Rulebook VictorianMasterminds
Rulebook VictorianMasterminds
Rulebook VictorianMasterminds
GAMEPLAY................................................. 7
A Game Turn.............................................7
Resolving A Stack Of Agents..............8
City’s Spoils..............................................8
In Victorian Masterminds, you and your fellow villains are racing to collect
• London.................................................................... 8
the most Mayhem Points! Will you construct your nefarious Machine?
• Moscow................................................................... 8 Will you capture the great Buildings of Europe? Will you collect brilliant
• Washington........................................................... 9 Scientists and Codex Tokens? Will you complete dangerous Missions in the
• Paris........................................................................ 9 nations’ capitals? Whatever you choose, send your Agents across the world to
do your bidding! Just be mindful of the Secret Service: their growing strength
• Rome........................................................................ 9
will prevent your perfect plans… unless you have some superior Firepower!
AGENT ABILITIES........................................10
Number 2................................................. 10
• Managing Your Agent Pile & Discard Area...10 CREDITS
Henchman................................................ 10 GAME DESIGN: Antoine Bauza and Eric M. Lang
Saboteur.................................................... 10 ART: Davide Tosello
Gunner........................................................11 GRAPHIC DESIGN: Mathieu Harlaut (Lead) and Louise Combal
• Capturing A Building.........................................11 PHOTOGRAPHY: Jean-Baptiste Guiton
Engineer....................................................11 PRODUCERS: Patrícia Gil (Lead), Guilherme Goulart (Lead),
Thiago Aranha, Thiago Gonçalves, Isadora Leite, Renato
BUILDINGS..................................................12 Sasdelli, and Bryan Steele
DA VINCI CODEX..........................................13 RULES: Colin Young
Special Action........................................ 13 PROOFREADING: Jason Koepp and Mark Reynolds
SCIENTISTS................................................14 PUBLISHER: David Preti
Special Actions...................................... 14 PLAYTESTERS: The members of the Cafetière and, more
• Recycle..................................................................14 particularly, Bruno Goube, Mikaël Bach, Mickaël Bertrand,
Ludovic Maublanc, and Corentin Lebrat
• Extra turn............................................................14
• Capture!.................................................................14 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Françoise Sengissen for her help on the
prototype, as well as Dominique “ZeBlate” Breton for his help
END OF THE GAME......................................15 with the 3D modeling of the monuments of the prototype.
Special thanks to Phillippe Mouret, Croc, and Marc Nunes of
RULES SUMMARY.......................................16 Space Cowboys for entrusting us with this fantastic project.
1 Central Board
48 Da Vinci
20 Agent Gears Codex Tokens
20 Building Miniatures
5 Furnaces 5 Factories
5 Universities 5 Monuments
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3- Buildings slots
1- Your Agents
2- City’s Spoils
4- Mission
Cards slot
The Central Board depicts the 5 great cities that are the targets Each city also has 4 Buildings (1 Factory, 1 Furnace, 1 University,
of your international intrigue. and 1 Monument), which your Agents can Capture (see pg. 12).
Each Building has its own slot ( ) .
In each city section of the Board, there is a space for you to place
your Agents ( ) , as well as a depiction of the City’s Spoils ( )2 Finally, each city has a space for a faceup Mission Card ( ) , 4
your Agents can collect (see pg. 8). which your Agents can complete (see Henchman on pg. 10).
6- Player’s
5- Secret
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In your pursuit of villainy, you’ll have to construct your own Each segment also has a Segment Icon 4
( ) that
unique and nefarious Machine. These are represented by Machine is used to fulfill certain Mission Cards (see Henchman on pg. 10).
Sheets, which show a blueprint of all the Machine Segments ( )
you’ll need to assemble. Each Machine has its own Machine Power, listed in its Engine
Room area ( ). Your Machine begins the game with a basic Power,
Each Segment of your Machine requires a number of Bolts ( )2 but it also has 2 unlockable Bonus Powers (see Important! on pg. 9).
and Copper Plates ( ) to be completed. Whenever you gain
these resources, take a Parts Token from the reserve and place Your Machine Sheet also contains Cells to hold Scientists ( ) 6
it immediately on top of the Bolt or Copper Plate slot. (see pg. 14) and a Library for your Da Vinci Codex Tokens ( ) 7
(see pg. 13).
1- Machine Segments
2- Bolts
3- Copper
6- Scientists
1 - Place the Central Board in the middle of the table. 7- T8 ake 1 Machine Sheet (either randomly or by choice) and its
associated Machine Segment Pieces.
2 - Place the 20 Buildings on the indicated slots of the Board. - Take 1 Scientist, then place it in the first Cell of your
8 Machine Sheet.
3 - Pthen
lace the Secret Service Board next to the Central Board,
set its needle based on the current player count .
9 - Tthem.
ake the 5 Agent Gears of your preferred color and shuffle
4 Mayhem Tokens, and Scientist Miniatures near the
- P
lace all the Parts Tokens, Da Vinci Codex Tokens, Then, create a facedown Pile of Agents in front of you.
6 - aShuffle the 19 Advanced Mission Cards, then place them in And finally:
facedown deck near the Central Board.
