Chapter III
Chapter III
Chapter III
Method of Research
In this research, researchers will discuss how they're going to find out why some students at
Sta Lucia National High School Grade 11-4 don't come to class. They'll talk about how they'll
do the research, who will be involved what tools they'll use to gather information, how
Research Design
This study used a descriptive qualitative research to seek for reasons about the
mechanisms. It involves the collection and data analysis in the form of words, images, or
should not only examine how learning generally takes place or what factors affect it, but
also give individual students and their behaviors and experiences a more in - depth
According to Creswell (2012), the descriptive research design is a study that describes the
interviews, or observation. Descriptive research designs answer “Who, What, When, Where,
Why, and How. This research conducted a personal interview to 10 eligible TVL students
that serves as one of the factors that makes it a descriptive qualitative research.
The study will be conducted in Sta. Lucia National High School a local school in the
Philippines the respondents will be interviewed at the school on a set time when they are
available. The location has been selected because of its availability and accessibility for the
According to "What is the ideal sample size in Qualitative Research" (2016) based on their
studies, the ideal sample size of respondents are 30 but researchers can still have the
words if the answer of the respondents or appropriate and productive for the study.
An initial survey that was conducted was joined by 10 TVL Senior High School students but
when to be interview 5 students agree, 2 disagree, and 3 of them are absent. In the 10
students who agree at TVL, 30% are female and 70% are male. Approximately 50% or 16
The Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) students are the respondents of this study.
An initial interview was conducted by the researchers in order to find eligible respondents that will
fit on the research topic. The interview follow a series of steps student participant were offer an
interview question in advance. 3-6 minutes was the time allotted for each of the interview and the
The research involved asking people about their experience. The interviewer made sure to be
sensitive to how this might affect them. The participants were treated openly and were not tricked,
Research Instrument
In this study, the researchers study the methods used to gather information such as
Since this study aims to understand the reasons of student’s absenteeism and there is a
Follow-up questions were asked as needed in order to further probe into the absenteeism
of the students. The sources of the data of this study are: (a) clarification, and (b) written
answers of students to profile questions such as gender,age, strand, section, and among
Data preparation.
The information for the study was collected through a survey among grade 11 students. The
Descriptive statistics.
The number of absent days was used to understand the level of absenteeism in grade 11.
Frequency analysis.
The main reasons for skipping class included lack of interest, transportation issues, and
family problems. The frequency of each reason was analyzed to identify the primary cause
of absenteeism.
Comparative analysis.
A comparison was made among different sections or classes of grade 11 to identify
This analysis revealed themes such as personal issues, family problems, and school-related
factors linked to absenteeism. These are the main reasons why students miss class.
Correlation analysis.
The relationship between the number of absences and various variables like academic
performance, bullying, and personal issues was examined. Correlation coefficients were
Regression analysis.
situation, academic engagement, health, and bullying. It shows how each factor affects
student absenteeism.
Overall, the results of the statistical analysis provide a deeper understanding of the factors
contributing to absenteeism in grade 11. This information can be used to strengthen school
programs and policies to address absenteeism and support students in their studies, helping