish a long rest. Restorative Rest. If you take this trait twice, you
need to spend only 2 hours in your meditation to gain
the benefit of 8 hours of sleep, and you gain a d6 at the
Magical Savvy (Roleplaying) end of each long rest. Before the end of your next long
Whether through intensive study or the innate touch of rest, you can roll the d6 and add it to any d20 roll you
magic in your blood, you have the ability to invoke make. You can decide to roll the d6 after the d20 roll is
magical spells. You learn one cantrip of your choice made, but you must do so before the outcome of the roll
from any spell list, which you cast using the associated is known.
ability score: Intelligence for wizard spells, Wisdom for
cleric and druid spells, and Charisma for bard, sorcerer,
and warlock spells. If the spell appears on multiple spell Menacing Roar (Combat)
lists, choose one to determine the spellcasting attribute Your battle cry can cause even the most formidable foes
for that spell. to quail before you. As a bonus action, you emit a roar,
Magical Savant. If you take this trait multiple times, shout, or other loud vocal outburst. Each creature of
you select a different cantrip each time, or you can your choice within 10 feet of you that can hear you
select a 1st-level spell from the same list as a cantrip must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your
you have previously chosen. You can cast that 1st-level proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or
spell once without expending a spell slot, and can do so become frightened of you until the end of your next
again when you finish a long rest. If you have levels in turn. You can use this feature again when you finish a
the associated spellcasting class, you always have this long rest.
spell prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number Incomparable Roar. If you take this trait twice,
of spells you can prepare each day. when you use Menacing Roar, one target of your choice
has disadvantage on the saving throw.
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Natural Attack (Combat) Pass Through (Exploration)
The gift of natural weaponry means you are never Making use of constant movement lets you minimize
unarmed, as your foes learn to their peril. Your the threat of larger foes. You can move through the
unarmed strikes deal damage equal to 1d6 + your space of any creature that is of a size larger than you.
Strength or Dexterity modifier. The type of damage Nimble Passage. If you take this trait twice, another
dealt by your unarmed strikes can be bludgeoning, creature’s space is not difficult terrain for you.
piercing, or slashing, based on the type of natural
weaponry you possess (claws, horns, a tail, and so
Poison Resilience (Exploration)
Swift Strike. If you take this trait twice, you can use Your exceptional fortitude lets you shrug off the effects
your unarmed strike as a bonus action. You can use this of even the worst toxins. You have advantage on saving
feature a number of times equal to your proficiency throws against being poisoned.
bonus, regaining all expended uses when you finish a Poison Indemnity. If you take this trait twice, when
long rest. you fail a saving throw against being poisoned, you can
use your reaction to succeed on the save instead. You
can use this feature again when you finish a long rest.
Nature’s Voice (Roleplaying)
Mastering the subtle expression of fauna and flora
grants you an edge in dealing with the threats of the
Relentless Endurance (Combat)
wilderness. Through sounds and gestures, you can The battles you need yet to fight are many, and death is
communicate simple ideas with Beasts and Plant not an option. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but
creatures, understanding if a creature is hungry, for not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead.
example. This gives you no specific ability to control You can use this feature again when you finish a long
such creatures, and you can’t understand or learn rest.
detailed information from them. Unparalleled Endurance. If you take this trait twice,
Primal Voice. If you take this trait twice, when you when you use Relentless Endurance, you drop to 1d6
use Nature’s Voice, you have advantage on Charisma hit points + your proficiency bonus. Additionally, when
checks you make to interact with or influence Beasts you use Relentless Endurance, you can use a reaction to
and Plant creatures. spend up to five Hit Dice, rolling them and gaining that
number of hit points in addition to other benefits.
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Toughness (Combat)
An intrinsic hardiness marks you as one born for battle.
Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases
by 1 each time you gain a level.
Extra Tough. If you take this trait twice, your hit
point maximum increases by 2 instead of 1, and it
increases by 2 each time you gain a level.
Additionally, when you make a saving throw against
an effect that would decrease your hit point maximum,
you have advantage on the save. You can use this
feature again when you finish a long rest.
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