-4- 11 - PCentral
lace the Monocle of Forgetfulness Token near the
Parts Tokens,
Da Vinci Codex Tokens,
Mayhem Tokens, 12 - Dstarts
etermine the first player. Whoever has the best evil laugh
-3- Scientist Miniatures
the game!
Secret Service
Board -1-
-10- Central Board
Scientist slots
-6- Basic
Mission Cards
Mission Cards
Agent Pile
Machine Sheet,
Machine Segment Pieces -11-
Monocle of
Forgetfulness Token
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During your turn, you are the Active Player. As the Active
Player, take the topmost Agent Gear from your Agent Pile. Look
at its Ability (see page 10), and place it facedown on one of the
5 available city slots on the Central Board (London, Moscow,
Washington, Paris and Rome). If there are already 1 or 2 Agents
in that slot, place your Agent facedown on top of the previously
placed Agent(s), forming a Stack of Agents.
You can always look at the top Agent
in your Pile and return it facedown.
Players may not look at the Agents in a
Stack of Agents before it is resolved.
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After you place the third Agent in a city, pause the game to resolve • LONDON
that city. As the Active Player, take the Monocle of Forgetfulness
Token: this serves as a reminder of where the game will continue
after the resolution.
Then, as the Active Player, take the entire Stack of Agents and
turn it faceup. The first Agent that was placed is now the Agent
at the top of the faceup Stack.
From top to bottom, follow these steps for each Agent, in the order Gain 1 Copper Plate.
of the Agent's owner's choice, until the Stack of Agents is resolved: To represent this, take a Parts Token from the reserve
1- The owner of the Agent receives the city’s listed Spoils; and immediately place it on your Machine Sheet,
2- The owner of the Agent attempts to perform their Agent’s Ability. covering a Copper Plate slot.
After performing these steps, the owner of the Agent places the • MOSCOW
Agent faceup next to their Machine Sheet, forming a Discard
Area (see Managing your Agent Pile & Discard Area on page 10).
Once the 3 Agents have been resolved, the game resumes. If you
have the Monocle of Forgetfulness Token, return it next to the
Central Board and play passes clockwise.
Gain 1 Firepower.
Move your Firepower Marker on the Secret Service
Board up 1 space.
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When you gain 1 Bolt or 1 Copper Plate,
take a Parts Token and immediately place
it on your Machine Sheet in one of the
available corresponding slots. Once placed,
these Parts can no longer be moved.
When you gather all elements of a Machine
Segment, complete it by returning the Parts
Tokens to the general pool and placing the
corresponding Segment Piece in its slot.
You have now gained a Bonus!
Note: Mayhem Points are added in
the end of the game (see pg. 15).
Gain 1 Scientist.
Immediately place it on an available Cell on your
Machine Sheet. If you have no available Cells or there
are no available Scientists, you don’t gain a new Scientist.
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This Agent attempts to complete their city’s Mission.
This Agent collects their city’s Spoils a second time.
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This Agent attempts to Capture a Building from
their city, provided you have sufficient Firepower.
She chooses the Monument, taking it from the Central Board and
placing it next to her Machine Sheet. She then takes her Spoil:
1 Mayhem Token from the reserve. Having Captured a Building,
Stella increases the Secret Service Level by 1, which goes up to 6.
This Agent activates your Machine Power and, if
unlocked, the Machine Bonus Powers.
EXAMPLE: Stella resolves her Gunner in Washington! EXAMPLE: Vincent resolves his Engineer in Moscow!
She takes 1 Parts Token from the reserve and places it over a Bolt He increases his Firepower by 1. Then, activates his Machine’s Power.
slot on her Machine Sheet. Then, she compares her Firepower (7) to He's playing with C.L.A.W.S, the Steam Mole, and can therefore place
the current Secret Service Level (5). Since her Firepower is higher his next Agent under another Agent alone in any city on the Central
than the Secret Service Level, she can Capture 1 of the Buildings Board. At this point in the game, he has not yet built the Segments of
present in Washington. his Machine that would unlock his Bonuses for his Machine Power.
When your Gunner is resolved, you may attempt to collect the Spoil listed next to the Building slot (see pg.
capture 1 of the Buildings in that city. 12). In the end of the game, each Building is worth 2
First, check your Firepower. If it is less than the Mayhem Points (see pg. 15).
current Secret Service Level, nothing happens. Finally, increase the Secret Service Level by 1.
Then, if your Firepower is equal to or greater than (Notice that a subsequent Gunner in the same Stack of
the current Secret Service Level, you can choose 1 of Agents may then not be able to Capture a Building if none
the remaining Buildings in that city and place it next remain or if they no longer have enough Firepower!)
to your Machine Sheet. When you Capture the Building,
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There are 4 types of Buildings present in each city: Factories, Furnaces, Universities, and Monuments. Each city’s Monument has
a different miniature (Big Ben, Eiffel Tower, White House, Colosseum and Saint Basil’s Cathedral), but their function is identical.
When you Capture a Building, place it in front of you: each captured Building is worth 2 Mayhem Points at the end of the game.
