JSTAR3 6 - Reported Work Related Stressors Among Staff Nurses in Metro Manila
JSTAR3 6 - Reported Work Related Stressors Among Staff Nurses in Metro Manila
JSTAR3 6 - Reported Work Related Stressors Among Staff Nurses in Metro Manila
1.1 Background
Work-related stress becomes an increasing global problem affecting all
categories of workers including healthcare professionals. This is brought by
a fast changing technological world that creates waves of demands and
pressures at work settings. Stress, especially related to work is the second
most frequent health problem and is a significant problem of our times that
affects both physical and mental health of the people (WHO, 2014).
more experience and high income, had low-stress level. Hussein et al. (2012)
reported that with every increase of one year experience the score of stress
level decreases. Likewise, On the other hand, Lee (2003) and Makie (2006)
reported that the longer the nurses had worked in their units, the more likely
they were to experience stress.
It was reported in Germany that married individuals handled stress
better that those who never get married, divorced, separated and widowed
(Wilson & Oswald, 2005). This showed as evidence of how marriage affects
physical and psychological health. Ghareeb et al. (2014), reported moderate
to severe stress among those who are not married in their study on assessment
of work stress and organizational commitment among female nurses in
Egypt. This explained the feeling of loneliness and unhappiness felt by single
female single nurses. Previous studies had concluded that job-related stress,
emotional labor, and depressive symptoms among unmarried or single
Korean nurses are vulnerable to depressive symptoms. This finding is also
similar in the study of Hussein et al (2012) which reported that married
participants showed lower stress levels than those who were single.
Carayon and Gurses (2008) explained the impact of workload on
nursing stress and burnout. It emphasized that high workload is a key job
stressor for nurses in a variety of care settings, such as ICUs. Saini et al.
(2011) found that nurses with high levels of professional accomplishment
perceived significantly lesser degree of stress among intensive care nurses at
tertiary care hospital in Chandigarh, India.
Rasasi et al (2015) found that 60% of the nurses reporting severe
stress are coming from private sector compared to 40% from the
governmental sector in their study on work-related stress among 295 nurses
working in Dubai. In contrast, Katyal et al. (2013) reported that
governmental hospital nurses were found to have significantly higher
emotional exhaustion and depersonalization as compared to nurses working
in private hospitals.
1.6 Synthesis
Nurses working in hospitals are exposed in a very stressful
environment that could affect their health, the delivery of quality patient care,
and consequently the organization they belong.
Foreign and local literature showed high statistics on work-related
stress. In the Philippines, there were only few studies on stress from the
nurses' point of view. The recognition of work-related stress issue remains
low and unmanaged. Several studies identified other factors that might have
direct or indirect influence on stress level like age, gender, marital status, job
position, number of children, salary per month, family income, number of
patients handled per shift, highest educational attainment, length of service,
working hours per shift, and type of hospital. However, only age, civil status,
number of patients handled per shift or acuity of care, highest educational
attainment, length of service, and type of hospital were proven by literature
Age Physical
Civil status
Acuity of care Psychological
Highest Educational Attainment
Social Working Environment
Length of service
Type of hospital
Fig 1. The Relationship between Selected Socio-demographic Factors and
Work-related Stressors
2.1 Study Design
The study utilized a descriptive-correlation and single cross-
sectional design. A survey method was utilized in the data collection.
2.3 Sample
The respondents are registered nurses assigned to the general ward and
special unit to have direct contact to the adult patient and their relatives for
at least one-year experience as a nurse. The special areas include emergency
unit, paediatrics, ICU, operating room, delivery room, and post-anesthesia
care unit. It excluded nurse volunteers, trainee nurses, nurse supervisors, and
𝑛= 𝑁
+ 𝑃𝑄
𝑛 = 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
𝑁𝑖 = 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑚
𝑃 = 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 0.5
𝑄 = 1 − 𝑃 = 0.5
𝑁 = 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑍𝑡𝑎𝑏 = 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 1.644854, where α = 0.05
𝐵 = 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = 0.05
2.7 Psychometrics
Internal consistency reliability was assessed using Cronbach's
coefficient alpha. The 57-item ENSS demonstrated improved reliability (α =
.96) (French et al, 2000) over the original NSS (α = .89) of Gray-Toft &
Anderson (1981). Individual subscale reliability ranged from α =.88
(problems with supervisors) to α = .65 (discrimination). For this study, the
overall Cronbach alpha was 0.97 and for the frequency of stressors was 0.98
and considered reliable.
Correlation was utilized to test the relationship between level of stress and
coping mechanism.
Moreover, to test the significant difference in the level of stress
between public and private hospitals, Wilcoxon Rank Sum test was
The respondents were asked an open-ended question on other work-
related stressors they encountered at their workplace, on the availability of
stress management program offered in their hospital, on other strategies they
were using to cope with work-related stress, and on other occupational
hazards. Thematic analysis of qualitative responses was done.
Table 1 describes the socio-demographic characteristics of the
respondents from the two (2) participating hospitals.
3.1 Demographics
As shown in Table 1, the respondents in this study belong to the age
range of 22 to 60 years old. Majority of them or 191 (69.5%) belongs to the
age group of 21 to 30 years old while the lowest number (3.7%) of nurses is
from the age group of above 50 years old. Most respondents are single with
188 (68.4%). More than half of the respondents are assigned in general wards,
150 (54.5%). On the other hand, there are 123 (44.7%) assigned in the special
areas. Regarding number of patients handled per shift, the highest
percentages are those handling more than 1 to 5 patients per shift with 90
(32.7%). Majority of the respondents or 240 (87.3%) surveyed are college
graduate. 177 (64.4%) respondents are in the service between 1 to 5 years as
a nurse.
21-30 191 69.5
31-40 34 12.4
41-50 26 9.5
>50 10 3.6
Civil Status
Single 188 68.4
Married 82 29.8
Separated/ Divorced 2 0.7
Widow/er 2 0.7
Area of Assignment
General Ward 150 54.5
Special Area/Ward 123 44.7
No. of Patients Handled
1-5 90 32.7
6-10 56 20.4
11-15 43 15.6
16-20 14 5.1
>20 71 25.8
Highest Educational Attainment
College 240 87.3
with MA units 26 9.5
MA/S graduate 4 1.5
with Ph.D. units 2 0.7
Ph.D. graduate 1 0.4
Others 1 0.4
Length of service (in years)
1-5 177 64.4
6-10 42 15.3
11-15 19 6.9
16-20 12 4.4
21-25 5 1.8
26-30 8 2.9
Measures of Stress
Mean (SD) Interpretation
Workload Stressors 2.75(0.80) moderate
Death and Dying Stressors 2.75(0.92) moderate
Uncertainty Concerning Treatment 2.75(0.81) moderate
Inadequate Emotional Preparation 2.42(0.74) moderate
Social Working Environment
Patient and Family Stressors 2.91(0.95) moderate
Conflict with Physicians 2.64(0.82) moderate
Discrimination 2.63(1.29) moderate
Problem with Supervision Stressors 2.59(0.93) moderate
Problem with Peers Stressors 2.12(0.68) moderate
Other Identified stressors (%)
Physical Factor
Understaff 9 (9.38)
work overload 5 (5.21)
pulled to other unfamiliar areas 4 (4.17)
Overtime 3 (3.13)
frequent schedule change 2 (2.08)
time pressure 2 (2.08)
additional research works 1 (1.04)
administrative work 1 (1.04)
asking a professional fee from doctors 1 (1.04)
staff absenteeism 1 (1.04)
Psychological Factor
the insufficient financial capacity of patients/
relatives 2 (2.08)
death of a patient 1 (1.04)
Social Factor
conflict with co-staff/ among patient's 14 (14.8)
demanding and uncooperative relatives 5 (5.21)
conflict with co-staff/ among patient's relatives 3 (3.13)
demanding and uncooperative patient 3 (3.13)
demanding doctors 1 (1.04)
lack of team support 1(1.04)
miscommunication among staff 1 (1.04)
Organizational Factor
lack/ defective/ malfunctioning equipments 9 (9.38)
inadequate supply of medicines 7 (7.29)
conflicting policies/ new policies 3 (3.13)
not paid well 2 (2.08)
Personal/Nurse Factor
personal issues 6 (6.25)
distance from home 2 (2.08)
sudden illness 2 (2.08)
acquiring diseases 2 (2.08)
disorganized family relationship (nurse) 1 (1.04)
home rules 1 (1.04
Stress Management Programs Percent
Stress management seminar 66 58.41
None at all 23 20.35
Yoga/ laughter therapy/zumba/outing 7 6.19
Conflict management seminar 6 5.31
Do not know/ not sure 6 5.31
Not all staff given opportunity to
participate 3 2.65
Physical exercise 1 0.88
Spiritual seminar 1 0.88
Table 6 shows the themes generated from the qualitative responses
among 113 participants. Sixty-six (58.41%) respondents claimed that there is
stress management program seminar offered in their hospital. Twenty-three
(20.35%) respondents said there is no stress management program is being
conducted in their hospital.