Additionally, each Building grants Spoils when you capture it, depending on the Building type:
Gain a Mayhem Token.
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Library Each Machine can only hold a maximum of 10 Da Vinci Codex
Tokens. Whenever you receive a Da Vinci Codex Token, you
must immediately place it on an available slot; if you receive a
Token and don’t have any more empty slots, discard it. Return
the discarded Da Vinci Codex Token to the general pool.
When you collect your fifth Da Vinci Codex Token, you gain
4 a new Ability for the rest of the game: rather than taking the top
Agent from your Pile during your turn, you may look at your
entire Agent Pile and take the Agent of your choice.
NOTE: When you unlock the Da Vinci Codex power, your used
8 Agents are still discarded as normal
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(USE 1 SCIENTIST before playing an Agent):
(USE 2 SCIENTISTS after playing an Agent):
Firepower and the Secret Service Level. Place the Building next
to your Machine Sheet and take the corresponding Building’
Spoils. Then, increase the Secret Service Level by 1.
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If, during a player's turn, any player finishes building their After the remaining Agents have been resolved, calculate your
Machine, or the Secret Service Level reaches the last space (12) Mayhem Points by adding the following items:
of its track, the final round is triggered. • Any Mayhem Points present on completed Segment Pieces on
your Machine;
That player finishes their turn, and then all players (including •2 Mayhem points per Building you’ve captured;
the player whose turn triggered the final round) will take 1 • 2, 3, or 4 Mayhem Points per Mission Card you’ve completed,
additional turn. Then the game ends. according to the Card’s Reward;
•2 Mayhem Points per Mayhem Token;
Then, any Agent Gears remaining on the Board are resolved in •1 or 2 Mayhem Points per Da Vinci Codex Token.
the following order:
The player with the most Mayhem Points is the most brilliant
and dastardly mastermind of them all, and they win the game!
If, however, there is a tie, the player with the most completed
Segments on their Machine wins the game. If there is still a tie,
the tied players share the Victory.
EXAMPLE: In turn order, all players just finished their last Now that all Stacks of Agents have been resolved in the Board,
round. Now, they must resolve all the Stack of Agents that are players will calculate their Mayhem Points according to their
still on the Board. In London, the players must turn the Stack Machines, Buildings, Mission Cards, Mayhem Tokens, and Da
of Agents faceup and resolve it normally. Then, they move on to Vinci Codex Tokens.
Moscow, Paris, Rome and finally Washington.
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• Iandn thetheCentral Board, arrange the Buildings miniatures • RYou
ECYCLE (use 1 Scientist before playing the Agent):
Basic Mission Cards shuffled and faceup. may use a faceup Agent from your Discard Area.
• Scount
et the Secret. Service Board’s needle according to player • EAgent): XTRAPlay
TURN (use 2 Scientists after playing the
another Agent from your Pile.
• Ethe achlevelplayer1 ofreceives 1 Firepower Marker and places it in •
C APTURE! (use 3 Scientists after playing the Agent):
the Secret Service Board. You may Capture any Building regardless your
• Efacedown
ach playerAgent receives 5 Agent Gears of 1 color, creates a Firepower. Then, increase Secret Service Level by 1.
Pile, and shuffles it.
•• EShuffle
ach player receives 1 Machine Sheet.
the Advanced Mission Cards forming a deck, and ENDGAME
place it and other components near the Central Board.
When a player completes their Machine Sheet or when the
Secret Service reaches Level 12. The Active Player completes
TURN ORDER their turn, then all players (including the one whose turn
triggered the final round) take a final turn.
1st- T
he Active Player takes their top facedown Agent Gear
and places it facedown in a Stack of Agents slot Then, resolve all remaining Stack of Agents on the Board
2nd- I f all Agent Stacks have up to 2 Agent Gears, play from top to bottom (from London to Washington).
passes clockwise.
If there are 3 Agent Gears in a Stack of Agents, resolve it. To calculate your Mayhem Points, sum the following:
EXCEPTION: When playing Victorian Masterminds • A ny Mayhem Points present on completed Segment Pieces
with 2 players, cities are resolved after the second Agent on your Machine Sheet;
is placed in a Stack (as opposed to the third Agent). • 2 Mayhem Points per Building you’ve Captured;
• 2 , 3, or 4 Mayhem Points per Missions you’ve completed;
• 2 Mayhem Points per Mayhem Token;
RESOLVING A STACK OF AGENTS • 1 or 2 Mayhem Points per Da Vinci Codex Token.
•• TF rom
ake the entire Stack of Agents and turn it faceup. The player with the most Mayhem Points wins the game.
top to bottom each Agent receives the listed Spoils (Tiebreaker: the player with the most completed Segments
and attempts to perform that Agent’s Ability. on their Machine Sheets.)
•• Return discarded Agent Gears to players Discard Area.
P lay passes clockwise.
• NUMBER 2: Collects their city’s Spoils a second time.
• HENCHMAN: Attempts to complete their city’s Mission.
• SABOTEUR: Prevents the Agent directly beneath them in
the Stack from using their Ability. However,
the latter still gains their city’s Spoils.