This study indicated that age of the participants significantly affects
his/her stress level psychologically and socially. This means that younger
nurses experienced a higher level of stress compared to older nurses due to
differences in work experiences. This was supported in the study of Ghareeb
et al. (2014) which found that highest percentage of moderate to severe level
of stress were from ages less than 30 years old. Similarly, Miriam (2008)
reported a significant association was found between level of stress and age
and years of experience. She concluded that nurses who were older, with
more experience and high income, had low-stress level. However, this is
inconsistent with the findings of Galdikiene et al (2016) found that nurse with
older age reported increased levels of experienced stress.
It is evident in this study that single has higher stress level compared
to those who are married. This was contradicting to the idea that single should
be less stressful since they don’t have a double burden like those who are
married who have enormous responsibilities to their families. A possible
explanation why married ones have less stress level compared to those who
are single is mainly because of the influence of marriage as a major support
system in the Filipino culture that could be considered as a factor that
decreases the level of stress among married respondents. However, these
findings contrasted with the study in Germany that married individuals
handled stress better that those who never get married, divorced, separated
and widowed (Wilson & Oswald, 2005).
The number of patients handled per shift considerably influences
their level of stress, probably because the respondents lack competency to
handle high patient load due insufficient experiences leading them to feel that
they are unable to provide the needed psychosocial care.
Most respondents of this study are college graduate. However, it was
found out that work-stressor is not significantly related to educational
attainment. Likewise, Ayed et al. (2014) reported that educational attainment
has no relationship on job stress among the respondents in their study on
exploring the work-related stress sources and its effect among the Palestinian
Nurses at the Government Hospitals. However, this finding was contrasted
in the study by Saini et al. (2011) which showed that nurses with high levels
of professional accomplishment perceived the significantly lesser degree of
stress among intensive care nurses at tertiary care hospital in Chandigarh,
India. This explains the greater amount of stress experienced by ICU staff
nurses who perform hand-on care for the patient than those who perform
supervisory and administrative functions.
This study did not support that work stressors have a significant
relationship to the type of hospital. It only means that workload of a nurse
either in public or private hospital does not significantly affect the level of
stress felt by the staff nurse. However, Rasasi et al. (2015) found that 60%
of the nurses reporting severe stress are coming from private sector compared
to 40% from the governmental sector in their study on work-related stress
among 295 nurses working in Dubai. This can be inferred that work-stressors
do not matter whether the nurse works in public or private hospitals. This
further validated the findings of Rasasi et al. (2015) which reported that
nurses from both public and private hospitals report a similar pattern of
stressful experiences.
As a summary, findings revealed a significant relationship between
work-related stressors and age, civil status, and length of service. However,
there was no significant relationship between work-related stressors and
number of patients, education attainment, type of hospital, and area of
It is predominant that work-related stressor occasionally occurs in the
work setting as reported by the respondents in this study. Nurses reported
moderate level of stress in all subscale of the modified, expanded nursing
stress scale. This implies that their level of stress was within the borderline
between mild and severe stress. Hence, effective coping mechanisms or stress
management program, and policies is vital before turning this out into a
severe level which may have a negative effect in the health, job performance,
and quality patient care of these nurses. Respondents reported the highest
moderate level of stress on patient and family stressors. Age, civil status, and
length of service had a significant relationship to the work-related stress
level. On the other hand, a number of patients handled per shift, educational
attainment, type of hospital, and area of assignment had no significant
relationship to work-related stress level. Given the findings, it is
recommended to revisit the staffing and scheduling plan and provide enough
staff to cover the unit to address workload stressors. It may be useful to
consider teambuilding activities between nurses and physicians to strengthen
team work and collaboration. A training program can be devised that
culturally-fit and evidence-based. This has an implication for policy-making
for the occupational health condition of the staff.
It is suggested that future studies increase the number of hospitals
and widen the population size including to other specialty areas such as
emergency room, operating room, intensive pediatrics, post-anesthesia care
unit, etc. to enhance the generalizability of the findings. It may be
considerable to look at the effect of stress on nurses’ health, job performance,
and patient safety in the Philippine setting.
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